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Futuristic The Astra Veda - Lore

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Index of the various Setpoints in the game, taking place at different times and places.


Cal Bear
[div class=genVar] [div class=mainNavBgVar] [div class=aspectRatio] [div class=root] [div class=mainFlexContainer] [div class=translucentBox] [div class=menuText] [div class=menuFlex] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] oneTAB [/div] World History [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] twoTAB [/div] Trinity City [/div] [div class="menuButton menuCenter"] [div class="tabName"] threeTAB [/div] - [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fourTAB [/div] The Government [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fiveTAB [/div] Technology and the Rings [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] sixTAB [/div] The Races [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] sevenTAB [/div] The Astras [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] eightTAB [/div] The Lokas [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] nineTAB [/div] The Wild [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] tenTAB [/div] The Faith [/div] [/div][/div] [div class=menuDivider]Divide[/div] [div class="scrollBox one"] [div class="mainHeader"] World History [/div] [div class=mainText] In progress. [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox two"] [div class=mainHeader] Trinity [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
Welcome to TRINITY. The City of Hope. Countless civilizations have made their home here, each building one atop the other. Their ruins now lie amidst us, around us, above us, and beneath us, assimilated entirely together into the engineering marvel of a thousand generations.

Trinity...a marvel it is indeed. Although a city in name, it carries its weight more like a country. Or a continent. Between the landmasses once known as Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, Trinity has emerged as a megastructure of unparalleled size and diversity. It roots dig deep into the bowels of the earth, and its towers rise hundreds of levels into the sky. It is a dense urban jungle linking and encompassing billions of people together under the enigmatic eye of an immortal empress.

Indeed, despite being a highly advanced society with incredible technologies, we still haven’t outgrown certain traditions. Such as dictatorship, concealed in part by diplomatic concessions and clever policies. This is the nature of the ruling body of Trinity, known as “The Government”: a strong force to enforce peace, and ensure peaceful coexistence between the people. By quiet means if necessary.

Fortunately, life under the Government is not dystopic; or, at least, it doesn't seem like it. People are granted significant rights and freedoms despite the all powerful authority of the enforcers; analysts attribute this, in part, to the longstanding vision of the immortal empress, who has cheated history’s cycles by continually upholding her vision of society for centuries.

Some circles whisper that this peace is a lie to conceal greater manipulations; that, in reality, the world is run by a select few elites with their own personal interests at heart. Perhaps their sweet words and surface ideals are mere propaganda after all.

Nonetheless, for better or worse, this place is your home. Best make the most of it. [/div] [div class=mainHeader style="margin-top: 10px"] The Districts [/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(25, 80, 180, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] KAILASA (Northern District) [/div] [div class=mainText style="border-bottom: 2px solid var(--mainAccent); padding-bottom: 5px;"] [div class=infoImage style="max-width: 325px;"]
[/div] Situated atop, within, and throughout the mountain ranges north of the Golden Palace is KAILASA, the Northern District. It stands in the region once known as Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Scandinavian countries.

As a region extremely rich in minerals and natural resources, Kailasa stands as the center of industrial manufacturing in Trinity. Life at such high altitudes and often cold temperatures is harsh even with the luxuries of modern technology, leading to the inhabitants of Kailasa becoming recognized for their resourcefulness and adaptability. Many end up becoming the leading engineers of the modern era. As a result the Northern District is also known for its breathtaking accomplishments in engineering, including the many hollowed-out mountains that form the basis of the living spaces in Kailasa.

[/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(200, 180, 25, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] AYODHYA (Western District) [/div] [div class=mainText style="border-bottom: 2px solid var(--mainAccent); padding-bottom: 5px;"] [div class=infoImage style="max-width: 325px;"]
[/div] Prosperous and advanced, the area to the west of the Golden Palace is AYODHYA, the Western District. Claiming the location once known as Western Europe, it is unsurprisingly the home to most of Trinity’s top universities. As such it has also become a center for intellectuals across the continent, from artists and poets to scientists and engineers. Several prominent companies have followed in their wake, hoping to attract this top talent to gain an edge over the competition.

The huge accumulation of wealth here has led to significant investments in infrastructure and private security, though primarily on a superficial level; while the top levels of Ayodhya shines as a bright, beautiful marvel in architecture, the lower levels have born the brunt of the cost. Prevalent wealth inequality and intense competition in the job market have significantly driven up crime in the lower regions, exacerbated by the organized cartels which has also found opportunity here. Ayodhya has become the site of extreme stratification become the prosperous upper levels and dangerous lower ones, although the long-term effects of this division remain to be seen.

