A Temples Destruction

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"some angel named Zaphael and Riku." she shook her head "I haven't seen Adriana or Zero they haven't been at the castle."

Adriana looked at Scar "how are you seeing what's going on? That's useful magic"

Scar glared at her. "it's a secret" she smirked, "only I can do it."

Adriana nodded, they wanted Zero and that scared her.
Jase smirked " i already spoke a bit anout the plan no more questions from you.. i wanna see if we can trust you first.. My future self is troublesome so he will be next and so will that Dragon girl..

Synn was flying in his huge Res Dragon form and he saw both Zaphael and Riku flying as he quickly came down towards the ground. He felt the angelic power and the power of the mortal. Once he landed in front of the castle he growled as he transformed into his human form " mmm a Arch angel a very powerful human.. also a Demon? Strange to see a Demon near an Archangel
Adriana rolled her eyes playing off that she didn't care. Her eyes went wide, "dragon girl? Now that sounds interesting." she smirked

Scar glared seeing another dragon, but she stayed quite since he didn't seem like an enemy or ally yet.

Lyra glared at him, "and what's it to you?" she shook her head "who are you anyway?"
Synn smirked " well just a bit curious is all.. wondering why a Angel is near a demon.. ive been asleep for a very long time..

Zaphael shook his head " ive never agreed to the Angel war against the dragons and Demons.. i avoided the Dragon war but couldnt the demon one.. its how i met my love there " he pointes to Lyra.. " if your hear to try to take her away from me.. i will kill you where you stand

Synn shook his head " no.. from the sound of your voice your telling the truth.. " he looked at Riku. " how can a mortal access god like power its strange..

Riku shook his head " im not a normal mortal

Jase grinned evily " shes strong but once my future self is out of the way killing her will be easy
Adriana sighed and looked at Michael. "you said we were going to kill mortals all we're doing is talking I'm bored" she shook her head "how about you find me when the fun actually starts."

Lyra looked at him curiously "Roxas?" she asked, she could sense him his energy it wasn't much but it was there. "why does your energy remind me of Roxas?"
Michael smirked " well lets vo kill some Mortals " he looked at Ilyeria " ready to go love?

Riku looked kver at Lyra confused " whaf? How can he have Roxas's energy?

Synn looked at them amd raised and eyebrow thinking these must be the people his ming and queen spoke about. " im not this Roxas you speak of.. his energy was used to wake me from a slumber..
Adriana looked down, damn she thought, she was trying to use that as an excuse to escape, she needed to warn everyone what they were planning.

Ilyeria smiled at Michael, "I am ready if you are love"

Lyra shook her head, "what do you mean used his energy? Are you part of the reason he is dead?" she clenched her jaw walking towards him.
Synn shook his head and earth rock started to come from the ground not liking the fact she came close to him. " i suggest you stay back..and no im not part of the reason he died.. i was in slumber only used his energy to get out of slumber..

Riku glared at Synn but heard that he only used his energy " hows that possible.. someone had to come here to take his energy.. who did that?

Zane walked outside over hearing this " Jase did this.. Riku.. check the grave for Roxas's body

Michael grinned evily and was about to go until Jason spoke

Jason grinned evily " i feel Zane's presence again is he outside love?
Scar nodded "he is outside, but I must say there is a new dragon there. It seems Jase made him" she growled out the words. "he hasn't shown where his loyalties lie."

Adriana was nervous, she needed to warn everyone but if she used magic, she was sure someone would notice. "seems there is quite a few of the pests outside, but they are all still together, seems bothersome."

Lyra glared at him, thinking Jase took Roxas' body made her upset.
Jase eyes went wide " what.. another dragon theres no way? How? " he glared wondering how that was possible it seemed all the dragons were all gone theres no way. " we need to get Zane love tell me when theres an opening.

Michael grinned evily " i will distract them " he grinned evily " wanna go have some fun " he looked over at Adrianna.

Riku quickly rushed to the gravesite and his eyes grew wide " his body gone " he glared at Synn " why.. would Jase do this?

Zane sighed shaking his head " seems Jase has his own plans he used Rixas's body as a catalyst to make a new dragon.. Him.

Synn shook his head " Roxas is dead.. im Synn the Red Flying Earth Dragon..
Adriana watches as Jason freaked out, she wondered who this dragon was. She was running out of time, she needed a distraction. "there are at least 4 people outside the castle right? And you want the two of us to take them on? How weak are these fools?"

Lyra shook her head, "Synn?" she smirked "what are you doing here? Are you friend or foe?" she glared not trusting him.
Jason shook his head " they are not weak.. only weak when their not together.. " he glared at her " if you wanna go kill mortals fine.. just go

Synn smirked " im neither im just here being curious " he crossed his arms " i will never be a friend to no Angel even if they didnt want anything to do with The wars with my kind
Adriana smirked "when you have a plan to kill everyone and not rush in like an idiot I'll be back" she shook her head "see ya around" with that she disappeared, reappearing in a town, once there she started to run, she needed to make sure they didn't follow her.

Lyra shook her head, "whatever, as long as you don't try to hurt us then so be it." she sighed. "now if you don't mind we were busy training." she looked back to Zaphael and Riku.

