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Realistic or Modern All in the Family

Anthony Lucas Rhodes
Sunday, March 19th, 2017 - 4:00 PM
Dak Dak , M Matthew Maple , Wake Wake , doneanddusted doneanddusted , Geozaki Geozaki , Wormy Wormy
Anthony had just completed another chapter of Frankenstein, He stopped at Chapter 17, and bookmarked the page before closing the book. He wheeled out into the living room, dressed in an OK Computer T-shirt, Converse shoes & Gray jeans. He decided to watch some Netflix and put on an Episode of Black Mirror.
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Sunday, March 19th, 2017 - 4:00 PM
Dominick was at the library, again. He had spent the whole weekend there. He felt like an outsider to his family and would spend as much time as he could. Not because he didn't like them. They were nice, he just felt out of place around them when he was around them. If they went out for any reason, like going out to eat or shopping, Dom would be towards the back not really paying that much attention. It was like he was the odd duckling out of the bunch.

Dom walked into the house with his backpack on and full of books. He saw Anthony sitting out in the living room watching some T.V. He just gave a simple wave and went to his room. As he walked into his room he was greeted with the same sight. His desk in the same spot that had the same three books stacked in the corner of it. They were "Unbroken", "A farewell to arms", and "The Great Gatsby". Three books that he could read over and over again and not get tired of them. He set his bag down on his bed, which was folded. He took the books out of his bag and looked at them. There were a couple Stephen King novels, A book on biology, and a physic's book along with a couple other books. His brain had been racked ever since he left the library and could use a break.

He walked out and sat down on the couch. "Whatcha' watching?" He asked looking at the T.V.
TF81 TF81
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Anthony Lucas Rhodes
4:01 PM
Dak Dak

Anthony was enjoying his show, It was one of his favorites, It was sort of like a Modern-day Twilight Zone-type of show. Which Anthony liked alot, As he noticed the front door open, He looked over and saw Dominick walk into the room & wave at him, Anthony waved back, smiling. Anthony liked Dominick, Whenever he could, He'd talk to him about Books & Music mainly. Though, He didn't really understand why Dominick avoided him and the rest of the family, But he assumed Dominick had his reasons.

Anthony looked over again a few moments later and saw Dominick walk over to the couch and sit down, Anthony turned the volume down a bit when he heard Dominick ask him what show he was watching, He replied to his question with Joy in his voice. "Oh, I'm watching Black Mirror, It's an awesome series. Just imagine The Twilight Zone but set in the current digital age we live in now."
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Adam Rhodes


Adam was at the store buying the whole family things they needed for the week. He had not been able to spend as much time as he had wanted to spend with his family this summer. His work has been very busy but with things calming down at work a little each day. He was hopefull he would be able to spend more time with his family. He got the last thing on his list. He then took his cartfull of groceries to a check out line the lady at the cash register smiled at him as she started to scan his stuff. She said this in a playfull voice "Wow you got enough food here to feed a small army." he laughs "Ya I got a big family but I would not trade it for the world my family is my life." After this she just scaned his groceries. She made sure not to look him in the eyes. Once the last item was scand and bagged she brought up the totel. It was a little higher then what Adam was hoping for. But it was all things that they needed so he could not complain.

So he swiped his cared and put his pin in once it cleared the lady told him in a soft voice, "have a great day sir" Adam laughs "you too ma'am you too." He then went outside and loaded his car and drove home. Once home he got out he walks up to the main door of the home. Once unlocked he peekes his head in and see's Anthony and Dominick setting on the couch. He smiles at them he was glad to see Dominick was bonding with some one around his age. He has been worried about the kid since he has been just keeping too himself this past month. "hey boy's want to help me bring in the groceries from the store? It wont take long." The last part was a little lie. He know it would take a lot longer then he was saying. But he knew they would not help if they thought it would be a long job.