[/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(180, 30, 50, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] KUMBH (Eastern District) [/div] [div class=mainText style="border-bottom: 2px solid var(--mainAccent); padding-bottom: 5px;"] [div class=infoImage style="max-width: 325px;"]
[/div] Rising in the dawn to the east of the Golden Palace is the silhouette of KUMBH, the Eastern District. As the successor to the major landmass of Asia and its countries, including China, India, and Japan, Kumbh has maintained cultural, historical, and religious significance to Trinity for generations. It is renown primarily for being home to many sacred temples of the varying religions within Trinity and several major historical locations, as it was the first district constructed. The arts and service industries thrive here as the preeminent tourist destination across all of Trinity.

The residents of Kumbh also take pride in their spirituality and traditional roots. Religion is far more integral to the way of life here than elsewhere. It is also a major hub for the military due to the presence of many prominent military academies. Combined with its many martial traditions, Kumbh produces many of Trinity’s finest soldiers. Interestingly, more Astras have Awakened in Kumbh than in any other district. Religious leaders attribute this to their people’s spirituality and connection to the gods that bless them with these gifts, while researchers remain puzzled. Due to the poorly understood nature of the Astras and the difficulty of the study itself, no one has yet managed to explain their abundance in Kumbh.

[/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(30, 200, 50, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] ARCADIA (Southern District) [/div] [div class=mainText style="border-bottom: 2px solid var(--mainAccent); padding-bottom: 5px;"] [div class=infoImage style="max-width: 325px;"]
[/div] Lively and beautiful, the world to the south of the Golden Palace belongs to ARCADIA, the Southern District. It lies in the landmass once known as Africa and the Middle East, and through extensive terraforming, has transformed many of the deserts of this region into paradises. Of all the districts of Trinity, only Arcadia has wholeheartedly embraced its connection to nature. It is a leader in national parks and medical research, and is also the primary exporter of food products. Tens of thousands of massive, food-synthesizing and processing plants lie interconnected along the long stretches of greenhouse domes dotted throughout the district.

Arcadia is also the preeminent site for archaeological research in pursuit of Precursor artifacts. Regrettably, finds of actual worth have been rare, despite Arcadia boasting a much higher success rate than all the other districts. Nonetheless the people here are very welcoming and pride themselves on their simple, traditional lifestyles and prevalent attitude of hospitality. This has also led to denizens of the other, more urbanized districts dismissing southerners as “country folk,” to the dismay of the Arcadians who have emigrated elsewhere.

[/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(100, 50, 170, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] CENTRAL (Central District) [/div] [div class=mainText style="border-bottom: 2px solid var(--mainAccent); padding-bottom: 5px; margin-bottom: 5%;"] [div class=infoImage style="max-width: 325px;"]
[/div] Lying in the heart of Trinity is The Golden Palace, which refers to both the Central District and the seat of the Royal Court. Often this region is colloquially called “Central” to clarify whether one is referring to the district as opposed to the building. It claims the area once known as the Mediterranean, and although the smallest of the five districts, Central is the most influential. Most Government agencies are headquartered here, as is the Senate. Known primarily for its political nature, the residents of Central tend to favor politically-minded thinking and are some of the fiercest advocates for nationalism movements.

However, to most citizens, Central is a distant place except during major holidays such as Diwali, which livens up the district in the largest and most festive celebration in all of Trinity. Individuals travel from across all the districts to attend this momentous event. Central is also well known for its distinctive landmarks, the three mysterious Precursor rings. These ancient constructs were said to suddenly rise out of the ocean long ago, and were key to the technological advancements that define the Trinity we know today. They are made of a material impenetrable to modern technology, and their purpose is still unclear despite generations of study. They linger as one of Trinity’s greatest mysteries to this day.

[/div] [/div] [div class="scrollBox three"] [div class="coverFlexContainer"] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionLeft"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] The official guide to our world. [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox coverTitle" style="flex: 1 0 50%"] [div class="coverText coverCenter"] Welcome to the Codex [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionRight"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Summaries of major topics below. [/div][/div][/div] [div class=menuDivider][/div] [div class=mainHeader] The Astras [/div] [div class=mainText] You are an ASTRA. Broadly speaking, this title vaguely refers to a person with superhuman abilities. In the ancient language, the word roughly translated to “weapon.” An understatement, if any; the Astras were like the ultimate warriors, so powerful that they were worshipped like gods, and capable of shaping the very landscape with their might. They were so frightening that even the Kaiju, monsters of incredible size and strength, knew to keep their distance.

