A Temples Destruction

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(( oh okay lol my bad ))

Riku eyes went wide " we need to save them i will tell them Jase attacked us and took Zane your secret is safe with me. Keep close to Zero... get him free and the get Zane i will be at that castle..

Michael teleported all of them back at the castle and then Jason wrapped Chains around Zero too

Jason glared " you three stay here... me and my love are going to have fun woth Zane.". he started to take zane towards the torture room of the castle
Young Adriana, "remember any demon is not to be trusted, after this it means me too." she looked down "tell Jason and Faye they will be coming for them and Saxis." and with that she disappeared.

Scar looked at Jason, "I want to torture him too." she smirked, "make sure he isn't dead before I get hands on him." she walked up to Adriana. "your body will do just nicely" she put her hand on her chest and Scar slowly disappeared, going inside of Adriana. "a weak body, but a body nonetheless." she smirked.

Ilyeria looked at Scar going into Adriana "thank you for not using me" she nodded and looked at Zero. "shall we kill them both?"
Michael shook his head " no not yet my love again Jasom has plans for this one as for Zane we will torture together once Jason and Scar are done.

Jason was i the dungeon and started to slash at Zane causing him great amount of pain. " you will be punished for your girlfriend taking Scars body!!! I want her to feel the pain of losing something. You will be that something she loses.. " he then brike both his arms

Zane screamed i pain coughing up blood as he breathed heavily

Riku nodded not k owing what to do.. he had to go get Jase and Faye he teleported to them and rushed to them " Jase.. Faye please help us They caotured Zane and Zero.. after their done they are coming for you both..

Jase glared at Riku " they have Zero? And they dare try to harm me and Faye.. you have your friends why cant they help..

Riku shook his head " Adrianna said not to trust anyone with demonic blood
Scar in Adrianas body walked down to the dungeon, her fangs bore as the smell of blood reached her nose. "primal demons" she sighed and wrapped her arms around Jason. "hello love"

Ilyeria looked at Zero putting her hand under his chin, "you are foolish, and I will kill you and then that little bitch."

Faye glared at Riku, "how do we know you and you're Intel aren't lying?" she tilted her head, and looked at Jase "did you want to go?"
Jason grinned evily " you took that girls body " he placed his hands on top of hers " wanna have fun love unleash your rage upon Zane.. make sure Shikoku feels his pain..

Riku shook his head " i wouldnt lie to you both.. please help us..

Jase looked over at Faye " one more time.. thats it.. im tired of helping you all.. after this leave me and Faye alone!!! " he growled as he turned and walked towards Faye and took her hands " i will be back my love i promise " he kissed her passionately on the lips..
Scar looked down, "it really is a weak body, I can't do much in it" she smirked and moved her hand across his cheek "but I can feel." she stopped and walked up to Zane, "Shikoku will come for you, and then I will kill her" she laughed.

Faye shook her head, and kissed him "he is family, I will come with you" she looked at Riku. "you have other friends to warn don't you not?"
Riku nodded " i cant Scar can use them against us.. but i can get Zaphael.. and maybe that Red Dragon maybe he can help.

Jase smirked looking at Faye " thanks love lets show them what happens ahen they mess with Dragons.. " he then sent a mental message to Synn a location of the Castle.

Jason grinned evily " you will get your true form back my loved..

Zane opened his eyes " yo...you.. two.. wont touch her.. " he said breathing heavily then Jason stuck his hand inside of him snapping all of his ribs " shutup!!
Faye shook her head "all your friends are demons?" she sighed and looked at Jase. "let's go, I plan to destroy things today"

Scar looked at Zane, "oh you're still conscious?" she smirked, but it turned to a frown as she looked away. "ehh all this body wants to do is eat him, feed on his blood. It's disgusting." she shook her head "this girl, this body. Who is she?"

Ilyeria dropped Zero's head and looked back at Michael, "why do we have to wait on them?"
Michael smirked " Jason wants to turn him so be will be an ally but if you want to cause him some pain since he kicked you can love..

Jase took Faye's hand and telepoeted with her appearing behind Ilyeria and Michael he glared at them as his power surged growing past the limit " let my son go.. or i will end you both..

Michael glared at Jase " looks like we provoked the monster here. " he grinned evily getting in a defensive stance but a blade was to Zero's neck. " better yet lets see what you got " he then shoved his blade straight through Zero's chest

Jase roared " Zero!!!! "

Jason heard and smelt the blood of Zero " shit my futureself is here looks like Michael ended Zero.. stick to the plan love we need to get your true body back
Ilyeria was about to punch Zero, but she felt Jase, and someone else. She turned around, and laughed when Michael killed Zero.

