• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Atlantic University (OPEN)


Rose Kingsley

Interactions: Carter, ( Energie Energie ) Adriel ( Alvaris Alvaris )

Mentions: Cypris ( Eliruz Eliruz )

She rolled her eyes at her brother's rather 'busy' attitude, it didn't matter how busy he was to her. She'd pester him whenever she wanted to. Rose needed a little entertainment now and then. Bit of an understatement, Rose needed entertainment to function. Short attention span and all that.

Grinning towards Cypris. "I could be better." She muttered under her breath, and took the scone she'd offered her brother, cutting it in half before handing it to him with a sickeningly sweet smile. She wasn't too afraid if he'd be upset, sharing is caring and all. Right? Raising her eyebrows towards the boy she hadn't recognized, and eyed Cypris as her brother started teasing her. Rose and Cypris wasn't very close all these years. But hey, she always thought the girl was pretty.

Good for her.

The rest of the conversation Rose didn't join in on, she kept quiet watching the trio interact.

Placing one hand on the table to lean an arm against it, holding her head up and mock pouting as Cypris said her goodbyes. "Bye." Waving loosely, as soon as the door closed and the bell sounded softly. Rose set her sights on the stranger in front of her. Dusting her hands off from the crumbs of the scone, "So, how do you know my brother? Hmm?" Narrowing her eyes playfully she leaned closer to him, as if she was interrogating him. "Besides, becoming his personal assistant."

"Oh. Or are you two already... personal?" She raised an eyebrow towards Adriel and looked back towards her brother. The odds were that Cypris had just set her sights on a new beau, that doesn't mean she couldn't tease a bit. Or find out if he's single... not that she was interested! Of course not.

Rose and relationships didn't have the greatest track record, although that never stopped her from having a little fun here and there.

Location: Library
Mentions: Eliruz Eliruz

Theo jumped on his phone the second it buzzed, probably gaining a few judgmental looks from anyone who might be looking. He grinned to himself like an idiot at the response. He opened up his reply and drafted it out.

TO: Cypris
How did you know <.<? Sorry If i'm interrupting something, just asking on the off chance you were free. Thanks, though, I already owe you, but I double owe you now.

He hit sent and sighed, scratching his head nervously. He sounded needy didn't he? God, he was with her friends, he should have just told her not to worry about it and to finish up with her stuff. Just as he began fretting a young woman sat down next to him. He glanced over because of the great flash of bright red hair he's seen out of the corner of his eye. She was writing too, a story it seemed like. Theo was writing a short story about a young boy who's childhood friend had passed away but still came to him in the form of his imaginary friend, but he couldn't figure out how to end it, how to bring it to a touching yet not corny close.

The woman next to him was on fire, her fingers moved like lightning on the keyboard. He copped a few glances at her writing. He only managed to read a few sentences before quickly darting his eyes downward back to his own story infear that she might catch him staring. Maybe she already had.​
Jude Beaumont - Cafe
Interaction: Eliruz Eliruz
Mention: copacetic copacetic

Once their numbers had been exchanged, Jude slid his phone back into his pocket with a smile on his face. He was officially glad he forced himself up and out of his dorm to get something to eat and finish off his work because he'd be leaving the cafe with a new friend and potential gym buddy. He never thought he would see the day. Jude would usually give himself a week before he'd give up on the gym but with company like Keenan, Jude couldn't possibly pass up on the opportunity. He wasn't unfit by any means, but he wouldn't mind appearing more toned. "Great. You can be like my own free personal trainer," Jude expressed as his lips curled up into a playful grin.

He watched as a familiar blonde walked past his table and once she had received her order and turned around, Jude realised it was Waverly. They shared a few French classes together and were acquaintances at the most, but Waverly was rememberable. She was attractive and seemed really nice, nevermind the fact that her name was unique and hard to forget. When she waved and smiled at him, he returned the gesture with a warm smile and a wave in her direction before turning back to Keenan. "So, what are you majoring in?"

april shorden

"Of course it's important," April insisted as she uncapped her water bottle, eyes flicking to the boy who had just entered the computer lab but paying no mind to him. Emery finding someone attractive was absolutely a big deal, it meant that he would, eventually, maybe work up the courage to say hi to the guy. In April's mind, if anyone deserved love and romance it was her blonde best friend. Then again, maybe she deserved it too... not that she would dare admit such things to herself. Nonetheless, the redhead dropped the subject and went back to her computer, mindlessly chatting with Emery about the ballet class they had just had, what the show was going to be like, April's contemporary solo, and the like. She had to stifle a scoff a few times as she thought about the solo, how angry everyone had been. But, hard work pays off, and there wasn't a time that April wasn't giving blood, sweat and tears during open studio hours.

