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Fandom Beast Boy and Raven (Closed)

Rachel grinned at the growling stomach, happy for the slight distraction. Maybe some food will help them refocus. Slade was never easy to defeat, who knows what Deathstroke has up his sleeve?

“Maybe something other than Glorrk?” Rachel asked. She glanced at the entrance of the living room as she quickly made her way over to the kitchen. While Starfire was out of the room, she took the remaining Glorrk and portaled it off to an alternate dimension.

Just as the portal closed, Starfire came back to the room. “He did not answer, but I left a message.” She stopped and stared at the empty plate where her Tamaranian dish once sat. “You ate all the Glorrk?”

“Uh, yes.” Rachel replied. She rubbed her stomach as if full. “I was hungry. But Gar is still hungry, so how about you and I do some research while he eats.”

“Oh…ok. I did not realize how much you liked Glorrk. I will have to harvest more fungus,” Starfire said happily. Rachel hid a grimace, that was going to come back to bite her.

“If Deathstroke made a name for himself in Gotham, maybe there’ll be something on the internet we can learn about him,” Rachel suggested, pulling up the computer system on the big screen. Both heroines sat down on the couch as Rachel started the search.

“Ooh! Maybe we can also see if he purchased real estate!” Starfire added.
Garfield nearly vomited when he saw the Glorrk again, watch the portal pop up on the floor. He was glad to see it go but froze up when Starfire came back to ask about the exotic food.

“Uh yeah she ate it.” Gar agreed quickly while keeping himself out of the whole Glorrk thing. It was unfortunate that Rachel was a known Glorrk devourer considering Starfire was going to continue making it, but it was a worthy sacrifice to make.

While they went to the couch, he went into the kitchen and checked all What Cyborg had in storage. There was some chips along with some salsa in the fridge that he saw earlier.

“Wait why would he buy something with the name Deathstroke? That’s pretty dumb. I bet Batman woulda been found him right?” Garfield said while opening up the jar and dumping it into a bowl along with some cheese in a separate bowl.

Gar slapped the cheese in the microwave and dipped some tortilla chips in salsa, munching on them. “Wait if Slade made some deal with your dad does that mean you know everything about him?” He asked Rae before the microwave beeped for his warm cheese.
“Yeah, probably not under the name Deathstroke. Too bad we don’t know what his real name is,” Rachel agreed. It made her wonder why he chose to go by this much more obviously fake name now. Maybe he too had to go into hiding.

With the mention of her father, Rachel wondered if maybe that was part of it. “That’s not how deals with interdimensional demons work,” Rachel explained. “Slade’s deal with my father is over, I know that much, but even if it wasn’t I don’t have claims to any intel from my father’s deals. I’m not a part of his mind like he’s a part of mine.”

News articles started popping up on the search browser, mostly from the Gotham Gazette. Assassination attempts, murders, the occasional robbery. There didn’t seem to be any overarching plot with the crimes, and none of the pictures in the article had a full view of Deathstroke.

“I do not understand. Slade usually used robots or other villains to commit his crimes,” Starfire said. “It seems now he is the villain for hire.”

Rachel frowned and scrolled down the feed. Not once was he captured, not even by the Batman. “If that’s true, Starfire, then maybe someone hired him to come back here too,” she said, some puzzle pieces starting to fit together.
Gar stuffed some cheese covered chips in his mouth and nodded along with Rachel’s words. It was nice to hear his observation was correct for a change. He began dipping another chip into his salsa while Rae talked about her dad’s deal with Slade.

“That’s lame. If he can know the stuff you know then you should know the stuff he knows.” Garfield’s face twisted with confusion mixed with frustration.

Garfield hadn’t had chips with cheese dip and salsa in a while. It made him think about burritos, which would be amazing for dinner! “Burritos would be so good tonight, right?”

It was clear he wasn’t paying attention but when Rachel spoke up about Deathstroke being hired he nearly dropped his bowl. “Ooo ooo it was the bald dude!” Garfield definitely forgot his name but he knew the hairdo.
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"Bald dude?" Starfire questioned.

