• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy BS Investigators // Rules, Preface, and Character Sheet (CLOSED GROUP)


crayon lord

artist, writer, and new member

(You don’t need to accept anywhere, just understand that these are the rules of the threads in this RP!!)

  1. Terms for this RP:
    1. PC — Player Character; one of the characters that a player is maining as
    2. NPC — Non-Player Character; Generally characters that the players cannot control, however, secondary flavor characters that players request to supplant and play in the RP as well as their PC will also be referred to as NPCs.
    3. Spin — I, the GM, spin this cool wheel I made. It can be edited with player requests in the future, and players can also request screenshots or other forms of proof of spin as suggested within the group.
  2. RPN stadards regarding content are sustained completely in these threads. Swearing and mature themes are allowed and expected, but explicit content is barred.
  3. This is a fun RP please don’t start any drama! As in, if you or another player feels uncomfortable with the way someone is being treated, be it you or someone else, you should report it to me privately at which point I’ll contact the other person. Bickering over issues not regarding the RP or regarding behavior within the RP will result in introduction of all parties to an average three-strike system.
  4. Regarding the supernatural, do not assume anything in the RP before a spin is made. A Lore thread regarding what is true and what is not will be created and updated by me as the RP progresses for you convenience!
  5. Regarding characters: obviously don’t control other player character’s actions in any way. This extends to NPCs that are GM-controlled. You should probably ask first, but in most situations, players are allowed access to creating any NPCs / secondary characters that are not for the purposes of godmodding.
  6. Romance between PCs as well as PC-NPC ships are allowed and encouraged, of any orientation and seriousness. However, fi a player controlling either character requests OOC for the other party, or any party in general, to not pursue this, their request will be respected and it will stop.
  7. There is no word, line, or paragraph requirement, the GM only asks that you try to vary your reply lengths and try to fuel each other’s creativity with each reply!
  8. Leaving the group is completely normal and acceptable! However, please let me know before you leave so that I can either personally write or coordinate an in-story exit for you.


You are an employee at Bigtown Supernatural Investigators, a P.I. for catching ghouls and ghosts on commission and at least one of the top ten cryptid-based businesses in your middle-of-nowhere mountain town. You aren’t exactly well-funded, but the boss was at least good enough with money for your company to have an HQ (a repurposed diner seated between an abandoned apartment complex and a 7-Eleven, three stories, but BSI only owns the first and third, sadly) as well as an all-purpose van with you tacky Big Foot-ridden logo plastered on either side.
You do local jobs in Bigtown, unusually rife with paranormal activity (or crazy people) and, as an effect of the website an intern from 2006 designed (and it looks it!), non-local jobs with nine-hour drives in the BS Mobile. Either way, they don’t have a history of panning out, and that’s why your customers pay beforehand.
Embark on your adventure as a Vampire-Staker or Werewolf-Hugger with the filling out of one simple form!!!

(Do Not include the details in (brackets)!)​



(within BSI and supernatural investigation in general— you are allowed to not have a specalization if you’re a beginner, intern, etc.):

(May be short with the stipulation that you’ll flesh it out as the RP continues):

(can be reference image):

(can be brief):

(may be excluded if you aren’t interested in romantic storylines):

(any facts you’d like to share):

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[class name=root] display: flex; width: 100%; max-width: 1200px; height: auto; flex-flow: column nowrap; justify-content: stretch; align-items: stretch; margin: 0 auto; [/class] [class name=row] width: 100%; height: auto; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: stretch; align-items: stretch; [/class] [class name=column] width: auto; height: auto; display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; justify-content: stretch; align-items: stretch; [/class] [class name=item] min-width: 200px; width: auto; min-height: 100px; height: auto; position: relative; margin: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 10px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name=scroll] width: 100%; height: 100%; box-sizing: content-box; padding-right: 200px; overflow-Y: scroll; overflow-X: hidden; [/class] [div class=root] [div class=row] [div class=item style="flex:3; min-width: 300px; height: 500px; background-image: url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/108971465260437504/605634105207422987/thea3.jpeg'); background-size: cover; background-position: center; background-color: #696963; background-blend-mode: hard-light; border-radius: 5px;"] [/div] [div class=item style="flex: 5; height: 500px;"] [div class=scroll] [div style="border-left: 3px solid #696963; padding: 10px;"] Name: Jayden Harper