After a few more hours, April's paper was done and she insisted on leaving the stuffy computer lab, looping her arm through Emery's and walking back towards the cafe. Just past it was a lovely little garden where they could sit and enjoy the sun before their last dance class of the day. The weather was nice enough, the sun tingling at April's light complexion, but it was well needed. What else was well needed was an iced green tea, so for the second time in the day, the petite girl ushered Emery inside and ordered her tea to go. She scanned the cafe just once before spotting Waverly sitting alone, shuffling over to the girl and pulling out the chair beside her. "Hey there pretty lady," April smiled at her friend, resting her head on the blonde's shoulder and pulling out a seat for Emery with her foot. Waverly was one of few girls that the redhead was friends with outside of the busy world of ballet, and it was appreciated more than the blonde would ever know. They didn't have to talk about barre or foot exercises or the like, they could just be friends.

copacetic copacetic Eliruz Eliruz


waverly williams
location: cafe // interactions: April ( txlos txlos ) and Emery ( Eliruz Eliruz )

By luck, Waverly had just finished her assignment when April had showed up with Emery in tow. She was just messing around on her laptop when they sat down, the sound of the chairs moving caused her to look up. She gave the two a warm smile and shut her laptop so she could talk with the two dance majors. "Hey, guys! How's it going?" she asked. She put her laptop in her bag so it wouldn't take up too much room on the small table. April was a good friend, always so nice to her. Even before they were friends, April was incredibly friendly and nice to her. It's what made her want to be friends with her in the first place. While she didn't know Emery, who she had met through April, as well as she knew April, she liked his company.

"Did you guys get all your work done for the day? I finished up just before you came in, actually," she asked the two. She didn't want to hold them up from doing work, but if they were free, she was going to suggest hanging out or something. She didn't have any ideas on what they could do, but she just liked spending time with her friends, so it didn't really matter to her. She took a sip of her smoothie as the two got settled into the table.​
Adriel leaned back in the hard wooden seat and looked over at Rose before chucking at her ream of questions. So she was his sister, interesting. "Actually, I just met him," he said before shaking his head. "I'm not his personal anything. We're still getting acquainted." He glanced over at Carter before returning his attention back to Rose. He didn't swing that way either. "If Cyprus and I hadn't bumped into each other, literally." He smiled. "We wouldn't he here," he added. "What are you two pursuing here?" He felt obligated to ask the question everyone asks.

It seemed like a mundane question, but he was genuinely interested and he was always willing to expand his pool of friends. Plus, he was interested in Cypris and wanted to know her better. He knew getting along with her friends would be important to her and he had a feeling that these people were very important to her. Running his hands through his hair he glanced over at his laptop. He had to finish the paper. It wouldn't take him long, but he couldn't forget to get it done.

Alyssa Anderson
Alyssa smiled at the girl in front of her. Exercise and sports science were certainly different from what she was used to, but welcome. Alyssa was surprisingly athletic herself, although most of time she surrounded herself with academics, she was good at water polo. "Thats cool," She responded, "I major in Classics and minor in Art History. I'm working on a paper on symbolism. Just trying to get on top of things. Don't want to be behind before it's already began, I can't stand waiting until last minute to get things done." She laughed nervously, tucking a bit of stray hair behind her ear, realizing she was rambling on.

There was an awkward pause in the conversation, caused by Alyssa not knowing what to say next. She wasn't quite sure how to keep the conversation going but she really wanted to. Kim seemed nice, and pretty cute as well. She assumed the girl liked sports, considering that's what she was studying. "I do water polo though, that's fun," she awkwardly stated, hoping that that would open the doors to a conversation. "You know, you're kinda a sports expert. Compared to me I mean. Any tips?" She cringed at her delivery of the question, hoping that Kim wouldn't think it too odd.

Sook Sook

Cypris Phillips
Marlin's Cafe to Library
Interactions: Carter ( Energie Energie ), Rose (@TheAmazingSoph), Adriel ( Alvaris Alvaris ), Theo ( Sook Sook )

Getting up and grabbing her things, Cypris gave her best friend a quick hug and waved at them, saying her goodbyes. Her eyes fell on Adriel, her stomach churning with a feeling of guilt; she didn't want to up and leave, but Theo needed her help. Determining there would be more time to hang out, the female quickly made her way out onto the street, picking up her pace. She whipped out her phone and messaged Theo back, chuckling at his message.

