
Lady Warlock

Anime RN
DWMA: Cafeteria


The cafeteria is probably the most obvious place to hang out at the DWMA because the best thing to do while hanging out is eating food. Right? Or is that wrong? Anyway, it’s a common place for chaos, a common place for crazy things to happen, and also a great place to make friends and talk to people. Almost everyone has to go to the cafeteria at one point or another because everyone has to eat.
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Jayce Hammerkin
It was two days after their training session and Jayce was struggling with more and more nerves when it came to figuring out his partnership with Felix. He truly was enjoying having a partner and a small part of him wished that his anxiety centers could just shut down and become non-existent for a while; it wasn’t something he had that much control over, though. Every minute they spent at school was another minute where they could run into a student who would spoil everything. After all, it would only take one person to tell Felix that Jayce hadn’t been able to save his previous partner and then Felix would be gone trying to find a partner who was actually worthy of him. Obviously, Jayce didn’t think he’d be worthy when it all came down to the wire.

He also wasn’t sure why he was extending his own torment. Jayce intentionally arrived at the DWMA early and headed to the cafeteria early for breakfast because he wanted to beat the other students who would eventually show up there. He wanted to be done by the time they got there so that maybe, he would get more time to work with and train with Felix before the inevitable end of their partnership. ‘Is it really worth all this pointless effort?’

Yes, it was.

For the first time in ages, Jayce had been able to go to sleep and stay asleep. All it took was one friend to make all of his depression, all of his angst, all of the moments of self-doubt… they all just vanished because he finally had a friend. The only thing that sucked was that he knew it would lose it.

Breakfast for Jayce on this particular morning consisted of toast with jelly, some scrambled eggs and a glass of grape juice and the lunch lady didn’t seem to be in a mood to threaten to steal desserts away like the note had implied. Jayce was cautious anyway, though. He made sure to say thank you and to avoid selecting food items that would create an excess of work for her specifically because he wanted to be able to have cheesecake with lunch.

And as he took his seat, he made sure to pick a seat closer to the edge of cafeteria so that he could run if he needed. Jayce wasn’t in a mood to deal with anyone telling him how pathetic he was. He already knew all of that. Maybe, though, Felix would be early too. It would be nice to have a meal that wasn’t spent on his own.

Deadeyelee Deadeyelee

DWMA Cafeteria: Friday of Week 1
Ravyn Cooper
Wandering through the cafeteria, Ravyn rubbed her eyes. Sure, she could have just made breakfast back at her little apartment, but that usually entailed more trouble than it was worth. Not that she was much of a breakfast person in the first place. Fruit and cooked oats just sounded good that morning for whatever reason.

Hot tea too.

Looking around, the weapon grumbled. A lot of tables were already pretty packed, the ones with open seats seemed to be filled with groups deep in conversation. Ravyn had never really been one to go and butt in one a group like that. Spotting a table with only one student sitting at it, she moved over to him. "Is, ah... anyone else sitting here?"

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock

Friday Morning, week 1

Felix just, slid into a seat across from Jayce. "I don't see why you can't sit with us." He smiles, hoping he'd managed to surprise the weapon with his stealthy entrance. He seemed .... hung up on something, and Felix had his suspicions. He wasn't sure who this new person was, but he was not adverse to more people to help him socialize. Felix placed his briefcase on the table, then put his elbows on it, chin in hands. "Which class are we going to? I'm up for anything you want to do, but I want to go with you." Oh Christ on a Trike, Felix. That was as subtle as a freight train. He twiddled his gloved thumbs and immediately changed the subject. "I like toast and Jam. Goes well with tea. So, uh. I got some exotic chocolates and I wanted to share some because that makes them taste better you know? Also when can we train again?"

KageYuuki KageYuuki Lady Warlock Lady Warlock
Drago Tessel
Today was an early day for a certain mischeif maker, though not in his usual sense. Drago Tessel started out normally, a warm-up jog to the DWMA, up the stairs, and to the front door. That were where things changed, because he read the note on the door and learned that the events in whih his cake got crushed meant Ms. Zapinski was threatening to take away deserts. No deserts?! That was blasphemy in its purest form. There was no way that he was going to let anymore psychopaths mess with the cafeteria and his ability to get Ms. Zapinski's delicious deserts. So, in the name of Lord Death and all things sweet, Drago set out on a mission to protect the cafeteria.

Upon arriving at the doors to the Cafeteria, he poked his head in and gave the whole room a scrutinizing sweep with his eyes, looking for the cake-crushing-psychopaths. When he deemed the room clear of them, Drago entered and looked around again, making note of the students gathered and enjoying their breakfast. He had a determined look on his face as he made his way to the line for food. He greeted Ms.
Zapinski with a smile and complimented her as usual, then promised to defend the cafeteria. He got his usual cake with a happy look, glad she hadn't taken away deserts yet.

Tray in hand, Drago made his way through the Cafeteria, looking for an open seat near the door so he could keep true to his mission. He spotted a table with a trio of students seated at it and made his way over. They were in conversation when he arrived beside them, so he opted to be civil and wait for a break.
"Do you guys mind if I steal a spot here for a while?" He spoke up, directing his question to whichever of the three that wanted to answer. He was hoping his reputation as a bit of a troublemaker wouldn't affect their answer. He really, really wanted to sit down and eat his cake without interruption this time.
DWMA Cafeteria: Friday of Week 1

Jack Trinity and Thomas Rudolf

Jack’s die hadn’t led him to Kalin. It had led him to a person who knew where Kalin was. Or, at least, claimed to. Jack wasn’t sure if he trusted the word of the man calmly sipping from a carton of coffee-flavored milk across from him. The same man who--he was fairly sure--was responsible for his ‘missing dice’ incident. Still had no proof though. And Jack couldn’t go rightly accusing anyone of anything without proof—least of all a teacher.

“You’re certain he’s in the library? I mean, why would he go there? There are no classes to study for.”

The half-empty carton was placed on the table and Jack felt keen blue eyes observe him curiously. “Does studying for its own sake baffle you?”

