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Fantasy Assassin's Creed (Average. & Kimmm3618)


Goddess of Procrastination
Kimmm3618 Kimmm3618
The night was young. Above the town was a beautiful sheet of dark blue, speckled generously with a multitude of shimmering white stars. The streets were mainly quiet, except for a few drunkards shouting songs at the top of their lungs. Shouting.. not singing... no one who has ears could ever call that singing. A hooded figure hurried past them, his shoulder blades tensing. He gripped his hood, as if worried that the slightest gust of wind would blow it off his head, exposing his blonde hair. And his Elven ears. Yes. Elven.
Elves were not welcome in towns like these. They were treated worse than dirt, it was only natural for one to hide their Elven features if they had any.

The voices of the drunkards became more muffled - thank the Gods - the more distance was created between them and the hooded figure. He swiftly disappeared into a dark alleyway. A cat suddenly jumped out from behind one of the crates as he approached. Peering over the crates, he noticed a trapdoor. Just like the letter described, then. The male felt his heartbeat quicken. He was on the right track.
Despite him knowing that he needed to remain absolutely focused, he still couldn't help but get distracted by a little shine coming from one of the crates. He couldn't help it... he adored shiny things. Shiny things such as gold in particular. But this shine was no gold, yet apples. The silver moon reflected it's soft light upon their fine, red skin. The hooded figure shrugged to himself before reaching inside he crate and picking out an apple, giving it a quick clean by rubbing it against his shirt. Suppose this will have to do instead of gold for now. Not to worry. It would only be a matter of time before his pockets will feel heavier.
And his hands will feel bloodier.

He was no stranger to that feeling. To that warmth, dripping down the skin of his hands and drying, giving off a faint metallic smell. It comes with the job.

Sinking his teeth into the apple to free up his hands, he pulled open the trapdoor, and immediately his nostrils were hit with the most pungent, most disgusting of stenches. His nose wrinkled with disgust, and he gritted his teeth as he forced himself down the ladder. Well.. he didn't expect the sewers to smell like floral perfumes or sweets... but this was fucking ridiculous. He was beginning to wonder if the gold was even worth it at this point.

How pathetic would that be. One of the most notorious, most infamous assassins in the world... defeated by a sewer.

He forced himself to go on. The letter stated that his target was last seen here, in these very sewers. He has heard of his target before. She was much like him. A fellow assassin, infamous for her skill with the blade. She was friendly with the shadows, much like him. An opponent that matched his skill.
This should be fun.

He gripped the pommel of his dagger tightly, prepared, listening for the slightest of sounds. The sewers were eerily silent. He could hear nothing other than the echoing of water dripping - at least he enjoyed to think that was water - and the sound of his own footsteps against the wet cobblestone.

She better be in here. If not... he would literally head back up there and murder his contract giver for making him head down into a damn sewer for nothing.
Ciki's ears twitched and her eyes shot open as she heard someone entering the sewers. Her domain. Locals knew better than to come down here, as not only were they put off by the smell, but by her. It was a well known fact that if you went down to the sewers, you wouldnt return alive. She immediately knew that whoever this was, they werent from around here. Either that or they're just incredibly stupid.

It wasn't the first time someone had sent a fellow assassin after her, and it wouldn't be the last, she knew that for sure. Flipped on her hood, covering up her fiery red hair, and she pulled up her mask, until the only thing one could see were her eyes. They were gold, and sparkled like a freshly polished coin too. She started walking towards her oncoming threat, her silhouette just barely visible in the darkness. Her steps were nearly silent; she stopped walking as she saw him. She was right, of course. He was definitely looking for her.

She stared at him, her hands resting on the hilt of her twin swords. This was going to be...an interesting fight.

(Sorry its not as long ^^)
He froze, catching a glimpse of those two golden eyes that were staring right back at him. His own eyes failed in comparison. Their iris was a boring brown colour - the colour of an oak's tree bark. He pulled his hood down, revealing his pale blonde hair and pointy Elven ears. A ribbon of silver moonlight, shining from a opening which led to the streets, bathing his face in a gentle light. The faint scar on his lip, the freckles along his nosebridge. His sun-kissed skin. If he was going to kill her... she may as well know what her killer looked like.

