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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Fifteen

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Hey, Gang! I will try to get a post out today or tomorrow. Real Life has gotten busy.
Gang, I hope to post tomorrow or the next day at the latest. Stay safe, everybody!
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus

Heya Gang! Kaerri and I are going out of town for a few days. Should be back Sunday. Stay safe and have fun! =)
We are back from out-of-town (and we had a great time)! How about some posts, Gang? Haven't heard from some of you in awhile. =)
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri D. Rex D. Rex Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

Heya Gang! What should I do to kick Sharseya back into high gear? I have the following things on my list - please add yours and let me know what you're in the mood for? In no particular order, I have:

1. Retire Bren from the Wayward Wanderers (setting him off on his own quest).
2. Get Kaerri Rainshadow into the Wayward Wanderers.
3. Elect Oreleth as leader of Wayward Wanderers.
4. Have Wayward Wanderers agree to help Grit the Kobold and the Tribe of the Silver Sun.
5. Visit Adventurers' Wagon (where something nice awaits you).
6. Shop at Ben & Misha's Magic Shoppe.

Please don't wait on Shalin to create the Fire Staff; he'll deliver it once it's made. I'm sure I'm missing other goodies.

So what's on your lists, Gang?
I don't have anything to add, but I am wondering if alerts are borking again. I know mine are in Broadsword.
That list looks pretty good to me, too. I got nothing to add.
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri D. Rex D. Rex Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

Holiday or no, it has now been weeks since most folks have posted in Sharseya. I am open to suggestions. I appear to have made the game too complicated or something? Is this the case?

I can fast-forward my entire list and have you guys just show up at Ben & Misha's for shopping if that's what you'd like to do. The big question is - what do you guys and gals want to do in Sharseya? Specifically?

EDIT: Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to come down on anybody and I'm not looking for apologies. I'm just looking for a way to keep my favorite fantasy game alive.
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I want to see a good way to integrate Grit into the group, then go get some new swag from the store. It's been a long time since we've gotten any new gear.

I also would like to put an end to Loviatar's bridge. A good stand up, duke it out kind of battle to get the blood flowing.
I have an entire adventure ready for the Wayward Wanderers to go after Loviatar and her bridge, and yes, it involves the kobolds. =)
I don't think it would be complicated if people would just react to what's going on. Instead of zooming past it all and then asking what's going on.

Things I've tried to hint at IC, but am now just going to say OOC:

1. Are you guys going to actually accept Kaerri into the Wanderers ICly or are you just blindly assuming that because she's a PC she's automatically in? Because I'll tell you this -- I haven't been assuming that, and if no one gets beyond the "nice to meet you" stage she may well think the PCs of the Wanderers don't really want her, which could get uncomfortable. (Except Otiorin because he's been surrounded by awkwardness for most of this scene.)

2. Do you guys remember that the bridge quest depends on Shalin making a staff that isn't finished yet? Yes, he can and will bring it to us as soon as it's done, but it isn't yet. So we don't save any time by trying to jump right into that, no matter how many times you mention it.

3. Integrating Grit might, just might, be done by taking up the quest that brought him here to meet us. I don't see the need for inventing something else if it's right there.

If no one else cares about character interactions to accomplish the above, then I suppose we can skip straight to the end of the list, but that's not my idea of fun.
If no one else cares about character interactions to accomplish the above, then I suppose we can skip straight to the end of the list, but that's not my idea of fun.

Nor mine. All I know is that I'm not getting a lot of responses for what I've been typing up. That leaves me with several options - I'd like to go with the one that offers everyone the most fun - but that's up to each of you. There's only so much a DM can do.

1. For what it's worth, do include Bria and Powerpaw in on wanting Kaerri Rainshadow aboard. Of course, without the PCs, that's not much in a game that's based around the PCs.

Kaerri brings up some great points here, folks. How do you feel? What are you thinking?
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus D. Rex D. Rex Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood
Hey Gang! Please put something in game. Even if it's small. It's been weeks.