To: Theo
Umm, I've known you long enough to know what you're having problems with!! :P:closedeyessmile:

Hitting send, she made her way into the main building, heading towards the library.


Keenan Jones
Location: Marlin's Cafe
Interactions: Jude ( sunsets sunsets )

Keenan chuckled, leaning back in his chair and sipping on his coffee; he liked Jude, he seemed..down-to-earth, which he found to be relaxing and refreshing, seeing how many people were over the top with their heads in the clouds. Putting his phone back into his pocket and sitting back, the male found that Jude was looking over Keenan's shoulder, to which he turned and found an attractive female waving to Jude. He lifted his hand in a polite wave before turning his gaze back towards Jude.

"I guess I am your new gym buddy," he chuckled and shifted, leaning forward to rest against the table, his chin setting upon his hands. Keenan studied Jude before a smile broke through on his lips. "I'm majoring in a Psychology degree; I want to become a therapist. What about you?" He asked, sipping his coffee once more, his gaze twinkling with interest.


Roicin Mc'Clain
Location: Campus Library
Interactions: Theo ( Sook Sook )

Roi was typing up a storm, which seemed to annoy some of the students who mumbled about the fiery redhead and her irritating tap tap tip tap! Feeling a burning gaze on her, she slowly lifted her brown hues to find the blonde man near her staring at her screen, reading or..atleast attempting to. Her brow furrowed as he quickly turned back to his own screen as if he'd been caught. She moved her thick hair and tilted her head, a warm smile tugging at them.

"Are ya' in writin' club too?"

Her Irish accent was smooth and flowed through nicely, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "I love me some writin'! Helps me relax! Oh! I'm Roicin, Roicin Mc'Clain! Nice to meet ya!" Roi introduced, completely bubbly and filled with energy as she stuck out her hand to Theo.


Emery Nolan
Location: Computer Labs to Marlin's Cafe
Interactions: Waverly ( copacetic copacetic ), April ( txlos txlos )
Mentions: Carter ( Energie Energie )

The blonde haired male huffed and awaited her end to work, which was awhile. As soon as she was done, Emery hooked his own arm around April's arm and allowed her to drag him away to Marlin's cafe. The shorter male whined that she was too tall, but quickly shut up when they finally got to the Cafe. Opening the door for April, he scooted in on after her and smiled brightly when he saw Waverly; he hadn't known her very long, but she was an absolute sweetheart and an overall delight to be around.

Waving happily, Emery greeted her and slid into a chair next to April. "I've gotten everything on my list done for today! And-" Emery stopped in mid-sentence when he spotted the man from earlier. Slowly sliding down to hide him in the chair, the small male gave a nervous laugh and hunched over. "U-Ugh, like I said, everything i-is done!" He squeaked out, his eyes flickering between the two females to the blonde male across the way.

Location: Merlin's Cafe
Interacting: Lizy Lizy (Alyssa)

"Oooh, so cultured" Kim responded as Alyssa told her about her major "My mother says I'm about as artistic as a dead fish, but I can run forever" She laughed "I understand about getting papers done on time, man I hate theoretical work, I like practical assignments. I can't help you with your symbolism paper, unfortunately, but I can make having to write it more bearable" She gave the girl a sly wink. Maybe that was a little too much. Kim had always been a little too talkative to the point where she annoyed some people. Plus, when she spoke too quickly she got complaints that they couldn't understand the accent. No matter, she'd fill the awkward silence. She was about to anyway, before Alyssa did it for her.

"Woah, that's cool! Yeah I've been looking to join some kinda sports team. Say... if you guys needed any more team members this year, I'd be keen as to try out. though, admittedly, I've never actually played the game.." She scratched the back of her head "I usually get the hang of things quick though, and it'd mean as to start out with someone I'm already friendly with" She said hopefully. When Alyssa asked her for tips she got a little excited "Hah, it's hard to say just sitting next to you. Do you go to the gym, or walking or swimming or something? I could use a workout buddy, and maybe it'd help me out with my course." She decided to sneak in a little flirt "Though you already look pretty fit to me" she said with a cheeky grin.​

Carter Kingsley

Carter set fairly stoic as Cypris said her goodbyes, his eyes following after his blonde friend as his fingers drummed a tense beat against the table. He moved his mouth to speak but he'd been slower than intended as his sister chirped out a series of questions. In the same way he could make light of awkward situations, his sister seemed to have a particular prowess in making him feel like he was backed against a wall. The butt of many jokes -- even one's that he'd essentially set up for her.

