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Realistic or Modern Blue Hollow Summer Camp - Characters

Just Me.

J the Sleepyhead
Hello guys! This is where you can post your characters. Please don't overpower your OCs, you can post more then one character if you want and I added a few guidelines for the supernaturals just so we have a basis to work with but you can make other beings too as long as they fit into the setting/world.

P.s.: Face claims should be realistic.

Species information: (if not listed on my list of suggestions)

Personality: (can be in any form you prefer, paragraphs, traits etc... All are okay)

Biography: (2+ paragraphs please)

Species description/info

Were creatures:

Strengths: immune to magic, can take on the form of an animal, heightened senses, claws, fangs, strength, agility, speed, usually form packs (or prides in case of felines), understanding of animals, on a full moon they are a lot stronger, partial shift (claws, fangs, eyes).

Weaknesses: on a full moon they can't resist the need to shift into their animal form, wolfsbane, on a new moon they cant shift into their animal form and are very tired all day, vampire bites are excruciating to them and heal at a human rate.

Other Info:
- Are a long living species that can reach up to 450 years of age
- It is rare to see two alphas in the same room for longer periods of time because even if the were creatures' personality weren't/isn't aggressive the alpha instinct is almost impossible to resist and they will be tempted to fight for dominance over the other.


Strengths: Speed, heightened senses, agility, compulsion of humans, fast healing of most injuries, can shift fingernails into claw-like nails, healing blood (like human blood speeds up a vampires healing so does vampire blood speed up a humans healing).

Weaknesses: long exposure to direct sunlight, were creatures bites are excruciating to them and heal at a human speed, silver stake to the heart, need to be invited into private residences and in some cases even private property, bloodloss, can catch bloodlust (an illness where the vampire has little or no control over their thirst, severe cases of this illness become rogue vampires that are more like a beast then vampires).

Other Info:
- are immortal and unless killed might live forever.
- really old vampires might develop some psychic powers
- born vampires are rare but not unheard of. Born vampires are often stronger and become leaders of their own vampire covens.


Strengths: Can take on the shape of a specific type of animal whenever they want and without much effort, heightened senses, agility, arent bound to the phases of the moon,

Weaknesses: Cant hold a partial shift (they can only take on a full forn and not shift only parts of their body like fangs, claws and eyes), unlike were creatures they take on more animalistic characteristics when in animal form, can become sick with the 'call of the wild', its a sickness where their animal nature is so strong some turn into an animal permanently and leave for the wilderness (like most supernatural diseases its somewhat rare but every shifter knows about this possibility).

Other Info:
- shifters tend to live very long (if not killed) due to their cells shifting every time they take on their other form. Some even live longer than were creatures and rumor among some shifters is that the oldest shifter (still alive) is over 800 years old
- half shifters age like humans
- tend to run in groups but refuse to call it a pack/pride because they don't like to be compared to were creatures.


Strengths: can use magic, sense other supernatural beings, have sharp instincts, can extend their life span if bound to a long living or immortal being, have familiars.

Weaknesses: are mortal, can be harmed by anything a human can (if not protected by a spell).

Other Info:
- witches with a pact to a demon are called warlocks and unless they somehow manage to break free of the contract the warlocks story doesn't end well (often ending with them being dragged off to the demon realm to become a demon's slave).
- immortality is something every witch wants but so far very few could get. Some witches go down a dark path trying to gain immortality.
- most witches are well respected among supernaturals because they help keep the balance and order or things. They help solve problems and often guide young supernaturals if they need advice or help


Strengths: draw strength and power from their element, can heal very fast when surrounded by their element, some can travel (teleport) trough their element. In rare cases an elemental can turn into their element for a short time.

Weaknesses: weak when separated from their element for too long, almost every elemental has an opposite they cant be close to for too long or risk getting sick or weak (water and fire for example).

Other Info:
- long living beings that are far descendants of the four main elementals who used to be immortal but due to their bloodline being 'diluted' over the centuries they are far less powerful then they used to be.


Strengths: magic, immortality, compulsion of humans, speed, heightened instincts and senses, summoning portals, glamour.

Weaknesses: pure iron, were creature bites prevent them from using their full magic until they heal and sometimes even longer, vampires used to hunt them for their blood, weak if away from fae ground for too long (ground that's bespelled so it's connected to the realm of the fae), their powers are weaker at an hour around midnight and midday.

