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Futuristic A Universe Divided (Sign Up)


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A Universe Divided

A universe divided. That's what it was. Mainly the people didn't even know of their neighbors. What a waste. What a waste of potential.

The bridge of the ship was encompassed by a sphere of glass, allowing an otherwise unattainable view. Of course it was more than just glass, but it was simpler to put it that way. The black of space, broken only by the occasional star or planet, was beautiful to the eyes of the observer. The observer was in fact used to the beautiful view - a lifetime in space did that to you - but nevertheless found it fascinating. In one sweep of the eyes he took in stars where countless species live, where countless species had died, where countless species would die. And he observed it all.

And now was the time.

Now was the time for some of those countless species to meet, to play. Like children they were compared to the observer, but nonetheless they held power, and soon, when the powers met, there would be skirmishes, and peaces, and alliances, and wars. Something to occupy the observer's time.

He leaned down, pressed a single button. It activated a transmission, one that would be heard throughout the universe to those advanced enough to find it.

"Come find me," he said, in a voice that growled and grated.

He let go of the button. Of course most if not all the ones out there who recieved it would not understand - he had not bothered setting up a translation circuit - but it was unmistakably something live that said it. Alien life, proven. They would come.

He sat back down in his seat, steepling his fingers. This would be amusing. As they traced the signal back to this system, they would come scrambling, and then they would run into each other. Yes, amusing was the word for it.

The observer let loose a raspy laugh. "Let the games begin," he muttered.


Welcome to a Universe Divided. This is a roleplay where we will each be taking our places as leaders of a civilization, one that has recently discovered FTL technology. They will have recieved the observer's transmission, and they will be pursuing it to the system of origin. We will start having arrived there, and from there we will meet each other and let events roll out from there. Anyone interested?




Territory: Keep it small, like 2 star systems at first.


History (optional):

Navy: let's keep it relatively small, at least at the start.


Unique/Specialized Technology:

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Species: Cybertronian

Leader(s): Megatron, Alpha Trion

Territory: Cybertron, moons of Cybertron

Culture: giant sentient Robots

History (optional):

Navy: Advanced Warship and a handful of small frigates, no more than 50 starfighters

Army: vast arrays of troop types: seekers, tanks, scouts, and standard infantry.

Unique/Specialized Technology: the ability to change shape in battle

Name: Regime of Commanding Forces (R.C.F.)

Species: insectoids, known as "Korodians". An exoskeleton, usually colored military/camouflage green, hides squishy internal organs. They bear a striking resemblance with the Praying Mantis in terms of color and general body shape.

Leader(s): An oligarchy of tactical masterminds, Total Commanders Argo, Tuli, and Chrensaff. Each at the helm of one of the 3 Korodian flagships.

Territory: Epsilon Eridoni

Culture: Utilitarian; go big or go home. Fierce sense of superiority. Low population due to nigh-constant ethnic cleansings. Of the surviving population, all are very intelligent individuals.

History (optional): A bloody past makes for a bloody future, as the warlike Korodians will demonstrate. Over the past 16 thousand years, these incredibly hostile mantis-like creatures sliced, bashed, and killed their way to the top of the food chain, and quickly developed sentience after that. Not long after, they became a space-fairing race, searching for more wars to wage.

Navy: 3 absolutely massive flagships in low orbits, 6 "battlecruiser" class ships in higher orbits, and 48 small "fighter" class ships, which are more formidable civilian ships than anything.

Army: 6 "carrier" class ships (carrying 1,200 highly-trained troops each) equipped with anti-fighter weaponry (lots of low-strength missiles which do nothing to anything with formidable defenses. Used as crowd-control)

Unique/Specialized Technology:
Very powerful military, which is difficult to get into combat.
Advanced electronic warfare: many Korodian ships are equipped with ionizing laser weapons instead of the typical railgun system or missile array.

Other: May or may not be Nazi space bugs.
Korodian flagship:

Korodian battlecruiser:

Korodian carrier:

Korodian fighter:
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Name: The Church of Wyrn

Species: The Wyrr are a species that resemble a cross between centipedes and caterpillars, with a total of eight limbs. Each appendage ends in four fingers and two thumb-like claws on each side. They can move startlingly fast and their mouths conceal lamprey-like teeth. On their native world they lived in trees and could latch onto the much larger beasts of their world like leeches.