Dak Dak @Wak doneanddusted doneanddusted Geozaki Geozaki @idiososyncratic
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Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at 15.21.03.png
Sunday, March 19th, 2017
4:02 pm
M Matthew Maple TF81 TF81 Dak Dak

Lilly came inside from the garden, she was wearing a costume that she'd obviously put together herself. The costume appeared to be inspired by some sort of stone age clothing but Lilly had created it by wearing a mixture of normal clothes and tying blankets and the such around her body. Lilly closed the door behind her as she entered the house and headed towards the room she shared with Liam to change, probably into her pajamas. As she walked past the living room, Lilly noticed that Anthony and Dominick were watching something. "Welcome home Dommie..." She chirped, walking into the lounge. Without hesitation, Lilly leant forward to give Dominick a welcoming hug, despite Dominick's past and how little time Lilly had known him in comparison to the rest of her family, Lilly saw Dominick to be just as much her family as everyone else. Lilly's skin was icy cold to the touch as a result of her having been outside for a considerable amount of time though the colour in her cheeks indicated that she was overheating a little from all of the running around she'd been doing. Lilly stepped backwards from Dominick, not wanting to overdo her welcome, she really struggled to hold herself back but she knew that she had to learn to, especially with Liam. "What are ya watching?" She asked curiously as she turned her attention to the TV screen. Before she finished asking the question, their father arrived home, came into the living room and asked Anthony and Dom to help him bring the shopping inside. "Daddy!" Lilly chirped, launching herself at their father and attacking him with a hug.

Lilly used a brown, fluffy blanket to create her skirt which looks a little like this:

And a small towel to make her top which is similar to this:

She is using her slippers as 'boots':

And she was aiming to look something like these:

Dom was interested when Anthony said what he was watching. "That sounds interesting! Might watch a couple episodes." He said before hearing Adam walk through the door and asked if they could give him a hand with the groceries. Dom knew that if Adam couldn't bring it then he must have gotten a lot of groceries. "Sure." He said getting up from the couch and walking towards the door. He was about to step outside when he heard Lilly's voice. Now Lilly was a special circumstance, she was young and innocent, and dom thought of her more of a little sister than any of the other member's of his family. He returned her hug. "Hey, Lill's!" He said pulled back from her hug.

He walked out and grabbed some more of the groceries and walked them in."There sure are a lot of groceries." He said. He thought it would be nice to start putting everything where they go but didn't because he thought that it would be overstepping his boundaries. He simply walked out and grabbed a few more bags and started to bring them in. "I wonder where the miss's is?" He thought to himself as he brought in the next set of bags.
Geozaki Geozaki TF81 TF81 M Matthew Maple
Anthony Lucas Rhodes
4:03 PM
Dak Dak , M Matthew Maple , Geozaki Geozaki
Anthony smiled at Dominick's response to his description of the show, He replied happily as he heard Dominick showed interest in the show as well, "You should, It's a really good show if you like shows like The Twilight Zone and other Anthology shows like The Outer Limits, Trust me." Anthony said. After he said that, His Dad came into the house, carrying bags of groceries. Anthony wanted to help his dad when he asked for it, But It would be difficult to carry a bag of groceries & try to wheel himself to the kitchen without everything falling out onto the floor. So, He decided not to, He did feel bad about it. But when you're someone like Anthony, It's perfectly understandable. As Dominick continued to watch Black Mirror with him, Lilly came in from outside and greeted Dominick. It looked like, from what Anthony could guess, that Lilly was playing in one of her Imaginary worlds again. He greeted her warmly. "Hey, Lilly!" Anthony said with a smile. Lilly asked them what he and Dominick were watching on TV, To which Anthony replied quickly. "A Show that isn't really appropriate for someone your age, But when you're older, I'll let you watch it. 'kay?" Anthony asked, hoping Lilly would get the message he was trying to send to her. He didn't want to risk scarring his little sister's mind.
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Liam James Rhodes
4:04 PM
Mentioned: Geozaki Geozaki (Nearby: TF81 TF81 Dak Dak M Matthew Maple )
Liam had been lying stomach-down on his bunk playing Pokémon Y, but his mind had wandered upon hearing various unidentified things coming from downstairs. He tried to ignore it, but after hearing a door open for the third time, he decided it could be worth investigating. Making sure to save his progress first, Liam closed his 3DS and began to venture out of the room he shared with Lilly. He ambled his way down the stairs, only to be met by a very peculiar sight. A... caterpillar?

