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Fandom As the Prophecy Foretold(1x1 for Galaxxies&Svenny)



Maybe I belong among the stars
When a prophecy sends a medicine cat and a warrior to save a group of cats, can they? Can the medicine cat teach them the ways of StarClan and healing? Will the warrior be able to make them understand the noble code she lives by? Can they do as the prophecy foretold?

(I'm also gonna keep a list of cats as they are mentioned so we don't lose track of names lol)

Slatestar- Large, sleek blue-grey tom
Fawnleap- Cream she-cat with faded orange spots
Medicine Cat:
Silentstep- Graceful, calico she-cat
Pointedfur- Fluffy cream and blue tom
Riversong- Grey-blue Tabby she-cat
Hollowstep-Brown tabby tom(Father to Riversong)
Branchfoot- Brown tabby tom(Brother to Riversong)
Gingerstripe- Orange tabby tom(Brother to Riversong)
Heatherfoot- she-cat(Nursed Riversong)
Larktail- Pretty Brown tabby she-cat
Mossflower- Cream she-cat with white paws. Limp due to old injury
Bluepaw- young time with blue eyes(Mentor: Riversong)


Medicine Cat:

Littlemist- Small Dark tabby tom

Unnamed Group
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Silentstep padded back into the clan's camp just as sun high was hitting the camp. She followed Slatestar in through the entrance, the air about them heavy with the talk they had shared in the forest.
"Are you sure it's her?" The large leader spoke in his deep timbre of a voice. He had stopped just beside the large stump he stood atop to hold clan meetings. As the leader sat down, Silentstep followed suit, curling her tail around her paws.
"I'm not sure. But it was the river that was leading me there." The young medicine cat had received a prophecy the night before as she visited Crystal Cave for the half-moon. At least... She thought it was one. Though Silentstep was born a kittypet, it took her no time at all to connect with StarClan once she learned of them. From her first moon in the clan, she let them guide her pawsteps as she learned to provide for and heal her clan. Though she often wondered what she would be like had she been born into a clan, she didn't let it cloud her mind. And her dream at the Crystal Cave the night before was more than enough to remind her of her connection. Her dream started with her leaving the camp.
Starry paws lead the way for a while, then they changed. Pawprints faded into a smooth flowing river stretching in front of her. As she walked, the river faded under her paws, leaving her walking on lush grass as she followed the river. The river lead her through the forest, over the plains, and on for many days. Though the days had passed, the sky never faded from its pale dawn light that kept the birdsong going. At the end of the dream, she stood just outside a clan's camp. All around her cats stood, battle-scarred and terrified. She had stood as nothing more than an onlooker as the life of this group of cats passed. Mothers left the noise of the main area to have their kits in the forest. Those same mothers taught their kits how to hunt and fight from the moment they were able. Elders were left to fend for themselves. Only grown, healthy cats banded together under what seemed to be a leader. This was no clan. This was nothing more than a group of loners. Silentstep knew they needed her help. She also knew that only one cat in the clan held a name that could relate to the river and days of birdsong that guided her. She glanced around for the grey tabby she-cat.
The forest was relatively quiet as Riversong, her apprentice Bluepaw, and Larktail patrolled close to JadeClan's border with WhisperClan. Riversong's tail flicked back and forth as she listened to the song of the birds that new leaf brought as they approached. It was her favorite season; the smell of the flowers and budding leaves always brought her a sense of peace, of hope. New life always reminded her of the fact that nothing lasted forever; the back times would pass, even if they hadn't for her. Riversong pushed those thoughts away -- this was not the time and place for such kittenish thoughts. They paused near the border when Riversong lifted her tail, signaling them all to stop.

"See here," Riversong spoke to Bluepaw, whose blue eyes were almost as large as his head, "Do you see that boulder over there?" There was a boulder not too far from them, perhaps a few strides. When the young tom nodded, she continued, "That marks the border between our clan and WhisperClan. Come," Riversong moved closer to the boulder and marked the side that stood in their territory, the tree line barely more than a couple of tail-lengths behind them. After she had marked the boulder, they stood there for a moment in companionable silence. Larktail was closest to Riversong, not close enough to brush fur, but close enough for anyone who looked upon them to know they were close. Larktail was her best friend. She was a compact light brown tabby cat, tiny in comparison to Riversong, but where her size lacked, her feistiness compensated.

"Come on," Larktail meowed, tipping her direction towards camp, "There's nothing interesting to see, let's get back."

Riversong didn't object as they broke away from the border and trotted side-by-side back to camp, several sunlengths having passed since they left on their patrol. It had been Bluepaw's first patrol, as she had been assigned him only a few days ago, so it had taken them a bit longer than usual. She had wanted to make sure she showed him the most important things first, not too much to overwhelm him, but enough for him to understand the most diagnostic features of their territory the way they had gone. When they reached camp again, Bluepaw was completely winded but was beaming, eyes sparkling with excitement. For a moment, Riversong watched him bound across camp after thanking her, and disappear into a small crowd of apprentices, chattering excitedly about what he had seen. It hadn't been much, but Riversong was pleased if the young tomcat was pleased.

