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Fandom Avengers: Phoenix's Light



Five Thousand Club
"Fury!" A voice rang out through the training yard where children of varying ages were training with weapons. One of the girls who was practicing with a rope dart in the training yard looked up at the soldier and, coiling up the rope dart, jogged on over.


"You're wanted by the Director."

The girl nodded and followed the solider into the school and through the halls to the Director's office. The solider knocked on the door and a voice spoke, the girl stepping into the room. "Sir?"

"Come inside Fury and shut the door."

As she did as asked and headed over to a chair at the Director's beckoning, he pushed his glasses up. "I believe you're close to graduating but I have a mission for you before you graduate."

Fingers clenched the bag in her hand as she walked through the streets, wondering where to start. Stark's tower was probably where she should start. Mulling it over, she suddenly hit someone. Looking up, she saw someone who brushed their hair out of their eyes, saying they hadn't seen her. She said it was fine, unaware that she met a potential enemy and continued towards the tower. Her footsteps continued to make their way down the street, making her way towards the Stark Tower. The girl made her way through the streets to the main entrance and entered, lowering her hood as she headed for the elevator, slipping through the open doors and dropped her bag. Once inside, she waited for the doors to close and pressed a button to allow the elevator to go up.

Still in the elevator, it stopped suddenly halfway with a thudding halt. The figure staggered at the sudden lurch as an alarm suddenly blared throughout the elevator and building. What the hell is going on? The alarms were an annoyance to her sensitive hearing and she rubbed at her ears in an attempt to soothe them.

SilverInu SilverInu
silvai looked on at for a bit before turning to walk away she did not want to be see around this area with shield now decending the area she knew that i would be bad for her if she was spotted she would not get to pay in Atower. so with the girl inside she would be her eyes and ears for now since she carried the robots she planted on her.
After a bit the elevator would start once more, continuing its path upwards to the top ten floors that had been set aside for the use of Tony Stark and again, after his death, for the Avengers. Whether they used them or not was uncertain but she knew the alarms were bound to attract someone's attention, whether it was S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers. Entering the first of the top ten floors, the woman frowned as she saw glass scattered about near one of the windows and the alarms going off. "Cancel alarms," said the woman and the alarms shut off, much to the woman's relief. "J.A.R.V.I.S. how are things?"

"Miss Fury, welcome back."

The woman lowered the hood and sighed. "I couldn't fool you J.A.R.V.I.S. Not even as a child."

"No miss,"
spoke the AI.
from were she was sitting and eating her food as she pulled out her phone and began to watch and hear interact with the Ai called J.A.R.V.I.S. this bit of information of her interacting with the ai would be helpful. putting the phone done she pick up her drink and took a sip before eather a bit more as she watched.
Heading over to a window, the woman dropped her bag down on a sofa as she passed it. "Have there been any incidents since I've been gone J.A.R.V.I.S.?"

"No miss. Nothing S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn't been able to handle though the Avengers don't really use the tower for much. It's been rather quiet since the master's death. But I'm programmed to keep the place secure and running for more than a year."

"Yes, I remember Tony saying something about that when I asked him," said the figure.

"One thing you and Tony shared was your intellect miss. Your debates and talks filled these floors with amusement though some human emotions are still a bit difficult to interpret."

"Even among humans, some things are not always clear." The adolescent sighed to herself as she stared out the window at the surrounding city below the tower. "J.A.R.V.I.S. is there anything to snack on here or drink?"

"Something can be ordered miss. Would you like me to order something?"

"That would be wonderful."

"Of course Miss,"
said the AI, proceeding to pull up holographic menus and wait for the girl's selection. When she had ordered what she wanted, the AI sent the request to the restaurant in question. "Miss, your room has been kept in shape for you as it was left. Would you care to go there and I can notify you when your meal arrives."

"Thank you J.A.R.V.I.S. I think a rest would be good for me. Activate security protocols please."

"It will be done miss," came the answer as she turned and headed back to the sofa, grabbing her bag off the sofa and heading to her room, heading upstairs to the second of the top ten floors where S.H.I.E.L.D. had taken over.
Silvia let one of the tiny robots fall of the girl and began to move around while the other one stayed on her shoulder was the bag was picked up. fliping to the one walking around. she let it have free rain as it walked the area and if need be fly when it was done with ground work. putting her phone down she finished her meal left a tip and payed before getting up and leaving the place. she walked back out and looked up at the tower trying to coculae the possibility of sucess of getting in and out un-noticed.
Once in her room, shut the door and turned to a touchpad, typing in a series of numbers and locking the door. J.A.R.V.I.S. was indeed right about the state of her room being as it had been left. She wondered if it was father's idea or J.A.R.V.I.S. or even both combined. Either of the three were likely. Undoing the brooch at the neck of her cape, she dropped it on the armchair she passed and sat down on the bed. Pulling out her phone, she dialed the leader's number, tapping her foot on the floor as she waited.