Obviously, it was Lilly, not an actual caterpillar, but that was the first image that surfaced in Liam's mind upon seeing his younger sister. More specifically, he was reminded of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which had been his favourite book during Kindergarten. To him, it seemed as though she was wearing different segments, which was definitely rather caterpillar-y. "Are you a caterpillar, Lilly?" he asked as he entered the room. He had a feeling his guess was wrong, but he wouldn't know if he didn't ask.
Adam Rhodes

4:04 PM

Adam was happy to see Dom doing what he asked him to do even though he was bring in the groceries was not taking them to the kitchen so they could be put away Dom was still new to the family so maybe he was not sure what to do with the groceries. That's when he noticed that Anthony had not moved to help Adam know that his son loved to help but sometimes was unsure how he could help with himself being in a wheelchair. But it didn't stop Adam from trying to get him to help out. That's when an idea popped into his head an idea that could show his son he could help. That's when Lilly noticed him and attacked him with a hug he was quick catch her he embraced her into a good dad hug thin he made sure she would not slip out of his arms he thin showered her face with kisses.
Right Away he noticed what she was wearing and how cold she was. Which pointed to that she had been outside. Without warm clothes on. To anyone that didn't know Lilly would think she was trying to get away with something in reality she was just playing in one of her Imaginary worlds which to her dad that made her very very special in his eyes. That's when he heard Liam ask "Are you a caterpillar, Lilly?" Adam looked at Lilly he looked at her and smiled " so are you a caterpillar and why are you so cold my little one ? "

: Geozaki Geozaki (Nearby: TF81 TF81 Dak Dak M Matthew Maple
@ Wormy Wormy Wormy Wormy )
May Rhodes
4:04 pm

May had spent almost 8 hours listening to the stupid gabbling of her family. Her neighborhood friend was finally home alone. It was time. The girl slipped out of her room and walked down the hall. She walked past the living room, not giving much attention to whatever was happening. Just Anthony with tv show, and the others socializing and whatnot. May didn't care. She slipped on some sneakers and went out the front door. May hadn't really been to anyone's house in a while. She'd spent most of her time this year working or studying, or being busy at school with clubs. The girl hadn't really asked for where her friend's house was, but she was pretty sure that her friend lived right next door. May went up to the front door of the house and gave it a solid knock.
Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at 15.21.03.png
Sunday, March 19th, 2017
4:05 PM
Wormy Wormy TF81 TF81 Dak Dak M Matthew Maple

"Awwww... okay..." Lilly said quietly, she was obviously disappointed when Anthony told her that what he was watching was too old for her. She understood why there were some things she wasn't allowed to watch but being the youngest it was sometimes hard always being the last person to do everything. She giggled as she was caught and showered with kisses. Then she heard the questions from both her brother and father one directly after the other. She suddenly realized what she was wearing and her cheeks reddened as she suddenly felt very embarrassed and became rather timid. "I... well... n-no I'm not a c-caterpillar..." She stuttered, looking down towards the floor shyly as she spoke. "I'm... I-I'm a warrior... well... Kinda..." She mumbled quietly, still unable to bring herself to look at anyone due to her embarrassment.

Emily May Rhodes

Emily walked out of the police department building, her arms surprisingly empty. She didn't have any folders or notes or profiles to take home for once. The whole of the Homicide department had pretty much been focused on one case, only sparing members to deal with other cases as they came up. There had been a serial killer they'd been hunting for almost a month now who's pattern had been playing on Emily's mind, namely that he had seemed to target kids. Emily unlocked her car and flopped down in the driver's seat and closed the car door. She leaned back in her chair closing her eyes for a brief moment and breathing a sigh of relief. The man they'd been after had finally been caught. They had shedloads of evidence against him and he even confessed. Sure, the trial hadn't happened yet but the way things were looking, it would be open and shut, the defendant hadn't even hired a lawyer. Emily opened her eyes and slid her key into the car's ignition. She'd barely been home at all for most of this case, returning only to eat and sleep, or at least try to, sometimes she'd gone without one or the other but she'd barely seen her family at all and she had some serious making up to do. Emily started the engine and drove out of the police department parking lot.