He cleared his throat desperately as Adriel cleared the air of what he was sure Rose knew was obvious. "I apologize," He stated his eyes darting defensively towards his sister. "Freshman, ya know? Young and crass." His eyes returned to Adriel giving a small, apolegtic smile -- for his sister's comments and for none of his own. At least, he had the decency to say things as he walked away.

"Business Administration." The words came out dry as he responded to Adriel's question. They were a line filler since he couldn't be expected to take his role in his parents' company with an undecided major. He didn't care much for what he studied knowing that if necessary, they'd find someone to do anything he couldn't figure out on the job. "My first pet was a miserable little shit named Maxwell. I'm a Scorpio. And I found the weather cool today; but we could use a little rain." He rambled the lines as he stood and brushed a few stray crumbs from his scone off his clothes.

"I'd take the cue to leave." He made his way behind his little sister's chair, one hand gripping her shoulder as the other ruffled her hair into a messy tangle. "Two minutes alone with her and she'll either drive you to drop out or lead you straight to her bed." His grip tightened as he gave the guy a curt nod before turning to make his way out of the cafe.

Mentions: Adriel( Alvaris Alvaris ) & Rose( Soap Soap )


Location: Campus Library
Mentions: Cy
Interacting: Eliruz Eliruz Roi

Theo had definitely been caught. He expected her to move away, or tell him off for rudely looking at her screen, but instead, well, he was greeted with a warm smile and a seamless Irish accent. Theo was lost for words for a split second, which was strange for him, since he usually gave off a pretty confident vibe, or at least he tried his best to. "Ha... yeah, I sure am, I havn't seen you around yet, just enrolled? I did hear we were getting a new member, sorry I missed you" He shook her hand and replied "I'm Theodore, call me Theo" He said with a slightly more relaxed grin. "Roicin, that's a really beautiful name. I've never heard it before" He liked it a lot actually, it seemed to fit her well. it was unique, rolled off the tongue. Theo's name sounded like something out of Shakespeare. He didn't really like it unless it was shortened, usually he introduced himself as Theo, but Roicin had done the whole bit and he was trying to match her energy.

"Sorry about peeking at your work, I have a mad case of writers block. I was trying to be inspired and it looks like you're on a roll there, what are you writing about, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Just as he asked his phone bused again. Xu was on her way “Sorry, my friend is coming to meet me, she’s in the writing club too. She always helps me out with my writers block. Her name is Cypris, have you met her yet?” He asked before quickly texting back

TO: Cypris
this is turning into a club meeting now, another new writing club member came along :S I’m outnumbered by talent here!

S u n n y
Location: Corridor
Interacting: Alvaris Alvaris (Eoin)

Sunny walked the halls of the university hands full of campus maps and club brochures. She was trying to find her way around. She had a textiles lecture somewhere around here. "Okay... 2B... 2C... D" She said quietly to herself in korean, then stopped near the lockers to find herself on the map "Mmm, here I am" She said to herself again in korean. She began to walk forward again, hiking her rucksack full of notebooks and cute stationary and sketchbooks and looking down at the map, occasionally looking ahead of her to dodge other students loitering in the hall.

She figured she had it worked out nos so she picked up the pace a little and then suddenly she hit someones back and stumbled back a few steps. "Ah, my glasses!" She exclaimed in Korean, and immidiatly began searching the floor for them repeating "Oh no no no" Over and over. She suddenly wished she'd worn her contacts today instead. Finally her hand closed around her glasses. She brought them up to her face to examine them. Seeing that they were ok, she put them back on and looked up at the person she'd bumped into. He was tall (Although he might have been average, everyone seemed tall to Sunny, and he had bright red hair, the brightest she'd ever seen! She immediately though about how good he would look in green. "Sorry!" Sunny said, a little flustered but happy that her glasses were not broken "I was reading the map, didn't see you, my fault" She told him with an apologetic smile "Oh, uh, my name is Sunny!"

april shorden

"That's because you're an overachiever, and you always have been," April joked with Emery, nudging his shoulder before sinking back into her chair. She was exhausted, her ankles sore, her feet bruised, her muscles aching, but when were they not? The redhead frowned as she rubbed circles into her shin, her shin-splints threatening to make a reappearance if she didn't start icing them more regularly. "I think we should have a designated dance masseuse on campus," Her bottom lip jutted out into a pout as she looked between her friends, gesturing towards her body that was too young to be falling apart so fast. "I mean honestly, we probably put the same amount of hours, if not more, as the sports teams, and they have one. Plus, this is one of the top rated arts schools on the east coast! You'd think they could toss their dance program a little money to hire someone to help keep our bodies from just tearing at the seams!" April threw her hands up dramatically before letting them fall back to her legs. It wasn't long before she heard her name called, brightening only slightly from her previous tangent and jogging over to the counter to pick up hers and Emery's drinks, returning much happier than she left.

