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Fantasy A Sword to Wield with a Broken Hilt CS



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
race: (can come up with one but discuss with me + describe it)
region: (place of birth)
class/role: (are they a Blade? A Mage? or are they something else like a priest, assassin, etc?)

hair colour:
eye colour:
description: (optional)

strengths: (personalitywise)
weaknesses: (personality wise)

magic: (if applies)
Connector: (if applies)
strengths: (battle)
weaknesses: (battle)

bio: (can keep some secret if needed, make sure you go over any hidden lore with me! :])
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REFERENCE: Sera & Ares (@namendart)
CREDIT: Instagram
Half Creature
159 cm
43 kg
personality: Tiria is a person who expects the worst in people and situations, always regarding others with a generous amount of suspicion. Being left without a guardian, she was forced to grow up fast and learn how to be independent, something that makes her reluctant to rely on others. She has a 'flexible' morality and sees no issue in taking advantage of others for her own sake...especially mages and figures of status. While mature for her age, Tiria still has a childish sense of humour and finds entertainment in thievery and pulling pranks. She can be sarcastic and hotheaded, but is a coward when it comes to dangerous situations.
likes: food, dogs, cats, outwitting storekeepers, card games, jumping in puddles, climbing, sewing
dislikes: mages, the church, the hilt, rich people, the cold, radishes, people who don't like dogs, swimming
fears: the ocean and any other deep body of water, horses
strengths: clever, good at lying, loyal to friends and family, empathetic, assertive, observant, always looks for an exit, handy.
weaknesses: Shifts blame onto others, doesn't ask for help, cowardly, liar, distrusting, gives up easily.
Up until the mage resistance, Tiria's life had been fine. It wasn't perfect, but she and her mom -- an elf tailor -- lived a relatively peaceful life in Opol city. Her mother was a deeply religious woman, holding her faith in the church and their teachings. Talia's father was never spoken about, kept a complete mystery to the young Tiria, but judging by the scars along the edges of her human-like ears, it was clear that her mother wished her to look as human as possible. If only she could have cut away the orange eyes too, with their vaguely slit pupils. Instead, Tiria was taught to always keep her hair over them when possible. 'People are cruel towards those who are not like them' she always said, and in the end her words were true.

When a rogue mage was caught in the city, the church conducted a search for any sympathizers. Any places the mage had visited were thoroughly searched, and one of these stops happened to be her mother's shop. Despite elves having minimal wild magic, she was accused of being a supporter of the mage rebellion. Her shop was gutted out of all possessions and her mother was dragged off for questioning, never to be seen again. As for Tiria, she fled the scene for fear of being taken as well. The beginning was the hardest, just trying to find enough food or shelter. Tiria turned to thievery, starting with food enough to get by. Eventually, she started to steal from pockets, then more precious items until one day she stole from the wrong people.

She got caught up in a monster smuggling cartel, the beasts harvested of their magic to craft conductors for the mage rebellion. Tiria had hated mages ever since her mother was taken away, but after seeing their cruel treatment of these wild animals her resentment reached a new high. Locked up in one of these cages, it was here that Tiria met the two-tailed mutt she would name Siv. Together, they managed to escape the smuggling camp, though at the cost of injuries and Siv losing an eye.

Since then, the two have been inseparable. They work together to steal things, usually with Siv acting as a distraction while Tiria grabs the loot. A couple rumours have begun to spread about a giant, two-tailed wolf stalking the slums of the city, something that Tiria takes great joy in enhancing whenever she can.
weapon: makeshift shiv. ROCKS
magic: n/a
Connector: n/a
equipment: a leather bag for stealing things, bag of stones for shooting, lock pick, leather sling
strengths: small target, quick, agile (very good at climbing and parkour), stealthy, good aim
weaknesses: a terrible fighter, better at running away and hiding, relies on Siv, physically small