Faye looked at Zero in horror, she knew who he was, and it would send Jase through the roof, but she was a healer, there was still time. "Jase let's get him and go"

Adriana inside, Scar was making the bloodlust get to her, trying to slow her down, until she smelt Zero's blood. and heard his father yell. She knew something was wrong. Scar grabbed her stomach "this body, she's rejecting me. How? it shouldn't be that powerful." she was fighting to stay in Adriana but Adriana was trying to cast her out, she needed to get to Zero. "don't let them take Zane"
Jason looked over at her and nodded " hold on love.. we will get your body back no matter what.. Michael can hold them back. " he slashed more at Zane causing him a great deal amount of pain until his blood was all over the floor his life force fading " now its time for the real end.. goodbye brother you annoying best " he placed his hand at his chest as he sent a blast through his chest the. He sent his body back to the castle..

Michael grinned evily as he then ripped the blade out of Zero as his life force vanished " oops..

Jase charged forward with great speed grabbing them both by the throat. His energy preventing them both from escaping " you two die!!! Today!!! " he started to crush both their throats until Jason appeared kicking Jase back freeing them

Jason grinned evily " looks like your son is dead..
Adriana smirked as Jason left Scar in the dungeon, she easily cast her out and bent down by Zane "you're not dying today, you're making it back to Shikoku" she touched him closing her eyes, sending him back to the October's castle. "they will heal you at home." she looked up at Scar. "you can never have my body Scar." she smirked and disappeared appearing upstairs. She saw Zero, on the ground.

Scar looked at Adriana, she knew she was an ally of them now, but didn't know who she was.

Faye watched as Jase grabbed both of them she then saw Jason. She kicked him right after he kicked Jase. "you don't touc him" she growled. Water forming around her out of nowhere. "you want to fight, you fight me"
Jason rubbed his chest a bit glaring at Jase amd Faye " the damage has been done no amount of healing will bring back Zane.. its punishment for taking My love's body away.. Zane will be dead..

Michael glared at them " you two are outnumbered.. you both wont win..

Zaphael and Riku both apoeared with Synn next to them

Riku " no your outnumbered " he said glaring at Michael

Jason smirked " so you got weaklings to aid you.

Jase looked over at Adrianna " get him out of here..now!!
Adriana grabbed Zero and teleported back to October's castle. Once at the castle she screamed for Shikoku and Akina. Akina started to heal Zane who was next to them, but there was nothing they could do for Zero. Adriana held him in her arms, crying she was trying to heal him.

Scar appeared, but she had no body, the only person here she could jump into was Ilyeria so she did. She rolled her shoulders back getting used to the body for a moment. "you come here and expect to win you're sadly mistaken. She watched Adriana disappear with Zero, "I'm assuming now that girl was Adriana" she shook her head.

Faye smirked water was completely around her now, but she never made the first move so she waited.
Jase glared at Scar as she went inside of Ilyeria " you tow made a big mistake for attacking my Son.. " he glared at them his power growing even more massive as his anger and rage grew.

Jason glared at them " no you made the mistake taking Scars body away but no matter even if the managed to heal Them.. they will know what were capable of and i got Zanes energy.. i can now give Scar body back to her with out the help of that annoying time goddess..but it will take sometime..

Michael glared over at Scar " you better make sure Ilyeria isnt hurt Scar.. " he then focused on them as Michael charged at Zaphael and Riku. " im going to kill you both like that pathetic Mortal Roxas!!

Zero laid in Adrianna's arms and his eyes opened breathing heavily " Adrianna?..

Zane was fading slowly all his energy gone his body was healed but his energy missing from him. He was producing enough energy to regain it all..
Scar smirked "Ilyeria is safe don't worry" she shook her head, and smiled at Jason. "now are you all just going to stand here in my castle?" she laughed as chains came from every direction at them.

Faye stayed still the chains went right through her like she herself was water. "I expected someone with Jason to be stronger than that"

Shikoku leaned over Zane, and gave him some of her energy, as Akina still healed him.

Adriana looked down at Zero "thank Goddess" she leaned into him, glad he was still alive. "yes now stay still please" she said as she continued to heal him
Jase gladed seeing the Chains as he sent his own chains clashing witb hers as he nodded at Synn and Faye.

Synn charged at Jase sending a huge boulder at him but saw him smash it with a punch as he glared at him " wow hes stronger than i thought.

Zane started to become more visible as he became whole breathing heavily looking at Shikoku " im sorry..

Jase then roared as he sent a huge wave of dark energy at both Scar and Jason hitting them both launching them both into the castle

Zero looked up at her and smiled weakly closing his eyes " i love you Adrianna..
Shikoku shook her head, "I wish I was there" she looked down "I'm sorry I couldn't stop them." she looked down noticing how many bones they broke, that were slowly healing.

