Chitchat ATLA or LOK?

Honestly, I think I gotta give it to LoK. I feel like it really jumped the shark in the final season by building The Iron Giant, but it ends in a really satisfying way, not really needing much else to supplement it. ATLA, on the other hand, had what I feel to be a somewhat dissatisfying ending, what with Aang basically inventing a deus ex machina, or in this case a deus ex Lion-Tortoise, when the ENTIRE story is practically telling him he has to grow the eff up. Furthermore, a lot of lingering story threads were left out, only to be tied up within the comics, which I feel a bit salty about.
Honestly, I think I gotta give it to LoK. I feel like it really jumped the shark in the final season by building The Iron Giant, but it ends in a really satisfying way, not really needing much else to supplement it. ATLA, on the other hand, had what I feel to be a somewhat dissatisfying ending, what with Aang basically inventing a deus ex machina, or in this case a deus ex Lion-Tortoise, when the ENTIRE story is practically telling him he has to grow the eff up. Furthermore, a lot of lingering story threads were left out, only to be tied up within the comics, which I feel a bit salty about.
No offense, but isn't it a bit silly to judge the quality of the two show solely by their ending?
No offense, but isn't it a bit silly to judge the quality of the two show solely by their ending?
Probably, but the ending is what sticks out most in my head when I try to remember them. I haven't seen either series in years, nor do I really have the time to binge them, though I wouldn't mind binging the whole expanded universe sometime, comics and all, to get a better-formed opinion.
Pretty generic response, but I preferred ATLA over LoK. I grew up watching ATLA, so Aang kinda grew up with me. I got to see him master all the elements. And while I respect that they tried to move the demographic of LoK to suit some of the older audience, I, personally, couldn't relate. I also really liked the villains in ATLA compared to LoK. Plus, I can't forgive LoK for killing off Sokka, the best character in the franchise.
Pretty generic response, but I preferred ATLA over LoK. I grew up watching ATLA, so Aang kinda grew up with me. I got to see him master all the elements. And while I respect that they tried to move the demographic of LoK to suit some of the older audience, I, personally, couldn't relate. I also really liked the villains in ATLA compared to LoK. Plus, I can't forgive LoK for killing off Sokka, the best character in the franchise.

Yeah, ATLA always gave me that home sorta feeling. I rewatched the show atleast 3 times lol. Its a type of show I could rewatch over and over and never get tired of. With LOK it was something new to experience, with the whole new cast and the villians were really interesting to witness.
Korra is fast and action-packed with fancy visuals, but less innocent and less forgiving. A:TLA was slower with more filler episodes, but has more character depth and more room for side characters in my opinion. I suppose it depends on what kind of story you're looking for.
I liked ATLA more. LOK had something that just...bugged me. I really can't point my finger at it and say "Yeah, thats it!"
ATLA. I feel like the story was bigger, and the character development was much stronger. You really got to know the characters, and each one had a plot of their own. From what I've seen of LOK, it doesn't have that same feel. I did like Amon, though. He seemed pretty interesting.
ATLA is more my style because I feel it's more child story telling driven whereas LOK feels a bit more mature and serious with how they visit their concepts.
Even though ATLA was more childish is some respects, I hated LOK's writing. The beginning started off great, liked the setting but the bad writing made me hate the majority of the characters by the end of season 1. It just dropped the ball for me real fast.

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