• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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1580095621815.png1580095660515.pngKitchi held Chepi closely, both smiling as they enjoyed the peace and comfort their bed offered them, not to mention each other's warmth and touch. However their peaceful trance was soon disrupted by the school's announcement. Kitchi's face dropping a little, reluctant to let go.

Chepi did her best at pretending she didn't hear the school's announcement. It was rare that they had an opportunity to stay in bed and relax like this; she wanted the moment to last. Pressing her face into Kitchi's chest, her voice was muffled as she asked, "Do you think if we say that we're sick they'll believe us?" She wasn't really planning on skipping school just so she could lounge around with her husband in bed, but it was a pleasant thought.

He smiled stroking her hair "I don't think so Chepi." He soon sighed and got out of bed, but picking her up as soon as he got out and taking her into his arms in a princess carry "Come let us take a shower before we go out." He had only recently figured out how to use it and was proud to show her, aside it was quite comfortable in the shower.

Chepi sighed dramatically as she let him carry her. "If I must." It had taken some time to figure out what a shower actually was, and to be completely honest she had no idea how to activate it herself. She had been more interested in how some of the other items in their room worked, like the T.V. and microwave. "Did you figure it out yourself, or did you ask someone?" It was a question asked out of curiosity since she hadn't noticed him messing around with the shower's controls.

"I figured it out on my own." He says proudly, reaching the room and setting her down "I'll show you how it's done." He says taking off his clothes and getting inside and moving the handle to turn it on "Move it this way for hot and this way for cold."

The shower was fairly spacious considering how much smaller the other students were compared to them, but Chepi supposed that the school was used to accepting unusual students. Peeking in, she watched as her husband moved the handle only to yelp in surprise as water suddenly cascaded onto her head. Wide-eyed, she jerked her head out and stared at her husband for a moment. Shock gave way to an easy smile and laughter. "You did that on purpose!" It was a playful accusation, but that didn't mean that she wasn't going to try and get even. Hurriedly getting her clothes off so that she could join him, Chepi planned on splashing Kitchi at least a little bit as payback.

After their fun and washing off they soon exited the shower, each getting the other's backs with the towels. "We need to bring something like this back to the village, everyone would love it."

Chepi glanced at the shower with a frown. "It'd be difficult." She couldn't really tell how anyone was able to somehow fuse this...thing to the wall but they did. Surely it could unattached again, right? Or perhaps a new one could be brought back home? Using a towel to carefully dry her hair, she mentally filed the puzzle away for another time. Throwing her wet towel over Kitchi's head in order to blind him, she slipped out of the bathroom and back into their bedroom for her uniform. Pulling her shirt over her head, she called out, "Should I cook today? Or would you prefer the cafeteria?"

"There are so many foods to try, let's eat there. I can fix dinner for us tonight." He says taking the towel off of his head and moving into the room to change himself, looking over to see her deep in thought again. "We're going to be here for a few years, we can figure things out as we go, no need worry about everything now." He says putting on his bear cloak and moving over to kiss her, since they weren't allowed to in public "At least we can spend today together."

Chepi hummed before admitting, "I know, but I just worry." She didn't bother elaborating. Kitchi knew well enough about how this strange new world excited yet frightened Chepi. As her husband leaned in for a kiss, she gladly responded in kind before wrapping her arms around him. "I'm eager to see what these 'electives' are."

"I know my dear Chepi." He says wrapping his arms around her "I am too, though I can't wait for a day off to spend with you." The anniversary was fast approaching and Kitchi had finally gotten a gift in without her seeing it to surprise her with, though the room was now full of plants replicating the ones they had at home "Next day off we celebrate dear."

She lifted her head up to smile at him. "I'd like that." Leaning up to give him another kiss, Chepi stepped out of Kitchi's embrace. "We should probably go now before we're late." Grabbing her mana tool, she placed the still unfamiliar glasses on her face. Holding out her arm, she said, "Shall we?"

Kitchi smiled and nodded, taking her arm with his own "You look so smart in those glasses." He says calling his mana wyrm over, who sat atop his head once again. "What would you like for dinner tonight?"

Making their way out of their dorm and into the hallway, Chepi hummed in thought. "How about kanuchi?" Luckily, they didn't have to worry about getting things from the stores on the Trade Island. Thanks to Kitchi, they were growing their own ingredients; especially the ones that were harder to get.

Kitchi grinned at Chepi's statement "I don't know why I asked, that's your favorite food." He was thankful the teacher let him take home the extra seeds after he explained his situation. "What do you think of all the strange customs here?"

"They're a bit difficult to adjust to," she mused. The other day a student raised their hand causing Chepi to flinch. Apparently, they just wanted her to slap her hand to their hand? It was some sort of sign of friendship and victory, but it looked like her classmate was about to slap her.

"They are indeed. So many strange customs, I can't remember most of them." He had seen so many alien things he was very confused what was normal and what was not. At least he had Chepi who was in the same boat he was "We should write them down to tell the tribe about."

That got a laugh out of Chepi. "Would you like to count the stars in the sky too? Or the blades of grass in the field? I think you'd have better luck recording all of those than you will with the customs here." Watching the students that were wandering the halls as the passed, she said more fondly, "Although, it isn't a bad idea."

"If one of our tribe members ever comes here it would be helpful." He says with a smile, ignoring the sarcastic remark "Also those things don't sound too bad if I spend that time with you."

Leaning into Kitchi, Chepi just smiled in response. They swung open the doors to the cafeteria and were immediately assaulted by the smells and sounds of the morning crowd. She took a deep breath in, savoring all of the wonderful scents that flooded the air. "Over there!" Pointing to a waffle bar, Chepi said, "Apparently, they put maple syrup on these things called 'waffles'. But the syrup is much sweeter here than the kind we made at home." That seemed to be a running theme at Augurium; many of their pastries were so overwhelming sweet that Chepi could usually only handle them in small doses.