Age: 23

Orientation: Pansexual

Appearance: Jayden is a woman with long blonde hair, and bright brown eyes. Compared to other women, she usually has a good 4 to 6 inches over them, but that's certainly nothing to really make her the odd woman out. She has a modest number of piercings, and only one tattoo to really share with anyone interested. Though her build is willowy, she never does anything with careful grace - one could say that she moves hastily, and her longer limbs flail about lively as she bounces from task to task.

\\ Part Time @ Cathy's Cups - a Coffee and Ice Cream Shop.
Jayden spends her weekends behind the counter serving treats to both adults and children. Although she only actually works two days of the week, she shows up often enough to lend a hand in washing dishes, and chatting up regulars for feedback, enamoring her to the hearts of other staff and some locals.

\\ B.S. Investigator
It's been 2 years since Jayden was employed and working with BSI. She's a familiar face to clients who often come with problems that seem to plague their homes, or place of work. Even in face of the harsh reception of the townsfolk, she easily remains optimistic, and upbeat, and only expresses her doubts to partners and coworkers.

Specialization: Architecture
With or without a blueprint, Jayden is capable of some innate understanding of buildings she finds herself in. Her experience as a young lass scurrying around repairing her family home acquaints her with plenty of tricks and tips around the mysteries of ones humble abode. From her time in Europe though, she had also fallen in love with the grand structures of old - castles, those with hidden passage, trap doors, the promise of something new! Her strong spatial understanding and particular memory for spaces she travels through allows her to recall and draw blueprints rather accurately as well, it would be hard to lead Jayden astray with or without a map.

Personality: Jayden is someone who easily fills in the silence of a room, and has that distinct quality of shamelessness to wear her heart on her sleeves. If she were to be left in a waiting room, there is no doubt that she would have made a friend or five by the time she had to leave. If there is one thing you never have to doubt with Jayden, it is in the fact that she is sincere in whatever she expresses, be it her sympathy, or her joy, for others. She is attentive, and she remembers what people chose to impart with her.

Unfortunately, she also rather rigid. Her anxiety spikes in face of uncertainty, or the unfamiliar. Rather than cowering away, she actually turns into an aggressive perfectionist, and is none too shy to point out how incapable you may be for the task that lies ahead. Like her affection for friends, even her doubt is just as strong and freely delivered to you.

History: Jayden was born in Europe, in a small little place away from the city, at the edge of the forest where she and her family would often venture into for picnics or camping. As you can imagine, for most of her childhood she was a rather lonely child, with only her parents and perhaps a pet or two to keep her company. When her mother died though, that's when things got hairy. Jayden was too young to remember or know the exact details, but she ended up living in America, with her mother's family rather than with her father. The only thing left in her memory of her mother were the times when the two ventured to see what little Jayden liked to refer to as 'Castles!'.

That memory alone would be responsible for Jayden having chosen the path and dream she has now. One day, she hopes to build a castle, or something similar to it. For now though, the only thing that really helps to stave off that acute homesickness she has is moving out from the city.

Her origins as a BS Investigator start when she had been helping out some locals moving their furniture. 'Tsk, her room is always just so much colder than the rest of the house,' the wife complained, hands covering the goosebumps on her arms. 'No matter how much I've rang and hollered at the heating company ... I'll have you know, I've tried everything! Even those bogus inspectors several blocks down ...' Moving aside the large dresser that had been situated over the floor vent, she decided to investigate them herself. If she could make money off something like this ...

Other: One of her hobbies is making terrariums! Her proudest one is a host to a striking blue mushroom crowning over what seems to a red flecked lump of coal.

