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Fantasy Aerumen

"Uh," Perry looked at the bottles, his dark brows becoming uneven, "eight silver, I guess." He rubbed the side of his head. It was much cheaper than what he paid for the dust, but she didn't look to have pockets brimming with coin. He also wanted her out of his room, his tolerance slowly running thin.


"Right then, I'll return these another time," Bay spoke, taking a few books into her hands from the top of the librarian's desk. He warned her not to lose them, as if she had done so before. The elf nodded, turning on her heels and stepping forward to reach the entrance of the library. She was met with a somewhat familiar face, the human female called Mission, "Oy!" She smiled, though it lessened some when she noticed the concentration on the woman's features, "What's up? Ya' looking for something?"
Guilty rubbed her chin, she then shoved her hands behind her loose vest and started rummaging as she did she raised an eyebrow at Perry and gestured with a flick of her head towards his stuff, "What Pink boy got over there?"


Mission managed a quick smile when Bay noticed her and had approached, she nodded in response, "You actually. Tillian said you'd be here, he's in one of I think it's Mrs Merrigold's rooms. We need a bit of assistance with one of my companions. He's... hurt." Mission begins to turn around and sort of gesture for Bay to come with her, though she slowly moved up the stairs looking back.

"Also...What you doing tomorrow?" Mission averted her gaze and looked forward ahead as they proceeded out of the Libarary. Now is not the time.
"parchment for notes," Perry didn't remove his eyes from the goblin, his lips thinning into a line. It was already suspicious for her to demand things from him without question, and she is a goblin. As much as he didn't like riding stereotypes, he didn't trust her enough to look away.


Bay's expression hardened at first, her gaze flicking to the side as Mission spoke. However, it softened some with a smile, "Alright, if Tillian thinks he needs my help, I'm for it." She started to follow Mission until an idea seemed to click in her head, coming to walk beside her and use her arm against her back to guide the human to a turn, "this way, it's a shortcut." Bay removed her arm, listening as Mission spoke again. She chuckled some, a hardy smile on her face as a hand came up to lightly flick the human's chin, "Hunting a fae, of course! Business before pleasure, lovie."

Bay took the lead in guiding them out of the library through a door on the right wall. She led them up a set of stairs and down a dark corridor that opened into the hall next to the silent ward. Merrigold stood outside, as she always did.

"Ms. Merrigold! I've got business with Tillian in there." Bay spoke as they approached, the older elf giving her a nod before opening the doors. She didn't need much help in finding the right door, as Tillian was speaking quite aggressively from the other side.

"I said stay still, you imbecile!"

"How am I supposed to stay still with you waving that thing around!" These words were quickly followed by harsh thuds and the sound of breath being knocked out of someone.

Bay quickly opened the door only to be met with the sight of Tillian mounted on a young human's back, one hand being used to hold his wrists against the floor while the other held held a slimy, writhing tendril like a lizard's tail. Tillian's serious gaze shot up at Bay before he spoke, "It's a sithe."

Bay nodded, rushing to his side, her brows raising at the sight of the boy's back. Part of it was covered in blood that mingled with a black goop. It looked as though Tillian had tried to do the procedure of removing the fae, but the human fought back. She sighed, crouching and her hands coming to take the boy's wrists, "Finish what you started, Tillian."

The male elf glanced up at Mission with hesitation.

"You're worried about her seeing?" Bay spoke, a tinge of annoyance in her voice, "Then..consider it punishment for trying to do this on your own. Embedded sithe's always need two people, you know this. Now the boy's probably in more pain than he would've been in if you had waited."

Tillian looked back down at Correll, his head nodding in silence. The hand that was clasped around the squirming tendril began to heat up, causing the parts left inside human's flesh to writhe in response. Correll also started to squirm some, his muffled grumbling somewhat louder. Tillian sighed, his eyes focusing on the fae as his head drew closer to the cut he'd made over the mound. His face contorted, his mouth opening widely as his pointed canines elongated and burning orange.

"I'm sorry, this is gonna hurt," Bay said to the human as Tillian sunk his teeth around the end of the mound at the boy's neck. Bay placed a hand on the side of the sweating human's face, a faint glowing coming from her finger tips. She was helping subside the pain as much as she could while Tillian's burning fangs forced the fae to loosen its grip. The fae's head popped out from Correll's flesh and Tillian immediately began to pull it, starting with his teeth and changing to his free hand as it got longer. He handed the fae to Bay when it was fully removed, forcing her to relinquish one of her hands to do so. She clasped it tightly, letting the human go. Tillian caught his breath, his features returning to normal.

"FUCK," Correll could finally express both his annoyance and pain when he was freed, "FuCKING HELL, GET OFF!" He twisted under Tillian, the elf coming to stand before he got hit somewhere the sun doesn't shine. Bay chuckled, "oh, he's a lively one." Fire quickly engulfed the fae in her hand, it's four pointed mouth letting out a screech as it turned to embers, the part of his tail that Tillian held also crumbling to ash.

"THE FUCK DID YOu JUST DO TO ME?" Correll yelled, sitting himself up only to weakly start to fold over. Tillian caught his head before he could fall too far.

"I'll explain, just let me heal you."

