A Temples Destruction

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Lyra looked at Zaphael, she wanted to say no but the words that came out were "Yeah just planning"

Shikoku sent a mental message to everyone in the castle to come down and plan.
Zaphaek walked over to her and softly took her hand smiling calmly not realizing Scar was effecting her. " before we start planning " he sighed looking down " my skills as a warrior or really rusty.. since i thought Lyra was lost i gave up fighting i need to regain my power and strength again..too

Cassiel looked over at him " you will.. fight once again Zaphael..
Lyra smiled at him, "please train we all need to be in the best shape."

Akina came out, "if your going to train Riku would probably join you" she smiled "hello I'm Akina" she tilted her head smiling looking at them.

Shikoku nodded "yes you will need to practice before we start a war"
Zaphael smiled and nodded " hello Akina and yes i will start again.. so Riku is the twin brother of Roxas?.. where is he right now.

Riku walked towards the lobby and was in his god ki form with his blue hair and aura around him " hello im Riku

Cassiel looked over at Riku and saw him in his god ki form " how can mortal achieve that power?
Akina smiled and put a hand on Rikus shoulder "he is no mere mortal" she kissed his cheek. "is anyone hungry I was in the process of making lunch"

Shikoku smiled at them all, but it wasn't genuine she knew that this war would bring more loss, it always did.

Scar was with Jason but she could see more, Lyra's eyes were her eyes. "they have more followers love." she smirked "an angel and the succubus siren girl is alive" she growled.
Riku smiled calmly " yeah lets eat while we figure out everything pluse my wife really made a great lunch.

Zane looked at them and smiled but something about Cassiel bothered him. It wasnt trust just he seemed different than ghe other Arch angels even Michael

Jason nodded " im going to attack Shikoku's heart..once Zane leaves that castle we will capture him and torture him.. once were done leave him on the doorstep of that castle
Akina smiled and headed back in the kitchen, she wasn't expecting this many people but she'd make it work.

Shikoku looked at Zane, seeing something different, she wondered what he was thinking. Did he think like her and assume someone else here was going to die?

Scar smirked and looked at Jason. "I love that plan. We hurt her before we kill her." she laughed. "I want a body again."
Riku looked at them " lets relax and enjoy a great meal together " he motiomed his arms to follow him to the dining room.

Zane noddsd and walked towards Shikoku and took her hand " lets get some food.

Zaphael scratched fhe back of his head " i dont eat mortal food.. kind of didnt need it but i dont mind sitting down and relaxing a bit.. " he smiled calmly looking at Lyra " wanna relax a bit love?

Cassiel was confused of what food was but he remained silent and followed them to the dining room

Jase grinned evily " oh love you will get your body back.. i will force that annoying goddess to..i will make her watch him get tortured non stop until she returns your body
Shikoku walked into the dining room and sat down looking up and down the table as others joined her.

Lyra nodded "hey I eat food, and could really go for some right now" she smirked "kind of hungry after the day I've had" she sat down and leaned back in the chair.

Akina brought out platters of food and sat them in the middle of the table. "there is a little bit of everything so I hope you all enjoy." she smiled and took a seat next to Riku. "there is blood in the fridge too if anyone prefers that." she wasn't sure what everyone here was, or what they ate.

Scar sighed "it will take sometime for me to find another suitable body" she shook her head "when he leaves the castle I will know, I have eyes everywhere" she said with an evil laugh
Zane smiled and sat down next to Shikoku and he would look down at the plate and then looked at Akina " thank you Akina.

Riku smiled happily and then looked over at Akina and kissed her cheek " thanks love..

Zaphael sat down and raised an eyebrow looking at the food. A bit of curiosity peaked as he decided to take a bite and his eyes went wide " wow never had any food before but wow..

Cassiel stayed standing up looking at the castle. He started to wonder around the power from the castle peaked his interest. He walked towards a room and he opened a door slowly. It was a bathroom with a huge mirror. He saw his reflection and he walked up looking at himself in the mirror. He moved his face never seeing himself before. His black and red hair he looked so young. He had a straight face as leaned closer " strange
Akina nodded "well enjoy your food" she said as she got herself a plate.

Shikoku grabbed a plate and looked at Zaphael, "while you do not require food, you don't know what you're missing until you've tasted a nice home cooked meal" she smiled and glanced to the side watching Cassiel leave the room.

Lyra nodded "very true" she shook her head "it's not as good as energy and sex but a lot of food is tasty." she smirked

Adriana was leaning on the wall of the castle in the doorway of the bathroom, she was her older self. Her magic presence was different, I bet people who knew her wouldn't be able to recognize her anymore. "it's weird isn't it" she smirked crossing her arms. "looking at yourself for the first time."
Riku smiled eating being really starving after the training he did.

