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Fantasy Blood & Ruin (The role-play Thread)


Junior Member

Hainer - Bellus Marketplace
"A long time ago, there once lay a town in the north, nestled between the Silver Mountains. Zadis, the Queen of the North was considered to be one of the most beautiful women in the country, accompanied by a generous personality. Although she refrained from petty politics and squabbles, she did whatever she could to protect the city of Silvis, and her country. However, her younger brother, despite being an heir of royalty, had a much more sinister nature and was deemed unfit to rule by his older sister. Tired of his sisters' foolish idealistic ways of ruling, the brother went on a quest for power. Gathering all of his available men, the brother ventured further up north, in search of a legendary object, known as the Luster Pearl. This object supposedly gave its holder unimaginable power - the likes of which would not be rivalled. The brother spent countless months searching for the Luster Pearl, and after hundreds of his men died, he finally managed to grasp the Pearl within his hands, attaining the power that was held within it. However, this pearl proved to be too much for the brother to handle. As he tried to utilize its power, the Pearl had awakened a monster. A monster so powerful, it lay siege upon the City of Silvis, destroying it, and its citizens, burning them to a fiery hell. Using her powerful magic, Zadis gave her life, imprisoning the monster away, as well as the Luster Pearl, to prevent such an event from taking place ever again."

"What a dumb story." Hainer yawned, in response to hearing his partner's story. The two of them were sitting at a nearby café in the Marketplace, for a quick bread and tea break, before continuing on with their patrol duties for the day.

"Well, my daughter loves the story. She thinks it's wonderful that the Queen would risk her life to protect the country she rules." Gules, Hainer's partner replied. Gules was a tall, short blonde-haired man, a tad older than Hainer. Although starting his job as a Guardsman years before Hainer, the two were rather chummy with each other, almost like a brother relationship.

"Yes, I've heard it before, and even as a kid I knew it was just a story to make kids feel better, thinking their King or Queen would do anything to protect them." Hainer replied, also taking a bite of his bread.

"You're oversimplifying it. Just admit it's a good story." Gules responded.

"It's just a propaganda piece. There is no Silvis, there are no such things as dragons, and there was no Queen Zadis." Hainer fired back at Gules.

"Well of course there's not - the dragon killed them all!" Gules laughed in response to Hainer, taking the final sip of his tea before putting his cup down and standing up. Hainer laughed in response to Gules, also standing up after finishing his bread, readying himself to continue with his daily patrol. "Say, what's going on there?" Gules said, pointing to the centre of the main Marketplace, where there was a large wooden stage set-up. However, this stage was not only more intricate, there were blue and red ribbons decorated around it, alongside what seemed to be a massive tent overarching the stage, almost like some sort play was going to be taking place. "An execution?" Gules said.

"We would know if there was an execution taking place." Hainer responded, staring at the tent and stage. "I think I heard there was some performing group in town, it's probably them. Of course, all those rich noble bastards will probably be the ones getting the good seats anyways." Hainer chuckled to himself. "Anyways, shall we continue?" Hainer asked, looking at Gules who simply nodded in return.
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"Caught this one trying to hunt in the Outfields."

A gloved hand shoved Atua forward, interrupting a close game of cards between two fellow guardsmen. Sunlight curved around the newcomers, masking their features in shadow as they stood at the doorway in anticipation. The uniformed men sitting inside made no effort to hide the betting coins piled on the table -- or the booze. The kingdom may be collapsing under civil war, but as far as they knew, that was far, far away from the walls of Bellus.

The one who appeared to be losing silently swapped his cards while his opponent was looking away, before straightening out to look halfway attentive. The other one leaned back into his chair, elbow hanging over the backrest as he put a hand to his chin in thought.

"What, is that a big deal?" His eyes fell to the brown hare, dangling limply by the ears under the man's grasp. He continued, frowning, "It's just some rabbit. Let the woman eat, Alden."

"Yes," Atua nodded fiercely, turning to face her captor. "Let the woman eat."

"Eat?" the man behind her scoffed, lifting the hare higher and shaking it around. Flecks of blood spotted the white of his tunic. "With what lord's permission did she have to procure this?" He gave the hunted game another once-over, scrunching his face into a most exaggerated face of disdain. "This is not her property. I believe she is to be detained until we can determine an adequate punishment for her crime."

"All the wilds belong to the Creator." Atua stood with confidence, folding her arms. "I know not your laws," she continued, completely lying. "I follow only the laws of nature."

The two gambling men exchanged brief glances and shared a shrug.

"I don't know. Take it to Gules, he probably knows what to do."

Alden scowled but said nothing else to them, tapping Atua roughly on the shoulder as he turned heel and took his leave. "Come." Atua nodded again, slower this time.

Before taking her own leave, she gestured to the guardsmen with her hand, mimicking the motion of a card flipping over. With a tiny smile, she winked and disappeared from the doorway. Scratching his head, the man with the winning hand peeked under the facedown cards, and then suddenly leaned over to slam his palms on the table.

"What the-- You son of a bitch! You cheated just now, didn't you!?"
(pardon me, I’m perpetually on mobile so coding posts is a pain c: )

Bellus Marketplace in an alleyway || Tags: Klown Klown • Mentions: GummyWorm GummyWorm

Usually, the man would do this sort of thing when the night was fully in swing. It could be a bit problematic at times when you had to jump from shadow to shadow to avoid the prying eyes of guards and the likes. But when there was a day as lively as this, Mutt was like a moth to the flame. Besides, this was how the man breathed. Sticking to the edges of society, avoiding attention. Blending in when he needed to and popping back out in the blink of an eye.
A shoulder pat here. A smooth, deliberately clumsy knock into a stranger’s shoulder there. He’d toss a coin to a fruit vendor and snag an apple on his way out of a crowd. His lithe, small, and forgettable form would weave in and out of alleyways he had memorized in his head. The best paths of escape. The places you’d most likely get ambushed on your way home from work. The places Mutt would most likely set up an ambush if he had need to.
The streets of Bellus were his playground, and he sometimes felt like he’d been crowned King of the Hill. That is, until he did end up slipping and getting his unholy arse handed to him by pretty much anybody larger than him. And even when the guards might catch him, which was entirely rarely, Mutt was the kind of street vagrant that had connections in high places. That slimy underbelly nobody wanted to acknowledge because then you’d have to actually try and do something about it. And the nobles’ pockets were lined with a little too much of that filthy money for that to happen.
With his hood up, Mutt strolled confidently past a group of guards—two at a table and another making a huge fuss over a dead rabbit. He spent a moment to watch with the corner of his eye, bringing his apple to his lips to take a bite. But as soon as he passed by to gain the gist of what was happening, Mutt had already disappeared again into another alley way. He glanced around for somebody in particular, and when he found him Mutt wandered over quietly and tossed the man what remained of his apple.
“Morning Puppy,” he said in a gruff, lazy drawl. Mutt’s voice had always been a little gravelly and course. It was low, too. Much lower than you’d expect when you saw his runtish physique. “You know… I thought, today’s the day. Today, he’ll have actually wandered off from where I told him to stay put. But I’ll give you one thing, you sure are consistent.”
Hasan… Ah, Mutt could never remember this man’s last name. The strange man had taken to following Mutt around like a lost dog, something the street rat had been hardly tolerant about in the beginning. He was still mostly confused and a little wary of the man’s increasingly consistent appearances in his life. People around the Willows had even begun to start asking him where his shadow was when he did manage to shake the large man off his trail.
It was… weird. But at the same time, Mutt was kind of weird. And Hasan hadn’t tried stabbing him in the back yet. He was also great at dissuading people to try anything they might have had Mutt been by himself as usual. So for the time being, he let him stick around.
He plopped his shoulder lazily against the alley corner, looking out at the hustle and bustle of the day. His eyes wandered back to those three guards and the woman they’d caught.
“Where would we be without the fine guardsmen of Bellus, protecting our city from deadly criminals like her?” He grinned in amusement as he began to count the morning’s haul of Gold, jewelry, trinkets, and other bobbles Mutt had stolen from well-to-do folks. He divided up a few gold pieces, chucking them towards Hasan as he always did. Only a few. He was sure the man wouldn’t dare ask for anything, and that’s kind of what made Mutt feel more inclined to do so. Sort of… out of pity. “Say… you know what that stage is about?”
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Screenshot 2022-09-11 211732 (1).png
Location: Bellus Marketplace, Alley
Tags: atomic atomic

Glazed in the gossamer shadows that encroached the sordid alleys of Bellus’ marketplace stooped a broad-shouldered figure whose one’s intention to cross might stutter upon noting. In those pockets of desirably forgettable spaces turned away from the beaming serenity of Bellus as a whole, Hasan waited for a man who embodied the darkest shades of the town. A man whose name roused a guilty coil in Hasan’s chest by virtue—or vice—of its connotation.

This wasn’t an everyday occurrence nor a habit he intended to break; playing loyal dog for a man whose nature was as indiscernible as a milk puzzle. Yet he’d saved Hasan in a moment when he was sundered, and Hasan was all too eager to repay.

So he waited as he’d been told, leash tied to an indefinite—and unspoken—promise of Mutt’s return.

Hasan had begun to doze in the alley, his lids growing weary with each tick of time. Ticks that sounded oddly akin to feet hitting pavement. The tiredness is startled from his body when Mutt’s hooded figure tosses an apple in his direction, Hasan's barely attentive hands clumsily fumble for it.