“Well, no, not really. I can’t really relate to it, but it doesn’t baffle me…”

“Every soul is different. I can say, with quite a bit of confidence that, Mr. Mickleson’s soul is much more hardworking than yours is, Mr. Trinity.

Jack shrugged. “Let’s not get off topic. Did you see Kalin head towards the library?”

“No, I did not. Though I do not need to physically see Mr. Mikleson in order to know he is in Miss Ai’s domain. For I am Ghost. A highly trained assassin-teacher that excels when it comes to investigating my dear students and tracking their whereabouts from the shadows. With a pen in one hand and a ruler in the other, I intend to combat slackers and ensure all homework gets turned in on time. ”

Jack made an annoyed face. “Answer seriously, please.”

“Hmm, that’s strange,”
Rudolf looked a little sad as he stabbed his salad with a fork. “Virgo seemed to like that one.”

“Well Professor?”

“If you doubt my words, then why don’t you find out for yourself, Mr. Trinity? ”

Jack reached for his die.

“You're a meister aren't you? One with a special gift that will only go to waste if you don't utilize it.”

Jack blinked in realization. Riiight. Soul Perception. That must’ve been how the NOT professor knew where Kalin was even though, as far as he was aware, Rudolf had been leisurely enjoying breakfast in the cafeteria. Even if he didn't like using it too often, forgot about it actually, it was indeed a skill he possessed. One that would assist him in finding his partner. Removing his glasses (a habit more than anything else, since they no longer worked like they supposed to), Jack closed his eyes and worked at blocking out the many, many souls at DWMA that weren’t Kalin. They were everywhere. Little lights of varying sizes and composition. Sensing them wasn’t the issue, given his headaches in the last couple of days. It was blocking them all and focusing his attention on one was seriously lot of work…

His phone vibrated.

Reaching into the pocket of his blazer, Jack read the text message he received from Kalin, a smile unconsciously forming upon his face. As expected, Kalin and his die were on the same wavelength. Texting his reply, Jack slipped his phone back into his pocket, his determination to pinpoint the small golden light of his friend invigorated.

Hey... I was thinking...maybe we could go to the seminar on resonance...? Only if you want....
You are in tune with the die. I’ll see you in the NOT classroom this afternoon.
Btw, do you want to become a Deathscythe?

Truthfully, Jack could’ve just asked Kalin his whereabouts. However, there was much fun in finding the boy himself. Games won by cheating weren’t nearly as entertaining. And he agreed with Kalin that games played on higher difficulty were much more fun.

“Found it?”

Jack’s brow furrowed. “Just how big is DWMA anyway…? So many strong souls...they're dwarfing Kalin's...”

“Don’t focus on blocking out all the other souls. Just think about Mr. Mickleson. The others will dissolve into the background on their own the greater your concentration on your target.”

A minute later, after following Rudolf's instructions, Jack opened his eyes. “Got it! You’re right. Kalin’s in library. Along with Virgo, Naia, and…a soul that’s different than anything I’ve ever seen…” Besides a freakish, disgusting little gremlin, of course. And a witch at the concert. Yep, classes barely started and Jack was already adding to his repertoire of soul knowledge. DWMA was quite the school.

“That must be Miss Ai,”
Rudolf brought his salad to his lips, chewed, and swallowed before continuing. “What you just saw was a demon’s soul. Fair warning. If you’re headed to the library, try not to cause a disturbance. DWMA’s librarian gets easily upset if the sanctity of her domain is perturbed.”

Nodding, Jack grabbed his backpack and the sandwich off his tray as he exited the cafeteria, passing a table with several EAT students in it. Good food. If there was an advantage to being an EAT student it was their many privileges. And their paycheck. Of course, the additional work they did for the school made up for it. From what he’d experienced, both in briefly facing Xander, and the horrible, horrible mission with the disgusting little bugger, Jack concluded that he didn’t really like the work involved in the military section of DWMA. Recalling that Kassana too was an EAT student—it was easy to forget given that she seemed nothing like Ella or what he imagined of the EAT class—Jack wondered if the frail-looking girl also fought evil and aimed to be a Deathscythe.

Jack didn’t really know much about Deathscythes, except what his Uncle and cousin told him. Even the concept of a Kishin Egg was new to him, at least until seeing the girl that Kalin saved eat her brother’s soul. If one could call it a soul any longer. It was too warped to be called a human’s soul. Would Kalin be alright with eating that? The question had bothered him ever since Ella brought up the topic of Deathscythe. No. Before that. It started when Jack first saw Xander, a student at DWMA, die--felled at the hands of his fellow students. Not so much of a game then.

Deadeyelee Deadeyelee

Mentioned: Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs , JayeTheKat JayeTheKat , Hanarei Hanarei , Lady Warlock Lady Warlock , KageYuuki KageYuuki

Thomas Rudolf

Meanwhile, Professor Thomas Rudolf lifted his head upon noticing the sudden, mysterious appearance of a new soul on DWMA’s stairway. How odd. Teleporting into DWMA shouldn’t have been possible unless one was using magic—and he knew for a fact that the new soul was not a witch. Perhaps he ought inform Lord Death—assuming the Reaper didn’t already know.

After breakfast.

For now, Thomas would simply keep track of the soul in order to ensure that it did no harm to any of the students. Work came after sustenance. Taking care of ones body came first. That was what Leila had taught him. Besides, he sensed no malice.

Mentioned: Solarknight Solarknight
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Jayce Hammerkin
Although Jayce was really trying to avoid anyone who wasn’t Felix because he was afraid of what they might know or what they might reveal, he couldn’t help but wonder if maybe his luck was changing and maybe he might actually be able to make friends that stuck around despite what had happened. After all, he recognized Ravyn when she walked up to him as being someone in their class, but he couldn’t remember her ever having made fun of him before.

The paranoid side of him whispered in his mind, ‘That doesn’t mean she doesn’t know and it doesn’t mean she won’t tell Felix if she has the chance.’