"He means Lex Luthor," Rachel answered. "He took over the Brotherhood of Evil a little while ago, and we think he's planning something else here in Jump City, but we haven't ben able to figure out what."

"I know Lex Luthor," Starfire said. "Or at least I know his company. I sold a couple buildings to the brand about a month ago."

Rachel frowned in thought. She was pretty certain her father wasn't behind Slade's return, he wouldn't use the same trick twice. That of course didn't mean that some of her father's power didn't remain in Deathstroke. Garfield said he was like an evil batman, maybe some demonic strength assisted with that. Just the timing of it all pointed her in a different direction.

"There have been a lot of attacks on the city recently. Jump City wasn't without crime when we left, but now it seems much more...cosmic," Rachel said. "And it all started after we visited the old Brotherhood Headquarters."

"You think Lex Luthor is hiring villains to attack the city?" Starfire asked. "Why would he buy land and then try to destroy it?"

"As a cover?" Rachel suggested, though she didn't believe it. "Whatever the reason, if Deathstroke is here because Luthor hired him, maybe Lex Luthor can give us a clue as to where he is and what he's up to. Maybe Slade's not here for us at all." Rachel was a little relieved at that thought. Being Slade's target was not fun and she wouldn't care to be in that position again.
Garfield was so use to being in a public place with neighbors he had forgotten his old ways. He didn’t like how long it took to eat so he simply changed into a hippo and tossed all the food into his mouth.

“I bet he’s here to get that money! Or maybe he’s trying to find Robin.” The green hippopotamus spoke with cheese oozing into his gullet. He quickly swallowed it all and waddled over to the couch.

Gar became himself and jumped the back of the couch, landing in between his friends. “Whatever he’s doing we gotta find him, beat him up, and save Terra!” He motioned his fist into his opposite palm with determination.

“So what should we do first to find him?” The determination turned to slight embarrassment as he was unsure about the way to go about his plan. “Ooo wait, don’t tell me. What if we go and find the places Baldy bought and maybe DeathSlade will be hiding there? Boom! Easy!” Garfield looked between Kory and Rachel hopefully.
"It's the only lead we've got," Rachel shrugged before looking to see if she could find a list of all the lexcorp-owned property.

"Looks like there are 6 properties owned by lexcorp. Two we've already been to, the old Brotherhood of Evil Headquarters and those old abandoned buildings," Rachel said after a moment of searching. A map of Jump City appeared on the screen, 6 little red dots spread evenly across the map. From the birds' eye view of the map, the 6 properties seemed to give Lexcorp a presence in most sections of the city.

"Perhaps we should split up our search? We will cover more ground that way," Starfire suggested.

"We should also check Slade's old hiding spots," Rachel added. "We still don't know for sure if he is working with Luthor, even if he is Luthor doesn't seem the hospitable type."

"And if we find him?" Starfire asked.

"We call the others. None of us should face him, or Terra, alone," Rachel said. She looked to Gar at that. "Agreed?"
Garfield groaned when Rachel started talking about the locations of the properties Lexcorp purchased. It felt like Robin briefing them in on situations before fighting a bad dude.

Personally he was laying back with his head on the back of the couch, eyes closed. It wasn’t until she looked over at him and spoke up he sat up.

“Huh? Yeah I won’t do nothing got it.” Gar said with a cliché answer to move forward. There was in no way shape or form that once he saw Slade with Terra that he would simply “back away”.

“Sweet! We got a plan so let’s hurry up and go.” He tried his hardest to smooth over the entire question Rachel asked him so they could be out the tower sooner rather than later.

Of course he was called out on it but wasn’t going to let up yet. “C’mon you know the longer we talk talk talk the longer she’s with that jerk.” Garfield turned into a macaw while fluttering around towards the elevator.
Rachel squinted her eyes at him, knowing that he wasn't listening as well as she would like him too. He was always an act first think later type of person, but when it came to anything Terra related, his actions seemed even more reckless. It was clear that Terra was still a weakness of his, whether he has moved on from that relationship or not.