OOC: Enter Felix XD
the phone rang a few time before it was finally pick up "well i see yoou managed to get in so how are things going on your end. but this mission needs to be a sucess, we need to know what shiled is up to " he said as he looked down at his watch .

silvia sat there watch shield sworm the building looking for who ever tried to get in .
I'm aware of that. "Father's not here yet, but someone tried to break into Stark Tower, judging by the glass I swept out into the streets. Shield will likely be here soon to investigate the cause of the alarm which has been activated and no doubt, father will be with them," said Berhane. "If I get any information, I'll call if I can or use either my Astral Projection or Dream Manipulation powers to inform you of any developments," she said.

Nick Fury was one of those who came in with Shield, being the director of the agency itself. So, it wasn't much of a surprise when Shield burst into the tower and began looking for the culprit as they stormed the building, scattering throughout entire tower though the director himself came with those who would investigate the top ten floors of the tower. "Master Fury."

"Jarvis, we understand there was an alarm going off."

"Yes Master Fury. I am uncertain what tried to break into the tower, however there was a window that I have already ordered," spoke the AI.

"Fury, looks like there was someone here. There's a broom by one of the walls," said a shield agent.


"Miss Fury arrived back home. She is resting at the moment in her room. The miss was the one to deactivate the alarm and initiate security protocols."
The mini robot moved in and out of the shields footsteps untill it found fury which scent an allert to her phone . looking down at her phone she saw furry standing there with a smiled on her face she used the program annoy nick fury. typing in the code she scent it back to the robot that was not climing up nicks coat to get to his shoulder.
Nick was unaware of the little miniature robot climbing up his body as he heard that his daughter was back. "Kitsune is back?"

"She is Master Fury," said Jarvis. He turned his head towards one of the guards as they told him about the window shards. "Miss Fury ended up sweeping the glass out of the broken window," said Jarvis. Fury turned and headed over to the guard who was inspecting the window.

"Looks like something big crashed the window Fury."

"Any sign of what it was?"

"No sir," came the guard's answer.
once the robot made it to his shoulder it began its protocal of the misquito buzzing in his ear. down in the cafe silvia watched her phone with a huge grin knowing that he was most likly going to slap at the bug that was not there in what case he would slap himself and she had a front row seat to watch.
A voice came over the intercom, saying some witnesses had spotted a golem climbing up the side of the building. Nick Fury frowned at the information, his frown deepening as he heard a misquote near his ear and began swatting at it, the bug being an annoyance.

Unaware that her father was home, the girl was dead to the world outside her room and slept contently, glad to be able to sleep somewhere nice.
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silvai paused the recording to make him think he got it she waited 5 min before playing it again this time closer to his ear like it was about to land on him. she sat outside side and looked upat the tower and grinned knowing unless he found her little robot he would never know it was her
Thinking he got the misquote, he relaxed. However the buzzing was soon back and it became irritating, the man slapping at his ear to try to kill the misquote that was buzzing about.
Once again he missed luckily the robot moved to the other side of his shoulder and took a nice long pause before we begin up again. Sylvia sat outside the German restaurant laughing he probably wouldn't find the little bug even if he tried looking for it. After she come down from laughing she put it on record and proceeded to walk away knowing she'd probably have something fun to watch later when she was back at The hideout the rest of her group was spread out throughout the city getting information hanging out doing whatever they wanted so when they got back she listened to what they had to report
He was growing annoyed as he heard the buzzing continue after a small pause and swatted at both sides with his hands, causing some of the other agents to snicker quietly to themselves. Sending out the agents to investigate the matter he headed towards his daughter's room and knocked on the door, causing the adolescent to wake up. "Berhane."

She stirred as there was a knock on her door and heard Fury at the door on the other side. Yawning, she got out of her bed and made her way to the door, typing in the passcode and opened the door. Reaching up, she swatted at a miniature robot and stamped her foot down on it. "One would think old man you'd be more careful about spies."

"Hmmph. So, where you've been these past couple years?"

