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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Avolair Academy: School For The Supernatural [Accepting][Sandbox][Character Sheet][Modern Fantasy]



Avolair Academy
A supernatural academy roleplay with Fairy Tail elements, tournaments, additional dangers, and open world.
(Full information below)
Avolair Academy is a new school that appears to be your everyday, average boarding school. It looks as if the rich are housed here, pampered, and given the best treatment and education around. In some instances, that is true, however, Avolair Academy is a school for the supernatural. Not only the supernatural but anyone who possesses magic goes here. They are not allowed to apply, they are invited - there are some exceptions however. Here they are taught how to use their abilities, given the best education around, from teachers who have been around forever, and are able to participate in tournaments to test their abilities. The school can seem chaotic due to the mass amount of different types of students, and often times there are fights among different races, but now and then there are those moments where they co - exist peacefully. Students also can take place in circles, supernatural organizations with varying goals that occasionally do missions, community service, social gatherings, and more. Outside of the academy, there are those known as hunters, whom the students have not been informed about. They are like bounty hunters whom are supposed to bring back the dead bodies (or body parts) of the supernatural for money. Though there are some that insist on purely torturing and toying with them. The school tries its best to keep said people away, but their number grows by the day.

While at the academy students do not hear from or see their loved ones, unless they are in the academy themselves. They are stripped of all personal electronics (though the school has its own electronics such as computers, lounge televisions). There is a large amount of land surrounding the academy, and students live in dorms having one or two dorm-mates. They do not choose their dorm mates and see them on the first day.

Many secrets lurk about this academy, but no one knows if they are true...


Type A: Type A vampires are your basic sensitive to sunlight, garlic, die by the stake vampires. The need to drink blood every so often to even stay alive, and they are pale in complexion. They often have a great sense of smell and are very agile and quick on their feet.

Type B: Type B vampires are like type A vampires but have went so often without blood, that they have become emotionally unstable. They are violent when hungry, even if it is not in their nature, and they are stronger in physical strength when hungry than normal vampires. The downside is they are hungry way more often, and their bite is extremely painful. It is rumored that when on the brink of death, the males can poison with their fangs when they bite - regardless of if that was their intention.

Type C: Type C vampires are like backwards vampires. They are extremely rare as well. They are not sensitive to sun, they don't dislike garlic, and a stake is not their natural enemy. They are like that of humans except one thing. They need to bite - to give blood. They need to get rid of excess blood every so often or they fall ill and throw up blood or get extreme bloody noses. These vampires are able to read emotions of those they bite and their bite is said to feel nothing but amazing.


Type A: These werewolves are like shape shifters, they change at will into their werewolf or dog like form, and at will they change back. They have a great amount of endurance, stamina, are quick on their feet, and are always warm.

Type B: These werewolves only change during the full moon, however they are much stronger than type A when in their wolf form. They are natural lovers of the night, and also heal quickly in their wolf form.


Type A: The only type of demon, they do not have wings like some people think. They have a good amount of strength and heightened senses. They are good fighters when it comes to darkness and shadows. The night is often their friend. Most of the time they are cunning or deceitful.


Type A: Type A is your stereotypical female (or male) that attracts the opposite sex and is often times able to get them to do things just by talking to them. They are alluring to anyone of the opposite sex, even if they don't want to be. Additionally their second level of allure is manipulation, which makes them completely undeniable and in a kind of trance, those kissed while in the trance, can have energy sucked from them over time. They are always attractive, and they have heightened senses, voices like silk, and their touch is always warm. Additionally, they have demonic horns, wings, and tails.

Type B: It is extremely rare, but type b is somewhat like that of type A, except they attract the same sex, and REPEL the opposite sex. Their allure and appearance is the same.


Type A: Type A zombies look like normal humans, however they cannot be in the light or they will slowly burn. They were people once human, who died and were brought back to life by a necromancer. Zombies are the walking dead and thus cannot die - ever. They never appear to age. They are physically strong though a little fragile. They do fail pain when injured, though the heal themselves over time even if decapitated.

Type B: Type B zombies are like zombies you see in horror movies. They ARE the dead, scary, creepy, slow and slow talkers as well. Hard to understand, not easy on the eyes.


Type A: Type A ghosts look like humans, humans that cannot be touched and cannot touch anything. They do not age, they are already dead, and have no special traits.

Type B: Type B ghosts cannot be seen, they are like spirits, you hear them, maybe you feel them, but you never see them.


Type A: Type A wizards need some sort of item like a wand, pendant, or etc to use magic. Without it they are rendered useless. They know certain types of spells in which they must recite to cast - they are otherwise human.

Type B: Type B wizards do not need anything to cast their magic, but do recite spells just like type A wizards - they are otherwise human.

Type C: Type C wizards do not need to recite anything, nor do they need an item, their magic ranges from many things, but they are known to lose energy quickly due to their amount of power. They are your massive damagers, but constant fighting is not their forte.


Type A: Alchemists are your everyday humans who tamper with items, potions, your general alchemy to create misc magical like creatures or objects. They are otherwise human.


Type A: Type A necromancers are able to resurrect the dead. They are able to bring someone back to life thus making them a zombie, kill a zombie which they have resurrected (the only way to kill them.) Or, give a ghost a body. If someone has been long dead, they can temporarily control them. They are otherwise human.

Type B: Type B necromancers are able to kill any undead, and bring them back as their eternal slave. These are extremely rare.

Dark Magicians

Type A: Type A uses dark and forbidden magic which is often dangerous to not others but its caster. They work with magic regarding shadows, darkness, blood, and poison. It is not rare for them to die due to their magic.

Type B: Type B uses lost magic, overpowered single shot spells, some which have the power to even kill someone. Every time they cast one of these spells, their life span shortens and they become more and more emotionally and physically fragile.


Perfectly human, hunters are haters of supernatural beings and humans who use special supernatural fighting items, or sometimes but rarely, have obtained a way to use magic themselves. Their sole purpose is to hunt and kill them, and often bring them back for an award. Depending on if they work alone, or for an organization, their rules and morals vary.


Ranks are given to all magic users as soon as their abilities are made public. Each person is called up by the magic council to be tested and placed in an appropriate ranking which they will have cast on them (and this cannot be manipulated or covered), somewhere on their body. This can only be removed and changed by the members of the council. Most mages start at the lowest ranks, though those who hide their abilities tend to have their results vary. Magic users are retested every year, Avolair academy students are tested every month.