Joint post with: Kyrenka Kyrenka
dorms- going to cafeteria
Ahmar al-rakdos
(Just trying a slightly different writing style for this one kinda first person? apologies if its short and wierd)​
fuck.... everything still hurts... guess I got beaten up worse than I thought but damn was that a rush, aside from the broken all the bruising and the pain could sleep at all, totally worth it that gith was fucking amazing. I'm sure bro's gotten some idea of how I can beat the piss out of that guy next time. well, now there was some voice blaring out whatever.... only thing I cared about the food part. that I could get behind I was about as hungry as I was hurting. just... needed to get up.. least i didn't have to worry bout that... what even was my roommate? anyway, getting up wasn't actually that bad managed to get my self out of bed and.... shit where did you get food around here? great... this is going to be one of those days then.
Ivan Timurovich

0500 had gone and passed. Ivan had been up by 0430 and drank his coffee before beginning his morning routine. Quietly, after clearing a space in his room, Ivan lifted his right hand high before grabbing the same wrist with his left hand, leaning far left to start his stretching. Ten minutes would pass as he continued mindlessly with his many stretches and warmups before his exercises started. Push-ups, crawling planks, quadrupedal movement, pistol squats, burpees, sit-ups, and with the assistance of an instrument from Babushka himself, pull-ups. Afterward consisted of a five-mile run around the campus before returning to his dorm, shirtless and drenched in sweat. Looking at his watch while pulling his running shoes off, Ivan raised a brow as the digital piece read 0630, HR 148, Sp02 98%, and a plethora of other vitals that to the unknowing was simply garbled jargon save for Calories Burned, which brought a frown to his face.

"Gotta step up intensity..." he muttered to himself. "Babushka would be pissed if she saw this." By the time he had entered his room, still mindless and oblivious of his surroundings, he was in perfect costume for a shower and let himself soak in the heat that cascaded down him in pure liquid form. Five, ten, twenty minutes passed as he used the time to get in cooldown stretches before washing himself and shifting the water to ice-cold. It was a quick jolt to close his pores and re-energize him for the day.

Dressed, his room immaculate and his exercise equipment neatly organized and stored, it was finally 0700 and it was about time for one of the favorite parts of his day.

Thankfully, Ivan was no idiot. A healthy Occidens man needed a Healthy Occidens Breakfast! (patent pending), and the perfect thing for that was Blini, Kolbasa, Cheese, hard-boiled eggs, some Coffee, and a protein shake the size of his head, and no, he wasn't going to be stingy, either. He had a roommate who might have been doing their own morning exercise routine, and the combination of carbs, proteins, healthy fats - shit, he didn't pack avocados - black coffee, and some extra protein were the building blocks of a strong, healthy body, and he wasn't going to let a Comrade fall behind.

When Guiren would deign to show himself, he would find the dorm's table full of such options, though it was mirrored so that either side looked the same as the other.

At the same time, however, the announcements had come over the yet-to-be-discovered speakers (seriously, where did they hide those fuckers?) along with a complimentary wake-up call at the ungodly late hour of 0800. By this time, people should have already done their exercises, showered, eaten, and read the morning news as well as going over their daily schedule! A huff of disapproval left his lips as he idly scrolled through his phone, looking through news in Magitech development and dearly missing his own Focus that he had destroyed.

Now if only he could re-create it...

Deathkitten Deathkitten Kyrenka Kyrenka

Nyara Innistra

The sudden cacophony of the announcement system and the voice that she now knew she would hate hearing had all but startled the pink-haired teen from her slumber, which, to be fair, didn't exactly fare well. What she had seen at The Lounge was absolutely horrifying, and she had decided that right there, right then, she would never, ever, ever go back, and no one could convince her otherwise. Not even her dead mother. With that being said, she was slow getting out of bed, her hair a bedraggled mess and bags heavy under her eyes, one large, baggy shirt hanging from her lithe form that held a caricature of a large-headed mouse with a castle behind it and the words "DISNEYLAND" emblazoned across it. Many people thought it to be a holy site, but honestly, if this "Walt" character was a God, she would be impressed. Now, people like Poison Ivy and the Swamp Thing were more up her alley, though she would never admit it. They were "Terrible Villains" and "No good for the Worship of such a good girl like her!" Meanwhile, the Deadlands themselves proved the natural order and it was a cautionary tale.

As she thought this, the Foxgloves that she had picked up from the shops on Vitae island were blooming as beautifully as ever. She was cautious to touch them, instead doing so with latex gloves as she inspected the petals and hummed loudly enough that it almost drowned out the sound of the announcer while they went on and on and on and on with the rigmarole of the day.

They were right about one thing, though: The day was sunny and beautiful, and the one thing that could really use sunlight in this room was her Foxgloves instead of her eyes that were straining to adjust in the contrast of the dark shadows and piercing rays. So, with steady and gentle hands, Nyara moved the potted plant from its perch on her dresser to her bedside stand, where it sat perfectly in the life-giving vitamin D that it so starved for.

But it also needed water! Shuffling off to fetch such life-sustaining ambrosia for the plant-life that she now took care of, she would return and tend to the dangerous flowers before finally waking up and trotting off to start her morning routine.

Brush her teeth, inspect the bathroom plants, finish brushing her teeth, shower, inspect more of the plants in her room - she spent nearly all her money on plants, and then head off with her school uniform donned to find something to bite into.

