Opinion Antisocial or Asexual?


The Living Script
Hello all! I usually don't ask personal questions but today I have to ask the opinion of many for this.
Throughout most of my life I never really experienced 'sexual' desires. I understood jokes and made them a Good bit. But when someone talked about wanting them, or wanting me for that matter I never really felt anything. I enjoy romantic writing and such but I've never really wanted to get in a relationship for anything besides being lonely.
And yes, I've been with men multiple times. I know my stance on that.
Ever since around 3rd grade I've driven people away and committed to myself. I had throughout my whole life maybe 6 good friends and 2 I have now. I often times do show many signs of antisocial personality disorder. Espically as a teenager, but I was never diagnosed.
Some include, blatant disregard of the law (vandalization is one of them) , violence towards others for no reason.(I think I had a reason but many said i didn't XD) and purposefully manipulating others.
But my last thing you say is that I as a person was done with relationships myself years ago. Hell around highschool. Not because of a bad breakup or some. S. I just slowly made the decision that it wasn't worth it for what I gain.
So what do you think. I've been racking my brain on this for a while.
Hi! I'm not well versed in antisocial disorders or anything of the sort, so I'm going to be cautious in saying this. You may be both. Seeing that being asexual doesn't necessarily contribute to antisocial behaviors (i have asexual friends who love non-sexual relationships and are very committed), its safe to say that you may be asexual. Of course, this is for you to confirm and you to confirm only. I'm merely exploring the idea and how it may be a likely possibility.

The question, Asexual or Antisocial intrigued me because sexuality does not define personality traits or things of the sort. I suggest you work towards figuring out your sexuality (if you'd like).

As for being antisocial, I'm no psychologist or anything so I would also suggest you to consult one. Tests can be done and etc, which might give you answers! Alright, hope I was of help!
I'm some semblance of both (aspd, but don't identify as ace anymore). I'm sure some form of misanthropy can contribute to someone's experience of asexuality, but they don't have to go together at all.
Hello all! I usually don't ask personal questions but today I have to ask the opinion of many for this.
Throughout most of my life I never really experienced 'sexual' desires. I understood jokes and made them a Good bit. But when someone talked about wanting them, or wanting me for that matter I never really felt anything. I enjoy romantic writing and such but I've never really wanted to get in a relationship for anything besides being lonely.
And yes, I've been with men multiple times. I know my stance on that.
Ever since around 3rd grade I've driven people away and committed to myself. I had throughout my whole life maybe 6 good friends and 2 I have now. I often times do show many signs of antisocial personality disorder. Espically as a teenager, but I was never diagnosed.
Some include, blatant disregard of the law (vandalization is one of them) , violence towards others for no reason.(I think I had a reason but many said i didn't XD) and purposefully manipulating others.
But my last thing you say is that I as a person was done with relationships myself years ago. Hell around highschool. Not because of a bad breakup or some. S. I just slowly made the decision that it wasn't worth it for what I gain.
So what do you think. I've been racking my brain on this for a while.
Antisocial is my vote.
I agree they don't necessarily have to be mutually exclusive. I myself am very introverted, in a perfect world I'd be happy to spend most of my time by myself reading or chatting with people over the internet. I am fine with the idea that people are sexually attractive but have never had even the slightest desire to actually be in a sexual situation myself. Same with romance, I understand romance exists and that romantic relationships are important I just have zero desire to actually be in one.

Now this could be a symptom of my being an introvert, it could be a symptom of being asexual/aromantic, or it could be a combination of many things.

To be honest I don't really waste much time worrying about it. I'm happy with the way my life is. I don't feel like I'm lacking anything by not being more outgoing or not having a romantic/sexual partner.

Labels to me are more about either defining something about ourselves that worries us OR ( and this is usually for the younger people ) giving us a sense of community by reassuring ourselves we're not the only one who feels/thinks/etc a certain way.