There was no need for any words to be exchanged between them, yet he felt the need to. An opponent as worthy as her deserved a few seconds more of his time. Before he'd slice her throat open. "There's a hefty bounty on your head. I could be reaaaaaally well off after I bring my contract giver your head." a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "My name is Briar. Just thought you wanted to know that before your blood stains my blade." he grinned, and he wasted no further time.

With one swift move, he was already in arm's length of her, blade swinging and clashing against hers, metal clanking and hissing against each other with each and every strike. He was attempting to push her, to pressure her, to force her against the wall so that he could deny her some breathing room. Yet he wasn't being too aggressive, not yet. He refused to underestimate her. Not when she may have another blade hidden in her sleeve, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pierce his flesh when he loses his guard. He refused to bring down his guard. Briar has learned that lesson the hard way.
Moving at lightning speed, each strike delivered with careful precision, adjusting his stance whenever circumstances called for it. It was clear that he was no novice. He wielded his sword as if it was a part of his very body. A mere extension to his arm.

His sword was a fine piece of work, crafted by a blacksmith with extreme care. The blade was in a wavy shape, to tear through more flesh. To sever through more muscle and tendon.
What can he say - he ain't playing around. If he is to go around to make people disappear for a bit of coin, he may as well do it in style!
Her eyes stared into his as she held her ground against him. For now, she only used one of her blades. After a few moments, she jumped back, then swiped towards his neck. She nearly missed, but her main intention wasnt to hit him with the sword, it was a simple distraction. she moved towards him as her blade left his vison, then she jumped and turned, raising her legs and kicking him square in the jaw. She did it a second time as her other leg came around. Ciki landed on the ground, rushing towards him again with her blade.

(You can hurt her too)
The assassin hissed as he stumbled back at the kick, almost falling over, barely managing to hold his balance and to recollect himself. A hint of blood stained the corner of his lip, and he could taste it's metallic tang on his tongue. The sharp pain gradually faded into a dull throb, like recovering from an electric current running through your body. Alright; now he was starting to get a little bit pissed. Gripping the hilt of his sword tighter, he swung it at her. Left, right, left, right. The swings were more frequent now, intending on giving her much less breathing room. Each swing had a purpose. Each swing was intending to go for the kill.

Briar's intent was to overwhelm her to create an opening, and soon he managed to seize opportunity, getting in closer to trip her over with his leg, giving her a rough shove to ensure that she at least stumbled backwards. With another swing, the blade of his sword was able to catch her arm. Of course he was aiming higher - for her neck - yet even then she still managed to at least evade far enough to avoid him finishing her. He caught a glimpse of red staining the tip of his blade, and his mouth curled into an amused smirk. "Why don't you just give up-" he paused to block a hit from her, a loud clang of blades following suit. "- and let me finish you off. It'll be quick, I promise." he snapped.

He was being cocky, yet that was nothing new.
Even she couldn't help but scoff at his words as she heard him. Letting him kill her? Like Hell She would. She may want to do a lot of things, but dying isnt included in that list; at least, not yet.

Even if she did want to die, she definitely wouldn't want do die by some cocky elf! Of all the things! She exhaled silently, trying to calm herself down before she slipped up. She couldn't afford that, after all. She could feel the blood running down her arm, but that was simply a minor cut. As long as she took him out before he could do it again, all would be fine.

While blocking his blades she unsheathed her second one, putting it up against his blades and pushing him back while she racked her brain on the quickest and most efficient way to kill him.
While she was distracted for those few quick seconds, he was able to study his surroundings a bit better, perhaps even mentally note down possible escape routes she could take. He could not allow her to escape, for if she did, he could wave his contract goodbye. And that sweet, sweet gold. It would be disappointing if his plans for going on a shopping spree would be thrown out the window...
He pressed his blade harder against hers, metal hissing. He used his second hand to press against the dull part of the blade, to apply more pressure.

He could see her facial features much better now, catching a glimpse of her red hair and golden eyes once more. He wondered if she too was an Elf like him, though he doubted it. He hasn't seen anyone else of his kind for many, many years. And besides, he would have known if there were any other Elves in the city.

He would have seen them being executed. Tortuted. Publically humiliated.
She glanced behind him, at the exit. Her eyes shifted back to his and she suddenly turned around behind him, kicking him straight into the sewer water, then quickly jumping up out the manhole and closing it, covering it with a few crates.