  • Siv the Two-Tailed Dog2c1f7258ce372275f703ae23f0e9284eb6cba66ar1-720-876v2_uhq.jpgname: Siv
    gender: male
    age: 1ish
    race: mutated dog
    region: unknown
    hair colour: white
    eye colour: gold

    description: Siv is a medium-large sized mutt with thick white fur and golden, wolfish eyes. Due to his mutation, he has two tails, which Tiria keeps hidden by tying a ribbon around his tails. He is missing his right eye, and has whip scars around his muzzle and sides.
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REFERENCE: Alice Carroll (Aria the Animation)
PLAYED BY: Ari Number Two
Edelmira Ise
Edelmira Ise
4'6" (137 cm)
98 lbs (44.5 kg)
A sheltered girl with little idea of the true extent of what the world has to offer. Kind, yet naively optimistic, venturing by the rules of a fairytale/storybook where everyone lives happily ever after. Edelmira shows proper mannerisms and cadence, fitting for someone of higher class. Despite being part of the Church, she was never taught by her big sister to avert herself from magic or its users; she is curious about them, more so, and if they would be just like her. Even so, she's quick to defend the Church (based on her limited knowledge of it) from any "slander." And, while her main motivation is to reap rewards to give back to her hard-working big sister, she also wants to know why she can't talk to others about her magic or why her sister looks saddened when talking about the "Church's misunderstandings" while they're alone. Having had the ugly side of the world shielded from her, Edelmira has no clue what she is in for...

Strengths: unwavering and optimistic, takes after her big sister and always tries to help, willing to learn more without turning a blind eye to the ugliness of everything, and knows how to care for people after helping in the orphanage.

Weaknesses: naive and idealistic, knows little of the real world, can be insensitive to others because of that, and sometimes shows a petty childish side you expect form a 14-year-old.
If you were to ask anybody in the prior years about the ideal, picture perfect example of what a religious family should be, they would most likely point to the prominent Ise family within Opol. They were viewed as the humblest, fairest viscounts in noble society, taking even the commoners' interests to mind when ruling their land. The head, Tybalt Ise, was husband to one Luciana; they raised two daughters by the names of Imogen and Edelmira. They treated their cleaning staff like the head butler and the maids like friends, and were met with their everlasting loyalty in return. All of their shortcomings—including Tybalt and Luciana's upbringing in Dral—were overshadowed only by their faith-ridden lives.

Edelmira herself grew up a curious child, eagerly listening to her father's stories of how he sailed the seas and boated across narrow, rapid rivers with nothing but an oar. Her mother would read fairy tales and storybooks until she fell asleep. Imogen, her older sister by eight years, became her own idol, often heading out to meet with friends or run errands for the family. "Adult stuff" by Edelmira's terms. But for some reason, her family never let her outdoors (aside from outings to Church), claiming she was too young. Her sweet older sister backed up their statements, too, so Edelmira reluctantly stood behind. And to the public's knowledge, it was because Edelmira was a sickly child.

Things are never as ideal behind closed doors; Tybalt and Luciana despised the state of Twin Swords religion. How people used its name and "beliefs" as a convenient excuse to wrong others. How the Church itself shunned those who were different in minute ways, encouraging the same behavior for the general populace of humans that dominated each city. Elves couldn't change the fact that they are born with minimal mana; why belittle them for that? And wanting to learn magic didn't automatically mean evil, right? They heard of a skilled swordsman become an outcast because of a family member becoming a mage; things out of his control, much like the late hilt's brother. But against the general populace, it was as if they were the odd ones out. Their acceptance of others would have easily destroyed their reputation in the Church.

When Imogen, raised by their own beliefs, witnessed the first scene of hatred spun by zealousness, she lost herself; remained bedridden for weeks. She repeatedly asked why they couldn't love each other because of something so small it shouldn't have mattered. This not only sparked an early growth to Imogen's maturity, but left a worry mark on the parents' many cautions when Luciana became pregnant with Edelmira. They didn't wish to see another child of theirs go through the same grueling process as Imogen. So, with the consenting effort of the family and the mansion staff, they agreed to raise her accordingly as to steadily reveal the ugliness of the world by the time she was old enough to handle it. That way, she wouldn't suffer as much as her older sister.

Edelmira's life was filled with literal fluff and love. Her room was adorned with soft pillows comfortable linen. Every time her sister went on an outing, she'd return home with a cute plush as a gift, and they'd litter the room.

