Antoine Z Warbeck

The Silent Z

Just Here

"He doesn't know of me! So Why should I  bloody care? It's tiring... I just wish to know, to know more" 

























Dragon Heartstring 










Like his father Antoine is a cautious man with security and secrets. Though reasons unknown for this Warbeck, Antoine has long practiced Occlumency to better his mind against the unwanted inturder. However he never wished to penetrate another's mind he has learned the skills, just hasn't perfected it. Proving to be like his father and better served as a defender ones mind rather then force his way into another's. A shared trait and skill. 



A skilled duelist with a sparrow esque flair for flamboyance and style, elegance too in his way. Though like his father in skill, Antoine uses the form as a way to unleash his emotions. Display anger and free himself of it, rid himself of the harness of shackled emotion. He's a interesting man when observing his dueling tactics and dance of magical combat against another. 



Possesses a decent skill in Legilimency though prefers not use it. 



Antoine possesses a surprising level of skill as a tracker. Utilizing his analytical mind and ability to place himself in another's shoes, he can track and follow nearly anyone he desires or sets his mind to finding. Using deduction, observation, tracks and understanding to locate. 




Defense against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions and History of Magic 




On the eve of a rainy night as the moon shined down from above as clouds rested just before, a child was born to one May-Ella Townsend a beautiful and talented half blood witch from black pool England. She was a proud and incredible witch in her time known to have studied at Hogwarts and part of Gryffindor house, there she befriended a tall dark haired young lad from Ravenclaw known as Zacharias the charmer in later years but during the first meetings back in their first year it was simply Zac. Along with him Ella as Zacharias always called her were two other boys one a young hufflepuff and the other a Slytherin of whom the four would become known as the unit for each were from a different house and got along splendidly despite house rivalries. Ella in later years came to grow fond of Zacharias as she did to him despite his many flirtatious encounters during their school years. The couple came to become parents though only one knew of it as the other was off another case as a young Auror. Ella gave birth to one Antoine Zacharias Warbeck named after his grandfather and father respectively. But upon his being born his mother died, unable to cling to life any longer and drained of all strength she had left, Ella died. A tragic and surprising loss leaving the young Antoine in the care of her older sister Emily Townsend a squib but loving woman none the less with a fair knowledge on life and magic. She raises him as her own and always kept him knowing and never forgetting his mother, even his father too though she had some opinions on him. She never knew of his curse however and despite her sister Ella knowing full well of get story and history there, it never left her lips before she died..........


Antoine grew up learning about magic, life, his parents and stories about his Auror father and his school years with his mother Ella and their friends. Just about everything Antoine could hope to know, He did. As the years passed and Antoine attended Hogwarts becoming a Ravenclaw himself, finding a skill in transfiguration like his father and becoming more like his parents in respective ways as he grew older. In recent years Antoine has become more and more curious of his father and troubled by his history of no parents, mother lost to death upon his arrival and never knowing his father personally. Sure, he heard plenty of tales and some people at Hogwarts recognized the name well 'Warbeck' often putting two and two together especially if they were old enough to know the namesake and seeing his mother in Antoines own face and looks about him, his eyes. The fact that his father was a Auror left a almost certainty he would get questions or tales or both. But students were students and a Aurors were a popular career for impressionable young wizards and witches. So a couple of years after graduating Hogwarts and becoming a freelance wizard, Antoine took up the alias of Alastor after ol' Mad-Eye Moody himself perhaps the greatest Auror of all time. Hell bent on finding his father, meeting him..... if secretly like to avoid obstacles and become more prepared for the confrontation of sorts. Under the guise of Alastor a young character of a wizard reached out to the ministry and offered his services in the upcoming troubles that seemed to arrive. 


Thus Antoine begins his journey to here, there and back again, 


Antoine is a intelligent enough young man but quite the character. He comes off as a flamboyant showman who's flair for entertainment and carefree fun ways is nearly a character and persona of its own, he's a lover of dance and duels like a light of foot man. But he's also a emotional man as he also duels with a lot of emotion using the activity and form of combat as a outlet for his attempts to control his emotion in most aspects of his life. A difficult past and tragic loss of his mother at a young age if not shortly after his birth, the unknowing of his father except for tales his maternal aunt told him growing up in speaking about the adventures and courage of the man as an Auror and only a little about him as the man her sister and antoines mother knew. The caring, loving but troubled man who's time as an Auror took much of him away back then, chasing after another case and on the trail of one dark wizard after another. The life of Antoine Z Warbeck is much to see why he's rather emotion driven at times. But still hes a kind man and caring if over the top at times, who likes to read, dance play chess and watch Catherine Zeta jones movies. 


Magical Combat 






Lacks physical strength and combat skill

Can be controlled by emotions at times

Over confident in his skill as a duelist 

May bear his fathers curse of werewolf thus could lose control at certain times, his lacking of experience and knowledge of the curse and how to deal with it. Leaves him more vulnerable then his father. 


Driven by emotion whether it be fun, sadness or anger he's a emotional guy and his history proves a strong motivation for his actions. For all his show and jack sparrow mannerisms of which could effect him as well, he's a emotional guy and his drive and handle of them can prove fatal in the end. 



Despite his father unknowing of his existence and only ever hearing tales of his father. Through other students at hogwarts and his guardian aunt who looked after him since his birth and the death of his mother. Desiring to know his father and understand, he uses the alias of Alastor name coming from the famed and legendary Auror, Alastor Mad-Eye Moody. In order to meet his father and decide for himself of his future, he aims to find the Aurors of Great Britain and track down and meet the man once and for all. 


Patronus is that of a raven signifying his ties to his house at ravenclaw. Though if only it was through name and not emblem. 


In many ways he takes after his father though his looks and eyes are of his mother.


A animagus and registered one at that. Taking the form of a hound while under the guise.


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