Ilyeria watched as Adriana left, "I don't trust her" she glared. "I wonder if I should follow her"
Jason glared straight ahead " follow her you both need to see where she goes.. " he popped his neck " we need to capture Zane.. and fast.. this is our one chance.

Synn smirked " i wont hurt anyone of you..

Zaphael nodded but didnt fully trust Synn. " lets continue " he grinned
Ilyeria nodded and disappeared following her teleportation. She looked around seeing her run, and she ran after her following behind.

Adriana once was running knew she was being followed, she sent a mental message to Zero. "I got Ilyeria on my tail, I need help"

Akina and Shikoku were inside the castle discussing the war, and what to do. "I really hope Adriana and Zero are okay."

Scar sighed, "the dragon doesn't want to attack them." she glared
Zero heard Adrianna send a mental message to him and he quickly appeared near her and sensed Ilyeria chasing her until he appeared infront of Ilyeria kicking her sending her into a building

Jase nodded " what is Riku doing with the Angel.. im going to strike using a binding magic on Zane then quickly teleport him into our dungeon.

Michael appeared behind Zero glaring at him punching him hard in the back of the head knocking him out.
Ilyeria got sent flying by Zero and Adriana stopped running, she looked back seeing Michael and Ilyeria "you guys followed me?" she saw Zero get knocked out. "who is he?"

Ilyeria glared at Adriana "why did you start running as soon as you got here?"

In the time she was apart Adriana had time to send a shadow clone to the castle, although this one looked like the young 12 blind her. She looked around noticing who was all around. She sent an energy wave at Lyra from behind. "get inside now, are you guys foolish?" she was angry and sounded rushed.

Scar glared "they are all talking." she paused "wait Adriana just showed up, that clever little bitch, she attacked my eyes and is telling everyone to get inside our window is closing"
Synn looked at the girl confused hearing her tell everyone to go inside. " why?

Michael glared down at Zero " hes the pest Jason wants to talk to " he then glared at the girl " why run away girl.. got something to hide?

Jason glared as he looked towards her " im going to teleport in the tree line.. I will not let Zane get away
Adriana looked at Zane "God damn it get inside now" she shook her head and appeared in front of Zane. "Jason is coming for revenge." she grabbed his arm.

Disguised Adriana looked between Zero and them. "I like to run, it's how I keep my speed up. If I was trying to get away you never would of seen me"
Synn smirked crossing his arms wondering who this Jason was? " nah i will stay right here

Zane looked at the girl " Adrianna?.. ok everyone inside hurry..

Jase appeared in front of the door sending a huge shockwave knocming everyone to the ground. " no Zame is mine.. " he grinned as he snapped his fingers as chains wrapped arlund Zane and then they quickly teleported bacl to the castle quickly

Riku Quickly got up and rushed towards Zane but it was too late

Michael smirked and then he grabbed Zero by the back of the neck " well do what you want.. we got a conversation with this one..
The 12 year old Adriana at the castle stood up. "nooo" she shook her head. "Riku please I need to speak to you alone please"

Scar looked at Zane with a smirk "looks who we have here"

The new Adriana looked at Zero, "oh so the killing begins now?" she cooked her head with a grin. "i said I'd join once the fun started." she licked her fang "I can be very persuasive"
Michael grinned evily " this one will not be harmed yet..but once were done with him you can have your way with him " he then looked at Ilyeria and held his body up " love he hurt you cause him some pain before we go back to Jason.

Zane struggled in the chains but felt his power being drained " Jason let me go!!!

Jason grinned evily " no.. were going to break that time Goddesses heart and watch her see the consequences of taking my loves body away..

Riku nodded " lets go inside and tell everyone we have to get to Zane
Young Adriana shook her head, "no inside doesn't work, not yet." she grabbed his arm. "please just come with me"

Disguised Adriana looked at Zero, he was here because of her, it was her fault, she didn't want to break her cover but she couldn't let Zero get hurt.

Ilyeria smirked and look at Zero, "such a pesky fool." she looked up at Michael, "Adriana doesn't even know we have him, I want her to know we're going to kill him."

Scar crossed her arms, "tell Michael to bring back that girl, I have a plan for her."
Jason closed his eyes sending a mental message to Michael " hurry and bring him to us also bring that girl shes with the enemy " he glared at Zane.

Michael sent a mental message to Ilyeria " the girl is with the enemy.. Jason wants her to come.. " he then looked at the girl " Sorry love Jason wants no harm to come to this one.. not yet though but you will be the first to cause him pain.. you girl lets head back to the castle Jason needs our help with something " he said oretending to not know who she was..

Riku nodded and followed Adrianna " lets go
((Scar never said she was with the enemy just that she had a plan hehe cover not blown yet))

Disguised Adriana smirked "let's go sounds like fun" she was glad, she could stay close to Zero, and hopefully help.

Young Adriana hurriedly took Riku out of everyone's earshot. "Riku I'm only a clone, the real me is with Zero and Michael. He's in trouble and they don't know it's me, my presence has changed." she looked towards the castle. "you can't trust them Scar can see and hear through anyone with demon blood, so even Akina can't be trusted. They know all your plans to attack, and they attacked Zane." she sighed "I'm sorry I have to go before Scar figures out who I am."
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