Blackburn's Crossing Chapter 4: Snake Eater

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As Lina goes off to fight the wasps, Yelcan says his goodbyes to Arissa and Bernard as they left. He nods to Peri as she goes to change and says "Alright, I've got one more question I want to ask Lina, but I'll meet you back here in a few minutes." Heading towards where he saw Lina last, Yelcan looks around to spot the little pixie. Seeing her close by surrounded by a couple dead wasps in the dense overgrown garden, he walks closer, giving her an awkward little wave as he got near her. "Hey Lina, I just thought of another question I wanted to ask you. As I heard you say, going inside the book can...change you in some way, and we could be separated from one another. That got me thinking about my buddy Hyde here." Hyde lifts his head up from Yelcan's shoulders as he hears his name being mentioned. "Him and I are connected, and I got to thinking that maybe by entering this book, it might be like some kind of alternate dimension, no? Basically I'm wondering if there is a chance that he will be separated from me upon entering, but also I guess it begs the question if the rules of the arcane arts work the same way in there?" Yelcan sits there looking at Lina expectantly, aware that he might be asking a lot of her but hopeful that she will be able to put his mind at ease.
Marsh House:

Lina zips on by attacking a wasp that was floating near Yelcan before flying up to his head level and flicking the wasp from her impromptu weapon. "You might be, I don't know. It is certainly possible. I also think magic works the same... I was able to cast things, and even Merris was able to cast spells as a fairy just like me." With that she starts to shoot around chasing wasps and sometimes hiding from them.


"I'll be sure to let anyone know who's missing to check with Marcus in case he might have gotten some of their things by the dog. He should probably be given a home, have you thought about fencing him in?" asked Simon scratching the back of his head.
"I'm sure they sell nice collars somewhere in the Green. Maybe check there in the coming days. I don't think we can have the.... Ocer running around stealing from people without someone getting upset and eventually someone might take a shot at him or chase him down."
Stoneshatter Smithy:

Bjorn wipes the sweat from his brow as he sets down a longsword into the water hissing to cool it off after having hammered it into shape for a good few minutes. He turned to look up and see Bernard of all people. "Oh ho! Back already? And just what are ye doin' here? Looking to shop or to yab our mouths a bit eh?" asks Bjorn as he claps his hands a few times walking over towards Bernard.
"Getting the old rhythms back slowly, and almost ready to start taking requests even. So what can Bjorn Stoneshatter do for ye?"
Frowning, Kallisto shook her head, "I don't think he'd be happy being fenced in. I do know he and Bjorn have had a bit of history over the past few years ... but Ocer usually manages to fend for himself. He's a bit of a pest, but he's been a good friend."

She rubbed the pads on her palm, "If someone gets too angry at him, let me know. I can try to tell him not to bother them... no promises he'll listen, but I'd rather someone not try to injure him just because he doesn't understand things as we might."
Bernard smiled and waved. "I'm here for business, old friend. I've got a blade to sell, and I'm looking to upgrade into something... bigger with a bit more weight." He smiled and removed Surlac from his hip laying it on the counter for Bjorn to inspect. As the dwarf took a look Bernard made some small talk, "Glad you're finding your rythm. You seem to be settling in quite well. I hope you've found the church to be more amenable lately and Simon hasn't given you any trouble about the Maria case. I appreciate your help with that by the way."
Stoneshatter Smithy:

"Lets see here..."
Bjorn takes a look at the blade cocks his head for a moment and then seems to grow more interested. "Well tickle my balls and call me a walrus. I think I've seen this blade before."

Bjorn picks up the weapon checking the mark on it before nodding. "A sea captains sword that was supposed to have gone down with the ship. I knew the Captain personally," says Bjorn setting the sword down.
"I'll offer you one thousand two hundred gold pieces for it. You won't get a fairer price I guarantee it."

"Interesting. I'll keep it in mind for the future. I'm sure everything will turn out fine, but any dog wandering around without it's owner takes a risk. I'm guessing he must get scraps " says Simon nodding to them. He could see that Kallisto and Arissa were about to head out so he tipped his head for a moment before heading back into the back. Michael gave a hesitant wave. "Have a good day and stay safe out there!"
"Sounds more than fair to me." Bernard nodded his approval before removing his signet ring and showing it to Bjorn, "Maria made a ring like this for me before the ball. I've taken a wife and I'd very much like to get her one to fit. I'm also interested in taking a look at any exceptional mauls or greatswords you might have."