She climbed up the wall to the rooftop, running along them to the next building.
This... oh. This bitch. Before he could even start shouting every profanity and curse word under the goddamn sun, he ended up neck-deep in the water. He felt nauseous, and he even accidentally swallowed some of the water. The smell was even more putrid when he was in the water than when he was out of it. He was surrounded by it. Engulfed by it. Bile started to rise up his throat, yet he tried his best to keep it down by scrambling out of there as quickly as possible. He was soaked when he climbed out, water and Gods know what else dripping from his precious clothes.

Well. He would definitely be bathing at least ten times tonight as soon as he gets out of this place. And his clothes... he never wants to see them again. He will return to the inn where he is renting a room - as descretely as possible so that he doesn't become a laughing stock - and throw his clothes out the window. Those sweaty drunkards he passed by earlier could have them for all he cared. Or no; he'd burn them. Turn them into nothing but ash so that no one ever has to suffer through catching even a whiff of what they smelled like right now.

Gods above. Gods-a-fucking-bove.

The Elf didn't need a reward to go after her now. Oh, he would grant her the slowest, most painful death. His mind would concieve the most brutal revenge.
His boots squelched and squeaked slightly whenever he made a step.
Honestly. Death would have been preferable than this.
She kept glancing back behind her, despite knowing there was little chance he would follow. After awhile she stopped running and jumped down onto the street. She didn't expect to get run out of her... temporary home, at least, tonight.

She sighed softly, walking down the street. She would simply stay at an inn for tonight, and find quick work in the morning, and hopefully avoid...Briar. She knew he would be pretty pissed about her pushing him in the sewer water.
The sun shined brightly upon the city of Agana, with rolling white clouds moving through the blue sky like herds of sheep. Briar - hooded as usual - made his way through the streets, weaving and manoeuvring his way through the crowds of people. Surprisingly, during the day it tended to be easier to blend in than during the night. Thick, bustling crowds of people provided cover - as long as he was careful about his hood slipping off his head by accident. It was the same old routine; ask the inkeep about any rumours, make use of his expert dodging skills to move through the busy streets, locate the nearest notice board and find work.

Work. Work that was often... terribly mundane. Piss-easy. Why were the people of this town too cowardly to give him something more interesting; like perhaps hiring him to rid them of this town's precious Queen? It was no secret that woman held little to no care of her subjects. All she cared about was whether her nails were painted the correct shade of red, or whether she was adorned with the finest ruby necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets - the shrew has an unhealthy obsession with the colour red for some reason. Yet people still loved her, and would lick the shit off her heels if they could. They were fond of her for one reason alone; the executions. The public torturing of Elves. Their public humilations.
The sheer thought of it made Briar's blood boil.

He snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing the distant caw of a crow, perched on the rooftop of some cute little bakery. Somehow he heard it's caw through all the ruckus and noise coming from the crowds and crowds of people. His brown eyes squinted slightly as he looked up at the bird, and the bird tilted it's head, it's beady little eyes meeting his. He glanced at the display of cakes, pies and cookies in the window of the bakery before lifting his head again to see the crow again, yet the bird was gone. Briar merely shrugged, paying no further mind to the creature before entering the bakery.

The aroma of freshly baked pastries hit his nostrils, and he immediately felt his mouth water. Oh, how he craved a cookie right now. Oh no! A slice of chocolate cake. He absolutely adored chocolate cake-
Focus. Focus, you idiot. Focus on the damn task at hand. You're in fucking need of some coin right now. So focus.

The announcement on the notice board that Briar picked up said that the contract giver was located inside this very bakery. But where-
Suddenly, a man poked his head out from behind the counter. He was absolutely tiny, only reaching to Briar's waist. The man was old, and frail-looking. He needed to step on a stool to even be able to reach the counter. The old man gave Briar a little smile, yet he said nothing. His faded baby blue eyes stared into Briar's expectantly, and he put his hands together, twiddling his thumbs a little.

Briar blinked, uncertain of what to do. He hesitantly pulled out the annoucement note from his pocket and unfolded it, scanning through it briefly before finding the word he was searching for. The contract giver wanted whoever accepted his contract to say the word 'jingle'.. for some reason. Suppose it was to let him know that he was here for the contract.. and not to purchase pastries. Which made sense.

"Uh... jingle." Briar muttered, raising a brow.