1. One is the highest rank there is available to those who possess magic. Those who are rank one have learned to fully control their powers, strengthened them, and possibly even expended into other areas of expertise, and sometimes mastered those as well. A few even have rare magic. (Limit 3) (Taken:1)
Sub ranks:

A. Those ranked with 1A have mastered one area of magical expertise, and are likely the strongest person possessing this power. This is a very rare rank to get and is reranked often as new mages progress to rank one. It is extremely rare for mages to rerank as 1A.
B. 1B is typically a mage who has mastered their main ability and branched out into other abilities, being proficient in those areas but still are stronger with their natural ability. This is the most common rank. (Taken)
C. Those ranked at 1C have mastered their abilities, branched out into other areas, and also mastered those areas. This is an extremely rare ranking. (Taken)

2. Rank two is for mages that have fully mastered their main ability, and have just started to branch out into other areas of magic. (Limit 3)
3. Rank three is for mages that have good control over their main area, but have either not expanded to new ones, or have less control over others.(Limit 6)
4. Rank four is for mages that have slight to moderate control over their abilities. This is the most common rank among mages. (Unlimited)

Sub ranks:
A. Sub rank a is the less common rank, it is for mages that have some control in one area, and have shown potential to expand. (all areas).
B. The most common rank, these mages have some control in one area, but not good understanding, nor have they shown hidden potential for anything else.

5. Rank Five is for mages that have little to no control over their abilities. (Unlimited)
Sub Ranks:

A. Mages in rank A typically have little control over their magic, and have a hard time using their powers or tire easily from attempts to use them.
B. Mages in rank B have absolutely no control over their powers and/or are a harm to themselves or others.

Unranked. Unranked people have yet to be ranked. Often they have just discovered their abilities or have been hiding them from the general public. Those invited into the academy always know of magic people posses, whether they reveal that to the person or not.

Extra Curricular/clubs/sports:

Water Polo
Dance (basic)
Dance Team (competitive)

Music Club
Art Club
Photography Club
For the World (volunteering club)
Fashion Club
Home Economics Club
Video Game Club
Martial Arts Club

Student Body:

Vice President:
Financial Manager:

Race Rankings (do not apply to humans):

Pureblood: People born within a family of pure (insert creature) blood - does not apply to human types. They are often powerful, and sometimes feared. The stereotype possesses the most money, usually has followers, and always a protector. However, this is not always the case.
Nobles: Second after purebloods. They are strong as well but not as much so, they come from money but not as much as a pure blood.
Basic: Your everyday, average (insert creature here.)


Every pureblood needs a guardian, often times nobles are their guardians, or very skilled humans. Guardians usually protect that of their own race - again, unless they are human or hybrid. However, exceptions can always be made, there is no rule against anything else. Guardians can be students, however, they don't have to be.


You are only allowed to hybrid two races together, they may not be overpowered. Being hybrid will make traits from each side a bit weaker, please be detailed in your sheet.


Some races are able to use a weapon, and can bring them into the school to use for tournaments, as well as certain approved missions. Use of weapons for anything other than this, is forbidden, and will get one expelled, or even reported to authorities. Weapons may have two different types of origins, they may either be obtained from an area outside of the school, often passed down by family, especially when it comes to royalty. These weapons are basic and stay in their current form forever. The most common origin is obtained from the school itself. These weapons are created from a portion of the essence of the student, fused with a treasured item to them. This then creates a live weapon, that grows with the student, as they continue to get stronger. Traits, appearance, and ability of the weapon completely reflects the student themselves. This is why students are asked to name their weapons, as they are actually living beings, whose only way to die, is when they do. Should any kind of status affliction affect the student, it affects the weapon as well. Certain students cannot wield weapons such as ghosts, zombies, and dark witches. Regular witches are only able to use magical weapons, whereas other races are more versatile.

High School

Earth Science
US History
Social Studies
Physical Education

Self Control
Defensive Techniques
Power Amplification
Survival Training
Weapon Mastery
Potion Creation
Study of Magic Creatures
Metal & Woodshop: The creation of weapons
Magic Mastery
Adaptation: Controlling powers and your characteristics in different environments



College schedules are more lenient, and since you choose more major, you are going to get to make up your classes. Your schedule is not the same as high school students, and you pick the times and days you want to go to school.

Race heads

Race heads are the purebloods of their race, whom lead and watch over their kind. They are not voted as head, but simply get there based on power. These people have some control over their race the others would not.

(It is not completely necessary, to have a race head, though. Not applicable to humans.)

Vampire head:
Werewolf head:
Demon head:
Zombie head:
Ghost head:
Succubus/incubus head:


Circles are groups outside the school, or within the school, that have formed for various reasons. Each circle has their own requirement for mages, some of them more strict than others. Circles are one hundred percent legal, although each individual circle's actions and goals may not be. Circles vary in size and are located all over the world, there are however 'Regal' circles. These circles tend to be located by landmarks or high traffic areas. They are the more popular and sought out circles, there is even one within the school. Circles may be started by anyone of rank, they must receive permission from the council and a temporary advisor for their circle. They then receive a permit in which to house their circle.

Some circles have an agenda such as heroic acts, others acts of service, others go after hunters to try and save their kind (when revealed), some go on 'missions' posted to try and help those in need. Missions are something currently exclusive to the school, so circles within the school often have them to some extent.

Here are some general circle ideas, feel free to pick one you would like to lead/be a part of. Those who wish to lead can expand upon what I have written so do notify me immediately. You may also create your own circles, and recruit for them

Circle 1: Circle one is a circle that welcomes all levels of mages. This circle wishes to give those that feel like outsiders and loners or just different a home. They are about equality and acceptance and are a very homy group. Your home away from home if you will. They are not to be underestimated, however, they do have their handful of powerful mages. (Located within the school)

Circle 2: Circle two requires rank three or higher. This circle is about bettering oneself and hard work. They believe they have a greater purpose in life than to sit around wasting away their powers or causing issues around the city. They are very disciplined and are put through vigorous training among enrollment. (Located within the school)

Circle 3: Circle three requires mages of rank four or higher. This circle is a rather unruly group with a general superiority complex. This circle causes a lot of trouble for those around them and seems to make it their job to give others a hard time. They are within their own right, a strong circle that is somewhat chaotic. - The problem circle / the some misfits, some bad guys. (Located within the school)

Circle 4: Circle four requires rank 2 or higher, immediately denial upon revealing of other ranks. This circle is extremely secretive, not even their own members have seen their leaders face (or have they?). This circle's goals are rather unknown by those around them. - The generic evil/bad guy circle. (Located outside the school in one of the main cities)


Divisions apply to ranks within a circle, division rankings vary depending on the leader of said circle.
They can be based on strength, loyalty, progression, reliability, trust, general 'usefulness', age, etc.