Bernard smiled at Bjorn, "If you could keep the marriage thing quiet, we intend to have more formal announcement once my mother is back in town, but I'd like to get her signet ring ordered. It's for the woman who accompanied me last we spoke."
"Ok, thank you for the -- oh thank you!" Yelcan shouted after her as she sped away, keeping the wasps in line. Yelcan sat in the overgrown garden for a moment longer with a satisfied smile on his face, admiring the natural power that Peri clearly possessed. Hopping to his feet, he was reminded of his scaly friends presence as Hyde grunted unhappily at the sudden motion. As they walked towards the house, Yelcan thought about this newest adventure and the harm it could leave Hyde in. Sensing his thoughts, Hyde prodded his mind with his curiosity, questioning what he was thinking.

I believe that I am going to have to undertake this mission without you my friend. We are entering an unknown, likely dangerous place, where we might get separated right off the bat. I don't want you wandering this dimension where I might not be able to keep you safe or help you if things happen to you. I will send you to wait in the pocket -- oh c'mon Hyde, don't be like that. As Yelcan is communicating with Hyde, he spreads his tiny wings, trying to make him seem as large and capable as possible, but through their connection Yelcan could sense the hurt pride coming from his pseudodragon friend. As soon as the pocket dimension starts to be mentioned, Hyde immediately takes off in a huff, disappearing over the trees. Sighing, Yelcan enters the house once more and takes a seat in the living room as he waits for Peri to say she is ready so that they could gather his things and do some last minute research back at the manor.
Arissa listened to the conversation about the dog, faintly wondering if it was the same dog that stole one of Jack’s bones. She smiled to Simon and waved as he took his leave before turning back to Kallisto. “Are you ready to visit Herr Doktor? If I am to be frank, I am not entirely certain that he will accompany us for free... but he is a kind man, and I pray that his services may be affordable. After the visit, I am glad to join you on whatever errands you need to run before we rush off again.” Arissa smiled ruefully to Kallisto as she headed for the door. “Hopefully we will be able to settle down for some time in town soon. How was your night of freedom, Kallisto?”
Kallisto bowed her head towards Simon and gave a responding wave to Michael before leaving with Arissa. "Hm ... I admit I've not spoken with him very much still. Our last conversation he asked me to help him figure out why doves were so keen on his surgeries?"
She shook her head for a moment, rolling the spear between her palms, "Mostly I just need to grab the axe from under my bed ... not really allowed to walk around the house with weapons, and the axe is cumbersome ... I just wanted a little bit of time without its weight."

At Arissa's question she gave a small smile, "I ... went with Marcus to the Roaring Rapids. I wanted a meal that was something besides small game, but also I told him of our journey in the swamp." Her face scrunched up for a moment, "I tried alcohol for the first time ... it was interesting. Not sure I'll do that very often."
Arissa raised an eyebrow at the talk of five surgeries, but then laughed at Kallisto’s reaction to alcohol. “I performed at the Roaring Rapids before we left. They were hardly the type of audience I am accustomed to performing for, but I believe I managed to win them over. I must admit, I have had my fair share of difficulties with the drink of this land as well. It is far stronger than the wines we drink back home, but I am afraid that I have found myself needing something to remove the edge of our situations.”

Arissa pauses for a moment as she recalls her experience at Phoebe’s manor. “Speaking of alcohol... you recall back in the swamps when we visited Phoebe that she offered me a glass of wine, ja? Upon drinking it, I gained an odd sort of sight...” Arissa pauses again before continuing in Sylvan. “I was able to see my wings while they were not in use, Phoebe’s odd spectral butler... and some spiritual animals,
a bird of prey and a bear, around you, Kallisto. Do you know what they are? I figured you ought to, but I have never heard you mention such a thing.”
Arissa looked to Kallisto curiously, curious if Kallisto was aware of their presence or if this would be the first she heard of them.
Kallisto shrugged as they walked, "I thought I might as well try it. Normally I stayed away because ... well." She ran a clawed hand through her hair, "... because of how I get sometimes. Which ... may have been ... mm a valid concern."

