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angel with a shotgun.
Roleplay Type(s)
Camp Half-Blood Roleplay (CRP)
Roleplaying with BookObsessed BookObsessed

Nenita Lualhati, child of Nemesis, silently walked the length of Fireworks Beach, the waves of Long Island Sound crashing against the shore. Her friend, Kazui Satล, on the other hand, blabbered on and on about his adventure pranking the Athena Cabin. He was chased by three older blondes before they found out he was running with fake scrolls and their work was actually fine. He snickered at the memory of their furious glares as they stomped back to their cabin to "read or do nerd stuff," as he put it. It was very rare for Nenita to be seen without Kazui by her side. Almost everyone at camp knew when the snarky boy was around, the quiet girl followed, hands stuffed in her CHB hoodie, her hair shielding her face. "Oh shoot!" Kazui exclaimed, face palming. "I forgot I have stable duty from that one time I pranked Dionysus! See you!" he yelled frantically, running towards the Pegasus stalls. Nenita watched as Kazui's figure disappeared into the distance, leaving her with just the presence of the beach. She didn't complain. She liked the rare times it was just her and silence. The dark-haired girl sat on a nearby rock, closing her eyes and feeling the salty breeze caress her face.

Ollie was walking by the shore, feeling the wind that ruffled his hair. He was a bit away from Nenita, he took his time walking on the shore. He needed the fresh air as the Aphrodite cabin was full of perfume that made his head hurt. Seriously, his cabin mates needed to get all their perfume stolen from them. He smirked, thinking that would be a good prank to play sometime.

Nenita opened her eyes, her dark orbs scanning the horizon line. Her mind wandered to Natsu, her "step-sister." They weren't related in any way whatsoever, but the satyress had played the roll of a step-sister for two years before delivering Nita to CHB. She made a mental note to IM her later, but now, she simply continued to enjoy the waters. She quietly whispered 'The Temple of Poseidon,' an ode to the sea god written by Sappho.

Ollie saw a small silhouette in the distance. *As far as Ollie new he was mostly the only one who ever came to the beach. Maybe he missed her a few times. He walked up, wanting to see who it was.

After repeating the seven lines to pay her respect to Posideon, Nenita shifted, hugging her legs close to her chest. The sea breeze became chilly. Luckily, her oversize CHB hoodie hung off her body comfortably, letting her withstand the cold. 'This is nice,' she decided. 'I should come here more often when Kazui's away.'

Ollie walked up to her, a slight smirk on his face. โ€œCome here often?โ€ he asks, his eyes scanning her body. He looked back at the sea, watching a wave crash against the sandy shore.

Nenita's eyes widened slightly before she hid her face behind her hair. "Bad idea, bad idea," she whispered to herself frantically, "Never go somewhere without Kazui!" She didn't want to ignore the boy, that would be rude, but she didn't feel like talking to anyone besides Kazui and Natsu. She never felt like talking to anyone. "Uhm.. I-" was all that came from her lips as she shut herself up, looking down.

He laughs, not bothered, โ€œDonโ€™t worry, everyone gets flustered when they see me, itโ€™s understandable.โ€ He motions toward the sea, โ€œItโ€™s beautiful isnโ€™t it?โ€

She furrowed her brows, taking a look at him through her silk hair. He seemed arrogant and his words were like the ones of Narcissus. "Everyone gets flustered when they see me." The words gave her a headache. It was either from her overthinking or her Nemesis senses telling her the boy was committing hubris. The pounding in her head didn't stop, making her pissed. "I need to go," she said dully, hopping off the rock and walking away. She rubbed her temples trying to soothe her headache.

Ollie rolled his eyes following her. โ€œYou canโ€™t get rid of me that easily. What are you planning to do the rest of the day?โ€

Nenita frowned, clenching her jaw. "I don't really want to talk right now!" she yelled back, picking up her speed. She was annoyed and socially awkward and was a child of Nemesis, not something you wanted to mess with. She grumbled under her breath as the shadows around her grew darker, Nita subconsciously manipulating them with her growing emotions. 'Stupid, stupid!' she thought. 'Always so stupid. Why can't I get a brain?' she screamed in her mind, disregarding her self worth per usual.

Ollie looked a little surprised. โ€œHey, calm down. I didnโ€™t mean to make you that mad. I just wanted to give you company. You seemed a little lonely,โ€ he says, sincerely.

She stopped, hugging herself tightly as if to shield herself from him. "I appreciate the thought, but I'm fine," she mumbled, not knowing if she was loud enough for him to hear. She wished Kazui was here to speak up for her. She also wished this boy wasn't so determined; she was used to being alone anyways.