There are different types of tournaments that take place different times of the year, every student is required to attend the tournaments even if they aren't in them, as guests. However, some tourneys are mandatory to test progress of students. As prizes students receive trophies and it is considered a high honor amongst the school.

Types of tournaments:


Tourney A: Your basic by elimination singles tournament [Mandatory]
Tourney B: Survival, everyone against everyone, last man standing wins. [By choice (though must be in ONCE within their whole stay at the school.)]
Tourney C: Target practice- the students must hit targets that go further and further. Highest score wins. [By choice]
Tourney D: Usually the smallest tourney - Spotlight- students with magic appealing to the eye compete in a non violent way, showcasing their magic. Most skilled and attractive wins. [By Choice]
Tourney E: Obstacle course of sorts - changes every time. Can be physical obstacles, as well as monsters, creatures, or people in your way. Considered dangerous.[By selection of school committee.]


Tourney A: Your basic elimination match, but in teams. Sometimes chosen at random, sometimes chosen by students. [Mandatory]
Tourney B: This is a teachers vs students match. An often favorite. [By choice]

You may modify the character sheet to be coded however you would like, you may also ask to use the codes of those around you, real and anime face claims accepted. You may use as many images as you'd like. Information post and interest check: here.

Profile Sheet
Student and teacher (tweak for teacher, tell me what you teach)

(14-21/student) (16-30/guardian - can be students too) (23+ teacher)


[size=70][url=Song link]Song name[/url]
[center][size=150][font=palatino linotype][b]"[/b][color=#000000]Quote[/color][b]"[/b][/font][/size]
[size=150][center]Full Name[/center][/size]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]INTRODUCTION[/b][/font][/size]


[[u]B A S I C S[/u]]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]PHYSICALITY[/b][/font][/size]

[[u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u]]
Body Markings:[/b]

[[u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u]]

[right][b][u]Moral Alignment[/u][Here]
[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]MENTALITY[/b][/font][/size]
[/right][size=120][[u]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/u]] [/size]
[i](The person)[/i]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]PROWESS[/b][/font][/size]
[/right] [[u]N A T U R A L | T A L E N T[/u]]

[list] [*][b]Example:[/b]

[[u] M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S[/u]]

[list] [*][b]One (rank 3 and up):[/b]
[*][b]Two (rank 2 and up):[/b]
[*][b] Three (rank 1 and up optional):[/b] [/list]

[[u]W E A K N E S S E S[/u]]

[list] [*][b]One:[/b]
[*][b]Two:[/b] [/list]

[[u] S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y[/u]]

[list] [*][b]One (this is their first given/first discovered ability):[/b]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]ARMAMENT[/b][/font]


[[u]A R M O R[/u]]
Armor is rare, and  usually gained later.

[[u]I T E M S[/u]]

[[u]P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N[/u]]
[b]Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:

Hunter Sheet:


[size=70][url=Song link]Song name[/url]
[center][size=150][font=palatino linotype][b]"[/b][color=#000000]Quote[/color][b]"[/b][/font][/size]
[size=150][center]Full Name[/center][/size]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]INTRODUCTION[/b][/font][/size]

[[u]B A S I C S[/u]]
[b]Organization: (May be secret to public)[/b]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]PHYSICALITY[/b][/font][/size]

[[u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u]]
Body Markings:[/b]

[[u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u]]

[right][b][u]Moral Alignment[/u] [Here]
[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]MENTALITY[/b][/font][/size]
[/right][size=120][[u]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/u]] [/size]
[i](The person)[/i]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]PROWESS[/b][/font][/size]
[/right] [[u]N A T U R A L | T A L E N T[/u]]

[list] [*][b]Example:[/b]

[[u] M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S[/u]]

[list] [*][b]One: Rare[/b]

[[u]W E A K N E S S E S[/u]]

[list] [*][b]One:[/b]
[*][b]Two:[/b] [/list]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]ARMAMENT[/b][/font]


[[u]A R M O R[/u]]

[[u]I T E M S[/u]]

[[u]P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N[/u]]
[b]Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:

[[u]S E C O N D A R Y | W E A P O N[/u]]
[b]Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:
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"Live as your authentic self."
Mnemosyne Serendale


"We are only limited by our imagination."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Mnemosyne Serendale
Addendum: Mnemosyne thinks it's pretty hilarious, people generally can't say her name properly, and butcher it in completely different ways every time. She never gets mad, and instead laughs, and is always amused.
Nickname: Nemo
Addendum: Because people always butcher her name, a very close friend once called her Nemo, and that has stuck as an acceptable nickname for her. Naturally though, she doesn't tell anyone initially, because what fun would that be?
Age: 19
Addendum: Nearly fresh out of high school, Mnemosyne is just old enough to start her journey in college.
Gender: Female
Addendum: Well she doesn't really think there's anything interesting about her being a woman.
Orientation: Asexual, Panromantic
Addendum: Sadly, aces are about one percent of the planet, and what's interesting is, her type of vampire species is always rumored to be very sensual because of their bite. That isn't to say she isn't sensual though, it's just assumed sometimes that she isn't. People don't understand asexuality well at all.
Race: Vampire
Addendum: She bites people and stuff. Pretty exciting if she does say so herself, she is very responsible about it however, and never forces herself on people.
Type: C
Addendum: Mnemosyne is a very rare species of vampire, and she quite likes that about herself.
Rank: Pureblood 1C
Addendum: Although she is a pureblood, and considered royalty, she doesn't quite have the same stereotypical background, and she knows that not all of the world does, she is not sure where that assumption got out of hand.
Circle: Circle 2
Addendum: Mnemosyne always had the desire to help people and do something more with her abilities. Although generally feared at times, or even presumed evil at others, it is not who she is, and she wants to save people.
Addendum: She hasn't been placed yet, but she has high hopes for herself.


[A P P E A R A N C E]

Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Red
Complexion: Pale
Height: 5'8"
Build: Slim
Weight: 110
Body Markings: Mnemosyne doesn't particularly have any markings, however, she occasionally messes around with henna and draws tattoos on her body; or has them drawn for her.

