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Closed aesthete does it for the aesthetic


faerie sightings
once upon a time there was a girl named coley who was really motivated and did nice coding. she died. i'm her replacement.

real talk, i'm probably just gonna dump off my bbcodes here, don't steal them thanks. some of them might be freebies, i'll post the code if they're up for grabs. nothing is as good as when i was a coding goddess, but that's because i'm lazy. i might take a request or two if you're lucky.

"was i born a monster, or made a monster?"​

FULL NAME: timber kom azgeda
ALIAS: don't try it :\
AGE: 19
DATE OF BIRTH: december 31
PLACE OF BIRTH: the ground
GENDER: female
TYPE: grounder
CLAN: azgeda
ROLE: ice princess

HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 145lbs
HAIR COLOR: blonde
VOICECLAIM: bella hadid
TATTOOS: roman numerals on her arm
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: various scars along her body

POSITIVE TRAITS: assertive, confident, discretion, refinement, valor
NEGATIVE TRAITS: all of them
LIKES: hunting, killing :\, getting her way, cuddling????, watching the children play
DISLIKES: bears, herself, what she does, being abandoned, crying
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
MBTI: entj-t

SKILLS: murder, hunting, getting information, teaching
WEAKNESSES: eider, drugs :\, insecure af sometimes, first reaction is violence
FEARS: her mother, herself, hurting those she cares about, eider dying

1.) Are you loyal to The Commander/Do you agree with him? "i stand with my mother."
2.) How do you feel about your clan's stance on The Commander's decision? Agree or disagree? "my mother knows what is best for our people."
3.) How do you feel about these sky people? Do you think they're harmless or should they be obliterated as soon as possible? "i have no thoughts, nor feelings, towards these people."
4.) How do you feel about the war? Is it meaningless to you or do you support it? "all wars have meaning."

FULL NAME: eider kom azgeda
ALIAS: nah
AGE: 22
PLACE OF BIRTH: the ground
GENDER: male
TYPE: grounder
CLAN: azgeda
ROLE: ice prince, banished

FACECLAIM: bryce detloff
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 164lbs
EYE COLOR: brown
VOICECLAIM: matt lanter
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: that fucking jawline?

POSITIVE TRAITS: wholesome, sincerity, patience, empathy, benevolence
NEGATIVE TRAITS: none he's pure
LIKES: happy sounds, not being near his mother, good food, music, twilight
DISLIKES: what his mother did to timber, himself, drugs, violence, angry people
MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral good
MBTI: infp-t

SKILLS: cooking, speaking in public, calming people, healing
WEAKNESSES: pacifist af, too altruistic probably, timber, his people
FEARS: his mother, dying without seeing timber again, being king, did i mention his mother

1.) Are you loyal to The Commander/Do you agree with him? "i stand with the heda."
2.) How do you feel about your clan's stance on The Commander's decision? Agree or disagree? "azgeda needs to bow before their heda and accept what he says, regardless of their feelings."
3.) How do you feel about these sky people? Do you think they're harmless or should they be obliterated as soon as possible? "they'll probably all die soon anyway."
4.) How do you feel about the war? Is it meaningless to you or do you support it? "i do not support war, the clans that are resisting need to fall in line and seek forgiveness."


"if you are a monster, then what am i?"​
forged in ice, carved in fire

it's no surprise to hear that the ice queen is beyond brutal. her methods are less than orthodox, and it's a wonder anyone bows to her after it all.

eider was the first born to the azgeda throne, and his mother wanted him to grow to be stronger than anyone in all twelve clans. she would be disappointed in him. timber was the second born, and at first her mother could not care less about the girl's presence. not until the summer in which eider was to begin his training.

he was eight years old when his mother made him take the life of a common criminal. she watched as her son cried and vomited, she was disgusted that he could not handle what he needed to do. his sister was not yet six, and his mother began her training then. timber did not react to the death of the stranger, and that pleased the queen. yet it was not good enough.

no longer did the first born's existence matter to the queen, she left him to do as he so desired while focusing solely on the younger child. it was simple for the first few years, but upon her thirteenth year, she was subjected to the first rounds of torture. until her nerve endings ceased to react to pain. within two years she had twelve kill marks.

it still wasn't enough. timber did not do it with the enthusiasm her mother desired, and so came the drugs. one that heightened pleasure - injected during the kill - and one that was hypnotic. it caused her to become her mother's servant for a short period of time.

eider opposed this vehemently. he tried everything he could to stop it, but he did no have the strength. he was her security in the nights when she was herself, she was his anchor in the nights he wasn't. there was a part of him that wanted to take his mother's life, but he did not have it in him.

he was banished from azgeda on the even of his twenty-first birthday, and he made his way to polis where he swore his loyalty to the heda. timber was crushed, falling further into her mother's grasp. when the people fell from the sky both of the siblings knew what it meant. war. there was no way for it to end without war.

and they would not be on the same side.