"I'm going to--" Riversong was beginning to say when Larktail's nudge brought her attention back to her friend. She looked at her confused, wondering what she wanted, but when she flicked her tail in a particular direction, she followed with her gaze. Slatestar and Silentstep were looking at her rather intently, and when the leader beckoned for her to come closer, the warrior frowned. "I'll see you later," Riversong said to her friend and padded towards the two. Ever since Silentstep had joined the clan about a year ago, a former kittypet, Riversong hadn't gone out of her way to be particularly welcoming. Medicine cats made her uncomfortable, especially one who had been a kittypet and then a rogue for most of her life. "What's going on?" she asked Slatestar as she reached them, purposefully not looking at Silentstep. They were approximately the same height, though Riversong's body was more muscled from the fighting and hunting she did while Silentstep did... well, Riversong didn't really know what she did.
Slatestar looked the warrior over, then pointedly turned his attention on Silentstep. "Why dont you explain, Silentstep?"
The medicine cat nodded. She knew the warriors distrust of her. And now that she had been with the clan for nearly four full seasons, she understood it. However, that didn't mean that it didn't still hurt her. Silentstep shuffled her paws for a moment then readjusted her tail over them. "Riversong, I think," she paused for a moment, then spoke with certainty. "No, I know StarClan sent me a vision that we are to travel together to rescue a group of cats." Silentstep then explained her entire dream to the warrior. Just as she started her explanation, the deputy Fawnleap joined them. The cream colored she-cat sat down next to Slatestar and listened intently.
When she had finished, Silentstep looked at Riversong. "Slatestar says we should wait till the Gathering to see if WhisperClan mentions anything related to the dream."
The deputy spoke when Silentstep had finished, her calm, rational voice wrapping around Silentstep comfortingly. "Maybe you also wait and see if StarClan sends a clearer sign. Maybe they'll send you more information about this group of rouges." Fawnleap used the word rouges as if just thinking it made her want to shake off her calm demeanor.
The moment Slatestar deflected the question to Silentstep, Riversong narrowed her eyes. She turned her head slowly to look at their medicine cat, biting back a remark before the she-cat had the chance to express herself. Her tail flicked back and forth as she listened, a feeling of incredulousness sprouting in the pit of her stomach, much like the new flowers that were blooming. She felt horrified at the very notion that she would have to be alone with her for so long and at the thought of abandoning Bluepaw so early in his training. Riversong said nothing as Silentstep described the dream she had received from StarClan, but doubt clouded her mind the longer Silentstep spoke -- why would StarClan speak with a cat who was not truly their own? Who had been born in a twoleg house? Who had not experienced the harsh reality of their way of life? When Fawnleap joined them, she angled her head in her direction. Eventually Riversong sat down, but her tail flicked over the ground, loosening dust into the air. "It sounds to me," Riversong finally spoke, sharp eyes finding Silentstep, "That you aren't so sure after all." There was a bite to her words, an unspoken accusation. "And if WhisperClan doesn't mention anything at the Gathering?" Her eyes shifted between Slatestar and Fawnleap. Even though anger boiled beneath her fur, her voice was calmer; she wasn't dumb enough to snap at them. But if she had a moment alone with Silenstep... "You're going to send me on this journey I didn't ask to be on or want to be on anyway?"
"I am sure." Silentstep kept her mew calm and forced her fur to lie flat. She wouldn't let this stubborn warrior see her all wound up. "I know what StarClan showed me. They want us to help these cats."
Silentstep settled further as she felt Slatestar rest his tail on her back. "If WhisperClan says nothing at the Gathering, then you two are free to leave right away. I just want to make sure you are the only two meant for this journey. Silentstep, you'll have a warrior's protection. Riversong, you'll have a medicine cat's healing knowledge." The large leader turned to each she-cat in turn. "You'll have each other. And, yes, Riversong, you will be sent on this. Silentstep didn't ask to be sent on this either. We can't argue with StarClan's will."
Silentstep felt reassured by Slatestar's logical thinking. He was right. No one ever asked to be sent on quests far away from their clan. Silentstep shook off her nerves by giving her chest fur a couple of licks. They'll be alright. They should only be gone for a couple of moons, maybe a full season. She turned a questioning gaze to Slatestar. "Should I ask Littlemist to make himself available to JadeClan while I'm gone?" The two clans were at peace right now, but that didn't mean a boarder battle wouldn't happen. Or a fox or dog might find their way into the forest. "Mossflower knows some herbs from her time in Cloverspeck's den." Cloverspeck was Silentstep's mentor. The older tom had been a wonderful mentor, but a bout of greencough had taken him this past leafbare. Before Silentstep's time, Mossflower, Mosspaw at the time, had spent a few moons in the medicine den with an injured leg that refused to heal. Because of this, the queen had learned a lot from the medicine cat. "She should be able to help some, and will able to fetch Littlemist if needed."
Slatestar nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll speak with Mossflower so she knows what to expect when you leave." The grey tom then turned his head to the grumpy warrior. "And what of Bluepaw? Is there any cat in particular you'd be okay with taking over his training?" Silentstep turned to watch thee warrior. She knew this was all a shock and that she likely wasn't happy about being alone with Silentstep. But maybe if she got a say over her apprentice's training, it would take the sting out of it a little bit.
As Slatestar spoke, his deep meow ever the voice of reason, her anger slowly faded, only to be replaced by a strong sense of helplessness. Plenty of cats in the clan would have leaped at the opportunity to fulfill StarClan's prophecy, but Riversong couldn't help that she didn't feel that way. Her place was with the clan, her place was training Bluepaw, her place was among the trees and grass that she had called home for the last few cycles. Her place was not being commanded by a medicine cat or held captive by a prophecy that would have better-suited someone far more willing and worthy. "You'll have a medicine cat's healing knowledge," Slatestar had said. The very notion bristled her fur, but she rose to her paws and shook the tension loose. Unable to sit still as anxiety took her, Riversong paced back and forth, but her tail had seized its flicking. She itched for it to be nightfall so she could talk to her mother, feel some sort of comfort underneath the never-ending gazes of StarClan, seek guidance from the cats that had allegedly given Silentstep this prophecy. While doubt and mistrust still plagued her mind, she would not speak out against Slatestar. "You'll have each other," he had said. She didn't want to have her, the gentleness and kindness in which she tended to the cats of the clan and the way they praised her made Riversong uncomfortable. All she wanted was to be as far away from her as possible. Finally, she stopped pacing and turned to face them. "Very well," she mused, her voice tight despite her resignation, "We will wait until the Gathering." There was no use in arguing; it seemed as though both Silentstep and Slatestar were happy to uproot her life without real input from her. A spark of anger threatened to explode again, but Riversong bit it down. "If this vision is true," because she couldn't help but express her doubt again, "I will go with Silentstep." At the mention of Bluepaw, she turned her head over her shoulder to look at the blue and white tom, whose fur was still ruffled from excitement. The only one she would entrust Bluepaw to was Larktail, who thankfully didn't have an apprentice. She would entrust him to her brother, Gingerstripe, but he had an apprentice of his own. "Larktail," Riversong said, as if that was a surprise, "If she is willing." She looked at Slatestar again, purposefully avoiding looking at Silentstep. "Do you wish for me to tell her?"
"You can go ahead and let her know. However, ask her to keep it quiet until the meeting this evening." The leader looked up at the sky, tracking the sun. "Fawnleap, let me know when the last of the patrols return. Before the dusk patrol heads out, we'll hold a clan meeting and let them know what's going on."
Silentstep felt anxiety prick in her belly. What if the Clan didn't approve? Surely they would have to? Right? They couldn't ignore the will of StarClan.
"Now then, I don't know about you three, but I'm going to see whats on the fresh kill pile."
Silentstep watched as Slatestar stood and padded across the camp to nose into the pile. Before anything else could be said, Fawnleap turned to a returning hunting patrol and started their way. As she passed each she-cat, she rested her tail tip on their shoulder for a moment.
"Hey, Silentstep! I caught you a vole!" Pointedfur called from the fresh kill pile. A plump vole and mouse lay at his paws. The fluffy warrior sat the mouse on the pile and padded over to the medicine cat with the vole. He sat the peice of prey down again and nodded at Riversong. "Hey, Riversong, how are you?" The cherry tom cat always seemed in a good mood. It was once of the reasons Silentstep had latched onto him as a friend. During her short moon of warrior training, he had befriended her. They had both been 'paws, but Pointedfur had always made sure to include her in everything the apprentices were doing, even if she wasn't particularly good at it. Now, she gently head butted his shoulder as a thanks for the meal.
When it quickly became just the two of them, Riversong shuffled her paws, not really sure what to say or do. Rather than say anything, she was just turning away from her, when Pointedfur came bounding over with a fresh kill for Silentstep. Riversong resisted the urge to make a face. Suck up. At his question, the tip of her tail flicked, biting back a snarky reply. No, she wasn't angry at him, she was just frustrated in general. Riversong wasn't typically a cat to quickly become irritated, not unless it revolved around her father and the pesky black twins; Shadowtail and Darkfur, kits to Heatherfoot. How she had birthed such annoying kits, she didn't know. Heatherfoot had always been gentle and kind, she was the only cat Riversong accepted any sort of affection from. Although Heatherfoot knew Riversong was not her own, she had taken pity on her, she guessed. "Well enough," she meowed, her gaze drifting toward where Larktail was pawing through the fresh kill pile, clearly looking for something in particular. Any appetite the warrior had had upon returning to camp had vanished. Riversong turned her head back to Pointedfur; he was a cat she had nothing against. She needed to remember that. He had always been friendly to her, but his bubbliness had always successfully kept their conversations limited to the times they were stuck on patrol or hunting parties together. She had been a warrior already by the time he had been an apprentice and she hadn't been his mentor. "I hope you're well," Riversong didn't want to be rude, or ruder than she already was -- he hadn't ever done anything to her. "You'll know more soon, I suppose." Another flick of the tip of her tail and a sideways glance at Silentstep. "I'd hate to impose on your meal," more like, she didn't want to be around her for a moment longer, "and if you'll excuse me," she motioned with her head towards the fresh kill pile, "I've got to speak with Larktail."

Once she had successfully trotted away from them, she approached Larktail with a solemn expression. When her friend looked up and saw her face, she made a face, "Oh, no. I know that look," she mused gently, rolling her chosen mouse closer to herself. "What happened? What did they want?"