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Mnemosyne appears like an intense and intimidating individual most of the time. Her default expression is something of boredom or annoyance, unless she's laughing. She has long platinum blonde hair, and is very fair skinned, though naturally beautiful, often wears makeup. Her style generally varies, but she dresses very feminine or very bold most of the time. She has a tendency to wear a lot of regal or elegant dresses, romantic dresses, and lolita clothes. However, she can also wear gothic clothing, pastel goth, harajuku clothing, and street wear. One thing that she commonly wears is beads and flowers in her hair, or beads and butterflies.

Moral Alignment[Chaotic Good]
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)

Mnemosyne is a rather mysterious individual to most. She is a rather quiet individual when not engaged in conversation with friends, with a tendency to isolate herself from others. She seems rather cold and appears to lack any kind of empathy or consideration of other people. However, the truth is that Mnemosyne doesn't trust others easy, and thus keeps the world at a distance until people have gained her trust or earned her respect. Because people's real intentions are important to her, she's often observing others, taking a back seat to take in the actions of those around her. She has a habit of analyzing people and their habits, abilities, or weaknesses. That isn't to say however, that she thinks herself superior to most people, as she believes the worst thing you could ever do, is underestimate those around you. It leads to problems in the future. Should the situation call for it however, Mnemosyne can be really outspoken. Particularly when she is passionate about something, or knows that her opinion should be heard should she be knowledgeable of the topic at hand. It's in these moments that she turns into the spitfire that she really is. Quite bullheaded, once she starts, you can not get her to back down. She is a force to be reckoned with, as she is quite knowledgeable and very intelligent, as such something that gets under her skin is the ignorance of others.

What is sometimes a surprise to people, is that Mnemosyne is not the goody two shoes people think she is. She is quite rebellious, with a hatred for authority figures; the exception would be her teachers, which she has respect for due to her love of learning. Although she doesn't do it consciously, she has a history of always finding trouble, and always being there for trouble to find her. If there are rules to keep her away from something that may be dangerous, she'll find a reason to gravitate or just charge straight into said place, no fucks given. She does have a strong sense of morals however, and is rather pure of heart. Beneath the exterior of hers of the stone cold face which makes most people refer to her as mainly a serious individual, she is a very kind hearted and playful person. She is very compassionate, and she admires those who are also kind and compassionate as well. It is generally easy for people to open up to her, given the time and effort, especially since she is an open book herself. She is usually a great listener, but generally only if she likes or respects the person. Otherwise, she is rather inattentive, and her mind will generally wander. However, the only people that see that side of her, are close friends - which she doesn't seem to have much of. However, she is content with the few she has as she believes you only need one good friend.

Neither optimistic, nor pessimistic, Mnemosyne has more of a realistic outlook on life. She believes that people that are always optimistic are just kidding themselves, and living in a false reality, and pessimists are just a drag to be around. She will call everything exactly like it is and tell you her honest thoughts, regardless if it's appropriate for the situation at hand. Because of such, Mnemosyne is known to be a person that upsets a lot of people. She will never sugar coat her words, being blatantly honest to everyone she comes across at every given moment. While she doesn't intend to hurt anyone, it usually effects people's opinion of her. Mnemosyne's drive to succeed is nearly unrivaled by most people, as is her natural instinct to survive and adapt to what is going on around her. Because of the hardships she's been through in life, she's become very tough skinned and it's hard to get her down.

Mnemosyne can be rather bold when it comes to protecting the wellbeing of others. She would be the first person to jump in the middle of a fight, or voice her opinion in order to protect another. Regardless of the individual or individuals she was up against. She would sooner throw herself in front of another to save them, than sit back and watch them die before her eyes. She will however, completely disregard anyone she thinks is not worthy of being helped due to their personality or past actions. If the student that often bullied others was about to lose their life if she didn't save them, she would end up turning away, never turning back. She is a no-bullshit kind of a person, and there is no fooling her by spewing lies and nonsense. She will not stand for this kind of thing, and ones energy is better spent elsewhere.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Personal: Mnemosyne's ability to think for herself, see the bigger picture, and think objectively makes her a good addition to any group of people, or a good choice as a leader, or assistant of one. She's very good under pressure, and her natural instinct is generally to protect those around her. She has a photographic memory, which she generally abuses in studies, and is intelligent, how much so is up to debate, as most people believe her to simply abuse the gift she's been given. Mnemosyne is also highly creative, and a very out of the box thinker, capable of thinking of elaborate ideas, and she is always open to trying new things. She can be very unconventional, and embraces being different. Mnemosyne is also a very talented fencer, and very capable in a sword fight, as well as with a bow. Lastly, she is generally a good judge of character and reads into people well.
  • Racial: Like all other vampires, Mnemosyne has enhanced strength, senses, and enhanced speed. However, unlike most vampires, she also has the ability to bite people, and feel what they are feeling, their emotions, and their moods.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Light manipulation: Mnemosyne has the ability to manipulate light. In doing this she can do things such as create magic beams, bend beams of light to become invisible, light shields, as well as heal wounds and cure minor ailments.
  • Weapon/armor imagination manifestation: Mnemosyne has the unique ability to create weapons and armor just by imagining them. These can be regular or enhanced magic imbued items.
  • Gravity manipulation Relentless and unforgiving, Mnemosyne can control the gravity around her. From floating in the air, to crushing someone onto the ground, the applications are vast. This ability usually takes the from of a wide area spell, unless she insists otherwise.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • The lack of light: Mnemosyne's ability to manipulate light, is dependent on well, light itself. Unable to generate it, she must channel it from somewhere, unless there is another user close by to pull from. This means that the ability is useless, unless she relies on her imagination ability for a light item, which takes time, and energy, which is not always able to be done in the heat of the moment.
  • Constant air time: Mnemosyne must have music present in order to create any effect, or she must play or sing the music itself. This means if she is not able to do either, she is not able to manipulate anything.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Music manipulation : The ability to manipulate music with prerequisites. This allows Mnemosyne to manipulate music that she hears, music that she plays, or songs that she sings. The effects of the music depends on the type of instrument that is played, or song that is playing, and instruments may have an effect on the strength of the effect as well. Effects manifest as wide area spells that must be played continuously, unless it is existing. She specializes in supportive spells, but is capable of a few control spells as well.



[A R M O R]

Mnemosyne does not possess any armor currently.