“Ah—” He sucks in a breath, holding the fruit between his calloused palms.

“Morning Puppy,” The tips of Hasan’s ears—fortunately hidden beneath unkempt hair—seethe with an indignant and shameful warmth. He wished to deny the man’s statements but knew it futile and ultimately true. He casts a noncommittal gaze towards Mutt’s haul while taking a bite of the apple.

“It’s the least I can do.” Hasan knew better than to voice his concerns for the dangerous game Mutt enjoyed playing. The man has probably been stealing for longer than Hasan could ever guess. It wasn’t his business. His business was ensuring Mutt wasn’t caught between fists. He stands up already having reached the core of the apple and tosses it aside.

The scene between the women and the guard hadn’t gone unnoticed. It hadn’t particularly piqued at Hasan’s interest until the irony was made clear under Mutt’s roguish grin.

“They’re a lot more relaxed compared to the ones up north.” He muses, this time catching what was tossed at him with ease. Gold pieces. “I-I don’t think I should—” His voice comes out too hushed and is silenced in favor of hearing Mutt’s inquiry. Uncertainly gnawing the inside of his cheek, Hasan carefully drops the gold pieces into his pocket and pokes his head further out the alley to get a better glimpse of the stage being referred.

“Maybe there will be a performance?” The thought excited him a pinch. “You should offer an act,” A bright, cheeky grin stretches across Hasan's mouth as he faces Mutt. “Show them how you can make their belongings magically disappear.”
Oswyn Hirshfield

Interactions: N/a
Mentions: Walking past the alleyway ( atomic atomic and Klown Klown ) and passing by ( GummyWorm GummyWorm )


Sighing and running a hand down his face in annoyance, Oswyn looked up from his desk at the woman who was badgering on and on. Placing his feathered pen down to the side, he shook a small amount of ink off the tip so it wouldn't smear all over his nice and tidy desk. Paying more attention now, he could see the woman was getting annoyed as well. Her foot was tapping and her arms crossed, a small frown and furrowed brows looking down at him. "Need I repeat myself, Mr. Hirshfield?" She spoke with a bite to her voice, clearly agitated at the entire situation they found themselves in.

Oswyn silently groaned, rolling his eyes at the attitude he was receiving. Sure, this was the headmistress of the school, but that didn't mean she could just send him off on a random errand run. Couldn't she see he was in the middle of going over notes for a future lecture? His gaze, having fallen away from the woman, turned to the empty classroom. Classes had ended about an hour ago, leaving behind the mess that only a class of children could leave behind. Crumbs on the desk from sneaking snacks in, parchment left out ( some fallen onto the floor ), and not one chair was pushed in. He narrowed his eyes and made a mental note to hold the class the next time until everything was put back the way it originally was. Oswyn didn't study for years just to become some damned glorified maid.

"Mr. Hir-" The headmistress began again before getting interrupted, a surprised look on her face. She took a step back as Oswyn's chair scooted back a little too violently. A prominent frown was on his face as he began gathering his books and other teaching equipment. "Yes yes, I understand ma'am. You need me to go and pick up the renewed license for the schoolyard yes?" Shoving a few small papers into his satchel, he put his chair back into place, unlike the students of his class. "What i don't understand is the need for me to do it." He narrowed his eyes and stormed past the woman. Her expression had changed from shock and fear back into a scowl of annoyance. It looked as if the old woman was about to blow up on the young man but years of teaching seemed to keep her calm. Sighing aggresivly, she just shooed him away like a mother disappointed in their child. "Just get it done Oswyn. You know you're the only one left after hours." Her eyes softened a bit, looking at the mans retreating back and to the desk with a pile of paperwork. "You need the break anyways you stubborn fool..." She whispered mostly to herself, shaking her head.

Walking outside with a huff, the young teacher made his way down the road. Apparently, the license had been delivered already and was waiting at the post. All Oswyn had to do was sign off for it and bring it back. It just left a bad taste in his mouth. He had stayed overtime to get important work done but was reduced to playing mail carrier. The schoolyard was on the entire opposite side of where the post office was, so Oswyn would have to walk through the town center to get where he was going.

On his way, he saw many people going about their day. People stood at trading stalls and hounding others to come to check out their goods, claiming they had the best in the kingdom. He scoffed at that. What a load of horse manure. Anything for a quick coin, even blatantly lying through one's teeth. It was despicable. Others went around spreading the word about the lands. Gossip rang true through the streets every day and it was hard to miss. Opening one ear up, Oswyn heard that there was something going on in the center. Raising an eyebrow and sneakily walking away from the pair of women he was eavesdropping on, he continued to make his way down one of the roads. When he was just about at the crossroads of the market plaza, he saw a guard hauling off a strange woman. She was dressed oddly and her complexion was the total opposite of his own. What had she done to garner the guard to be harshly leading her along like that? Oswyn wasn't sure and with a shrug of his shoulders, he continued on. It wasn't any of his business of the crimes that rif raf would get themselves into.

Finally, he came to the center of which he could see a large stage taking form in the middle. People were avoiding it, especially with a few workers still putting the finishing touches on the structure. They had a ladder on each end and were hanging one long, blue ribbon at the top. What was going on? Surely it wasn't an execution. Why would they make the stage so gaudy and inappropriate for something as simple as a hanging? "Maybe an event?" He muttered in thought. The seats in front would suggest such. Shrugging his shoulders once more, he made a small note to ask around the post to see if they had any idea what was going on. If it was some public lecture he'd love to attend. Oh, or maybe it was a test of skill? Walking by an alleyway, he continued on his way with a small smile, his head in the clouds as he thought about all the possibilities.
Hainer - Bellus Marketplace & Alley

Walking Past: atomic atomic and Klown Klown and LieutyXII LieutyXII | Interaction: GummyWorm GummyWorm

Hainer and Gules continued their patrols throughout the city, routing back towards the main marketplace area and glancing around periodically as they walked. “Another uneventful day, I must say.” Hainer said, as he trekked alongside his partner. However, before Gules could respond, he suddenly stopped walking pointing a finger towards what seemed to be a nearby alleyway.

“It is uneventful, indeed…but perhaps we could make it fun?” Gules said, smirking. Hainer turned his head, to see that Gules was pointing at a nearby alley. The two guards noticed two men inside the alley, rummaging around with something. Due to the distance, it proved difficult to make out right away what they were doing. “A pair of street rats, hiding in the alleys.” Gules said, as he began to walk towards them, with Hainer following. However, they were stopped in their tracks, as they heard a voice yell at them.

“Sir Gules!” A voice shouted. Hainer and Gules looked to their side, to see another guardsman, by the name of Alden, approach them. Hainer observed, and saw he was pulling with him a young woman, wearing thicker clothes - ones that were not inherently native to the country of Salos. Or at least, none that he knew about.

“What is it Alden?” Gules responded, slightly annoyed at the interruption.

“I’m glad I ran into you, Sir Gules. And you as well, Sir Adhan.” Alden said, and paused briefly. This woman…” Alden began, giving the woman a slight shake with his hand as he held onto her. “ She was illegally hunting in the Outfields. I was on my way to the main hold to bring her in for detainment, however, you’re also more experienced than me with this sort of thing. What should we do with her?” Alden asked.

Hainer simply stood there, staring at the woman, while Gules scratched his head. “Well, what did she hunt?” He asked.

“A rabbit, sir.” Alden responded. An awkward paused followed, as Hainer looked at Alden, then at Gules, and then back at the woman. A rabbit? Hainer couldn’t believe that Alden wasted his time for something like that. It truly must have been a boring day.

“You know…I normally only deal with large animals. But hey, throw her in a cell back at the hold, for the time-being until I can question her later.” Gules responded, looking at the woman. “You don’t have any plans, do you?” He said, chuckling at the girl.

“Even if we fine her, I don’t think she could afford it, by the looks of it.” Alden joined in, taunting the woman. Hainer stood there, observing as his partners threw jokes at the woman.

“Your clothes. They aren’t from here.” Hainer suddenly chimed in, casually resting his hand on the hilt of his blade, that was sheathed near his torso. “Where are you from? Do they allow you to hunt within City property?” Hainer asked, in a somewhat aggressive tone. Alden tightened his grip on the woman, as Gules also stared at her awaiting a response.
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ACOLYTE Rowan Fellswyl
Location: Bellus Marketplace, surrounding area of centre by stage

Company: Initiate companions, Ilyrana and Mathild / General public

Tags: N/A

Her first task of the day, provided that distractions were limited or others’ neglectful duties were not sieged upon Rowan, was to care for the Great Orchard.

She was one of three that had been assigned for the last two months to water the trees, prune the bushes, and to pray within the orchard. The last of the three assignments was most important, as per the wishes of their Revered Father. Watering and caring for the vegetation was one thing, but spiritual connection was another. As the Creation Tree gave life, so it should be that its offspring would return said sentiment. None of the trees in the Great Orchard were obviously said tree, but the analogy and reverence held more intent than the literalness of it.

The Revered Father Dominic was clearly devout in his worship of the Book of Creation, and while he was a soft-spoken man he still knew how to command a Temple. Rowan had learned-- eventually-- to respect him, though she hadn’t been quite sure what to think of the man at first. Their first exchange, when she’d still had dried blood sticking her eye shut and grief in her heart. Bitter words she’d spoken, ungrateful, and yet Dominic hadn’t chastised or berated her. The other priests and priestesses had done their best to hold their tongues, but even the ones she had come into the city gates with did not speak out of turn.