It took a moment for the old man to understand, yet when it hit him, his eyes brightened. "Ah! Yes! You're here for the contract." he smiled, both of his bushy brows raising.

Now why would a little old baker like this man would want someone dead?
Appearances can be decieving.
Ciki walked through the crowded streets, glancing down at her own paper she'd picked up from the board. They were looking for at least 2 assassins to complete the job, however, she knew she could handle the workload of at least 3. So if she hurried, she wouldn't have to take on a partner.

She glanced up at the bakery, pausing to examine the outside. usually people chose some indiscreet location for things like these. Well, not everyone is the same. She walked inside the bakery, clicking her tongue in annoyance as she realized someone else was there; and definitely not to buy cakes and cookies. The encounter became worse as she realized he was the assassin from the other night; and she doubt he didn't hold a grudge against her.

Her hand went down to the hilt of her sword as she stood in the doorway, staring at Briar, as she had managed to remember his name. She was ready to attack him at any given moment, and that was evident from the look in her eyes.
The Elf tensed slightly when he heard the little bell ring when the door opened, and when he glanced over his shoulder at who it was... immediately when he recognised those golden eyes and red hair he felt his blood boil. He reached for the hilt of his sword too, gripping it tightly. He rather not cause a scene in his contract giver's precious bakery, yet he may have no choice.

Yet the old man on the other hand.. he looked simply delighted. "Oh! Two assassins!" he gasped. "Gloria! Come see!"
Gloria soon swooped in, and landed right on the old man's shoulder. Well, it seemed like Gloria wasn't his grandaughter, daughter or wife or anything of the sort. She was a crow. His pet crow. That would explain the strange crow that was perched on the bakery's roof from before. The old man stroked the crow's chest, and the bird puffed out it's chest proudly, purring slightly almost like a cat would. The man smiled knowingly before turning to focus on the two assassins who were having a mini stand off. "Oh I've had the most wonderful idea! Why not you two work together to complete my contract! Then you could get it done faster. I have zero doubts in you!"

Briar frowned and narrowed his eyes at the red headed assassin. "... Why do I have to work with that...." he groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Because! I said so." the old man chuckled brightly. "Now go! Both of you! Shoo, shoo!"

Briar blinked and hurried out of there with his new partner before the old man would chase them out of his bakery with a damn broom. as it seemed like he was about to do so. "... You owe me new clothes." he muttered with a grumpy tone, stuffing his hands into his pockets like a pouting child.
She walked out of the bakery. " Actually, I don't owe you shit. " she muttered back to him, her hand never leaving her sword. She didn't trust this man, not that she trusted anyone else. But he had tried to kill her, not that he was the first to try that, but he was the first to try that and live!

Although she did figure he'd failed and lost his contract after last night, Who wouldn't want revenge after getting pushed into sewer water? After a few moments, she let out a quiet sigh. " I don't plan on working with you. So stay out of my way. "
Briar barked out a laugh. "Ha! It'd be my pleasure. Especially after you fucking pushed me into sewer water. Sewer. Water." he frowned. "So then, I assume that the contract belongs to me. You go out and look for a different contract to snatch up. I don't need any help with this one."

Ah, now here came the question; who would take the contract? The contract was.. not the easiest Briar has ever took on.. but it paid well. It was definitely worth it to go through that much trouble for it, especially since he'd most likely be doing it alone and he would get the entire sum of money for himself without having to share it. Or so he thought.
" Like hell. It belongs to me. Its the least you could do after that attempt on my life. "