"Let's get out of here," Riversong continued to trot by, towards the exit of camp, climbing up the small hill and out into the forest. Once they were only a few paces away from camp, Riversong's helplessness, frustration, and anger bubbled up all over again as she explained to Larktail what happened. The dream Silentstep had had, the stubbornness with which Slatestar was so keen on sending her on this mission, and the way everyone else just seemed to agree with Silentstep. Although Larktail had brought her mouse along, she didn't touch it as she listened. "I mean," Riversong finished, "Can you believe it?"

Larktail had settled down, tail wrapped around her paws, sternly looking at her friend. For a moment, Riversong feared that Larktail was going to reprimand her, but she didn't. "What are you actually annoyed about?"

"What do you think? The fact that everyone is just believing this silly dream a kittypet had that could mean anything!" Even as she said it, she knew it wasn't the whole truth.

"She's been with us for almost four seasons," Larktail gently reminded her, always the voice of reason between the two of them. "She wouldn't have been able to join unless StarClan found her worthy." Riversong scowled, fur bristling. Sensing another explosion, Larktail rose to her paws and brushed herself against Riversong, licking her fur to calm her. It worked, somewhat. "And she has proven herself worthy of being our medicine cat. What is this really about?"

Still grumbling, she knew that Larktail was right -- Riversong hid her annoyance with Silentstep behind her being a former kittypet, but the real reason was completely different. Silentstep had served their clan loyally, she had done nothing wrong. It didn't do much to calm her doubts, but she did recognize that. "It doesn't make it more believable," she muttered, "I mean, me? Of all cats? I'm the least qualified for such a task. Someone must have hit her over the head with a branch." She didn't feel worthy of a mission from StarClan, nor did she want to help a bunch of misfit cats when she could be helping her clan.

Larktail shook her head gently and laughed, "You are the most qualified cat I know. You're patient," she laughed again, "Although I don't know how you are, it's hard to imagine. But you're patient when you teach. You're encouraging. You're kind," she nudged her friend's shoulder, "Even if you don't let a lot of them see it. Think about Sparrowpaw, and Bluepaw. I saw how you spoke with him today."

Riversong winced slightly, remembering the creamy colored tom, who had met his end when they had encountered a rather angry badger. That was almost two seasons ago, before Bluepaw had even opened his eyes. Sparrowpaw had shown promise, and Riversong had gotten close to the tom. Her heart ached at the thought of him, but she pushed it down as she looked away, back toward camp. "I do think about him," she said, "Every day. That is why you must take over Bluepaw's training. I have two weeks until the Gathering."

"I will take him on," she agreed, running her tongue over her fur again, "Once you have left."

"We will do everything together," Riversong promised. Still not thrilled about the idea of leaving the clan to go and fulfill a silly vision, she was slightly appeased. Larktail was right; it wasn't because Silentstep was a kitty pet, and it wasn't only because Riversong didn't feel like she was a good match for the job.

"Bright side?" Larktail asked, purring.

"Bright side," she replied.

"You won't have to deal with Shadowtail and Darkfur for a long time." She earned herself a small laugh and together they headed back towards camp after Larktail grabbed her mouse again.
Silentstep watched the warrior walk away, a sigh working its way out of her.
"What does she mean, that I'll know soon enough?"
Silentstep turned to look up at her fluffy friend as he spoke. "Come on. Go grab yourself a piece of prey and join me in my den." Silentstep picked up the vole that Pointedfur had caught for her and padded to her den. The tom quickly moved to the fresh-kill pile just in time to hear Riversong's meow tell Larktail they should get out of there.
Silentstep pushed her way into her den in the hollowed-out tree. The tree had been quite large when this hollow was formed, the dirt floor allowed for three nests to be set to the side with room for Silentstep's own nest in the back of the den. Near her nest in the back of the den, the tree had cracked open leading to a small cave among the roots of the tree. In those roots, her herb store was carefully packed away in small piles. The calico cat settled herself down on the dirt floor in the middle of the den with her vole. It wasn't long after that Pointedfur joined her and settled down with his mouse.
"So are you gonna tell me what that was all about?" He spoke after taking a bite of his mouse, talking with his mouth full like his mother and mentor hadn't taught him any better.
The gesture made SIlentstep smile and she gently brushed the tip of her tail along his mouth. "Now I know Frostlight and Ratspeck taught you better than that!"Pointedfur dipped his head and chewed his mouthful before he repeated his question. Through a purr, Silentstep nodded and related the entire story of her vision and what happened when she told Slatetstar, Fawnleap, and Riversong. Throughout the story, she took bites of her meal, finishing it before she finished her story. She kept talking as Pointedfur settled closer and started to groom the fur around her ears and head. When she had finished they both sat back a bit, but with their pelts still brushing.
"So you're worried that Riversong isn't going to take this mission seriously?"
"Pointedfur, everyone in the clan knows she doesn't like me. Every cat knows she doesn't trust me because I was a kittypet when I was a kit." When she spoke of her former life, she gently pawed at the collar wrapped around her foreleg. It was a reminder of where she came from and how much she had grown by allowing herself to be who she truly was. From the moment she had met StarClan, she knew she was supposed to be a part of their world. It had always felt so natural to her. She had walked in StarClan's hunting grounds many times over the last four seasons she had spent with JadeClan, and every time she knew she was exactly where she was supposed to be. So how did a single warrior have her doubting everything she knew about herself?
Silentstep felt Pointedfur lean into her, sharing his warmth with her. "It will be alright. She will come around. Not even the most stubborn warrior can ignore the will of StarClan." He paused for a moment to headbutt her shoulder to take the sting out of his next words. "Even if they do come from a kittypet."
Silentstep couldn't stop her purr and she shoved her shoulder into his headbutt. "Oh shove off, you silly furball."
When they returned to camp, the sun had sunk beneath the trees and cast the hollow in a beautiful array of shadows. Riversong hadn't grabbed a kill off of the fresh-kill pile, but by the time she and Larktail padded past it, her appetite still hadn't returned. A quick glance around the camp told her that Silentstep and Pointedfur weren't around, and she heaved a sigh of relief. They were only in camp for a minute when Bluepaw bounded up to her, beaming, fur still ruffled from their patrol. Riversong suppressed a sigh and Larktail placed her tail on her shoulder encouragingly.

"Riversong!" he chipped, tail fluffed in his excitement, "Can you show me how to hunt tomorrow?" His enthusiasm was contagious; Riversong couldn't help the smile that came to her face. This was what Larktail meant when she said that Riversong had a way with apprentices.

"I think we can manage," Riversong purred gently, "Larktail will come along. Won't you?" She looked at her friend.

Larktail waved her tail in slight dismissal but nodded, gazing elsewhere. For a moment, Riversong followed it and found that she was looking at her brother, Gingerstripe, who was chatting with another warrior. Choosing not to comment, she turned back to her apprentice and added, "There is a slight change in plans, Bluepaw." The blue tom tilted his head, curious.

"We aren't going to go hunting?" His mood dropped some and Riversong laughed, shaking her head.

"No, we are," she reassured him, "But there's a chance that in half a moon I will be sent on a journey from StarClan. If that is the case, Larktail will take over your training."

The young cat's eyes widened, "From StarClan!" He chirped, clearly impressed. Riversong felt guilty that she couldn't match his excitement.

