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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Fourteen

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Trying to get Bren's post worked up. It's coming slowly but I hope to have it today or tomorrow.
Heya Gang! I hope to post tomorrow. Stay safe and have fun out there! =)
Given Bria's, well, Bria-ness, I'm pretty sure she'd already have done anything she could think of to help the giant.

If I have put the pieces together correctly, I'm fairly sure Nivirea is in possession of the "dreamy-circle." Now would be a distinctly good opportunity to return it under the guise of having found it somewhere, thereby solving the problem and potentially getting back into the giant's good graces. I'd say this in character but Bren hasn't quite put it together the way I have yet, besides being a good deal more caught up in the moment.

If I'm wrong, we'll have to come up with a new plan. He's clearly too distracted to be comforted by much else.
Sherwood Sherwood Kaerri is correct here. Bria is not only the last Healer in Sharseya, but one natural at the Class. She's been wanting to help him since you guys first heard of him. She knows she has no miracle-spell to suddenly make everything O.K. again. Try something else? =)
Heya Gang! I know this in-game situation is tense, but the sooner there are posts, the sooner this situation gets resolved and we can move on to more fun things. Thanks for the quick post, Sherwood! =)
Sorry for the absence, I'll get to it as soon as I get the chance today *woof*

EDIT: Done.

Now would be a distinctly good opportunity to return it under the guise of having found it somewhere, thereby solving the problem and potentially getting back into the giant's good graces.
Obviously she's found it somewhere, she'd have to be pretty stupid to try and steal from an overpowered, deranged giant lol 😅

As for getting into the giant's good graces, one can only hope... Yikes.
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Can Luna try a Arcane roll to identify this magic item?
Sherwood Sherwood She most certainly can. That would be an Identify Magic Action via the Arcana Skill. Last I checked, you were using my white d20 for Luna's rolls, yes?

Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr I'd also like to know - does Nivirea allow Luna to take the enchanted headpiece from her? And If Nivirea resists, how does she go about it? What does Luna do if Nivirea resists?

I need you both to Declare your intentions for your characters.
"Giant! We just found this! Is it what you are looking for?"

Sherwood Sherwood This is lying to the Mad Giant. If Nivirea allows Luna to take the headpiece, I will need a Deception roll from Luna. Did you want to use the white d20 for that too?
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus I thought that at first too, except Nivirea has been caught lying with it on her person in Luna's presence. It's a real thin line, but it's still a line. Your party didn't just find it lying on the ground just now (the argument Luna would present to the Mad Giant) - Nivirea pulled it out of her backpack which means she's had it all along. Luna is aware of this. Nivirea has also tried to lie and say that she just came by it when earlier she said that she "might have stolen... something..." from the giant (also in Luna's presence).

I think, given what Luna knows, to tell the giant that you just discovered it when you know it's been in the bottom of your lying party member's backpack all along is not the truth. What do you think, Cap'n? Am I missing something?
I was looking at technicalities. On the surface, Luna ‘just discovered’ the missing item. If pressed, she would need to lie.

Captain Hesperus
She did say "just found" rather than "just discovered." A small difference but perhaps that's the line between Deception and Diplomacy. If Nivirea had rolled better to deceive us, Luna could probably have gotten away with what she said.
Yes, another good point. Again, a thin line. I think it's a moot point if Nivirea keeps the headpiece as Luna won't be saying of this if she does. Stay tuned! =)
Oti might be next in line after Bren once he’s finished spanking Nivirea...

Captain Hesperus
Yes, the white d20 will be fine. Can I tweak Luna's statement to not need a Deception roll? Make her comment more vague as to not need it?
I haven't received Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr 's side of things yet and I don't feel comfortable moving forward without him. So here's what's going on in my head:

1. Does Nivirea allow Luna to take the magical dreamy headpiece from her?
1a. If yes, I will allow Sherwood to "re-take" Luna's words and try again as it were (sorry if this is confusing; my head's kind of a mess; rough ADHD night last night).
1b. If no, I need to find out how Nivirea wants to keep the item from Luna (does she take it away? Does she cast a cantrip? Does she simply say no and if so, does Luna comply? Stuff like that).