(Literally whoever wants to interact with her, she's out of her dorm now)

Issac Jackson

You know, there was something oddly insulting about having to carry around a stepladder wherever you went in your own damn dorm. Being about the shortest person on campus that he's seen, Issac was already starting to find it a workout on his own having to drag the ladder, plant the ladder, climb the ladder, then climb back down it with whatever he had in his hands without falling off the c-u-next-tuesday, then repeating this ad-nauseum after he had already done his exercises, went on his run, and mentally cussed the freaking ENT in front of him that seemed to so easily breeze over such long stretches of land while Issac was dead-sprinting just to keep pace. Even in his own shower he needed this stupid thing! Once he had a better control of Navitas, he wasn't going to need it ever again. He'd just float up to whatever level he needed. He'd just gesture for the thing he's reaching for! Yeah - that'll teach the Fates for making him so goddamn SHORT!!!

Buncha cocky little shits.

But there was no time to bluster and bitch about it, he supposed. With the smallest size uniform he had to have tailored to his body now on, and the speakers nearly making him jump as they crackled and came to life, his day was now starting like any other with the addition of that annoying voice. At least he didn't have a roommate. He couldn't tell which little thing he couldn't reach they would giggle about first. Considering at this time the Cafeteria would be open for Breakfast, it was about time he got that out of the way and actually had something to feed his aching muscles. Lots of protein, some carbs, some fats, fruits, nuts, and just about whatever else he could get his hands on that wouldn't pack a solid pound on him to make him look like he skipped out on exercising for a week. Being short had implications concerning weightloss and fitness, and he wasn't going to chance even an excess pound taking away all of his maintenance on himself.

(Kinda burned out at the end, but whoever wants to interact with him can. He's open for it.)
~Gavin Heidrich~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:00 - The Dorms

Gavin.jpg Gavin was comfortable. Classes were magically exhausting and ended later than what he was used to which mean that he'd conk out as soon as his head hit the pillow. Unfortunately, after the first night Hira found out that the brunet was a heavy sleeper. Which was probably why she was now here in his room with a whistle screaming in his ear. Jolting up, Gavin flailed blindly and fell out of his bed. While he laid dazed face down on the ground Hira yelled at him before leaving for breakfast. Not sure who's worse; Hira or my siblings. His two younger siblings fed off of each other which led to pranks that increased in severity, with Gavin being the typical target. This wasn't his first time being rudely awoken, and it wouldn't be the last. Peeling himself off of the floor, he yawned as he scratched at his chest. Clothes, then food. He hadn't really had the time to go out and grab food to stock their kitchen, so he frequented the cafeteria. Pulling his uniform on, the brunet glanced at his bag before leaving it. It was starting to become a hassle, and after that first day he hadn't really needed it. Sorry Mom. But honestly, what's the worst that could happen? Making sure that he lagged behind so that he wouldn't run into his roommate that he was totally not afraid of, Gavin made his way down the halls until he arrived at the cafeteria. He internally groaned at how awake and loud everyone was. Morning people, he thought sourly. Still bleary-eyed, the brunet made a beeline for the coffee machines on the side. He needed caffeine.

((Mentioned Peckinou Peckinou 's Hira))
~Lavka Kashik ~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:00 - The Dorms

Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider
1580134961270.png Lavka got up bright in earlier in the morning they liked mornings and they were in a practically good mood, new day and new classes. They fact they they have completed quite a few profiles of people in their journal also made them a bit happy as well. They had a huge smile plastered on their face as they went out side their room to get breakfast "Good Morn-" they stopped in their tracks when they saw their roommate Pandora out there near the door with a bunch of rabbit like multicolored creatures. Maintaining the smile on their face they instantly closed the door to their room not even wanting to deal with whatever was going on. Whatever strange creature Pandora makes couldn't be good although their smile didn't waiver a single bit as they closed and locked their door. Going back to their bed to write in their second journal the one they use to record notable events, they would be fine with eating breakfast later they just didn't want to encounter anything Pandora made as of right now. Pandora was pretty crazy but then again she was a Vitea after all so it could be a sterotypical Vitea thing in general not like they wanted to meet any other Viteas anyway. They just plummped on their bed and recorded the event of their encounter with Pandoras latest creatures.
ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

Seeing the plate being pushed at her Avia's eyes dialted as she took in the sight. Giving Mav the feather she put her hands on the plate, pulling it towards herself she immediately set into eating it. She glanced over at him cautiously every once in awhile as she heard him speak. While she heard him she seemed to be focused on the food. The plate however did not last very long, her ravenous hunger chewing through it rather quickly. Once she finished it she pushed it away and next to her other plate. Turning her attention back to Mav she recalled what he had said earlier and smiled "We appreciate the yummies, it was very good-great." Avia chimed out, almost in a musical fashion.

"Know, man-thing wishes to know... hmm... man-thing did give us the yummies. We shall tell-tell..." Avia chirped before looking around for more to eat. Letting out a huph she refocused on Mav and continued on what she was saying. "We are still hungry-starving.. but Skeksis are we." She said trying to form a word that fit the musical note that they normally used to describe themselves. "But others... they taunt-yell at us. Makes us hate-angry and view them with contempt..." She hissed before her features lightened once more "We know not what else to say-tell... easiest to show." Avia finished, her wings opening up and making a few people behind her to backpedal.
Cayden | Ten


"UNHAND ME AT ONCE!" Ten yelled, dropping tabletop with a metal clang and an angry twirl. He was pissed, mad to be handled like a toy and dusting front-half he'd roll to Cayd's side, small chassis puffed out and huffing indignant. It was posturing nonsense; like a taught businessmen with frill-tone it was condescending but harmless, a parody. Hell, even his lense was upturned pretentious with a loud belting --"Aghast! I'm absolutely aghast at her behavior! I take it back dear lad! All of it back! RUN! RUN FOR DEAR LIFE!" with a lense twist between the pair. It was absurd behavior; uncivilized and grating. Annoying Cayd so that he too would snatch Ten, tossing him in his scarf's fold as he crunched a reply.

Easier said than done for Mr. Anti Charisma. The gears were turning slowly and a monkish "Hmmmmmmm" he'd hum as words failed to answer the basic question.....