the wolf and the bird
there is no calm in the ocean's depths​
&& general
FULL NAME: jonas kom floukru
ALIAS: white sock jesus daddy, dad, father, jo - surprisingly he hates jo the most
AGE: 25
DATE OF BIRTH: march 16
PLACE OF BIRTH: the ground
GENDER: male
TYPE: grounder
CLAN: floukru
ROLE: clan leader

&& appearance
FACECLAIM: ben dahlhaus
HEIGHT: 6'7"
WEIGHT: fuck idk
HAIR COLOR: blonde
VOICECLAIM: chris wood
TATTOOS: x x x

&& persona
POSITIVE TRAITS: paternal, caring, calm, affable, capable
NEGATIVE TRAITS: what are thooooooose?
LIKES: fishing, helping others, his home, hats, being a dad
DISLIKES: assholes, fighting, not being in control, chaos, bugs
MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral good
MBTI: infp-a

&& other
SKILLS: fishing, leading, fighting even tho he hates it, dadding
WEAKNESSES: his son, floukru, pacifist af, can't fucking cook
FEARS: losing his son, floukru being destroyed, dying without doing something good, bears ???
WEAPON OF CHOICE: trident tbh???
there was a time when jonas knew nothing but sheer bliss, and there was a time when he knew nothing but misery. happiness is finding a balance between those two extremes.

he was born in floukru, and only met artemis during a trip to land for trade purposes. there were days that he wished he hadn't met her; in a way, everything that happened to him was because of her. he felt guilty on the days he felt that way. he loved her, and the pain was worth the time he spent with her. it was worth it every time he looked at fletcher.

they were sixteen when they met, seventeen when he left floukru for her, twenty when fletcher came into their lives, and twenty-one when she was killed by a reaper.

she was the reason he took a vow of pacifism. she was the reason he was no longer the violent man she met so many years ago. and upon her death he snapped he found himself losing himself. he snapped, and killed three smugglers when they attempted to steal from him. he was branded, and he was ashamed.

jonas decided then it was time to return home. fletcher would do better there. he would do better there. and they did. he became the clan leader two years ago and the clan has thrived since.

moodboard credit: lutalica



stats !! tags !! etc !!
dat post shit goes here u know words that make people cry probably

stats !! tags !! etc !!


another quote???

name ;;

age ;;

gender ;;

birthday ;;

zodiac ;;

etc ;;

etc ;;

etc ;;

etc ;;

etc ;;

name ;;

name ;;

name ;;

persona ;;;

biography ;;;

feed ;;;

just dropping by to say that I love your codes, they are so pretty and aesthetic. The layouts and colour are amazing as well~​
okay so i have to post my official in character code bc i'm in love. do not steal this, use it as a base, or peep the code pls and thanks. i spent a lot of time on it. not mobile friendly, i don't reckon.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis faucibus neque nisi, a convallis risus iaculis sit amet. Vestibulum elementum purus nec arcu malesuada aliquet. In et tempus ante, quis placerat massa. Suspendisse consectetur vestibulum felis. Vestibulum fringilla id metus ultricies egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Praesent lectus purus, imperdiet a lacinia id, varius at odio. Nullam nec eleifend enim, vel maximus mauris. Maecenas accumsan porta lectus in vulputate. Vestibulum sodales et nisl quis finibus. Etiam tempor metus ac arcu molestie, et euismod turpis maximus. Aliquam et ipsum sollicitudin, tincidunt risus eu, auctor massa. Maecenas consequat erat vitae sem aliquet facilisis. Sed nisi arcu, tincidunt vel elementum vitae, vulputate in mi. Nulla facilisi.

Aenean lorem eros, porttitor at malesuada ut, tempus quis turpis. In posuere quis est dictum elementum. Morbi semper finibus massa ut molestie. Duis at tortor sed mi rhoncus lobortis. Nam auctor ipsum eros, vitae molestie lacus laoreet at. Quisque sit amet odio posuere, facilisis mi ac, dapibus urna. Integer volutpat risus sit amet ex consequat, et volutpat eros porta. Praesent non ex nisi. Quisque eu ipsum dolor. Pellentesque sit amet erat facilisis, facilisis metus nec, aliquam nibh. Duis efficitur condimentum ornare. Vestibulum et euismod tellus. Aenean ex arcu, tincidunt at vehicula at, sagittis vitae nisi. Nunc fringilla vitae magna at vulputate.

Mauris rhoncus leo ut nulla placerat dictum ac ut enim. Ut aliquet egestas libero sit amet hendrerit. Donec pellentesque sollicitudin neque, eu porttitor sem tincidunt tincidunt. Duis ut arcu et odio laoreet vulputate id ut mauris. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eleifend sed lectus consequat pretium. Vivamus imperdiet justo ligula, aliquam tincidunt ipsum mollis eget. Nam elementum volutpat metus, eget viverra tortor pulvinar a. Aenean vel tellus nec orci finibus elementum.