[I T E M S]

  • Winged black and pink back pack.
  • Butterfly purse
  • Composition book
  • Several music books
  • Black page book
  • Wallet, credit card, compass
  • Generic school supplies
  • Wide assortment of clothing
  • Hair chalk
  • Wigs

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Songbird
Weapon Type: Violin
Songbird originated as the academy fused item upon joining. It's true origin, was a locket of a picture of her parents, something that was dear to her heart, as such she considers it to have a lot of heart itself.




"Lead me, follow me, or GET OUT OF MY WAY."

[B A S I C S]
Name:Erich Doe
Addendum: This isn’t his real name but it will make do until he can figure out what it actually is.
"John Doe? No. Not John. Erich. I know it's Erich... something. I know it."
Nicknames: Metalhead - Eric - Tank
Addendum: All fairly obvious ones all things considered.
Age: 15
Addendum: He’s been the subject of a rather horrific ritual that put his soul through a mangler. Mentally he is around 15, physically he is 24 ish.
Gender: Male
Addendum: Practically the only thing about himself that’s constant.
Orientation: Straight
Addendum: Frankly if he lives long enough he would like a steady relationship.
Race: Homunculus? Sentient Weapon? Abomination?
Addendum: Pick any of the above, and it will fit. Erich did not ask to be made, yet here he is anyway. He was created by a group of neo-nazis that got their hands on a box of Third Reich occult research material. The group spent several years trying to perfect a ritual meant to create a demonically enhanced version of the infamous Tiger II heavy tank. Due to a lack of money some rather poor material substitutes were used - most notably the ritual called for an actual tank, the best they had was a fancy model. After several attempts the group somewhat succeeded, creating Erich. Erich proceeded to teach the group in the harshest way possible it is a terrible idea to summon something one cannot contain.
Type: ?????
Addendum: All other attempts to create something akin to Erich ended in failures before he was placed into the academy. No one particularly feels the need to make anything more like him afterwards.
Rank: 5
Addendum: He requires constant medication to hold a stable enough form to live. Even with the medicine, he is prone to subconsciously shifting over bits and pieces.
Circle: N A
Addendum: Not yet part of one.
Division: N A
Addendum: Not yet part of one.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Complexion: Tanned
Height: 1.82 cm

Addendum: On average. He struggles to maintain a single human shape.
Build: Solid
Addendum: Tends to look like a normal athletic male if he manages to hang on to his human form. His appearance heavily changes based on his mood. He appears a lot fatter, smaller and weaker when he feels down, and much larger and heavily built when angry. On top of this he looks far older than his actual age due to the creation ritual.
Weight: 83kg
Addendum: Again, an average.
Body Markings: Discolored patches of skin appear and disappear at random. To those with spiritually attuned senses, a ritual magical circle appears tattooed on his neck. Has a pair of crossed hatchets tattooed on his left arm and the number ‘213’ stencilled on his right.

[A P P E A R A N C E]
In human form he is a bulky bearded beserker look-alike. Emphasis on bulky, he is not a chiselled greek god with narrow hips. He can and does deadlift entire trucks, and his core has to be broad and strong to support that sort of load. That said, he carries himself with a more refined air than his initial appearance may suggest. His beard is immaculately groomed daily, and he does not allow stains or ruffled clothes to exist longer than absolutely necessary.

Erich favours green and brown clothing, with extra large pockets for carrying anything he finds that catches his interest.

Moral Alignment {Lawful Neutral}

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]

“No time for regrets!”

Erich will speak his mind with very little regard for the station of those he addresses. He’ll hit someone over the head with an inconvenient truth until they damn well like it. At best he will do so politely.

His room is spartan and meticulously cleaned. A calendar with most of his appointments in color coded cards dominates one wall. His desk is organised down to the millimeter. Stacks of notes and neatly drawn diagrams hint at his obsession with his magical studies, specifically Self Control and Metalworking.

He can vaguely remember he had siblings, and generally acts protective of people that remind him of them. Desperately lonely since he has instincts that scream at him he needs a pack, much like a werewolf would.

Deeply and utterly despises Nazis of all stripes. The bastards invented industrialised murder, turned Germany into a totalitarian hellhole, used human sacrifice to create demonic abominations (Erich himself included), and ruined several extremely good looking fashions by association.

”Before anyone asks, I feel no need to respect some half-sacked Austrian that made one of the biggest powers in Europe into the weakest power in Nuremberg.”

Despite his extreme and vocal hatred for his creators, and the spartan ways he acts, he does quite enjoy being alive. The most optimistic projections about his life expectancy range up to about ten years, with five to four being a more realistic estimate, and he intends to make the best use of the time he has. He is either busy with research for a cure for his condition, or trying out some new and crazy activity. He’ll be more than happy to change his plans if it gives him an opportunity to get to know someone new. It may seem a bit odd at first glance, given his detailed agenda, but he plans so that even if nothing spontaneously comes up he will be doing something that day.

Mentally he is still a regular 15 year old, and how immature he actually is can catch people off guard given how old he looks. Especially when restraint is involved.

He prefers to handle sadness with a good sulk under his bed inside a little pillow bunker. Those who call the toy tank inside a pillow fort cute will be shot with with airsoft pellets.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]
  • Intelligent His sharp mind can quickly absorb most abstract concepts and turn them to practical applications.
  • Strongman It should come as no surprise that he lifts.
  • Crack Shot Erich is a natural with any firearm.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