"Yes," she said, her gaze turning to the side the moment Silentstep and Pointedfur came out from her den, meeting the medicine cat's eyes. For longer than she liked, she looked at her, and when she felt that annoyance surge again, she looked back to Bluepaw. "You'll be in good paws with Larktail, I promise you."
"Let all cats old enough to protect their kin join here beneath the stump for a clan meeting."
Silentstep looked up at the yowl from Slatestar. She stood from her spot beside Pointedfur and glanced around the clearing. She had just watched the last hunting patrol pad into came and Fawnleap had rushed to tell Slatestar. Now the deputy was motioning for the dusk patrol to stay and join the meeting. Silentstep took a deep breath. This was it. Slatestar was going to tell the whole clan about her vision and her plan to travel with Riversong to help this unknown groul of cats. How would they react? What if there were others who believed she was a fake? Riversong sure thought so. Who's to say others don't feel the same? She felt her nerves starting to get the better of her. She tried to calm herself down but couldn't seem to get a handle on herself. At least, until Pointedfur brushed his fluffy pelt against hers and spoke softly.
"Everything will be alright. You'll see. We all know how gifted of a medicine cat you are."
Silentstep blinked warmly at her best friend and then made her way closer to the stump where Slatestar stood. She took her usual place off to the side of the stump, opposite to where Fawnleap always sat. She motioned with her tail for Pointedfur to join her. She knew that she'd need the comfort of her friend nearby.
When Slatestar called the entire clan to a meeting, Bluepaw perked up -- the last time he had been part of one, it had been when he had been named a 'paw and assigned to a mentor. The excitable tom looked at Riversong with round, blue eyes, and the she-cat nodded toward him, motioning with her tail. "Go on," she told him, "Join the other apprentices." He bounded off after that and she turned to look at Larktail, who had regained herself and was looking at her now. "Come on," Riversong murmured as they moved closer to the stump, though she made sure they weren't toward the front. Riversong was far more of a subtle cat than some of the others, like Shadowtail and Darkfur, who were shouldering each other as they tried to sit as far forward as they could -- she hated being in the center of attention, and she sure would be no matter what, but sitting at the front... no. Larktail muttered something to Riversong and she chuckled, though it didn't really matter now, they would be out of her hair soon enough it seemed.

Gingerstripe came trotting toward them, his long tail flicking around in the air, "Heya!" He greeted, Branchfoot not too far behind him as he more slowly picked his way through the crowd, "Do you you know what this is about?" It wasn't unusual to have clan meetings, but usually not so quickly after having one only a few days before. "Do you think something happened? Do you think WhisperClan is threatening our borders?"

Riversong laughed and shook her head at her brother, resting her tail against his shoulder, "Settle down, Gingerstripe. You've been on patrol enough to know that they aren't threatening us. We are at peace with WhisperClan."

The orange tabby deflated some, looking slightly disappointed. For most of their lives, they had only known peace with WhisperClan, all of their troubles coming from outside factors. "Oh well, wishful thinking. Hi Larktail," he turned his attention to Riversong's friend, who looked at him with wide eyes, surprised that he had spoken to her, "How are you?"

"Oh, uh, I suppose alright," she stuttered and Riversong resisted the urge to roll her eyes -- the fact that her best friend was smitten with her brother wasn't exactly the most appealing, but she couldn't deny that they would make a good match. Larktail would settle the chatty tom, whose ideas always got the better of him. When they had been younger, Gingerstripe had told Riversong story after story full of crazy plots twists and scary cats, or goofy ones that had left her laughing hysterically. Riversong thought back to those days with affection. "Thank you," Larktail added, a bit after the fact, still recovering.

"Settle down, why don't you?" Branchfoot muttered as he joined them, much more of a subdued cat. He carried himself with certainty and quietness; he wasn't much of a conversationalist, but he had his friends. "We'll find out soon enough what this is about."

"Yes, we will," Riversong agreed, though she already knew what it was about. The four of them settled themselves on their rumps, heads tilted up toward Slatestar, waiting for the announcement to begin. Before he started, Riversong cast a look toward Bluepaw, who was sitting among his friends. She knew what the reactions of her clan would be; many would congratulate her on being chosen by StarClan, many would look at her enviously, Shadowtail and Darkfur would pester her about leaving the clan for so many moons. Riversong dreaded their reactions but didn't say anything as she curled her tail around her paws.
Once everyone was settled, Silentstep watched Slatestar pad to the edge of his stump and started speaking.
"Cats of JadeClan, Silentstep has some exciting news to share." The prominent leader stopped speaking as the crowd of cats started to mumble. He waved his tail for silence and waited for the gathered cats to settle again. After a heartbeat, he spoke again. "Silentstep had a vision from StarClan. According to their will, she is to travel with a warrior to a group of cats some ways away. These cats are in trouble and need help." SIlentstep noticed that Slatestar had carefully avoided naming the warrior just yet. She leaned into Pointedfur and shrunk away from the gazing being cast in her direction. "Silentstep and her companion will travel to this group and help them organize themselves into a clan. Her vision showed that they had attempted this, but with no guidance from StarClan, they had not been successful." Mumbling started up again. Silentstep could hear whispers wondering which warrior was supposed to travel with her and she carefully avoided glancing at Riversong. After a few moments, Slatestar spoke. "Silentstep's vision also showed her the warrior that was to accompany her." The leader looked around until his gaze fell onto the warrior in question. "Riversong will join Silentstep on this mission from StarClan just after the full moon Gathering."
A rush of adrenaline shot through Riversong as Slatestar named her the warrior who would accompany Silentstep on this impossible journey, followed by anxiety. She wasn't sure she could face the reactions of her family, her friends, and her clanmates. The mumbling that had been on and off since Slatestar had started the announcement fell away into a moment of silence. Riversong met Slatestar's eyes, though she wasn't seeing him; her mind swam with images of her trekking across terrain that would test her strength and patience with a cat who would do just the same. A few heartbeats later, the silence turned into loud chatter, shouts of congratulations, envy, and protest. She continued to look at Slatestar, though the thumping of her heart in her chest, the relentless pictures she saw, and her own hesitation about the journey served to drown out the voices. Instead, the world fell away and grew muted as she struggled to pull herself back to reality. It was only when Gingerstripe touched his tail to her shoulder did Riversong refocus on what was happening around her. She looked up at her brother, his eyes full of concern. The she-cat tilted her head, not quite following why he looked so concerned, but as she looked at her brother, the voices of her clanmates around her became actual words again.

"Congratulations! You must be so proud," one tom called to her, his black tail waving in the air, "StarClan made a good choice."

"Well done! StarClan finally recognized you," another one said, her tail trailing along her back as she passed by.

"Congratulations, you will make JadeClan proud," an elder commented as he limped by, heading toward the fresh-kill pile.

"Riversong the Pestersong is leaving," Shadowtail sneered as turned toward her from the front of the gathering of cats, a grin on his face, "I'll be glad to be rid of you for a few moons!"

"Yea, finally! Don't have to listen to 'Riversong this', 'Riversong that'," Darkfur chimed in from beside his brother, though his face wasn't as manic as his brothers, "It's not all about you, you know," he added as he came closer, speaking quietly so only Riversong could hear.

Riversong wanted to crawl into the ground and disappear. She enjoyed recognition as much as the next cat, but the attention entirely on her made her feel uncomfortable. She glared at Darkfur and Shadowtail, but Gingerstripe was shooing them away for her, saying something about them being the pest, not Riversong. But her attention was elsewhere, directed toward a small group of apprentices that were bounding up to her, eyes wide.

"You've been selected by StarClan!" one of them chirped, "I can't wait until StarClan chooses me for something!"

"Oh please," Bluepaw shook his head, "You need to get your head out of the grass first!"

The apprentice Bluepaw was talking to laughed, knowing he was right, "But I can dream! A JadeClan cat, chosen by StarClan! I mean, that doesn't happen every day!"

The apprentices fell into quick chatter, challenging each other and boasting, but Riversong didn't reply. Normally she would have laughed, and commented something herself, but she didn't. She just wanted to be alone. Her gaze lifted back to Slatestar, wondering if he would continue and silence everyone. "Why didn't you tell me?" Gingerstripe asked in a whisper.

