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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Eighteen

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I'm not sure if I made it clear enough for others, but Kaerri did leave the room when she went looking for Beatrice. So she won't be responding to what's going on in the pool room at present.
I'd say that we should probably change that when we continue the planning right now - don't think I like having one character unable to contribute.
I don't mind, myself. Kaerri shouldn't be gone too long.
That's my hope - just don't want to miss out on your perspective, that's all!
Heya Gang! Real Life is pretty busy. I hope to post here and in Broadsword in the next 24 hours or so (but I'd better not go that deep now lest I invite a headache). Stay healthy and happy, friends! =)
One down (Broadsword), one to go. Will try to post tomorrow. =)
On my part, I finally managed to catch up with the posts - it's been one mess of a week on my end. I'll get posts up as soon as I'm able to, but right now I'm pretty much just exhausted.
Silanon Silanon I'm with ya, good Sil! I have medicine in me, caffeine, and even chocolate but it's all I can do to keep this headache from turning into a migraine.

When I'm fatigued I tend to stuff myself with the best food I can get my hands on. No junk food, take my vitamins, and get all the good stuff in me that I can. I hope you're able to do the same?
Alisa nodded in understanding. "I can think of two ways to lengthen our line, so to say. We either gather more allies, or acquire some means to fight these Storm Giants with greater efficiency." she said.

Would Alisa know of any possible allies or means?
jaydude jaydude

Let me get back to you on that? I'm having trouble waking up (ADHD thing; it's just taking longer than usual. Getting some food now before going about my day with Kaerri).

Let me get back to you on that? I'm having trouble waking up (ADHD thing; it's just taking longer than usual. Getting some food now before going about my day with Kaerri).

No worries. Trust me; I've dealt with way less reasonable people with ADHD than you.
jaydude jaydude Concerning Alisa and possible allies, one thing we really haven't gotten into are details into her background. Sure, she's been active in and out of Highwind, but the number of factions and possible allies are no small list.

Hmm. For a high-level Paladin of Mielikki, here's a few no-brainers. Unless Alisa has gone out of her way to alienate herself from (and she really doesn't strike me as the type to do that), here are a few clear allies of the Mielikkians beginning with the Mielikkians themselves.

Earth-home (which I don't seem to ever settle on exactly how to spell it) is Mielikki's church inside of Highwind. Due to circumstances waaay beyond Alisa's knowledge, the last Alisa heard, the goddess herself (!) is still there! As a Paladin in good standing with her church (again, why wouldn't she be?), Alisa for herself can expect great treatment here including the curing of curses, poisons, and other ills along with the free procurement of many non-magical (and not too expensive) items such as vials of holy water, holy symbols, and all manner of whatever adventuring equipment (including a steed) that the generous Mielikkians have on-hand. Remember, there is a war going on and Alisa has learned to never expect constant levels of items on hand.

The Royal Highwind Rangers work very closely with folk like Alisa. They always have their finger on the pulse of the situation in and around Highwind and as such, they often deal in all manner of information. Though they have never been great in number, any Highwind Ranger is a terrific ally to have. In Alisa's background, I recall us agreeing that Alisa has worked directly with the Highwind Rangers before. If anyone can either answer reasonable questions or set her on a trail, it would be them.

The Druidic Circle of Highwind would be a clear ally of Alisa except they went to ground at the start of the war about two years ago. They always lived outside Highwind's high city walls but not even the Highwind Rangers seem to know where they dwell now. That the Wayward Wanderers have a Druid in their party at all (as opposed to a Cleric) is yet another reason to think the Wanderers unique (or at least very rare) among active adventuring parties. While it is conceivable that Alisa has worked with the Druidic Circle before, it is equally possible that Mamapaw is the first Druid she has ever worked with in her 13 levels of experience (yes, they can be that rare, even for one with Alisa's background).

Finally, it is very difficult for me to imagine that Alisa has gotten to where she is now without the help of the Adventurers' Guild. Run by a top-tier party of retired adventurers called The Fangs of the Forest Mother, High Priestess Gwen of Mielikki has long been a friend to those who follow the Maiden of the Forest's cause (or the cause of her husband, Tapio, whose churches are all but destroyed in the wild). Adventurers and would-be heroes from all over come to this huge and unique inn where all manner of things discussed by adventurers happens here. (For those of you who are familiar with the tabletop game, Cyberpunk 2020, this is the Atlantis bar. For those who have played the video game, Cyberpunk 2077, think of the Adventurers' Guild as the Afterlife). While this doesn't owe Alisa (or anybody) any favors, I can imagine Alisa being on good terms with at least a few adventuring parties who would be willing to share information or services for a fee or a service of Alisa's own.

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
I'm on my lunch break at work, but should be able to get a post in once I'm home.
jaydude jaydude Concerning Alisa and possible allies, one thing we really haven't gotten into are details into her background. Sure, she's been active in and out of Highwind, but the number of factions and possible allies are no small list.

Hmm. For a high-level Paladin of Mielikki, here's a few no-brainers. Unless Alisa has gone out of her way to alienate herself from (and she really doesn't strike me as the type to do that), here are a few clear allies of the Mielikkians beginning with the Mielikkians themselves.

Earth-home (which I don't seem to ever settle on exactly how to spell it) is Mielikki's church inside of Highwind. Due to circumstances waaay beyond Alisa's knowledge, the last Alisa heard, the goddess herself (!) is still there! As a Paladin in good standing with her church (again, why wouldn't she be?), Alisa for herself can expect great treatment here including the curing of curses, poisons, and other ills along with the free procurement of many non-magical (and not too expensive) items such as vials of holy water, holy symbols, and all manner of whatever adventuring equipment (including a steed) that the generous Mielikkians have on-hand. Remember, there is a war going on and Alisa has learned to never expect constant levels of items on hand.

The Royal Highwind Rangers work very closely with folk like Alisa. They always have their finger on the pulse of the situation in and around Highwind and as such, they often deal in all manner of information. Though they have never been great in number, any Highwind Ranger is a terrific ally to have. In Alisa's background, I recall us agreeing that Alisa has worked directly with the Highwind Rangers before. If anyone can either answer reasonable questions or set her on a trail, it would be them.

The Druidic Circle of Highwind would be a clear ally of Alisa except they went to ground at the start of the war about two years ago. They always lived outside Highwind's high city walls but not even the Highwind Rangers seem to know where they dwell now. That the Wayward Wanderers have a Druid in their party at all (as opposed to a Cleric) is yet another reason to think the Wanderers unique (or at least very rare) among active adventuring parties. While it is conceivable that Alisa has worked with the Druidic Circle before, it is equally possible that Mamapaw is the first Druid she has ever worked with in her 13 levels of experience (yes, they can be that rare, even for one with Alisa's background).

Finally, it is very difficult for me to imagine that Alisa has gotten to where she is now without the help of the Adventurers' Guild. Run by a top-tier party of retired adventurers called The Fangs of the Forest Mother, High Priestess Gwen of Mielikki has long been a friend to those who follow the Maiden of the Forest's cause (or the cause of her husband, Tapio, whose churches are all but destroyed in the wild). Adventurers and would-be heroes from all over come to this huge and unique inn where all manner of things discussed by adventurers happens here. (For those of you who are familiar with the tabletop game, Cyberpunk 2020, this is the Atlantis bar. For those who have played the video game, Cyberpunk 2077, think of the Adventurers' Guild as the Afterlife). While this doesn't owe Alisa (or anybody) any favors, I can imagine Alisa being on good terms with at least a few adventuring parties who would be willing to share information or services for a fee or a service of Alisa's own.

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Yeah, thanks for all the details. I'm very much aware that Alisa will realistically know a lot more about this world than me, and I want to reflect that.
You're welcome, Jay!

I think the same way that you do concerning Alisa; my characters know more than I do about the world they're in.

That statement was more difficult than it should have been to put together. Darned brain fog! Heh!
I think the same way that you do concerning Alisa; my characters know more than I do about the world they're in.
I'd say that for me, it's because I haven't spent Mielikki knows how many years RPing in this world.
Any of you guys and gal up for posting or should I continue?

Kaerri and Jaydude are, of course, welcome to post some more! =)
Between my usual struggles, new cool activities and a job search, I have regretfully neglected rpn for way too long. Just catching up with reading now, and I'll see if I can get posts up the next few days. That said, for Aldein, nothing immediately comes to mind, so feel free to post before I do.
Between my usual struggles, new cool activities and a job search, I have regretfully neglected rpn for way too long. Just catching up with reading now, and I'll see if I can get posts up the next few days. That said, for Aldein, nothing immediately comes to mind, so feel free to post before I do.
Good luck with all four, dear Silanon Silanon ! Glad to hear from you! =)
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