Perhaps this Order was different, or they were the high standard; regardless, however, they were welcoming. Rowan had no choice but to show her thanks, and what savaged manners she held, to avoid the sting in her chest from growing hotter and angrier. In time, a few weeks or so, she’d settled down completely. While the emotions had not evaporated, she fell quickly into her position. Acolyte.

There’d even been a fleeting temptation to forget her name, to simply be this ‘Acolyte’. An Initiate, one day; then a Priestess. Roles within the Order, persons beyond titles. The lines blurred, in the same way that her blade and her hand had once blurred into one thing. In startling contrast, however, peace was to be found now. Selling her blade had been the first step in forgetting the past.

She did not wish to forget her name: as it would be the same as to forget her brother.

Rhythm was action and tasks were purpose. The first four months she’d spent was a combination of healing, reading, and sweeping the great temple halls. Reading the Book of Creation over and over again by candlelight, writing each and every page by hand to commit it to memory, was all torture that felt worthy. Rowan was for the most part shut away in her small room, in the corner of the temple, with only a bed and a desk with candles and a chair. She had one chest, one place to store her personal items. There was another sense of peace in the simplicity of it all, as well. A disconnect from the life she’d lived once, so fully as if snipping the tail off of it. Jarring, almost, to wake up under warm sheets instead of a bedroll in the rain.

So Rowan had stayed committed. She perfected her manuscript, her private copy of the Book of Creation, and she soon began to desire the company of others. Her tone lightened, her breath sweetened, and her stance opened. Rowan wanted to be liked, and well liked at that. Showing promise, then, she was bequeathed new duties. Her and two Initiates, despite Rowan only being an Acolyte.

And so it had been for the last two months. Wandering the Great Orchard was a different kind of tranquillity. Hours were spent, carefully caring for the trees and the bushes there; hours more spent with her fellow Sisters, veils pulled over their faces simply listening to the sounds of nature and praying. Yet, with much chagrin, she much preferred to wander the streets of Bellus. In no way did she despise her daily duties, and in no way did she despise praying in the orchard, but it was… Well, far too quiet. Bustling city streets compelled her far more, with sights abound and smells of all kinds. She could hear gossip and stories, bits and pieces of others' lives. Quiet contemplation was one thing, but by the Creator did Rowan sometimes wish she could risk sneaking out, grabbing a flagon of ale, and throwing her cares to the wind.

No physical restriction kept her from this, but a moralistic one.


At some point later, with prayer concluded, Rowan looked to see one of the Priestesses enter the orchard. It was Narvari, the one who organised the city walks.

“Festivities are aplenty in the city square," the Priestess said with a wisp of a smirk on her lips. Her eyes fell between the three girls before landing on Rowan. "Perhaps you three should go, to enjoy the sights of people and their merriment, a blessing of the Creator.”

Narvari was one that seemed to always know that Rowan found the silences so discomforting. A reward, then, for six months of hard work? By extension, then, the ones around her as to avoid showing any knowledge of this weakness? Keeping her eyes on Narvari, Rowan gave a brief nod, smiling slightly. The other Sisters smiled as well, and Rowan could see excitement in the one on her left, Ilyrana. Mathild, on the right, managed to maintain her composure like Rowan.

“Oh, thank you Priestess,” Ilyrana said, scrambling to her feet. Rowan and Mathild had exchanged a look, but knew that they could otherwise not deter the other girl’s ambition. Rowan knew that deep down, she felt the same way too. Yet, appearances were to be kept.

Briefly cleaning up, scrubbing the dirt from under their nails and after discarding their outdoor work aprons, the three left with a pep in their step. Rowan, already noticing the increase in city activity, felt a happy knot turn in her stomach. She kept her quiet, however, wishing not to expel too much of her excitement and appear overzealous.

“There’ll be a performance!” Ilyrana spoke again, grabbing the attention of the other two girls. Mathild snorted.

“How in the Creator do you know that already? We’ve just barely left the front doors!” Mathild scoffed.

Ilyrana broke out into a smug grin, shrugging. “I keep my ear to the ground. A few birdies tend to hang by my window, you know, and they do chatter quite a bit.”

That made Rowan’s face tighten.

“We are not forbidden from speaking with others, Sister. It is no specialty of course to be a gossip,” Mathild jested, rolling her eyes.

“Ah,” Ilyrana continued, “But it is a pleasure that they wish to see me. I shan’t detail but… They are friendly birds.”

Now that really set Rowan off. She felt the urge to sneer at Ilyrana, mostly in some forward questioning if the girl was flexing her vows. Or perhaps there was a vein of jealousy, sweeping from the depths?

Breathing deeply, Rowan sought to distract herself. Ilyrana seemed to notice, and she gave Rowan a gentle squeeze on the arm. “Are you alright Sister?”

Rowan closed her eyes, relaxing into a breath. She put a smile back on her face, nodding.

Taking in the smells, sweet Sister. I adore the marketplace.

Ilyrana and Mathild smiled back at Rowan, finding ease in the sentimentality. Ilyrana went on babbling and the three toured the marketplace, wishing their well wishes to all who they ran into.

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Atua hardly registered the man digging his fingers deeper into her skin, nor his casually snide remarks; much in the way a light breeze made little impression upon solid oak. Carefully, she bowed with her arm bent and pressed under her chest; a gesture she familiarized as demonstrating respect. Holding the pose, her eyes scanned the body language of the guardsman interrogating her -- his voice was stern, but his posture was relaxed. The mannerisms of people in the city were different from her tribe, and reading their intent was a puzzle all on its own. Well, not that she cared in the end.

"I am Atua, third daughter of Evon Yd," she began, slowly lifting both her head and her gaze. Her eyes were narrower, if only slightly.

"My home is nowhere, because your fellow countrymen have erased it." Atua returned his hostility, though her tone remained neutral. Perhaps it was not common knowledge, but those read on history may recognize her style of dress as belonging to the Moskyd people, a fringe scattering of indigenous tribes who have maintained little to no contact in certain regions of Salos, and healthy trade relations in others. Her region, as it were, was much less fortunate.

"Come to think of it, he looked quite like you." Atua rested her chin on her knuckles, easily breaking away from Alden's flimsy grasp and pacing around to Hainer's side to further study his features. "That knight in the gaudy armor..."

She blinked, stopping herself. "Oh. The hunting. No, I don't believe I received anyone's permission. Do I also need permission to breathe? Perhaps you would like to take the clothes off my back as well?"

A moment of silence passed. "That was a joke, that last one. I would like to keep my clothes. You dirty lecher."
Bellus Marketplace, closer to the chairs || Tags: Klown Klown and LieutyXII LieutyXII • Mentions: GummyWorm GummyWorm and JSPD2000 JSPD2000 and BELIAL. BELIAL.

Mutt glanced over with the hint of that amused devilish smile of his, the one that barely met his eyes but still somehow seemed to light up his face. Wouldn’t that be quite the show? Empty all these poor souls of their worldly belongings? “It’d be quite the performance. Too bad all their noses are so far up their arses they wouldn’t be able to watch it.”
It was strange, really. Talking like this with somebody…
It had been almost ten years since Mutt had had somebody to talk to so casually like this. The man wasn’t a total recluse by any means, but that nasty tattoo around his neck he had hidden behind a rusty orange scarf was like a natural repellant. He’d grown used to the quiet solitary days. The nights spent in that lone dark corner of The Laughing Cat, a dingy little Tavern in The Willows. Watching. Listening. But never participating.
He didn’t know if Hasan was brave or stupid, following him around like this. But Mutt was a man that believed in free will above all else. That’s what everybody wanted in the end, right?
Freedom from your past. From economical struggles. From limitations placed on you by yourself or society? In some way or another, people reached for freedom almost unconsciously, and Mutt was no different.
So if this younger man wanted to waste his days following Mutt, who was frankly the last person you’d want to follow around, then so be it. When Mutt had sensitive business to do for the Man of the House, he sent Hasan away. Anything private, he was sure to keep the other far away from it. But things like this? Mornings or evening out on the town? He didn’t care what Hasan did.
He did, however, care about whether or not his own actions would cause Hasan strife with the law. It was a personal little code of his… don’t drag anybody down with him.
His perception keyed in on the guards pointing him and Hasan out. He wasn’t sure if his strange companion had noticed, but Mutt wasn’t too concerned. Especially when the guards were stopped by the Rabbit Menace and the guard arresting her.
At the same moment, Mutt noticed one of those well-to-do commoners passing right by his alley. Like clockwork, Mutt whistled for Hasan, “Look lively, Pup. We’re just a couple of vagrants going to see what all this fuss in the marketplace is about.”
Mutt then moved forward, stumbling out of the alley at just the right pace to have his body bumping into the stranger’s. He looked like a teacher of sorts. Probably had his head in the clouds thinking about arithmetic and how he still hadn’t met that one troubled student he could uplift from the throes of wasted potential. Dah, sorry there mate,” he pat the man in apology while his other hand imperceptibly discarded his pouch of stolen goods into the man’s robes.
This man had a memorable enough face. The robes were flashy and vibrant. Everything about him practically warranted look at me. He hadn’t a doubt he’d be able to pick him back out of a crowd to take that purse back. And even if he didn’t, it was only a morning’s worth of small findings, something he did for funsies—he made more than that in his sleep from his actual job. It wasn’t worth getting thrown in prison on the off chance those particular guards felt like searching him.
With that taken care of and now free of any stolen goods, Mutt turned towards Hasan and gestured towards the last row of seats in front of the stage, “Fancy a show? I don’t have anything to do today. Wonder if this is the sort of thing you have to pay to watch…”
He wouldn’t doubt it. There was almost always a paywall in place to keep the people from the Willows and other deplorables away from the common folk and upper class. And speaking of upper class… get a load of those birds.
Sisters. From the Church, it looked like. It was pretty rare to see them out of their little fruit garden. His lip curled in immediate discomfort, anything about the Church of Creation setting his hair on end. He fell in step beside Hasan, “On second thought, why don’t we just hang back here. We stick out like a sore thumb.” He looked Hasan over, noting the man’s apparel. He’d never looked as destitute as everybody else in the Willows, “S’pose you’d fit in well enough, actually. Go ahead if ya want.”
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Oswyn Hirshfield