Well, basic on the surface anyway. Did Ten really belong to him? Could he claim ownership of the bot? The AI wasn't his slave, they were partners in a way. But he was an object, no? Could a semi-sentient object own itself? Or did Cayden? It was a dilemma Lou'd answer with an in depth n' detailed, fully capable and intensive "Maybe" as he leaned forward to face-level folded hands, his scarf muffling Ten's protesting -- "Maybe? Maybe shit! Ain't no maybe! No man owns m--

Shorted by Lou answering again, faster on his feet with a decisive -- "Yes I own, it's complicated... Cayden, West Indes... you?" simple-said on unsure ground, pausing a sec to question "Crystal.... Enchanted?" with an index to forehead. It was a clunky pattern but it was honest; a natural earthen awkward like sloths crawling the forest floor, a fitting counter to Ten's manic charisma.

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
Last edited:
Mavior Eleus
Thursday, The fifth of October, Year 500

Taking the feather he was handed, he carefully ran his fingers along it, examining it's physical attributes. It was very soft, and had a pleasant scent to it...though that may have been because she had bathed recently...or did she just naturally smell of vanilla? If so, what sort of purpose would that serve if any for her? It was unlikely that was a natural scent, and he felt comfortable with the conclusion that it had just been bathing products that caused it's smell...but was it also naturally so soft, or was that also from self care? His attention was snapped from internal musing at her sing-song voice, eyes moving to look at her out of their corner, moving his head a bit to look at her. "You're welcome, I'm...glad it was good then." He ran his fingers along the feather a few more times before stowing it away in his satchel, folding his hands on the table and paying attention to her.

She was still hungry? She had already finished two plates...was her metabolism naturally high, or had she not eaten properly recently? What in the world was a Skeksis as well? He had never heard such a term...but obviously it existed, her speech patterns and mere existence was enough of a testament to the fact she wasn't human. Were her genetics more inclined to the avian branch of life, or human? Was it a perfect mix? More questions would have to be given, more answers received if he was to learn anything. "Very interesting....I've never heard of Skeksis. I'm sorry you've been taunted and yelled at, though I can offer no real consolation for it." His attention jumped to the wings she spread out behind her, quickly taking guessed estimations at their span, their maximum weight lift....how fast could she go if she used them? How high could she go? His thoughts halted again for a moment...he had no way to address this woman, no name or title. "My name is Mavior...do you have a name I can call you by? Can you tell me anything more about...Skeksis?"

Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider
Siggie Jet Jet

"People look at me like I am on fire or something." Willow said with a slight smirk in regards to Siggie. When Siggie began to ask about her glowing tendencies she could only nod "Yeah..... I glow. Its... well I am my own Focci." Willow admitted with some apprehension. "Most of us are mutants but I take it to another level. I grew up from what I heard in the crystal fields so I guess that is one way to explain why I am such a freak. Oh! But yeah I can..." Willow trailed off before getting up and taking several steps backwards and away from other people. The air around her began to warm, swirling around before a whistling noise could be heard as all the air began to jet towards her, fueling the reaction that was taking place as her body seemed to begin to glow brighter. After a second her skin seemed to shift, becoming almost liquid before bursting into fire.

Her color changed from navy blue to a bright yellow, the fire however stayed its normal temperature. "Well, yeah I can burst into fire... the tattoos are containment focci so I dont destroy myself, its honestly painful as all hell to get them touched up but its something that needs to happen if I don't want to die. There is a lot of maintenance that I need to do but I think its kinda nice." she admitted "Don't try to touch me though, you'll get hurt." Willow chimed out knowing that Siggie may try if she didn't say anything.
1580248763122.png Omar's body had LONG since adapted to doing what most people do in the course of an 8 hour sleep in less than a span of an hour, he could used to be subjected to random tests where he would only get an hour of sleep a day for a few months straight. The fact he had been getting even more sleep in the last few years helped his health improve greatly.
Omar smiled as he exited, smelling the delicious food Ivanna made. "I don't mind." He soon took a seat and dug into his half of the food, his manners were still far from good but they were improving... he left her half the food at least. Within minutes he had already finished his portion. Something that even years of time after he couldn't lose: His fast eating. Food was few and far between and whatever you were given you had to eat fast before someone else could take it from you... though he was the only one left in the end, it was still deeply ingrained within him.
"Thank you, it was good." He declared, patting Ivanna on the head. He had learned the fundamentals of thanking the chef in his few weeks of boot camp (which he was soon booted from) as his bunk-mate was a chef. He began using his one hand to form and shape a small dog out of glass as he waited on her to finish.
Deathkitten Deathkitten
Mav ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

Giving a dismissive wave at him apologizing for people taunting her she knew it was just people being people. Even among mutants she was a freak, she knew this and had accepted it. She had to, otherwise she would never have been allowed to conduct herself as normally as she could. Letting out a grumble she seemed to be focused on something she had retrieved from her clothes. The locket in her hands seemed to be slipping out of her talons and making it difficult for her to open up. Letting out an audible hiss her wings twitched in annoyance before she gripped it tightly. Her talons sunk into the metal as she vice gripped it. The metal buckled and the locket popped open to reveal an old picture. Staring at it for a few second she was only distracted by Mav speaking up again.

"Avia, call us Avia.. though that is not our name-title. Erm.... no, no it is not our name title but it is what man-things call us." Avia spoke, clearing her throat before letting out several musical notes of differing pitchs. This ended up attracting some more attention to the girl as she gazed around the room at people watching her. She wanted to let out a loud hiss but managed to contain her sudden surge of anger. As if in response the locket in her hand began to change color, like the metal was beginning to age rapidly. "No no, we did it again!" She groaned, the locket now looking like it had been rusted over and sitting in water for several weeks. "We destroyed the shiny..." As if coming to the realization that she had a means to get another one she pivoted and sat looking directly at Mav. Her big eyes hid the fact that she was wanting something behind a rather adorable facade. "You bring us shiny and man-thing shall hear more about us." Avia chirped before bringing in a wing and giving Mav a slightly playful nudge with it. While it was soft, they felt strong and very robust compared to what one might expect from a bird.​
~ Locoma ~
She woke up at the same time as the woman began to speak, though she was less woken up by the woman herself and more by the understanding of when she was going to be getting up. Her internal clock was timed well, though, unfortunately, that didn't make her any less tired as she brought herself to consciousness. Locoma yawned and righted herself, looking into the dim light of her room with a contemplative pensiveness. What did she want to accomplish today?