"I only found out today," Riversong finally said something, "You were on patrol." The orange tabby looked a bit hurt that she hadn't told him.

"Please, Gingerstripe, see reason," Branchfoot added beside his brother, shaking his head, "You know how these things go."

As they fell into a conversation, Larktail ran her tail along Riversong's back in a gesture of comfort. But the she-cat's eyes were wandering again, toward Silentstep. As much as she disliked her, she couldn't help but feel sorry for her too; who liked this sort of attention, anyway?
As the clan meeting dissolved into congratulations and gossip, Silentstep felt herself shrinking down away from the crowd. Like Riversong, she also received the same sentiments from her clanmates. Mostly she got comments about they knew StarClan was right to let her be a medicine cat. She couldn't say or do anything except nod her head at them and hold her tongue. They never wondered about her having StarClan's blessing when they had belly aches or had trod on a thorn. Silentstep had stopped hearing comments about her being a kittypet a few moons into her apprenticeship with Cloverspeck. But now... She could hear the whispered gossip.
"A kittypet is expected to pull a group of cats into a clan?"
"Yeah, what does she know about clan life?"
"She was chosen by StarClan to be our medicine cat..."
"StarClan allowed her to be our medicine cat."
Silentstep brushed them off and perked up as Pointedfur started speaking to her. "Mossflower is coming this way."
The cream she-cat limped up to Silentstep with a happy glint in her eye. "Sounds like you're off on a grand adventure! Fawnleap did stop me to let me know Slatestar would like me to help out while you're away."
"Yes, I mentioned that you knew some herbs from your time spent with Cloverspeck. I hope that's alright with you."
"Oh yes, I don't mind helping at all. So long as you're willing to refresh my memory and maybe teach me a few extra as well." A purr left the older she-cat and Silentstep felt her worries melting away. The din of gossip was still floating to her from around the camp, but she shut it out and continued speaking with Mossflower.
During their conversation, Pointedfur ended up speaking up as well, telling Mossflower about the few herbs he had learned from his friendship with Silentstep. As they spoke, she glanced around the camp to see if others were still whispering and glancing her way. Her eyes happened to lock with Riversong's and the young medicine cat didn't quite understand the slight tingle she felt at that. They were both just feeling the stress of being under the entire clan's scrutiny. That's all it was. She slightly dipped her head to the warrior, hoping to convey some kind of comfort.
Once the medicine cat dipped her head in her direction, Riversong gave her the same gesture back. She had two weeks to come to terms with it, and Riversong was not that confident that it would happen that quickly. But her fate was permanently sealed now, there was no use in trying to fight it. Her tail curled around her paws as she tore her eyes away from Silentstep, back toward her brothers, who were still having a lively debate over whether or not her withholding this news was excusable or not.

"-- we know how Father is," Branchfoot was saying when Riversong refocused on the conversation. She stiffened at the mention of their father and realized that he hadn't come up to express his glee that perhaps she might not return at all. Her fur bristled at the thought.

"Sure, but isn't it a bit understandable? His only daughter is going on a journey," Gingerstripe was protesting, his tail fluffing, "That must be hard." Too hard to say he was happy she was likely to die? Her brother's optimism was sickening at times, as was his defense of their father, too. Gingerstripe meant well; Riversong knew that, but he was naive. Hollowstep had never once said anything nice to her, not even when she had been made a warrior. This wasn't hard for him -- he just simply didn't care, and while Riversong had bitterly accepted that fact a long time ago, Gingerstripe had not. He still insisted that their father loved her. If this was Hollowstep's idea of love, then it wasn't a very good one.

"Please," Branchfoot snorted, shaking his head, "All of us know he didn't come up because he doesn't care." As true as he was, the statement still made Riversong wince. It was different thinking about it versus hearing it.

"I just don't believe that," Gingerstripe pouted, ever the optimist.

"It doesn't matter what you believe," Riversong muttered, bringing their attention back to her. She pushed herself to a stand, her expression dark, "Because I know the truth. He would be the only cat happy at my death."

"Woah," Larktail shook her head, alarmed at the sentiment, "Riversong maybe that's an exaggeration."

"Don't tell me you know my father better than I do," she snapped, fur still bristled. With a scowl on her face, she turned and padded off, not quite sure why she was disappointed that her father hadn't come to say anything at all. All her efforts to impress him in her youth had gone unnoticed, or had no meaning to him. The clan was still chattering lively, glancing in her direction when she passed. The dusk patrol was getting ready to leave and Riversong trotted toward Fawnleap, begging her to let her go on the patrol with them. When she had finally persuaded the deputy to let her go, she trotted off to join them; her father not among them. She didn't want to be in camp anyway, and this gave her something to do away from everyone else until she could speak with her mother.


Darkness came quickly, for which Riversong was thankful. Newleaf's warmth dwindled at night, and she fluffed her fur to keep herself warm against the settling chill. The dusk patrol had returned to a quiet camp, and Riversong had excused herself under the rouse that she needed to grab something from the fresh-kill pile because she hadn't earlier. When they had slipped into the den, she had turned around and left camp again. Now, she stood underneath her favorite tree, right along the border with WhisperClan. She bunched her legs and sprung up until she reached the lowest hanging branch. Riversong settled herself on it and curled her tail over her paws, tilting her head up to look at StarClan. "It's been a long day, mother," she meowed, the leaves around her protecting herself against the coolness of Newleaf nights, "So much has happened since the last time we spoke." There was a pause, but she felt a sudden warmer breeze ruffle her fur, making her smile. "I'm going away for a while," she continued, "But you probably know that already, don't you?" StarClan has its ways, but if StarClan had sent this prophecy to Silentstep, her mother was bound to know. "What do you think I should do?"

There was no answer like there was every night she spoke with her, but the lights of StarClan twinkled down at her, comforting. "Talking to your mother again?" A voice from below the tree made Riversong jump, but she balanced herself quickly as she sunk her claws into the bark of the tree. She looked down at the black she-cat that looked up at her from WhisperClan's side of the border.

Instead of being mad, Riversong actually laughed, "What, you come here every night hoping that I do?" she teased as she lowered herself back onto the ground, walking toward the she-cat. As she came closer, she let out a gentle purr, happy to see her friend. Ravenfeather was just who she needed to speak with. They had met at the Gathering many moons ago and then, on a night when they both happened to need space from their clans, they had bumped into each other at the border. It had been an entire cycle of seasons now since.

"I was hoping I would run into you," Ravenfeather admitted, reaching her muzzle over the border to meet Riversong in a nuzzle, "Birchtree is getting on my last nerves. But I can tell you that later. Did I hear you right, you're going away for a while?" There was worry in her voice, and Riversong was sad as she nodded. "Where are you going?"

"StarClan has spoken with our medicine cat," Riversong explained, to which Ravenfeather sowled, "They are sending the both of us to rescue a band of cats who need our help, apparently."

"StarClan would choose to speak with a kittypet?" Ravenfeather's fur bristled, but Riversong simply ran her tongue over the she-cats fur, smoothening it again.

"That's what I said," Riversong confessed, "Slatestar isn't giving me an option. I can't defy the will of StarClan. And you wouldn't believe what Gingerstripe said earlier!"

After Riversong filled her in with the details, she reassured her that she would only be leaving after the next Gathering and that they would see each other at least once more. Then Ravenfeather explained how Birchtree, a cat who was set on being her mate, was coming up with new creative ways to try and win her over. They both laughed and shook their heads -- neither of them was very much interested in having a mate, though Ravenfeather knew why while Riversong was still wondering. She was too focused on being the best warrior she could be, she told herself. There were no interesting options in her clan, she told herself. No one had caught her eye, she told herself. So then why did the idea of eventually having a mate bother her so much? As the night drew on, they said their farewells, fixed their borders, and went on their way. Riversong's heart was heavy as she walked back to camp and slipped into the warriors' den, curling up in her nest.