As the years passed and Edelmira grew, she became particularly fascinated with her father's boating stories. She favored storybooks with settings around the sea, or with characters that expertly sailed across harsh waters. She would vividly picture herself, oar in hand, navigating through the world like the hero of a fairy tale. But every time she asked and pleaded with her parents to teach her, she was met with the same answer: wait until you're older. A heart-breaking phrase to hear for the growing girl.

Fortunately, someone was less strict with the agreement. Imogen believed it wouldn't hurt to take Edelmira out for a short while; their parents wouldn't even notice. With the time and location they'd travel, there shouldn't have been any horrific truths revealing themselves. Besides, seeing Edelmira on the verge of tears was enough to move her into action.

In the early mornings when Tybalt and Luciana had Church duties to attend, Imogen arrived at her sister's room and explained her plan. Less than 10 minutes later, Edelmira took her first step outdoors.

They wore brown cloaks to conceal their noble identities, and Imogen was careful in scouting their paths for dangers. She'd take Edelmira to a commoner's carpenter shop where she knew cheap gondolas and oars were built. Though she lacked the masterful knowledge as their father, Imogen never wanted to disappoint her younger sibling. They took to a narrow canal just wide enough to fit the both of them, tucked between two buildings where none the wiser would see them. It would be here that Imogen took her for the next few months.

Edelmira gave the happiest look she'd ever seen during these days. Something as simple as rowing and feeling the cold water of outside was new to the sheltered girl, and it was like watching a puppy look into a bath for the first time. Imogen adored these moments, feeling pangs of guilt for agreeing with their parents' terms of raising her. It seemed like a merciful act at the time, but it just didn't feel right.

Imogen always led Edelmira at the front; it was because of that she never witnessed the oddities that occurred over the water whenever her younger sister became overwhelmed with emotion. How the water swirled by itself when Edelmira spun her oar at the surface, or how large bubbles silenty floated up before popping.

It was during this time in her life that the Church's modus operandi shifted to more nefarious means and results.

And it was during one of these outings that something changed in Edelmira's life. She didn't see what, but something made Imogen blanch. Her sister floated around the corner of a building, donning a ghastly look. Edelmira heard some scuffling and a woman's scream, and she tried rowing over to see what it was. However, Imogen hopped across, embracing Edelmira as to cover her eyes and ears as she fled with her younger sibling in tow.

For some reason, since that incident, Imogen never returned from her outings with a plush.

Whatever Imogen saw, it made her dash home and leave Edelmira in the care of her nanny while she told something to their parents.

She'd return to a sobbing Edelmira. "D-Did I do something wrong...?"

Imogen brought her into a tight hug, staring blankly at the floor over her shoulder. "It wasn't you... It wasn't you..." Barely holding herself together, she asked, "Do you remember why the hero in the storybooks goes out on a journey?"

"T-To help people, right?"

She nodded. "We didn't realize it before... but there are people who really need our help. Many, many people."

"Mother and Father and Sister's friends?"

Despite the scene still fresh in her mind, she cracked a smile. "Yes. Our friends. We will be setting up a place where we will help them... which means we won't be practicing as much..."

Instead of faltering, Edelmira asked, "Can I help, too?"

The Ise household eventually opened a Church-sponsored orphanage. Imogen spent days to convince their parents that it would be a good way for Edelmira to slowly learn about the real world, finally giving her somewhat of a freedom. Tybalt and Luciana entrusted a secret message to servant of theirs, making its way to a member of the mage rebellion. Edelmira had to stay at the mansion while the rest of her family ventured to the building to meet with a certain person there—some arrogantly-mannered elf man from what Edelmira overheard upon their return.

As their parents faced many other responsibilities, it fell upon Imogen to take the role of the orphanage director. Edelmira followed closely behind her every step, not knowing any of what was to come. Within a few days, dirty children and the like quickly filled a portion of the building. Imogen was the more mother-figure to the children, showing love to each of them whereas the society they ran from failed to. Edelmira was more shy and afraid of the wild kids, and so stuck behind the scenes with tasks like moving crates of food and supplies.