There were potions and the other electives she was interested in... so that was one thing to look forward to.

She moved out of bed, out of the room in her pajamas, and to the kitchen to obtain food. She would not be surprised if Thomas was already there. He was... thoughtful... if a bit overbearing. He came off a little obsessive, but he wasn't a bad roommate. In fact, having a little bit of a test bunny worked well for her. When she wanted to try out a new concoction, she could so so... as long as it was relatively safe. She didn't want him getting hurt.

EldridSmith EldridSmith
Vulmar Lulana
dorms---> cafe
interaction: Open​
for Vulmar it wasn't too early to get up, but these beds were so soft that Vulmar didn't want to get up, well not till the strangely chirpy voice startled him thusly how he ended up on the floor while he had gotten some time to get used to how advanced and different everything was.. something were still either awe-inspiring confusing or somewhat scary. but at least he knew what was going on at least, it was time to get food. pulling himself off the floor, the first strange thing, however, would be the number of limbs he had used all six of his arm to push himself off the ground, the second rather odd feature was vulmar's overall appearance even though they where male, however, they looked very much like a female, this was normal for an Arachne though. getting changed vulmar put on an open back shirt (the one in the pic above) that hed brought with him since he couldn't find any sort of clothing to wear thanks to his extra limbs, and some pants before heading out form the dorms and towards the cafeteria he did, however, take his time to appreciate the architecture and sheer scale of the school, there was just something about the place... there was nothing like this back home, he spent much of the time staring aimlessly at things as he walked past not noticing any of the looks people where giving him for various reasons stepping to the side if he was about to run into someone.
~Liliana Bermudez~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:00 - The Dorms

LFB.jpg Liliana was sitting up in her bed, eyes staring at nothing as her brain desperately used its rusted mechanics to reboot. As she finally realized that it was time for school, she loudly groaned and flopped back into the warm covers. "I don't wanna gooooo," she whined into her pillow. Apparently, They didn't agree and forcefully ripped the covers off of her. The brunette squeaked at the sudden cold and then yelped as shadowy hands dragged her from her cushiony mattress. "OK! OK! I'm up!" Immediately she was released, causing her to fall to the ground with a grunt. She glared at the very unapologetic shadows spread out beneath her. "You're a real jerk, you know that?" They didn't respond, obviously not feeling guilty in the slightest. She didn't stay angry for long though, as her roommate's voice sweetly called out for her. "Ah! I'm in my room!" Getting up and hurriedly grabbing her uniform, she stumbled and tripped as she rushed to get ready. Liliana shouted, "I'm getting dressed, I'll be out soon!" That way, Venissa wouldn't wonder what was taking the brunette so long. Glancing at the mirror in her room, she frowned at her reflection's hair. No time to deal with that mess. Shoving a beanie onto her head, she grabbed her backpack and met Venissa outside of her room. "Ready," she chirped.

As they exited the dorm, Liliana made a face as she considered their options. "I think the cafeteria is better since the restaurants might take longer." Maybe if they could ever get up earlier they could go out to eat, but for now they both enjoyed sleep too much. "I wish that Colle-, I mean Augurium had a scheduled nap time for students." Maybe it was because the school was full of people from other countries, but most of the students knew the school as Augurium so they'd always get confused whenever Liliana referred to it as 'Collegium Magi'. The people of Terra Augurium, at least in her experience, always referred to it as Collegium Magi since the country itself was Augurium to them. She knew that her parents especially got very defensive about that names. It doesn't really matter though. It was easier to call it Augurium so that's what she was going to do.

Entering the cafeteria was a great wake-up call. The buzzing chatter and overwhelming smell of food was enough to perk her up greatly. "Oh! They have doughnuts!" Liliana stopped herself from rushing over. Venissa didn't like being left alone and it would be a dick move to leave her. Turning to her roommate, the brunette pointed to the section that had doughnuts and other breakfast pastries, "You want a doughnut? Because I really want a cream one!"

((Interacting with Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Venissa))
Marielle - 08:35 - Cafe
She sighed as the irreverent bot was contained by its master, shaking her head softly. The boy seemed polite at least, if only a little slow to react. He could be discussed with, which was an agreeable surprise to her. Politeness was making itself rarer nowadays, and it was harder and harder to have proper conversations with people. Anyway, it seemed like he was asking for her name. She sat down by her side, casting a quick glance at his bag, still a little bit wary of the mad machine. With a nod, she replied

"Marielle... Spada. Nice to meet you... Cayden, was it ? Although, I would have preferred more relaxed circumstances for such an occasion. You really should discipline that sidekick of yours."

A thin smile bloomed on her lips as she finished her sentence. They were an amusing duo. Granted, the robot was the annoying half of it, but the boy seemed like a decent person. When he was awake, that is.

Jet Jet
S. Hohlt


Sig's face mirrored Willow's lightshow, exploding with wide awestruck eyes and drop-jaw as roomie BURST INTO FLAME.