Correll looked annoyed, but he nodded. Tillian lifted him, helping him onto the bed. Bay left the room for moment, coming back with Merrigold who had supplies ready to clean Correll's back. She handed them to Tillian, the elf taking them with a quiet thanks. He used the cloths and warm ointment to clean off the human's back, the wound he had created on Correll becoming quite clear. It was a cut from his arm to his neck where a deep bite mark bled, part of it showing signs of being burned. Tillian's expression didn't falter, his now clean hands coming to gently run his hands over the areas as they glowed a bright white. This didn't seem to do much, the color of the light changing yellow before the healing part began. Correll winced, holding onto his own arms and gritting his teeth as the wounds were mended.

"I was hasty...I tried to remove it with a knife," Tillian spoke finally, "It didn't work. With Sithe's you have to remove them by the head or they will remain in their host. I..chose the wrong end of it to begin with."

"Ay, you did," Bay nodded, "if it had made it to your head, kid, you'd probably be dead. Sithe are bottom feeder fae, the parasitic kind. They feed off of the magical energy other creatures produce, but it's rare for them to embed themselves...let alone in a human. Though, with corrupted fae they often act unusual. How long did you have this?"

"About a week.." Correll said.

"Ah," Tillian said, "That would explain why it was so large."

"Why does it burn?" Correall asked, looking frustrated and confused.

"I...may have used fire magic inside of your skin, to force it to let go. I'm healing it."


"Yes," Tillian said calmly, an odd contrast to Correll's voice. He held his hand over the bite wound, the skin slowly coming together.
"Then why girl put she like Pegawin very much on it then?" Guilty tilted her head, a confused expression on her face, "Is this how human and elf communicate love?"


Mission allowed herself to be guided by the red head, taking the shortcut she had pointed out. Mission watched Bay as she spoke to her regarding what she said last, feeling the flick on her chin a faint red haze surfaced on her face. The human smiled and closed her eyes looking forward again.

"Shame. It would've been nice to see you at the prince's party."

Bay took the lead, approaching Mrs Merrigold and proceeding into the room that Tillian had got for them. There was a bit of a ruckus going on inside and Mission rolled her eyes as god only knows what they were up to, and to her surprise it was something she never would've guessed. Tillian on Correll, with some thing writhing around. There was an audible gasp from the Black Hound as she jerked back in surprise, a disgusted look on her face. Though the whole altercation was getting heated and it looked to be very serious.

As Tillian looked up at Mission with slight hesitation, all he'd receive in response was a death glare - pure evils and a scowl.

She watched them work for a bit, but the more Correll began to squirm she eventually gave in and went over to help hold him down - now that she was closer she could see even more of the horribleness that transpired on and in his back. Mission wasn't squeamish at all, but it was definitely something new. She kept glancing up at Bay instinctively, just because she was easier to look at.

Mission sort of recoiled when she heard the burning teeth of Tillian bite into the boy. "Oh hells." She couldn't imagine what the boy was going through right now. Though for her, at least this was a new experience on how... fae hunters worked. Very interesting indeed, but she couldn't help think 'is it over yet?' Again Correll must've been thinking that ten times more.

Finally it was over and they all let go, Mission stood up and took a few steps back - looking at the creature in Bay's hand. Listening to them explain.

Feeding off Magic, in a human like Correll - Mission rubbed her chin and remembered their conversation a few weeks ago. It made sense.

"Thank you for helping him it's really appreciated..." Mission punched Tillian straight across the cheek after he'd finished with the healing, "...But don't try to experiment your lack of experience on my friends' life and well-being. And YOU."

Mission glared at Correll and clutched his hair in her hand, giving it a slight tug, "Don't fucking keep something like this from any of us again! Mircea would be absolutely GUTTED. What if that creature reached your head in the week?? You think he wants your corpse on his conscience?"

She let go of his scalp and looked at Bay, her expression softening immediately, "Sorry for thumping your student sweet, you've been a gem."
Perry's brows scrunched, his friendly expression changing to one more serious, "Suggesting that a student put something like that on my parchment is hardly realistic." He knew for a fact that the student didn't have a way to ink his parchment, and that she wasn't very gifted at magic beyond light. "If you don't have the coin, you can just say so."


Tillian took the hit, his face turning away from her in annoyance as Mission began scolding Correll next. He glanced at Bay with visible irritability, but she only shook her head at him.

Correll looked as though he was close to crying. Well, as close as the human could look to it. His expression still held aggression to it, but his lips lightly trembled. He didn't say anything in response to Mission, despite the moment bringing a desire to fight back against her. He relaxed some when he was released, glancing back at Tillian who had a fang poking from the corner of his mouth, the tooth shortening as the elf calmed. Correll scooted away from him some.

Bay didn't seem as phased by Mission's words as the other two, watching how she responded to the situation with a relaxed expression, her hand resting on her face. Her gaze faltered when Mission spoke to her next, "Well, it was a mistake any fae hunter could make. Although, he should have known better. We aren't just any fae hunters, after all!" Tillian tensed at these words. Bay let her hand fall to gently pat Correll's head, crouching so that she was at eye level with him and calling his attention to her, "You held on pretty well, I was surprised. I can.. understand why you may not have told the others. Sithe only give symptoms of mild hay fever at first. But, Mission has a point. This could've killed you, you should've reached out to the others when your symptoms worsened." Correll nodded, rubbing his arms. Bay stood and sighed, placing her hands on her hips, "Now, I must warn you. You may have some ghost pain and a fever for a day or two. You've also lost some blood, so you'll need a lot of rest and water, okay?"