Other Info:
- fae mostly stick to the fae realm because they are strongest there, it often causes the misconception that they are stuck up or have a superior attitude.
- fae are known for being beautiful and temperamental
jCCcz7r - Imgur.png
(Face claim: Juliana Herz)

Name: Ezrah Tate
Nickname: Ez

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual

Height - 5'11"
Weight - you wish (slim but strong build)
Eyes - Brown (Golden when riled up)
Hair - Brown (slight fluctuations in shade depending on how long she was in animal form)
Details - Freckles, long nails, birth mark on her hip, tattoo of claw marks across her back

Species: Were-Jaguar, Dominant (non-alpha)

+ immune to some magic (weak to some shamanism)
+ can take on the form of a black jaguar
+ heightened senses
+ claws, fangs
+ strength, agility, speed, durability
+ accelerated healing (especially with shifting)
+ understanding of animals
+ on a full moon they are a lot stronger
+ partial shift

- on a full moon can't resist the need to shift
- wolfsbane
- cant shift on a new moon and are very tired all day
- vampire bites are excruciating and heal at a human rate
- too long spent in animal form can cause loss of humanity
- outside of the full moon shifting has an energy cost.

Ezrah is very much a roguish wild child who has always had trouble balancing her natural instincts (read: poor impulse control) with her humanity. There are times when she gets caught up in satisfying her needs and wants (she is insanely curious) and sort of 'forgets' that there is right and wrong—though to be fair she's generally not malicious or cruel and often gets in the most trouble when sticking up for others. She is extremely territorial over those people/things that she claims as “hers” and can sometimes be very confrontational but once her trust is given she is very loyal and protective. She has a fun, playful, energetic side, much like a cat really, but she is also very strong willed and stubborn and sometimes just needs the quiet. She prefers to do things in her own time, at her own pace, and seems to fluctuate rather fluidly between a state of near constant motion and poised stillness. Ezrah is a bit torn about her heritage. On one hand she loves it, for so many reasons, but on the other hand it scares her witless...




Ezrah is quite well known for both 'perching' and 'sprawling' in places.
If she's comfortable with you your lap, back, and whatever else become free real estate.
Not fond of the word 'no'.
Is definitely that person that will push the big red button just because its a bit red button.
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Norse Justice — About the Norse Mods

Name: Litr
Nickname: Luke Smith
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Swings both ways
Species: Jotun
Species information:
Jotun are a race with greater strength and vitality than a human. They are also virtually immune to harsh conditions in the wilderness. Litr is capable of shapeshifting into numerous forms, his favorites being a giant snake, wolf, raven or eagle. Although many Jotun are giant and hideous, some even being monstrous beasts, some (like Litr) are human-sized and even beautiful. Jotun are extremely chaotic and wild, and all have a pathological fear of thunderstorms, lightning and Thor’s hammer symbols. They also possess a certain marking that denotes their heritage. Jotun are stronger and tougher in darkness.

Litr is bold, kind and gentle… on the surface. Inside, he’s chaotic and impulsive, with a wrathful personality. He tries to hide his true nature, but it occasionally slips loose. His mask of goodwill and helpfulness is all many see of him, although his eyes betray his true emotions. He despises order and schedules, preferring spontaneous action and enjoyment of life. He'd choose freedom over safety any day.

Weak magic (Litr can use runestones to a degree, but nowhere near as well as a dedicated mage)

Fear of storms

Born in the frozen, primordial wastes of Utgard, Litr or Luke is perhaps the youngest of the Jotun. His family, as most Jotun are, only lasted long enough to ensure his rearing. Mostly alone in the frost and canyons, overshadowed by mountains bigger than any seen on earth, Litr wandered ancient forests. Before long, he grew bored. Uneager to face the larger, more dangerous Jotun in their halls and courts, he sought another path. As he contemplated, he decided that Midgard was the most interesting route.

He was eager to set out into Midgard, and swiftly mastered his shapeshifting abilities to better pass unseen. He spent weeks exploring human society, frequently slipping up, before having a brief fling with a mortal. Ashamed, and believing his family would reject him, he left the town he'd inhabited. Not quite understanding the emotions coursing through him at first, he began studying humans closely. After gaining a better understanding of them, he resumed interaction, always keeping distant. Litr had no connection with Jotunheim after leaving, although that is partially his fault. He has little desire to return and resume the struggle of life amongst giants.