Emily pulled up outside the house, she could see Adam's car had the boot open and Dom seemed to be carrying bags inside. Emily shut off the car and headed towards the house. She could feel herself smiling as she stepped into the building. "Guess who's finally got some time off," she called as she made her way into the house.
After a few seconds, the resident of the house emerged, opening the door only a crack at first to peek out, then all the way. From behind the door, an abnormally tall man with jet black hair became visible. He looked at May with a sort of surprised and confused expression, perhaps with a little trepidation.
"Hello." He greeted politely with a voice surprisingly gentle and somewhat strangely soft for a man of his stature. After a pause just long enough to be a little uncomfortable, he continued, "Who are you?" The man asked, "And what do you want?" He spoke slightly slowly and laconically, peppering in a few "um's" and "er's" between words.
doneanddusted doneanddusted
Anthony Lucas Rhodes
4:05 PM
Dak Dak M Matthew Maple doneanddusted doneanddusted Geozaki Geozaki Wormy Wormy
Anthony decided to cut his TV time short, His reasoning was that everyone, Including Liam & May, was now in or near the room & It distracted him from the show, He stopped the episode & exited the Netflix app, and proceeded to turn off the television. He put the remote on the coffee table and wheeled to his mother & father to welcome them home, Anthony opened his arms wide for a hug from each of his parents, He welcomed them with a joyous smile. "Welcome home, Mom & Dad! How was your guys' day at work?" He coaxed his parents, eagerly awaiting to hear their responses.
Adam Rhodes


Lilly didn't take his teasing as well as he hoped she would but he was quick to make it up to her he smiled at her. " A warrior wow we. Have a little warrior in the family I feel very safe now that we have a police officer for a mommy and a little warrior." Just thin the front door opens and he hears he beautiful wife Emily call. "Guess who's finally got some time off," with Lilly still in his arms he turnd to his wife. She was even beautifuler thin he remimberd. They had not gotten to see each other lately with him being busy at work and this big killer case she had been working on. The only time he had been able to see her was the nights he came home after her and that was just her fast asleep. He lowers Lilly back to the floor and whispers into her ear " how about you go and say hello to mommy and thin go put on some PJ's one. Maybe tonight we can have a family game night ? Shhhh just between us we can ask everyone at dinner."

Once he was done speaking to Lilly. He walks over to Emily with a big smile on his face. " Hey hunny I'm glad your home ! " He kissed her on the cheek. He wanted to show her how happy he really was that she was home but with children in the room he would just have to show that with a kiss. Will in till tonight that is. Adam really didn't like the love of his life on the streets hunting down men or woman that could hurt her or worst he always blamed the over wight Mayor he and Emily didn't always see eye to eye on the state of the city so he tried his best to not voice his opinion on the city government.

At that time Anthony wheeled too them he opened his arms wide for a hug from them. Adam was the first to go down to him and give a good dad hug. " Thank you son. " whin he ended the hug he said happly " work was good. But I'm glad to have some free time for every how was your day ? " As he waited he noticed that by now almost all the groceries where almost inside " Dom if you want you can take the groceries to the kitchen and start putting everything away just make sure the cold stuff go's into the fridge. That way he had not waisted all the money he had just spent.

Dak Dak doneanddusted doneanddusted Geozaki Geozaki Wormy Wormy TF81 TF81
The door opened to reveal an extremely tall man who May could only describe as closet freak. Was this... her friend's house? No, her friend didn't have anyone that ugly in her house.... Right? Well now, the man looked just a bit like her friend if May was lenient enough. That didn't make sense, though, her friend would've heard the commotion and come down... and wasn't she home alone?

The man spoke softly and slowly. He asked what she wanted.

"H-HeLLO!" May smiled. "My name is May Rhodes! I come from next door!"

She pointed towards her house.

"See that over there? That's where I live!"

Think of an excuse, think of an excuse...

"Would you be interested in buying Girl Scout cookies?"

Wake Wake
Liam James Rhodes
4:06 PM
Geozaki Geozaki ( TF81 TF81 M Matthew Maple )
Liam tilted his head to the side and squinted at his younger sister, trying to visualise her as the warrior she claimed to be. "If you're a warrior, then you need a sword or something, right? Maybe we can build one..." he suggested after a long moment, by which point it was looking like the topic of discussion had changed. Failing to keep up with all of the different conversations going on, he started to zone out, absentmindedly watching everyone do all their hugging and such. Liam was not a fan of hugs. It was a sensory issue, or so he'd been told. For Liam, hugs were often like being smothered and suffocated. Sometimes they even hurt. A "hand hug" or something less full-on was usually his preferred method of showing physical affection. Sure, there were exceptions on certain occasions, but now was definitely not one of those. Instead, he remained standing there idly, waiting for some kind of direction.
Gabe glanced around, first over at the house of the neighbors. During the brief moments he spent outside of his house, leaving and returning on his daily commute and mundane tasks, he'd noticed the residents, or more accurately heard them. As a man who found value in his silence, Gabe had taken note of the noise caused by the veritable legion of children residing in the household. He shifted his glance to the girl at his doorstep. She didn't appear to be dressed in the ancestral attire of the Girl Scout, but naturally Gabe had little knowledge in such matters.
Although he had no taste for sweet things, he had adequate disposable income and thought making a purchase would be a simple way to gain a faintly positive reputation in this new community.
"Yes." He replied, "What should I do?"
doneanddusted doneanddusted
He said yes. Oh dear Lord, he said yes. How was May going to do this? It wasn't Girl Scout cookie season! How'd this man even believe her? May looked nothing like a Girl Scout. How was she going to get this man his cookies? May held back a scream. Instead, she smiled her most charming smile.