Tillian stood from the bed, coming to bow at the two humans, "I apologize for my recklessness. I never meant to bring more harm upon you, or cause you to worry more."

Correll nodded at the two, his expression showing awkward nervousness, "Ah- um, it's fine.. I'm just glad that thing is out of me now. Also, Eh.." Tillian straightened himself, causing Correll to pause from the sudden movement, "How did you burn the inside??? Is it going to leave a scar?"

"I bit you," Tillian said, his serious expression dismissing any notion that he was joking, "It will most likely scar, for a while. The knife wound is fully healed."

Bay giggled at Correll's visible confusion, coming to slap Tillian's back joyfully and , "Ah, Tilly, Always a stone wall! He used a form of fire magic to radiate heat from a specific point on his body- his teeth. He's got some pointy chompers," She grabbed Tillian's face by the jaw, his lips parting, "Show them," Tillian glanced up at her, his brows scrunched upwards as she repeated, "C'mon, show 'em."

Tillian's jaw widened under her fingers as his mouth opened further, the muscles of his face becoming slightly strained as his teeth enlarged, the canines coming to a sharp point. He seemed to be holding his breath.

Correll looked surprised and mildly disgusted, "Geeze, and you bit me with those?!"

"Ay, he did," Bay set Tillian's face free, the male's features relaxing as he caught his breath. The teeth slowly shortened to where he could close his mouth, his gaze averted away from the others. He seemed ashamed, his pale skin tainted a slight pink.

"That's mad," Correll commented, his hand instinctively coming to touch at the rough skin on his neck. He took little notice of the fact that Tillian seemed bothered, his attention strained with exhaustion.

"Since you decided to make matters worse, you can safely escort him to Lady Alfdorn's home and watch out for him, if Mission has no objections," Bay made it obvious now that she was giving her student punishment for his mistake, though she held a smile on her face.
Guilty's arms flopped from out of her vest, her ears lowering in defeat, "Guilty forget money pouch..." Sudenly her expression hardened and her ears shot up, her hand dramatically pointing at Perry, "BRUTUS ATTACK!"

She stood there for a good 10 seconds noticing that nothing was happening. Her hands moved to her hair and patted around, she then spun around as if looking for something. Her gaze landing back on the Pink Boy.

"Guilty no leave."


Mission let out a frustrated sigh, Bay dealt with the tension pretty well and sort of helped diffuse it. Mission stood beside Correll with her hands crossed like a disappointed mother watching her son get scolded by a teacher, her gaze flicking from him to her. Though all things considered, she was glad that it wasn't Blu that the Sithe had made it's home in - Correll pulled through but the younger boy may have struggled more.

The black hound didn't expect to see what Bay had tried to make light of, an Elf with strange teeth. She kept a slight serious expression looking at him, but couldn't help but be interested. Her hand reached out to Correll, giving him a slight pat on his back.

"Alright then. I think heading back to Esra's is the best course of action. Mircea doesn't have to know right away. You need a break. I need a break. Go wait outside." Mission waits for them to leave in front of her and quickly scoots up to Bay.

"If you really can't hold off on your hunting of Fae I understand..." She glances at her and then back to Correll and Tillian as they were hopefully making their way out. "...but if you can, think about turning up at the Prince's... thing, if you need to go with us I'm sure Esra won't mind a bunch of us will accompany her. What's one more?? it'll be fun - eh I hope." There was a slight pout on her face, and her cheeks a gentle pink colour as she nervously tried to persuade the Elf.
Perry's face leaned back when the goblin called for an attack that didn't happen, his expression showing surprise before irritation, "I have things to get done! Just take the dust and get out!"


Tillian nodded when Mission agreed, moving to help Correll up from the bed. He grabbed the human's clothing along the way, letting him put his shirt back on before he lightly pushed him forward. The blonde nearly fell, not keeping his balance well. Tillian took notice, trying to find a way to help him walk. Correll grumbled some, the two having difficulty finding a compromise between their heights at first. Tillian huffed, his impatience showing itself as he quickly dipped and lifted Correll onto his back, locking his arms around the human to keep him in place. "Put me down!" Correll objected tiredly.

"Shut up," Tillian responded as he walked them out of the room, not seeming bothered by the extra weight on his back.

Bay seemed somewhat amused, her small smile widening for a moment as she listened to Mission, "I might make an appearance, should I find the time. If I do, save me a dance?"
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Guilty tilted her head again, it was of confusion. Was this human just allowing her to take it? She had to register it for a moment before walking over to the desk slowly keeping her gaze on the pink boy now. Her hands feel against the surface of the counter, scanning over it as she feels for the vials. Eyes still locked on Perry. Her hands found the vials and her ears shot up, but her eyes squinted further, her head tilted a little bit more to make sure the pink boy didn't do anything. She then gathered them up into a pile with her hands and slid them over, quickly stuffing them behind her vest. She had left a vial of yellow on the counter she didn't notice as she was keeping an eye on Perry. She retreated from the table and ran over to the door.

"Human is very nice to Guilty, Guilty will remember Pink boy's kindness. Thank you. Guilty do magic for you now. Han dekhuur a dalaan!" A shimmer passed over Guilty's form and she became quite glassy for a moment before completely disappearing from sight on the spot. And the room was left with silence. A moment passing. The vial she left on the desk disappearing suddenly and then a few seconds later the door closed.