Interactions: Being bumped into by ( atomic atomic )
Mentions: Noticing ( JSPD2000 JSPD2000 ) off to the side with guards

Oswyn continued to think about the possibilities of the stage in silence. It really wasn't often that Bellus would host something that rents out the entire market center. Usually, the square was reserved for seasonal festivities or on rare occasions, an important execution. The last time Oswyn had gone to an event that wasn't one of these two things was back in Kale, the royal capital of Salos. They held grand parades and held street shows on a daily basis. Despite missing some of the bustle and life that Kale contained, the young teacher was happy to still be living in his hometown and instructing the newer generation. With a bit more pep in his step from earlier, he continued onto the post office. Perhaps today wouldn't be so bad after all.

Oswyn was torn away from his thoughts when he felt a push against his body coming from his left. He stumbled slightly, catching his footing quickly so he wouldn't faceplant into the cobblestone street. Checking that he still had his satchel on him, he growled and narrowed his eyes at the offender. The man was dressed loosely, clothing seemingly a little too big for the smaller man. His hair was shaggy and pretty unkempt, dark and melding in with the alley behind him. His facial hair, while scruffy, remained clean. Overall, he was the definition of 'roguishly handsome' if Oswyn had any say about it. The man reached forward, towards Oswyn and the scholar was just about ready to bolt and scream for a guard but all he received was a few pats on his shoulder.

"Dah, sorry there mate." Oswyn gulped a tad, taking a few steps back to respond. "R-right." He adjusted his bag once more, nodding towards the man. "While you did..." He looked at his shoulder and reached up, brushing off the imaginary dust that had formed there. "...run into me, no one was hurt." A bit more of his confidence came back as he heard the bustling crowd of the marketplace behind him, as well as a couple of guards out of the corner of his eyes. He narrowed his eyes again and crossed his arms. "Maybe realize that there is no fire, and thus no need to rush." His lesson probably meant nothing to this type of man but Oswyn couldn't help but wag his tongue after being so brutishly ( from his point of view ) shoved aside. "Now then, good day." With that, he turned on his heel and began to walk away, perhaps a little faster than before. None the wiser to the slight jingling and extra weight in his inner pocket.

He continued on, getting further from the market and deeper into The Hive. The western side, just a bit further in than the marketplace, specifically. This housed a few government buildings such as the post office. Sighing, he shook off the encounter and made haste to his destination, determined to finish his task and get back to work. Gone were the thoughts of attending the event, his mind centered back on his workload for the day.

Arriving at his destination, he smiled slightly and entered the building. Not many folks were inside. An old man going through letters off to the side and what looked to be a pregnant woman getting a package from the counter. Thankfully it didn't seem heavy. Oswyn didn't have time to be pestered for help.

Once she had left the queue, Oswyn stepped up and the man behind the counter flashed him a smile. "Hey there, here to pick up or send?" Oswyn reached into his pouch, ignoring the man for a second whose smile faltered a bit. Pulling out the required documents on parchment, he set them down on the wooden counter and nodded towards them. "Pick up. I'm here for the Bellus schoolyard. You should have an authenticity license to certify our placement in schooling." He waited as the man squinted a bit, picking up one of the sheets and checking it over. Oswyn tapped his foot as he waited, occasionally checking his fingernails and picking at them a bit. "Ah, yes sir." The teacher looked up from his hands and saw the man leaving the counter, moving towards the back. "The license arrived a week ago. We were beginning to wonder when it was to be picked up. Touchy documents like these can't be sent out without proper permission and all that haha, you know how it is."

Oswyn rolled his eyes. 'Then why didn't you get permission? It's your job.' Oswyn held his tongue, but as usual, entitled thoughts swam through his mind. He leaned forward, rapping his fingertips against the counter as he waited even more. Coming back, the man handed him a sealed letter along with all the previous documents. "Here you are. Now if I can just get your signature." Nodding, Oswyn took the feathered quill from the man's hands and elegantly signed his name near the bottom of the page. Smiling, he tucked the letter into his robe pocket, not noticing that it was the same pocket that harbored stolen goods. "Thank you..." Oswyn spoke, his mood smoothing out just a bit more at another completed task. "...say, you wouldn't have heard what was going on in the marketplace, have you?" He couldn't help but let his curiosity get the better of him.

"Hmm? Oh, the stage being set up and such. I heard there was going to be some kind of performance or traveling act." He waved him off. "Though you can forget about getting a front-row seat. Heard all those were taken by the nobles." Oswyn hummed, scratching his chin in thought. A performance was it? He would usually get all his entertainment from the tavern he'd visit, mostly local bards and lesser-known minstrels. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to go back and check who was performing. Right, just to satisfy his curiosity, and then he would be back to work. Most definitely.
Screenshot 2022-09-11 211732 (1).png
Location: Bellus Marketplace, Alley
Tags: atomic atomic

There’s a whisper of pride in Hasan, however misplaced, when he incites the rarity that is Mutt’s smile. How a dog might enjoy a pat on the head or a treat, that upward curve of Mutt’s lips was praise in and of itself. Knowing he’s more burden than worth, it’s inconsequential gestures of the like that assure Hasan—at the very least—that he’s not hated.

Like a trained dog, Hasan perks at the sound of Mutt’s whistle. Once again, that rush of heat crawls up his ears at the unfortunate yet fitting nickname. As the embarrassment of his reaction simmers, Hasan opens his mouth with intent to rebuttal, but the spark of the words blows out into a thin smoke when he follows Mutt’s gaze. The guards had come closer.

“Right…” Hasan pushes his hair away from his face and idles just a few seconds behind Mutt.

Even when he spent most days shadowing the skilled thief, Hasan was fooled by the display that unfurled before him. There’s a jump in his chest and his muscles go tense in preparation for the stranger’s reaction. Though with no clear signs of hostility, he instead took to loitering off to the side and waiting for Mutt to finish. If they’d been in the Willows, the situation might’ve had a different outcome. Or not, perhaps.

Hasan’s eyes fall around the scarf strategically wrapped around Mutt’s neck. Hasan has lingered around the man long enough to know it’s his famed feature, infamous rather. He didn’t know what it meant, but the reactions of others were definition enough. The active avoidance, the secret glares of disgust and disdain, sometimes even flashes of fear. Hasan wondered if when his bubble of ignorance is popped will he treat Mutt the same?

His gaze flicks towards the direction of the stage when Mutt turns to him, blinking to clear the fog of thought he’d nearly been lost in. “Yeah, uh, what?” He answers more hastily than he would have liked doing an odd mix of a cough and clearing his throat. While looking out into the crowd, Sisters from the temple entered his field of vision, though only one he would recognize with veil or without.

Although unsure if he’s been spotted in the crowd, Hasan raises his had to wave politely towards Rowan, stopping half-way when Mutt speaks up beside him. Looking down, Hasan quickly catches the downturned curl of his lip.

“What?” He asked again, only this time it was more incredulous than seeking clarification for something he didn’t hear correctly. “No, I’ll stay with you.” They stuck out like a sore thumb, huh?

“If you’re worried about sticking out, we can get you new clothes.” He pauses as the sentence registers. With what money, Hasan? “Or maybe change your hair?” He snorts sheepishly, getting a good look at Mutt’s rugged appearance. His hand moves apart from his body, but Hasan catches it just in time before it lands anywhere on Mutt, and instead brings it into his own head of dark brown hair. “Hair can change a lot about a person.” The words are spoken with a mocking crumb of wisdom.

Hainer - Bellus Marketplace & Alley

Nearby: atomic atomic and Klown Klown and LieutyXII LieutyXII and BELIAL. BELIAL. | Interaction: GummyWorm GummyWorm

“I am Atua, third daughter of Evon Yd,” The woman known as Atua replied. “My home is nowhere, because your fellow countrymen have erased it. Come to think of it, he looked quite like you.” Atua said to Hainer, as she got out of Alden’s grasp and walked towards Hainer, observing him. “That knight in the gaudy armour…” She said, until quickly changing the topic. “Oh. The hunting. No, I don’t believe I received anyone’s permission. Do I also need permission to breathe? Perhaps you would like to take the clothes off my back as well?” She paused. Hainer looked at Atua with a neutral expression, slightly furrowing his brows. “That was a joke, that last one. I would like to keep my clothes. You dirty lecher.” She ended.