2. Whomever has possession of the Mad Giant's property will be able to do with it as they please. This does not stop other PCs from taking action, though whatever happens, happens. Sure Powerpaw and Bria have their opinions, but they are mostly watching (closely) to see what takes place (they're also leader-based people, meaning at the moment, they're both looking to Bren to see what he wants).

3. Sooner or later, the Mad Giant is going to turn around and come back to the party. Right now, he is near his worst. Distraught, confused, and more than a bit scared and angry. This whole thing can still definitely go sideways, but my Gang is doing their best to see it doesn't come to that and deal with Nivirea later. At this stage, I'm hoping there is a later.

4. Oh yeah. Sherwood wanted me to make that Arcana check for Luna. I'll post this and roll. =)
1. Does Nivirea allow Luna to take the magical dreamy headpiece from her?
1a. If yes, I will allow Sherwood to "re-take" Luna's words and try again as it were (sorry if this is confusing; my head's kind of a mess; rough ADHD night last night).
1b. If no, I need to find out how Nivirea wants to keep the item from Luna (does she take it away? Does she cast a cantrip? Does she simply say no and if so, does Luna comply? Stuff like that).
Understood. I will wait before making any edits to my post for Luna.
Sherwood Sherwood (White d20 rolled an 11 + 17 for Luna's Arcana total = 28. Success!)

The item is called a "Circlet of Stars" or "Starry Circlet."
Usage: Interact or worn; Bulk -. (meaning one can either interact or wear it to use it. Its weight is negligible).

This prized and ornate headpiece is light and made from platinum mixed with an ore that, according to legend, fell from the night sky. It always provides a bright and peaceful 30-foot luminescence akin to a starry night. While worn, creatures in its aura have a +2 Luck bonus to all Saving Throws. Upon sleeping in its aura, creatures rest in absolute peace, never have nightmares, wake instantly, and never suffer penalties from sleeping in armor, bad weather, on hard ground and the like. Creatures under this magical effect receive triple the normal Hit Points gained from Resting.

Legends tell of half a century in the Year 1068 (Averlundian Calendar) of the Sharseyan Mountain Dwarves of Morgandir and their beloved Princess Gritna who was accosted by dreams and nightmares so frightening that she feared to sleep for weeks. The Kings of Morgandir brought forth a special event they called the "Peace for the Princess Crafting Competition." From across Shandra's Evergreen and Morgandir, forest gnomes, hole-dwelling hobbits, and the dwarves challenged each other to create items to be the first to bring the embattled and forlorn Princess Gritna to the heavenly slumber she so desperately desired. This item, created and forged by dwarf Goldi Mithrilfist and gnome Gander Ganderflash, was the winner of the competition.

Only a dozen of these circlets exist. One is kept by Princess Gritna's daughter, Brellna, who passed it down to her before her natural death in Year 1116. Retainers say that neither lady had a bad night's sleep with the Starry Circlet by their side.
Awesome. Now we just need to see how Nivirea and the giant reacts when Luna makes the attempt to take the circlet and return it to the big guy.
Does Nivirea allow Luna to take the magical dreamy headpiece from her?
Pfft, are you kidding me? Luna snatching up the shiny is about the best thing that's happened to Nivirea all day from what I can tell! When the Mad Giant turns around, he's gonna focus on the person holding his treasure and might even forget about Nivirea altogether. He's already upset with her, and if he realized that the same person stole his shiny, I don't think anything the party says or does could save her lol. The shiny's trouble, and whoever's holding it is likely to get in trouble for it.

Hell yeah she lets Luna handle it *howl*
O.K., Wolf.

Sherwood Sherwood You have the green light to edit Luna's last post. I see you've edited Luna's last post. I'll try to post sometime today or tomorrow.
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