See signature ability

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Resource hog. His biology is not meant to be, and it shows in many ways. Erich eats his own body weight in food daily. He heals extremely slowly. He requires a solid eight hours of sleep at bare minimum. Any healing magic directed at it is only marginally effective, to restore a simple single papercut on Erich requires the same amount of power one would need to restore a completely mangled limb on a regular person. While he is hard to hurt, once he’s hurt he stays that way for a good long while.
  • Unstable: Erich’s biology is constantly at war with itself. As an abomination against nature his form flits between a normal human, to that of a heavy tank, to a plastic toy model. He’s fine so long as he takes things slowly. If he tries to push his limits some essential part of Erich can turn into a form utterly unsuited for the situation at hand. For instance he is currently in crutches because part of his ankle joint turned to modeling plastic mid-stride during a run.
  • Subtlety? What’s that?: He has all the grace and subtlety one would expect, e.g. less than none.
  • On meds (Form): To keep him somewhat stable and functional Erich is on specially developed medicine that he needs to take every eight hours on the dot. So long as he takes it, he’ll be locked into human form unless he makes a dedicated, continuous, and conscious effort. Aspects of his other forms can still leak through subconciously but not to the point he’ll utterly change form. See what happened to his ankle. It makes it easy to contain him into human shape. Hopefully an upcoming surgery will reduce the need for this one.
  • On meds (Sleep): He has to pop special sleeping pills. Not because he can’t sleep naturally but because he cannot be permitted to change his form while he’s sleeping. The pills effectively paralyze him for the night. As a second precaution he sleeps on the ground floor.
  • On meds (The Voices): Anti-psychosis drugs that suppress the soul fragments of the various veterans from causing ‘static’ in his mind. If he doesn’t take his regular dose he becomes the memetic ‘maniac off his meds’ that will happily strike up a conversation with a tree one moment then turn around and start raving about how he needs to shoot down the moon for ‘Being such an unbearably smug shining git’.
  • Lumbering Behemoth: His ultimate combat form, though it hits like an absolute truckload of bricks, is BIG, LOUD and SLOW.
  • Chibi: When Erich is depressed, he’s exactly as tough and dangerous as one would expect a plastic toy tank with an airsoft gun to be.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Tiger Transformation - Erich can transform into a fully armed and operational Tiger II Heavy Tank. Alternatively, he can also turn into a very detailed RC toy model of the same. In general, if he is enraged, overconfident and predatory he’ll hulk out and turn into the proper heavy tank, even involuntarily when the emotions are strongly felt. If he is sad, depressed, or insecure, he’ll turn into a plastic RC toy model instead. Happy, caring or comfortable moods turn him human.

Erich is a weapon.


Erich looking for the t**ts that put him through a soul-blender

More a tank shaped hell-portal than an actual armored vehicle.

Of course, there's also times when he isn't... though airsoft pellets can hurt a little.


Erich driving for his pillow fort after being told off for property damage.

[A R M O R]
Krupp stahl! Finest in the world!

... right up until it turns into modelling plastic.

[I T E M S]
By and large just the basic necessary things for a 15 year old boarding student to have, a wide selection of men's grooming products, clean pressed clothes, and exceptionally few personal items besides. There’s a high end stereo set for playing heavy metal, that’s about it.

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Erich Doe
Weapon Type: Tiger II Heavy Tank.
Either the actual lumbering behemoth souped up on demonic juice or a plastic RC model, depending on circumstances.
Length: 10.43 meters (actual)/640mm (toy)
Weight: 69.8 metric tons (actual)/4.5 kg (toy)
One unlucky sacrifice got their soul turned into slush mixed with soul fragments from various dead soldiers. The mixture got used in a horrific botchjob of a ritual designed to get a magically enhanced superheavy tank. Erich is the endresult.

The original ritual required a full on tank as a focal point, and this posed a bit of a problem for his creators. They substituted with a beautifully detailed plastic model instead. On rare occasions of extreme rage Erich can reach the true tank form, but for the moment he’s by and large locked in human form with the ability to summon heavy duty steel plates. For instance the first time, just post creation, just as he became aware exactly what had been done to him, he managed to stay in Combat Form for a record thirty straight minutes, and any subsequent transformations lasted no more than two minutes.

"Being dead isn't all bad. I save a LOT of money on food."

Franklin Dal Corsair​



"Pretty easy to go through life when you can go through anything."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Franklin Dal Corsair
"Mom was Korean. Dad was American. Thus the random Korean middle name."

Nickname: Dal
"Call me whatever you want, y'know?"

Age: 19
"Technically 20 I guess? Died at 19 and I don't age anymore so...I'll stick with that."

Gender: Male
"Doesn't really matter since I can't...Anyway."

Orientation: Heterosexual
"Doesn't matter even MORE since I can't...Anyway."

Race: Ghost
"Yep. Died in a horrible sledding accident involving a snowblower."

Type: A
"I've heard there's ghosts that you can't even see. That sucks for them."

Rank: Four
"Don't really care to learn much about magic, really."

Circle: N/A
"Isn't that a shape?"

Division: N/A
"Isn't that something you do in math?



[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Complexion: Medium

Height: 6'2

Build: Average

Weight: 160

Body Markings: N/A

[A P P E A R A N C E]
Franklin looks just like a regular guy. Sure he's tall and a little lanky but nothing out of the ordinary. That is...Until you really focus on him. If one were to do so they would notice they can look right through him and his form shimmers periodically. There isn't much to talk about in regards to his appearance because it never changes. Can't change clothes, can't style his own hair, can't change anything about his looks. It's stuck like that. Choppy, messy hair, plain t shirt and jeans. At least his teeth were well taken care of so he has a nice smile.

Moral Alignment[Chaotic Neutral]

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)

Franklin as a person is hard to pin down. Both because he doesn't talk much about himself and...I mean you physically can't pin him down. On the surface he is one of the most fun and carefree people you will ever meet. He loves being the class clown, center of attention, jokey guy. He doesn't mind at all making jokes about himself if he can get a laugh out of somebody. He can nearly always be found floating around looking for someone to talk to. He's known for going up to people that seem upset and turning their mood around in just a few minutes with his warm personality. This has earned him the title of "Franklin the Friendly Ghost" by some around the school. He's never in short supply of friends which is good because he is constantly bored if he doesn't have someone to chat with.

On the other hand virtually no one knows about Franklin's past. Even the most important question no one knows the answer to. How did Franklin die? Whenever someone asks the ghost himself how he died he will come up with a different story. Depending on what he was doing at the time it's not unheard of for Franklin to regale the person for many minutes with a story about his death. Only for them to tell someone else and be told that Franklin tells a different story to every person. Anything from mundane as died trying to do a backflip, all the way to saving seven cats and four children out of a burning building and not making it out in time. It's become something of a game around the school to make up stories and Franklin finds it hilarious. He loves hearing stories about his death that even he wouldn't have come up with. The real truth of his death is only known by a very select few and the real reason he doesn't tell anyone is because it terrifies him.

On a lighter note it's also known around the school that the friendly ghost has very few boundaries or care for 'rules'. "Oh this is YOUR room? Sorry I had no idea I was just passing through." Something a good number of the students had heard. Some even multiple times. It was also not uncommon for Franklin to get caught in student restricted areas and get scolded. Teachers quarters, principal's office, it was more than likely Franklin had been everywhere in the academy at some point. He didn't have to sleep, other people did so the ghost had nothing but time. Even beyond the academy rules he found it very hard to care about consequences. Maybe he even liked it when other students got mad and attacked him with magic. It actually made him feel something. Maybe.