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Name: James Boyt

Age: 24

Specialization/Occupation: Intern? Entry level? James doesn’t know or care where he falls in the work hierarchy, he only knows that hauling the equipment and helping with research is his job. No specialization but he is willing to learn. As for his bill paying job he lugs around all your farming needs at Ralph’s Feed Store.

Personality: A ball of jovial energy that is maybe too generous with physical affection and never misses a chance to tease. Those introvert types should not worry because behind that goofy grin is an observant and deeply reticent man that understands boundaries. He will shamelessly play matchmaker with a mischievous smile if he catches the slightest whiff of possible romance which may ignore boundaries. But who cares about that stuff when love is involved? Oh and all boundaries go out the window when James gets in that mood for his one true vice. Booze. If he can’t bring somebody to the bar it will be brought to them and running will only trigger his prey drive.

Naturally all of this can be off putting to some, those that aren’t scared off or avoid him like the plague slowly find a bit more depth to James. He leaves no doubt about his diligence and questioning it will quickly put somebody at the front of his shit list. With his nose to the grindstone he drops some of the overfriendliness which nearly makes him normal. A longtime bookworm with a better than average memory, at least for things that interests him, James may surprise with his knowledge. Most of it is pretty useless though. Memory also applies to people so he tends to remember things about people, especially things he can use as teasing material.

Appearances: Lean sturdy mass in a six foot nothing body that never stills and rarely slows. No piercings or tattoos. His hair is inky black, typically unkempt, while his baby blues constantly dance with mirth. A pretty ordinary looking man for the most part.


History: The eldest of two children from a rather well off family gifted James and his younger sister many opportunities. From an early age they took part in whatever extra curricular activities they wanted. In part because their parents were very busy so throwing money around was their form of parenting. James was a quick study like many kids are but also shared the common problem of a short attention span. He eventually breezed through those teenage years flip flopping on the future until there wasn’t time left to twiddle his thumbs. All the while a divide slowly built up between James and his parents, perhaps a bit unfairly. Other than his sister the only relative he felt especially close to was his farmer grandpa. Which in reality the farm was just some chickens and a vegetable garden. After high school he joined the Army as a combat engineer which was a spur of a moment decision admittedly. Nothing amazing happened in his military career. In those years he grew more distant with his family especially after his grandpa’s passing, he won’t deny the fault is on him but doesn’t know how to mend the gap.

As for how a Southern boy ended up interning at a Paranormal Investigation business in the middle of nowhere, well it’s a short uneventful story. James showed up the past Fall on a cross country journey after not reenlisting when the van caught his attention. A bit of snooping around and next thing he knows he’s talking to some BSI employees about a job.