"Waverly, you're coming to the performance next week, right?" Blue eyes shined with hope that her friend would be able to attend, putting on her best 'please' face, handing the blonde boy his drink. The bigger the turnout the better afterall. April hated performing to small crowds, it didn't feel right. The presence of an audience just helped her dance better, bigger, with more emotion. Dance was about making an impression on the masses, not on the few.

Eliruz Eliruz copacetic copacetic


waverly williams
location: cafe // interactions: April ( txlos txlos ) and Emery ( Eliruz Eliruz )

Waverly nodded at the question. "Of course I'm coming! Wouldn't miss it for the world," she responded with a grin. She loved supporting her friends and coming out to their shows. She enjoyed watching dance performances also. She loved seeing all the talent, especially her friends' talent. She was biased, but she thought her friends were the best ones in the program. It disappointed her that their program wasn't given the supplies they needed. Although se could relate. French was a much smaller program than the Spanish program, so there were fewer professors and they had to teach more classes. She didn't mind as much because she loved the professors she had, but they always seemed so overworked.

"Did I ever tell you I did ballet as a kid? I quit when I was 12, but I did enjoy it. I wasn't amazing, but I was good," she revealed. She didn't necessarily want to quit, but a number of factors led up to it. She went to a small, but nice studio in her neighborhood. She may have stuck with it if she went somewhere else, honestly. Her teachers didn't put as much effort into her training because she didn't compete. She couldn't afford to compete at the time. Her dad could just manage to afford her classes. She was also the tallest girl by a decent amount at the studio and her teachers didn't like how she stood out and didn't want to deal with her. In the end, Waverly got so fed up that she quit. In hindsight, she should have just switched to a better studio, but she didn't have faith that they would train her properly based on her experience.​

Alyssa Anderson
Alyssa felt her face heat up when Kim gave her a wink. She usually wasn't one to blush, but Kim was being pretty straightforward. Alyssa had never really been flirted with before so she wasn't sure what to do. Was this girl even flirting with her? Maybe she was just being friendly, she rationalized. Besides, Alyssa wasn't even sure Kim was into girls. For now she'd just assume Kim was being friendly. She didn't want to unnecessarily jeopardize a possible friendship.

"The team is always open to new members trying out. People are constantly dropping, to much on their schedules I guess," she shrugged, "I'll ask the coach, maybe you can join! And I could help you learn the game" If she wasn't already blushing she definitely was once Kim said that she looked fit. "Well, of course I swim lots. I walk sometimes as well, but not much. Mostly just walks to class and such. Maybe we could go swimming together sometime as well," she grinned, exited that this girl seemed interested in hanging out with her.

Sook Sook
Interacting: Sook Sook

He was intrigued by American education and their accents were so different than what he was used to. He and his sister would copy their accents as children, but it had been a long time since then. Now, he didn't find them as funny as he did when he was a boy. The lecture was winding down and student began packing up. The shuffling of paper and opening of zippers were his cue. He slid his notebook into his busted backpack and zipped it before standing. He waited a few minutes until everyone flooded out of the room, they were always in a rush to get out of class.

Eoin stepped out of the classroom and headed down the hall. Sliding his hand into his pocket he pulled his phone out and turned it on. The moment the power returned it began vibrated. Groaning, he stopped walking. Most of the messages were from his parents. Someone smacked into him from behind, sending his phone to the floor. He bent down to pick it up before turning around. He definitely didn't speak Korean. When she spoke again it was English and he felt relieved.

He smiled. "It's fine," he said, his thick Irish accent coming through. "Are you alright?" He asked before she began explaining what happened. He chuckled. "My name is Eoin. Pleasure to meet you Sunny."