"Oh, you can count on it." Mission managed to muster a little confidence in herself and her expression now, her brow slightly raising. Though she didn't stick around, she was still quite nervous to be next to the Elf. She walked over to Tillian, giving Bay a wave and picking up the Vice that Correll had purchased earlier. She couldn't help but keep a small smile on her face as she walked away. The sight of Correll on Tillian's back was also quite amusing, considering that the two were basically in a tiny brawl before this.

She felt slightly guilty for exposing Correll to what just happened, but it was necessary. Though she didn't feel that bad about scolding them, her expression hardened a little when they let the vicinity of the Academy - just hoped they wouldn't hold it against her for too long, more Correll than Tillian she barely knew the latter.

Moments passed as they reached Lady Alfdorn's house, she opened the Gate for Tillian to get through since he was carrying Correll and went in after them. She almost through pure instinct went towards the Caravan, but realised that they were welcome inside the house. She continued to the Caravan and gathered her and Blu's stuff, as much as she could find anyway she wasn't going to rummage for anything he had hid or lost. After gathering it all into two separate packs she made her way inside.

"Esra! We're back. Well. Half of us are."
Perry nodded, rubbing his head with a huff. He moved to grab the items from his bed, taking the time to organize the parchment, leather, and ink sticks. It took him a moment to get it all together, but he eventually sat at his desk and began writing notes, continuing his work.


Tillian looked around when the door was opened, noticing Esra wasn't in the main room, "They are most likely in the study." He bounced Correll some while securing the sleeping human before he could begin to slip. It didn't seem to wake him any, the blonde's arms loosely hanging over his shoulders with his head pressed between one and the elf's neck. Tillian took towards the rooms behind the large staircase, picking one that didn't look chosen by anyone already and moving to place Correll onto the bed. He had to crouch next to it to ease the sleeping human onto it, turning on his heels to see Correll sprawled and snoring a bit. One of his brows rose, his gaze shifting to Correll's boots which hung a few inches from the floor. He proceeded to remove them, placing them beside the bed before standing and pulling Correll by the shoulders to lie down in the proper direction. It was a bit like moving a heavy doll, but also seemed second nature to Tillian. He sighed, placing the blanket over the blonde and turning to look at the door (or Mission if she followed). "Water," the elf mumbled, walking out of the room and back down the hall.

He returned with a jug, a bowl, and a cup, placing them on the wooden nightstand and pouring some of the water into the cup. He relaxed some after this, placing the jug back down and going to rest on the chair next to the bed.
Mission nodded at Tillian, looking at Correll who was fast asleep. Her mouth twitches into a momentary smile as she walked toward's Blu's room first and placed his stuff on his bed ready for when he came back. She was still trying to take in the fact that they were staying in a house like this, it was pretty nice. Though she tried to not make herself feel too comfortable or too at home as she felt it might seem rude or she's overthinking it. She turned and moves to the door of the room.


Mission almost slips on her heels and catches herself on the doorframe, her eyes wide looking up at this large figure of a woman.

"Mission! How was the city!"

"...I swear you're going to kill me."
Her chest was taking in breaths as if the wind was knocked out of her, she moved passed the form and throws her bag into her room. It lands on to the bed and she turns to face Foxy again. "It was nice to look around. Why didn't you come?"

"My Bed was REALLY comfy. I've always got tomorrow."

She pats the woman's lower back. "Correll needs some comfort."

She didn't question it and followed Mission to his room, Tillian was there sitting on the chair beside him. She finally piped up, "Is he okay?"

"He had a rough day."

Foxy quickly strolls over and checks him over, sitting on the bed she slowly strokes the boy's head as he sleeps. She was just making sure he was okay but also didn't really question it, the sleeping Correll was less grumpy than when he's awake so it didn't matter. Mission smirks at them leaning against the door frame, and then looks at Tillian her expression changes to that of a little concern.

"How's your cheek?"
Tillian watched as Foxy joined the room with Mission in tow. She was quite gentle with Correll who was sleeping like a rock. The elf's expression relaxed some, his attention being pulled to Mission. He felt like saying something snarky at first, but that twinge of annoyance left him quickly. "You have a good hand," Tillian spoke, slight amusement to his tone as he rested the side of his face on his fist.


Blu hung from Mircea's arm as the elf finished telling him a few things about the academy on the way to the entrance. He yawned, letting go as they reached the entrance hall. Bast was there, exchanging goodbyes with the large orc, Magrin. He looked to Mircea and Blu, a slight smile on his face as he placed a hand loosely on his side, "Have we learned new things today?"

"Ay, many new things," Mircea responded, looking down to Blu who was nodding his head in agreement.

"I'm hungry," Blu spoke again, "Where is Guilty?"

"Ah.." Bast and Mircea were in unison for once, "Perhaps looking for the pink haired fellow?"
"I shouldn't have laid my hands on you I'm sorry, but I meant what I said." She nods her head as a respectful bow, after all she did ask for his help and he did succeed in saving him, "I won't hesitate to punch you again though."

Foxy turned to look at Mission with a disapproving look.


Foxy put her hand on her mouth and shushed her, turning back to Correll. Mission rolled her eyes and left the room, she went to see if anyone else was around. She also gave herself another look around the house, just to get familiar of her surroundings.