The second part - a sense of community - is pretty self-evident about by the responses on this thread. The defining something that worries you is more a personal journey that other people can't really help you with. You have to learn to be okay with whatever answer you ultimately come up with yourself.
No one but a professional can really tell you if you have aspd, but after lurking around communities for personality disorders for a long time I have noticed a trend that people with asocial symptoms do tend to identify as asexual and relate their symptoms to it, mostly people with szpd. I've also met people with aspd who were really sexual, and some who were asexual.

If your personality (regardless of if you have aspd or not) includes traits such as disinterest in other people and more focus on yourself, it might contribute to less feelings of romanticism or wanting to be with other people and the sort. It seems common for people with aspd, npd, szpd, and other low-empathy disorders to not experience emotional connections to other people at all.

I don't have access to therapy or anything right now so I don't have any diagnoses either but I consider myself somewhere between aromantic and pan. I've had low emotional empathy for basically as long as I can remember, since I was very young. I don't really feel emotional connections to people, even if I like them a lot and enjoy their presence, etc. I'm not quite sure if I know what exactly people mean when they say they have a connection with someone else. I am interested in relationships but I do wonder how much it's because I'm simply lonely and want to be someone's exclusively favorite person, and I tend to get "mini crushes" on people who show me positive attention but I don't think I've loved another person.

That being said there's people with aspd, npd, hpd, szpd, and etc who don't consider themselves ace or aro and some who do but don't think it has anything to do with their symptoms. And in the end it's your choice to decide how to identify.

As a side if something doesn't interfere with yours or other's lives and/or doesn't distress you I wouldn't consider it a disorder or aspd. However if you do think you might be mentally ill I'd encourage you to seek treatment.
I'm pretty extroverted, and asexual/aromantic. When my friends started talking about getting crushes and finding people attractive I legitimately thought the were joking and didn't take crushes seriously until I figured out asexuality is a thing
Sexuality has nothing to do with how social you are.
I'm a very antisocial autistic kid, but I'm not ace.
Some of my ace aquaintances are quite chummy.
Ive come to terms saying I'm Asexual. But I think my personality traits definitely lead me in that direction. As kibou kibou stated.
Ive come to terms saying I'm Asexual. But I think my personality traits definitely lead me in that direction. As kibou kibou stated.
I envy you. It must be easy walking around life with no sexual desire what so ever. I can't go 30 minutes without thinking about lips, legs, breasts and ass.
I envy you. It must be easy walking around life with no sexual desire what so ever. I can't go 30 minutes without thinking about lips, legs, breasts and ass.
Not really. It can feel very wierd in a culture full of sex.
But I think like any kind of sexuality it's a 'The grass is always greener on the other side'
Not really. It can feel very wierd in a culture full of sex.
But I think like any kind of sexuality it's a 'The grass is always greener on the other side'
The United States is full of Christian values and sentiments, but it doesn’t really affect me. What do you think or feel when you see some muscular shirtless guy or supermodel in a bikini?
The United States is full of Christian valued and sentiments, but it doesn’t really affect me. What do you think or feel when you see some muscular shirtless guy or supermodel in a bikini?
I normally think that he/she is nearly nude and depending where it is it might be indecent to be wearing that.
But in a beach for a example I rarely think anything of it. If I really must think about it I may compliment them on good looks.
I normally think that he/she is nearly nude and depending where it is it might be indecent to be wearing that.
But in a beach for a example I rarely think anything of it. If I really must think about it I may compliment them on good looks.
So it’s like, you think it’s icky? Like a kid who thinks girls are icky in the third grade? Or more like a prudish 1950’s reaction where you think it’s just appalling, that they’d show their bodies off like that?
So it’s like, you think it’s icky? Like a kid who thinks girls are icky in the third grade? Or more like a prudish 1950’s reaction where you think it’s just appalling, that they’d show their bodies off like that?
Not really. I don't find it icky, if I found it icky then I'd never look at it or comment on it. I just think it's unnecessary, it's more of a case of "Why" rather than "Ew its icky". I am not a sexual person so when I see someone walking around in the mall with a bikini or in a tank top thats so tight it could rip if they turn then it confuses me. As I always dress for practically, I never dress for looks. But even then I search for personality in people so it gives off a bad impression to me when someone has to supplement a first impression with looks. (If that makes since.)
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Not really. I don't find it icky, if I found it icky then I'd never look at it or comment on it. I just think it's unnecessary, it's more of a case of "Why" rather than "Ew its icky". I am not a sexual person so when I see someone walking around in the mall with a bikini or in a tank top thats so tight it could rip if they turn then it confuses me. As I always dress for practically, I never dress for looks. But even then I search for personality in people so it gives off a bad impression to me when someone has to supplement a first impression with looks. (If that makes since.)
That sounds like you're putting on a robotic act on the internet because it's so inhuman. Like that response is just lacking humanity not in a cruel way,but rather because you're claiming to not understand something fundamental to human survival. But that's uh interesting.
That sounds like you're putting on a robotic act on the internet because it's so inhuman. Like that response is just lacking humanity not in a cruel way,but rather because you're claiming to not understand something fundamental to human survival. But that's uh interesting.
Well I just don't understand it personally. I comprehend why people do it. But I don't want to be in a relationship, you have to understand that it's simple to talk on the internet robotically. It's hard to explain emotions on the internet.

