Aspects (Gods) of Aldurin


From the Depths of Hell
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||The Aspects of Aldurin||

The Aspects of Aldurin, formerly known as the Gods and Goddesses of old, blah

|Necros, Aspect of Death|

Taken by @Morgrim

|Lady Valaria, Aspect of Life and Nature|

Taken by @Anaxileah

|Chaos, Aspect of Chance and Discord|

Taken by @Javax

|Wrath, Aspect of Destruction and War|

Taken by @shadowz1995

|Innocence, the Forgotten Aspect|

Taken by @Federoff

|Cinder, Aspect of Fire|

Taken by @GlassHeartCass

|Shale, Aspect of Earth|

Taken by @Alstromeria

|Gale, Aspect of Wind|

Taken by @AnimusLight

|Navi, Aspect of Water|

Taken by @Anaxileah

|Tranquility, Aspect of Love and Peace|

Taken by @HoneyBear-Kat

|Terra, Aspect of Time and Intelligence|

Taken by @CarpeNoctem1213

|Judge Ornifex, Aspect of Order|

Taken by @HoneyBear-Kat

Necros - The aspect of death. His body was born from the physical remains of the nameless one, the being that all the aspects descended from. Necros shares a bond with the nameless one, namely their malice. Utterly obsessed with death he became a patron god for all necromancers who sought to attain greater power, but like the other aspects he slowly faded from the history books, and churches and shrines were abandoned. He was depicted as piles of skeletons stitched together to roughly form a body. Necros's rule was to shepherd the lost souls of the world into the after life, and eventually thought of himself as their master. Necros is not one to stand aside and let others rule, he believes nothing can do a better job at his desired tasks then himself, so he often challenges authority, and will often times butt heads with other aspects like Terra and Judge Ornifex. Necros's chosen champion is Morgrim, a man who had unknowingly been serving for him since he was a child.


Lady Valaria - The aspect of life and nature. Like all the other aspects Lady Valaria's soul was created from a fragment of the nameless one, but she had retained nearly no other characteristics from them. Lady Valaria seemed to just wake up one day in the clearly of Skyshard's forest. She walked among the animals, and looked after the plants, and wherever she walked a healthy bounty of life followed behind. Lady Valaria received many prayers from hunters of the forest seeking her blessing for a bountiful hunt, and good fortune, and unlike almost all the other aspects she is one who is still known of by at least a small number of people. Lady Valaria is usually depicted as an elf maiden draped in silken robes, and wearing a circlet made from vines and flowers in full bloom. She may look like one of the more peaceful aspects, but she is a guardian to nature life, and defender to the sick and helpless, whether they be man or animal.Lady Valaria gets along with most other aspects, but has held disdain for aspects like Necros, Cinder and Wrath who seem to enjoy death and destruction. Lady Valaria has chosen Wylloh as her champion for her fair heart, and attunement to life and nature.


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