All of the thoughts left him in a very difficult situation. Jayce really wasn’t the kind of person who was capable of saying no in the first place which made the decision even harder. Really, though, his paranoia wasn’t wrong. That was probably why it was a good thing that Jayce ultimately wasn’t the person who actually answered his question. Jayce jumped a bit when Felix just suddenly slid in next to him; he wasn’t used to being taken by surprise like that and he wasn’t quite sure he ever would get used to anything like that either. Jayce hoped it didn’t become a normal thing.

When Felix said yes, though, Jayce found himself nodding along before his attention was stolen by his meister.

“Uhm, I was actually going to see if you wanted to go to the resonance lecture. I know lectures are boring and all that, but I think it would be helpful. I’ve already got practice with partials and I really don’t want to go to the fitness lesson.” He knew that that was where the three star meisters would be and those were the ones who really knew how to make his life a living hell. Granted, Ivy could make anyone’s life a living hell if she really wanted to, but Jayce in particular was an easy target… and she knew it.

Chocolates were mentioned and Jayce couldn’t help but search for them. He hadn’t seen Felix pull any out so maybe he meant those were for later. ‘If there is a later…’

The subjects moved on rather quickly, though. It really wasn’t a bad thing, but Jayce knew if it went on any longer, he’d have trouble keeping up. “We can probably train this afternoon some… after all the classes are done.” … and after all the three stars had cleared out. Even now, Jayce was keeping an eye out for them.

Drago walked over and once again, Jayce was hesitant about having another student join them. He had no clue who knew and who could spoil this partnership for him, just like all the rest of them. This time, he decided it best to just remove himself from the picture. “Yeah, you can sit. I was just finished.” It clearly wasn’t the truth because there was still food on his tray, but Jayce didn’t really give too many people a chance to object. He stood up from his seat, threw what remained on his tray away, and walked out of the cafeteria. He hoped that Felix would still be at the resonance lesson later that afternoon, though. He didn’t want his own actions to cost him a friend.

Tags: KageYuuki KageYuuki Deadeyelee Deadeyelee JayeTheKat JayeTheKat




Ceil stood there for awhile, his eyes locked onto those belonging to Ms Zapinski the pair of them locked in a battle of wits. On one side of this phantasmal ring the two combatants found themselves in was Ceil, the 19 yr old Silent Weapon standing in at 5ft 10 inches and weighing in at a mere 125 pounds, on the other side was the resident lunch lady of this hallowed battle ground called the Cafeteria; It was Mrs Zapinski. The latter whom was not taking too kindly to Ceil's attempts to order a meal. Gripped tightly in his right hand was Ceil's trusty inanimate companion, the Etch N Sketch. A wondrous device that he had chanced upon on his Journey which enabled him to communicate far easier to those around him. It was also environmentally friendly, given the amount of paper he would have had to use without having access to his tool. Trying to communicate what it was that he wanted, Ceil pushed the Etch N sketch closer to her face, much to her annoyance.

"For the love of god, Take that dam thing away from my face!" she rebutted, pushing the Etch N Sketch away, though unwillingly entering a pushing match with Ceil, both parties attempting to pushe the Etch N Sketch away from themselves. "How many times do I have to tell you.. I can't read your damn hand writing when its that small" she huffed, "... either you fix that penmanship of yours or you start writing bigger, cause that doodle of yours might as well be some ancient form of alphabets.. and I aint no translator!" she complained and to emphasie her point, she exuded a burst of strength strong enough to send Ceil flailing backwards, his trusty companion hurtling into the air as he lost his grip.

Ceil watched as his treasured posession spun through the air, its tantalizing spiral into disaster moving in slow motion as Ceil reached out with both hands to save it from its demise. Once, twice, thrice it bounced out of his hands as he attempted to catch it, only managing the feat by sheer luck as the pen; connected to the body by a thin thread landed in his outstretched right hand. 'Phew' he thought mentally as he drew the tool in close, looking it over for any damages.

Queue up again when you sort out that poor attempt at an Order" barked Zapinski.

Now angry and hungry, Ceil stormed back to the front of the queue and placed his etch N Sketch down on the counter, twirling the two nobs on the side to erase its present writing. The Students behind him attempted to protest, however they opted not to once they saw the look in Ceil's eyes. It also helped that the mask he wore made him look more intimidating than he really was. Happy that they wouldnt butt in, Ceil reached out with his right hand and began to tap away furiously at the metal bell, to get Mrs Zapinski's attention.


He proceeded to write, filling up the entirety of he Etch N Sketch with each individual word before erasing it and proceeded to the next. Meanwhile on the other side of the counter, a thick throbbing vein had appeared on the side of Zapinski's forehead, gradually increasing in size the angrier she got with the brat standing opposite her.
"Why you cheeky little brat!" she began before she felt two hands tug at her right arm. As if accustomed to this, the workers tasked with aiding Zapinski in the cafeteria had begun to work on Ceil's order, deciding that the quickest way to resolve this conflict was to simply give the Student his order and separate the two combatants as far as possible; one of the helpers grabbing Zapinski by her arm and forcefully dragging her to the backroom in an attempt to hasten her calming down process.

A few minutes later, Ceil stood at the cash desk, one hand beneath the metal tray holding his breakfast and his free hand outstretched in a V gesture to signal his satisfaction at finally getting his food. Eager to eat, the silent troublemaker turned and headed towards the closest free table.

Senya & Hinako
It wasn't too familiar a person for her, but it was someone she knew indeed. Perhaps Hinako didn't remember them, but that was alright. Senya did. She may have been gone for two years, but there were four- no, five souls that Senya had engraved in her memory. The first was, of course, Hinako. If there were a soul for her to remember and only that soul, it would be her own sister; it made sense.

The one Senya found, however, was a very unlikely one to have remembered. Perhaps it was because she fancied the assistant teacher over the regular EAT teachers back then? Well, it didn't matter what reason she remembered it; she just did.

"I-I think I found him," Senya said to Hinako as the pair walked through the hallway toward the cafeteria. "He was a helper for our combat teacher," Senya continued on with. "I believe... T-Thomas Rudolph was his name...?"