The real work came later in the day during the kids' nap time. Edelmira was always ordered by her sister to hide in an empty nursing room when these hooded adults made themselves welcome. Some were injured, some exhausted, others leaving with some of the orphanage's supplies in hand. No matter how many times Edelmira asked her family who they were, they always deflected the question and distracted her. When they brought up dessert for dinner, Edelmira typically forgot her previous question.

It wouldn't last, though, and the person she'd learn from would be one of the strange, hooded adults that stopped by. This man was a frequent visitor, bearing a friendly smile and a handsomely trimmed beard of light brown. One day, he entered the nursing room where Edelmira lied in. He'd mistaken Imogen's instructions for the "door on the right" for the door on the left. A simple mistake, but one that changed Edelmira's life.

His warm aura saw her approach him and pose her many questions. His demeanor was genuine, and he gently sat beside the child to answer her. He was just as curious about the mysterious green-haired child as she was about him. Especially because of the outflow of magic he felt from her.

"Do you know what a mage is?" he softly asked.

Edelmira nodded. "They help kill the dragon!"

He answered five of her questions first; the most she'd ever learn of him. She knows that he stops by at the orphanage to transport supplies from there to a separate area, that he is "one of those mages that help kill the dragon," that her sister can be a princess if he wanted her to be, that he's not religious, and that his favorite dessert is cheese. Then, it was his turn to ask questions. His were more concentrated on the one thing he sensed: her mana. His questions didn't mean much to the child, but the answers confirmed his suspicions. He told her to wait for him tomorrow while he left to make sure Imogen didn't think something was up.

And that she did; the stranger kept his promise. He asked if there was any certain object special to her, to which she showed (and almost slapped him with) the oar she used to use with Imogen. Bulky and inconvenient as it looked, all the stranger did was laugh and nod to himself. He sketched the oar down in a notebook, making a short list of materials that Edelmira didn't know. He said he was going to do something special for her.

The next day, he brought a jug of water and a long case that held an oar (a way to sneak it past Imogen), asking Edelmira to carry it while he opened the jug. The oar was a near exact replica of her own aside from a few markings on the end. While she awed and ooh'd over it, the stranger called out to her, asking her to try controlling the water with the oar. Which, of course, she barely understood.

But after some further teaching, the stranger smiled proudly. He sat quietly, watching Edelmira twist a noodle shape from the jug and spin it into a swirl. She focused her all into the shape, inadvertently hiding the overwhelming excitement that swelled inside her. The next few weeks saw the stranger tutoring the young girl on more ways she could use her magic; in nonlethal ways, of course. How she could restrain people and help others, "just like the heroes in the fairy tales."

One day, he broke the news to her: he wouldn't be returning to the orphanage.

The stranger had been moving to and fro, taking supplies from the orphanage for himself; not any other people in the rebellion. He'd lied to Imogen about his position, having deserted them after witnessing his allies die for the cause with little to show for it. With no faith for either side in the conflict, he became a drifter only serving himself. He stole supplies from the rebellion, including the orphanage, to indulge himself. This alone planted him on a wanted list, making him a criminal to both the mage rebellion and the Church. And his actions were catching up to him.

It didn't matter how much she cried. The day after, he stuck to his word.

A year passed since then. Life and work continued as normal. The orphanage filled up, and with that came a worrying change. Edelmira first noticed it in the crates she moved each day; lighter and lighter. The portions of the children's meals noticeably shrunk compared to when the orphanage first opened. The telltale signal was in her sister. Bags grew beneath Imogen's eyes. She constantly racked her head when looking over papers that listed information about their resources. The confidence she held when staying among the kids had waned. Whenever Edelmira tried talking to her, it took a moment too long for Imogen to respond.

Old as she was, even Edelmira could tell what was happening. The orphanage's closure seemed inevitable. The many kids would lose yet another home, all while her idolized sister worked thin. Their parents were struggling enough; the Church was beginning to hear suspicious rumors of the hooded people visiting the orphanage and probing into the Ise family's activities. They couldn't do anything rash, now.

So came a brilliant idea to the younger sister. They all needed help and resources. A hero from the fairy tales. And when Edelmira heard about the Hilt's recruitment for an adventure team from one of the orphans, she knew what she had to do.