Luke soon discovered the existence of Blue Hollow Camp, and decided to attend out of boredom and curiosity.

Other: The tattoo on his wrist ( Thurisaz, Giant. Meaning: danger, suffering.)

Just Me. Just Me.
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Name: Elizabeth Jane White
Nickname: Eliza
Age: 17
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: Witch

Personality: Eliza has two sides to her: One the one hand she can be a cold and excellent witch that goes to glamorous dinners with her parents, makes her family proud of her magical abilities and knows how to express herself eloquently at the sides of high-placed politicians. She has a manipulative and seductive side to her which can be quite frightening at time and reminds of the old times when the White-family was still extremely powerful. On the other hand, she can be dorky Eliza who slurps while eating take-out ramen, tries to brew a love potion - but ends up with a drink that only causes diarrhea and casts a toad-raning-spell on her neighbor after watching him beating his cat. She is still at an age where she has to decide which sides she wants to be on, and which part she wants to play in this world which has already caused her a lot of headache. In the end, she is only a teenager who lives in two worlds: the world of her conservative parents, and in the world of her friends.

Strengths: proud, ambitious, witty, upright, honest | ice magic, mind-manipulating magic, sharp instincts
Weaknesses: flirty, manipulative, jealous, demanding | potions, demons, fire magic

Biography: Eliza is a born "White" which makes her part of a long dynasty of witches that also used to have a huge impact in the english politics and economy. The White-Women were infamous back then. However, that is all history, the only thing that remained is a defining surname. The White-family do not have as much influence in England as they used to have. However, Eliza's parents do still believe in the name of the family, and that it does mean something. As most of the Whites her parents are very wealthy and very conservative. They indoctrinated her daughter with their conservative mindset. This is why Eliza still wrinkles up er nose a bit when she meets a human or can roll her eyes a little if the food is not of best quality. You can say that she grew up with quite high standards.
However, witch school changed her a lot which she visited since the age of eleven. There she was schooled to be not only an excellent witch, but also a social butterfly and intelligent businesswoman - and most importantly: she got to know other witches and their worlds. This experience grounded her a lot which didn't quite please her parents. So, she learned to slip into two roles: The role of the cold and proud White-Witch and the role of witty and dorky Eliza at school. She still has to figure out to which place she actually belongs.
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Name: Leo Balao
Nickname: Little Leo (by his older brother), BB (short for 'bob' as in 'bobcat', a name his werecreature friends call him by that annoys him to no end)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Currently experimenting, but probably pan
Species: Werecreature (Bobcat, non-alpha)
Species information:
- Older werebobcats (WBC for short cause writing that over and over is going to drive me insane) can be slightly larger than a regular bobcat when in animal form, however this size difference is around 4 inches taller at most
- WBCs don't form traditional prides very often, instead forming small, tight-knit, familial prides with one parent (or otherwise guardian) who takes charge until the kids are old enough to fend for themselves (at which time they'll usually form sibling prides run by the eldest sibling that they typically stay in until they find a partner).
- Even in human form, WBCs are light on their feet. It may not be noticed by the average onlooker, but -if you watch carefully- you'll notice they can jump higher than most humans.
Appearance: Leo has dusty blonde hair (a color not dissimilar from his fur when in animal form) that is usually in a wild mess. His eyes are a sort of hazel green. His nose is small, and has three patches of slightly darker skin above it that resemble some of his markings in animal form. He also has a faint scattering of freckles across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
He has a tawny complexion which is occasionally broken up by his tan lines (he has a ridiculously pale farmers' tan). Leo is fairly scrawny, almost a little too scrawny (around 92 lbs). His ribs show if he wears tight clothing. Leo swears it's just a werebobcat thing, but no one is quite sure about it. He's fairly short for his age, coming in at around 4'11" (he lies and says he's 5ft a lot, though).
Animal faceclaim: 71052431-074D-4189-9C18-32D3EF1A2E94.jpeg