Hinako, a little puzzled who Senya was talking about, just continued walking until they reached the Cafeteria entrance. "So which one's him?" She asked Senya, whom, after making a little comment about the number of souls she was sensing, raised her right index finger and pointed right toward Mr. Rudolph. While she couldn't see the man to verify his identity, Senya could easily recognize the man's soul. It had been, after all, one of the last souls she'd seen before departing to their dread-

"Alright, let's get this over with," Hinako said, having interrupted Senya's train of thought. It was probably for the best, seeing as that train of thought was about to lead Senya back to that day a little over two years ago.

"Professor Rudolph, right?" Hinako said bluntly as she and Senya stepped up beside the man. "Would you be able to show us to the Death Room?"

Meanwhile, Senya stood there with a shy smile, leaving all the talking to Hinako.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Ravyn Cooper
The Weapon blinked in confusion for a moment when Felix suddenly appearing, but nodded and took a seat anyway. She didn't really feel like just standing around, balancing her tray. Stirring the bowl of oats, she idly listened in to the pair talking. So they were a Meister and Weapon team...? It almost made her jealous, knowing they were likely a formal pair. She hadn't heard from Luxe since the mission, hadn't been able to get a hold of him or anything.

So much for wanting to actually team up... They'd resonated fairly well too...

Ravyn quirked an eyebrow at Drago as he suddenly appeared. Cake for breakfast? Not... that she was above doing such things on occasion. Though this probably had something to do with the message everyone had gotten from Lord Death. She hadn't even gotten the chance to say anything when Jayce suddenly stood and left. Amber hues glanced over at Felix, "Uh... everything alright?"

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock JayeTheKat JayeTheKat Deadeyelee Deadeyelee
Neil Cyclamen
...Whelp. This sucked.

In the DWMA bathrooms, Neil looked at himself in the mirror. "Well, hello there, my darling," He said while looking in the mirror, giving his reflection the classic bedroom eyes stare and pretending it was a cute girl."My, you look beautiful tonight! Stunning even! ...What's that? Oho, this?" Neil gestured to his right arm, which as of this moment was currently transformed into a giant gleaming sharp scythe. It scrapped against a bathroom sink as he wiggled it around. "Oh it's just something I decided to throw on for tonight? I look sharp, I know..." He laughed. After a couple minutes of chuckling, he let out a sigh and turned to the scythe arm with a lazy smile. "...this is gonna be a problem, isn't it?"

It had started out simple enough. Neil had wanted to see more of the DWMA, and after reading the letter the big LD sent, he decided that taking a class was the best way to do that. The plan was to join the fitness class. He didn't have a partner for the resonance class, and, as he thought before, he was already skilled at this 'Partial Transformation' thing...of course, he immediately wanted to try and see if that was correct or not. So, he had stopped in the hallways and concentrated really hard. This hour at best, but just when he was about to give up, a bright flash came through and BOOM! Scythe arm! Neil was ecstatic!

...But now, he didn't know how to switch it back.

He had tried concentrating again, but that did nothing! He even made his own magic words and everything! But Mr.Scythe arm had wanted to stay. And so, he retreated into the bathroom, trying to think of some sort of plan. The possibility of going to the fitness class like this was SO tempting. Just imagining the freaked out faces as he tried to do push-ups made him grin widely. But...he heard that the teachers here were pretty brutal. And there were already some...unsavory rumors spreading about this huge dame called...'Ivory?' He didn't know. Had something to do with a flower though. Anyways, that wasn't important! What was important was that it seemed he had no choice but to go the partial transformation class now, which was both good and bad news.

Good, because he'd maybe learn some kick butt fighting moves (maybe even steal a few video game combos to try) and get his beloved right arm back.]

Bad, because the class wouldn't start until the afternoon...

"Guess I'm gonna be 'Neil, the walking Scythe' for a few hours." He snickered, finding the situation a bit more humorous than an actual problem. His stomach grumbled, causing him to frown a bit. Man. All this thinking wasn't good for him. He was starving. ...Come to think of it, wasn't there a cafeteria here?

His grin widened. Oh, this was going to be golden.


"Hmmmm...what do I want...what do I wannnnt..." Neil whispered to himself, using his left arm to rub his chin. One of the workers, currently waiting for Neil to order, looked at the Scythe Arm Neil was sporting. It took everything in him not to smile from the feeling of being watched, and he snapped his left finger. "Yo, bud. My eyes are up here! Now, I'd like a stack of flapjacks aaaaaand....maybe a strip or two of bacon, if ya will!" The worker nodded dumbly, muttering something about crazy DWMA kids before running into the kitchen. When he was sure the worker was gone, Neil snickered and guffawed to himself. That was priceless! Once he got his order, he slauted the worker with his scythe arm, causing an eye twitch, before whirling around and marching. Nooow, where to sit...that guy looked lonely!

"Excuse me, Tall, Handsome, Mask guy!" Neil chirped, holding his tray of food as he wiggled his scythe arm excitedly, giggling on the inside. "Mind if I, a totally normal student, like you, sit here?" He asked with a wink.

Phayne Phayne




An empty table, far from any commotion and isolated to the point where Ceil could enjoy his breakfast in peace. This morning had started off rough, given his interaction with Mrs Zapinski, yet now when it really mattered he was able to sit, eat and relax in the far corner of the room. 'Ah Nirvana' he thought to himself as he allowed his body to sink into the soft fabric of the seat's cushion and his sense of smell to be enveloped in the alluring fragrance of morning breakfast; enhanced further by the removal of his mask.

Reaching his peak state of morning bliss, Ceil leaned in forward, fork in one hand and knife in the other as he readied himself for the food. Breakfast Combo B, A plate containing two sausages, The diner's choice of Egg and a portion of baked Beans aka, Heaven on a plate. Knife and Fork sinking into the tender flesh of his sausage, Ceil began to cut away; slowly separating a piece of the banger as he raised it to his mouth; spittle slowly escaping from his opened maw as he awaited the tasteful flavour of food to reach his taste buds, alas bliss would have to wait as the sound of someone speaking right next to him broke his morning trance.