She wasn't going to let him have it. Maybe if it was someone else she would, but not him. He didn't deserve it, and she wouldn't give it to him. Well, not without a fight.
The Elf grumbled something under his breath - probably profanities that best be left unheard. "It's the least YOU could do for pushing me into piss shit water!" Briar growled. "And besides; I had nothing against you before you did that. I bet if someone put a contract on my life you would've snatched it up as well. But now I have a lot against you." he frowned. "I recommend that you sleep with one eye open. I-" he paused, his frown suddenly turning into a wide grin, almost as if some brilliant idea popped into his head. ".. I know how we can settle this." he said. "Ever been to the fight club?" he asked, leaning against a wooden pole, shoulder pressing against it. "Don't answer that. I don't care." he cut in before she could even comprehend what he just asked her. "Anyway, it's an underground club where all sort of degenerates gather to watch people get their teeth kicked in for entertainment. Whoever is the winner gets the contract. Plus we can earn some extra coin from the fight along the way. So whaddya' say, hm? Sounds tempting, right? Sounds fun.. right?" he sounded almost excited, almost as if he was secretly hoping for her to agree.
" That seems like an extreme waste of time, that i honestly don't have. " She pulled her blade out of its sheath about an inch. " So no. I'm taking the contract, whether you like it or not. Or I can just kill you right here, right now, and disappear into the crowd. Im giving you a chance to live. Take it or leave it. " Her eyes glanced at the sun. She was most definitely running out of time for...something.
Briar couldn't help but roll his eyes at that response. He noticed her pulling out her blade a little from the corner of his eye, yet he was prepared in case she would lash out at him. "Pity. I thought you were more fun than that. Meh, you're just like the rest of 'em." he waved her off as if no longer interested. "But I'm keeping the contract. And your threats don't intimidate me." he pulled out a folded up piece of paper from his pocket. It contained all of the contract information he needed.

He would get started on it immediately. He needed to return to his room, back at the inn. He had a few things to pack up for the journey - not many, but there were a few that he wouldn't be able to live without. Like his favourite lavender scented cologne and soap. Yes, he enjoyed the scent of lavender a lot for some reason. The scent was pleasant... and it reminded him of home. "I hope you drown in sewer water." he grinned broadly, flashing his fangs at her. Yes, fangs. Elves had sharper and slightly longer canines than the rest of their teeth. Kind of like vampires, yet their teeth were not as long. And obviously weren't used for sucking blood.

Before she could even had a chance to react, the blonde assassin rushed into the crowd, before disappearing into it, almost like an illusion. Like a ghost, fading into nothing. It was wise to put some distance between himself and her now, as he doubted that she was bluffing when she said that she was going to kill him. He preferred not to waste too much time on her. He had a contract to focus on.
She scoffed, dropping her blade back into the sheath. She would have to get rid of him, one way or another. it didn't matter to her what he was, Elf or Faery, they were all the same when they die.

She turned and began walking the opposite direction, maneuvering into the crowd, and blending in. If she was going to beat him to it, she needed to go, and now. She had little belongings, making it easier for her to get up and go. Anything else was easily stored away, with magic. She pulled out her own contract paper, glancing over it. Their final destination was far. Farther than she would've liked. But it would be worth it in the end, after all, she was after the gold.
The past few days... have not been very eventful. To spend as little gold as possible, he was hitching rides on carriages in the very back without the driver noticing. He would also sneak onto ships and basically onto any form of transport just so he could get around without having to pay or wait much. It was not the most comfortable way of travel, but it was effective.
A storm was raging, thunder brightening up the black night sky whenever it struck. The weary Elf hopped off the carriage he managed to sneak his way onto a couple of hours ago and trudged his way inside the inn, his shoes squelching whenever he took a step from being so soaked on the inside. He would have preferred to be able to keep going, but his ride has stopped here for the night, and they most likely wouldn't be on the move again until tomorrow morning.
Perhaps he should steal a horse and begin travelling that way. At least he would have more control on how much distance he covers each day.

Briar paid no heed towards anyone inside the inn. He approached the bar and sat down on one of the stools. His clothes felt slightly heavy from the constant downpour, soaked all the way through the fabric, all the way to his skin. He tried his best not to shiver. "Mead." he sighed before the barkeep even had a chance to ask him if he wanted anything. He figured a tankard of mead would warm him up a little, along with a short rest in front of the fireplace.

There was a group of drunkards, occupying the seats in the very corner, not too far from the fireplace. The blonde Elf paid them little mind for now. Obnoxious drunkards like them were a completely regular sight. No inn would feel complete without them. They were like puzzle pieces; without them in place the puzzle would never be complete.
Briar nodded his thanks once the barkeep brought him his mead, and he tossed a few coins onto the counter before taking a swig from the tankard. His eyelids felt heavy, and he was beginning to fight sleep. If he allowed them to, his eyes would definitely just have closed on their own.

Suddenly, Briar felt a hulking presence behind him. Funny. Just a second ago those drunkards were over there in the far corner... and now they were all standing behind him. All towering over him.
Briar pivoted his body slightly and turned his head to be able to see them. Three men; all taller than him, all reeked of alcohol and sweat. "It's not rainin' in 'ere." one of them spoke, his speech awfully slurred. "Take y'er hood off why dont'cha?"