Impressive-impressive-impressive and Sig thought loud "HOLY SHIT THAT'S METAL!" appreciating the show with healthy happiness and a sister-esque jealous tinge. Sig couldn't help but to have one, Willow's mutation was badass. Compared to "human supernova" Sig's standard mana wings were.... well, kinda lame. A candle compared to Willow's BURNING WOMAN BONFIRE, ughhhhhhh some people had the luck. Well not all the luck cause painful tattoos.... but pain-shmain. Willow was like a superhero or something wicked like that. All the things one could do with that ability? Endless possibilities existed. One could roast bad guys, stay warm in the heat, cook food, see in dark places, cook food, start a campfire, cook food on the campfire, cook marshmallows on the fly -- A lightning bolt strikes and genius is born. Gilded wings carry an idea. The angels sing, and stars align. God rays light the room and the scripture sets..... For Sig had marshmallows. The Snack Satchel had given thee the night before but Hohlt'd held off on them for later.....

It was a devious plan, kind of a prank, but uhhh, well there wasn't really an explanation. Siggie did as she felt and this felt very correct. So preparing she'd grow a thin tree-twig in her left hand while taking two marshmallows from a bag in her backpack. It was subtle, done under the table so Willow couldn't see, her silenced explained by the awe in her eyes. It was a good start to the genius idea but she'd have to narrow the gap. So darting fast from her seat she'd near-teleport around and behind and in front of Willow like a whackamole, examining the flames with -- "Wow that's SO COOL!" and "You're like a superhero!" and "Even the tattoos are awesome! I want some one day but I always put it off...." and even "They look hot, hands to myself!" as she orbited about, sliding mallows on the twig behind her back, setting the scene.


It was on and Sig would be bold, holding the two marshmallows above Willow's head with a fox-laugh and a devious smile. Perhaps it would be offensive, perhaps not, perhaps she'd get blasted across the room, or maybe Willow would want one? Whatever the case would be, I can tell you one thing for sure.... Siggie has not thought of it in advance.

Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider
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~Taram Isa~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:00 - Hallway

Taram Best.jpg Taram didn't take her eyes off of Pandora as the tiny creatures moved underneath her. She wanted to assert her dominance damnit, and being the first one to look away would make her look weak. So she didn't flinch as the other girls' creations circled around her. The blonde only did deign to glance at the creatures when they presented her with her slime slickened and ruined shoe. Pandora's mumbled confession didn't help make things better either. "Lesson learned then," Taram said icily, "Don't break shit if you can't pay for it." Examining the half-formed and grotesque creatures Pandora had made, the blonde made a face as she added, "I'll pass on letting you make a replacement." Her expression shifted quickly, as she gave Pandora another once over. "You could always pay me back in another way," she hinted. The Unum Forus had made such hilarious reactions last time the blonde had teased her, and to be honest it was making Pandora quickly become one of Taram's new favorite play things. Sure, the woman might not have sex with her, but at least she was entertaining. At least, for now. Besides, it's not like mattered. There was always a rookie that was way too eager she could use. Stepping closer to the purple-haired woman, Taram waited until she was practically leaning into Pandora's face to say, "Just don't ever fuck with me again." With that, she breezed past the woman and towards the cafeteria doors that were nearby. Once she was past the threshold, she finally put her familiar onto the ground. "Go nuts," she said and watched as the small monster toddled over towards the desserts. This is why you're the chunkiest familiar in the school. Oh well, not like she minded.

((Interacting with Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider 's Pandora))
Kira Kawin
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:00 - The Dorms

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
1580424776421.png Kira just woke up and they were pretty much in a bad mood off the bat, they hated mornings, their hair was a mess, their uniform was practically thrown on and it was pretty easy to tell that they were in no good mood as they exited their room. They looked around to find their roommate laying down on the floor, they looked at them unamused and tired she stared at him as he began to speak, scowling a bit before quipping back "Oh im so glad you noticed, what so ever gave it away?" she spoke in the most sarcastic way possible ending it with a groan. She then looked towards the kitchen she was honestly not able to cook anything since her servants were the ones that did all the cooking for her, although her ex Riel did occasionally cook a bit for her. Kira just went to the kitchen fridge and grabbed a soda, she practically cracked it open and drank from it before going on to sit down on one of the chairs. She was not going to cook for him especially since her mother banned her from ever getting near a microwave or stove or even a toaster after the last time she attempting to cook. Although she doubted her mother would care anymore considering she was a schools problem now. She doubted her roommate could cook either, probably better than her atleast but still she wouldn't really expect a demon like him to have a secrete cooking hobby. She tsked when he said that they would have to find the food around here, she groaned a bit before saying. "Whatever, ill just go out and buy us food." Kira cringed a little at the word us although being on good terms with her roommate could be useful in the long run so treating him should win some points over to say the least, although he is a demon so who knows maybe not.
Mornings; the grief caused by em' was an epic-built pain in the ass. A familiar friendly neighborhood kick in the knickers cause' Zak went through it every day. It was a proud routine of self punishment starting at night when he'd knock ragged-sore and tired after over-training. Through rosy dreams of things best buried he'd wake early and exhausted still from pushing himself too far.... just to do it again the next day. It was a voluntary grind but still a grind, and unlike positive minds Zak was the dark side. When he woke feeling trash he wasn't all "BRAVE THE DAY NO MATTER WHAT!" erring to --"Fuck you want en?" instead. So when the purple demon drug-fiend monster waddled his way he didn't look at it with intrigue, sympathy, comradery, curiosity.... Or.... well anything good. Just a dark "Fuck's this ugly rat about?", with suspicion for the food-desperate creature with eyes on his stacking plate.

It'd picked the wrong goddamn plate though. This wasn't a game, shit wasn't a charity. Zak needed his damn food, plus the jumbo cup of coffee with this incredible thing called caffeine, boy was that stuff good, but digression... This wasn't purple mong's food, it was Zak's, so Zak would Zak with "Fuck off champ" and a mean chuckle, shifting to grab a roll off a rack with an eye trained on the creature. Did it respond to words? Did Zak need to punt it? Would "Fuck off" not suffice? It wasn't going away so maybe not, and the way it waddled inch by inch with those begging hands... what did it expect???