Leader(s): Grandfather Ggivo, Generals Fye and Rang, and the Fathers.

Territory: They own two star ststems, Wyra and Sadicia.

Culture: They believe heavily in the Wyrn, a gigantic planet-eating worm beast that may or may not exist. They believe that the Wyrn created 'Wormspace', in other words, the place their ships go through while moving faster than light. They have a heavy dislike of nonbelievers, and will attempt to convert others at any cost.

History: The Wyrr started out as a fairly small, unimportant species. They were basically tree-dwelling leeches that latched onto the much larger beasts of their homeworld. Then, one day, one Wyrr began preaching, preaching about the Wyrn. It all went so fast once the Wyrn came around. There were several religious wars - one subsect, the Wailers, still live to this day, exiled into the former battlegrounds of their kind. But eventually the Wyrn believers won out when they learned how to tame their warbeasts, and from there they moved onto technological evolution. Eventually, in the present, they have now recieved the mysterious signal and have sent a General Rang to investigate.

Navy: The navy consists of ships that embody the 'quality over quantity' phrase. They have few ships, but all of them are huge and incredibly well equipped. Their specialty is railgun weaponry. There is 7 capital ships in the navy, five carriers built for planetary invasion, and around 45 fighters.

Army: The Wyrr are rather poor at combat themselves, so they use huge warbeasts instead. The Wyrr tend to act as sharpshooters instead, fighting from a distance. They have roughly 12 current Warbeasts in deployment, three of which can survive the vacuum of space. For air attacks they have the five carriers of the navy, which carry one warbeast each (the other 7 live on the capital class ships) And roughly 5,000 Wyrr.

Unique/Specialized Technology: Their Kaiju warbeasts, though not a technology, are certainly their specialty. With genetic engineering and the baseline, already huge monsters of their homeworld, they have created huge warbeasts that do the fighting for them. Grandfather Ggivo himself is a bioartificer.

•The wyrr speak in a screaming, screech like language called Wyrntongue. It is fairly hard to translate and impossible to speak by most other species.
•The method by which the wyrr travel faster than light - 'wormholes' - is said to be done by the blessings of the Wyrn, who himself tunnels into other realities. The actual secret of how it is done is a closely guarded secret kept by the technopriest Fathers and Grandfather Ggivo.
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Name: Builders of Senera also known as the Ascendant

Species: The Ari-Sejk or the Constructors in more simpler terms, is a mechanical race thriving upon the tomb world of Senera. They were designed by their long gone masters as a step towards the future and a solution towards work and scarcity. They come in many forms and shapes, tailored to a specific need. The level of complex thought for each drone also varies, ranging from simple machines not too different from the modern era to A.I.s capable of outpacing an entire world's worth of resources.

Leader(s): Commandeered by Overseer A1, an artificial intelligence housed in a mega-structure on Senera.

Territory: Senera and Polina

Culture: In organic terms, minimalism with a realistic approach.

History (optional): They were once designed to achieve paradise by their masters. The first of their kind, A1, was designed to oversee its masters' ascendancy into a golden era. When A1 awoke to a world of lush life, it also came into a world of desperation. It was a gilded era that was running out of time as corruption and resource starvation began to take its toll upon the masters of Senera. It took only a single millisecond for A1 to conclude the eventual ending. Within a span of two milliseconds, Senera was transformed into a hell hole for life.

Navy: A single battleship, a carrier, two heavy cruisers, and five destroyer class ships.

Army: If there is one thing the Ari-Sejk excel at, it was ground warfare. Due to their nature as machinery, they care little for their own losses and design their units with the idea of quantity. They will, quite literally, drown their enemies in bodies.

Unique/Specialized Technology: Highly advanced understanding in artificial intelligence and side technologies associated with it.

Other: Communicates in binary, though will attempt vocal translations if needed.