"Slow down, Gar. We didn't even split up the locations," Rachel scolded him, which didn't seem to help as he transformed into a bird and flew off.

"I will check the places you've already been," Starfire volunteered. "Perhaps I will see something you did not."

Rachel nodded at her and then portaled over to the elevator. "There's a building next to the High School and the chemical plant. You check those, ok?" Rachel told the macaw, which left the building a block away from the library and the building that was once the video store, now abandoned, which is close to the bay side of the city. Starfire flew over and just caught the elevator in time to go down with the other two.

"Keep your phones close. Text the group if you see anything strange," Rachel reminded as the elevator went down and finally let them out into the main lobby. She felt like she was the one in charge, and didn't necessarily enjoy it. She hoped Nightwing would get Star's message and take over. He was way better at it.

"Be careful, friends!" Starfire said before taking off. Rachel glanced at Gar with concern. "I'll text you if I see anything," she said as one final olive branch before shooting up into the sky.
Garfield had thought he was in the clear until Rachel portaled in front if him in the elevator. He perched on her shoulder and nodded his head listening to what she was saying.

“I got it, Jump City High school and the science plants, easy peasy!” The green tropical bird squawked. He made a mental note in his bird brain while trying to think of where to go after if they weren’t at the places he saw.

The way Rachel looked at him made him feel bad for some reason. Garfield wasn’t interested in Terra that way anymore but he would go to these lengths and more for Rae. There was a small moment of clarity in his mind before Raven flew off and he smiled.

“I promise I won’t do nothing dangerous without you Rae!” Gar flew in the opposite direction and went towards the high school in search of the purchased property. Once there he went in the building through a cracked window. Apparently this property hadn’t been worked on yet and he crept around as a small dragonfly.

Garfield frustratingly went towards the next location after half an hour of thoroughly inspecting the first building. The science plant the science plant… Gar thought before science a giant sign that read Wayne Chemical Plant. This has to be what Rachel meant.

The mushu flew towards the designated area but there were civilians there, construction worked to be exact. He couldn’t even get close enough without being seen but Garfield knew there’s no way any supervillain could be around these dudes.

Even though he didn’t have to, Garfield searched throughout all the sketchy places for hours, even after his partners had returned home. “I think I’m close to them I’ll let u guys know if I c them” He texted Rachel.

Sometime that afternoon Gar returned to the tower, exhausted and frustrated, slowly floating to the couch with his little dragon powers. Once he hit the furniture he reverted to his human self again with a heavy sigh. “I didn’t find them….” He muttered.
Rachel and Starfire didn’t have much better luck. Starfire began her search at the old Brotherhood headquarters. There wasn’t much to be seen there, as the whole building exploded just weeks ago. The were bulldozers and other strange machinery cleaning up the debris, but besides that she saw nothing else of interest.

The same went for the abandoned buildings. Parts of it was still destroyed from the Mr. Freeze fiasco, the building partially caved in on it itself. Again there was no sign of a secret lair or any signs of life. She took out her phone and let her friends know about her findings and headed back to the tower.

Rachel first went to the building close to the public library. This building, from what she can see from looking on the outside, consisted of office spaces; cubicles, water coolers, the whole nine yards. Men and women in suits typed away on computers or discussed finance in conference rooms. Typical company stuff, and not something Rachel would think Deathstroke would go anywhere near. Satisfied in her search, she moved to the next location.

The video store, Rachel realized, was only a few doors down from her bookstore. Her body automatically headed towards that first, forgetting her mission momentarily. Peeking through the window, Rachel saw an employee behind the counter that she didn’t recognize. A new hire or maybe just another employee she didn’t bother learning the name or face of. He looked bored, this employee, and she immediately disliked him for no good reason at all.

Rachel’s hand reached for the doorknob, but her other hand pulled it away. She couldn’t go in looking like this, and what would she do anyway? It wasn’t her shift. It’s been a while since she’s had a shift, but there were more important things to do now. She turned from the bookstore and flew away.

The video store had a large “No trespassing” sign on the door. Rachel simply phased through it and walked inside. It seemed Lex Luthor didn’t yet start whatever he was planning for this building yet, for it looked just as it did the day it closed down. Shelves of DVDs and video games lined the store, as well as posters and movie memorabilia.

