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Realistic or Modern Absolute Territory

Absolute Territory Part 1
As Evelyn Greene drove the car on the I-10 road, she noticed her sister peacefully sleeping atop the passenger seat, with her head cocked to the left and her favorite manga clenched by her pale hands. The sun radiantly beamed Evelyn's front mirror, but fortunately, her sweet pair of sunglasses totally averted the distraction. Either way, her sister seemed the more alluring of the perceptions. According to Evelyn, despite a five year age gap, she saw her younger sister, Charlotte, as bearing a similar appearance to herself. She mumbled, "You're going to love it, ain't ya, when we get there, my sweet little slice of apple pie." Again, her gaze drifted but to a reflection of herself in the car's mirrors revealing her slim, Caucasian features. Growing up as a country bumpkin in the south, she understood little about how other states in the north operated, but she hoped the anime convention, her sister desperately wanted to attend, left little in the way of disappointment. A small snickered escaped her mouth, as she remembered the surprise she'd prepared for when they arrive, "Just you wait, Charlotte. Today'll be your day."

A few hours later on the ride, Evelyn heard Charlotte awaking, "Shit, Sis! I messed up Yumeiko's moment. It's ruined, I tell you. I drooled all over my favorite character, urgh." However, Evelyn paid no attention to the page, focusing instead on the road, "Glad to see you awake and all, but we're in the city now, and I reckon it's better I stay alert and what not. Crazy men driving these here roads, you see." She noticed Charlotte remaining quiet, and heard a bit of shuffle coming from Charlotte's pants' pocket. After a few minutes of driving, and finally feeling relaxed, Evelyn questioned Charlotte, "So what's in the pocket, Charlotte? You hiding a figurine or something in there?" Again, a few moments of silence, until she heard Charlotte, "U-uh, no. Nothing important you ought to know. I'll tell you that." A sighed escaped Evelyn's lips, "Alright, gotcha. We all have our surprises and secrets. I just hope your ready that's all. Anyways, I look good and all? My corn husked hair still southern and my sunglasses doing a good job about hiding my ripe blueberry eyes." Some laughter followed from her sister, "Yeah, yeah, sis. Come on, why you gotta joke. You're beautiful, Evelyn." Evelyn peered at a mirror that revealed her sister's smile, "You got that right."

Now entering the parking lot, Evelyn parked the car, and instructed Charlotte, "You go on inside to the convention. I'll be in a bit." When Charlotte departed, Evelyn went to work, opening the truck of the car to reveal a dark dress with white frills, the perfect Gothic Lolita attire that matched Yumeiko, a manga character's appearance. Accompanying the dress was also a dark haired wig, "I'm about to spruce up myself into one of them oreo cookies."

With her cosplay preparations finished, Evelyn headed to the changing rooms only to find herself locked into a stare with another woman dressed similar to Yumeiko. Never had she expected another individual to cosplay the same character, or maybe the thought that Yumeiko's popularity never crossed her mind. These two were alone in the changing rooms, and Evelyn needed to do something about the situation.

Options: How does Evelyn react to the woman? (Please vote in the voting thread)

A: Call her an oreo bitch, knock her unconscious, and leave her in the changing room.
B: "Accidentally" ruin the woman's cosplay with colored makeup, and then offer a quick apology, before donning the cosplay.
C: Do nothing about the situation and ignore her.
D: Greet her, and talk with her a bit.
Absolute Territory Part 2 (Option D: Greet her, and talk with her a bit).