But then the Astras and Kaiju both mysteriously disappeared from history, becoming old myths and legends told around campfires. That is, until five years ago, when there was an incident and people began awakening powers that they did not understand. The news shocked society, and led us to wonder at the revelation that magic was indeed real. Unsure what to make of the appearance of these new superhuman individuals, we called them by an old name: Astra.

[/div] [div class=mainHeader style="margin-top: 10px;"] Trinity City and the Government [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class=imageBorder]
Welcome to Trinity. The City of Hope. Although a city in name, the scale of Trinity more closely resembles a continent. Between the landmasses once known as Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, Trinity has emerged as a megastructure of unparalleled size and diversity. [div class=mainSubheader style="margin-top: 10px;"] Districts [/div] It is divided into five districts based on the cardinal directions: The Northern District, Kailasa, specializes in industry and manufacturing. The Western District, Ayodhya, is a hub for intellectual thought and commerce. The Eastern District, Kumbh, is the oldest district and the richest source of culture and history. The Southern District, Arcadia, is the primary agricultural producer and the most idyllic. Finally the Central District, most often called “Central,” is the capital and home to the headquarters of most Government agencies, and is also the most politically-minded. [div class=mainSubheader style="margin-top: 10px;"] Levels and Lokas [/div] Each district is further divided into levels, organized into two Lokas, or worlds. There are the underground levels stretching deep into the earth, which lose access to the sunlight, fresh air, and other luxuries of the surface world but which are comparatively affordable for the not so fortunate. These levels are called Naraka, the underworld. Meanwhile the surface is a scene of sleek, engineered beauty and rich splendor, where citizens live utopia-like existences. These levels are called Nirvana, or heaven. [div class=mainSubheader style="margin-top: 10px;"] The Government [/div] The Government is the ruling body of Trinity, and is odd mix between a democracy and dictatorship. While Her Majesty and her servants have absolute power, the immortal vision of the Empress has curtailed the abuse of that power which often emerges in most autocracies. For this reason, the people maintain significant rights and freedoms. While not perfect, life under the Government is certainly not dystopic. For better or worse, this is your home. [/div] [div class=mainHeader style="margin-top: 10px;"] The Races [/div] [div class="mainText paddedText"] The Manu, ordinary humans, are the most populous race and form the backbone of the workforce. Meanwhile both the Devas and Asuras are humanoid races, but Devas tend to be light-skinned and regal while Asuras are dark-skinned and predator-like. There is a subtle attitude of animosity between the Devas and Asuras, which sometimes develops into racism and discrimination. Only humans are able to form hybrids, and their progeny are named Half-Asuras or Half-Devas.

Hybrids tend to feel isolated in society with their general sentiment being that they belong to no race but their own. Finally there are Cyborgs, who were once part of one of the main races but have since acquired enough machine parts to no longer be considered fully biological. To be a Cyborg is a very undesirable, even more so than being a Hybrid. Society tends to view them as lesser because they are no longer “pure,” and existing as a Cyborg is also a sign of poor status since the rich are able to afford fully biological prosthetics.

[/div] [/div] [div class="scrollBox four"] [div class=mainHeader] The Government [/div] [div class=mainText] The Government is the ruling body of Trinity, and often so intertwined with the city itself that the two names are interchangeable. It traces its origins to the Trinity Agreement, ratified at the end of the Old World, when the immortal Empress united the three races under one banner. Since then Her Majesty has remained a ubiquitous, if enigmatic, ruler; her word has the weight of law, and despite the trials of time she continues to remain the undisputed dictator of our world.

Still, the Empress is well known to be both visionary and deliberate. Her personal edicts are rare, and instead of wasting her time with mundane affairs, the Empress often leaves the workings of the Government to her trusted servants. Chief among them are her personal entourage, the legendary Royal Guard: an illusive, elite group of no more than ten at a time, almost as mythical as the Empress herself.

Day-to-day management of the five districts often falls onto the offices of the Royal Governors, those charged with ensuring peaceful order within their assigned district. Under them include the Lords responsible for the various municipalities within each district, and under them a slew of even more administrative officials.