Bast would suddenly feel a thud and pressure on his back, a weight added to it, tension around his neck and over his shoulders "AAAAH GUILTY HERE. LETS GET OUTTA HERE!" The Goblin screamed loudly right in Bast's ear though she would not be visible to normal eyesight.
Tillian gave a chuckle when Mission expressed her future lack of hesitation to punch him, his lips forming a small smile. It was short lived, a small crack in his usual cold expression. His attention shifted to the large human when she shushed Mission, a quiet sigh escaping him as his eyes closed.


Esra made her way down the steps, a large, feathered lither following behind her. She hummed to herself, petting the lither as it rubbed against her and she hopped down each step.


"Agh," Bast caught his balance before he could lose it, his hands coming to cover his ears, "You don't have to scream, you mongrel!"

Blu looked a bit shaken from the screaming, quickly clinging to Mircea's leg. The elf seemed pained from the noise, but he lifted the boy up and sighed, "Lets go before it gets worse."

Bast nodded, leading them out of the academy. It was a bit of a long walk from the school to Esra's home, but they eventually made it with or without the goblin. Mircea had let Blu down to walk by himself, the child rushing ahead of them quite often until they got to the estate's gate, the guards letting them in without hesitation.
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Mission's eyes lit up when she saw Esra come down the stairs, meeting her at the bottom of it she observed the feathered lither.

"Hey Es, been catching up? Who's this gorgeous creature?"

Mission holds her hand out cautiously and slow so that she didn't spook the Lither to see if it'll respond.


"What is Mongrel?" Guilty whispers into Bast's ear, feeling slightly confused at the word - not knowing whether she was insulted even from the reaction of the group to her scream. She still hung onto Bast however.

As they enter the home, Guilty drops her invisibility as she had nodded off, losing her concentration. The Goblin rubs her head against the side of Bast's face. She had a content sleepy smile on her face.
"Yes, but he's grown quite tired so I'm letting him rest," Esra smiled, her gaze turning to the feathered lither. It looked at Mission's hand, air blowing from it's beak as the long feathers on it's head trembled. It ducked under her hand, rubbing its head against it before leaning against her leg as it stepped around her.

"This is Leva," Esra giggled, "She loves attention."

After a moment her eyes settled on familiar faces returning home. She brightened more, "Welcome back!" Being met with tired smiles and Bast lifting a hand to flick the sleeping goblin's nose.
"Alright." Mission crouched carefully and got low on the Lither's level. She petted her gently, letting her do most of the rubbing up as comfortable as she wanted to be. "Aww, she's beautiful. Ain't you?" Mission spoke in a cutesy voice, enjoying the creatures touch and attention. Her attention turned to the others, but kept low and continued petting the creature.

The Goblin's face scrunched up and her eyes slowly peeled open in response to her nose being flicked. She looks around and took in her surroundings, she hadn't been in the house yet so she tilted her head in confusion.

"Guilty dreaming? Has Guilty finally made it Big and bought Castle???"

Mission chuckled and went back to petting the Lither for a moment before standing completely and walked over to Blu & Mircea passed the Goblin and Bast. Her expression was kind of serious, but she tried not to make it obvious something was wrong. "Mircea, Correll's asleep right now but he has something important to tell you tomorrow. Hey Blu, Did you have a good time?"
"No, this is Esra's home," Bast pulled the Goblin from his back, setting her onto her feet. He glanced at the feathered lither in their presence, a slight smile forming, "I didn't know you had another lither, Esra."

Esra shrugged, "Leva is Tillian's lither. I didn't nab Silte until..hmm," she watched as Leva gracefully moved to Bast, swiftly pushing between his legs and around them to rub the goblin with her beak, "Well, until about a year ago. I was about to introduce the two- I am hoping they get along. Silte isn't shedding anymore, so he shouldn't be as grumpy."

Bast nodded, reaching down to gently pet the silky feathers on the lither's back, Leva tilting her head at him.

Blu beamed when Mission approached, reaching his arms out and wrapping them around her waist in a tight grip. He dead weighted some, hanging around her as he listened to her speak to Mircea.

The elf's hand came to graze his chin, slight concern on his face, "Well, he didn't look to be feeling his best, I'll be sure to talk to him tomorrow. Thank you for watching out for him." His mismatched eyes glanced at Blu when the child's head rose from Mission's side, a happy smile on his face when she spoke to him.

"I had a lot of fun!" Blu exclaimed, squeezing her, "Mircea told me a lot of stories about the academy, and I got to see people practicing magic in different ways."

"They aren't all stories, Blu," Mircea corrected, "Most of what I told you is history, things that actually happened."

Blu nodded with boredom plaguing his expression, his tongue coming to stick out at the elf after a moment of silence. The impline's tail waved and he started bouncing and shaking Mission with exaggerated complaints, "I'm hungry! My feet hurt.. I'm tired. When are we going to eat????"

Mircea's brows rose, a chuckle he failed to stifle escaping his throat as he watched the boy. He took notice of the fact that Blu could now comfortably reach Mission's waist, his hand lifting to float above Blu's head when the kid looked away to watch the lither. 'He's getting taller' the elf mouthed to Mission, an amused smile on his face whilst he walked passed the two.