Leo is generally quiet and observant, preferring to stay in the background, but his impulsivity and occasional bouts of hotheadedness tend to ruin this for him. More often than not, he'll blurt questions and thoughts without really considering if it's the best course of action.
Despite his temper, he is rarely violent. In fact, Leo is rather skittish all things considered. His outbursts are worst when he is cornered or otherwise stuck (and, even then, the outbursts usually just consist of yelling). This is why Leo likes to sit in high places (walls, trees, fences, etc). It feels safer, and he has an easy exit anytime he needs it (jumping down).
Leo tends to sneak up on people unintentionally due to almost always walking quietly (whether this is just a werebobcat thing or a Leo thing is unknown). Because of this he'll sometimes loudly announce himself as he walks into rooms so as not to startle the people/person inside (which doesn't work nearly as well as he thinks it does).
When comfortable, he still retains his quietness in the way he speaks, but less so in his actions. He'll make jokes, playfight, and have a lopsided grin plastered to his face the entire time. He is also very protective of his friends, the result of looking after some of his siblings for a large part of his life.
Leo is wary of humans and vampires. Humans because he is positively terrified of people finding out he is a werecreature. Vampires because... well, every werecreature knows at least a few stories of vampire bites and the pain they cause. He is wary of strange werecreatures as well due to some believing werebobcats (along with other smaller werecreatures) are weaker, or otherwise inferior, to other werecreatures.

- Fairly good liar
- Can be very stealthy when necessary
- Quicker than most other werecreatures
- Thinks outside the box (Which is usually purely unintentional on his part)
- Physically weaker than most other werecreatures
- Cowardly
- Quite awkward around strangers
- Quick to run

Biography: Leo was a middle child. The eldest was his brother, Lloyd, and the youngest being the twins- Lilliana and Laura. His father raised him for a small chunk of his childhood (until he was around 6), and -though he was never cruel- he was very traditiinalist -leaning more toward an animalistic lifestyle than a human existence. Lloyd was always very against this, arguing that they needed a chance at a "regular" life. With some argument (followed by eventual agreement), Lloyd took his siblings and split the pride from their father.
They struggled for quite a while, leaning on the help of fellow werecreatures and whatever other supernatural beings they could befriend. And, as most people do, they met their fair share of less friendly types.
Throughout this, Leo was often caring for the twins (something he wasn't very well equipped for) while Lloyd was out scavenging for food, doing odd jobs to get whatever money they could (though, "odd jobs" was often a euphemism for stealing), and trying to find somewhere cheap for them to stay.
Eventually Lloyd managed to get a fairly stable job and they got a cheap apartment. Leo was still stuck taking care of the twins for most of the time Lloyd was at work, but he was happy nonetheless. They've been living there for a few years now, and the twins are old enough to take care of themselves at home (but still too young to go to camp). Lloyd heard of Blue Hollow Summer Camp and decided Leo needed a break, so he sent him off.
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Name: Nicklas Camden
Nickname: Nick
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Half fae, half human
Species information:
  • Strengths: (some) magic, immortality (due to his human parent it is not certain yet if he is immortal or not), compulsion of humans, speed, heightened instincts and senses, summoning portals.​
  • Weaknesses: pure iron, were-creature bites prevent him from using his powers until the bite/s heal and sometimes even longer, his blood is tempting to vampires, weak if away from fae ground for too long (but due to his half-human side this isn't as big of a problem as it is for a full-blooded fae), his powers are weaker for one hour around midnight and midday.​

Nick is often described as loyal and protective of those close to him and it goes so far he would put himself in danger for someone he cares about. Because of his half-human side Nick constantly feels like he needs to train harder and do better than others around him just to prove he belongs and is worthy of being part of his family's pack despite what he is, he trains and studies often enough to rarely do anything 'fun'.
Nick is somewhat envious of shifters and werecreatures since he can't shift into an animal and run with the pack he was raised in so he can be a bit harsh/hard on some of them to cover up his feelings of not belonging. But in the end his tough love might take on the form of protectiveness instead.

+ loyal, protective, smart
- stubborn, possessive, impatient

Biography: On a clear night Nick was found on the edge of a werewolf packs property with only a small note with his name and birthday on it as well as a soft blanket wrapped around him. The little baby boy immediately warmed the pack alpha and lunas hearts and was adopted by them shortly after.

He was raised and accepted by the pack like he was one of them but as he grew into his fae abilities he started to notice he was different than the rest of his family. Whenever the full moon rose he stood on the porch of the pack house and longingly stared into the woods as his family went running and hunting.

On Nick's fourteenth birthday a rival pack attacked the pack home and Nick got severely injured. It scared the pack into treating him like he was fragile which only made him furious. Once he recovered from the attack he became determined to prove he could be strong and just as good as a wolf. He started studying and training how to fight and soon proved he was good at it.