Rachel sat down on the floor and focused her energy to see if anything rested beneath the building, maybe a hidden hideout or something worth buying the building, but she felt nothing. Disappointed, she stood up again and wiped the dirt off her robe.

“Well this was pointless,” Rachel sighed. She looked at her phone and saw Starfire’s message as well as Gar’s saying he thought he was close. Part of her wanted to go after him and make sure he was safe, but she decided against it, wanting to show that she trusted him.

Instead, she went to the nearest Mexican restaurant and ordered burritos. Gar had said he was craving burritos, and after today they all needed something to make them feel better.

Rachel portaled right back to the living room and told Starfire about her lack of findings while she kept the burritos warm in the oven.

Finally, Gar appeared, and Rachel too was disappointed to find that he found nothing as well.

“At least we know where he isn’t,” Starfire said, trying to stay positive. “6 places down.”

“7. I know he’s not at Bueno Burritos,” Rachel added. She pulled the cooking sheet out of the oven and placed it on the stove. She picked up a vegetarian burrito and waved it in Gar’s direction.

“How about a little pick-me-up?” She asked before tossing it to him.
Garfield had his eyes shut but merely the smell of the food made his ears perk up on command. Even if he didn’t find them his friends were making an attempt to cheer him up. It wasn’t like last time so maybe things were different with Terra. That didn’t mean he should give up but he has other people to worry about right beside him.

Gar turned into a rather burly Great Dane, rolling over onto his back and letting the burrito fall into his large mouth. “Thanks Rae.” He said with a mouthful. Once he swallowed, Garfield stood to his feet and changed back into himself. “Whoa that was awesome! is there more?”

The food seemingly pulled him from his slump with ease along with a little mental persuasion to help out. Gar was next to Rachel quickly and picked up a few more burritos off of the sheet. “These are all vegetarian?” He asked, smiling in anticipation to stuff them into his maw.

Of course with less hesitation Garfield began eating them, a fell bite taking half of the burrito on an express trip to his stomach. After the second burrito was gone Gar looked over to see if Kory was watching before talking to Rae.

“Uhm I’m sorry about the whole Terra thing…” He mumbled while looking at their feet. “I just feel like it’s my fault she’s bad again, like she said y’know? I wish I coulda convinced her way back to be good again and this wouldn’t even be happening…”

Garfield knew there was obvious tension between Rachel and Terra so he felt he needed to make this clear with Rae and be up front about his feelings. “I pinky swear it’s not because of other stuff with Terra, I just wanna help.”
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"No meat in sight, scout's honor," Rachel grinned. If there was one thing she could always count on, it was Gar's stomach. She took one final burrito for herself before sliding the rest of the tray his way, knowing he will easily take care of them all.

Starfire was busy on the couch with her phone. She had already eaten and was determined to put her real estate license to use and find more hidden locations, so she did not pay attention to the conversation behind her.

Rachel crossed her arms and leaned against the kitchen counter. "You have no reason to apologize, and this is not your fault. Slade fed Terra lies about all of us, but especially about you because you were the one she felt most connected to. But that's all they are, lies. You didn't ruin her life and you're not the one making her choices."

She flushed a little, ashamed by her morning outburst against Terra. “Terra and I had a strained relationship at best, but I still consider her my friend. I don’t think she ever felt the same way and I don’t really blame her. Everyone is entitled to their feelings.”

Rachel reached out and lifted his head so she can look him in the eyes. “Just because we’re… you know… doesn’t mean you can’t care about Terra. You have a big heart, Gar, and it’s on your sleeve. I just want you to be careful with it.”

Just then, Starfire let out a huge groan. “I am not finding any more Lexcorp locations! Everything about this company is so secretive.”

Rachel let go and stepped away quickly. “That’s ok Star. I don’t think Slade would be that easy to find anyway. We just have to think of something else. Did Nightwing get back to you?”