Hainer looked at Gules and then at Alden, and then finally back at Atua, who was standing near him. “Well, Atua, third daughter of Evon Yd…” Hainer began, mocking the woman, as Gules and Alden chuckled. “If you think you’re going to rattle me, you’re sadly mistaken. I am the only one standing in the way of you and the inside of a cell.” He said, pointing at Gules and Alden. “Compared to them, I’m more forgiving.”

“Just grab her and throw her in there!” Alden shouted. Gules however, observed whilst crossing his arms in amusement, awaiting to see how Hainer would act in this situation. At this point, people began to stare at the situation unfolding. Hainer moved his eyes around at the various people nearby and passing through, some of which included a group of women from the Church. Hainer knew better than to cause a commotion in front of everyone - especially the public eye, and The Church.

“I’m feeling generous. I’m going to assume you don’t know how things work around here, so I’ll give you a warning.” Hainer said, smirking slightly. He stared at Atua, giving her a decent shove on the shoulder. “Now scram, before I change my mind, Atua, daughter of Evon Yd.” Hainer chuckled, mocking her once again. Alden and Gules also gave a small laugh, as they whisked their bodies around, beginning to walk away from Atua.
Bellus Marketplace, chillin’ on da roof || Tags: Klown Klown • Mentions: GummyWorm GummyWorm and LieutyXII LieutyXII

Mutt spent a moment watching the billowy form of the stranger walk away towards the post office. He’d really have to keep an eye out for him. His other eye was also divided between the Church and the guards who’d spotted him earlier. But they seemed so thoroughly wrapped up in the Rabbit Tragedy of the Third Era. Honestly, the guards deserved some sort of honor ceremony for that save. What would rabbit-kind do without those brave gentleman defending their rights?
He supposed at this point, he owed that foreigner his esteemed appreciation. Though, it was also a dog eat dog world so he wouldn’t be breaking his back trying to get her out of her current situation. He was too busy looking after his own skin half the time. And now, though the big old brute behind him was a good meat shield, that muscle didn’t do much to protect Hasan from the more or less intangible dangers of this world.
Like thieves. Con artists. Guards and criminals alike who might want to take advantage of him. Mutt didn’t think he was necessarily taking advantage of Hasan. He couldn’t shake the man, and he’d tried.
So naturally, Mutt couldn’t help but feel like he had to look after the other man as well. He didn’t have to. He knew that. But the world was shitty enough and had far too many people only out to save themselves. So… he drew the line at strangers. Hasan was no longer a stranger, therefore, Mutt decided to look after the kid. Kid? The dealer looked over Hasan again. Not quite. He sometimes seemed like he had that innocence and naivety of a child. But he wasn’t one.
Mutt bundled himself up in his clothes, hanging back as he turned his attention back to the stage. That stranger he’d stowed his gold with was currently out of sight. The crowds were slowly beginning to make the dusty, rumpled man more and more uncomfortable.
His brows tilted upwards for a moment, a question in his eyes as Hasan suggested they could get him new clothes. Huh? Why? Then he blinked, a slow hand wandering up to his hair, “What’s wrong with my hair?”
He ran his fingers through it, but they only moved partially through his hair before catching on all the little knots and tangles. Gruffly, he made a small grunting noise and reached over to pull his hood up instead to hide himself, “Nn. Point taken.”
Yeah, yeah… well, they called him Mutt for a reason.
“If we’re gonna watch this thing, let’s just do it. But I’m heading up there. These people make my skin crawl,” The man nodded to gesture up to the roof of one of the buildings skirting the marketplace and overlooking the stage. Without waiting to see if Hasan was or could follow him, Mutt pinned down a series of edges he could use to vault and climb his way up.
Away from the crowded streets and eyes of people who could only ever look down on those who came up from the Willows, Mutt heaved a weary sigh as he settled in for the afternoon to wait for the show—with or without Hasan. It was in these rare small, private moments, peering over the streets of Bellus that Mutt felt peace both inside and out.

Kaila Ly Luxia
Location: Bellus Marketplace


"While I love these types of festivities... why do they always have to smell?" A certain noble woman complained, her small nose twitching from the constant bombardment of random and mixing smells that always doubled in potency whenever an event was taking place in Bellus.

Clad in an elegant dress of scarlet; Kaila Ly Luxia walked the busy streets of the marketplace, trying to ignore the building grime gathering on the edges of her richly dress. It was her favorite dress by far; however she was starting to wish she had just decided to wear something simpler to the event. It wouldn't have been a good social move however. This dress spoke of her own and her family's power, influence, and wealth. Things that were ever important when war was spreading throughout the country. It were times like these when weaker families were cannibalized, and stronger families reached new heights of glory.

The Luxia were strong. Kaila wouldn't let anyone doubt that; from peasant to noble. If making sure people remembered her family's strength was by her wearing a dress more expensive than most homes in the city; she would do it and suck up the discomfort. The fact she could waste such a dress on this event spoke of her family's financial health, despite the war. Clearly her dress would need to be washed, repaired, and generously sprayed with perfume after the festivities; all things costing more money than some peasants made in a month. Few things were more embarrassing than having a dress that smelled like the common streets; it was an understandable expense to anyone with the means to afford it.

"Its not... all bad smells?" Kaila turned towards the smaller voice by her side.

Lily Kolibri Elizabeth; a flower of a girl even by noble standards and her best friend. Unlike her own more aggressive and regal style of dress, Lily wore a pink and chaste dress. Equal to her own in any ballroom; but far more girly and soft than even most noble girls at their age were willing to wear. Kaila had always thought that there was a weird kind of strength to her friend. The ability to be seen as friendly and weak, but not lose any social standing from it. She wasn't sure why, but she respected it. It also made her protective of her childhood friend and the perfect target for friendly teasing.

"Just like how your cake wasn't "all a bad smell" when you nearly burned down my poor servant's home?" Kaila smirked and began to laugh, shoulders shaking as she nearly stumbled into a poor towns-worker that dodged out of her stumbling way as if his life depended on it.

"I... I... you could still smell the cinnamon! Through the smoke..." Her friend was left blushing like a pink rose, as Kaila continued to laugh.

"Does your father still warn the suitors not to ever expect a lovingly made meal cooked by you?"

"Y-Yes... he does still say that during the matches..." Lily's answer was barely given above a whisper, as Kaila's laughing doubled in strength.

She calmed herself as the pair continued walking down the busy streets towards the market center. The town was alive with all kinds of people today. From all classes and occupations. A fact Kaila loved, but it kept her on her guard. Few were stupid enough to target a noble during such events with so many eyes. It was the "high peasant" or merchant classes that were often the most targeted. Carrying coin and jewels, but not the political or social influence to keep themselves safe.

"Excuse me! Young Ms. Luxia!" A voice sounded from behind the two girls, as a local city guard came jogging towards them. Sweaty and breathing heavily. Though she had no right to say so, Luxia couldn't help but think the man's cardio left much to be desired considering his occupation.

The two stopped, confused as the guard bowed and began rambling. Kaila noted he was young and handsome. Both traits annoying her for some reason as she pushed Lily a little behind herself in an instinctive act of protection.

"Apologizes for not stepping in for when the vagrant stumbled into your path! We have taken him into custody! What punishment shall he receive?" The man (boy?) said nervously, but still with a hint of pride, and stood awaiting for what seemed like some kind of praise.

Kaila blinked in confusion, before growling at the guard (likely younger than even herself or Lily) and pointing a finger at him in a sudden burst of umbrage.

"I clearly stumbled into him! You idiot! Unless he stole something let him go! If he did steal then take a finger for every item! Why are you bothering me with your job!? Idiot! Lets go Lil! I thought with the added Capital guards your competency would increase! Not Decrease! Idiot!"

Kaila turned and grabbed her friend's hand, pulling Lily and herself away from the situation.

"I should have brought my rapier! He is lucky I didn't get his name to be punished! The peasants already think badly of us! It's stupid, incompetency like that for their thinking why all the nobles are out to get them! Idiot guard! Was likely expecting to be praised and gushed over by us like we are some maidens in heat that have never seen a knight before! What in creation was that idiot boy thinking!? Learn manners and chivalry first before bothering someone above your station! Having something stolen would have annoyed me less! At least that would have been for a valid reason to bother us!"

Lily sighed as she was dragged and ranted to. All the way to the market square...


Location: Bellus Marketplace Square, Noble Seating Area (Front Row)

"Are you calm now?" Lily asked sighing as the pair found their seating in the noble sections.

Wooden posts sectioned the area off from the general peasantry and was served by a few guards along the edges. Normally such an effort wasn't put into an event such as this, but many in the noble classes wanted a distraction from the war's worries. Shined guards, decorated tables, and padded chairs had been put out along with small plates of pastries and goblets of wine. A pleasant way to spend a few hours away from letters, reports, and anxieties brought on by Grandora. A rebellion of fortune or ruin depending on family industry or political choices.

"Yes... I just hope this performance is actually good." Kaila sighed, downing half a goblet of wine in a way that her father would nod in respect at, but her mother would glare in warning to her.

"I am sure it will be pleasant! The performing and artistic classes are always so clever and jolly!" Lily smiled brightly as she politely took a dainty bite of some strawberry topped pastry.

"Well I'm sure they will be especially jolly after the coin they make today." Kaila intoned as her green eyes took in the market squares decorations and continuing construction for the performance. The expected crowd being bigger than anticipated as the peasant workers and craftsman continued their trade, building the area up with haste. A few other nobles sat in their family's sections. Most like her and Lily for now; keeping to themselves, enjoying the light of the day and space away from walled homes and invading worries.