"Esra!" Mircea said, his arms held out at his sides as he approached her. The sprite giggled as he scooped her up, placing her on his right shoulder. "I think the little blue imp is hungry- look at him! You can see his ribs through his blouse!" he said jokingly, his accent exaggerated.

"Oh my, we can't let him starve!" Esra played along, covering her mouth in surprise before lifting her hands upwards, "I know! We shall have a feast made!" Mircea spun, holding her in place as she exclaimed, "It will be glorious! A feast for kings!"

Blu laughed at the two, his grip on Mission loosening.

"I'd say the little imp is pleased with that Idea, good lady!" Mircea proclaimed, starting to walk in place.

"To the kitchens then, good sir!" Esra demanded, her hands pointing him in the right direction as Mircea started to walk around the right side of the staircase, "A feast we shall have!"

Bast chuckled at the two, his arms crossing along his chest. Leva bumped him, finally moving from his legs and towards Blu who poked her beak. The human watched before turning on his heels. Unlike Mircea, he was quite curious about the home. He started to make his way up the steps, but Leva was quick to get in his way, leaping to the stairs above him and blowing air through her beak.

"Alright then," Bast said after staring at the lither for a moment, choosing to retreat back down to the lower steps instead of wrestling with a large lither.

"She wont let you on the second floor without one of us," Tillian spoke, showing himself from the left side of the staircase, the direction of the guest rooms. The human's brows scrunched as he leaned onto the wooden rails, wondering how long Tillian had been there unnoticed.

"If you're so curious, you could ask to be shown."

Bast changed the direction, "Where have you been, little elf?" The impline's brows rose, finding it odd that Bast would call Tillian little, seeing as they were relatively the same height. Tillian didn't look amused, though he rarely did it seems. "I'm only joking," Bast pushed against the rails when he was met with silence, a huff escaping him, "Are you always a stick in the mud?"

"Bay would say so," Tillian responded.

"Bay? Oh, right, your master." Bast smiled some, "She's quite pretty. Though, I wouldn't consider her my ideal. What about you? Is she your type of woman?"

"Uh," Tillian seemed taken off guard by this sudden direction of conversation, his blue eyes squinting at the disguised human, "No?"

"What is your type of woman, then? C'mon, you knew about my illusion without telling me, you can at least give me this." Bast rested his chin on his palm, looking down at the high elf.

Tillian's lips pressed into a thin line and then parted, "Ah..I think...a refined type?" He took the bait, but it was not what Bast was expecting. Tillian didn't seem to understand the question.

"You don't know?" Bast questioned, his brows raising slightly, "Are you-...Have you ever looked at a woman that way? Ever thought about one as more than a friend?"

The elf seemed embarrassed from the topic when the realization struck him, his cheeks forming a faint pink haze, "No, I've never gazed lecherously at a woman, if that is what you mean to say. I'm not an animal."

"Oh, so it's men, then?" Bast quickly asked, a sly smile on his lips. Blu recognized the look on Bast's face, he was reaching to pull a real reaction out of the elf, and he managed to do so. The pale skin of Tillian's face quickly turned beet red, his lips forming an awkward shape in embarrassed surprise. "Right on the money," Bast seemed pleased with himself.

Tillian covered his face and started walking back to the rooms, annoyance in his voice, "Conversing with you further will give me brain damage."
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Guilty pouted, "oh" as she was placed down on the ground. The Lither scurried over to Bast, but it's beak nudged against the Goblin. She almost recoiled from it, but recognised it's kindness and began to rub her hand against it's beak and gave it a pet.

Mission looked down at Blu as he embraced her, her hands wrapped around his head as she kept her balance with him hanging off of her waist. She listened to Mircea's response, nodding in agreement and also acknowledging the thanks. "It's no problem."

She smiled down at Blu now, her hands moving to cup the sides of his face - responding to him with exaggerated expressions of interest after everything he says.

"I had a lot of fun!"

"I'm glad you had fun."

"Mircea told me a lot of stories about the academy, and I got to see people practicing magic in different ways."

"Oh really?" Her eyebrow rose, enjoying his spout of words.

"They aren't all stories, Blu," Mircea corrected, "Most of what I told you is history, things that actually happened."

"Oh yeah, keep those history lessons in mind - they can be quite important." She got closer to him with her face, as if what she was saying was important now.

"I'm hungry! My feet hurt.. I'm tired. When are we going to eat????"

As Mission was shook, she glanced at Mircea with a sort of look of 'oh boy.' as he mouthed at her. It was like Mission's eyes sunk slightly in her sockets. Though she just shook it off and looked back down at Blu. She was about to say something, but some exaggerated well timed acting was put on by the Hybrid and the Lady. She smirked, it was amusing to watch and slightly adorable - the two suited each other.

Her non-gauntlet hand reaches under Blu's arm and tickles the side of his ribs, "Starving are we? Gosh yeah, I can feel em - no more than an ounce of meat hanging off your bones. Though you're gonna have to wait a little longer buddy." She moved her hand around and lowers her stance to a crouch, tickling him in multiple spots as he recoiled from each one (with hopefully laughter lmao).

She stops and quickly turns, observing Bast's conversation with Tillian on the stairs. She rolls her eyes so hard they almost get stuck there. She remembered his comment from earlier in the temple which she sort of resonated with as well. She scratched her head and approached Bast, looking up to Tillian who was immensely red and had stormed off. Mission got between Blu's line of sight with Bast and used her metal hand to sharply pinch his ass from behind - him not getting a view of that.