"Homeless and traveling in an attempt to find myself,"
said Berhane.
Sylvia growl when she saw her phone on vibrate causing her to pull it out what you did so she realize that one of her campus has been destroyed giving half of the noise she turned the other camera back the full use to listen on what was going on this time she moved it where no one should really Spot. What she knew her robot was in a safe place to catch the action maybe even a few secrets she waited hoping this one wouldn't be squashed a cot it's so she have to ditch the current phone in locations you been hiding at but for now she thought she was safe. Putting the phone back into her pocket she continued on walking
She didn't glean much information on what Shield was up to, given the fact that her adoptive father was annoyed she'd left and that she hadn't contacted him and could have been hurt in some manner, shape or form. All in all, as she had been homeless for a while, she thought she had done well for herself. Regardless, while agents went to deal with whoever had been in charge of a golem that was running around to destroy it and capture the criminal, Nick Fury and his adoptive daughter ended up catching up on mundane things, the girl making mental notes in her head of the past two years.
silvia just watched as she walked down the stree minding the fact that it was crowed. once she knew she was a good bit away she took a seat on a bench and watched the live feed of what was going on. but something about the girl didnot sit right with her but she could not place her finger on it just yet.
"Homeless. Why didn't you come home?"

"I was attempting to find myself and see if I could discover information on my parents."

"You are the daughter of the phoenix and panther," said Nick Fury. "It is why you have a panther spirit as every king or chieftian has, though everyone in Wakanda is a member of the Panther cult from the information gathered."

"Chieftian?" Berhane turned towards her father, confusion on her face. "I thought you didn't know anything of my parentage?"

"I do not know much of your mother, other then that she attended a school in the countryside of New York. Your father, I have only been to his country once but it is a small country built on a tribal society of eighteen tribes in Africa. It was when we were trying to arrest someone who had escaped our custody that I first became acquainted with your father."

Sitting on a perch, a male African Gray parrot looked up from preening its feathers as the phone call ended. Moving around on its perch, a chain shackled to a foot, the parrot ruffled its feathers and then flew over to the desk, grabbing at an orange slice and beginning to eat it. Mixed in were chunks of apple and blueberries while a second smaller bowl contained some almonds, unsalted peanuts and pellets and a bowl of water. It was only glad that it's flight feathers were not clipped or pulled out, such a travesty would mean it wouldn't be able to fly until its flight feathers grew back in.

OOC: Figured if you want, we can do some Felix and my boy interaction or planning.
Silvia someone got bored with listening in on the conversation nothing important was going on right now so she said the device to record anything that seemed important what was anything and everything so she would have to go through it later when the device either got destroyed from being found out or she self-destructed it to keep people from finding her location. Getting up she began to walk away do something else.

Felix look at the bird sitting on the perch tipsinah trying to sneak in but failed it was now change to said perch eating fruits and nuts. He knew eventually they get tired of staying in parent form and shift back which would break the chain itself since it was nothing but a a week steel chain that would break under the pressure of a human pull. " when you get tired of staying in this form let's have a conversation." He said as his deep voice echoed off the walls
It was not much longer that food arrived by way of elevator and Jarvis allowed the delivery driver access to the floor for the purpose of delivering the meal as well as arranging money to be paid for said meal before alerting Berhane who got up and left the sofa, heading towards where the food and drink had been left.

The bird lifted its head as it heard the leader of Hydra speak before going back to eating the orange slice. After pecking at some of the bird pellets and a cucumber slice, the bird began changing. Feathers began melding together, resembling a waxy pattern on pink flesh as it began growing and changing, feet growing from bird talons as its body continuing changing and organs shifted, bones growing thicker, leaving it to flap down to the ground. The last time the bird had changed form on the perch, it had broken easily like twigs with the weight of a human on it. The process was altogether painful, shifting from animal to human or human to animal until only wings were left which were replaced by arms. In that time the chain securing it to the perch snapped under the weight. Dressed in tattered clothing, the adolescent blinked their eyes before standing.
Felix look down at the young man his light blue eyes seeming to Glow in the dim light. He cocked his head to the side I'm studying the tattered figure sadly disappointed in the appearance but that couldn't be helped. " so do you have a name or anything you wish to be called " he asked
“The head scientist says I was named Ryujin Arkyn Odinson by my mother. Sometimes I am called by my first name or Bear.” The adolescent blinked a couple of times, letting his vision adjust, the shock collar around his neck having grown with his changing form.

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