S u n n y
Location: Hallways
Interacting: Alvaris Alvaris Eoin

When he turned and she was able to look at him properly, she just about melted. She never knew that she was going to encounter such attractive boys in america. Maybe it was just that the features were so vastly different to what she was used to, but she felt a little flustered. She sure hoped she wasn't blushing or anything. She was finding it hard to think of English words to say to this man. His accent was... not something she had ever heard before so she really had to focus on what he was saying to understand it. "Okay!" She said, meaning 'I'm okay' but kind of messing it up. Frustrated, she focused and spoke again "Pleasure to meet you as well!" She responded, her usual bubbly persona coming out "Sorry I am still learning my English, I just transferred from Korea university." She told him "Are you new here as well?" She asked, simply because of his accent she figured he might also be an exchange student. "Sorry, I think I am late now, I have a lecture just down the hall" She noticed the time, she'd gotten a little distracted.

Sunny pulled out a map and quickly showed it to him "Am I looking at the right building? This place is big!" She thought for a second, not sure on the word "Not very good at directions reading." She gave him an embarrassed laugh and ran a hand through her hair. "Ah, this one must be it" She pointed to the correct classroom on the map, or at least she thought it was "Level 2, Room B2..." She laughed awkwardly again "Ah, sorry to trouble you, I will have to go now, maybe I can talk to you again?" She asked hopefully​


Location: Merlin's Cafe
Interacting: Lizy Lizy (Alyssa)

Wow, maybe Kim was a little more charming than she gave herself credit for, she had made the pretty girl blush... twice so far in the one conversation. When Alyssa reacted to her comment about her looks, she felt a little smugness pull at the corner of her lips. the one thing she had noticed that was very different than home was the amount of options she had here. Kim struggled to find a girl back home in her tiny town that she could flirt with and she wouldn't feel repulsed. She honestly thought she'd become one of those lesbians who lived alone their whole life and adopted 10 kittens instead. But here... well... even the straight girls were usually into experimenting a little!

"Mean as!" She exclaimed "Thanks! I'm excited to learn how to play" She said. When alyssa followed up by suggesting they could swim together she felt a flutter in her stomach, which was unexpected. "It's a date" She said with a cheeky grin, then she brought out her phone "Could I get your number then? We can arrange something. You can show me all the best places to go swimming!" She asked bringing up the contact section on her phone and handing it to her to fill out. As she did, she made conversation again "I've moved into the apartments near the Uni so I'll be nearby. Feel free to come over if yer ever want a good hot meal or a quiet place to do ya assignments. I'm not at all used to living alone in a quiet flat." She admitted "It's odd, my family is very large and noisy."​

Cypris Phillips
Interactions: Theo ( Sook Sook )

Cy looked down at her phone and furrowed her brow; what did he mean by it becoming a meeting? They usually only met up on certain days of the week, so it definitely confused her. Typing back a response, she reread it a few times, trying to convey her confusion in her messages.

To: Theo
A meeting huh?? Just a new member or something??


Roican Mc'Clain
Interactions: Theo ( Sook Sook )

Roi chuckled and squeezed his hand before letting go and resting her hands atop the desk, intertwining her fingers. She listened, her cheeks adopting a red tint when he complimented her name. "Ah, thank you!" She smiled, leaning back in her chair as he began apologizing; why was he apologizing for looking at her work? Sure, it was a bit odd but she didn't mind! Dismissively waving away his apologies, she just turned her computer towards him so he could read it.

"My story is about a common myth where I'm from; it's about this beautiful horse creature named a Kelpie that entices humans to climb onto their backs. The Keplies then run into the water to drown their victims; it's a bit dark, but I love mythology!" She explained and furrowed her brow; Cypris..? The fiery redhead shook her head and smiled.

"Can't say I have, sadly; she sounds lovely."


Emery Nolan

Marlin's Cafe
Interactions: Waverly ( copacetic copacetic ) April ( txlos txlos )

Emery rolled his eyes playfully at April's comment and was about to say something but she ran off to go grab drinks for him and herself. Once she came back, the male gratefully sipped on his drink and watched the two converse happily; he always loved seeing them talking, they always brought out the best in eachother, He set his cup down and intertwined his fingers in his lap as he listened. "That's a great idea! You should totally come to the next showing!" The blonde squealed and gazed at both females with bright eyes.
W a n d a H a l l
The day had been hectic today. The tables were so full that there had actually been a queue for them earlier. Wanda usually spent most of her time in the office now doing payroll, inventory and general administration, but today she had been on the floor all day, serving drinks, quickly wiping up tables so that new guests could sit down. Meanwhile there was a growing line of young people outside the office waiting for an interview. The other manager, and her personal friend Mike was currently in there conducting interviews but it was about to be her turn. "Haley! Good work, you are getting faster" She told the newest member of the team, a shy girl with a pretty face. The girl smiled and nodded at her. "Ben, thanks for taking an extra shift, we really needed it" She told another kid who had been there a little longer. She tried to be extra nice to the new staff because they were usually a little bit nervous, and clumsy and they... well... reminded her of someone from her past.