Nulla eleifend vestibulum leo vel ornare. Mauris turpis massa, porttitor id eleifend ut, fermentum id lorem. Vestibulum eleifend cursus tortor, vitae sagittis est interdum sed. Sed non libero pretium, aliquet quam sed, pulvinar dui. Integer et lorem vel erat dictum tempus. Praesent et metus magna. Nam varius lorem eu justo dignissim consequat. Pellentesque consectetur interdum diam aliquam faucibus. Cras nulla orci, suscipit vitae volutpat sed, gravida volutpat enim. Vivamus eu sollicitudin dui, consequat iaculis libero. Mauris sed tortor ornare, ornare tellus nec, semper diam. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur turpis libero, suscipit quis elementum nec, tempor at arcu. Donec purus lorem, sagittis vitae velit eu, tempor volutpat urna. Aliquam viverra augue et odio hendrerit congue.

N A M E || T A G L I N E
a not mobile-friendly freebie. the boxes all scroll. don't remove the credit, thanks ~





coded by: aesthete

[border=0px solid white][font=Raleway][size=11px][div=width: 600px; max-width: 100%; margin: auto;][div=float: left; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/qhN9VpU.jpg);  width: 150px; height: 150px; background-size: 100% 100%; border-radius: 100%; border: 6px solid #ffb9b9]
[/div][div=float: right; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/CLXWuDi.jpg); width: 150px; height: 150px; background-size: 100% 100%; border-radius: 100%; border: 6px solid #ffb9b9]
[/div][div=width: 600px; margin: auto;][div=margin: auto; width: 450px; background-color: white;][div=background-color: #ffb9b9; font: Megrim; font-size: 20px; color: white; text-align: center;]N A M E
[div=padding: 3px][div=border-radius: 20px; height: 75px; overflow: auto; border: 2px solid #ffdcb9; padding: 10px]blah[/div][div=height: 5px]
[div=float: left; border-radius: 20px; height: 100px; overflow: auto; border: 2px solid #ffdcb9; width: 45%; margin: auto; padding: 7px]blah[/div][div=float: right; border-radius: 20px; height: 100px; overflow: auto; border: 2px solid #ffdcb9; width: 45%; margin: auto; padding: 7px]blah[/div]
[div=clear: both; height: 5px;]
[div=border-radius: 20px; height: 100px; overflow: auto; border: 2px solid #ffdcb9; width: 90%; margin: auto; padding: 7px]blah[/div]
[size=4px]coded by: aesthete[/size][/div][/div][/div][/div][/size][/font][/border]
another freebie. in theory this is mobile friendly but i honestly didn't check rip. don't remove the credit, thanks !
update: it is mobile friendly! thanks true blue true blue


blah blah

blah blah quote
coded by: aesthete​
[size=11px][font=Quicksand][color=#ced4ae][div=margin: auto; width: 50vw][div=float: left; width: 10vw; padding: 4px; background: #ced4ae; color: white][div=background: url(https://static.tumblr.com/75a32d4bb2a16af6a7699d39ae68045b/duxwqlb/8txoarhou/tumblr_static_e131drl8fhck4008gcswckos4.jpg); height: 10vw; width: 10vw; background-size: 100% 100%; border-radius: 100%]
[div=height: 11vw; overflow: auto; padding: 2px; border: 1px dotted white]blah
[/div][/div][div=float: right; width: 10vw; background: #ced4ae; color: white; padding: 4px][div=height: 11vw; overflow: auto; padding: 2px; border: 1px dotted white]blah
[div=background: url(https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15046949_1821088594771656_3954607604696612864_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM5MTQyMjg3MTQ4OTc4MzAwMg%3D%3D.2); height: 10vw; width: 10vw; background-size: 100% 100%; border-radius: 100%]
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[/div][div=margin-left: 10vw; margin-right: 10vw; background: white;]
[div=border: 1px dotted #ced4ae; padding: 2px; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px; height: 17vw; overflow: auto]blah blah[/div]
[div=margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px; text-align: center; font-size: 20px]blah blah quote[/div][/div][size=4px][center]coded by: aesthete[/center][/size][/div][/color][/font][/size]
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not only dropping in to say how wonderful your codes are but also to confirm that the recent code is indeed mobile friendly. < 3
wow! these are amazing! also, I couldn't help notice your character sheet up above. Are those the100 based? I live a breathe that show. ;)

i c u gurl
That's fine. I mostly just want to be able to fit my profile picture, add maybe an accordion for plots and pairings. Then an about me and what I look for in a partner. The usual stuff in an interest check. Yours look so pretty, I thought I try and make a request.

Color wise I like red black and white.
That's fine. I mostly just want to be able to fit my profile picture, add maybe an accordion for plots and pairings. Then an about me and what I look for in a partner. The usual stuff in an interest check. Yours look so pretty, I thought I try and make a request.

Color wise I like red black and white.
i can work with that no problem! i'll have you something asap <3

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