When Imogen stopped by Edelmira's room, she collapsed to her knees. On the bed was a handwritten letter by her younger sister, saying that she's off to help the family. That she would be home soon.

Weapon: Does the Connector count as a good smacking tool?

Magic: Through use of her oar, Edelmira gains (basic) control over the water. She can make tendrils of water bind or trip someone, spamming the slowing process like an annoying kid would do. She was also taught to create massive bubbles, able to engulf people and keep things out from them. These bubbles can be difficult to pop, keeping the person inside stuck in the air and unable to do much. They could float higher so that the person inside falls a hefty distance, but Edelmira doesn't want to hurt them like that. Her magic's been more often used for flashy tricks and stunts for her own amusement.

Connector: A wooden oar that is a third taller than her size; hand-crafted by a mage.

Equipment: A small bag for holding things, a dog plush her sister gifted, soap, and a jug of canal water.

-A quick and willing learner.
-Spells can stun and slow enemies for absurdly long.
-Swift on her feet, especially in/around water.
-Has an advantage if on watery surroundings.

-Never experienced the horrors of a battle; pictures them as epic scenes from fairy tales.
-Will freeze up at first sight of danger; might breakdown.
-Never thought about actually hurting or killing anything, only using harmless moves.
-Very low stamina and physical fitness.
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Name: Hackel Crane, a.k.a. Red Hook
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 48
Region: Penari
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class/role: Bounty Hunter

Height: 6'0
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Blue
The few distinguishable features of Hackel make him appear a few years older than he actually is. His disfigured face is typically hidden under a hood and an iron helmet. His left forearm tends to be wrapped in a neatly coiled chain supported on the spikes of his gauntlet. His hair is remarkably unkempt, though seldom seen. Between his armor and his cloak is a tabard with the insignia of the blades. He has a raspy voice as a result of a damaged larynx.

Hackel comes off as a gruff individual with a lot weighing on his mind. He doesn't speak much because of his throat injuries, often communicating with grunts and growls. Honesty is a virtue to him, though he has learned a little discretion can go a long way in his line of work. He is ambitious, hoping to someday regain his lost honor. Ever steadfast in his beliefs, he blames the mages of the world for his downfall and his son's "corruption". Somehow, he retains a scrap of optimism. His organizational skills are to be envied, his rampant alcoholism not so much.
Likes: Law, youth, the clergy, poultry, snow, mead
Dislikes: Mages, compromise, diplomats, fire, braggarts
Fears: Incarceration, blindness
Strengths: Observant, Calculating, Persistent, Fatherly, Honest
Weaknesses: Cold, Alcoholic, Prideful, Vindictive, Dogmatic


  • Hook - It appears to have once been used in a butcher's shop, but now it is a razor-sharp, nightmarish weapon on the end of a sturdy chain.
  • Machete - This thick blade appears to have once been an arming sword. Its blade likely cracked in half, leading to the owner filing it down to a squared tip and shortening the crossguard. The scabbard has been chopped and crimped to match the blade's new length. Its engravings have been ground off, leaving it an overall ugly and unremarkable weapon. Some speculate it is Hackel's old sword from his days as a Blade.
  • Hatchet - A throwable axe that Hackel sometimes uses in tandem with his machete.
  • Padded fabric & leather armor w/ metal spiked gauntlets, pauldrons, and helm.
  • Wool & fur garments
  • Survival essentials (rations, torches, etc.)
  • Locket
Strengths: Close combat, axe throwing, grappling, sneak attacks
Weaknesses: Long range, acrobatics, fire, revealing his face

Hackel was an upstanding member of society, loyal to the Union and gifted with immense physical prowess. He spent almost thirty years building his reputation as a Blade, only for it to be torn down in mere days by his rebellious and defiant teenage son, Conleth. The boy wished to learn magic, and so he became a spellsword, much to his father's chagrin. The two fought viciously, the altercations quickly turning physical on several occasions. The guards moved to arrest Conleth, but he successfully fled to Rhas.