Luckily she was far to busy to dwell too much these days. With work, uni and her social life she was stretched as thinly as she possibly could be. "Wanda!" Mike called as she headed into the kitchen he pounced "Yes Mike, sorry I'm late, had a complaint to deal with." He smiled punched her on the shoulder "Please, you were probably just checking out the freshman and got distracted" Wanda pretended to be offended "Excuse me, I am very professional, thank you." He rolled his eyes "Just get in there, I need a break" She laughed and nodded.

Stepping towards the line of people, she told the first one to come in when they were ready. A young girl, probably only 16 stepped in. She asked her the standard questions: "What sort of experience do you have in hospitality" "Can you make coffee?" "What position in the cafe attracted you the most, and why?" Ect ect. But Wanda's interviews tended to last a little longer because after each boring question she would spark a short conversation to get a feel for their personality and how they would be around the customers. Once the interview was concluded, she would ask the guy or girl to tell the next one to come in.

The day moved slowly forward, until finally the last few interviews were coming up before her shift was over for the day. She awaited patiently for the next job seeker to walk through that door.​

T h e o
Location: Library
With: Eliruz Eliruz Roi

TO: Cypris
I bumped into a new student and member to the writing club in the library, yeah. She's a new student I think. Sorry, do you mind? She just made conversation because we were both writing.

He wondered if it was rude to be interacting with someone else whilst waiting for Cypris, but... well... it's not like he could just tell her to go away. Not that he wanted to. He was really enjoying her company. He actually felt something similar to when Cypris was here helping him write. Inspired. She turned her laptop towards him so he missed the slight blush that appeared on her cheeks as he complimented her name. He began reading, looking up only to reply when she spoke "I don't know a lot about Mythology, unfortunately. I tend to stick to what's safe for me, slice of life stuff... maybe it would be good to venture out of my comfort zone now and then though." He mused, returning to the story. It was brilliant, so much better than his writing. he felt a little intimidated by her use of language. It just painted such a clearer image than his own drab imagery.

When she replied to his comment about Cypris he looked up again "It's a nice atmosphere when we all meet up. She was the one who originally made my mind up about joining. Originally it was just a place to relax and get away from my actual major." He went back to reading, because he was pretty into the story "This is great, by the way" He grinned at her "Do you study creative writing or is this just a hobby?"
Sook Sook

Eoin smiled at her. Watching her figure out what to say was quite adorable. He nodded, listening to her. "No need to apologize," he said. "Wow. Korea. Aye, this is my first time in America," he added. "First semester too." He nodded. He was enjoying his time so far, though he hadn't been here very long.

"By all means." He stepped aside. He'd been late once this semester and all his classmates clapped when he'd entered the room. He wasn't embarrassed easily though and bowed for everyone. Eoin looked over the map, he had a hard time his first few days. "Aye, I think that's the right way." He followed her hand. "No trouble at all," he said, still smiling. "I'd like that, Sunny." He handed his phone toward her. "Exchange numbers?"

Mood: Distressed | Interacting with: Wanda | Mentions: Sook Sook

"I hate you." In Melissa's head, it sounded strong, like a declaration of war. In reality? Her voice was barely above a whisper. Truth be told, she was glad her mother hadn't heard her. Nothing good could've possibly come from the conversation that would've followed. Really, though, how hard was it for Mom to be at least a little bit supportive? When she told her she was going to get a job, she expected a little pick-me-up, maybe even a cheer. What she got instead was a, "mhm, yeah." Excuse her for being insulted.

This wasn't anything new, of course, so Melissa wasn't quite sure why it bothered her so much. Perhaps it was because she was actually trying to get out of the house and do something productive with her life for a change. A little comfort would've been nice. But no. It is what it is.

Shaking her head with determination, Melissa tightened her grip around her messenger bag. With a shake of her shoulders, she opened the door and stepped out. The fresh air of the hallway hit her like a wave, a stark contrast to the smokey, alcohol-scented apartment. She let out a weak sigh and headed down to the stairs. Her shoe got stuck on a chewed wad of gum for a moment; she scraped it off onto the next stair and kept going, used to this run-down, disgusting complex.