Kaila continued to people watch. The crowds were interesting. The event bringing all; even Sisters of the Church to the square. They were a rare sight in any fun event. With so many important and higher classes in the area, it seemed the guards were at the height of anxiety. Kaila could see under the surface a melting pot of annoying and building energy that might ruin the enjoyment for all if too many stupid decision were made.

"Guard Ronald. Come here." Kaila called to one of the guards sectioning off the noble section.

He jumped at his name being called, but marched over after a few moments of stunned confusion.

"Y-Yes? I mean! At your service Young Miss Luxia!"

Kaila nodded. Pleased with herself for remembering the guard's name. She had made an effort to remember as many as she could. She remember that this one had recently payed off all his debt in arms and armor to her family; and impressive feat considering he was only a few years into the guard. Money management showed people's character and discipline.

"I would like help with two things. One; tell your other guardsmen to ease up on the peasantry for today. Hammering them will likely cause more problems for today than it solves. If someone hasn't assaulted, murdered, or stolen the pearls off a noble's neck; the Luxia family does not care. Second; tell the Sisters they may sit in the Luxia and Elizabeth family area here with us. We are the only ones from our family that are showing up and we have a waste of seating."

The guard nodded, bowed and left without a word. The professionalism impressed Kaila and she made a mental note to remember him as a guard that could be trusted.

"That was kind of you Kally!" Lily said happily, in-between her pastry snacking.

Kaila crossed her legs and turned away from her friend, trying to fight down a blush.

"It's all in my self-interest..." The auburn haired girl mumbled.

"Sure it is~" Her blonde friend giggled.

"Be quite Lil..." Kaila mumbled even quieter, as her friend's giggles only increased.​
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Atua blinked, watching as the trio of guardsmen turned and left. Absentmindedly, her gloved fingers massaged an old scar that ran across her side.

They were surprisingly nice. Her hand moved away from the wound, as did her mind from the memory of it, and she smiled softly. It makes me want to play with them. But maybe later. Rubbing her hands together, she began walking into a unoccupied alleyway with intent. If the show was in town, might as well stick around to enjoy it. As the last ray of sunlight parted from her, she leaned forward into a full a sprint, running her boots vertically up the nearest wall and launching herself onto a second floor banister. Her legs swung forward with the momentum, then back, then upward as she pulled her knees into her chest, securing solid footing on the balcony.

She kicked off onto the opposite roof, angled low enough for her to land gracefully (and somehow quietly) on. Twirling around and taking a few steps back, she roof-hopped again, gaining altitude as she climbed higher. Before long, she found herself dropping onto one of the buildings looking over the market square. And, as she turned her head to the side, she immediately spotted another man perched exactly one roof over from her own.

Atua waved in friendly greeting. She briefly wondered if he was an assassin.
Oswyn Hirshfield

Interactions: N/a
Mentions: N/a

After a short while and a quick cut through the same marketplace, he found himself back in front of the school building. Out front, there was a man pounding away on the wooden fence. Louis was his name. A handyman that often came by to fix any of their more labor-inducing problems. He was older, balding, and usually had a permanent scowl. As Oswyn passed by him, he gave the older man a nod of recognition. Louis either missed the nod or completely ignored the teacher because he just kept hammering away at one of the posts. Seems like it may have come loose.

Walking up to the main door, Oswyn placed his hand on one of the handles and pushed. Usually, a 'squeak' and rickety door noise would greet him but nothing came of it except a clicking sound. Raising an eyebrow, Oswyn tried again, pushing harder this time. Again, the door made a clicking sound and did not give way. Locked! Really!? Turning around and stomping down the pathway back to the fence, he looked to the only other person there for answers. "Louis! Why are the doors locked? Where did the Headmistress go?" Louis looked up from his work, gave Oswyn a glare accompanying a shrug, and went back to work.

Sighing, Oswyn moved past the fence and back out to the road. So...she had sent him out on a simple-minded task just so she could close the building early. Oswyn let his legs start walking, not caring where he ended up at the moment. He still needed to finish that lecture! That and the plan for next week had barely been started. Not only did he have those, but knowing those kids, he'd be even further behind when everything ends up taking a nose dive. Groaning, he shook his head. Fine. Maybe this was a test. He could be flexible. "Just you wait Headmistress".

His surroundings started to get more lively, even as the sun started to dip behind some lower clouds. Looking up, he found that he had unconsciously walked back to the center of town. The stage seemed to be finished now, ribbons all in place and no sign of the ladders used to put them up. They had even planted some taller torches around to brighten up the stage. Letting his shoulders relax, Oswyn moved forward towards the back row of the seats. "Maybe the headmistress is right...as much as I hate to admit it. I haven't been back to the tavern in over a month so maybe this break will help." He mumbled to himself, taking a seat in the far back right corner. Not the best view but he was used to such things.

Hainer - Bellus Marketplace (Nighttime)

The day was coming to a close, and the sun was beginning to fall. Sounds of chattering filled the marketplace, as lanterns were lit around the city to provide a warm glow to the ambience. The stage was officially set, as red curtains were now hung, and people began to take seats in anticipation for the performance. Those who couldn't afford tickets, were watching by either creating their own seats, or gazing from another point. Hainer's shift was nearly done, and all that was left to do was to make sure that the performance ran smoothly. Situated towards the back, near the exit of the marketplace that lead to the city entrance, Hainer and several other guardsman could view the performance from afar.

"Attention everyone!" Guard Ronald approached. "Miss Luxia wanted me to relay a message - " Ronald said, pausing. "Unless someone is committing a serious crime, we are to use more discretion as usual. She is looking forward to the show, and does not wish to cause any problems among citizens." He said.

"Oh? Miss Luxia said that?" Hainer asked. "Hm. I doubt anyone will act up tonight, but sure." Hainer nodded in a agreement with Ronald.

"Now I need to go find the Sisters of the Church...Miss Luxia wishes to view the show with them..." Ronald stumbled around, glancing around frantically, nearly sweating. Hainer raised a brow as he watched the young guard seemingly panic for no reason.

"This job will be the end of him, I swear." Another guard said as he also watched Ronald. Hainer chuckled, as he turned his attention to the stage.


Half an hour had passed, and the marketplace was soon filled with all sorts of bodies. Guards were positioned generously throughout the main market, as well as a few still patrolling around the city. The added bodies did indeed make it a tad harder to view the stage, however, Hainer's height definitely gave him a bit of an advantage there. Suddenly, the sound of music filled the air, and within a few seconds, the crowd surprisingly calmed down, with the music becoming apparently easier to hear. Hainer observed the stage, as a young woman, with flowing brown hair entered the stage from the left, behind a curtain. She pranced around gracefully, as he held a small object in her hand. It was oval shaped, with with holes, and she pressed the different holes as she played and danced, exhibiting a lovely, yet mesmerizing sound from her flute. It was almost hypnotic, to say the least. The audience watched in silence, just as interested as Hainer was, upon viewing this performance. After a couple of minutes, the woman stood at the centre of the stage, ending her performance by extending her arms and giving a bow to the audience, who clapped in return.

"Thank you everyone! Thank you for coming out to our performance tonight!" The woman began to talk, shouting at the audience with a smile on her face. "In these dark and uncertain times, things may seem bleak. They may seem depressing, and even scary. We hope after our show, you all go home with a smile on your face, and forget - even for a minute - the bad times, and have a moment of joy." She paused as she looked at the audience. "Without further ado, let the show begin!" The woman shouted, as the audience began to applause once again. A couple of seconds later, several dancers appeared on the stage, with ribbons twirling about. Like the flute-playing woman, these dancers were also hypnotic to watch, and mesmerizing. Hainer stared in awe. There was something about someone dedicating their life to a craft, that was simply beautiful in Hainer's eyes.

"What, you going to join them?" A guard said to Hainer.

"Huh?" Hainer remarked, confused.

"You're in such awe at watching them, it's like you want to jump onto the stage yourself." The guard laughed.

"Ahh..haha." Hainer laughed in response. "I guess I just like their performance so far." Hainer said, scratching his head as he chuckled.

The show continued on, with the dancers exiting the stage, and several other performers entering the light. This time, spitting out fire. One of the performers seemingly swallowed the flame from a torch, and then spitting out the fire towards the audience, swirling about in the air as the audience gasped, but applauding after the flame extinguished itself. Whoever the performers were, they were definitely putting on a show, pulling out all the bells and whistles for the City of Bellus.

"Help...help me..." As the town was busy cheering for the performance and watching the show, even Hainer himself didn't hear the cry for help that echoed a small distance behind him, from the direction of the city entrance's street.
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Oswyn Hirshfield

Interactions: N/a
Mentions: Shadows on the roof ( GummyWorm GummyWorm , atomic atomic , Klown Klown ), Guards patrolling ( JSPD2000 JSPD2000 )

Oswyn watched with anticipation as the seats around him filled. He was in the second to last row and he was extremely thankful to the creator for sparing him the annoyance of having a child behind him. The last thing he needed while trying to unwind was a toddler tugging at his luscious locks or kicking his seat in boredom. Sighing, he tapped his foot and glanced around more inquisitively, taking notice of just who was attending the show. There were a few guards patrolling the grounds, and Oswyn could swear he saw a few off-duty guards taking seats of their own. One who frequents the marketplace can usually memorize a face, especially if that face is the one dictating the law. To the right of him were a few older gentlemen. Merchants probably, considering how nice they were dressed. One would think they were nobles if they weren't seated in the back of the crowd. Lastly, Oswyn could swear he saw a few shadows moving across the rooftops but the lowering sun prevented his eyes from making out who (or what ) it was.