Franklin is also a huge sports fan. His favorite is baseball and his team are the Yankees. A TV is almost always turned on to a Yankee game somewhere in the academy. This is because if there isn't one Franklin will find someone and bother them until they change the TV for him. Sure he -could- use his ice powers to push the button but that is a lot of work for very little reward. Much easier for people with corporeal digits to do it for him.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Patience -Franklin has a LOT of free time, being dead and all. No need to sleep, use the bathroom, eat. Time moves a lot slower when you're dead and he has learned to just roll with it and wait for things to happen.

    Friendly - Like Casper if he was an actual person and not...whatever that is. Franklin can be fast friends with pretty much anyone if he wants to.

    Ghost - Like most ghosts Franklin can move wherever he wants. He can float around in any direction, pass through non-magic walls, be upside down if he really wants to. Only problem with passing through things is that he can't see when he is inside something. If he doesn't know where he is going he can sometimes get lost in total darkness inside the wall/ground.[/B]

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

N/A Currently

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Dead - "I mean if it's not considered a weakness it should be. You know I can't touch like...Anything, right?"
  • Lethargy - Hard to care about things when you're dead. Franklin will usually just float around idly looking for the next most interesting thing to do. He has very little motivation at all.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Ice Manipulation - Franklin is able to freeze the moisture in the air and form it into objects. He can then manipulate the objects by moving them around with his mind. The most common combat use is to make ice bullets and launch them at high speeds at enemies. He can still not touch anything he makes.



[A R M O R]
N/A, can't wear it.

[I T E M S]
Bracelet from his mother that he was wearing when he died. Stayed on him when he came back.

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
N/A, can't hold it.

"I know always that I am an outsider;
a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.

Victor Pierce


"Pleasure to me is wonder—the unexplored, the unexpected, the thing that is hidden and the changeless thing that lurks behind superficial mutability."


[B A S I C S]
Name: Victor Pierce
Addendum: Taking his father's last name, Victor was his grandfather's middle name and his father always seemed to see him when looking at Victor, they do share similar qualities.
Nickname: Vic
Addendum: Only people close to him call him this and frankly, there's no one he's close to atm.
Age: 21
Addendum: Already old enough to be in college, Victor's age tells nothing of the amount of experience he has.
Gender: Male
Addendum: Nothing really impressive about this, men have done things he's not too proud about being one.
Orientation: Pansexual, Homoromantic
Addendum: Victor doesn't mind having a little fun with anyone or anything, quite literally, traveling other dimensions allows you to see some weird shit, nonetheless, he's only romantically attracted to men.
Race: Human {Wizard}
Addendum: Despite his mundane status as a human being, his physical condition is peak-human, a trait he's proud of and maintains. He's of the deposition that humans are as crucial as the other supernatural races and doesn't tolerate anyone who's racist.
Type: B/C
Addendum: Victor is one of those rare cases of being a hybrid type, it's common sense to guess that stronger spells require reciting them. Though Victor doesn't know how to feel about this one
Rank: 2
Addendum: Prefers to stick to what's he comfortable with but after attending school, he's begun to be more inclined in expanding his abilities in other fields.
Circle: N/A
Division: N/A


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Green
Complexion: Light Tan
Height: 6′2″ (1.88 m)
Build: Muscular/Toned
Weight: 180 lbs (81.65 kg)
Body Markings: Victor has two armband tattoos on his right arm dignifying the loss of a loved one, i.e. his father and mother

[A P P E A R A N C E]
Victor is most often quite poised in nature, with well-kept clothes and sometimes donning an over comb hairstyle, though he can be seen wearing casual clothing depending on the occasion. Not one for formalities much, or social cues for that matter, Victor essentially doesn't care what someone else thinks of him or how he chooses to present himself, he will dress how he likes and when he likes. He's not there to please others. Victor typically wears a black leather jacket over a T-shirt, jeans, and boots, he also wears either a dark leather or a dark denim jacket. Other times he wears a full-on suit or his crimson robe after school hours, more than often he's quite formal in how he presents himself.

Moral Alignment {Neutral Good}

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]

Victor is defined by several overpowering personality traits, some of which are at direct odds with one another. What bridges all of it is his confidence. Victor Pierce takes great pride in his ability to depend upon himself for just about anything, and never finds a situation too grim for hope. He's of the disposition to believe that anything can be overcome with sufficient know-how, and his wide variety of skills and resources only bolster this belief in himself. If Victor can't kick his way through a problem, he can magic-powers his way through it, or throw money at it, or lean on mystic principalities at it, or... you get the idea. Nothing is ever impossible, and Victor has very little time for anyone who disagrees.

Victor is a very calm, determined individual when he wants something. He's not the type to explode into histrionics, or ever really let anyone get a good bead on how he's feeling -- stiff upper lip and all that. He can be stubborn, but only when he knows he's right, and frankly, he knows he's right 100 of the time. All the same, he's not the type to be goaded into a fight, what with cooler heads prevailing and all. Most attempts to bait him will fail.

Despite this, he possesses a certain emotional fragility. He can be defensive, and he has strong issues regarding his father...something those who know him know not to bring up. True strength is something that comes and goes for him and that confidence can be dented, even broken. Not taking life too seriously is, in part, a defense mechanism for him, protection of the fragile parts of himself. He is a little shy of making a full and final commitments to anything or anyone.

Victor is emphatically one of the good guys, but on occasion, he will let the end justify the means...and jeopardize alliances and friendships by using methods that are less than ethical. In a direct fight, though, he is mostly known for his defensive & counteractive style...which has its weaknesses, too. He is, of course, not a killer...but teaching somebody a lesson is something he is far from above.