Half a moon went by far too quickly, and Riversong had spent most of her time training Bluepaw and Larktail together. He was developing nicely, though he was still a bit clumsy when hunting. For the majority of the time, she had ignored Silentstep, outside of the occasional awkward words they had exchanged in the medicine cat den when Riversong went in to check how things were going in preparation for their departure or over the fresh-kill pile. She didn't really know what to say to her, but her heart grew heavier with every day that came closer to the Gathering. She had accepted her fate, but she worried those who she was leaving behind would forget her and would move on. She worried something would happen to her, or something would happen to those who were staying behind. Every chance she had gotten, she had gone to the border to speak with her mother and to hope for Ravenfeather's appearance. But she'd only come once, and she had been acting strange.

The Gathering had come like an unstoppable force. Larktail stood beside her as JadeClan prepared to go to the Gathering, and even though Larktail was talking about something, all Riversong worried about was whether or not she was going to be able to say goodbye to Ravenfeather. Was she going to show up? What had happened in the last half a moon? She hadn't been particularly conversational the last time they had seen each other, but they had talked about Birchtree, about her journey, and about anything else they could think of, even if Ravenfeather had been reserved.

"Riversong," Larktail complained, drawing her attention away from her thoughts, "I'm talking to you. You could at least pretend to be interested."

"I'm sorry," she murmured, "I'm ju--"

"--just thinking about having to leave tomorrow, I know." Larktail's mood shifted and she sighed. It wasn't the only thing Riversong had been worried about. "I'm going to miss you."

The blue-tabby she-cat looked at her friend and then rubbed her head against hers in reassurance, "I know," she whispered, not daring her voice to be any louder, "I will too." She didn't have it in her to promise her she would be back, because she didn't know. "Where is Slatestar?" she asked then, changing the subject slightly, to which Larktail shook her head.
Silentstep padded down into the lush grassy hollow. She watched as Slatestar crossed the clearing and launched himself up about halfway up the side of the deep hollow. Here there was a flat spot of earth that jutted out enough for the two leaders to sit and address the clans. At the bottom, WhisperClan was already seated and chatting. JadeClan warriors wasted no time weaving into the crowd and melding the clans into one for just a night. The calico medicine cat took a deep breath and let it out again. She knew the plan for the night. Slatestar would let Raggedstar speak first before he stepped forward and told everyone gathered about the mission from StarClan. But for now, the two clans were allowed time to settle in and chat for a bit. As Silentstep made her way to the bottom of the slope where she always sat with Littlemist she observed the different groups. Elders were talking about the good old days. Warriors were asking how the prey was running. Apprentices were boasting about the new hunting and fighting moves they had learned from their mentors. The respective mentors sat nearby chatting about different training techniques and what the best way to handle an unruly apprentice was. Silentstep couldn't keep the smile from her face. This was what she and Riversong would be bringing to the group of cats they were going to help. They would bring them into a group of cats that supported and helped each other. For a moment she thought about just going, gathering them all, and bringing them back here immediately. But that surely wasn't what StarClan wanted. Or they would have shown her that. StarClan wants that group of cats where they belong. She and RIversong were just supposed to bring them together and show them how to live as a clan.
As the slight medicine cat sat down beside WhisperClan's medicine cat, Littlemist, she purred a greeting. "Hello, Littlemist. How is your clan?"
"Oh, you know how it is. Paws are always trodding on thorns and someone always has a belly ache." His laughter melted into a purr. "Swiftshine is close to her kitting and no one, not even Nettlepelt can get her to quit trying to help around camp." Silentstep purred along with him. She knew from previous gatherings that Swiftshine was one stubborn warrior, and her mate Nettlepelt was always padding after her trying to get her to slow down.
"But Nettlepelt is so good for her though. He calms her down, even when she wants to buzz around more than a bee's nest." And that was how the next bit of their conversation went. The lighthearted conversation was all about their clanmates and the trouble they find themselves in. But after a bit, Silentstep knew she needed to ask Littlemist what she needed to. "So, Littlemist. I have a question, and I just need an answer. You'll find out more about this during the Gathering." The smaller medicine cat nodded at her encouraging her to go on. "I'm about to have to leave my clan for a bit. Would you be willing to make yourself at least somewhat available to JadeClan? Mossflower and Pointedfur have agreed to help out as much as possible with the day-to-day duties, but there may be something they need an experienced medicine cat for."
"Of course, Silentstep. I'll help out any way I can."
Silentstep smiled at her friend and continued chatting away, waiting for the leaders to address the clans.
The closer they got to the grassy hollow, the more nervous Riversong became. Unlike Silentstep and Slatestar, she did not know the plan. Riversong wished that was her biggest worry, but her mind revolved around whether or not she was going to see Ravenfeather. When the hollow was around her, her eyes immediately scanned for Ravenfeather. The black she-cat was sitting among warriors of WhisperClan, chatting amicably with them about something Riversong could not hear. She watched as she spoke with them, feeling her heart sink into the pit of her stomach. What would she do, if she went up to her?

"What should I do?" Bluepaw asked from beside Riversong and Larktail, tearing Riversong's gaze away from Ravenfeather. This was his first Gathering and his eyes were wide in wonder as he took everything in.

"Go with the other apprentices," Riversong flicked her tail in the direction the older JadeClan apprentices were, "And speak with the apprentices from WhisperClan."

"Speak with them?" he squeaked and Riversong chuckled softly despite the sick feeling in her stomach.

"They won't bite, go on! I'm sure JadeClan has some new apprentices too."

When Bluepaw padded away from them and toward the small group of apprentices, Riversong looked back toward the black she-cat.

"Go on," Larktail meowed from beside Riversong, nudging her shoulder with her own, "Go speak with her! It's been a moon since you've talked to Ravenfeather last, I'm sure you're dying to tell her." Larktail didn't know of their meetings at night by the border. The entire purpose of Gatherings were to make friends with members of the other clan, and Riversong had done exactly that and then some. Typically Larktail came with her, but this time she waved her on without her. "I'll go speak with Gingerstripe," she added and ducked her head, clearly embarrassed. Speak with him? Riversong would be impressed if she got more than a couple words out around him.

"Yes," Riversong said, "I will. Good luck with my brother." She hesitated before bounding off in Ravenfeather's direction. When she reached Ravenfeather and her fellow WhisperClan she said, "Hi," to get their attention. It took a moment before they realized she was there and seized their talking of border problems with twolegs to turn toward her. Normally when Ravenfeatehr saw her, her face would brighten, but this time she frowned.

"Look it's the leaf hunter," One of the warriors asked, laughing with a couple of other warriors, "How many leaves did you catch today?"

Riversong flattened her ears, eyes darting between the tom who had spoken and Ravenfeather (who hadn't laughed). The black she-cat didn't do anything at first. Riversong got the message and flicked her tail as she moved to leave.

"Wait," Ravenfeather stopped her and shooed the other warriors away with a few flicks of her tail, "There. We're alone now." Alone was good -- there were dozens of cats all around us, but most of them were in discussion with one another. The apprentices were comparing hunting techniques and fighting techniques that their mentors had taught them; including the ones that she had taught Bluepaw. Warriors were talking about prey supply and how their apprentices were doing. Conversation was ripe.

She settled herself on the ground beside her and curled her tail around her paws, facing the flat surface on the side of the hollow where Raggedstar and Slatestar were sitting, heads ducked together in conversation. It took a moment of awkwardness before Riversong got herself to comment, "I told you that we would see each other one more time." It was an attempt to start a conversation.

"You did," Ravenfeather said, her voice distracted as she looked away from her.