"Already agitating one of our... hosts?" She sort of squints up towards where Tillian was, like she was questioning her choice of words still not knowing too much about him - though Bast seemed to be drawing personal feelings out of the poor lad. She turns her attention back to Bast, gauging his reaction to the pinched ass.

"Perhaps keep your attempted exploits more private?" She tries to subtly gesture her head. flicking it towards Blu.
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Bast's expression turned to surprise at the sudden, quick pain on his rear, causing him to stand up straight. He gave her a quick glare, "Watch it, Mission, don't start something you wont finish." The human relaxed some when she spoke again, though his tone said otherwise, huffing, "Consider it a lesson. The more he knows what these exploits look like, the easier he can avoid them if he's ever put on the wrong end." His arms crossed along his chest, the illusioned blue eyes glancing at Blu whose head had tilted in confusion. Bast sighed, knowing that logic probably wasn't the best way to carry on with. Blu moved closer to them, grabbing on to Mission's arm, "I want to see the garden again."
"Think yourself a teacher huh? I'm sure I could teach you a few manners." Mission was trying to keep herself from grabbing Bast and throwing him about, though she remained calm and being grabbed by Blu helped control herself. She begun to move past Bast again, keeping herself between him and Blu she quickly clutched the human's throat and uttered in his ear behind gritted teeth.

"And don't test me Bast. I'll finish anything you dare start with me." She lets go of his neck and continues on, ushering Blu away towards the Garden. She breathed in deeply, closing her eyes and letting out a long drawn out sigh.

Getting to the Garden through a well decorated living quarters, she slides the door open and ushers Blu through it with a bow of her head - she didn't observe it properly before, it was really pretty. "Oh Blu, I put all your stuff in a pack in your room."
"Now which of us is teaching lessons a child shouldn't imitate?" Bast said loudly when Mission released him, more of a statement than a question. His eyes rolled, continuing down the steps and glancing at the goblin before heading in the direction Mircea and Esra disappeared to. Leva stayed on the stairs.

"Thank you," Blu nodded, coming to scratch his head. He was quiet for a moment, moving to look at some of the large orange and purple flowers before he spoke, "Do you and Bast hate each other? You two argue a lot.."
The urge to respond to Bast was strong, but she'd already walked away with Blu to the garden. He was right though, she shouldn't be teaching Bast things for him to imitate. Mission chuckled at her own thought, though slight disappointment for the fact she couldn't say it in response. With the Garden in front of them, Mission looked around for a place to sit down - though she sort of froze when Blu asked the question. She sighed, closing her eyes a moment.

There was an awkward pause in the conversation as Mission took a moment to think, "Eh. Probably. Sometimes people's personalities just clash and are incompatible for each other as friends or even acquaintances. I respect him enough to know he's a good ally and has been around the Caravan much longer than I, so I try not to overstep. But it's hard, he just fu...he just irks me."

-- ---- ---- --​

The Goblin looked back at Bast with a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ as he walked away down the steps. Guilty walked up to Leva and sat on the stairs with it, petting the Lither. "Guilty have friend called Brutus who is meaner than Walking Feather Lizard. Do walking bird understand? Of course not. Or do?"

---- -- -- ----

Arbonath sat in his Wagon, he wasn't tinkering at this moment anymore. Instead he was writing out a note, humming to himself pretty relaxed. When he finished he folded it in half and began writing another note, this one was a lot shorter than the first and he didn't fold it in half. The Dwarf got up and looked outside the wagon to see if anyone was around first. He didn't see anyone and so went out and stuck the note to the door.

He closed it and went back inside, sitting in front of his hunk of metal project that was laid out on the floor in the centre of the Wagon. He moved a plate of metal from one side of it, four thin slots were uncovered and he gently slid each of his Amber Refined Rods into three of the holes which they fit in pretty snug. "Ay, the Sprite was right." The Dwarf chuckled and placed what looked like a metal crab on the top of the Refined rods, it latched onto them with a clamp and a sigil glowed on the surface of the crab's copper shell.

Arbie removed his top exposing his chest, placing everything down to the side and neatly packed away - he took all the metal tools off his person and put them back and away. The only thing he kept was a another similar bronze crab which he placed against his hairy chest, it's legs clutched to the center of him and he winced at the pain of the metal piercing his skin. He was sat down now, looking directly at the hunk of metal on the floor - Arbonath let out a long drawn out sigh and closed his eyes before slowly raising his arms up from his sides, as he did the whole Wagon begin to light up, sigils on the walls with crystals in the middle of them all lit up one after another creating some sort of large transmutation circle. The Wagon itself began to rattle as energy pulsed around the inside, the horses whinnied outside as the magic interfered with their instincts. Suddenly a large flash of light erupted from inside the Wagon and jolted to two locations simultaneously, the Crab on Arbonath's chest and the one on the amber rods. The Jolt sent Arbonath flying back against the wall of the wagon, he smacked against it and fell to the floor lifeless. The Bronze Crab had fallen off him and scurried over towards the note he had left on the floor near him and sat on it. The Dwarf was no longer breathing laying face down on the wood.

As there was a dreaded silence and darkness in the Wagon, light began to emerge - the project in the center of the room originating from the rods began to light up with arcane energy and spread through the underneath of it's metal plating. The sounds of magic and whispers coming from it.