Yawning, he rested back in his chair and watched the stage with a small amount of judgment building up in his eyes. Hopefully, the price was worth it. Oswyn wasn't much of a shrewd dealer with his gold but he surely didn't like spending so much on a one-time event. He reasoned that it was probably worth the amount of money but as he continued tapping his foot, waiting for it to start, he began to have doubts.

Thankfully, the young man was saved from having his mind wander as a beautiful, but young woman stepped out from behind the curtains. A musical tune, completely foreign to his ears, tore through the air and silenced the noisy crowd in almost an instant. She gracefully moved across the stage, playing her odd instrument, and danced to her own tune. Unconsicly, Oswyn found himself leaning further in his seat, watching the woman with interest. Now, this was something. He wasn't expecting the opening act to break the mold with such an odd but pretty melody! Oswyn loved music. In fact, he would often pay the bards at the tavern to play his personal favorite songs. This was certainly an unexpected treat!

All good things must end, however, the tune tapering off with an almost melancholic echo that radiated across the crowd. Oswyn let go of a breath he was holding without realizing, fully leaning his seat now in an almost uncomfortable manner. Looking around him, he coughed with a small blush at getting so mesmerized and leaned back, trying to ignore the (imaginary) stares in the back of his head. Another lady came on stage, preaching about how "bad times" were at an all-time high and that their show aimed to "put a smile on their face". Oswyn scoffed and crossed his arms to himself. While he enjoyed the show thus far, this woman was simply trying to capture the audience's heartstrings. If they truly wished to put a smile on everyone's face, they would do this show for free. No. This show was just like any, aiming to make a little coin. All they did was adapt to the ongoing troubles and are now attempting to make a profit with such sugary words.

The show continued despite Oswyn's pessimistic outlook on it all. More women came in, dancing with ribbons. There were even fire swallowers, something the young man had only heard about from travelers. Throughout the whole show thus far, Oswyn was none the wiser to a certain cry for help down the road.

* DeZhay - "Dizzy" * KiKina - "Kicks" *

From the side of the stage, like so many times before, was the handmaiden positioned.

Yes, it was her job to watch out for potential danger but it was also her job to case the current patrons and even potential ones. Her keen eye was able to determine the looks and expressions of those truly delighted and impressed as opposed to those that feigned excitement and interest due to their status and since they were within plain sight of their peers judging gazes. In particular, she had her eyes upon the JSPD2000 JSPD2000 Captain of the guard, one Hainer Adhan Moradi and his cohorts. The other of interest was the Noble-blooded lioness and heir apparent of the Luxia fortune, MocaPoka MocaPoka a certain Ms. Kaila Ly Luxia. And of course, they needed to win the favour of the conservatives of the church and so finally, KiKina had her eye on the red-haired BELIAL. BELIAL. Acolyte (Rowan Fellswyl) in the white veil.

"Attention!! All stage performers for the 'Crescendo!!' I need you to raise hands, now!" called out MaKhi in a harsh whisper from behind her, acting stage director for when his sister, the Heavenbound Chaser, headlined an act. "...16, 17, 18. Perfect. Stage hands, get ready to switch lighting and double check that rigging! Please. We almost lost it in 'Wishing on Stars.' Make-up, we need touch up on Chaser please! Alright. Ladies and gents... hands in, please...! This is the moment where we earn our keep. All eyes on you. Own it. Never known a better troupe to knock 'em dead!! Now, break a leg!!"

The performers tossed their hands high, whooped and cheered as softly as possible, the nervous energy electrifying the whole back stage area. This was not the finale but the major mid-point, the 'crescendo' as Mama Jin called it. This was The ACT. All head liners, the arMadara 'Faces' were altogether for this one: top singer, top acrobat, top dancer, top actor, top act, top musicians, top triple threat. Fittingly, this act was called:

Rise Above...

In this act, the story would follow DeZhay's character in a theatrical tale of hubris and redemption.

DeZhay's character was a meagre young hunter girl whose love of her life was taken from her when top acrobat AhMii's character, a minion for a powerful witch, stole her love's soul. "Love conquers all!" decrees the young hunter girl! And of course, top singer KaiZhee would sing solo during the heartbreaking scene.

To gain the power to defeat the witch, she had to learn magic. And so she would go to seek help from a monster hunter. DeZhay would 'magic' dance with the top dancer PoLii. DeZhay's character was a 'vessel' and so she could store magic within her blood. But she got greedy and wanted more power than she deserved and so she was going to learn fire magic from the monster hunter then steal the power for her own and down her master. After a glorious fire dancing sequence, DeZhay's character learns the words "Fire cleanses all!" and down went PoLii's character. Once again the scene is graced by the voice of the amazing KaiZhee.

(During the next 'action' scenes, top musicians are each given solos to shine with their particular instruments.) Then it was time to track down AhMii's character then do a 'fight' scene. But outnumbered and overwhelmed, she is captured by the dark monsters commanded by AhMii's character. All the while, top actor, HaiLo would portray several characters along the way using multiple costumes and disguises. HaiLo would play the witch who was to sacrifice DeZhay's character upon an altar, but of course, she would escape and then another 'fight' would ensue, this time using aerial techniques whereby, DeZhay's character would slay AhMii's character, but not before becoming wounded and losing use of her fire powers.

Here, DeZhay's character is once more a lowly hunter, but gets to use her signature aerial archery. From 25 feet up, swinging by a rope, tied up by her feet, she would shoot the dark monsters one by one (the 'monsters' would have big targets on their backs or chests reinforced by layers of wood and a layer of metal armour). Finally when lowered, she would corner and capture the witch, unmask her only to see that it was her love of her life all along. HaiLo's character (in a very convincing male voice) would then go on to explain that he wanted to take the fire wizard's power for himself and needed her to steal it for him. A broken hearted hunter, DeZhay's character would wander away back to the sacrificial altar. With her back turned, HaiLo's character would then attempt to steal the last of DeZhay's character's power by sacrificing her. The unrested ghost of PoLii's character returns in fiery fashion and reminds her young former pupil that love may not conquer all but "fire cleanses all." With that she turns around and in a fantastic display of skill and daring, HaiLo is set on fire and screams, running away off the stage. (The stage hands have seconds to save the actor from bad burns and smoke inhalation but are experienced pros under the circumstances.)

The full array of vocalists flank the set change and we see DeZhay's character wandering the land with her new found fire powers, picking up where the monster hunter left off. A montage of battling 'evil' and hunting witches ensues. And of course ending with a trick shot where DeZhay launches multiple fiery arrows hitting targets that light up and connect together writing the obvious in flames:

'The End.'

Yes, the whole story was a contrivance of collected tropes and overused plots, but it was never meant to be thought provoking nor beyond skin deep. Rise Above was meant as an entertainment centerpiece of unmatched skill and wow factor. And the entire troupe absolutely slayed in that department. As the musicians played interlude for the 10 minute break, all performers were ecstatically hugging and cheering backstage. Unbridled joy and pride burst at the seams as Jincarda herself came backstage to praise and congratulate the entire Collective for the massive success of the crescendo. The Matriarch had no idea the impact such a performance would have upon the opening of purses and gifts in Salos, but if Jincarda herself would take it upon herself to break away from playing socialite for even a single minute during an event, all knew that it boded well for all involved.

All would feel such a way except of course for KiKina. The handmaiden's normally light brown face had taken on an uncharacteristic pallour. She had seen Mama Jin speak but not heard her words. The moment she saw DeZhay was no longer one of the excited, gathered 'Faces' she felt sick to her stomach as the words spoken earlier by her bestfriend echoed throughout her mindscape.

KiKina backpedalled slowly before tossing the curtain aside and leaping down the steps of the backstage entryway. The big woman sprinted as fast as she could toward's DeZhay's wagon.

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Kaila Ly Luxia
Location: Bellus Marketplace Square, Noble Seating Area (Front Row)


Kaila let her shoulders relax.

The pain swiftly followed, which she gave a near silent groan to. It was never when she was tense and ready that she was in pain. Always when she let go for moment. Relaxed and enjoyed something. The pain was always worth it though. It signaled that she was truly enjoying something. This performance was certainly something she was truly enjoying.

"Kally! The story is about magic! Magic! That's your favorite thing!" Her friend sitting next to her, Lily, exclaimed in excitement as she grabbed her shoulder and shook her as if Kaila had fallen asleep.

"I know. I know. Shhh!" Kaila whispered as her friend calmed; both young women becoming fully enraptured in the performance at play.

Scholarly wise it was a play of little worth or note. However, to any noble girl it spoke directly to the yearning heart. Love, magic, and adventure. All freeing elements that were often denied. The visual effects were stunning. The heat from the fire effects being felt from the front row seating. More often than not gasps came from the noble crowds at the bright stunts and flashy effects. Kaila herself couldn't help but have her green eyes widen in excitement at the stunts, while Lily next to her let out near screams of happy fright at the fiery wonder.

When the performance ended, the nobles stood and cheered. Lily and even Kaila among them. It was a rare day for her to show such open praised, but this had been a good day.