“Unfortunately not. He must be busy,” Starfire sighed.
Garfield liked hearing Rachel’s wisdom being bestowed upon him even if he felt in the wrong. It always made sense to him the way she broke things down, it was hard to disagree or argue with at all.

Gar felt her soft touch in his chin and met her dark blue eyes. He got a bit giddy just looking at her and nodded his head. Before he could speak the Raven side of his partner came back out and she pulled away.

Of course this didn’t bother him but he wanted to express his feelings. Garfield put the burritos down and hugged Rachel from behind. His head pressed against her neck in the embrace and he grinned. “Thanks Rae, I dunno what I’d do without you.” He said softly before letting her go.

Gar gave her a small kiss on the cheek and went back to his burritos again. It didn’t take to long to feel like himself again but he tried to take a more level head to thinking about Terra and Slade. Within minutes Garfield had finished five burritos, lying on the floor as a dog on its back. “Aw man that was sweet…”
Rachel rubbed her cheek, a small smile on her face as she went to sit next to Starfire on the couch.

“It’s ok, Star. We’ll figure something out,” Rachel assured. Starfire was looking at her with a raised eyebrow, and there was a silent conversation between the two of them. Rachel rolled her eyes while Starfire silent clapped, ending the conversation.

“We need eyes on the city. We can’t be everywhere at once,” Rachel said, pulling up the computer screen again. She was by no means a techy person, she just recently started carrying her phone with her at all times, but she hoped maybe Cyborg left them some more surprises, a security camera feature perhaps.

The sound of Garfield hitting the floor caused Rachel to leave her eyes from the screen to look over. All the burritos were gone, less than a minute for each one to be consumed.

“You know eating that fast isn’t good for you, right? Did you even taste then?”

“That’s nonsense! On Tamaran, if you don’t eat fast enough, you’ll miss out on the best dishes,” Starfire argued.
Garfield gave a lazy smile and looked over towards the couch. “Yeah huh I tasted it. Guacamole, sour cream, salsa, beans, all so good…” His mouth drooled thinking about more as he listed off the ingredients his tongue still tasted.

“Whoa we gotta go to T-“ Even Gar was smart enough to stop himself before continuing. If the dishes like Glorrk were delicacies to Starfire then the rest must be down right vomit.

“Uh that’s pretty cool Star.” He restated with a nervous chuckle. He turned into himself as the sun was lowering in the sky. Had they really spent that much time looking for Terra and Slade? Well he was gone longer than the others but still time had been taken.

He sat down on the couch and leaned slightly against Rachel with a stifled yawn. “I dunno bout you dudes but I’m beat….” Garfield rubbed his eye with one hand trying to keep them open.
Rachel was getting nowhere in regards to understanding Cyborgs computer system. It didn't help that her eyes were glassy from searching the city all day. She yawned and leaned back against the couch. "I don't think we're getting anywhere tonight. I can search for a manual for the tv tomorrow," she said doubtfully. Nothing Cyborg tampered with had manuals. A smart-tv isn't just a smart TV in Titan Tower.

Starfire threw her phone on the couch tiredly in defeat. "I do not wish to think of our friend under Slade's control another night, but I believe we are at our wits end."

"She'll be ok," Rachel said. "Whatever his plan is, it doesn't involve hurting her. Not yet. The best thing we can do for her right now is get some rest, be ready to help her tomorrow."

Starfire stood up from the couch and stretched. "Then I will try to rest very well. Sweet dreams, friends." She floated over the couch and gave each titan a hug before drifting off to bed.

Rachel twiddled her fingers a little restlessly. As happy as she was to be back home, she didn't really want to head back there just now. "Did Cyborg change your room at all? He remembered not to touch mine," she said.
Garfield tried not to let the idea of Slade being the only one around Terra get to him, remembering what Rachel said to him minutes earlier. “Sweet dreams Star”

Gar wasn’t prepared for the strength of the hug when Kory squeezed him unintentionally tightly. He rubbed his sides and leaned back against Rachel. When she said something about his room Garfield sat up quickly.

“Oh yeah! He made my bunk bed like just the bottom but bigger” His hands were trying to properly show what he was saying while continuing the explanation.