"Ah yes," she said, searching through her pockets in an almost exaggerated manner. "Oh shit, I think I left my paperwork at home." She let out a groan. "I'm such an idiot. Could I maybe borrow some paper and a pencil from you? Oh-" She acted surprised. "I forgot to even ask! What's your name? Sorry, I'm such a mess!"
Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at 15.21.03.png
Emily May Rhodes
Sunday, March 19th, 2017
4:07 pm

Wormy Wormy TF81 TF81 M Matthew Maple Dak Dak

Lilly smiled at her dad shyly as he commented on feeling safe with both a police officer and a warrior in the house. The moment Lilly was lowered to the floor, she rushed towards the door. "Mommy!" She cried excitedly. Lilly had barely seen her Mom since this case had started and so she was super excited that she was back. She launched herself at her mom half hugging, half tackling her. "Hey Honey," Emily giggled, catching Lilly and hugging her tight. The hug seemed to last an eternity but reluctantly Emily let go of her youngest daughter. Remembering what her dad had said, started to make her way to the room she shared with Liam, stopping briefly to reply to Liam's suggestion. "I'd like that." She said softly, before rushing away to get ready the excitement of the possibility of a family game night and of her mother being back giving her a huge burst of energy.

Emily wrapped her arms around Adam tightly. "Hey, handsome..." She whispered softly, returning his kiss. She looked up into his eyes, she was slowly becoming aware of just how much she'd missed her family, she always tried to power through it when she was at work but now she was back it was slowly flooding back. Emily broke her hug with Adam as Anthony entered the kitchen. As soon as Adam had finished his hug, Emily embraced Anthony tightly. "Work was... well it was work..." Emily said in response to Anthony's question, she didn't really want to talk about the case with her family, she always felt like it might be too much for them and as the mother of the family, it's her duty to protect them, all of them! "But it's over now," Emily said with a sigh of relief and a smile. Emily was going to go to the kitchen, assuming that's where he'd be based off what Adam had said but on her way, she noticed Liam behind Adam and Anthony and walked over to him. "So, have they been behaving themselves while I've been gone?" Emily asked Liam, gesturing over towards Adam and Anthony.

Lilly Dashed back downstairs having changed into her PJ's, the only part of her costume remaining were her slippers which she was still wearing. Other than her slippers, she was wearing her Eevee onesie, she loved the pokemon games, which was probably Liam's fault, and Eevee one amongst her favorite pokemon.


Because I forgot in my last post...


She's also wearing her detective's shield around her neck and her hair is tied back in a ponytail which started off tidy but as the day progressed has become messier and messier so now it's a little all over the place.
4:08 pm

Dom had heard Adam's words. He nodded and started to put the food away. He started to put away the frozen foods. He set them in such a manner that if anyone wanted to grab something in the back they could grab them with ease. After a few minutes he was done. He then started to put away all the non-perishable items next. He started by putting all the boxes away in a direction that could one read both the labels and if they were a different type of the same item. After the boxes was the cans. He stacked them all by the type of can and size.

His mind worked in a way that everything could be orginized within seconds of looking at it. His room refelcted that aswell as everything had a proper place, and was never out of place. He didn't have OCD or anything he just prefered to have everything orginized in a manner to where it was easy to access. After about ten minutes he was done with reorganizing and setting the contents of all the bags away. He walked into his room and grabbed one of the other books that he had got from the library. It was "The Tattoist of Auschwitz" by Heather Morris. He had been recomended it by the librarian.

