Story Backstory for a primary villain for an oc.

Backstory: Older brother of two. When he was around 13, he was sent to work at the Aegir Manor as a gardener in order to keep an eye on them as Dorothea was investigating the fake Edelgard situation and was planning to bring it to light. This first murder that Lysandros had to preform was on Dorothea herself, someone he found to be quite kind and considerate. He found Ferdinand to be nice too and like a second family. So of course he was a bit hesitant at first, but he ended up killing Dorothea while she was alone in the bathroom before fleeing out a window and getting changed into clean clothes so no one would suspect him. He definitely felt guilty at first. But after the funeral, he felt different. He thought that Ferdinand giving the speech about his dead wife was a thing of beauty. Solo grew up a sickly child and watching both Ferdinand and Solo go through their lives continued to cultivate this feeling that suffering is beautiful. Of course he knew people would be weirded out by his feelings, so he faked a friendly and big brotherly persona towards Solo. Visiting her whenever she was sick or just sad about something. Pretending to be a shoulder to cry on for her when in reality his sick obsession with seeing her miserable grew stronger. After the events at The Officer’s Academy and Solo and Ferdinand were placed under house arrest, Lysandros offered to help Ferdinand to allow Solo to escape. Ferdinand died during the process, fighting off the guards as poison from one of their weapons flowed through his veins. Lysandros faked a life threatening injury on their way out and pretended to pass out from blood loss when the two stumbled upon bandits while fleeing, bandits which he purposely got them caught by.

any thoughts? I‘ll take any advice.

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