Aside from being 100% accurate with his description of Ceil, the guy standing before him seemed rather odd. Perhaps it was the scythe arm?


Ceil merely looked at the guy, his eyes darting between Neil's face and his presently transformed arm. Whilst a Scythe was truly an intimidating weapon, it seemed truly impractical to have his arm currently transformed into one, given they were merely here to have their breakfast... unless he planned to cut his bacon with it and it that were the case, then he truly wasn't normal as he had claimed to be. Who would choose not to have access to aposable thumbs when it came to daily task's... given their practicality it was absurd to not to.

Taking another look at Neil's arm, Ceil sighed. There were so many things he wanted to say, so many sarcastic responses he wished he could vocalize in this situation to try and 'mock' the guy before him, yet wishing and being able to do, where two different things. Having to write down every sarcastic comment he had was simply too strenous a task to do so early in the day and the effort in doing so did not warrant the 'reward' he would have gottent. Instead, Ceil opted for the least arduous response. Pushing his plate to one side, Ceil grabbed the etch N sketch from beside him and placed it on the table, , his right hand grabbing away at the pen as he scribbled away.

'Normal.... are you sure?' he wrote, followed by a small illustration.


Ceil tilted his head to one side, his now unmasked face contorted to one of confusion mixed in with a furrowed brow as if visually questioning the authenticity of his statement. Keeping the look of a confused man, Ceil continued to hold his tool in front of him, slowly observing Neil's eyes for any movement to indicate that he was reading what was written.

Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs
Suraya Pippin
Almost as soon as Suraya walked into the DWMA, she’d been overtaken by the smell of wonderful, delicious, and oh-so-tasty breakfast food and her stomach grumbled quite vigorously in reply to the scent wafting through the air. Apparently traveling through time made you hungry…? Either that or it had just been ages since Suraya had eaten a legitimate meal; after all, where she was from, good food wasn’t very easy to come by. Both possibilities made it near impossible for her to head in any other direction but towards the smell and that’s exactly where she headed.

Cafeterias weren’t entirely unfamiliar to her. However, the ones she’d seen were usually a lot busier than this one appeared to be when she walked in and the ones she’d seen usually had terrible, horrible, no-good food that was just meant to serve as many people as possible. Suraya could only hope the food here was as good as it smelled. That hope remained present in her mind as she scurried towards the menu and started examining the options.

‘Hmm… eggs and toast…?’ It was the first option that she found that was actually familiar to her. Eggs and toast were quite a luxury, too, so she wasn’t about to say no. Walking through the line was standard and she asked, “Eggs and toast, please!” Quite quickly, she was given her plate with a portion that was a lot smaller than the cafeteria workers were used to handing out, but it wasn’t a problem. Happily, Suraya continued to walk through the line and made it to the register. She actually attempted to walk right past it but an arm reached out to block her.

“Hey! Money or EAT ID please.”

A look of confusion flooded her face. ‘EAT ID? What is that?’ While she didn’t speak her ignorance out loud, the fact that she had neither was clear on her face.

“No payment. No food.”

“Awww!” Sighing a defeated sigh, Suraya didn’t think fighting really fit this situation and so she set her tray down and walked into the open area of tables, her stomach still grumbling and her eyes still eyeing up the food she couldn’t have. However, eventually she realized that staring at food was only making her hungrier so she decided to look elsewhere for anything interesting. This was a completely new place to her, after all, so there was likely much to see.

And of course, the first thing that jumped out to her was the guy with the scythe arm. While Suraya was familiar with human weapons before, she’d never seen someone transform for breakfast… unless he was expecting a fight. Maybe he was going to fight the guy he was talking to? It didn’t look like it, but Suraya couldn’t be sure.

Walking up to the two people at the table, the easiest thing to do was ask. “I don’t think scythes are good tools for eating breakfast with,” she informed him quite oddly. It was easy to see that the other person was just as confused which prompted another question. “Are you expecting to fight someone this morning? It… it doesn’t look like anyone else here thinks there’s danger so why are you partially transformed?”

It would only add to the oddity of the situation when they realized that Suraya was completely unfamiliar to them. After all, the only people who had met her so far weren’t in the cafeteria. At least, not yet, they weren’t.

Phayne Phayne Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs
Neil Cyclamen

The entire time the masked man was least, Neil thought he was looking at em, Neil never let that large smirk drop from his face. After all, how could he? This was pretty hilarious in his opinion! Even though he couldn't really see any facial expressions, Neil could feel the confusion penetrating through the silence. And nothing was funnier than making people confused! And if people in the cafeteria was like this, he could only imagine what would happen during the partial transformation class! The thought made his smirk grow wider, but it was quickly broken when he saw the man begin to move. The pink prankster tilted his head at the etch N sketch that was placed on the table before the guy began to write in it, his figure hunched. Was this guy...mute? Not long after that, the man held up the nostalgic treasure, causing Neil to lean in and read it...before his smirk turned into a full blown grin.

"Hm..." Neil hummed, Leaning back and looking at the ceiling in mock thought. After a few seconds, he looked back at the guy, who was now unmasked (which Neil didn't get, considering he had no injuries), and simply shrugged. "Nnnnnope!" Neil chirped, "I mean, if this was regular ol' grade school, I'm pretty sure this'd look a whole lot more...sketchy," Neil winked, "But considering this is the DWMA, I think I sorta get a pass to save my bacon, right?" He joked, inwardly applauding himself for such A+ punmanship. Ah, it was good to be the king! Before Neil could wait for what could be a juicy response, he heard a voice from behind him, causing him to slowly turn around (just cause it was funny didn't mean a scythe arm was dangerous) to see a girl standing before him.

'Another victim of the Cyclamen Charm...' Neil thought mischievously. However, he did get that weird feeling in his gut when he looked at her. He didn't really know her at all...then again, he didn't know almost anyone here either...but it also felt like he shouldn't know her. Neil shook his head as he tuned back in to the multitude of questions the girl was asking, his smirk returning after that momentary gut feeling. Man, he was hungrier than he thought!

