

Uncle Dad
Name: Cain

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance:


Personality: Cain is a very calm and collected person. He is not naturally flamboyant or a seeker of attention by any means. He enjoys the company of one or two people on occasion and begins feeling annoyed once more people start interacting with him. Cain has a great amount of discipline, patience, and focus when it comes to any activity he decides to take part in. Due to his PTSD he will have episodes where he lashes out violently depending on what triggers the episode. He finds a great deal of relief in being around and lighting fire and holds a fascination for things when they burn. He is very rebellious when authority figures attempt to use any form of force on or against him. Being told what to do in a commanding way will make him want to not do whatever it is he was told to do, even if he was about to do it anyways. He is very perceptive and sensory which causes him to use his five senses more often than what seems normal. Despite his calm exterior he is prone to anger and violence of an extreme and unmatched degree during his episodes, and even when he isn't having one.

Mental State: Pyromania and PTSD

Background: Cain was raised in a close knit family by a mentally and emotionally unstable and sporadic mother, an emotionally abusive father, a distant older brother, and a little sister. Ever since his family could remember he has had a fascination with fire and anything that could cause one. His childhood was filled with a great deal of violence and fighting both at school and during the many days he spent spending time with his father's family. At the age of ten he became obsessed with the violin and was able to convince his mother to buy him one. He spent every day practicing as much as he could during the times where he wasn't fighting or lighting fires. He learned how to keep himself centered despite the chaos of his life due to his violin playing, and learned more so how to hone his focus and discipline. During the later years when reapers attacked Cain's family wasn't very fortunate. Much of the details of what exactly happened to his family is repressed, but Cain knows well enough that it was a reaper that killed his family. Whenever asked about the incident, he keeps the details vague but admits having gotten lucky during his escape. His next move involved him working to get into the ranks of Weave, intent on revenge. He showed a great deal of promise upon joining, his skills and quick ability to learn giving him a good reputation when it came to training.

Quirks or Special Traits: He likes to squish people's cheeks and smell random stuff

Weapon(s) of Choice: Axes, spears, maces, and scythes

Requested Core: Grunt Project Nemesis Fire Core

Requested Rank: 3.5

Requested Squad: Four

Combat Experience: His life has been surrounded by fighting and violence so combat is one of his only experiences, but he doesn't know anything precise like a martial art. 

Reason For Joining Weave: He joined Weave for the sake of getting revenge on the reapers

Position Within Weave: He's just another Weaver, having only been with Weave for almost a year, but shows signs of being one of the most unstable which makes any form of "promotion" seem like a not so good idea even to him.
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I still don't see it, but I am tired so maybe I'm just not reading it right. I'll tell Umbra when she gets back. She will be able to handle it.
Don't take my response personally, I treat everyone like that XDDD Not even the gms are safe from my shade throwing. I didn't think you were being mean or anything. It takes a lot to offend/get to me
I like a good roast. If you got any shade you feel like throwing my way, go ahead. But only if it's quality and clever.
Alright! So, I only found 1 little thing that's wrong with the sheet, and that's that he somehow killed the Reaper that killed his family. This is almost 99% impossible, especially for someone his age, since not even the military could figure out how to kill them until a short time later. To put it into perspective, Reapers don't die from normal wounds, you have to target the Core in their chests to kill them. Either you separate it from the body or you break it. And bullets barely break Threads, so... There's a bit of a predicament here ^^" That's the only thing wrong here though, everything else is just fine!

Alright it seems fixed ^^ Everything is in order, so once the first post is made you can jump right in! Though, I want to give you a little tip, to help you from getting any possible warnings for godmodding or being too overpowered, the amount of weapons your character seems to know will result in two outcomes: either they know the basics of each of the weapons you listed, which means they can use them but they aren't a pro at any particular one. The other possibility is that they focused their training on one of the weapons (possibly two, if the weapons are alike ex. spear and halberd, or spear and scythe) and know the bare minimum for the others.

Also, you don't have to change your weapons, I'm just trying to help a little and let you know how it would realistically work. Lastly, I want to make sure you know that the scythe is the hardest weapon to learn that you've listed in your sheet, so keep that in mind ^^

You're all set! Sorry for any inconveniences you've experienced throughout the creation of your character.
All good. And those are the kinds he wants to look into. Should've specified. He doesnt really know how to use any yet beyond the basics 

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