A thought occurred to Evelyn, she lacked knowledge on how to act as Yumeiko, meaning it was wise to speak with this woman, even if she dared to ruin the surprise by dressing as Yumeiko. An awkward shuffle occurred from her feet, for her eagerness to engage with the woman became tenfold upon contemplation. She held out her hand in politeness, "Heya, ma'am, care to share your secrets and what not, on how to act like one of them Yumeikos. You know the anime character. Sorry 'bout that, almost forgot to introduce myself, Name's Evelyn." The woman stared at Evelyn for a few moments, and then scoffed at her in a fake southern accent, "Ain't that the truth ya darn old hillbilly. Hahaha. I swear, none of you southerners belong here. I see your cosplay, and it's downright disgusting that white trash as yourself is attempting to act out a character of nobility." Such words tore deep into Evelyn's heart, forcing a few tears to erupt slowly out from her eyes, "What's this, I'm making poor Evelyn cry. Have some thicker skin, you're a redneck, are you not? Shouldn't your tears be dried from the sun?" A laugh followed after the woman's remark, "A pleasure to speak, oh wait, I bet you couldn't even understand half the words I said. Good luck trying to impress someone in that cosplay." As the woman gathered herself out of the changing room, Evelyn promptly locked herself inside. She muttered, "Just hold it in, I'm strong 'n stuff. I got this."

She waited a bit, as her tears dried and stifled out, before dressing her bottom part. From the mirror, she watched herself fit the black skirt with white frills, followed by a bulky on the hands, but slim on the body upper dress portion. When complete, she took a moment to check herself out, remembering the woman's cosplay, "Urgh. I'll never look like that woman, gosh darn it all. I'm just too...too darn southern. dang it." Her bare feet slammed onto the wooden tiled floor in anger, "Oww. Lemme just get this over with." The last parts to equip included laced dark stockings, a dark haired wig, a black headdress with white frills, and dark boots. Finally prepared in her cosplay, she braced herself for one more glance, and then it hit her full force, "Who the fuck cares. I'm a friggen noble, and I'm gonna act like one, ya see! I'm gonna be the most gothic lolita out there!" Outside the changing room, a woman yelled, "Shut up already!" An embarrassed Evelyn commented, "Uh...sorry," before departing the changing rooms with a beet-colored face.

It never occurred to Evelyn that an anime convention encouraged a visitation from people all across the country, so when she awkwardly journeyed into the crowd of people lined for the convention, her eyes became consumed by the variety of sights. The line continued for ages, even with the minutes turning to hours. She tried to search for her sister in the first hour of waiting, but she failed to locate her. A sigh escaped her lips, as she said, "Come on, already," prior to looking down at her feet to spot a weird individual eyeing her legs. She heard his breath and voice, "W-why h-h-hello there Y-y-yumeiko, y-y-ou got such n-n-ice leg-gs. T-that absol-l-lute t-t-territory-;" and then kicked upwards hitting the man's chin, propelling him upwards a few feet, until he fell to the ground with an alarming THUD. Evelyn angrily yelled, "Didn't ya Dad treat ya right? You ain't supposed to be lookin' down there, you horndog!" Everyone in the crowd stopped to witness the commotion created by the pair. One of them mentioned, "That's Yumeiko! Look at that display, so elegant and graceful. I wish I was that man," and another man clad in samurai attire near Evelyn asked, "Please, honor me with a swift uppercut to my chin." Evelyn backed away slowly, until she heard a man offer, "Please, Yumeiko, go in front of me!" Everyone chanted for Evelyn's quick entry into the convention, and she accepted it without any question or concern, not even stopping to thank anyone, for only one thing remained on her mind: her dear sister.

Now at the main lobby of the convention, she pinpointed Charlotte, but her eyes witnessed something out of a horror movie. Evelyn spotted the same woman, who insulted her, standing right next to Charlotte in a pose all too familiar of Charlotte's favorite manga. Then, Evelyn's gaze went to Charlotte's phone, before her eyes blinked from the flash that emitted, signaling that the moment was successfully captured forever into her sister's phone. With no moments left to spare, Evelyn crumbled to the floor, in a kneeling position, but she offered no tears, for that would ruin her makeup. She complained softly, "That was supposed to my moment with my sister." Her mind was so wrapped up in the moment, she failed to detect the same man from earlier, "I-I-m s-s-so sor-r-ry ab-b-bout earlier-r-r." Even with the emotions swirling in her head, she needed to do something now, and fast.

Options: What does Evelyn do now? (Please vote in the voting thread)

A: Find somewhere to calm down. Ignore the two situations.
B: Talk to her sister and the woman with emotions running. Ignore the man's apology.
C: Listen to the man's apology with emotions running. Ignore her sister and the woman.
D: Unleash Evelyn's rage upon the man.
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