You are currently Avery. You are pestering and being pestered back on this memo you made to talk about Sburbs new release. 
You flinch as the two disks fall out of thin air into your hands. That was weird. You decide to pester about it.
You stand up from your chair, confused on why you have to do this. You decide to set your strife specibus beforehand. Good, bookkind. There are plenty throghout the house. You walk away from your desk, and decide to prepare. You captchalouge your heavy notebook, a pen, and your phone. 

You have 4 slots left in your main syllapocket, and 3 in your top syllapocket.

You have no idea what this means. This backpack modus can be simple sometimes, and sometimes its really hard to understand.
You step out of your room, and look straight down the hall to your Brothers room. He doesn't seem to be awake, so you leave the hall, and enter the living room.
The living room is silent. All you hear is a slight clicking noise. Wait. Clicking?

Your MOM stands in front of you!
You uncap your journal, and hold it ready for strife. You shouldn't be awake, as you said you were taking a nap.
Mom: Why are you awake!?!?

Avery: Mom, I can explain...

Mom: We're you on your laptop?

Avery: ...
You mak a run for it. You need to install the game disks.

You make it! And run the server and Client!
HEY STOP THAT!!! That shit-eating mouse keeps clicking you. You decide to add IA to your client list.
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Damnit! This annoying cat is making your mouse swerve around! You accidentally click on a Tube thingy and drop it in Emily's room.
WOAH. This tubey thingy just dropped into your room with a huge this. This is what you just did to Enily, so Zepher must've done it.
You try to open it. Nothing happened. Then you get an idea. You take out your Journal, and jump onto your desk. Yes
You jump off your desk, and smash the tube with your heavy journal. It pops open, and you land on your bed. The same thing happened from Emilt to you, as the seizure ball floats toward you, and it starts counting down.
You feel the wait of other things being deployed in your home.
You follow Zephers Orders, and strongly take the cylinder, and stuff into your syllapack. Your front syllapocket is comeletely full. You also take the card at your feet, and realize you should put don the other things in Emilies home.

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