The incident made Hackel's life a living hell from there. He quickly fell out of grace, labeled the family member of a filthy mage. Soon, he was relieved of his duties as a Blade, shunned by his colleagues and superiors, and treated as a pariah. With his livelihood and life reduced to ashes, he started fresh using his best asset: his combat ability. Hiding his face and gathering some old weapons, he took to tracking fugitives from the law and debtors of Penari's underground fighting ring as an independent bounty hunter. He gained a reputation for reeling in targets by snagging them and often lacerating them with his sharpened hook, earning him the nickname, "Red Hook".

One seemingly simple job went south when Hackel's toughest quarry to date managed to remove his helmet, then threw hot coals in his face and stabbed him in the throat with a chisel. The grievous wound narrowly missed his artery, but his larynx was severely damaged. With no scabbard to facilitate a better recovery, he was left to heal naturally over the course of six months. His seared, scarred face was horrific; it gave him another reason to conceal his identity.

With both mages and Blades scrambling to fight the hordes of demons, neither side paid much attention to the myriad of fighters working privately—mercenaries, brawlers, bodyguards, assassins, and (of course) bounty hunters. Even then, few responded to the stand-in Hilt's call to arms. Hackel, once among the best Blades, returned to the disgraced Hilt's service, serving in an eclectic team of pariahs and underdogs.

Update 8/10/22: After their first major battle, Hackel found himself rattled to his core. Once, he viewed mages as demons, but when he was faced with literal demons and forced to fight alongside his old adversaries, he found himself longing for the old status quo of blissful ignorance. Such a jarring change in perspective is not welcome, and he wants to smother any spark of appreciation he has for the mages.
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CREDIT: twitter
Anselm Isolda
replacement hilt
5'4 5'5
pale gray
platinum blonde(white)
hair like strands of silk, softer than the wind itself, just like that of his sister. Eyes a shade so light you could say it would be white, flaked with gold specks as if it were a starry cloud. Pale lashes dust against skin paler than paper marked with simple markings under each eye. An appearance of snow that matches that of the Hilt, a surprising situation since all Hilts support a unique appearance of pure white. Though Unlike his sister who stood at 5’11 he stands a small height of 5’5(more like just slightly taller than 5’4), as well of course, missing the sword birthmark. He also sports a choker on his neck that has a pale blue gem. He never takes it off and no one can touch it. Another notable trait of his appearance is a small glass orb filled with dandelions some say glow. It is rumored to be a connector, though that is simply superstition...
the family disappointment, or more over the world's disappointment. His sister's standing making it hard for his failures to remain a secret. Anselm has failed at almost every endeavor he has attempted to complete, may it be joining the Blades or writing, he has fallen short, the laughter of those around him driving him away from continuing, and as the failures stacked, trying again. Anselm was content with never trying anything again, simply giving in to his fate of disappointing the world and spending his days fooling around, doing some things less than legal as well. He spends most days drinking or gambling, though his alcohol is limited due to his 'holy' nature and age. He is someone who many hate for reasons despite his heritage(mainly screwing them over or cheating in a game), leading him to take more than a few beatings. He is someone full of sarcasm and jokes, someone who has long since given up on this world and himself. He has no self-worth and though he fakes it, no confidence as well. He brandishes his title of failure himself and uses it to protect himself from the on slot of hate he receives. He ignores the whispers and pretends to enjoy the attention. He is loud, obnoxious, and someone the church hopes dies off soon. A blemish on the once-perfect record of the hilt and the church.
likes: gambling, alcohol, fooling around, praise and compliments, jokes, the church, and not having responsibilities
dislikes: the church, his sister, bread, people looking at him, laughter(when he does not know the source, or if it's directed at him), insults, and failure
fears: failure, claustrophobic(this includes being restricted, ex. chains, rope, etc), people looking at him, laughter, ridicule
strengths: funny, extroverted, indifferent to hate, ridicule, and jests(or at least pretends to be),
weaknesses: hopeless, has bad luck, no self-esteem, doesn't try, and gives up extremely easily.
weapon: a polearm(a spear)
magic: n/a
connector: n/a
equipment: flask, spear, clothes, gold(money), and supplies for the journey(will be stated IC at some point soon)
strengths: agile, acrobatics, speed, distraction, aggravating enemy, and dodging
weaknesses: better at running away, not extremely strong(can throw a mean punch though), trusting others and working together, and giving his all(gives up before battle is over
the cursed child, said to bring bad luck and death to the late hilt, many blame him for what is going on. Never in the history of this world has the Hilt ever had a sibling. In most cases the mother died during childbirth, not that it mattered much since the parent's have no roll in raising the Hilt, they are left to the church. Anselm was also raised by the church, but kept away from his sister, trying to protect her from whatever he was. No one expected much from him, and he proved them to be right. No matter what he did he seemed to fail, not to mention the constant successes from his sister were a punch to the face and proof of him being nothing like a hilt, much to everyone's disappointment but also not unexpected. He was looked upon in hate, even by those in the church, nothing to show for his life despite the 'privilege's' he was given as the sibling of the hilt. Most know of him but speak of him in disgust or in jest, whispers following him wherever he goes, constant gossip of everything he is up to. The closest link to the Hilt herself and someone who provides doubt in the Hilt herself. Though little is known about what he is actually like or what he has done other than his failure. Living in the constant shadow of his sister. While there was no one else who could have possibly fill the empty Hilt role but him, not a single person expects much from him. Many Blades refused to join him simply because they want to figure this out themselves, the same for mages. He is taking what he can get and is ready to prove he can do something, anything.
POB: Opol
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Name: Romulus Faenor
Gender: Male
Age: 120
Race: Elf
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Mage