When Arissa began to speak of the spiritual animals around Kallisto, she reached out with a hand towards Arissa's arm, trying not to cut into the fabric, "You ... saw them? Is that why you were staring behind me?" Her expression seemed unsure as she continued, "I ... told Bernard what they did to me but -- I didn't know they could actually be seen here...!"
Arissa smiled reassuringly to Kallisto and put her hand over Kallisto’s clawed one. “I apologize if I were staring, I am afraid that wine was rather potent in addition to its supernatural side effects. Do not worry, your secret is just as safe as mine. After all, you do not see wings on my back at this moment, ja? From what I have heard, the power to see such abnormalities and spirits is an extremely rare gift. In fact, it faded soon after that very day for me.”

Arissa kept walking for a few moments in silence before turning back to Kallisto, unable to hold back her curiosity. “So do you know what it is they are? Are they hostile spirits or benign?”
"I ... do not know if they really are a secret just ... well, I don't even know what they are." Again Kallisto's freehand went for her bracers before remembering they weren't there anymore. "The bear ... I've 'known'? the longest, I saw it in my dreams a few times over the years ..." with a sad smile she wrapped her arms around herself as she looked down for a moment, "it comforted me a few times, and always calls me its cub. It's been nice ... before we left for the swamps, I had a nightmare, and afterwards, I found myself held by the bear again."

She brought a hand towards her eyes, "The bear ... I guess asked the hawk to give me a gift. A gift of sight ... I didn't even consider that they might be able to ... affect me like that. I thought at the most they were comforting dreams but it seems not." Kallisto frowned for a moment, "It probably all sounds so silly ... talking about bears and hawks, dreams ... I wanted to ask Loretan about them, but other things were more important."

She looked up towards the sky, "Last night ... was the first time the bear actually used my name ..." Her voice softened, "It told me ... it told me the same thing the Axe did ... once I die, I'm gone forever, but ... it said I might live among the stars." Lowering her gaze, Kallisto looked slightly embarrassed. "I saw the constellations come to life ... it was beautiful ..." She shook her head, "I don't know what they are truly ... just that they seem to help me."
Arissa slowly shook her head and smiled to Kallisto. “It does not sound silly at all. Believe me, I know that our dreams have meaning. As an aasimar, I had visions of my own, though rarely were they pleasant.” Arissa thought to herself for a moment before meeting Kallisto’s eyes. “To be preserved in the heavens and serve as a guiding light... I have certainly heard of worse fates than that. I know that it would be comforting for me to know that I had a friend up there, gods know I have enough enemies.” Arissa laughed slightly to herself before giving Kallisto a grin. “Regardless, rest assured that your secret, or whatever this may be, is safe with me. Discretion happens to be a talent of mine, and I can assure you that Bernard will keep it as well. After all, he had not even told his own wife!” Arissa smiled to show that she was only kidding, glad that Bernard knew to keep others secrets when it was not her business.
With a low growl of a sigh, Kallisto shrugged, "It's difficult to say where I will truly end up ..." With the spear she gestured upwards, "In the stars," she tapped the covered blade of the spear, "In the Axe ..." she then gestured around them, "Or merely gone."

She smiled towards Arissa, "Bernard ... does not like secrets, yet seems willing to keep them. I know he worries for where I might end up, and worries I'm careless with my life, but ..." she tapped her chest where Violette's blow had nearly killed her, "I have ... felt the pull of the Axe, I don't wish to feel that again. At the same time ... I understand not all may be as resilient as I am." Her smile widened to show her teeth, "However, I would not deny the chance to have a more ... dedicated healer on our side."
Stoneshatter Smithy:

"Planning on hunting big game or going to war?" asks Bjorn at the request before he takes a look through a list. "Only thing I got right now with that size category is very minimally enchanted weapons that won't dull or break easily. They run between four hundred to six hundred gold but they'll hurt some things normal weapons wouldn't be able to hurt. As for more specialty items maybe we could talk a bit more about what yer lookin for perhaps. I'll usually give a discount on items I personally make for friends, but if ye need something functional now then I'm afraid yer choices are limited."

