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Against All Odds (Fantasy Post-Apoc | Genesys RPG System)

General Deth Glitch General Deth Glitch
You can go ahead and shoot me a PM with a basic idea of what kind of character you want to play. We'll handle the mechanics together, I can walk you through that process. The initial concept is the most crucial part though, so just come armed with an idea and we'll work from there.
Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws
Yes! I was hoping for a mage! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
But just so you're aware, I've tweaked the rules a bit concerning magic in this setting. Make sure you review them in the Rules section before moving forward, ok?

For anyone still interested in a dark fantasy post-apoc dice game, Against All Odds is still open!! We have spots available for 2 more players, so if you're looking for a game then maybe consider ours.

Here are the links to the established pages so far. Please give it a read and post up on this forum if you're interested in joining. :3
Against All Odds - Fantasy Post-Apoc/Genesys RPG (OPEN - 2 SLOTS)
Dice - Against All Odds - Character Sheets
Dice - Against All Odds - Lore
Dice - Against All Odds - Mechanics, Rules and Tables
Ehehehehe, they have come, precious. They come! (Did a bit of advertising with some people I know! Hopefully we can get a full group!)
Crocodile Crocodile
Sweet! Then if you're familiar with the Genesys system you can go ahead and look at the Character's thread to see all the available options for char-gen. And if you're not familiar with Genesys you can shoot me a PM with a basic idea for a character and I'll help walk you through things so we can get you into the game ASAP.
I've been asked to see this as well and oh boy xD It looks great! Is there any kind of character you're needing? (I'm still looking through the system, haven't used it before)
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Northless Northless Crocodile Crocodile
Honestly, that's the cool thing about Genesys. No matter what role you pick there's always an equal chance of success or failure, you just make the odds a little more in your favor by specializing.
So really I don't 'need' any kind of specific character archetype, ya'll can pick whatever you wanna play and I'm sure it could work out. Heck, I've heard plenty an RP tale about groups that double up or triple up on 'classes' and they manage to make things work out perfectly in the end anyway.
So send me your hopes, wishes and dreams! I'll help you build them up into the perfect survivor for the Calamity... and then do my best to tear them to pieces in-game. >:3c

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