"That was wondrous! I hope the witch is unharmed! They sent him on fire! Did you see it Kally!?"

Kaila simply nodded and smiled. She had no words to add, her friend's own saying more than enough for the both.

"We should give them coin Kally! So they perform and come back again! Do you think half of my purse is fine?"

"Half your purse is more than enough for a commoner troupe. I'll add in half of mine. The actor they set on fire certainly earned a few coins for that one. The main actress was skilled as well."

Kaila and Lilly opened their purses and began making a formidable stake of coins.

Baskets were soon carried by guards around the seating area, collecting coins, gifts, and flowers for the troupe as a whole and for individual performers. When the baskets came to them; Kaila and Lilly poured there coin in. Half of both girl's coin going to the troupe as a whole; the other half of Lilly's to the performer of the witch character that had been set alight, and the other half of Kaila's going to the main actress of the heroine.

Bellus Marketplace, chillin’ on da roof || Tags: GummyWorm GummyWorm • Mentions: Klown Klown and very briefly LieutyXII LieutyXII

Shortly after settling on his rooftop perch, Mutt realized that he should have brought snacks. He hadn’t eaten anything save for that apple. It was funny, really. He used to go days without eating anything. And anything Mutt did eat was something he stole from one of the many vendors. Once upon a time, this very same man had used to fight actual dogs in alleyways to get his hands on the scraps of leftovers tossed behind pubs.

Well, now this unassuming man could probably afford to buy out half those same pubs.
It wasn’t really his money, though.
And that unfortunate truth hung over his head like a noose. Every copper he spent was one more copper that needed to be repaid. So? Mutt rarely ever kept anything for himself, the debt he owed to powers bigger than himself something he couldn’t escape.
Still, he never did go hungry. He always had a roof over his head. When he did need to pay somebody else off, he could snap his fingers and have money in the palm of his hand. He had ways to make his crimes disappear. And it would only cost him a few more years of his life!!
What a bloody bargain.
He gruffly crossed his arms over his chest, sniffling in general discontent as he watched the world below him. He wasn’t sure if Hassan was coming… Hell, he wasn’t really sure if Hassan could follow him up here. That big lug didn’t seem entirely as dexterous as Mutt. Perceptive eyes followed the small shape of that foreigner as she scaled her way to a balcony a little ways from him.
Then, in mild interest, he watched her lithe form hop around like a little cat from one roof to the other. How curious…
He wasn’t at all concerned by her movements, though when she settled on the roof next to his, Mutt did have to stifle his discomfort at being so noticeable. He wondered what he must look like, dressed in his dark ragged coat. Again, his hand went up to his scruffy hair—Hassan’s words reverberating in his mind. It was ridiculous, anyways. A haircut wouldn’t change a thing about him. That thought amused him in a morbid and depressing kind of way. And when he looked back to the foreigner, he caught her smiling and waving at him.
Grinning back, he brought a single finger up to his lips and winked, ‘Shh.’
His eyes fell back down to the ground below, eyes taking everything in. He pinpointed his target again moving into one of the chairs for the performance. That teacher. He would have to make his way to him as soon as the opportunity became available.
But in the meantime, the performance began and Mutt spent a fair amount of time watching. He found it hard to focus, though. That was normal for him when his attention was always split in so many directions. They didn’t call him an information broker for nothing. In fact, nobody did because nobody knew.
One eye on the teacher. One eye on the foreigner. His ear extended for the arrival of Hassan. Gaze flicking between the nobles. The sisters of the Church. That guard from before. Back to the performance. Time caved in on itself. It could almost be overwhelming if it weren’t for the methodical way he categorized all of it. And then…
One of you is not like the others.
His attention landed on one detail that did not belong here. A single cry for help. Farther away, cut between the cheers and applause of the audience. Mutt lifted his brow and his head turned lazily in the direction he heard it from.
This could be an interesting day after all. Bring it on Bellus.


~ Noble Gifts for the arMadara Entertainment Collective ~

Her timing was impeccable as always.

Both arms swept upward, glittery evening gown flaring in the wake of her motions. The golden laced fabric attached to her wristlets billowed away just like a elegant monarch butterfly emerging from its cocoon. Both gloved hands held fingers splayed wide as she spread out her arms to welcome her wards' gazes.

It was as if Jincarda could smell the metallic coin and floral scent of wealth and success coming up from stage left. Led by AhMii's handmaiden and KaiZhee's handlerman, a pair of guards each with a basket in both hands, emerged from behind the plush red curtains. A hush befell the all performers and crew members back stage, eyes and hearts swelling once they all spied the contents therein. A nervous hubbub rose as the baskets were lain at their Matriarch's golden open-toed heels. The voices ceased as soon as Jincarda raised an open hand skyward.

"And thusly, grandest of mine own heart, we have been gifted and blessed yet again", announced with poise and the regal tone of one worthy of the name 'Matriarch.' Her gloved hands then clapped together, jingling the precious metal links lining her arms and clinking together the golden bands lined with precious gems at her fingers and wrists. Dark eyes glinted as soon as she saw the family crests upon the kerchiefs covering the stacks of coin, "from House Luxia and House Elizabeth have we been graced... several items gifted to the performers, hands and crew...! But to the Collective's 'Faces': Ms. HaiLo the Persona, and to mine own daughter, yes, Ms. DeZhay the Chaser, are these personalized gifts fortuitous indeed!"

Squeals of joy and gasps flooded the backstage area as Jincarda removed the kerchiefs and exposed the generous 'donations.' The Matriarch's dark eyes lit up, reflecting the shine of the coins and instantly her head shifted towards the sentry at the side entrance, holding up the emblems of the Noble houses. The marquee would be changed to reflect that one of the performances would be dedicated to the pair of houses.


DeZhay's absence should have been a glaring one, however, that fact was but in the backdrop as soon as all the performers heard the blonde gasp; a sound not unlike one taking a breath after nearly drowning. All watched as HaiLo ripped off her wig and nearly tore off her costumed top for the next act. Haphazardly they were tossed aside as she slowly traipsed forward, aquamarine eyes tearing up and spilling over.

The lithe woman aimed towards Jincarda as if caught in a daze. Pale hands reached out, yet, fingertips curled in as if she were a predator stalking prey. The blonde brushed past the Matriarch and fell to her knees in a messy heap, weeping softly yet her shoulders and midsection moving with tremendous emotion. The top actress reach downwards towards the basket with coin allotted to her but she knocked them over to retrieve what she had spied and so dearly desired. As soon as she held the thing in her clutches, she burst out into heart breaking wails.

To her side rushed, slid and held her acting cohorts and all other performers that were her best of friends. Those others could not help but get swept up in her tidal wave of emotions and they too began to weep as they cradled their friend and tried to shush her.

"It hurts... it hurts so much, but my gosh it hurts... I never wanted to leave them... I never knew what happened to them... I never wanted to come here, but... b-but they couldn't afford to feed me... so I chose. I chose to come here. I never knew what happened to them..."

The pause that held in the air was heavier than the doubts any of them ever had in their lives for they knew exactly of whom HaiLo spoke. But for whatever reason they never seemed to think about their own famiies that they left behind. Until now.

"...but this... this is a message from back home! It-it is!! No one had ever given me a circlet of flowers before... This is a sign. This is a sign...! they are okay... and I'm going to be okay... they are still my family--" HaiLo proudly donned the circlet of flowers around her blonde temples "--and so are all of you..."

More tears. More love. And of course, a more joined in the massive group hug that ensued; even the Matriarch joined. A moment of sobered unity she would concede for them... their discovered lapses in memory would have to be dealt with at a later date.

"Oh, 'Zhay! But we should have dinner with our new patrons...! Wait... where is DeZhay...?" HaiLo raised a hand up high and waved to the overhead platform, "Zhay-Zhay!! Get over here!!"

But no, the green-eyed 'Facer' was not in her familiar perch. "Girl... where you at...?"

Necks craned up, faces swivelled about, bleary eyed looks became ones of puzzlement and confusion. No really, where was that girl?

Then all eyes turned to find her handmaiden. KiKina was gone too.

Then the weight of expectation turned once more and fell upon the Heavenbound Chaser's little brother and PR Handler.

Of course, beyond the red curtains, the musicians had ceased their set and took pause to gear up for their next one. And in that pause, all could hear MaKhi's nervous laugh and noisy swallow to wet this dry throat.
"Uhhhh... potty... break...? I mean; yeah...! KiKina needs to help DeZhay out of her costume and dress her up again for such a thing. What else could they be doing at a time like this...?"

One of the younger perfomers coughed. KaiZhee cleared her throat.

Suddenly, MaKhi thought of KiKina and what she would do wiggle out of such a social predicament since she was not big on being in the limelight.
Deflect... oh! She loves the kids and... and--

"--sweets!! Oh! Hey, hey, hey! Would you little squicken's look at that?! The patrons brought sweets!!"

All of a sudden, they young ones started rushing the baskets and soon enough Mama Jin was fighting off not only just the kids but the performers as well from helping themselves, rummaging through the precious baskets in search of the candied goodies in said baskets hidden like buried treasures. "'Khi!! MaKhi!! Boy, do you see what you started?! Come here and help mother!"

"Coming Mama Jin!!" said MaKhi as she rushed over wiping away the bead of sweat looming large upon his forehead.

Dumbasses... you owe me. Both of you... bigtime...


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