Orientation: Heterosexual

-Avoids cigarette smoke because it smells awful.
-Cleans the BSI building if he has nothing to do. Will probably do the same at another person's home if left to his own devices.
-Birthday: December 13th
-Has to fight a powerful sweet tooth.
-Allergic to cats.
[div style="display: none;"]font call[/div] [class name="flexContainer"] --bgcolor: rgba(130, 130, 130, 0.05); --accent: #fcea4c; font-smoothing: antialiased; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; font-size: initial; font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif; display: flex; width: calc(90% - 20px); flex-flow: row wrap; align-items: stretch; margin: 10px calc(5% + 10px); overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name="basicsArea"] flex: 1 0 200px; margin: 10px; overflow: hidden; background: var(--bgcolor); display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; align-content: stretch; max-height: 70vh; [/class] [class name="mainImage"] flex: 1 0 25vh; width: 100%; position: relative; font-size: 0px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name="imageOne"] background: url('https://i.imgur.com/kygMd2X.png') center center/100% auto; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; height: 100%; width: 100%; [/class] [class name="imageTwo"] background: url('https://i.imgur.com/2DJTFA4.png') center center/100% auto; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; height: 100%; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: all .85s ease-in-out; [/class] [class name="imageTwo" state="hover"] opacity: 0; [/class] [class name="basicsInfoArea"] width: 90%; margin: auto; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px; overflow: hidden; font-size: .8em; [/class] [class name="infoline"] display: block; margin: 2px 0px; [/class] [class name="meta"] background: var(--accent); padding: 2px 8px; color: #000000; display: inline-block; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: .8em; [/class] [class name="info"] display: inline-block; padding: 2px 10px; [/class] [class name="textArea"] flex: 2 0 250px; margin: 10px; font-size: initial; max-height: 70vh; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name="scrollbox"] height: 100%; width: 100%; padding-right: 80px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; box-sizing: content-box; background: var(--bgcolor); [/class] [class name="sectionHeader"] display: block; width: 100%; font-size: 2em; background: var(--accent); color: #000000; margin: .8em 0px .5em 0px; text-transform: uppercase; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 5px 20px; [/class] [class name="p"] display: block; font-size: .85em; margin-bottom: .9em; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px 15px; text-align: justify; [/class] [div class="flexContainer"] [div class="basicsArea"] [div class="mainImage"] [div class="imageOne"].[/div] [div class="imageTwo"].[/div] [/div] [div class="basicsInfoArea"] [div class="infoline"] [div class="meta"]name[/div] [div class="info"]lucille nord[/div] [/div] [div class="infoline"] [div class="meta"]age[/div] [div class="info"]sixteen (16)[/div] [/div] [div class="infoline"] [div class="meta"]occupation[/div] [div class="info"]intern / lifestyle(?) vlogger[/div] [/div] [div class="infoline"] [div class="meta"]specialization[/div] [div class="info"]documentation[/div] [/div] [div class="infoline"] [div class="meta"]preference[/div] [div class="info"]uncertain[/div] [/div] [div class="infoline"] [div class="meta"]artist[/div] [div class="info"]裕 (Pixiv ID 17810)[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="textArea"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="sectionHeader" style="margin-top: 0px;"]personality[/div] [div class="p"] Lucille's an overachiever in many things. She overreacts, overcompensates and over-shares. Doesn't matter if you don't have any interest in what she's talking about. By the end of the conversation, you'll know her life story. The blonde's the worst at keeping secrets and staying quiet. General tip when dealing with Lucy? If you want something to spread, you talk to her. There's no real malice or intention to harm whenever she lets something slip; she simply can't keep her mouth shut. The plus side? She's honest and can't hide anything. What you see is what you get with Lucille. [/div] [div class="p"] That being said, she's not above embellishing or adding onto stories for dramatic effect. It's simply part of the storytelling for her. There's not much point in sharing something if it isn't interesting, and the blonde knows that. Adding her own color into the experiences she vlogs about play no small part in her garnering a decent viewership. She has a loud personality, and it's visible even through the lens of a camera. [/div] [div class="sectionHeader"]history[/div] [div class="p"] Lucille lived much of her life in Seattle, adjusted to the rhythm and pace of a city. She's used to being busy. Classes during the day, hanging out with her friends after school, playing games in the evening, chatting online at night - there was always something occupying her time. So when her family moved to Bigtown sometime earlier this year, saying Lucy was shocked by the culture would be an understatement. Sure, she'd heard that small towns moved slow, but she didn't realize how slow until she was living in one. [/div] [div class="p"] To occupy her time, she began vlogging about her life, garnering a small following as she did. Her parents, worried that their only daughter was now spending most of her time inside the house, encouraged her to take on a part-time job. Lucy didn't think much of it: she looked at what was willing hire a high school student, and chose which looked most interesting. Unsurprisingly, BSI won. [/div] [div class="p"] Despite the dubious (practically nonexistent) pay, Lucille stayed. The first episode she vlogged about BSI generated more hits than before. As she continued, more flocked to her channel. The blend of small town culture, quirky characters and supernatural possibility endeared itself to the internet. Her vlog now generates enough revenue to pay for things like a better camera, but Lucy's not deluded enough to think she can stop school for her vlog. [/div] [div class="sectionHeader"]extra[/div] [div class="p"]
  • her channel name is Lucky Lucy
  • has really neat handwriting
  • really enjoys thrifting / most of her clothes are thrifted
  • teaches other people how to angle the camera to look good
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annabel "anna" ingram
student & intern at bsi
Annabel is an outgoing and friendly girl who seems to have a knack for getting on anyone's good side. Due to being sheltered for most of her life, Annabel possesses a specific childlike curiosity of the world, wanting to acquire knowledge of various cultures and customs. Her behaviour is often controlled by this curiosity, commonly wandering from place to place, taking note of even the most mundane of sights. Annabel encapsulates innocent wonder, looking to others to teach her things she hadn't previously known. This innocence then feeds to idealism, with her being able to see the good of most situations, and coming up with near impossible plans that would give the best possible conclusions. While almost childlike in her wanderlust, Annabel is also rather principled and formal.