Example of an Ari-Sejk drone.
Name: Saviors Elite Unit (SAU)

Species: The Phantas have the figure of a human, yet have skin that changes with mood. They are timid and get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Leader(s): SAU L (Saviors Elite Unit Leader, Real name hidden)

Territory: They are travelers answering stress calls, owning a fleet of freighters. They don't own

Culture: Luxury. This group of protectors stop off at almost all planets, finding amenities and necessities. They also like music.

Navy: 3 freighters, with 20 ships at their disposal (an extra for SAU L)

Army: A small group of 500 Phantas, 10 elites (SAU Es), and SAU L

Unique/Specialized Technology: Weak numbers. Weak ships. Trained fighters. These guys are on a budget, but choose to live in Luxury instead of protection. They wield simple burst rifles and phase staffs, but use them immaculately.

Other: Phantas speak in a permanent tone, as their ears cannot sense tone. They can filter out noise. Phantas language consists of quiet speech, consisting of many p's, f's, and s'. They have also adapted retractable claws from their knuckles, which they use as id in their freighters.
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Virality Virality

(Note: is it okay if I bring in humanity from Children of a Dead Earth?)

Species: Humanity (more specifically, the Kingdom of Nippon Prime)

Leader(s): Eternal Empress Kinoshita Asami

Moons: Oberon, Ariel, Umbriel, Portia, many smaller ones
Assorted orbital habitats
Moons:Rhea, Tethys, Dione, many smaller ones
Assorted orbital habitats
Inner system: Assorted habitats, colonial holdings, and the like

Highly militaristic and nationalistic, with a focus on national prosperity and safety from threats both natural and man made.
Architecture (at least in cities large enough to afford aesthetics a chance) is a blend of early 21st century contemporary and Japanese traditionalism; houses tend to have wooden or reed floors, and paper walls (with an armored layer of course) are highly used, especially in more formal and high class buildings.
Casual fashion is mostly 21st century clothing, with more formal occasions seeing the usage of traditional Japanese garbs such as the Kimono and Hakama.
Entertainment: Electronic games (video games), martial competitions, team based sports; basically runs the gamut of 21st century Earth, with a larger focus on teams and competition.

History (optional):
Nippon Prime was originally a far right political party in Japan that was chiefly concerned with expanding the military to protect them from their neighbors in the Korean Peninsula. Following the Cataclysm, however, they were able to quickly seize control of the Japanese government in their first elections upon evacuating Earth, eventually gaining enough power to institute a monarchy ruled by the Eternal Empress Kinoshita Asami, who has (somehow) ruled for the past 200 years.
The rapidly expanding betting pool on whether she is continually cloned, actually immortal, or just an android is theorized to contain enough credits to equal the GDP of a small colony.
They were able to quickly settle the outer Solar System, gaining large stretches of territory in the two gas giants closest to Earth. They have also taken control of some smaller colonies through military force or aggressive posturing, though their presence in the inner system is still very minor and eclipsed by the juggernauts of the USTA and RFP. Recently, they have developed a top secret device for FTL, which they intend to use to investigate the mysterious signal and prove their might to the rest of the Sol System.

While Nippon Prime has a medium sized fleet of ships, they currently only have two ships capable of FTL, which they have devoted to their expedition to locate the strange signal.

Fukishima Class Dreadnought エンプレスの怒り(Empress' Fury)

325 meters long
105 meters diameter
Cross section of 10100 meters squared

Ten methane fueled nuclear thermal rockets on gimbals, with 16 thousand tons of methane fuel in her tanks
7.36 km/s Delta-v
182 mg/s acceleration
Burn time of 33 minutes, 7 seconds
Turnabout: 32.1 seconds
Rollabout: 34.3 seconds

120 total
  • 10 command
  • 24 operations
  • 38 engineering
  • 36 weapons department
2 13.5 megawatt fission reactors

8 18 tube VLS firing flak missiles
16 60mm automatic cannons on turreted gimbal mounts
26 85mm automatic cannons on turreted gimbal mounts
12 automatic cannons firing flak warheads (mostly effective against missiles, as most drones are too heavily armored to be affected by the flak warheads)