4:18 PM

He sat down in the livingroom, and started to read. If anyone would look at him he was purely focused on his book. Only a few things could grab his attention away from the book. The first one would be anyone calling his name repeatedly. The second would be the smell and sound of anything being cooked. The final thing would be if he felt someone come and sit next to him. For the most part he was focused on his book.
Liam James Rhodes
4:07 PM
Geozaki Geozaki TF81 TF81 M Matthew Maple
Liam smiled, pleased to hear that Lilly liked his suggestion. That would be something fun to look forward to. Though, before he could say anything else about it she had already disappeared. Instead, he directed his attention towards his mother's question. "Hm, let me see now... " he mused, putting on his best fake thinking face. "Yes. They've behaved themselves this time. Gold stars for Dad and Anthony!" he said with a grin. Upon hearing the patter of excited footsteps, he turned around to see Lilly coming down the stairs in the form of an Eevee. It would be an understatement to say that Liam was delighted to see his younger sister inheriting his love for Pokémon. "A wild Eevee appears!"

Anthony Lucas Rhodes
4:07 - 4:18 PM
M Matthew Maple Geozaki Geozaki Wormy Wormy doneanddusted doneanddusted
Anthony embraced each of his parents tightly, After his parents responded to his question about their day at work, Anthony replied to his dad's question about how his day was. "It was good, Read Frankenstein for a bit, watched an episode of Black Mirror on Netflix, Just the usual stuff." Anthony said as he remembered Emma was coming over to the house in a couple of minutes. He informed his parents of Emma's upcoming arrival, before wheeling himself toward his room. "Emma is coming over soon, So if she asks for me, Tell her I'm in my room reading." Anthony requested & went off to his room to continue reading Frankenstein.

Emma Carter
4:18 PM
Emma walked up to the front door of The Rhodes residence and rang the doorbell, She was dressed in her usual punk clothes. She didn't have work today, So she decided to visit the love of her life, Anthony, and his family. To who she considered them her True family, her actual family was very discriminatory and bigoted towards the disabled, Which is why she usually hung out with Anthony at his family's house.
Adam 4:07 pm To 4:18 PM

Adam was so happy that Emily was home and that it sounded like she was going to have a lot of free time as will like him. All he could do was smile as she kissed him back and whispered softly, "Hey, handsome..." She was his light in this world. Her and there children. He was amazed at the quick work Dom did on putting up the groceries he would have to check his work while dinner was being made or whatever they decided for dinner that is. He saw his love talking with Liam about something she was great with the kids always knew what was the right thing to say to them as for himself. He tried his best. But he was not as good as she was.He guessed it was a mom thing something dad's could not have. Right thin is when Lilly came back in her with her Eevee PJ's he was glad she still enjoyed them. His mind started to wonder if he and Emily could get some time alone. Be for dinner when two things happened. One was Anthony told him about his day which sounded like a good day. It's a day he wished he could have had. Thin two he said that Emma was coming over.

Emma came over so much Adam sometimes forgets that she is not really his daughter as Anthony went off to his room. He quickly said back too him " will do son. " Adam liked Emma she made Anthony happy. Just thin he was brought out of his thoughts by the doorbell going off. He was the closes to the door so he walked over to the door. Once the door was open he was met with the skinny Emma in her usual punk clothes. Will that what Anothy told him that was the name of the kind of outfit she wears to Adam he really didn't get the styles of kids today. He gave her a nice smile " hello Emma how have you been ? Anthony is in his room come in come. " He steps out of the way of the door so she could walk in. His thoughts about spending time with his wife just the two of them would just have to wait in till tonight he thought to himself.
Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at 15.21.03.png
Emily May Rhodes

Sunday, March 19th, 2017
4:18 pm
Wormy Wormy TF81 TF81 M Matthew Maple Dak Dak

"That's good to hear," Emily giggled before making her way into the living room. Lilly growled at Liam playfully as he announced the appearance of a 'wild Eevee'. The sudden sound of the doorbell made her jump a little but she looked over curiously to see who it was as their dad went to answer the door. "Emma!" She chirped as her dad stepped aside to allow Emma to walk inside. Lilly rushed over to greet the newcomer with a hug.

Emily sat next to Dom on the sofa. "What are you reading?" She asked, peering over Dom's shoulder curiously to see the pages of the book.
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