โ€œYou donโ€™t look fine. I think Iโ€™ll stick around. You wonโ€™t even know Iโ€™m here.โ€

She looked shocked, her facade faltering, before she picked it back up again. "Why are you so determined? You don't know me, I don't know you, let's just leave and pretend this never happened," she mumbled.

He sighs, a little annoyed. โ€œFine whatever. Maybe I didnโ€™t introduce myself properly. Iโ€™m Ollie, the seriously handsome counsellor of the Aphrodite cabin.โ€ He says the Aphrodite cabin part a little strangled, like it pained him.

Her face rested, though her resting face look more annoyed than calm. 'So he's an Aphrodite kid. I won't hold his narcissity against him I guess. It's still rude though.' Dropping her hands to the side, Nenita pushed her hair out of her face, revealing her dark eyes. She stuck out her hand just a Kazui taught her. "Hi, Ollie. I'm Nenita Lualhati, counsler of the Nemesis Cabin." Then she remembered she was taught to apologise if she ever acted up. "I sincerely apologise for my rash behaviour. It was wrong of me to run off like that. I didn't mean any harm, I-" she continued roboticly before pausing to find the words. "I was just uneased by your sudden appearance," she said slowly, her face contorted in concentration.

He laughs, waving it off. โ€œItโ€™s fine, I guess I was a little..โ€ He struggled to find the right words. He turned his gaze to her face, seeing it for the first time.

"What?" she asked, a small scowl appearing on her face. Yes, her mother did look a lot like the goddess of beauty, so most people were shocked when she claimed she was a child of Nemesis. Not many people even know what she looks like, just a few of the other counslers and Hermes children, maybe even some of the dryads. She stayed silent, her face stotic as she waited for him to return from his daze.

โ€œNothing, I just wanted to see your face. Your hair hid it the whole time.โ€ He smiles softly, looking away again.

She pressed her lips together, not bothering to respond. There was no harm in him wanting to see her face. Deciding this was the end of their talk, she stuffed her fists in her oversized hoodie and began to walk towards the Pegasus Stables to keep Kazui company (and so that she wasn't alone). Technically she wasn't since Ollie was with her, but she wasn't acquainted with him and it felt strange. She didn't talk to many people and people didn't bother to talk to her, so why start now?

Ollie followed, โ€œSo, where are we headed?โ€ He smiles at the wind rushed into his face, he loved the feeling.

She glanced at him, her hair covering her face once again. She was always told by kids at her school she didn't look friendly with her hair covering her face. "You look like that blonde gamer guy from that volleyball anime!" a boy once said to her. "She looks like Sadako Yamamura," people would whisper as she sat at her desk and read -- she didn't like Sadako Yamamura. Once, Nenita even asked her parents if she could dye her hair as to "change it up a bit." Kazui offered to do the honors when she came to camp, but she backed out. "Who said /we/ were going anywhere?" she grumbled.

โ€œI did,โ€ he says smiling a built. Itโ€™s not like he had anything else to do. Maybe something interesting would happen if he stuck around with her.

She shrugged. This was how Kazui was when they first met -- annoying, stubborn, and friendly -- so she decided to just let it roll. It didn't mean they were friends though. "Okay."

โ€œSo, where are /we/ going?โ€

"Stables," she replied vaguely, walking past the climbing wall. The stables were a few miles walk, so she'd assumed Kazui would have just arrived there and wouldn't be finished till lunch. That would give her enough time to meet him there then head to the Mess Hall at noon.

โ€œGreat! All the horses love me. Want to go on a ride?โ€

Her eyes widened as she turned to him. "I- I prefer to stay on the ground," she said nervously, playing with her fingers inside her hoodie's pocket. "I've never- I don't attend riding lessons," she stuttered, keeping her eyes on the ground. What if she flew too close to the sun? it made her shudder.

โ€œAre you sure? We wonโ€™t go to high. Or too fast. Itโ€™s really fin,โ€ he says, hoping she said yes.

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Nenita pushes her bangs away from her eyes. "I don't know. What if the horse doesn't like me?" she asks, looking at him with her dark eyes. "I'm much better with geese."
He laughs softly. โ€œDonโ€™t worry, the horses will like you. Plus, if they donโ€™t, I can calm them down.โ€ His eyes were full of excitement.
She let out a sigh, not wanting to disappoint him. She didn't like disappointing people. "Fine then."
Nenita walked quietly, almost as if she was not present. They passed the lake then swerved off the path, heading to the stables. Upon entering the large Pegasus house, Kazui turned and waved at his friend before looking to the side and seeing Ollie. He shrugged. They didn't look like they'd talked. Maybe they had just arrived at the same time.