Something about it was familiar though. Watching it with a slow rising brow he'd put 2 and 20 together. It was really similar to something Zak had seen at the school... but what? The way it marched steadily with that disarming air, it's size, it's magical origin, it was just like that... What was it? It had to be like the -- "Fuckin shirt stealin' ball bastard! Must be his unc or sumn, his cuz, a kin?!?", thought with a jagged step to the side, stance wide facing the "thief" with a snickering -- "Afta dis'?", feathering his shirt with a wolf-smirk, snatch-n-grabbing a very large and near-empty jam drum with his right hand, measuring the range as purple mong reached out again like an infant.

Playing the innocent game? Joke was on the creature. That innocent shit wasn't gonna work this time, Zak learned once not to trust the act. So smiling wide he'd think "Gonna trade ya for sumn sick!" while slamming the jar down and over the creature with plans to trade it. Because whatever it was, it was worth shilling to a merchant. Even if only for a dime he'd fence it; free money after all.

Kyrenka Kyrenka Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider
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Mavior Eleus
Thursday, The fifth of October, Year 500

Watching her in silence as she fumbled for something from her clothes, he could only ponder at what it may be...though he didn't have to ponder long, as it was revealed to be a locket of some sort that she was struggling to get a good grip on. His attention turned from the locket to her as she spoke again, giving a slow nod. "Avia...interesting. It is nice to meet you." Before he could speak much more she gave a few musical notes of 'birdsong', causing him to grow silent in thought. Common was likely not her mother-tongue, she kept slipping into something reminiscent of chirps and birdsong. How long had she been learning common then? Was it difficult to replicate for her, or was her vocal structure accommodating? Once again, inner thoughts were snapped to reality...not so much by her speaking, but by the fact her locket seemed to decay and age. That was peculiar...but logically, that pointed her magical aptitude towards Mortis.

Her features quickly changed into what one would use as the textbook definition of 'cute'...why was she looking like that now? Her next words answered his question in quick order for him though...she wanted something, but intended to barter for it. Since she had destroyed her 'shiny' possession she wanted a new one, and his incentive was to get more information. Interesting to consider, but it seemed like a simple enough trade. "I don't have anything shiny on hand. Should I find something, I will give it to you to learn more. Is that agreeable?" A wing gently nudged him but it didn't seem...frail, like a normal wing would. Indeed, that made sense, they seemed functional so that meant they were capable of lifting a human sized individual into flight...and if she was predatory in nature then they were also capable of lifting her weight and more, as birds of prey are known to lift creatures as large if not larger than themselves off to feed.

Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider

Taram Kyrenka Kyrenka
Zak Jet Jet

"Well, I was supposed to fight you right? Sometimes things just get hit by-" Her sentence was cut off by Taram saying she could pay it off another way. Blushing she tried to remain composed but she couldn't help feeling attracted to the taller blonde. "Maybe..." She mumbled just loud enough for Taram to hear her. Watching Taram walking away Pandora grumbled internally before turning and catching up to the girl. Pushing past the doors with Taram she took a moment to look around before hearing excited scuttling on the floor as Taram's adorable familiar burst from behind Taram's legs and toddled off towards the food line. As if on que the Jacks all burst through the door at once, the tallest of the 5 gazing around before walking over and taking its place next to Pandora as the other four scattered off. They seemed to be sneaking pieces of food off of peoples plates, coming close to trying to steal food off the plate of a girl with tattoos before watching the woman ignite. The sudden burst of flame made that rabbit take off towards the others. As the chaos with Zak and Tuffulupugus began the group of rabbits all at once ceased their movement.

Like creepy owls they all slowly began to rotate their head in the direction of the commotion the second one of the five saw the scene unfold. Their bodies snapped in the direction their heads were looking and immediately they were scrambling towards the chaos. Pandora watched the scene unfold and immediately looked to Taram "Hey, someones trapping your familiar!" She said making sure Taram heard her before speed walking over to try to wrangle her own creations, it was however far to late. The Jacks scrambled up and onto the table while Zak was distracted and began to devour his entire plate like a group of ravenous piranhas smelling blood in the water. Within a second the plate and everything on it was in the mouths of the four Jacks able to get on the table. Once the plate was gone they all looked at each other before one pulled the top off another of the jacks and reached into its maw. Pulling out a still intact but greasy garment of clothing that once belonged to Guiren. Slapping the jeans down on the table where Zak's plate once was they all began to cackle before jumping off the table and scattering back towards their master. The scene began and unfolded in less than ten seconds as Pandora tried to cross the distance to scold them. By the time she arrived it was all over and she was just standing there looking at Zak "Thats someones familiar, let it go." She spoke trying to sound self confident in the matter, the largest of The Jacks standing next to her, though it seemed focused on where the other four were more than on who Pandora was speaking to.​

Vulmar Lulana
mention: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider interactions: Jet Jet (and mook again)
(Sorry if im butting in though it made sense)​
After making a couple of detours to just look around Vulmar eventually did manage to get to the cafeteria, snapped out of his almost trance-like state by the smell of the place, the food here was much different to the stuff back home. It was mostly just shoving as many calories into the smallest amount of food possible so flavours were very limited. This smell, on the other hand, was very different, it was like they put effort into making it smell appetising, heading over to where the foods was being served almost drooling as he snatched up five plates and filling them full of a verity of foods, an easy task for the Arachne thanks to his many arms. with that out of the way he needed to find somewhere to sit.