"Eh. I seem to be getting that a lot lately. I must not be the sharpest tool in the shed like I thought I was." Neil admitted. To be honest, he hadn't really thought that some people here would take the scythe arm as more of a challenge than an accident. There were only two times in his life, including this own, where this 'partial transformation' thing happened, and both of them WERE accidental. "And as much as I love a good stack of flapjacks in the morning, I don't think I'd be fighting for some...well, actually...not in this case anyway....but nah. To be honest, I'm kinda stuck like this! Was trying to see if I could actually do it again, did it, and now, I don't know how to change back. The first attempt just sorta...happened."

Neil sighed dramatically and gave the ceiling the most longing stare he could muster. "Man. If only I could go back in time..." He said dream fully...only to frown and look down when the gut feeling returned. Okay, why did that statement feel a whole lot weirder than it should...?!


He looked down at his stomach and chuckled. Oh. Right. Hungry.

"If ya really so curious, how about we sit down and discuss it over breakfast. Ya know, sit down in some empty seats that someone with the generosity of a thousand santas might be able to provide?" Neil said, slowly turning to the man with each and every word.

Phayne Phayne Solarknight Solarknight
Thomas Rudolf (NOT Professor)

Straw removed from his lips, Thomas turned away from some entertaining shenanigans performed by DWMA students face the red-haired girl who had addressed him. “You are correct,” The response was automatic. Four years as a teacher built him a habit of answering questions proposed by students. The fact that he was picked out at all was in itself something a little startling. Being unnoticeable, not really standing out from the crowd, was his trademark as an assassin. Credit ought be given where credit was due.

It had taken him a moment, but he recognized her of course. It wasn’t the clothes that gave her away. Nor her face. But something deeper. Something unique to every individual that no change in outer shell could ever disguise.

The soul.

The essence that made up a person’s true identity.

Placing the now empty carton back on his tray, the NOT professor smiled warmly at the demon weapon he’d seen in a couple of past classes….some 2 years ago or so. A good teacher didn’t forget their students—even if he’d only been an assistant teacher at the time. Talent from the EAT class was especially easy to remember. “Hinako,” A simple greeting. “It’s been a while,”

Thomas’s spectacled gaze flickered over to the shyer sister, taking a moment to observe the pale crystal blues, before Thomas offered her a smile as well. “Senya is here too, I see. Glad you appear to be doing well.”

Perhaps’ welcome back’ would’ve been a better greeting, but that seemed a little too forward,

Diana and Polaris. Sibling pairings tended to be strong due to close familial bonds. The two redheads were no exception. Rumor had it, that Diana would’ve been promoted had not an accident caused them both to take a break from school. As a member of DWMA’s faculty, Thomas had been made aware of the details. His jurisdiction was the NOT class. But even so, students were students and, whether in the EAT or NOT class, they shared one thing in common. They all experienced suffering. Whether it was eating ones own brother’s soul, losing one’s partner, or losing ones eyes.

“To get to the Death room you want to continue down the halls from the cafeteria until you find a portrait of Excalibur. Follow the direction of its nose. Then take a left. And a right. Go past the restrooms. Left. Right. Left. Left. Ignore the chest near to the music room—even though it looks tempting it’s clearly a trap—and round the third corridor. At the end of the passage should be a door marked with a skull that serves as an entrance to Lord Death’s private space. I’m surprised neither of you remember.”

Thomas was keeping track of the mystery soul that entered DWMA uninvited even as he spoke to the two sisters. He was aware the moment it entered the cafeteria. A part of him wanted to remain and observe the new arrival interact with DWMA students. Yet the teacher in him balked at turning down student in need of assistance. Breakfast was nearly finished anyway…and he did have business with Death as well

“Though I suppose it's generally trouble-making students that are well acquainted with the Death Room...and neither of you struck me as such." Expression friendly, the teacher moved to stand, lifting his tray with him. "Give me a moment to dump this and I’ll be happy to show you the way. What with regular classes being cancelled--most of my co-workers off chasing after some sleepless apparition--I’ve found myself with a lot of free time on my hands anyway.”

Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe
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Luxe Rosenfield
Luxe walked the caffeteria cheerfully, eyes beaming with energy despite, how worn out he actually felt. As he nibbled on the piece of toast between his lips, he noticed all of the teams of meisters and weapons sitting together, acting like a real team. It was almost enough to make him-

Luxe flinched as he bit his tongue, only now realizing he'd finished the toast. He sighed, and laughed to himself. That's what he got for dwelling on his own thoughts. He made sure everything on his tray was stable as he continued to traverse the rows of tables, failing to notice as he passed by a particular female weapon...

KageYuuki KageYuuki




The moment Neil had turned to address Suraya, Ceil took it upon himself to quickly erase his present scribbling and instead start afresh on a now blank canvas. Not really bothered by the conversation that was taking place in front of him, Ceil quietly went to work, his right hand gripped tightly around the pen as he begun to write once more, laughing inwardly as he did so. To the observant eyes, it would be quite obvious that his body shook as he silently laughed to his own devilish ploy. Normally, Ceil wouldn't have gone this far as to play a prank, much less acknowledge a complete stranger and engage with them so openly, yet it was apparent from the beginning that Neil was not your everyday average joe. This guy standing before him exuded a different aura from most and with his present quirkiness more than obvious, he simply seemed like an ideal candidate he could toy with for his own amusement even if it was short lived. Satisfied that he had schemed a satisfactory prank, Ceil leaned to the right and slowly stretched his hand out to draw the womans attention towards him, before showing her the Etch N Sketch.

"Stranger Danger!" he had written, holding up the etch N sketch from behind Neil and at an angle that would be easy for Suraya to notice. A few seconds; more then enough for her to see his message, Ceil took back his trusty tool and repeated his earlier process, this time writing much smaller then he had prior "Be careful!! This man is..." he had written in smallish hand writing, allowing for enough space beneath it to continue his message, writing in full capitals and as large as he could.