Through the combined power of all the Royal Agencies, the reach of the Government extends to every nook and cranny within Trinity—although, as the residents of Naraka can attest, this authority is less dutifully exercised within the lower levels. Yet it is a feat of impressive design and efficiency that an organization of such scale functions at all. Such is the wisdom and intelligence of Her Majesty, the Empress. Or so the textbooks say.

[/div] [div class="mainHeader" style="margin-top: 10px;"] The Royal Agencies [/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(25, 80, 180, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] The Royal Ministry of District Security [/div] [div class=mainText] The Royal Ministry of District Security is a umbrella organization composed of five branches, each charged with policing one of the five districts. More often they are referred to as simply “the Ministry,” or “the MDS”.

The MDS are given sweeping authority within their jurisdiction, although they are often kept in check by the Royal Bureau of Investigation and the Royal Magistrate. As a consequence the MDS frequently butts heads with the other two departments, particularly since they tend to tackle many of the same issues.

The Ministry of Ayodhya District Security (MADS) is the most popular of the five branches, primarily due to being the first MDS to employ Astras as officers. So far the “superhero craze” sparked by these individuals has been a resounding success. [/div] [div class=menuDivider][/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(180, 30, 50, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] The Royal Bureau of Investigation [/div] [div class=mainText] When it comes to secrecy, intrigue, and information gathering, the Royal Bureau of Investigation is regarded as Trinity’s leading expert—often in a less than flattering way. The Bureau, also known as the “RBI”, is tasked with both covert intelligence operations and special investigations across all of Trinity. These roles often lead the RBI to work closely with the MDS, which sometimes puts the two agencies at odds.

The RBI is also sometimes regarded as “the boogeyman” of Trinity, since they are typically responsible for the mysterious disappearances of certain individuals. As an organization committed to upholding the peace and order of Trinity, they are given the power to weed out traitors without remorse; this, in turn, deprioritizes individual rights below the safety of society. [/div] [div class=menuDivider][/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(100, 50, 170, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] The Royal Magistrate [/div] [div class=mainText] The iconic triad of the Royal Agencies is headed by the Royal Magistrate, who are responsible for enacting fair justice in both the minor and major courts. As a consequence, they are often also tasked with overseeing operations of both the Bureau and the Ministry, and vice versa. The Royal Magistrate is the smallest of the three, yet also one of the most influential. Their court rulings set precedents governing the interpretation of the law.

Judges within the Royal Magistrate are known as “Judicators,” and at the very top level is the “Grand Judicator,” who ranks alongside the Chief Minister of District Security and the Director of the Royal Bureau of Investigation as personal advisors to the Empress herself. [/div] [div class=menuDivider][/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(200, 180, 25, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] The Royal Research Institute [/div] [div class=mainText] Despite the implication of the name, the Royal Research Institute—more often referred to as simply “the Institute”—is a collection of thousands of research facilities across Trinity. It is more like a decentralized society of laboratories, universities, and research groups who have passed enough rigorous requirements to become Institute-certified.

To be approved by the Institute is the highest honor among scientists, researchers, and academics. It grants access to significant funding, special equipment, and specialized facilities all otherwise inaccessible to the general public. It also provides the opportunity to be officially published in the Royal Scientific Journal, the most prestigious scientific publication in the city.

Lucky, and extremely qualified, members of the Institute may also be accepted to work in the famed Satya Station, a massive orbital platform in space devoted to advancing our knowledge of the universe. Chief among the perks there include the opportunity to work with the best and brightest Trinity has to offer, including “the Doctor” themself; the chief of the Royal Research Institute. [/div] [div class=menuDivider][/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(30, 200, 50, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] The Royal Army Corps. [/div] [div class=mainText] Due to the lack of foreign rivals and the delegation of police work to the Ministry, the Royal Army often finds itself lacking in traditional duties. More often the Royal Army is charged with border defense, and as a powerful reserve force for the Ministry as necessary. The primary advantage being that, whereas the latter is stretched between several roles as a police force, the Royal Army has the luxury of focusing solely on effective and efficient violence.

For this reason the Royal Army is often called in for extensive counterterrorism operations and difficult raids as a hammer to the other agencies’ nails. They generally are the equivalent to a S.W.A.T. division from the Old World, except with much, much more firepower.

[/div] [div class="mainHeader" style="margin-top: 10px;"] The Royal Court [/div] [div class=mainText] The Royal Court, for the residents of Trinity, is as mythical as the Round Table from the legends of the Old World. It is a small, elite organization composed of the leaders of all Royal Agencies, from the Chief Minister of District Security to the Grand General of the Royal Army. Their ranks also include the five Royal Governors and, of course, the Empress herself. All together, there exists a total of eleven members of the Royal Court, not counting the many minor officials and servants assisting the primary members.