looking around Vulmar paused for a moment to just observe the others around him even now he found these people strang, there were two distinctive species one of them kinda looked like Vulmar although fewer arms and the other was flat-chested and normally had short hair. He’d been told that those ones where apparently male humans Although Vulmar didn’t believe them at all they looked far too different to be the same species and had thusly come to his own conclusion that their names must be very similar one was a “human” and the other was a”humun”. Aside from that the only other thing that caught his attention was... a bird? Person weird he rubbed his eyes with his one free arm looking again no the bird person was definitely still there. so it was real then? vulmar wasn't really expecting to see a non-human/humun here. the other thing that caught vulmars attention was someone on fire... that... shouldn't...be possible unless. magic, of course, he should have know... and there was another... boy yes the human looked like a boy to vulmar. they were cooking something? on the flaming head, it was... so strange yet curious. slowly approaching the pair out of curiosity picking at some of the food on his plate as he did so “Umm... what are you two... doing?.... it is normal for humans to be on fire.. or is it something else?” he asked with a curious tone still confused as to what he was looking at.
~Taram Isa~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:00 - Cafeteria

Taram Best.jpg Taram ignored the chaos that Pandora and her creations brought. Instead, she focused on carefully picking out her breakfast as screams and angry shouts sounded behind her. At least she isn't boring. However, her air of detached boredom suddenly shattered at a shriek that unmistakably came from her familiar. Dropping her plate, she whirled desperately towards the person Pandora pointed out. Distress quickly melted into unbridled wrath as her eyes landed on the idiot with an obvious death wish. Rookies and veterans alike immediately moved out of the way as the blonde stormed over to the guy that had her familiar in a fucking jar; the malicious aura around her unmistakable. Pandora, naive little Pandora, was trying to talk to the guy, but he had fucking lost the privilege of a nice little chat the minute he went after her familiar. Whipping out her mana tool, Taram swept the paintbrush across the air. A tendril of darkness shot out of the ground and went to whip Zak. It definitely would hurt if it hit him, but it wouldn't incapacitate him. Not that he deserves any mercy. There was one thing in this whole fucked up world that she loved, and that was Tuffy. There was no way in hell that this fucking idiot was going to get with just a warning. She didn't care if it got her in trouble, he had started it. I'm definitely remembering this for the next Fight Club. Then, she wouldn't have to hold back.

((Interacting with Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider 's Pandora and Jet Jet 's Zak))
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Cayden | Ten

Things were going.... well? Cayd didn't know, rubix cube people he couldn't solve. Turtles were simpler, some swam towards and others away depending. But fickle sapiens were spinning coins, heads or tails he couldn't say, Marielle's introduction was hot and cold that way. She was annoyed at Ten? Lou thought so but she was pleasant with him in converse. Unlike many she didn't lump the two together, understanding Ten's individuality. Many thought the bot was an extension; how wrong they were in the regard.

Sketchy steps to come cause words were foreign and he was on the spot. Ten had a way of speaking for him but she didn't like Ten. If he'd make well with Marielle he'd do it solo and without his crutch. So leaning forward he'd meditate with hands clasped afront, thinking what to say; for anything worth saying was worth thinking through in advance.

A long process it was; one second turned to two, then three with awkward silence creeping. Cayden knew it was weird but he had to get it right. He wouldn't say anything unintended; anything but would be.... sigh -- A muffled sound would interrupt as ten yelled out from underneath Lou's scarf-folds "TALK YOU QUIET FREAK!" -- Words sounding said from underwater, jolting Lou's taciturn brain into "Yes! He problem child.... Manners.... never taught" in a quiet tone, pausing again to say "Found Ten... Shipwreck way under-da waves. Always like dis, never stop -- he'd explain, closing his hand over and over again like a yapping mouth to describe the bot. Chiding him even though he'd brought the two together; sponsoring Cayd's record day with its record amount of words. Such an outlier today was; Lou spent his time on the sea talking to dolphins and turtles, even the sharks with whistles and clicks but never to people. Cayd wondered spacely if she understood that language, asking curious "You? From sea place are you? Or big lands? Speak dolphin there?"


Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
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~Guiren Nyverk~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:00 - Dorms

GN..jpg Guiren, of course, didn't really care for the school's morning announcement. He had tried getting earplugs after the first time it happened, but they did little to drown out the fucking speaker. If I find that shit I swear I'm gonna fucking destroy it. Instead of ignoring it though, he managed to drag himself out of bed. He had a bad habit back when he went to his old school of sleeping in and being late, but he didn't want to do that here. For one, he was here of his own free will because he didn't want to rot away like his useless bitch of a mother; and two, he really didn't want to find out what would happen if Diana found out that he was late. He already got an ass whooping for his stunt on the first day, and he wasn't ready to test the waters with her again just yet. Feeling his spine crack as he stretched, Guiren sloppily grabbed his uniform and put it on. As much as he hated it, it was his only outfit now thanks to that bitch and her screaming flesh box with legs. At least I have my jacket. No one had said anything about it yet, and there was some other dude walking around with a fucking bear slung over his shoulders so Guiren strongly doubted that he'd ever get in trouble for wearing it.

Making his way out of his room and into the kitchen, he paused at the breakfast laid out on the table. His eyes flicked over to his roommate who was nonchalantly scrolling on his phone. Alright...? That was another thing about this place: Ivan. The two have barely exchanged more than a few sentences and yet here he was with a fucking buffet laid out for him. That's not fucking creepy at all. Deciding to ignore the other man for now, Guiren padded over already made coffee and poured it into a conveniently near mug. Maybe I should just go to the cafeteria. He had been avoiding it since a crowded room at eight in the morning wasn't his idea of fun, but it could be better than sitting awkwardly with his roommate. If he's expecting a thanks then he's gonna be disappointed. Coming over to finally sit at the table, Guiren watched his roommate silently. Eventually his gaze moved onto the food covering the table in front of him. Holding up the protein shake Ivan had made, he stared at it for a long time in confusion before asking, "Is this a milkshake?"

((Interacting with Osuka Osuka 's Ivan | Mentioned Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Diana and EldridSmith EldridSmith 's Kitchi))

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