Nita shuffled to the boy, pressing her forehead against his right arm. She had a weird habit of pressing her forehead against walls and would sometimes use Kazui as one. "What's wrong?" Kazui asked, feeding the last of a carrot to one of the winged-horses. She just grumbled, mentally preparing herself to rise a flying horse. Kazui furrowed his brows, patting her head gently.
Ollie watched this without saying anything. โ€˜Must be her boyfriendโ€™ he thought. He walked up to her, smiling, โ€œReady to fly a horse?โ€ He turned to the guy. โ€œYou can come if you want also.โ€
Kazui widened his eyes. "You know her?" he asked. Nenita nodded, picking her head up and leaning against a wooden pillar. "He can see me," she whispered as if she was someone's imaginary friend. Kazui rolled his eyes. "Of course he can see you, you're not dead, you're just shy," he remarked. "And a bit of a fool sometimes," he whispered, making her glare.

"I'm Kazui Satล," he introduced, "It's good to hear Nita's making friends." The girl pouted. "I am not! He's just being a stubborn little son of a half-troll," she yelled, mumbling the last sentence. "Anyways, I heard she was gonna fly a Pegasus? She always refused, so good luck," the child of Hermes, warned with a smile, going back to his work.
He laughs, smiling. He decided he liked this kid. He looked at the different winged horses, trying to decide which one he should fly today.
Nenita looked between Kazui and Ollie, squinting. "Too similar," she mumbled, pressing her head against the pillar to hide her face. 'This is gonna be scary.'

Kazui chuckled as he shovelled some hay. "Stop being like that, Nita. It'll be fine," he said as if reading her thoughts.
โ€œYeah, how bad will it be? Youโ€™re with me and Iโ€™m awesome.โ€ He finally decided on the horse, luring the horse out with a carrot.
Nita faced the horse, internally panicking. She steadied her breath, holding out her right hand to stroke its muzzle. It was much bigger than her since she was only 4'11.

It pushed its muzzle into her hand as she opened her eyes, petting it with a new type of gentleness. She bowed her head slightly, her eyes looking into its large, glossy ones. She bowed to pay respect as it was a flying horse, a creation connected to Posideon and Zeus.

She was still scared of flying, but at least she knew the horse was okay.

Kazui watched the interaction from the side, smiling proudly. "You did it, Shortie!" She gave him a wobbly smile, not minding the nickname. "I think I'm ready," she whispered to Ollie, her face going blank again.
He laughs nodding his head to Kazu. โ€œShorty, thatโ€™s a good one.โ€ He climbed on the horse, offering his hand to her.
Kazui laughed along while Nenita simple frowned, grabbing Ollie's hand. "You're both so annoying," she muttered. She held on to her seat, that was it. She was putting her life on a winged horse; a narcistic, annoying child of Aphrodite; and a leather seat. "I- gods, let's just get this over with," she whispered.
She held on to her seat tighter. "Just, like, fly or something!" she said, rasing her voice while shutting her eyes. This amused Kazui greatly.
It amused Ollie too. He waved at Kazui. โ€œIf weโ€™re not back in 10 minutes itโ€™s because she made me land because I was going too high,โ€ he jokes.
Nenita glared, turning to look back at Kazui before the Pegasus took off. She yelled as it took off at a tremendous speed. "Slow it down! Slow it dow-" The girl shut her eyes, wrapping her arms around Ollie and burying her face into his back. "Please slow down..." she said quietly.

Kazui's eyes widened as he heard her screams. He cackled like a hyena, doubling over in laughter. He wiped a tear from his eyes, imagining how scared she was right now.
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Ollie slowed down a tiny bit, a little surprised by how she had hugged him. It almost reminded him of someone. He didnโ€™t allow his mind to go down that path, shaking his head furiously. โ€œDonโ€™t worry, Iโ€™ll slow down.โ€œ
Nenita still gripped his waist. "Can I open my eyes?" she asked in a soft voice. They were up in the clouds now and the sun shine brightly. The air was chilly from the high altitude, which made the girl shiver lightly.
โ€œOf course you can.โ€ He smiles, relaxed. โ€œItโ€™s beautiful up here isnโ€™t it?โ€
She opens her eyes slowly, blinking out the rays of sun. She took in the scenery, reaching her hand up to feel the clouds. "It's... Woah," she said breathlessly. She looked at Ollie. "I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... amazing."
He nods, โ€œAyu should listen to me more often.โ€ He then suddenly went into a dive, knowing the sudden speed would make her freak out.
Screams escaped her mouth once again as she squeezed the life out of Ollie. "Oh gods, I'm going to die, I'm going to die! Hades sent me a devil!" she cried frantically.

// This reminds me of the meme from Lilo and Stitch, "Give me the nicest angel you have." xD //
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xD )) Ollie laughed, doubling over. He stopped his sudden drop, flying in a straight line. โ€œMan, y-you r-really are scared.โ€ He was laughing so hard it took great effort to speak properly.

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