Ceil's second attempt at raising his etch N sketch to draw the girls attention had met an obstacle, the hauntingly silent giggling fit that Ceil now found himself in had made it nigh on impossible to hold the etch N Sketch steadily as his body convulsed in pure laughter, his mouth opened wide and his eyes firmly shut, Ceil dropped the tool unto the table and with both hands grabbed at either side of his body as he continued to laugh.

To those watching, it may have seemed like Ceil was having a 'fit' of some sort, yet thankfully due to his present inability to actually produce sound, his antics had barely even drawn the attention of the other occupants too engrossed in their own food or conversations.

Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs Solarknight Solarknight
Senya & Hinako
"I've only ever been to the Death Room once myself, so I never remembered the way there," Hinako said. After finishing her statement, she secretly poked Senya in the back, causing the blind girl to straighten her neck ever so slightly. Her nerves kicked in instantly, because she knew what Hinako wanted her to do.

"I-I know he was once our teacher's assistant, b-but there's no way I could ask him such a thing," Senya whispered to Hinako. "Just ask him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind," Hinako casually said, as though intended for Professor Rudolph to hear. Meanwhile, Hinako gave Senya a little push from behind, nearly causing the girl to fall forward. "H-Hinako...!" Senya said in a defeated tone. "I-I can't just ask that of him..."

"Alright, alright... I'll ask him for you. How does that sound?"

Senya mumbled something under her breath as she accepted defeat at her sister's hands. "Fine, I'll ask him the other question," Hinako said with a mischievous smirk on her face. "You probably already know, but we've been gone from the DWMA for two years. We've done some practicing on our own since recovering from the accident, but neither of us think that we're anywhere near where we were at before. Would it be possible for you to spar with us a few times, help us get back into fighting shape?"

Before giving Professor Rudolph a chance to respond, however, Hinako stepped up to him and whispered in his ear. "Also, I'm not sure if you know this, but Senya lost her eyesight during that accident. As a result, she gets scared easily if I'm not around. I was hoping you could help her learn to get through life without me at her side all the time."

Having caught a few words Hinako had said, Senya frowned. "Y-you said you weren't going to ask him that," Senya said with a slightly saddened expression on her face. "I never said I wouldn't ask him. I just said I would ask him the other question," Hinako said proudly. "Besides, you know you wanted me to ask for you."

Senya puffed her cheeks a little, being annoyed by the fact Hinako knew exactly how Senya felt. "D-do whatever you want," She said through mixed emotions of displeasure and satisfaction.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Thomas waited patiently for the girls to ask their question, chuckling a bit at the affectionate banter between the two sisters. He dumped his tray and dusted his hands before facing the twins, a smile gracing his features.

"Certainly. Just name the time and the place and I'll be happy to spar with you two to your hearts content. Though, you'll have to forgive me if I'm a little rusty. Since I've acquired a permanent teaching position in the NOT class, I haven't been actively fighting much."

The glasses-wearing man held his hands up modestly. "Regarding the second request though...I'm not sure how much assistance I can provide. Confidence isn't something I can just teach her. It's something that has to come from Miss Senya herself. Only she can determine when she's ready to stand on her own."

Rubbing the back of neck, Thomas felt an odd sense of guilt at his response to Hinako/Senya's second request, especially since it seemed to have taken her a lot to ask it. Almost like he was rejecting her. "We can continue this discussion while we head to the Death Room. On that note, I hope none of you mind one more accompanying us to Lord Death's chamber."

Heading over to the table where a couple of EAT students seemed to be enjoying themselves, Thomas placed a hand on the shoulder of the non-student amongst them. Easier to keep an eye on her if she was with him. Besides, taking her directly to Lord Death was much better than just telling Lord Death about her...and she didn't seem to be eating anyway. Not without a student ID. Expression ever-friendly, the NOT professor spoke casually.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but I just need a moment of her time. If all goes well, she'll be returned to you two quickly enough."


It was really Lord Death's call.

Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe
Phayne Phayne
Solarknight Solarknight
Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs

Felix smiled at the prospect at training again. He had been worried that he'd messed up some how. However, suddenly he'd become surrounded by people who weren't Jayce. He nodded politely along, but he'd become a tad lost. Honestly he wasn't paying attention. He was still trying to decode his Jayce. It was odd, he supposed, that he had to decode his prospective partner , given that he read that the bond was supposed to be intrinsic. But it didn't matter. He wanted Jayce. And unless Jayce flat out rejected him, he'd get Jayce. God above, he hoped he didn't have to deal with a flat out rejection. 'Suppose it'd be karma.'

He'd never really got along with a weapon before. Well he had, but it was always short term. He'd never met someone he wanted to keep along with him. They were nice, sure... but he wasn't sure they were the right fit. But where they were easy... Jayce was hard.

He was snapped out of trying to read Jayce's expressions and into a state of mild panic as the boy suddenly stood giving up his seat to another. 'Crap, what happened?' He scanned around searching for the cause of Jayce's distress, quickly but gracefully gathering his things. He did however, not so gracefully come to a stop after jogging to catch stride with the Egyptian weapon. "Jayce, are you alright?" He tried to not let too much concern show. He didn't want to seem clingy. He didn't think Jayce liked clingy. But everyone one liked polite concern. Right?

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock
Suraya Pippin
As much as she would’ve loved to sit down and discuss the… peculiarities of the situation over toast and eggs, Suraya couldn’t because as she’d recently learned, they wouldn’t give her any food. It was rather disappointing and the minute Neil suggested it, her stomach rumbled in reply. Suraya wanted to eat… she really really did. But no one would give her food.

“Uhm… I’d love to sit down and eat, but apparently I’m not allowed any food for some silly reason. They asked for an ID and I don’t know what they’re talking about.”

For a moment, Suraya almost became hopeful that Neil might be able to get food for her or something of the sort. He seemed like a nice enough guy aside from the one arm being stuck as a scythe. However, as she was waiting for that, she caught a glimpse of whatever Ceil was holding up and she read it out loud. “Stranger Danger.”