Also, do you want Rainshadow and Grit in the party or not? IC or OC, I need posts to that effect. Is Oreleth leaving the Wayward Wanderers or not? Or do I need to create an NPC to make it happen?

I can't run a game on silence.
As I said IC, not sure I get a vote since Bren is supposed to be on his way out and Kaerri hasn't yet been accepted in. But if I do, mine's for Grit getting in, and obviously for Kaerri in as well.

Also in favor of going on the kobold quest, though last I heard (13 days ago . . . ) at least 2 of the other PCs were pretty iffy on that.

Would post IC but I was the last one to do so (on the 18th) . . .
Also made the next most recent non-GM post (on the 16th) . . .
So I don't want to take over . . .
I have not forgotten the game here, I've just been suffering from a migraine for the past several days and have not been able to get my head working right. Give me a bit to recover and I'll have Luna start to address our newest potential member.
Re: Migraine. Barf! Hope you feel better soon, Bubba. Most of mine last about 3 days. Each.
So... recently I noticed that most of the Gang had not posted in some two weeks or more. This made me unhappy. So, I am adding a section called "Expectations" to our Shop Talk. Check it out and feel free to chat about it if doing so strikes your fancy. One note - the part in Players, 4. does not apply to Cap'n because he and I have already discussed his situation.

House Rule - Expectations - All Players please read this.
What I expect from my Players
1. You will abide by RP Nation's rules at all times. This is not negotiable.
2. Please post once per week on average. It's understandable when things get busy during holidays and the like, because Real Life Always Comes First. However, be respectful of others' time. If you foresee that you won't be posting (for any reason), please post about it in OOC or Conversation.
3. Posts do not have to be long, but they ought to have meaning. One or two paragraphs on average is fine; more or less when you're in the mood! If you are not certain how to express something your Character is doing, hop into OOC (or Conversation with me) and ask me for help. I'm here for ya!
4. Players who go for more than 28 days (4 weeks) without a single in-game post are subject to immediate removal from play. This expectation is not up for abuse (like say, posting 4 times in 3 months).
5. Everything in the Temporal Stasis House Rule (above this post).
6. Be familiar with the game rules and how to play your Character within those rules. Good-aligned Player-Characters only. Need help? Just ask! =)
7. Respect each other. No drama. No God-modding of any kind. While you may declare that your Character is attempting some action, as your Dungeon Master, I alone decide if it takes place.

What you can expect from me as your Dungeon Master
1. Everything I just mentioned above applies to me too. I will abide by RP Nation's rules at all times.
2. If I ask you to join this game, then this is your "safe haven." No one here is going to treat you poorly or unreasonably. Sure, we have inter-player discussions where differences get hashed out (in a mature, constructive manner). In the end, this is where we all come for fun!
3. Rules that benefit your PCs most often also apply to NPCs - good and bad (with rare exception like Action Points or Diamonds of Fate). Fair is fair.
4. No favoritism. Just ask Kaerri (my lady). I play as true as I can.
5. No "Monty Haul" games ("Monty Haul" DMs heap seemingly endless amounts of treasure on their PCs as their primary way of motivating play). What you earn is absolutely yours, but be prepared to earn it in-game. I tend to level PCs slowly and allow a good deal of customization (with Signature Abilities and the like). A note on loot: Record what you have. If you don't record it on your Character Sheet, you plain don't have it! If you don't bother to loot, it won't reappear later, so loot early and loot often! =)
6. I like to provide rewards for excellent RPing, Out of Character ideas, and more (sometimes with Bonus Action Points. These are extra Action Points that do not expire when you level!)
7. I will seriously consider your wants and ideas you want in the game along with any constructive criticism you have for me. However, I run a balanced fine-tuned game and it must remain that way for my sense of fun so do keep that in mind.
8. I will attempt to praise in public, but "punish" in private (I'm not here to embarrass you, but if I bring up an issue with you in Conversation, there's good reason for it). Above all, we're here for fun and great memories so let's make the most of it - together! =)
I hope to post sometime tomorrow. Stay safe, Gang! =)
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