I never saw it as 'needed' for human survival in my lifetime. I never saw the need to get with someone. call it the way I was raised but I don't like relationships. I never did, I tried it. Several times with both men and women.
I don't expect you to get my reasons but ive decided that I am happier friendships then any kind of romance.
The United States is full of Christian values and sentiments, but it doesn’t really affect me. What do you think or feel when you see some muscular shirtless guy or supermodel in a bikini?

I find people aesthetically pleasing, but not attractive. Like I'm not attracted to shoes but I know when a pair looks good.
The United States is full of Christian values and sentiments, but it doesn’t really affect me. What do you think or feel when you see some muscular shirtless guy or supermodel in a bikini?

When I see people like that I think 'wow they good looking' and probably make a comment on their butt but I'm not attracted to them, if that makes any sense.
Well I just don't understand it personally. I comprehend why people do it. But I don't want to be in a relationship, you have to understand that it's simple to talk on the internet robotically. It's hard to explain emotions on the internet.

I never saw it as 'needed' for human survival in my lifetime. I never saw the need to get with someone. call it the way I was raised but I don't like relationships. I never did, I tried it. Several times with both men and women.
I don't expect you to get my reasons but ive decided that I am happier friendships then any kind of romance.
Which is fine. You are of the small minute minority and that’s a good thing. But on an individual level, even people who desire sex forego relationships and babies due to the change in life style and risks that are associated with being with another person. However this is my first encounter with someone who literally claims to have no sexual desire.

I thought this was an sjw thing
When I see people like that I think 'wow they good looking' and probably make a comment on their butt but I'm not attracted to them, if that makes any sense.
So it’s like commenting on a nice car? You see a good looking “insert car” and think wow, but have no compulsion to get one yourself?

That’s how you view a nice ass or a good pair of tits?
I'm not a psychologist, or any kind of specialist in sexuality field, but my guess would be that you're antisocial rather than asexual. The two can go hand and hand and it's hard to say what causes each other. If you are antisocial, it's possible that your sexual desire has decreased as a result. I mean, you can't desire what you're uncomfortable/afraid/mistrustful of. Being asexual can lead to being antisocial, I suppose, but it doesn't have to...
I'm not a psychologist, or any kind of specialist in sexuality field, but my guess would be that you're antisocial rather than asexual. The two can go hand and hand and it's hard to say what causes each other. If you are antisocial, it's possible that your sexual desire has decreased as a result. I mean, you can't desire what you're uncomfortable/afraid/mistrustful of. Being asexual can lead to being antisocial, I suppose, but it doesn't have to...
I’ve done research on psychopaths, which includes anti social behaviors. Psychologists don’t agree on anything universally, but here’s a brief definition of anti social personality.

This is a big accusation you’re making here. I hope you’re not suggesting one of our rpn members are manipulative snakes because they have no sexual desire.

Antisocial personality disorder is a mental condition in which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others. This behavior is often criminal

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