"Automatic" Ema Schopenhauer


In Bhaal's name.
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"I've told you - I'm not ashamed of my eyebrows. I don't care how big they are. No, they're fine. They're fine. God... no are they really that big? Shit." -Ema Schopenhauer


"Asimov was a pussy." -Catastrophic

Full Name: Ema Schopenhauer (Prounounced: Ee-ma Shoh-pen-how-er)
Nickname(s): Lars, Automatic Ema, 0223
Birth date: 11th October 2027
Birth place: England somewheres
Age: 24
Social Class: Middle Class
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 75 KG, extra weight because of the weighty electronics inside her body.
Body type: Describing herself as 'rectangular', Ema tries to pride herself on her capacity to pass fo a male. Her jaw has a slight angular feel to it, though, if you look at her completely, it's not difficult to see she's fully female. She has small breasts that are easy to hide behind clothing, and strong arms.
Race: Caucasian
Eye color: Green
Hair color and Style: Ema has slicked-back blond hair which flicks at the back. On the left side of her forehead, she has a dyed strip of green, which melts into the dip-dyed green of the short flicks at her neck. There always seems to be a strand or two she cannot get to stay back, so it often bounces around in front of her face. She's learned to ignore it. Massive brown eyebrows. Which she hates.
Skin tone: Healthy pale.
Glasses/Contacts: Nope.
Accessories and cybernetics: Half of Ema's body is cybernetic. Her entire right arm, wrist and hand is composed of compacted and efficient energy cells, circuits and wires. She has a layer of flesh and skin over it though, except on the side of her arm where there is a diamond-shaped cut that exposes a circuitboard. Her left wrist is also cybernetic, and follows much the same creation process as her right arm. At the base of her brain, replacing the cerebellum, she has an Enhancer that not only increases her memory capacity but allows her to function past the capacities of normal human existance. It would take her three days of full awakeness to tire her out, though she ususally follows her body's sleep plan (though not very well) so she doesn't have periods of crashing.
Clothes: She ususally dresses in a white shirt, waistcoat that is yellow at the front and shimmering black on the back. Her legs are covered half by black three-quarterlengths, and she has yellow boots up to her knees. However, there are variations of her apparel, usually masculine- or suit-related. If she is going by her male guise Lars, she will pair black with dark green.
Personal weapons: She owns a mobile machine gun. All it involves in order to function is support, easily provided by Ema's stronger cybernetic arms, and enough ammunition, which Ema ususally drapes over her left shoulder to feed in comfortably. She cannot move fast with it, but is proficient with it. However, if the machine gun is not an option, Ema will bring with her a couple of pistols, both slung on her left hip.
Personal vehicles:
Other items: Goggles - to protect her eyes from shrapnel. Only wears these when messing with metal. She likes to be able to see things clearly without goggles in the way. She doesn't usually cover the rest of her, fully believing that scars are the ultimate sexy.
Tattoos: Above her left wrist, she sports three black bars. Each bar is broken up with a different number. The first one is broken up with the number 0. The second with the number 13. And the third with the number 19 (much like the example below). They represent each time her body has been opened and her augmentations have been fiddled with or replaced.

Tat Ide.png
Occupation: Not actually 'employed' per se, Ema is spending her time working on her automaton counterpart Catastrophic. She is of the mind that she is 'owed' something by the world, and the only way she can get the world to pay attention is to threaten it. She and her brother have an agreement - she keeps the trouble away from him and he funds her project.
Housing: Medium-sized warehouse on the docks. She's always loved the sea and wishes to be buried there when she dies. To be this close, even in the polluted dock area, is a sobering thing for her. The warehouse was originally just her workshop, but she moved there after realising she didn't need to pay rent on an apartment if she could just live where she worked. She has partitioned the warehouse so she lives in a corner. Basically, it's a very open-plan idea of comfort. Scrappy carpet, good bed, small table, the basics of food storage and cooking.
Likes: Power, isolation, the works of Ben Jonson, orchestral rock/metal, has a thing for bald guys, the piano, having other people to do things for her, becoming lucid, screwdrivers (both kinds).
Dislikes: Being woken up, losing her keys, losing at games, losing in general, failure, spiders, the word 'portion'.
Fears: Failure. That's the big one.
Wishes: Power. She seems to have some sort of power complex and would like nothing more than to physically beat up people bigger than her, especially big bulky men, to show her worth. Because of this, she developed her male alter-ego, Lars. She feels more powerful walking around pretending to be a 'him'. It's just a personality thing. She also wishes to finish her Catastrophic project, and is more-or-less finished.
Personality: Ema never had a lot of self-esteem. But, once she loses herself in a task, be it writing, creating or hitting something with a spanner (not what spanners are for, Ema), she's happier than ever. She's had a few crushes in the past, and most of them were fictional. She insists they've all ruined her life. Ema can become distracted rather easily, however, and might start on one task and end up reading an entire book just because she "found it and hadn't seen it for ages". Everything that comes her way she takes as a challenge to establish herself in - be it in dominance or in importance. In her head, she's always been male, hence her alter-ego. However, she's "fine" with her femininity, not seeing it as a hinderance at all.
Character Flaws: Jealousy - Ema can get very jealous very quickly, and of the smallest things. Anger - As with jealousy, Ema's anger can come on in a flash. However, she sees anger as a good thing as anger is an 'active' emotion - it makes her do things.
Family Members, and relationship with each:
Ira Schopenhauer - Ema's elder brother. Ira converted to Judaism, which Ema found strange as he'd never shown much interest in religion. However, all it means for her is that she's got to remember what he can and can't eat in case she ever has to cater for him. Ira is a professional con-man on a large scale, and his charaisma allow him to be incredibly proficient at his job, as well as allow him to slip out of trouble. However, any trouble he does get in, Ema is usually available to step in, with threats and with Catastrophic. Ema also does a large majority of his 'research' for him, providing him with background to who and where he will be performing his next scam. They see each other more as colleagues than siblings, often talking more about how they can benefit from a created situation rather than what they'd like for Christmas.

[R.I.P] Lull Skullface - Ema's former 'servant'. She needed someone to pick up the loose ends she couldn't be bothered with. And Lull, who described himself as a 'fugitive' to her was so intriguing she hired him. She also had to support his sister, as she was far too immature to work. But they managed somehow, Ema largely paying Lull's salary in food, shelter and cigarettes. Ema is the only person Lull's told about his mother's demise. Ema used to use him as a pillow, something he couldn't refuse to do, because it actually was in his contract.
[R.I.P] Lois Fukushima - Ema improved her gas mask so she only needs to change the filter twice a day instead of every 45 minutes. Ema liked Lois, though found her too girly for her own tastes. She also couldn't get that close to her, as Lull, obsessive and protective as he is, would actively block her way, physically.
History/Background: Ira was a big part of Ema's history. She initially started out as Project 0223 for him - he was on the 23rd attempt at incorporating the model 0200 parts into a human, and he tried extra hard with his little sister. Her project was largely successful, and soon she passed all the basic tests needed to prove to everyone and Ira she was capable to be on her own. Ira has complete faith in her, aware of her intelligence, and knows he doesn't have to protect her in the slightest.

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