She's extremely polite, clinging onto various formalities commonly unnecessary in normal conversations. While realistically rather immature, Annabel is often under the illusion that she is nothing of the sort. She believes that she is some sort of wise sage through reading and the carefully planned vacations orchestrated by her parents. Polite, she is also rather passionate and strangely argumentative when it comes to subjects she believes she has a proficiency in. Annabel would often go into tangents of which she would commonly forget the main point it was leading to. Coupled with her privileged nature, she often gives solutions to issues that a normal individual would recognize as impossible. Annabel's often naïve to the struggles of others, scarcely understanding the true value and worth of currency as she had always been given everything on a silver platter.

Annabel is the epitome of a privileged, sheltered individual. Being an only child to rich and successful parents, for majority of her life she was both pampered and sheltered. Living a restrictive lifestyle, her childhood and teenage years were carefully planned and orchestrated as well. Whether it be those who Annabel associates with, her daily activities, or her school life, all of these were predetermined by her parents. All of these factors, while oblivious to Annabel, took a toll on her character and general outlook on life. She grew extremely curious and naïve of the world around her, her mind filled with wanderlust.

Throughout the years, Annabel's parents tried to satiate her desires. For her wanderlust, they travelled frequently, going abroad to see the world. Though interestingly, she was often left unsatisfied by the end of the trip. For her potential feelings of loneliness, they orchestrated play dates with the children of their colleagues. However she never really connected with these children, ironically disliking their haughty attitudes. Above all, Annabel wished to be free from the prying eyes of her parents, to go through her day without the constant surveillance. She yearned for something different from her current life, blissfully ignorant of her privilege and wishing for adventure and risks. Given time, these wishes would eventually come to fruition.

Recently, having received her high school diploma and now attending a university, she lives independently from her parents (albeit with financial aid from them). While still being surveilled by her parents who request daily phone calls from her, she otherwise lives a mostly independent life. Now thrust into a world where her days aren't orchestrated by her parents, Annabel seems rather...eccentric to strangers, possessing a specific child-like innocence within. Almost immediately, she began to indulge herself in various curiosities without her parents finding out. Whether it be taking a simple hike through woods, fishing, or more recently, interning for Bigtown Supernatural Investigators, Annabel began to satiate her life-long desires of adventure.

- In spite of always seeking adventure and thrills, strangely enough she is often too afraid to commit to such activities
- Annabel grew up with an irrational fear of deep bodies of water
- Perhaps her greatest hate, above the constant meddling of her parents are individuals alluding to her immaturity
- Interestingly enough, while Annabel is known to wander great distances, she always finds her way home with relative ease
- Annabel often forgets her normally formal and polite nature when indulging herself in large quantities of her favorite food items
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[/div] [div class=right] [div class=header]basics;[/div] [div class=body]name // ross hargreaves
age // eighteen (18)
occupation // student + intern
specialization // tba
orientation // anything for dried squid[/div] [div class="header" style="margin-top: 30px;"]appearance;[/div] [div class=body]With an average height—granted he lies that he’s 5’9” when he’s actually 5’8 ½”—and a balanced build, Ross, oddly enough, prides himself as being just another face in the crowd. "Blending in helps avoid trouble," he claims, and for the most part it does appear to reduce people-based disasters. That is, if you ignore his incessant staring at whatever tickles his curiosity. Possessing eyes colored with an expressive verdure which clashes against the dark tones of hair, it’s difficult to ignore the teen when he happens to be rudely staring you down, an unconscious habit he has never bothered to fix.[/div] [div class="header" style="margin-top: 30px;"]personality;[/div] [div class=body]Forged by the various pitfalls life has dug for him—both figuratively and literally—Ross’ physical and mental tenacity are his strongest points. He may not be the brightest or most talented of the bunch, but there’s nothing in life that a cup full of optimism and hard work can’t handle. In a sense, his talent can be said to be his ability to always make an effort and see things through to the end. Even in the face of failure, he’s hardened his mindset to take everything as a learning experience. Unfortunately, his impossibly terrible luck tends to cause these failures to keep coming, making the words “failure teaches you more than success” a bit of a mantra at this point.