Among these auxiliary members include the Senators, the servants of the Golden Palace, the personal attendants to the Royal Family, and the Royal Guard.

[/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(140, 170, 200, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] The Royal Senate [/div] [div class=mainText] Overseen by the five Royal Governors is the Royal Senate, a public forum for lawmaking and discussion. The Senators are elected through a mix of popular vote and discretion by the Governors, and are the primary representative for the people’s needs. Each of the districts is assigned up to a hundred senators, with an average of one representing each level. In total the Senate is composed of, at most, five hundred and five members, including both the Senators and the Royal Governors themselves. [/div] [div class=menuDivider][/div] [div class=mainSubheader style="background-color: rgba(220, 110, 20, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 10px;"] The Royal Guard [/div] [div class="mainText paddedText"] The illusive Royal Guards are sometimes regarded as the Empress’ personal army. Despite their lacking numbers, this statement often holds true. Each Royal Guard holds authority just under the members of the Royal Court, which typically holds them unaccountable to anyone except the Empress herself.

Membership into the Royal Guard is regarded as the pinnacle of skill. It is a great honor to be accepted within their ranks. It is also an acknowledgement that you are, indeed, the best of the best. For the Royal Guard is also one of the tightest, most exclusive organizations within the city; there are only ever ten members at a time, sometimes fewer. Each Royal Guard is consequently assigned a codename from One through Ten to denote their status. Combined with the intriguing full body armor that they wear which conceals their faces, their true identities have naturally become popular enigmas.

Besides carrying out the duty implied by their name, a Royal Guard is also occasionally called in as an elite strike force. A one-man army, so to speak. These naturally call for requirements typically exhibited by Astras, such as superhuman powers. Membership into the Royal Guard also tends to be on a hand-picked basis, with mysterious prerequisites, but generally demanding absolute, unquestioning loyalty to the Royal Family.

This categorization is usually regarded as a humble reference to the Empress herself, since public knowledge dictates that there exists only one, immortal member of the Royal Family.

[/div] [/div] [div class="scrollBox five"] [div class=mainHeader] Technology [/div] [div class="mainText"] In progress. [/div] [div class="mainHeader" style="margin-top: 10px;"] The Precursors [/div] [div class="mainText"] In progress. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollBox six"] [div class="mainHeader"] Races [/div] [div class=infoFlexContainer] [div class=infoBox style="background-color: rgba(25, 80, 180, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding: 15px;"] [div class=mainSubheader] The Devas [/div] [div class=mainText style="padding-bottom: 0%;"] [div class=infoImage style="max-width: 200px;"]
[/div] Once worshipped liked gods, the Devas were an advanced civilization at war with the Asuras long ago. Although they ceased official hostilities when Trinity was established, Devic attitudes maintain a subtle animosity towards their Asuras rivals; racism and favoritism for fellow Devas over other races is not uncommon.

Many Devas appear as humanoids with skin like a blue lotus, but are known to also exhibit other light complexions. They are exceptional for their longevity compared to humans, and live up to several centuries

Other members of their race appear as regal or noble to the eyes of the other races, which helps propel their elite social status in society. Additionally Devas tend to somewhat prefer order and discipline but, like with humans, there are exceptions. [/div] [/div] [div class=infoBox style="background-color: rgba(180, 30, 50, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding: 15px;"] [div class=mainSubheader] The Asuras [/div] [div class=mainText style="padding-bottom: 0%;"] [div class=infoImage style="max-width: 200px;"]
[/div] Asuras have a wary reputation among the other races. Their ancestors waged a vicious war with the ancient civilization of the Devas and, although the two races are now at peace, the Devas have never forgotten. This is exacerbated by the menacing appearances and gruff attitudes of many Asuras, who draw characteristics from dangerous predators such as sharp teeth.

Asuras are often seen as dangerous, criminal, or violent due to their reputation, despite being no more inclined towards cruelty than anyone else; unfortunately prejudice has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, placing Asuras in the lower levels of society.