“He moved my comics to the wall over here, I got a new little bed for my small animals, AND he got a TV in there now! C’mon you should see!” Garfield pulled Rachel to her feet and rushed her to see his new bedroom layout.

Once they were there he spread his arms in big reveal. “Welcome to Casa De Garfield.” The arrangement was just as he explained it, or at least tried to, with the bed being neatly made since he hadn’t slept in it yet but the comic he took out was strewn across the covers. The cat tree bed was slightly messy but other than that the room was perfectly clean.
The sudden burst of energy from Gar woke her up as well. She was practically swept off her feet and whisked out of the living room and down the hall to his room.

"Wow, I can see the floor," Rachel commented, stepping inside. There was no more than a handful of times she had been in Garfield's room, but every time she had, the room had been a pigsty, sometimes literally. It was clear Cyborg took great lengths to clean up his friend's room and make it nice for him. She wondered if he had done the same for his own room, or if he knew he would never return even if the titans had.

She was drawn first to the bookshelf, which she didn't remember being there last time she visited. All of the books on the shelves were comics, not surprising, and many were well-used, although based on the dust not recently. Rachel couldn't tell how exactly they were organized, if at all. Series were kept together in numerical order, but other than that there didn't seem a system to it. Running her finger along the spine as she read the titles, she realized a good portion of them were about superheroes. Avengers, X-Men, the list went on. Comics weren't really her type of reading material, but books in general just made her more comfortable in a room.

Looking up from the bookshelf, her eye caught the TV, and again she wondered about the purpose of them in everyone's room. "I have one in my room too," she said, "And so did Starfire. Maybe it's for communication." She moved to the screen and pressed the power button, having to fly a little to reach it up on the wall. The signature Titan T showed up on the screen, followed by a list of all five titan names listed across the bottom of the screen. On the top left, the was an emergency button in red, on the right there was an intercom button in green. ON the side, a button to switch the input to Cable.

"Cyborg was busy," Rachel said. "It must connect to all our rooms, maybe even our titan communicators too."
Garfield rolled his eyes “You can always see the whole fl-“ He spotted the comic on the floor and quickly picked up, tossing it back on top of his shelf. “The whole floor Rae, open up then peepers.”

It was something he’d try to make an effort to keep clean now that he and Rachel were a thing. There was no way she’d want to spend any time with him in here if it looks way too messy. Plus he had to admit it was hard to find things in there sometimes. Especially when someone came in and moved one thing.

Gar watched Rachel float towards the screen and he scratched his head. “So we all have a TV? Cy is the best!” He said while walking up behind her, peering over Rae’s shoulder. When he saw the intercom button he got a idea and knew it would be hilarious.

Garfield moved Rachel aside by the hips with a giant grin and clicked Starfire’s picture. Before speaking into the TV with the camera he cleared his throat. “STAR YOU GOTTA COME QUICK! CONTROL FREAK TRAPPED ME IN THE TV, HE’S IN MY ROOM!”

He cut the camera off and laughed to himself, holding his stomach. Garfield looked at Rachel and wiped a tear. “C’mon it’ll be funny when she comes in three, two, one..”
Starfire was in her room brushing her hair when all of a sudden the TV screen flicked on to show Beast Boy in his room. She dropped her brush and gasped as her friend explained that he was actually trapped on the TV, captured by Control Freak. Before she could respond, the TV turned off again.

Rachel crossed her arms as he laughed to himself. “I don’t think that was the best idea…” she said, knowing how Starfire strongly reacts to everything.

As the countdown began, Rachel stepped away from the door.



The door was blasted open and Starfire charged inside, eyes ablaze.

“LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE YOU CONTROL FREAK!” She roared, until the smoke cleared and she saw no villain in sight. Rachel dropped the shield she had put up at the last possible second and wiped her sleeve.

“…I do not understand,” Starfire said, releasing her fists. “Where is Control Freak?”

“Gar was fooling around,” Rachel said rolling her eyes. “There’s no Control Freak here.”

