

From the Depths of Hell
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


In alphabetical order.


Category: Social
Appearance measures a character's capacity to influence peoples' reactions by virtue of her physical looks and demeanor. It's not an absolute measure of a character's attractiveness. Rather, it represents how adept she is at using her looks to affect those around her. Characters use Appearance when they want to intimidate, inspire or attract others using their physical looks alone.

Trait Effects: A character with Appearance 1 is the classic wallflower. People don't pay her any attention unless she says something. A character with Appearance 3 is poised and physically arresting. She can speak volumes with a single look or a cocked eyebrow. A character with Appearance 5 is unnerving to be around. People have a hard time paying attention to anything else when she's in the room.



Category: Social
Charisma is a measure of a person's social grace and strength of personality. Characters use Charisma to charm their enemies, to win friends and allies and to inspire people when things look bleak.

Trait Effects: A character with Charisma 1 is socially inadequate and uncomfortable around other people. She has difficulty making friends and opening up to others. A character with Charisma 3 is adept at dealing with people and has no trouble making friends or moving through society. A character with Charisma 5 is effortlessly charming. She wins people over with a few well-chosen words and is a naturally inspiring figure.



Category: Physical
Dexterity is a measure of a person's reflexes, balance and hand-eye coordination. Characters use Dexterity to determine how fast they run, how easily they hit their opponents in combat, and how well they operate tools, instruments and vehicles.

Trait Effects: A character with Dexterity 1 fumbles basic physical tasks if rushed. She drops her keys trying to open her apartment door, knocks over lamps or trips over her own feet. A character with Dexterity 3 is agile. She has a sure and steady hand and can dance rings around her opponents. A character with Dexterity 5 is almost inhumanly swift and graceful. She could be a world-class surgeon, a legendary musician or a master martial artist.



Category: Mental
Intelligence is a measure of a person's reasoning ability, memory and imagination. Characters use Intelligence when they must draw upon their memory, creativity or powers of logic to find solutions to complex problems.

Trait Effects: A character with Intelligence 1 is dull and unimaginative. She isn't capable of thinking ahead or tackling deep, abstract issues. A character with Intelligence 3 is a brilliant thinker. Even if she isn't especially well educated, she has a wide range of interests and areas of knowledge and is capable of incisive, innovative thought. A character with Intelligence 5 is a visionary. Her thought processes operate on such a high level that she likely has a difficult time relating to other people.



Category: Social
Manipulation represents a person's talent for persuasion and leadership. A character uses Manipulation to convince people to do what he wants, whether by trickery, deceit or force of will.

Trait Effects: A character with Manipulation 1 is brutally straightforward and honest. She either has no taste for persuasion or is unwilling to impose her will on other people. A character with Manipulation 3 is skilled at the art of getting her way. She might be a slick talker or an overbearing bully who rides roughshod over weak personalities. A character with Manipulation 5 is a consummate con artist or a natural leader. People would follow her to Hel and back if she wanted them to.



Category: Mental
Perception represents a person's awareness of her surroundings and her ability to notice telling details that others might miss. Characters use Perception to gather and process information and to remain alert for signs of danger.

Trait Effects: A character with Perception 1 doesn't pay attention to anything beyond her immediate needs. She is easily caught off guard and takes everything at face value. A character with Perception 3 is sharp-eyed and observant. It's difficult to catch her unawares because she's adept at picking up on subtle clues in her environment. A character with Perception 5 is constantly alert and rarely, if ever, caught by surprise. She can infer a wealth of data from the smallest details.



Category: Physical
Stamina represents a person's overall hardiness and resistance to illness and injury. Characters use Stamina to resist the effects of sickness, poisons or injury. It also governs tests of physical endurance, such as long-distance running, swimming underwater or mountain climbing.

Trait Effects: A character with Stamina 1 becomes sick easily and succumbs to pain or exhaustion quickly. One powerful blow can leave him incapacitated. A character with Stamina 3 rarely gets sick and can suffer numerous blows before being knocked out. A character with Stamina 5 is a veritable force of nature. She almost never gets sick, she can go for days without sleep, and she shrugs off injuries that would kill an average person.



Category: Physical
As the name implies, Strength represents a person's raw muscle power. Characters use Strength for physical activities such as lifting, jumping, climbing and throwing, as well as inflicting damage in hand-to-hand combat or breaking inanimate objects.

Trait Effects: Without dots in Athletics, a character with Strength of 1 is weaker than average and can lift a TV set (40 lbs.) with effort. A character with Strength 3 works out regularly and can lift a large man (220 lbs.). A character with Strength 5 is prodigiously strong and can lift a small motorcycle (450 lbs.) with effort.

A character can carry 25 pounds per dot of Strength or Athletics without difficulty. For each additional 25 pounds over this limit, the difficulty to all physical actions the burdened character takes increases by one.



Category: Mental
Wits represents how well a person can think on her feet and react to unexpected situations. Characters use Wits to talk their way out of tight spots, to reach the right decision in a moment of crisis or to react quickly in the face of danger. It is also used to determine how quickly a character acts in combat.

Trait Effects: A character with Wits 1 is slow of mind. She is easily confused in hectic situations and is almost always caught off her guard by unexpected developments. A character with Wits 3 has a quick mind and can react nimbly to unforeseen circumstances or sudden challenges. A character with Wits 5 is almost completely unflappable. Nothing seems to rattle her, and she has an answer for anything that's thrown her way.
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