Outside was nice today. The air was fresher than it usually was which made her think that it would be a good day. Melissa allowed her hopes to get up. She needed something pleasant to look forward to since, apparently, the job she was excited to apply for wasn't going to raise her spirits enough anymore, nor was the fact that today was her first day of college. Sighing heavily, she listened to the sound of bustling people around her as she walked along the sidewalk. She had arranged her class schedule to accommodate how late she usually tended to sleep in, so getting up early today allowed her time to apply to this new position at the cafe.

Reaching the location, Melissa frowned, taking in the business. There were way too many people here. She headed to stand in the line of who she presumed to be fellow applicants, her heart rate increasing. Already her nerves were getting out of control. With every step forward, they got worse. What was she thinking? She couldn’t work here. It was too busy, too popular, too…

She was at the door. The applicant in front of her had just disappeared inside. Melissa swallowed, seriously considering making a b-line for it. A complete wreck, she waited anxiously for someone to tell her what to do. It sounded noisy through the door, as if they were having a full-fledged conversation in there. Already she decided she wouldn’t be able to get the job. Her? Holding a conversation without awkwardly slipping up? Impossible. She was so screwed.

“It’s your turn,” someone said, but she didn’t fully register who they were. Instead, Melissa entered the room, her eyes downcast and lowered to the floor. She was dissociative, going through her actions in a haze as she sat down in the chair. Bowing her head slightly, she bit at her lip, refusing to look at whoever was going to be interviewing her.

“Hello,” she greeted lamely, her voice meek. Finally, she managed to pry her eyes off her shoes. Who she saw caused her jaw to unhinge, her mouth left ajar. “...Wanda?” Melissa breathed out. She either was losing her mind, or… “Is that really you?” Memories came flooding back to her, memories she’d worked so hard to suppress over the years. That face hadn’t changed much throughout the years, still so familiar, still so soothing. Tears bubbled up in Melissa’s eyes. “It can’t be you, can it?”

code by Ri.a

Jude Beaumont - Cafe
Interaction: Eliruz Eliruz

"Considering we're now gym buddies, don't be surprised if within the next week I've already given up. You'll have to work on keeping me motivated," Jude expressed as his lips curled into a cheeky grin. He was only being honest but could see himself lasting longer at the gym now he had moral support. Jude wasn't the healthiest person but his fast metabolism disguised the issue. He knew the best thing to do was change his diet and work out.

Psychology. Jude was aware of how intense a course like that could be. Of course, each major was hard in its own right, but he was sure Psychology was full of new terminology and understanding how the brain worked. In that sense, Keenan had to be smart. He was attractive and smart, and now he was Jude's gym buddy. Jude couldn't complain. "A therapist? That will be a ball of laughs," he said playfully. He respected the profession immensely but Jude could never do something like it. He had his own problems, nevermind taking on anybody else's. "I major in Film Studies and French. Basically French cinema, but I study other forms of cinema too. I guess I want to be a director. No chance really, but what can you do?" He chuckled before shrugging his shoulders.

Rose Kingsley

Interactions: Adriel ( Alvaris Alvaris )

Mentions: Carter ( Energie Energie )

Rose watched the two interact with an amused smile, that faded when he brought up the ‘freshman’ part. She knew she made it a bit awkward for her brother. But there wasn’t anything wrong with a little teasing here and there. Rolling her eyes as Carter told Adriel about his major, making a gagging motion with her finger. “Boring. I’m the much more interesting sibling obviously.” Rose picked up her hands pretending to hold a camera

Snapping a fake picture of the boy in front of her. “Photography.” She stated with a grin. It wasn’t the only thing she was interested in, being Rose she had tons of other majors she wanted to try out. Surprisingly she settled on one. Here’s hoping she wouldn’t regret it. Even though she doubted she would. Glaring at her brother as he made his way out, with a look towards Adriel. “I wouldn’t lead you to drop out.” Rose didn’t make a comment about the bed, because, well, she wasn’t exactly sure she wouldn’t do that.

Not that she had any complaints about it.

She opened her mouth to ask him a series of probably inappropriate questions to ask an a stranger, leaning even closer when her phone buzzed, making her sigh and deflate. “Kay, that’s my cue to go to... wherever I have to next. I’ll see you around pretty boy.” Rose stood up and gave the boy a pat on the shoulder and walked out.​

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