Victor has always been alone, no matter what family figures he had around him. Thus, it's only natural, that he'd grow up to be a bit of a loner. While he has no problem working with others or on a team, he tends to lean more toward the lone coyote lifestyle. Embracing this lifestyle to the fullest, Victor tries his hardest not to ask for help from anyone, choosing rather to do everything on his own. Victor will always be a loner, regardless of how he may act around others. It's just who he is.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Wisdom: Possessing a vast knowledge of other dimensions and magical forces out there, Victor holds great insight and intuition, the ability to synthesize from knowledge proper problem solving, a gift for learning, and a profound strength of self, a mind highly resistant to manipulation or control of others. This does not make him immune to mind control or telepathic influence or sensory alteration, but it does make him more likely than most to notice this and stronger than most in combatting the influence if noticed.
    • Indomitable Will: Victor is a very strong-willed person. He is able to overcome all forms of temptation, mind control, and resist the effects of extreme pain, drugs, and toxins to a great extent. Victor accepts his own mortality and refuses to rob any sapient being of their freedom.
  • Expert Strategist: Though Victor seems to suffer from an impulsive nature, instinctively jumping into situations of life-or-death, it's apparent that he works best this way possessing considerable strategic skills, which can be employed in leadership structures, and spontaneous situations, all of which is a necessity in the random environment of Mysticism.
  • Skilled Martial Artist: Victor is a gifted athlete who has received training in a variety of ancient martial arts techniques employed by the Orients in Valais. When he was unable to use his sorcery, these abilities had come in handy. He also has traditional/combat weapon proficiency thanks to his training. He has attained a condition of Peak Human Bodily Condition as a result of his extreme training.
    • Peak-Human Condition: Victor trains regularly to keep his physical fitness at its peak, this is for two reasons; the first is that his body needs to be at optimal efficiency to properly utilize his magic and the other reason is to maintain his health.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Exocentric Arts/Arcanum Exo: Exocentric (from the Greek: exo, "outside") This very advanced form of magic, originally known as the Golden Way, refers to the form of magic that draws upon forces from dimensions outside our own. Only very experienced sorcerers are able to communicate with powerful mystical beings that inhabit these "other dimensions" and appeal to them for assistance. To invoke the aid of godlike beings (also referred to as the mystic principalities) such as Cyttorak, Ikonn, Raggadorr, Watoomb, etc, a sorcerer must learn complex incantations and master subtle gestures in order to increase the chances of receiving a positive response. The more powerful the entity (or the less powerful the sorcerer) the more complicated the ritual of invocation becomes.
To attract the attention of an entity, a supplicant will generally use the entity's name in a rhythmic or rhymed incantation. Just as poets and musicians once tried to gain the favor of powerful monarchs by composing clever poems and songs about them, the sorcerer uses his words to gain an entity's favor and display his or her own wit and knowledge.​
  • Extra-Dimensional Energy Manipulation: A by-product of his main ability to command mystical forces from other dimensions, Victor can harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse to accomplish minor but considerable feats of power. Once tapped, he may manipulate it to form and hurl energy blasts (usually referred to as "Bolts of Bedevilment") or erect basic shields, constructs of weapons, conjure elements that exist in other dimensions, and so on.
  • Mirror Dimension Manipulation: The Mirror Dimension is a parallel dimension that mimics Earth's plane of existence. It is complete with the same surroundings and inhabitants, but its visual appearance is distorted like a fractured mirror. Accessible only by users of the Exocentric magic, extra-dimensional sorcerers use the Mirror Dimension as a reconnaissance platform and a teaching aid for magic practitioners, since it can be reshaped and manipulated freely without fear of adversely affecting the natural order of the world. It allows an advanced sorcerer to train more advanced and dangerous spells without adversely affecting the real world, keep an eye on threats without being noticed, grants its practitioner the power to open portals to the dimension, lead themselves and/or others into the dimension and can also create traps that trap the enemy, who if they try to react will be threatened by sharp shards of glass coming out on all sides.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Incantation & Gestures Dependency: Victor also depends on spoken incantations, mystical gesturing, and his arcane artifacts in his duties; likely these can be counted as weaknesses. Victor has been incapacitated various times by being gagged and bound, preventing him from uttering arcane invocations or performing mystic gestures. Breaking his hands can greatly cripple his magic ability for instance.
  • Human Factor: Another weakness is that Victor, despite all his spells and magical training, is only human physically. Hence, if not taking proper care or defenses, Victor can be overpowered by mere blows, energy attacks, or gas. While technically immortal per se, he still must eat, sleep and breathe in order to survive.
  • Time & Rest: After using magic extensively, Victor needs to rest. He cannot fight for long periods of time, since his magic is so complex and enigmatic that using it for too long can be severe for his bodily condition, thus must refrain from overusing it. This can cause him to get migraines, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and other negative side effects of using his magic too much, even potentially going unconscious.
    • Energy is delivered to the body through the foods we eat and liquids we drink. Foods contain a lot of stored chemical energy; when you eat, your body breaks down these foods into smaller components and absorbs them to use as fuel. But since his magic uses those same energies, he’s literally depriving his body of its sustenance to function properly. This is where the negative effects of using magic, shown above come into play, what is even worse is that he has a higher chance to get organ failure and hemorrhage.
  • His third limitation is the requirement of concentration. If his concentration is broken in the middle of a spell, it is likely to fail...under some circumstances with random effects happening instead of the intent. Mental fatigue is another issue he has to deal with, especially for longer spells or when casting many spells in quick succession. Although he is practiced at keeping his concentration, even he can be affected by his surroundings...it's harder to cast in a noisy environment with a lot of distractions than it is in his quiet work room. Very complicated spells, if possible, are best cast in a controlled environment.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Planeswalking/Reality Crossroads: He can travel to other planes of existence, myriads of different realities all simultaneously coexisting within the same expanded cosmology. Planes are often multi-layered and likely endless in number, though they are usually organized into local cosmologies centered on a prime nexus plane.

    Planes and their inhabitants exist in an infinite diversity of forms and natures, and he is bound to meet untold wonders and dangers during their travels, as well as exotic artifacts, arcane knowledge, and unique power sources. Unlike Dimensional traveling which automatically sends you there, he merely generates the path to reach those places. He has to do the actual traveling to reach those places himself. One major weakness of this unique ability is that he can't live in another dimension, staying too long in other dimensions can kill him.



[A R M O R]

Doesn't currently have any armor.

[I T E M S]
  • General School Supplies
  • Array of clothing
  • Arcane texts and tomes
  • Wallet

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name:
Eye of Agamotto (Truth)
Weapon Type: Amulet
Origin: The artifact commonly associated with the term "Eye of Agamotto" was actually one of the three eyes seemingly created by Agamotto during his time as an extra-dimensional sorcerer on Earth. Regarded as either the third Eye of Truth, this amulet represented prescience, with its power manifesting knowledge. This Eye of Agamotto was later placed into the care of an ageless monk in the Himalayan Mountains until a worthy mage could successfully reach him and be chosen by the eye. Victor eventually did so, and was given the Eye to aid him in his duties and battles.
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