• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Accepting Requests [ π—”π——π—’π—«π—’π—šπ—₯𝗔𝗣𝗛𝗬 ] ━ π‘Ž π‘™π‘–π‘π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦ π‘œπ‘“ π‘π‘œπ‘‘π‘’ (retired)

cool vibes [ic post]
  • ic post.

    patch notes:
    cool vibes

    blue/black colour scheme, multiple hidden scrolls.

    pastebin: here.

    first request! sorry it took a while to finish yourlocal-eboyy yourlocal-eboyy , but here it is. unfortunately, i had to make it a little wider than what you originally asked for. ^^" the picture scrolls to give a quote box, and the tags/location/etc. box also scrolls, so don't worry about cramming everything in with super tiny font. i commented in where to find the important stuff, but feel free to ask me questions (either here or via pm) if you get stuck. c:

    "do not go gentle into that good night. rage, rage, against the dying of the light!"

    character name

    Fusce efficitur semper congue. Duis eros nisl, ultricies vitae mauris ut, consectetur congue diam. Etiam dictum sapien eu dolor luctus efficitur. Nulla interdum a sapien vel commodo. Nullam est neque, consectetur sit amet luctus at, euismod vitae urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla justo urna, efficitur vel fermentum nec, blandit in felis. Proin tristique ornare mi, pretium malesuada neque blandit nec. Nunc elementum iaculis arcu, id dapibus dui feugiat vitae. Ut nibh nibh, convallis a vehicula sed, cursus suscipit velit. Maecenas arcu eros, sagittis id ipsum ut, efficitur dictum arcu. Curabitur ultrices eu lacus non condimentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.





    code by deer of 9 colours.
    social conglomerate [cs]
  • character sheet.

    patch notes:
    social conglomerate

    neutral palette, sleek & modern design.

    partly inspired by the design here.
    pastebin: here.
    this...was a pain to code. it's definitely not the most user friendly of codes; in fact, it's probably the farthest thing from user friendly i've ever coded in my entire life. no comments. gigantic blocks of code. but it's probably some of my best work and for just for that it's being uploaded onto this thread. this is, in short, the most elaborate thing i've ever attempted.
    if anybody is interested in trying to use decipher it and is stuck, shoot me a pm or post a question on the thread and i shall come to your dramatic rescue. who knows. if i receive enough interest i might be convinced to re-organize and re-label everything.

    currently logged in as
    yasmine li

    ── navigation!
    • welcome back,
      Calendar Reminder
      Piano lesson at 6. Bring Chopin etude books + harmony theory practice.
      Weather Forecast
      It's 36Β° C and sunny in Auburn Springs.

    Lorde - Perfect Places
    code by deer of 9 colours
    Last edited:
    garden of words [cs]
  • character sheet

    patch notes
    garden of words

    greens, pinks & blues, nature inspired

    pastebin: here.
    T.T i dropped off the face of the earth for a hot second there, but nevertheless here is your request, Maskruelty Maskruelty . once again, terribly sorry for leaving you hanging. please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you are having trouble with using it! there are essentially 4 main tabs and then little sub-tabs within the personality tab (where i included some fun lil' stat bars and such) and personal history tab (one for backstory & one to document various relationships). you can toggle between these sub-tabs with the lil' flower pot and flower bushes, respectively. for the personality section, there is also a scroll box i included for likes/dislikes/fears that has various icons. to choose different icons, please go to font awesome and insert their respective codes. (ex. [fa] fa-play [/fa] is the symbol for the play button the music player).

    • Alexandra Huntington Elbereth

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum ipsum at rhoncus suscipit. Aenean placerat viverra pulvinar. Donec convallis, elit et consequat lacinia, libero augue rutrum ipsum, nec lobortis magna magna at felis. Maecenas consequat nulla non dolor lacinia iaculis. Donec porttitor nulla tortor, sed convallis orci ornare eu. Donec et elementum diam. Donec id nibh commodo, semper ex id, tempus diam. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris cursus ligula fermentum odio egestas facilisis. Aenean a vehicula lectus, nec dictum augue. Cras vulputate mi finibus egestas rutrum.
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum ipsum at rhoncus suscipit. Aenean placerat viverra pulvinar. Donec convallis, elit et consequat lacinia, libero augue rutrum ipsum, nec lobortis magna magna at felis. Maecenas consequat nulla non dolor lacinia iaculis. Donec porttitor nulla tortor, sed convallis orci ornare eu. Donec et elementum diam. Donec id nibh commodo, semper ex id, tempus diam. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris cursus ligula fermentum odio egestas facilisis. Aenean a vehicula lectus, nec dictum augue. Cras vulputate mi finibus egestas rutrum.

    Wild Flowers
    Tian Zhen

    code by butterfly aubade
    Last edited:
    cinematic reverie [interest check]
  • interest check.

    patch notes
    cinematic reverie

    netflix ui inspired, black, white & red palette.

    pastebin: here.
    i was watching shadow & bone the other day (great show btw, you should give it watch!) when all of a sudden i had the urge to make a netflix inspired interest check. :,) this is the result. it should be pretty straightforward in terms of use, nothing too crazy. (it's a lot more simple than my other codes haha). i had a lot of fun emulating / adapting netflix's designs. as always, if you're having trouble with using it, don't hesitate to shoot me a pm or post on this thread.

    • N


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi maximus quis enim at eleifend. Aliquam et vulputate orci. Pellentesque semper pulvinar nibh ornare efficitur.





    code by butterfly aubade
    Last edited:
    snapshots of youth [cs]
  • character sheet

    patch notes
    snapshots of youth

    photo heavy (feat. polaroids).

    textbin (bc pastebin hates me): here.
    here is your request r e i r e i , sorry for the long wait! i was stuck in a few things irl and was also experiencing a bit of creativity block. if you have any questions regarding its use, please feel free to contact me! now then, onto the goodies.
    it should be (relatively??) straightforward, but there are a few things to keep in mind. the mini title (on the side bar) is best left at one line, but can have two lines max. if you choose to add two lines, please remove the asterisks and slashes around the line-height variable where i've asked you to in the comments. the rgba colours in the variables are changeable as well by searching up a rgba colour picker; just be sure to leave the last decimal number alone as that is responsible for the transparency property as opposed to colour, like the three values prior to it. finally, the elements that do not change when you tab around can be edited near the bottom of the code (save for the sidebar picture and title i was talking about earlier).

    femme fatale!


      FULL NAME:
      lee sun-mi (이선미)


      cis. female


      singer / idol


      may 2nd, 1992

      i take a deep breath and listen to the old brag of my heart. i am. i am. i am.

    your cold eyes, they
    kill me.
    the fire in your heart that used to glow, why is there only ashes left? maybe time is the
    but i'm getting weaker. the pain is getting
    number too.
    fine, i'll forgive you. i'm gonna live like a
    can't stop me now.

    S U N M I

    code by butterfly aubade
    Last edited: