Ashlynn Gringe


Combat Ready
Name: Ashlynn Gringe 

Alias/Title/Nickname(s):  Faeded/The Merc/Ash (In order)

Age: 26

Date of Birth/Horoscope: March 25th/ Aries

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush/Lover: None yet (Although she had one in her past)

Race: Cybernetic Human/Gifted Human (basically an android for medical and experimental reasons, has had some physical surgery as well)




Mercanary/Special Assassin

Social Class: Middle Class

Affliation: None as of yet

Rank: None as of yet


  • A good job
  • Getting a full charge
  • Sometimes enjoys a good Karaoke 


  • ShortCircuts
  • Low Battery
  • Peanuts. (Allergic)


  • Electrical Storms


Ashlynn is the kind of girl that can seem cold and unwilling to make friends when one first meets her, but as she warms up to a person she is more friendly and protective over the person. She calculates her every move and plans almost every step before she commits any assassination or Crime.  She will also look out for those she cares for and rarely let things get in the way of her goals.

She loves it when others care for her well being although she won't actually show it. Ash prefers to be called Ash instead of Ashlynn because of her past, she sees it as a reminder of her past. She does not see her "Bosses" ,as she calls the people that hire her services, as friends or a family. She has yet to see someone as a good friend since the she was younger.


(WIP But is going to be amazing)


Two Blades/Guns connected to her shoes (Seen in pic)


  • Speed
  • Durability


  • EMP
  • She has certain parts of her that need to be recharged

Fighting Style:

Close range/Medium range/Martial Arts

Aura Ability:

Obsidian Skin - A passive ability that is always active. Ash's body is able to withstand brutal beatings without dying or having internal injuries. Although she is still able to be knocked out and bruised. She can withstand an initial beating of more than the force of a full speed Semi Truck, although something like that can knock her out.


  • Increased Speed
  • Has some stealth
  • Has sources

Achievements/Crimes Committed:

At the scene of all of her assassinations and crimes, she has left a candle lit with ashes around it. She is known to take out certain dealers and people.

Theme Song:

Relationships With Other Characters:

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