Don't Panic! Read Note on the Floor First before you bloody scream yer heads off.

Okay so you've probably found my body all dead and stuff. It's fine. I just need a jolt of energy.

Please take the Bronze looking crab next to this note and place it on my chest, there should be markings already on it from where it was before. If nothing happens you may need to just, give it a little push. If you can channel some magic into it please, just a little - the Crab can do the rest. If you can't then bloody go get someone who can.
Blu nodded, gently touching some of the green leaves, "Okay." He looked back at her, his brows slightly scrunched, "Don't hurt each other too much, please.." The boy didn't fully understand it, but he knew they probably wouldn't get a long. His eyes caught an herb just beside Mission, his expression changing to a smile, "Look! It's a purple dragon ivy." The red and purple plant was nestled between two ferns, it's leaves an odd jagged shape, "Mircea said they're used for burning ointments."


Mal woke from a harsh shaking in the caravans. He quickly got up from his cot and rushed through the wagons, heading towards the source after a bright light flashed from under Arbie's door. He almost missed the note placed on the door, opening it some before the parchment caught his eye. Mal took a closer look at it, his brows furrowed in confusion as he fully opened the door. Arbie's body was lying still on the wooden floor, giving the human some concern as he bent to pick up the other note, reading it over. The large man looked for a metal crab as mentioned on the note, picking it up and using his other hand to move Arbonath, placing the crab on his chest and aligning it to the markings. The instructions were fairly simple, but he had to take a rushed moment to think of how to put magical energy into it, a small bit of lighting zapping at the metal vessel.
She wanted to say 'no promises', but the boy was just too cute to let down. She simply nodded her head, it made her think about how she'd go about their relationship proceeding further. Mission felt guilty, something have strained between her and Bast since the farm and from there she never really tried to improve it either - it was on her too. Though the guilt was mainly because of Blu and if she was to proceed with trying to improve her relationship with Bast further it would be for Blu.

She went back to watching him observe the wildlife, she looks down at the herb he pointed out and she crouched beside it and nodded, "So it is. You're learning a lot. When I was first practising with the Fire Element, I had to procure a lot of these for my own personal use. Burns suck."

"Oh. That's a good point, I should show you some time how to use herbs to make ointments and to treat injuries. Like when I first met you."

--- - ---

As the crab was zapped with lightning, a small glow emerges from under it's metal playing and then it springs to life and digs into Arbonath before it zaps him violently and shoots off his chest - smacking into the wall. Immediately Arbonath springs up into a sitting position, his eyes wide open as he takes in air.

"AAAAH!" His head snaps towards his savior, "MAL!" His head then flicks towards his project and he squickly scurries over to it observing the husk of metal. It was glowing with an arcane amber and orange colour fluctuating under the metal plates. His hands trace over it, as he mutters under his breath.

"I think it's working. Mal! I don't say this often enough... I am a Genius."

He gets up and quickly walks over to his top and puts it back on, picking up his Crab like inventions from off his project and the one that had shot across the wagon. He puts them away and throws a blanket over the device. HE lets out a grumble and pats his chest, remembering again that Mal was in the wagon still, he was still regaining his senses.

"Oh... And thanks. Hoof, that hurt. I need a drink."
Blu nodded, "Yes, I'd like that. Mircea has been telling me about the ones I shouldn't touch." He watched as a butterfly drifted by, it's yellow wings quietly flapping in the air, "Not right now, though...My head feels mushy. Oh, I saw a bird out here earlier I've never seen before today. I wanted to see it again, but it's not here." He moved to her side, a yawn escaping him, "I'm tired, Mission."


Mal chuckled, "Ay, I could do for a drink after that, too." He shook his head with a smile, his curiosity being stifled by his concern, "Glad I was here to help, genius." There was no telling if Arbie would have woken up if someone hadn't found him soon.



Night time came quickly as the travelers settled in. Mircea, Esra, and Bast had filled the wood and marble table in the dining hall with food and drink, cooked and collected themselves. They called people to the meal, those who wished to join being sat wherever they wished to settle. Felan and Esra sat next to one another, Mircea next to Esra. Bast sat across from Mircea, Mal settled beside him, and Blu sat on the other end of the table where he could see everyone easily. They'd already begun eating, a few exchanging words. Tillian stood from his seat, having eaten quite quickly and made an extra portion for Correll. He left them as Felan laughed, going to wake the blond human.

"Huh?" Correll grumbled, sitting up from an awkward sleeping position at the smell of food. Tillian held the plate out for him, waiting for Correll to take it before turning to pour more water into his cup and sitting down.

"Come, regale me with stories!" Felan said, already quite amused by the company, his weak smile held. Bast succeeded in speaking first, telling a tale about a tavern in the eastlands that filled with water when a mage got too drunk to handle her magic and tried to stop a thief. He was quite good at storytelling, his voice and body language expressive as he spoke. It made most of them laugh, even Blu laughed when he mentioned the flood of water escaping onto the streets when someone opened the door to the tavern. Mircea also told a story about the time he got caught in quicksand when collecting treasures in the eastlands, but ended up being too tall to sink very far. He had to get Mal to pull him from the ground with a rope due to the pressure.

"Ay, and you were heavy as a long," Mal chuckled.

"Wonderful! You've been to so many places," Felan commented with amusement.

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