Aaron Safraan/Novaan (WIP)


I am the truth. Deal with it.
Alias: Novaan


Legal Name: Aaron Safran

Gender: Male

Age: 18


Occupation: Freshman in College/

Appearance: (picture and description of both hero and alter ego preferably included):


Powers/Signature Move:

Portal conjuration/energy manipulation: Aaron can conjure circle portals to summon blue energy into the air. After launching the energy, he is still able to manipulate it once it dissipates into air for a second use (after that, it’s gone for good). He is also able to increase the portal size up to a two yard radius. However, the larger the portal, the less impact the energy would have due to decreased density. As such, large sized portals are only really useful for supplying the air with more energy.


Limited Flight: Aaron is able to fly vertically, but horizontal movement is very limited over two yards.


Power Limitations: As mentioned above, the portals beam impact lessens the wider the portal is. While at max it makes a strong upward wind, it does not do much damage. The portal range is also very limited, and Aaron can’t conjure them any further than where he stands.


Abilities: See above


Weapons/Gadgets/Tech: None


Weaknesses:  While his abilities are strong, Aaron is held back by two glaring flaws. First, he is a very fragile glass canon, and can be easily knocked down or incapacitated by strong attacks. Second, the portals themselves are openings to Aaron’s interior, which means that attacks aimed at the portal’s center, even though they would dissolve, can severally damage him. The portals also makes Aaron extremely venerable to being invaded by mental/psychic attacks whenever he conjures a portal.
Rank in G.S.U.N: Low


Short backstory (how they got their powers and found G.S.U.N):


Basic Personality (include their motivation to be a hero and their mental and emotional strengths and weaknesses both physical and mental please!):



**Romantic Interests:






**Theme song:
Gonna look at this again when I'm totally sober, but:

His powers don't sound very cohesive. Flight? Where'd that come from? Dude, you have portals, you don't need that.

I'm not sure what you're going on about with adding energy to the air... with portals? What even is blue energy?

If I understand correctly: he creates circular "portals" which produce a shaft of wind. The force propelling the wind which these portals put out is inversely proportional to the diameter of these portals, such that larger ones are pretty weak. If I've summarised it enough that it would make no difference when it's used in teh RP... you've overcomplicated it.
Gonna look at this again when I'm totally sober, but:

His powers don't sound very cohesive. Flight? Where'd that come from? Dude, you have portals, you don't need that.

I'm not sure what you're going on about with adding energy to the air... with portals? What even is blue energy?

If I understand correctly: he creates circular "portals" which produce a shaft of wind. The force propelling the wind which these portals put out is inversely proportional to the diameter of these portals, such that larger ones are pretty weak. If I've summarised it enough that it would make no difference when it's used in teh RP... you've overcomplicated it.

He's supposed have a sorcerous vibe, hence the flight (though its more so levitating/hovering than actual flight) though that might have been more obvious if i included a picture.

When he ejects energy out of the portal, it still remains in the air even after it zaps a target, which he can manipulate further after its ejection (like creating a sphere out of it).

The portals eject energy, but end up blowing shafts of wind as a result. The larger the portal, the less concentrated the energy is. The benefit to this though is to fill the air with more energy so Novaan can find more uses for it then just blasting beams.
He's supposed have a sorcerous vibe, hence the flight (though its more so levitating/hovering than actual flight) though that might have been more obvious if i included a picture.

When he ejects energy out of the portal, it still remains in the air even after it zaps a target, which he can manipulate further after its ejection (like creating a sphere out of it).

The portals eject energy, but end up blowing shafts of wind as a result. The larger the portal, the less concentrated the energy is. The benefit to this though is to fill the air with more energy so Novaan can find more uses for it then just blasting beams.


Powers should still always have a common thread and be a cohesive whole: The flight, if included, should be a consequence of his power, maybe he uses columns of blasted air to levitate a short way off the ground and to propel himself

What do you mean zap? What is "blasting beams"?
Powers should still always have a common thread and be a cohesive whole: The flight, if included, should be a consequence of his power, maybe he uses columns of blasted air to levitate a short way off the ground and to propel himself

What do you mean zap? What is "blasting beams"?

That's how the energy is ejected. In the form of beams.
Alright, what does it do when a beam hits a person?

Aside from knocking them over not much. It more like getting punched by a large flying fist. 

I will try to tweak this up a bit later, but i am off to bed soon.

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