

Mostly void, partially stars
A quick (or not so quick) layout of the bases mentioned in the rp.

Mount Justice


The main base of the Justice League Initiative. It was given to them by the Justice League prior to the official formation to allow time for the overhaul and modernization.

Layout (Rough)



5th Floor: Reaching up into the higher ranges, this area contains the hanger and the computer mainframe. Completely redesigned and updated it is the home to Sai's computer system from which he claims to run the world, or at least have access to it. The computer system uses some systems programmed by the Justice League, and a good number of programs written by Sai himself in a combination of codes that is meant to take weeks or months for even the best to understand enough to hack, assuming it is possible at all.

4th Floor: Located in the central area it looks much the same as it did in the past. The table has been updated to include virtual displays and other modern tech. A bank of computer screens makes up one wall, controlled by Sai and in general used for mission planning and debriefing. These screens are screens only, not actual computer systems and while they are linked to the mainframe on the 5th floor they can only be accessed by approved computers (of which there is 1, Sai's laptop). When not in use they usually show a rotating globe. The lounge and kitchen have been updated but otherwise remain generally the same purpose. The library hasn't been touched at all beyond cleaning.

3rd Floor: The site of the most impressive overhauls, there has been an entire floor added under the floor that the meeting room is on which contains a multitude of rooms and hallways. Each massive room contains a full bathroom as well as a walk in closet. These will serve as the private rooms of the members of the Initiative and can be designed as the resident prefers.

"Ground" Floor/2nd Floor: The lowest floors have been updated but beyond the space adjustments remain the same beyond that the trophy room has been cleared out and awaits the Initiative's feats to begin filling it.

Sub Level: The sub bay and water passage to the Atlantic, this remains much the same, beyond the updated security features. The power plant is also on this level, under extremely impressive protection.

Sub sub level: Containment cells have been built on the lowest level, designed to be adaptable to hold whatever they may run up against. They are mainly designed as holding cells rather than full on prison cells. The Justice League initially argued this installation however later acknowledged that it would be more secure than holding the captured somewhere else while they waited for the League to arrive and take possession. 

Security Measures

For the initiated the mountain is fairly easy to access. There are a number of doors that can be opened via voice recognition, facial recognition, and other samplings. To access these controls (including to modify or override them) requires the ability to get into the computer mainframe room, and to figure out Sai's programming. There are also the zeta tubes which are located off the main meeting room. There are no cameras in the private rooms although there are several in the hallways there.

For those trying to sneak into the mountain, things are a little bit harder. There are some 400 HD cameras located on the site (on at all times) and placed for maximum coverage. They are located outside, in all hallways, public rooms, and doubled on all entrances and vents. The vents themselves have been heavily fortified (Sai being paranoid after the whole Eric sneaking in thing). All vents (including all sizes) have grates every 50ft apart and at every intersection or split. All grates have sensors in them that indicate if any are broken or go offline for any reason. There are also a number of more aggressive measures in place. These include lazers, emps, taser guns, and land mines located throughout the area. Many of those that can move are placed in strategic locations for when they rise out of the resting stance to have the widest range. The land mines are predominately located deeper in the mountain, discouraging viciously anyone who feels like trying to dig their way in. All chambers can also be sealed completely, including air supply.

Personal Rooms

If anyone would care to have their personal room description posted in this reference please PM it to me, or post it below.

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