The pack stopped treating him like he was fragile when Nick defeated his first rogue werewolf on his own. He became determined to one day become someone that can protect those he loves. Since he doesn't seem to do a lot of your typical teenage stuff the pack decided to send him to camp so he could be a teenager for a while. Of course they had to lie to him that he is there to protect the alphas daughter/his adoptive sister in order for him to go.

Other: Nicks appearance


Name: Julie Camden
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Werewolf
Species information:
  • Strengths: immune to magic, can take on the form of an animal, heightened senses, strength, agility, speed, understanding of animals, on a full moon they are a lot stronger, partial shift (claws, fangs, eyes).​
  • Weaknesses: on a full moon they can't resist the need to shift into their animal form, wolfsbane, on a new moon they cant shift into their animal form and are very tired all day, vampire bites are excruciating to them and heal at a human rate.​

Personality: Julie is a smart yet lazy girl that often ends up procrastinating or doing something more interesting than the task she's been given. She is close to her family and friends and very protective of them even if she doesn't listen to them as much as she probably should.
Julie likes to avoid responsibility and decisionmaking because she prefers to be free and unbound which is sometimes getting on people's nerves, especially those that want her to be a luna someday.
Julies passion is art and travel and her dream is to see as many new things as she can including other supernatural beings.

+ loyal, helpful, creative
- indecisive, impulsive, stubborn

Biography: wip
Other: Julies appearance
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Iona Kresge.
Werebear • 16 •
— introduction.
Iona Kresge
nov 5th

— persona.
loyal .
Despite being of a typically solitary species, Iona is very loyal to her friends and family- if you come knocking on her door 2 am asking for help hiding a body, she'll get it done, no questions asked.
daring, brave- or foolish, depending on who you ask. She loves pushing limits and taking risks, getting into trouble.
despite her impulsive, reckless behaviour and loud personality, Iona can be very understanding with people's struggles- willing to stop if she's actually hurting people
Iona doesn't take well to

— backstory.

Iona grew up as an only child in eastern Germany, the daughter of russian and turkish immigrants. One parent being a werebear while the other was a normal human, Iona's were-nature was pushed back in order to appear normal and fit in with her human family and friends. WIP.

— other.

Name: Cassandra Delacroix

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Species: Witch

Personality: Cassandra is a tomboy through and through. Forgot running with the boys- she has to stop occasionally to let them catch up. Full of spunk, everything she does is big and loud. She has a love of practical jokes. Watch out when she's around...

Backstory: Cassandra isn't from some old witch clan. The first in her family to have magic, she only discovered her powers when she woke up a foot over her bed. Further experimentation revealed a connection to some of the darkest arts- curses and demonology. So she's begun working on something special, something that will require utter secrecy and total mastery of her powers.

This is her second year at Blue Hollow; she spent last year swimming and rock-climbing in the hills. Some of the camp counselors were impressed with both her outdoor skills and her magic, so she applied for a counselor-in-training position. She doesn't know if she got the spot yet, but it could be interesting to work for the camp...

Strengths: Curses, demonology, athletic

Weaknesses: Elementalism, psychic capabilities, impatient


Human Disguise


True Form

Name: Rebecca Van Zant

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Graveborn

Species information: Graveborn are an unusual form of life, in that they were never alive to begin with. Born undead, their connection to death gives them powerful necromancy.

Personality: Rebecca is an artist to her core. She can often be seen with a paintbrush or sculpting clay in her hand, and she has a flowery disposition to match. Her wardrobe often includes a bright pink or yellow, and there always seems to be a merry twinkle in her eye. In short, for a dead girl, she's pretty lively.

Bio: Rebecca was, like many graveborn, a good girl despite having a literal rotten heart. An enchanted necklace enabled her to go among humans, and she had as normal a childhood as possible, given her circumstances. She had a few friends, none of which knew about her... skin condition, but she always wanted a place where she could truly be herself.

A little digging around on the internet led her to an obscure summer camp for supernatural beings like her, and she jumped at the chance. Her duffel bag is packed, and her easels and palettes are ready to go. Look out, Blue Hollow- Rebecca is on her way!

Strengths- Necromancy, immortality, creativity

Weaknesses- Antimagic, holy powers, lack of athleticism

Other: Carries an enchanted necklace that provides her human illusion.

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