Another long, drawn out moment of silence between them. "You're avoiding me," Riversong blurted.

Ravenfeather sighed and continued to look away, toward somewhere that Riversong didn't bother to follow with her gaze, "You're leaving." It wasn't exactly an answer -- she was avoiding her question as much as she was avoiding her physically.

She tilted her head toward her friend but still didn't take her eyes from the leaders, trying to settle the rapid beating of her heart. "What does that have to do with it?"

"Riversong..." Ravenfeather shook her head and rested the tip of her tail on her shoulder. She leaned forward to add, "It has everything to do with it."

"How?" She looked at her for the first time, "That doesn't change our friendship?"

Ravenfeather glanced around them and then meowed, "Doesn't it?"

"What do you mean?" she was genuinely confused and shuffled her paws, nervous.

Once again, the black she-cat glanced around them and leaned closer to Riversong. This time she whispered, "Is friendship really what this is?"

"Wha--" she began to reply, thoroughly confused, when Raggedstar began to start speak.

"Welcome cats of both clans," Raggedstar meowed and after a few seconds everyone quieted, eyes looking up at her. "WhisperClan has exciting news to share. We welcomed three new apprentices. Rainpaw has been paired with Nettlepelt, Silverpaw with Badgersight, and Mothpaw with Ravenfeather." Every time Raggedstar spoke a name, she dipped her head in their direction. A small echo of congratulations irrupted from the WhisperClan cats, and some of the JadeClan cats. "We wish them happy training." The addition of apprentices was a sign that the clan was healthy and replenishing their warriors. "Swiftshine is close to kitting, so we will soon welcome more kits into WhisperClan." There was a pause and then she continued again, "Two-legs have been entering WhisperClan territory to the east, but haven't been causing too much trouble for now. We will see how the situation develops." Raggedstar motioned for Slatestar to start his report.
Slatestar dipped his head to the she-cat leader and stepped forward. "It's good to hear that you're gaining apprentices. If the two-legs become a problem, please let me know. JadeClan will help if possible." The sizable leader took a moment to gather his breath. "JadeClan has also welcomed a new apprentice to training. Bluepaw was apprenticed to Riversong." He paused as congratulations arose for the young tom. "However. His training has now been passed to Larkitail to continue his training. Riversong has been called on for a mission by StarClan."

Voices rose from WhisperClan cats, and Silentstep felt herself shrink where she was sitting beside Littlemist. This was it. Slatestar was about to announce her dream to both of the clans. She felt her heart hammering in her chest and her ear tips growing hot. Her gaze automatically sought out Riversong. She found the pretty tabby talking with a dark-colored WhisperClan warrior. It seemed something was going on between them. But before she could think too much about it, Littlemist broke into her thoughts.
"Is this why you asked for my help? Are you going on this mission as well?" Littlemist seemed happy. His voice was light as filled with a purr. "I knew you'd be an amazing medicine cat. No matter what any other cat said. You have a wonderful connection to StarClan."
Silentstep looked up at Littlemist and couldn't stop the purr that joined his. Her attention, however, was brought back to Slatestar as he started to speak again.

"Silentstep had a dream at the half-moon meeting. According to her dream, a river led her to a group of cats in need of help. StarClan wishes for Silentstep and Riversong to help this group form themselves into a clan. With StarClan's blessing, the two will leave tomorrow." He turned his sleek-furred head around to Raggedstar. "I wanted to ask if the two had permission to pass through your land if need be. StarClan has now shown Silentstep the path they will take yet, but I wanted to check with you just in case."
The moment Slatestar stepped forward, Riversong stiffened beside Ravenfeather. She knew whatever was about to come was a declaration of her inevitable departure, whether it was the first thing or the last thing out of his mouth didn’t matter. The black she-cat next to her turned her gaze to the leaders and ignored her, even with the glances Riversong stole in her direction. Alas, when the annoucement came from his muzzle, Riversong glanced at her paws, nervous. She didn't want to recieve the congratulations or the envious looks from the other cats. But the whispers from the WhisperClan cats died when Raggedstar stepped forward again.

"Very well," the she-cat replied, though she seemed reluctant. No matter how reluctant, she would not question the will of StarClan. "I will send a patrol to escort them through our territory."

When Raggedstar waved her tail for Slatestar to continue, Riversong looked up and around to see that most of the WhisperClan cats were exchanging glances, and some were not thrilled looking at all. Riversong couldn't blame them for being territorial, as that was the nature of these territories. She glanced at Ravenfeather again, who was finally looking back at her. "I'll see you off tomorrow," Ravenfeather whispered before raising to her paws and padding off in the direction of her clanmates, igniting a flame of hope in her chest.

Riversong watched her go for a long moment before she glanced over her shoulder, toward Silentstep. When she did, she saw the medicine cat looking at her, and for the first time, offered her a geuine look -- no matter how much she wasn't thrilled to be stuck with her for the next however many moons, Riversong was beginning to see that she was likely not, too.
Silentstep felt warmth grow in her chest as Riversong looked at her with a genuine look. Maybe they could become friends during their journey. Her thoughts filled with the two of them taking strong command of the group they find and working together to show them how cats can come together and help one another. Her daydreams were interrupted by the small medicine cat beside her. "I will speak more with Raggedstar and Satestar about an arrangement for me to help JadeClan while you're gone. Don't fret about that at all."
Silentstep purred at her fellow medicine cat. "Thank you, Littlemist. You're a good friend." As the calico cat stood, she gently headbutted his shoulder and made her way to where her clan was gathering, getting prepared to leave the gathering. Another tom cat approached her and offered his own words of encouragement.
"See I told you everything would be fine!" Pointedfur's voice was a purr as he spoke. "Raggedstar even said you could pass through her land if needed!"
"With an escort." Silentstep pointed out to him.
"Well of course. You know that Slatestar would also send a patrol with any cats planning to pass through JadeClan territory." The two friends followed their clan out of the hallow as they continued to talk. Silentstep was always thankful for Pointedfur's friendship. He had always been such a kind cat to her.
Riversong hardly got any sleep that night and before the first bird chirped the morning song, she had slipped from the Warriors den and into the forest. The moon had lowered in the sky and dawn was threatening to break, but for the time being, Riversong was surrounded in dark. It would be the last time she would walk this path for the unforeseeable future. It would be the last time she woke up to the familiarity of her home for... she didn't know how long. It would be the last time she would be able to sit on the branch and speak with StarClan, with her mother. The uncertainty and sense of loss constricted her chest. Why wasn't she looking forward to following StarClan's will? Why had she been picked; she wasn't worthy nor was she truly a willing participant. Riversong let out a long sigh as she dug her claws into the bark of her tree and heaved herself onto the branch. She sat there in silence, staring up at the lights of StarClan until dawn lightened the sky and birds began to sing, and she knew she had to return to camp. On her way back, she caught a vole to bring back to camp.

When she dropped the vole into the fresh kill pile, the camp was beginning to stir around her. Before she knew it, everyone was gathering to say goodbye to her and Silentstep.

"Be well," Branchfoot mused softly, pressing his tail against Riversong's shoulder. She knew that it was a sincere farewell, the most she would get from her stoic brother. The difference between her brothers always surprised her.

"You are going to be a legend when you return!" Gingerstripe meowed, his bushy ginger tail waving through the air behind him. His chest was puffed out and he wore a proud look. Riversong couldn't quite meet his eyes as she thanked him.

"Be kind to Silentstep," Larktail fussed, studying her friend with a worried expression, "And never let your guard down. You must protect both of you out there. And if you get hurt... please let Silentstep help."

Riversong flushed. "Okay, okay, settle down," she tried to quiet the she-cat before she went farther down the rabbit hole. "I'll...," she started, but Larktail was already turning to look at Silentstep.

