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Fandom Beyond the Black Curtain: 40k

The magos thought a moment. If the mechanicus knew what he was about to do he would most definitely be branded heretek. But he needed to know the truth behind the key, in learning about this technology so it could be countered in futures to come. “Fine Xenos, I will show you the artifact, if only to learn what monstrosity it holds and to hopefully one day eradicate its kind from the stars.”
Grabbing hold of the artifact he stepped in, the relic in hand as he turned and gazed upon the necron before him. “Hm, never would have thought you and I would match in our red colors.”

Karcen Karcen
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"Aye sir," Rayk said, disgruntled. "Oi, Fick, change of plans, call it off." The old gunny spoke to the Leftenant who he had been yelling at earlier. The Leftenant canceled his orders to his men, whom were now less excited, and more disappointed than anything else. "Shall we take care of mans things the, sir?" Rayk looked to the Captain, changing his tone to be more inviting.
Castitas listened to the dynamic between the Voidsmaster and the Captain. The former was brave, loyal and impetuous, portraying his devotion to duty and desire to act first, whatever the consequences. The latter was more conservative, more careful in his approach. She found herself lobbying on the part of the Captain, although she appreciated the Voidsmaster’s response. It was true, passing stories of a spurious disease just after entering The Warp would cause more harm than good. Amongst voidship crews superstition and suspicions were rife. If tales of an infection were allowed to spread, the apothecarium would be swamped by every man with a sniffle or odd boil. Either that or a sudden increase of crew fatalities as overzealous ratings murdered each other over something as simple as a sneeze.
“Understood, Lord Captain.”, she responded to von Ponsonby.
She then descended from the command dias and took her seat on the lower officer’s deck, scrolling through the remaining reports on her data link.
The room the tech priest stepped into seemed both black as night and as bright as day at the same time. The passage out from this place closing behind him vanishing into a solid surface as if the entrance had never existed. The interior of the room was large, far to large to have gone unnoticed even in a ship of this size. It seemed to be made of something that was similar to a black stone feeling cold and hard, yet focusing on any portion would reveal tiny moving star like sparkled within the seeming infinite darkness. Strange glowing green symbols ran along many stone surfaces moving and flowing like water illegible to even advanced attempts from human translation protocols. There was also a metal similar in color to that of the body of the xenos before him twisted and turned into strange devices often porjecting more strange symbols or maps of the galaxy and other maps of stranger places that did not seem possible. All around the sound of scuttling could be heard, countless mechanical instead, of every size from those that would easily cover a human face to ones so tiny human eyes would have a hard time seeing them. They scuttled about seemingly without direction or help from Nefecris unlike simple or even many complex servitors their movements had intent.

Nefecris laughed her voice mechanical yet almost sounding organic once she removed the filters needed to pretend to be a tech priest. She was not laughing at the simple choice of color, but the idea humans could erase what her people had brought into reality. Their dead gods shattered yet still powerful. That was all their kind could do, well one had been destroyed but his curse lingered. " There is more of us that matches than you know, I wonder why that is?" She said though it was clear that was no question. " We were once like you, though far different" The holograms changed to her will showing a distant corner of the galaxy, then a specific system with a hateful star sputtering and spewing forth death. " Born to a cursed star and wracked with sickness and doomed to die young" The holograms showed a world with a somewhat human like species covered with boils and cancers " You can imagine we sought to free ourselves from the weakness of flesh" She continued suing the very words a tech priest might to describe why they replaced themselves.

Nefecris chuckled and the holograms vanished " But that is ancient history, you want to know what they key opens" She held out her hand both beckoning him closer and holding it out stretched for the artifact " Give it here we must find out if it is a key to what I think it is and if it is then which of my kind made it, we all had our own forms of protections against other stumbling onto our secrets" She explained.
Omega Ren looked around the room before pausing at the laughing Xenos before him. She recounted her past and fall of her people’s, as well what some would consider their folly. She spoke of the flesh being weak, while he agreed to a degree, Ren believed more in improving himself, not replacing, for that would be sin against the form given to him by the Omnissiah. At least to him anyways.
she asked for the key, the magos held onto it a moment, looking down at it before approaching. Arm extended and out to the Xenos. “Yes, the relic, I suppose only you would know fully what it does.@ he said placing it in her metallic hand. “I can only hope it’s matching lock isn’t too dangerous.”

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