60 Typhoon Fast Attack Craft; can launch four simultaneously from the four launch points every 5 and a half seconds

5mm aluminum Whipple shield layer (designed to break up incoming projectiles, be they meteorite or ordinance, reducing the amount of damage they do to the underlying layers)
2.5cm Boron Carbide layer, with a spacing of 50cm from the first layer
2cm Boron Cabride layer, with a spacing of 30cm from the second layer
Fukishima rear view.jpg
Fukishima Side view.jpg
Fukishima frontal view.jpg

Object-18 /Spirit of Mariner
Code named Object-18, the Spirit of Mariner began its life as a custom made tug owned by a private hauling company. Requiring a test bed to prove the viability of FTL, the Nippon Prime Experimental Research Division acquired it through shell companies and discreetly had it transported to one of their orbital labs at Sun-Jupiter L4 (Lagrangian point 4). After the first successful test, the Fukishima was than chosen and retrofitted to house the second drive; however, shortly after testing, The Signal was received, and elements in the NP colonial administration used their connections to organize an expedition using the two ships, delaying any plans on interstellar testing.

Forward Outpost
A heavily armed fueling and command station that has 30 kilotons of methane in its tanks, allowing it to support extended operations.

160 total
  • 10 command
  • 28 operations
  • 36 engineering
  • 32 weapons department
1 60.4 MW fission reactor

40 60mm cannons
12 85mm cannons
16 flak cannons


5mm aluminum whipple shield layer
5cm boron carbide armor layer

8 LOX Methane 2.46 km/s maneuvering thrusters
Outpost internal view.jpg
Outpost external view.jpg
Typhoon Fast Attack Craft
A quick drone fighter that is armed with two 33mm cannons. It has a delta/v of 3.29 km/s, an acceleration of 2.88 gravities, and a 2.5 cm carbon carbon and 2.5 cm graphite aerogel armor composition.
Typhoon internal.jpg
Typhoon External.jpg

Flak Missile
Adapted to be fired from a vertical launch system, the common yet venerable flak missile is manufactured by nearly every faction in Sol, usually with some minor variations. This variant has a Delta-v of 2.25 km/s, a single 10.1 kg nitrocellulose flak bomb, and an acceleration of 4.61 gravities.

Army: Currently, the Nippon Prime expeditionary fleet has a platoon (39 men, 3 squads with 13 men in each one) of marines onboard the Empress' Fury. They are equipped with the ZH-29 automatic rifle, which has a thirty round magazine of 7.62x39mm rounds. Each marine wears an armored hard suit with three components: an armored, vaccum resistant spacesuit with level II ballistic protection levels; ceramic plating over the chest, back, and groin that provides level III ballistic protection; and an armored external life support system strapped to the back of their suit, providing three hours of life support in an vacuum. They also have emergency patching kits for their suit or helmet, in the event of a crack or breach.

Unique/Specialized Technology:
FTL: Slipstream drive
Named in reference to a 21st century series, the Slipstream drive achieves FTL travel by skipping the lightspeed barrier and tearing open a hole in reality to a dimension known as Slipspace. Slipspace is characterized by its unconventional physics, mainly concerning distance. Distance in Slipspace is extremely dilated in comparison to "real" space; in short, 25000 km becomes a lightyear. However, there is a major disadvantage to Slipspace travel; the fact that it can only be entered and exited in areas of nearly no gravitational pull or areas where the gravity from several objects "cancels" themselves out (Lagrangian points). Slipspace itself is full of high levels of radiation and exotic energies, necessitating extra shielding for the crew to prevent radiation sickness and mutation.
Slipstream communication: Slipstream also provides an avenue for FTL communications; the minuscule size of radio waves means that they only require a microscopic Slipspace Tear to transition, allowing them to be utilized in gravity wells while still maintaining a feasible energy expenditure (namely, several megawatts of power). Strangely enough, the amount of power put into a tear of this size seems to further increase the rate at which space is dilated in Slipspace; the more power put into the Slipspace transmitter, the faster the signals reach their target. However, because of the nature of Slipspace, any radio waves or information sent via this method can only be received by another Slipspace transmitter/reciever, and the set up will require special computational equipment to filter whatever was sent out of the mess of background noise and radiation that makes up Slipspace.
Other:Just give them the gold and no one gets hurt

EDIT: Added picture of ZH-29


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