Bjorn's face grows a bit merrier when the marriage is mentioned. "Ah I see. Lockin' down the lady of yer dreams. Not a bad idea, and I can refit it if you need whether it needs to be stretched or shrunk," says Bjorn holding a grin.
Bernard let out a slight sigh, "You know me, Bjorn, always hunting." He chuckled, "I'll have to come back for a more specialty weapon after this task that pulls me away." Bernard scratched at the scruff on his cheek. "Definitely when I get back." He nods, "This is too important to wait."

As Bjorn spoke of Arissa, he grinned and blushed as he slipped his own ring back on his finger, "She's better then a dream, she's real. If she ever needs it resized, though I doubt she ever will, I'll be sure to bring it back. How much will it be?" Bernard waited with a smile.
Arissa frowned slightly as Kallisto spoke of her uncertainty of her fate, and looked away for a moment when Bernard’s distaste for secrets came up, but returned the smile to her face, switching back to common as she spoke. “Well, I will be glad to help assure that you do not feel it’s pull once again, nor do I wish for any of the others to suffer similar hardships. I may be tougher than I look in some senses, but I know that I could not have managed many of the wounds that some of you had suffered, and I fear that one day you will be able to endure it no longer. After all, none of us are onoverwinnelijk, ja? We all have our breaking point...”

Arissa trailed off as the apothecary came into sight and turned back to Kallisto with a warm smile. “My hope is that Herr Doktor will be able to keep us from reaching that point. All of us, including you. I meant what I said before in the swamps . You matter just as much as the rest of us, and I pray that you will realize that these are not the words of a diplomat, but those of a friend.”
Nodding, Kallisto spun the spear idly in her hand while they walked, "I will try to keep that in mind -- it's still strange to speak so much to people, and be around them unless it's for work." She rubbed her throat for a moment, "I think in these past few weeks I have spoken more than most of my life ... this morning especially. I could have written my report but ..." she pulled her hand away, displaying the claws, "I tended to break pencils before, now the claws get in the way, so Michael had to copy it down for me."

Her eyes shifted over to the apothecary building, "I know not all things are mine to tell. I may not be the most with it when it comes to people, but I understand when things might be best kept quiet. I told him about some of the strange things we dealt with, like the crevasse, those weird stones ... the crocodiles, the strange memory theft, and warned about the Maw. I mentioned the land shifts, so while the Tribe may not be near now, they could be moved closer by the swamps themselves. I offered to teach some phrases if needed, but I'm not sure what would be easiest to learn... maybe you can help with that ... didn't you say you learned ... 'Sylvan' for your magic?"
Arissa smiled to Kallisto and put a hand on her shoulder. "You did rather well in the swamps dealing with the various threats we faced, even without your axe. Too often people resort to violence without considering the other possibilities. The pen is mightier than the sword, ja?" Arissa paused and laughed for a moment. "Although... it sounds as if you may be in need of a mightier pen. Perhaps Reginauld may have something that is able to stand up to your strength?"

As Kallisto shifted back to Sylvan for a sentence, Arissa gave her a relieved grin. "I am glad that you did not mention the fact that the head priest married a girl with wings and a connection with an ancient fiend. As for teaching the guardsmen Sylvan, I suppose I could give it a try. I believe that the form that I speak and utilize for my magic may differ from the more... simplified form that it seems is taught here. It is actually rather humorous, I attempted to teach Yelcan some Sylvan before, but I do not believe it stuck... although I am not certain if it was my failing as a teacher or his as a student." Arissa laughed as she put a hand on the doorknob to Ludwig's apothecary before pulling it open and entering.

"I'll be here then whenever you come back," says Bjorn as he pulls for the money for the sword setting it down in a few bags for Bernard. "As for the ring I can probably make a duplicate for ten gold pieces. Nothing like a good ring for a constant reminder of a bond that you've shared."