Adriana smiled "I love you too Zero" she shook her head "I'm sorry it's all my fault."

Scar disappeared out of Ilyeria's body as she went flying with Jase and she appeared at October's castle entering Akina. Akina stopped healing Zane, and she grabbed Shikoku's throat, sending energy so she couldn't disappear. "I'm back bitch, and you pay" she clenched tight on her throat so she couldn't breathe.

Adriana looked up at Akina attacking Shikoku she stopped healing Zero, and ran up to them "Scar let Shikoku go and fight me"
Zane looked up seeing Akina start to attack Shikoku and he tried to move but was weak. He laid back down " leave her alone Scar!!..

Zero lifted up his hand as he sent a chain that attached to scar and started to pull her out of Akina and forcefully sent her back to Jason.. and he fell forward breathing heavily " we need to get inside..

Jase placed Ilyeria on the ground and waited fir Scar to return si he could give her back her body " love we need you in your true form to win
Adriana looked back at Zero, "stop Zero don't force yourself." she glared back at Akina. "come on Scar let's go" she smirked I can take you on."

Scar got hit by the chain, it moved her away, but she didn't leave Akina, Zero was too weak to do that. She smirked at Adriana. "you think you're strong enough to take me on, without hurting this body." she looked down, "she may only be half demon but she's strong." suddenly she heard music, Lyra was in the trees, humming a tune directed at Scar. Scar looked up and jumped into her body. She changed the song to make Adriana's ears bleed the song was loud.

Adriana held her ears but looked up, she sent a shockwave knocking her out of the tree, stopping the music."your just a body jumper now, and I will stop you"

Ilyeria looked up, "Scar left she's not here" she glared at the pests "we don't need her, she went to finish them off at their castle while we finish these ones off." she stood up "Michael let's do this." she appeared behind Faye and grabbed her neck, at first her hand went through her but she connected "silly tricks won't work on me." she clenched her throwing her aside, she hit the wall like a puddle them formed human laying on the ground.
Michael kicked Riku out of the way but got stabbed by Zaphael. " you cant kill me anymore Zaphael. " he laughed sending a shockwave knocming him into Rkku as the hit the ground.

Jase saw them her Faye and he then quickly appeared behind Ilyeria and grabbed her but the throat and slammed her so hard in the ground it knocked her out..

Jason quickly teleported to the location and glared at them " Scar lets go we got wgat we wanted we will kill them some other time.. " he grinned evily
Scar inside Lyra sat up. "I'm not done with that bitch, she saved them, I'm going to kill her." she stood up and headed towards Adriana.

Adriana stood in front of Shikoku, Akina, Zane and Zero. "take me on Scar you will never win" she glanced at Jason, "even if you restore her body you will never win." she smirked, confident in her abilities.

Faye got up quickly about to retaliate but saw Jase already got to her. She sent a water barrier to Michael water forming and hardening around him, magic was inside it as well.
Michael was trapped inside the water Barrier and tried to break through it.

Jason crissed his arms wanting to watch what happened he knew Scar would t be harmed but the demon that she was using

Jase glared down at Ilyeria and picked her body up as he held Ilyeria up " you love this demon? Michael.. i will kill her right now.. you take her and never come back than you can have her..

Michael glared at them " Scar will use her i cant have that.. but we will leave far away.. we never really wanted to ally with them.. you leave us alone than we wont bother any of you ever again..

Riku stood up and got behind Michael as he charged up a huge amount of energy and then he shot a huge beam hitting Michael from behind as it ended Michael was gone so was his lifeforce..
Faye watched as Michael struggled, she smirked holding the barrier but she dropped it after Riku hit him. "we should make sure your son is okay"

Scar in Lyra started singing again, using her power to hurt Adriana.

Adriana held her head, the noise was too great, she grabbed two knives from her back stabbing herself in the ears. She screamed, but she could no longer hear the singing. She looked up again with a smirk. She put her hands up sending an energy blast but in a tornado effect around both of them sending them into each other. "your tricks from her won't work. Come on Scar I know your better than that" the blood coming from both her ears.
Jase dropped Ilyeria and nooded as he walked up to Faye taking her hand " lets go.. " he then teleported with Riku, Faye, Synn and Zaphael.

Zaphael saw Lyra attacking but had to be Scar " get out of her body!!! " he yelled as he couldnt attack it would only hurt her.

Jason glared as they appeared and and shook his head " looks like Michael is gone.. his life force is gone but no matter.. love we need to go you will have your chance with her once you get your full powers back " he grinned evily as he appeared next to Lyra " we have to go.. dont worry we still won this battle.. the war will be ours..
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