“Be careful. This man is armed and dangerous?” Her tone got louder as she read the last few words because the way it was written implied that it was meant to be said louder than the rest of it was. She was briefly puzzled by the words and what they could’ve possibly meant, but as her gaze flickered between Ceil and Neil and Neil’s arm and back again, understanding slowly dawned on her expression and then Suraya started laughing quite energetically. It was definitely a delayed reaction, though.

Already, Suraya could see herself really liking these people.

However, that didn’t last long. The hand on her shoulder made her jump with more than appropriate vigor and her whole body turned so quick it was almost hard to track. Her feet jumped back two paces, bumping into the table and knocking food off of it in the process, and her hands were instantly at the ready as though she was entering a boxing match of some sort or another. Without thought or hesitation, and without even seeing who the person was or hearing his words, one of her fists launched forward and connected with his shoulder.

“Who are you and why are you sneaking up on me!?” she practically demanded to know.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs Phayne Phayne
Jayce Hammerkin
His footsteps had almost succeeded at carrying him out of the cafeteria before Felix finally caught up with him although Jayce wasn’t sure if he wanted to include the ‘finally’ or not. ‘Finally’ implied that he’d wanted to be pursued and Jayce wasn’t sure if he did want that or not. It meant he would have to explain himself and he definitely did not want to do that because it meant losing this partner for good. At least, in his mind, that’s what the end result would be.

When he heard Felix behind him, calling out to him, Jayce’s footsteps stopped moving even though he couldn’t recall consciously deciding to stop walking. Now he didn’t have an excuse not to answer the question and it made it that much more difficult. “No…” he mumbled before he answered more clearly. “No I’m not alright. I’m not a good person to explain why, though. I’m really, really not.”

Throughout the whole thing, Jayce couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact with Felix because even though he’d never told him a lie, keeping the truth from him felt like the same thing. Actually, no. It felt worse.

“You should go ask someone else about me, Felix. Ask them if they think you should partner with me and listen to what they say. It’s better you find out sooner rather than later so you don’t waste too much of your time on me.” Jayce was set on the fact that once Felix knew that Jayce had already gotten one partner killed in the field, Felix would decide to find someone else. He was stubborn like that… in his depressed way.

Deadeyelee Deadeyelee
Felix’s face only falters for a second. There is indeed something wrong. But there is no problem that cannot be fixed when the desire is great enough. This is what separates good men, from the truly great. Like Hannibal, he’d march his elephants over the mountains. An unexpected move. He hastily removes a glove, clasping one of Jayce’s hand with his own. Rarely does he touch another’s hand without a glove, but now is the time. Felix places his gloved hand over the clasping of hands, bears his soulwave length,stares him in the eyes, and begins speaking in a level, but earnest tone.

“Jayce, I don’t care what you’ve done. I don’t care if you killed your last Meister. I trust the you that stands before me right now, my judgement and in the judgement Lord Death and his faculty. I trust the you who I wielded at the concert. I trust the you that dulled yourself as not to wound me. You, Me, and Lord Death. Those are the only people who have any say in this. Whatever burden it is you carry, nothing else anyone else says or does will make me change my mind. I want you to be my partner. I have from the moment I first wielded you. Not a moment of my time with you was wasted. And my time will not be wasted with you later today. I will fight anyone who says otherwise.”

Felix slowly releases Jayce’s hand, “Alright?” He adds softly, nervous that he might have over done it.

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock
Thomas didn't flinch from the punch of the frightened girl, though he did rub the spot she'd struck. She hadn't heard him coming and was understandably shocked. It was partly his fault really. His steps were far to quiet...a habit from his assassin days that he hadn't managed to get rid of. Nor his habit of sneaking up on a person apparently.

"My name is Thomas Rudolf. I'm a faculty member of the Death Weapons and Meister Academy, which was founded by the Grim Reaper to maintain the balance of the world and prevent the reawakening of the Kishin." Holding up his hands, so it was clear he had no weapons and no intention to fight her--unless she proved to be a danger to the students of course--Thomas maintained his friendly expression. His goal was not to frighten children. In fact, he'd grown quite fond of them while working in Lord Death's organization. That was why he'd become a teacher in the first place.

"I would like for you to come with me..." Thomas glanced at Hinako and Senya. "...and these ladies to see Lord Death. I'm afraid I cannot allow you to continue wandering DWMA until this matter is settled."

Solarknight Solarknight
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Jayce Hammerkin
The more that he waited for Felix to actually get the message that he really wasn’t the kind of person he would want as a partner, the more anxious Jayce became about the whole thing in the first place. It actually got to the point where he was sweating as he turned around and found Felix following him and he could hear his own heartbeat pounding in his ears. There had never been a moment where Jayce had actually endured a complete anxiety attack, but he was beginning to think he might learn what it felt like now. Would Felix be mad at him for making it seem like they could be partners for so long without actually saying anything about how bad of a choice for a weapon he was? That had to be it.

However, that wasn’t it. In fact, it wasn’t even close.

Jayce was fairly sure his whole face was painted with shock as he listened to what Felix actually had to say and after it had finished, he still found himself almost completely frozen. What could he possibly say to that?

He hadn’t even noticed that Felix had grabbed his hand until the meister let it go and finally, Jayce let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Alright…” It was more of a contented whisper than actual agreement, but at the very least it was something to go off of. It was something to start with. Jayce was still hesitant to believe it.

“I still think that you should talk to some of the other students, though,” he muttered softly. “It… it would probably be good for you to know and I can’t… I can’t bring myself to actually talk about it.” Jayce was still horrified that Felix might change his mind if or when he found out what had happened with Kyrstan.

Looking around, he realized they were mostly out of the cafeteria and he’d already thrown his food away. There wasn’t much point in going back. “I’ve gotta go grab some stuff for class. I can… uhm… meet you in the NOT classroom for Theory of Souls and Resonance?”

Deadeyelee Deadeyelee

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