As optimistic as he is, even Ross feels that there are points where enough is enough. It isn’t that he’ll give up per se, but he isn’t one to bottle up his frustrations either. Fortunately, he knows not to take these frustrations out on others. For the most part. He still can’t help but put on a childishly bitter expression and secretly plot their demise whenever someone around him is met with a stroke of good fortune at his expense. Not that it helps whenever his friends poke fun of the impossible coincidences that seem to line up solely for the sake of messing with the poor teen.

He’ll get his revenge on Lady Luck. One day.[/div] [div class="header" style="margin-top: 30px;"]history;[/div] [div class=body]If Earth had happened to be a world right out of a fantasy book, Ross would have without a doubt jumped at the chance to peer into his past lives. After all, he had a bone to pick with Karma if he hadn’t been some murderer in the past.

People claimed that luck is a cycle: for it to come and go was the natural order of the world. Yet even with the odds in his favor, Lady Luck would never fail to disappoint. There’s a puddle lying inconspicuously on the side of the road? A car would definitely speed past and splash him with a face full of cold, muddy water. An important exam the next day? Either his alarm clock would break or he’d face the worst traffic jam of the month. The scariest part was that once a seemingly harmless breeze knocked a rotting tree branch clean off of its trunk and nearly made its new residence on his poor head.

Fearful of the various freak accidents in their hometown, Ross’ parents took his father’s relocation to a new school as an opportunity to pack up and leave the bad luck behind. For the first few months, life was finally quiet. However, Ross’ bad luck was quick to find him once again, and another three years of misfortune passed by before the next move. When even the second relocation proved futile, his parents sent Ross to live with his grandparents in the slow and seemingly uneventful Bigtown, East Idaho.

Somehow, it worked, or perhaps the soothing nature of his grandparents’ doting nature simply gave him a more optimistic outlook on the various unlucky events which befell him. Whatever the case, his accident prone self managed to reduce the various disastrous events down to bi-monthly or monthly. The only problem was that the lack of strange events gave him the intense feeling that something was missing—until he happened to apply for a position at BSI on a whim.

To this day, he still isn’t entirely sure if he’s simply bored or downright masochistic.[/div] [div class="header" style="margin-top: 30px;"]extras;[/div] [div class=body]1. Whether or not it’s seasoned, the taste of his favorite snack will always be ex-squid-site, and he generally always has a pack on hand. He isn’t a big fan of most other kinds of seafood, however.
2. His accident prone nature follows him all the way to the kitchen. Ever since the stove somehow exploded and a knife nearly dropped onto his foot, his grandmother thoroughly banned him from taking a single step inside ever again.
3. A goat once tried to eat his hair years ago at a petting zoo. He’s been wary of them ever since.[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [class=wrap] margin: 0 auto; padding: 5%; width: 90%; [/class] [class=flexwrap] display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; font-size: initial; margin: 0 -10px; [/class] [class=left] flex: 1 0 250px; margin: 0 10px 50px; [/class] [class=basics] margin-top: 6px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 0.84em; line-height: 140%; text-align: center; [/class] [class=right] flex: 5 0 250px; margin: 0 10px; [/class] [class=header] padding-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; font-weight: bold; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 2.0em; line-height: 100%; [/class] [class=body] font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 0.92em; line-height: 147%; text-align: justify; [/class]

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