"And you," Larktail tilted her head toward their medicine cat, "Don't let her stubborne--"

"--Larktail," Riversong warned, shouldering her friend, "That's enough."

Larktail sighed and turned to face Riversong one more time. "I just worry," she relented.

"I know," Riversong nuzzled her friend's neck, "Everything will be okay. I'll see you again, I promise." It wasn't a promise she could really keep, but she would try her hardest to make it a reality.

After everyone said their goodbyes, Riversong turned to look for her father in the crowd. He stood among the cats, but the moment their eyes met, he turned away without saying a word. Despite the moons that had passed since her birth, the rejection still weighed heavy in her chest. Shaking it off, she turned and followed Slatestar to the border. With every step, her heart sunk deeper and deeper into her paws.

The small WhisperClan patrol that was waiting for them was led by Ravenfeather, as promised. Seeing the she-cat lifted her heart slightly but also filled her with dread, knowing that this farewell would be the hardest. Ravenfeather acknowledged her only with the smallest nod, otherwise unnoticeable by those surrounding them. Riversong waited on the JadeClan side of the border as Slatestar said his own farewells, mostly to Silentstep. But when he turned his attention to her, she inclined her head in respect and nodded. And then they crossed into WhisperClan, leaving JadeClan behind. The two WhisperClan cats that had accompanied Ravenfeather took up the back, allowing Ravenfeather to take the lead.

The JadeClan territory had been covered in trees, but the WhisperClan territory was barren in comparison, the occasional trees scattered across the landscape. Another line of trees awaited them on the other side of WhisperClan's territory. For a few minutes, Riversong padded beside Ravenfeather in silence. But eventually, Ravenfeather broke the silence.

"Do you have any idea of where you will go after?" she asked them, making sure to keep her tone neutral. To everyone else, she was showing interest in StarClan's message.

"Not entirely," Riversong admitted, "It's all in Silentstep's head." The warrior glanced toward the medicine cat for the first time since leaving JadeClan.

"Typical medicine cat," Ravenfeather muttered, earning her a small smile from Riversong that Silentstep couldn't see, "Never sharing the entire vision."

"My sentiments exactly," she replied. Riversong wasn't entirely sure who she should be bitter with anymore; StarClan for sending the vision at all or Silenstep for interpreting it so that it meant she had to accompany her?

"I wish you safe travels," Ravenfeather meowed once they reached the treeline.

"Thank you," Riversong replied, trying hard to keep her voice even. "May StarClan watch over you and JadeClan."

There was a slight hesitation between them, both wanting to say goodbye in private, but it was impossible. Instead, Ravenfeather inclined her head and took a few steps back. "May you fulfill StarClan's will," she added, looking between the two she-cats.

"Come on," Riversong said to Silentstep and crossed over the border and into the trees. Before they were out of sight entirely, she looked over her shoulder, seeing Ravenfeather and the other warriors watching them.

They continued on, the weight of all the farewells making it impossible for Riversong to strike up a conversation. All of her attention was poured into distracting herself with their new environment, on high alert for any signs of movement. But after a sun length, Riversong turned her head toward Silentstep. "Where to now?" she asked.
Silentstep slept fitfully. Partly due to her excitement for this journey and partly due to worry over Riversong. She knew the warrior wasn't the warmest in the clan. This adventure could go either really well or horribly, depending on how they got along.
With the tiny bits of sleep Silentstep did manage to get, she kept seeing fragments of a trail. The clearest bits she could gather were herself and Riversong leaving WhisperClan land and padding along with the sun ahead of them. She had been almost positive it was the rising sun ahead of them, but she honestly wasn't completely sure. She would have to see how things looked when they left the clan lands.
Silentstep rose from her nest and took a glance around her den. As she straightened up her herb piles, a blue pointed nose pushed into the den. "The clan's waiting to see you off." That was Pointedfur. His voice was serious and tinged with sadness. The young calico cat started to pad from her den and felt her fluffy friend brush against her side and steer her into the middle of the camp's clearing. With the rest of the clan gathering, Pointedfur stood back a step to look Silentstep in the eyes. "StarClan better keep you safe and bring you back to me all in one peace." The usually bubbly and happy tom stared at her with such fierce protectiveness that she believed that if StarClan didn't send her home, he'd take on the whole lot of them himself.
"I'll be fine, Pointedfur. I'm taking a big strong warrior with me, remember." At that moment, the said strong warrior in question padded into the camp, coming back from some early morning hunting. Cats shifted around to offer their own goodbyes and well-wishes. Pointedfur never left Silentstep's side. When Larktail spoke to her, Silentstep dipped her head after Riversong's interruption. "I'll keep her well." Her words were full of honesty and promises.

Once at the border with WhisperClan, Silentstep had a long goodbye with Slatestar. He warned them to be wary of danger, to stick together, and to follow StarClan. Most importantly, he begged them to return home.
Silentstep followed the WhisperClan cats through their territory. She did notice some kind of tension between the she-cat at the head and Riversong. She knew this was the same she-cat that Riversong has been speaking with at the Gathering, but had no idea what was going on between them.
They left WhisperClan territory and stayed silent. As they padded on through the trees, Silentstep wished she could have a clearer view of which way they needed to walk. But the sun was overhead. She would have to wait for it to start it's descent into the evening before she could direct them the right way. Instead of stressing about the direction of the sun, she thought of the Clan she was leaving behind, and the possibility of a Clan they were walking towards. She was pulled from these thoughts, however, when Riversong spoke. "Where to?" Silentstep couldn't help herself and spoke with a purr, "Why, into the unknown, brave warrior. Into the unknown." Silentstep did her best to fill her mew with all the sarcasm she could muster as she put on a haughty and deep voice. After a moment, she smiled and let out a small meow of laughter before adding, "We need to walk towards the rising sun. So we must wait for it to start descending in the sky before I can know for sure which way to go. But I'm sure were close to the right direction." When they had been crossing WhisperClan's land, the sun had seemed to be rising from behind the trees they were now padding through.
Riversong eyed Silentstep wearily as she answered her question with sass. Frustration built in her chest but she bit it down; it wasn't Silentstep's fault. It wasn't her fault. It wasn't her fault. Brave warrior. Pah, as if. It took everything in Riversong not to retort, but she managed to swallow her words. "Follow the sun," she mused to herself, once Silentstep had given her some information rather than sarcasm. Riversong glanced down, watching the rays of sunlight dance across the forest floor, manipulated by the swaying branches around them. After leaving WhisperClan, a slight breeze had picked up, enough to ruffle her fur. The warrior looked up at the canopy and guessed that the sun was high enough in the trees that sun-high was only a few sun lengths away. "We have some ways to go before then, I see." A few seconds later, her stomach grumbled. "I should hunt," she added, tuning her senses back to the forest around them. Far above them in the branches, she could hear birds chirping. Riversong paused in her traces, opening her mouth slightly to allow the scents around her to overhwelm her. Much of it was unfamiliar but it didn't take long for her to pick up the scent of a squirrel and took even less time to spot it in a small pile of leaves a few trees over. Riversong crouched and stalked forward, pausing beind the a nearby tree. The squirrel was unaware of her presence, bushy tail bobbing as the squirrel dug for something in the ground. She poised, one paw slightly off the ground, and wiggled ever so slightly. When she sprang forward, she did it with grace and speed. The squirrel only squeaked once in surprise before the dead creature hung from Riversong's jowls. With a meal enough to satisfy them for now, she padded back to Silentstep and set it on the ground, nudging it toward her. "Hope you like squirrel." Riversong turned slightly and sat down, her eyes fixed on the trees around them, waiting for any signs of trouble. For the most part, these woods didn't differ too much from their own territory and the small sense of familiarity brought her some peace.

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