Briar blinked, his shoulder blades tensing slightly. Oh for fuck's sake... he was not in the mood for this right now. "I like it on." he said calmly.
"I don't care." the same man snarled. "Take it off."
Could he seriously go nowhere without some sort of trouble brewing up? These three idiots were obviously searching for trouble.
He was not in the mood to get bloody right now. Briar glanced over his shoulder to see if the barkeep was still there - he of course wasn't. The barkeep clearly wanted nothing to do with this conflict. They always done that. Anytime the slightest form of conflict appeared, they would just cower into their little corners like mice and wait for the cats to finish fighting.
Ciki had a much different way of traveling, albeit tiring, but majority of the time, she spent little to no money. Tonight, however, was different. The rain ruined her usual way of traveling, and she simply resorted to walking the rest of the way.

She came across a small little inn, pausing in front of the door. she didnt sense many people inside, at least on the first floor. There were at least 4 to 5. She opened the door, stepping inside. she was just as soaked as anyone else, after walked about an hour or so in the rain. She glanced around, taking off her hood. She noticed a trio of men hassling someone. She couldnt see their face from where she was standing, but it wasnt her problem anyway.
Briar failed to notice her entering the inn, his focus entirely on the three of them. He knew he would have to fight his way out. There was no other way. Immediately when he made the slightest of moves, one of the drunkards grabbed him by the back of his head and slammed his head into the counter. Briar immediately used every bit of strength he had left in his body to shove the man away, sending him stumbling and falling to the floor. With how drunk they were, their sense of balance was incredibly poor. The blonde Elf clumsily got up from the stool, a wave of dizziness overcoming him, his head throbbing. There was a shallow cut on it now, dripping blood down his forehead and along his brow.

The young assassin wasn’t putting up much of a fight. It wasn’t worth it, and besides.. he would attract even more people to him if he took on these three men right now. On top of that.. his hood was completely off now. His ident was revealed. He was an Elf - a creature that the majority of humans despised. With the other villagers knowing this, they would undoubtedly come for him with torches and pitchforks in their hands. And that alone may even motivate that cowardly barkeep to do the same.

So he needed to leave. He needed to disappear as quickly as he appeared in this damn village. Guess rest would have to wait.

Briar pulled his hood back up and rushed for the exit. He would steal a horse, and he would run. He caught a glimpse of red hair in the corner of his eye. No way... she was here too?
This could not get any worse. He thought he was ahead, but at it turns out they were neck in neck. And seeing him a worn down state like this.. it may motivate her to hunt him down and kill him when he was weak.

Once he was out, he mounted the closest horse he could find hitched - a beautiful palomino mare - and set out once more, hoping that redheaded assassin wasn’t setting out to follow him.
She immediately knew who he was the minute he went pasy her. She drew her blade, running out the door after him. He'd failed to heed her warning, and now he was simply paying the price for it. Her vision wasnt the best in the rain, but it was good enough she could see him on a horse, galloping away.

She clicked her tongue in annoyance, quickly grabbing a random horse and heading out after him, glancing behind her to make sure there werent any angry villagers chasing them. This was her kill, and her kill alone.
Briar was urging the horse to gallop faster, especially when he heard the clopping of hooves from behind. Someone was chasing him. His heartbeat quickened, now hammering wildly against his rib cage. He had to admit that he was afraid, but he would hold his ground no matter what. It wasn’t long before thunder rumbled, and lightning flashed, creating a bright crack in the sky before quickly fading away. The palomino he was on suddenly came into a halt, raising up onto its hind legs, neighing in fear. The horse was too spooked to carry on much further into this storm.

The young Elf cursed, quickly hopping off the horse before deciding to head off path, diving into the undergrowth. The village was surrounded by a swamp. He could tell even in this dark from how deep his legs were submerged in thick mud right now. He could hear a distant echo of a toad croaking from somewhere. Elves had good night vision. He should use this to his advantage out here and hopefully lose his pursuer.

He continued to trudge his way through thick mud. The mud was getting deeper, up to his waist now, making it much more difficult to even move. His movements were sluggish. Desperate.

This feeling. He felt like prey. Like a wounded doe trying to flee from a hungry wolf. And he hated it.

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