They also tend to share a preference for individuality, honor, and freedom, although this sometimes leads to chaotic behavior. They are also long-lived compared to humans. [/div] [/div] [div class=infoBox style="background-color: rgba(200, 180, 25, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding: 15px; height: auto;"] [div class=mainSubheader] The Manu [/div] [div class=mainText style="padding-bottom: 0%;"] [div class=infoImage style="max-width: 200px;"]
[/div] The most populous race by far. Manu was the name of the first man, and thus became the name for all his descendants. Long ago the primitive Manu, or humans, were subservient to the advanced Devas and Asuras. They worshipped their masters and were enlisted as cannon fodder for armies on either side. Faced with the only alternative being annihilation in the crossfire, the Manu took well to their role.

In the modern era they are short-lived compared to the Devas and Asuras, but make up for it with their versatility and adaptability. Humans form the backbone of the workforce of Trinity, but few of them ever join the ranks of the elite. Nonetheless, their tenacity is to be admired. [/div] [/div] [div class=infoBox style="background-color: rgba(200, 115, 25, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding: 15px; height: auto;"] [div class=mainSubheader] The Hybrids [/div] [div class=mainText style="padding-bottom: 0%;"] [div class=infoImage style="max-width: 200px;"]
[/div] There are a few members of society who possess the blood of two races. Humans are able to sire children with both Asuras and Devas, and their progeny are thus named with the elder race in mind. Hybrids are viewed as “impure” in traditional circles, and often struggle to find opportunities with their mixed blood.

They appear human save for a few key mutations; some have unusually colored eyes or hair, or new physical chracteristics like wings or claws. Hybrids often feel isolated from society, belonging to no community but their own. Devas and Asuras have, so far, been unable to reproduce with one another. [/div] [/div] [div class=infoBox style="background-color: rgba(140, 170, 200, var(--highlightOpacity)); padding: 15px;"] [div class=mainSubheader] The Cyborgs [/div] [div class=mainText style="padding-bottom: 0%;""] [div class=infoImage style="max-width: 400px;"]
[/div] A cyborg is a member of one of the main races who has acquired enough machine parts to be seen as “impure.” There is no official metric for distinguishing the line between cyborg and non-cyborg, since it was never an official category anyways. It’s more of a colloquial distinction contrived by society to distance themselves from members of their race who they view as being more machine than person.

To be a cyborg is a very undesirable, even more so than being a hybrid. Society tends to view them as lesser because they are no longer “pure,” and existing as a Cyborg is also a sign of low status since it suggests that you cannot afford biological alternatives. Despite originally being members of different races entirely, cyborgs have formed a community of their own born from their alienation from their own people. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollBox seven"] [div class="mainHeader"] The Astras [/div] [div class="mainText"] [div class="imageBorder"]
You are an ASTRA. Broadly speaking, this title vaguely refers to a person with superhuman abilities. Many millennia ago the Astras were worshipped like gods, and for good reason. The military might of just one rivalled that of an entire army. Battles between Astras were like natural disasters, sundering the world in their wake. And they were also best deterrent to the many monsters, the Kaiju, that threatened civilization at every step.

It was only natural that religion and society warped to surround them. To satisfy and obey their every desire; to follow the strong when you were weak. Yet with time, and experience, civilization learned that even gods could bleed. Tyrant Astras were overthrown by those they oppressed. Society grew to stand on its own two feet. People no longer needed Astras to lead them.

So then came the end of the age of gods, the Satya Yuga, and began the age of men. Gradually, and without explanation, both Astras and Kaiju slowly began disappearing from the annals of history until they became only memories, and then, old fairy tales and legends.

No one believes in Astras anymore. Or at least, that was what you thought, until one day there was an incident. People began mysteriously awakening powers they didn’t understand. Thousands of cases appeared, and although the government tried to keep it quiet, the news spread like wildfire. Magic, was real.

It has been five years since that day. Since then the list of documented awakening incidents has increased dramatically, and so too have questions about what their existence means for society. Spurred on by religious authorities and our own uncertainty, we have begun calling these individuals by an old name: Astra.

You find yourself in a tumultuous time, when society has been shaken and people's senses of identity have been thrown out the window. Some would use you as a weapon; some believe you to be a monster and a threat; others call you heroes. Gods.

Ultimately, only you can decide who will you become.

[/div] [/div] [div class="scrollBox eight"] [div class="mainHeader"] Lokas [/div] [div class="mainText"] In progress. [/div] [div class="mainHeader" style="margin-top: 10px;"] The Levels [/div] [div class="mainText"] In progress. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollBox nine"] [div class="mainHeader"] The Wild [/div] [div class="mainText"] In progress. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollBox ten"] [div class="mainHeader"] The Faith [/div] [div class="mainText"] In progress. 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