Zaphael smirked at Lyra's remark and he smirked looking at her " well you will have my energy soon enough love " he mkssed her cheek.. " he then looked over at Shikoku " its different but your right

Cassiel walked by Adrianna and he stopped looking at her keeping a straight face showing no emotion " who are you? " he said looking at her " you friend?
Akina smiled and started eating

Lyra smirked at Zaphael as he kissed her cheek, "get your strength up first." she put a fork full of food in her mouth before she continued talking.

Shikoku smiled "chocolate I found to be the most interesting."

Adriana didn't move she looked Cassiel up and down "you're asking if I'm a friend?" she shook her head "who are you? why are you in this castle?" she tilted her head, she couldn't get a read on him. "do you know October?"
Zaphael nodded and grinned " oh i will.. i will become stronger than i was before. Also whats Chocolate?

Cassiel looked at her " im Cassiel a Arch angel.. friend of Zaphael.. " he said looking at her " hes eating with Riku and them " he said as he shook his head not knowing October " October i dont know.. " he then turned his head sensing Zero's presence from behind him " you.. your the son of the enemy?
Shikoku smiled and grabbed a chocolate cupcake and held it out to him. "taste this and you shall not be disappointed."

Adriana felt Zero behind her, "then yes call me a friend" she smirked "no it is not the enemy, and neither is his father. It's a long story but we're all on the same side here."
Cassiel glared at Zero the energy being the same as the man that destroyed the heavens angered him " hes dangerous.. great evil in him i sense " he looled over at her

Zero looked at him confused " im not like him and i will never be.

Cassiel shook his head " Zane... he has that same evil in him.. blood all over his hands

Zaphael grabbed the cupcake and he took a bite out of it a and his eyes went wide " oh wow!!!
Adriana pushed herself off the wall, upset of his accusations. "we all hand blood on our hands, me being no exception, but that doesn't make us evil." she shook her head, "Zane is a friend and a good man and don't say otherwise."

Akina smiled "I'm glad you like it"

Shikoku laughed "chocolate is the best thing ever"
Cassiel glared at them both not realizing her anger towards him " your missing the point.. " he said looking down " sorry i met no offense... not used to this plain..

Zane smiled calmly watching everyone eat. He then held Shikoku's hand softly

Zaphael smiled calmly " it tastes good " he tben finished stretching a bit finishing the meal
Adriana crossed her arms, "and what exactly was the point then?" she glared at him, not trusting him.

Shikoku grabbed Zane's hand rubbing her thumb across his.
Akina stood up finishing eating and started to clear the table.
Lyra looked around the table "so now can we plan something?"
Cassiel looked at her " ask Zane about his kind . Why Jason and him are the only full blooded ancient ones around

Zero glared at Cassiel " Jason is evil.. Zane is not.. im not evil my father is evil but he changed well not alot..

Cassiel shook his head " you will destroy everything its what your kind does
Adriana shook her head "fate can be changed" she smirked "look at me what do you sense?" she put out her arms. "I have the energy of an ancient one, and why is that, because Jase, Zero's father is helping." she sighed "I only came here to give a hint of presence I don't have time to argue with you I need to go lure out Ilyeria."
Cassiel looked at her and shook his head " but your blood is different.. i dont sense any evil in you

Zero walked up towards Adrianna and grabbed her by the arm " please stay safe ok.. " he kissed her on the lips. Not fully liking the plan but he trusted Adrianna more than anything and he will back her

Michael was with Ilyeria far away from the castle sitting on a pile of corpses" i wish i had time to collect that annoying mortals soul befored i killed him his power would if been great to use
Adriana looked at him curiously and turned around quickly ad Zero grabbed her. She kissed him, and smirked "just please don't break that promise, it can ruin everything." she rubber her hand on his cheek and turned back to Cassiel "I was never here and you never met me got it?" she smirked and closed her eyes teleporting away.

Lyra looked up at the cieling "where did Cassiel go?" she tilted her head "and who else is in this castle?"

Adriana appeared outside the destroyed city Michael was in. Her aura was dark, black, she opened her blood red eyes, and looked down at herself, she was the definition of darkness, no one would know it was her she had changed too much, and with her magic she was releasing a dark aura. She smirked smelling the blood, she went into this hungry, it would be easier to convince them that way. She had black combat boots, as she walked through the town crunching the bones of the dead people around her. "no one here is alive, no blood pumping how boring" she said stopping crossing her arms looking up at MIchael and Ilyeria
Zero saw her disappear a bit sadden by it but he had high hopes that her plan would work. He loomed at Cassiel " listen to her ok

Cassiel noddex and headed back towards the table " you " he pointed at Zane " ancient one.. why is there so much blood on your hands?

Michael glared at the girl and a grin formed on his lips " well look love someone who enjoys killing mortals too
Shikoku shook her head and stood up "Cassiel what are you trying to ask?" she glared at him.

Lyra sat back watching them, she was curious if a fight would break out here between them.

Adriana smirked "I was hoping to find my next meal here, but it seems you already had all the fun" she did a pouting face.
Ilyeria sat with Michael and looked down at the girl, a grin on her face. "there are more mortals who deserve to die, we are always up for more fun."
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