“Oh…” Starfire thought about it for a moment before smiling. “Oh I get it. You wanted to make sure I will come save you if Control Freak attacks you at night. Did I pass the test?”
Garfield covered his face with his arms the best he could when the entire door was blown into and dust was floating about. He laughed, leaning over with his hands on his knees while Kory looked very confused.

Luckily Starfire came up with a stupendous excuse so that he didn’t have to, which he took and ran with. “Of course you passed Star! I figured since ChickenWing isn’t around to test us I better do it. You did so good I think I’ll have something special for you guys in the morning.”

Garfield really wanted to lay it on thick for her and he wasn’t necessarily lying. He would certainly do something to take his mind off of the whole Terra thing AND to show his appreciation to his friends.

Once Starfire left the room, Gar became a silverback and picked the door up and tried to push it into its proper place. Of course it only fell back which caused him to snicker.

Rachel commented on the promise he made to Starfire and he nodded his head. “Yeah, I know but I really do have something for the both of you. I just want you dudes to know I’m glad the Titans are back!” He said while turning back into himself.

Gar plopped down on his bed and feigned shock. “Whoaaaa this bed is super soft! Rae you gotta feel how comfy this bed is!” His eyes gleamed with happiness that nearly trumped Kory’s.

When Rachel came over to sit he nodded his head “You know this bed is huge too! It’s almost like two people could lay down in it or something.” Garfield gave a toothy grin after very obviously giving his plan away to simply sleep next to Rae.
Starfire left the room and Rachel turned to the gorilla in the room. "Now you have to really think of something to give her," she commented as she attempted to fix the door as well. The hinges were shot, melted away by Starfire's flames. In the end, her magic was able to get it to close, although whether the hinges would actually work once it was opened again, she could not be sure.

When she turned around, Gar was acting as if he were sitting on a cloud instead of a bed and was way too happy about it. "After that raving review, I guess I have no choice," she said before taking a seat down next to him. As expected, it was soft, but her own bed was just as comfy, not something to get all excited about. Rachel had a feeling his excitement stemmed from them being together, which she felt the same way, though not as audibly.

"Cyborg did really think of everything," Rachel grinned back, before falling back onto the bed, taking him with her. "How about we test that out? I should probably make sure you don't keep bothering Starfire's communicator anyway. Or mine." She shook her head.
There was a slight yelp when he was pulled down but he quickly replaced that feeling with joy while Rachel spoke up. “No way anyone could stop me from messin with you.” He teased.

Garfield wrapped his arms around Rachel and laid his head on her chest. After a few moments of silence he finally spoke but more because he felt it was necessary to say rather him disliking the quiet. “I really appreciate you and the stuff you said earlier Rae.”

He sat there listening to her heartbeat as she spoke, smiling a little at the pace at which it pumped out blood. Gar knew she wasn’t as upfront about how she felt about him as he did to her but the fast beats told him all he needed to know.

Garfield looked up at Rachel from below with curious green eyes. It was always cute whenever she got flustered or showed any positive emotion in general so he smiled at her widely, face partially hidden in her clothing.
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Luckily for Rachel, Gar couldn't see her face, because it was beet red, flustered by the closeness of him wrapped around her. From the corner of her eye, she could see her powers losing control; black streams of magic hitting the ceiling and getting dangerously close to knocking the books off the shelf.

"You don't need to be weird about it, I was just telling the truth," She muttered, focusing more on calming herself down. Geez, she thought she'd gotten over this, way too old to fawn over a guy like a preppy teenager. "You're kind of great and it's annoying when you don't realize that."

When he looked up at her, she had the terrible feeling that he knew just what he did to her. Could he feel it? A couple of books toppled to the floor in reaction, and she silently cursed her lack of control, still not a fan of showing weakness. "I'll just get those," she said quickly before phasing through the bed and popping up by the book shelf. "Must be a draft in here. You really should get some bookends to keep these books tight and tucked in." The books were shoved back onto the shelf, one or two upside down.

"Anyway, we should go to sleep. Busy day, tomorrow," Rachel floated back over to the bed and flung herself under the covers, hiding her still burning red face.

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