Bjorn smirks back at Bernard putting his hands on his hips as he looks to the young half elf. "I wanted to say to ye, that Ferrin would be proud of ye Bernard. Ye've come a long way since the runt I saw running around town. Keep on this path and yer sure to make quiet the name fer yerself."
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Bernard collected the bags of coin from the counter, counted out twelve gold pieces to leave for Bjorn, "Thanks. It means a lot to hear that. I'll be back for that ring when I'm done - no clue how long I'll be gone." He smiled and shook Bjorn's hand pulling the dwarf into a slightly awkward hug before letting him go. "Stay safe, and don't forget to reach out to the church if you need aid. They're here for everyone." With that Bernard turned to head toward the Dancing Lady.
A small mechanism above the door activates as a bell slightly chimes when the door opens. A man stands behind the counter on the left as you enter, greeting customers and patients. On your right there's a seating area for people who are waiting for a medical examination or for their medicine to be readied, there are some chairs placed around a wide table decorated with various papers to read. Entering the main lobby from another room, a woman stumbles through the door as she holds various kinds of vials, powders, and other kinds of medicine.

"Excuse me! Sorry! Coming through!" The woman shouts as she makes her way towards the counter, putting down the unstable tower of stacked medicine. "Alright, I got the orders ready for number 12, 15, and 16. Please step up with your ticket and put them in back in the basket once you've gotten your order please!" While the woman is busy sorting out the customers, Ludwig steps out of the examination room back into the main lobby - just in time hear and see Arissa arrive together with Kallisto.

"Ah! Lady Di Encanta, pleasure to meet you again. I see you've brought company!" He says, leaning a bit to the side to wave to Kallisto. "Haven't seen you around in quite some time, is there another blacksmith that needs healing - or is this just a friendly visit?" Ludwig says chuckling, walking over towards a bowl of water to wash his hands.
Arissa raised an eyebrow in surprise as she entered the apothecary, but then smiled warmly to Ludwig. "Goedemorgen, Doktor Ludwig! You do recall my friend Kallisto from when we had first met, ja? No blacksmiths or magical oddities this time, I promise. Apologies for my appearance, by the way. I assure you, I do not make it a habit of walking around in armor, but I am afraid that circumstances calls for that more often than I would like... but we can speak more of business in a moment."

Arissa stopped for a moment to look around the store with an approving look before turning back to Ludwig with a grin. "It seems that you have managed to land on your feet, and then some! This place looks absolutely marvelous. I spread the good word of the opening of your establishment a few weeks back, although I fear I was drawn away from town on a bit of an adventure before I could do too much, but that is a rather long story filled with many hours of slogging through mud and gods know what else." Arissa shivered briefly before smiling to Ludwig. "But that is enough about me. How have you been, beyond your obvious success?
Ludwig smiles, grabbing a small towel and drying his hands while listening to Arissa talk. "I certainly recall your friend, we even had a brief talk in Mr. Blackburn's manor about animals and their interests. No need to apologize for your appearance, if you need to wear armor then by all means wear armor. I make a living from people who don't, and I can tell you that it isn't always pretty.. well.. it never is, really. If it's business you want to discuss, then follow me into my office here." Ludwig stretches his arm out towards a door beside the counter, gesturing to both Arissa and Kallisto to follow.

Guiding the both of them into his office, he closes and locks the door behind him. "Thanks for the compliments! I've put in quite the elbow grease into this place, glad that it worked out as well as it did. I won't bother you with telling me your tale if it's that time consuming, I can tell it wasn't one of the easiest adventures." He gives a understanding smile as he sits down in his chair, pointing out some vacant seats on the other side of his desk. "Please, have a seat. As far as my adventures go.. well.. I've been working at the apothecary, went to a market to see what they had for sale, and gathered fresh medicine. Though I'm sticking to the border of the swamp for now, can't afford to go in deeper in case something perculiar happens again and I can't take care of my shop. Luckily I have two lovely assistants now that could keep watch for some days if things do go south."

Tapping his cheek with his finger, Ludwig looks down at his desk and cleans up some letters that were spread across the desk. "Sorry if it's a bit messy, been doing a lot of writing and taking notes lately." He says with a slight chuckle, storing the letters into a drawer. "But yes... we were discussing business! So, what can I be of assistance with?"
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