Height: 188cm
Weight: 82kg
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Gold

Personality: If one were to ask his friends, Romulus is a silver tongued, smug bastard. Never a more proud elf has been born, nor one as underhanded as him. Those who hate him? Well, he's never cared to learn their names, let alone their opinions of him. He played them like the cheap flutes they were, and chuckled over wine about how he got what he wanted. Happily selling what he needs to get a person hooked, to run them dry of what they can offer him. Some get what they wanted too, as long as it doesn't interfere with his own interests. It's very rare to see him get upset, rarer still for anyone to ever mention his episodes of rage to anyone. There's also a general disdain one can see in him when dealing with the other races.

Likes: Magic, elves, success, wine, birds, and politics.
Dislikes: Humans, half giants, animal folk, the half creatures (Unless that half is Elf), the Blades, the Church, not too fond of the Hilts he's seen in his lifetime thus far given recent events.

Fears: Failure, the possibility of the Mage Rebellion falling into the wrong hands. (Notably, not his hands)

Strengths: Magic, quick wits, smooth talker, swift as an arrow, clearly an Elf
Weaknesses: There's the obvious racial disdain, speed > strength, makes enemies easier than friends, most likely to have the most punchable face in any given room.

Weapon: A plain and simple dagger. Easy to hide in robes, simple enough to use in defense.

Magic: A wide array of spells in the group of pyromancy, perfect for melting away the opposition. So far, no real fruit in the matter of expanding into geomancy, or any other disciplines for that matter.

Equipment: A dagger, Snapdragon (Connector), fancy robes, basic rations one could expect to find for someone preparing for a journey.

Strengths: Agile and swift, capable of evasive actions that others might not manage, overwhelming firepower, sharp senses making him decent as a scout.

Weaknesses: Could be overwhelmed if rushed, can't just spam Magic due to potential death if overdone, noodle arm gang, especially susceptible to damage to the ears.

Bio: Romulus Faenor was born to a rather well off family of elves dwelling within Rhas. Drawn here due to the lax nature of rules upon mages, it's little wonder that his parents were quick to get him to start learning. Ever since the age of 10, Romulus Faenor has practiced and honed his craft in between semi-fancy dinners among other elves.

He still recalls the first time he met Algar Theano at one of the dinners his parents would hold for the higher ups in the Rebellion. He was 50 at the time, enjoying a nice glass of red wine. He can't recall the vintage of it, he wasn't that refined of a taste yet to pay attention to it. It was over that glass, that the proud elf met the half elf, and his life was changed ever since. It was odd to say, but he genuinely didn't feel a need to take advantage of Algar. It may have been the fatherly air of him, the seemingly genuine care the man had for the plight of the mages around him.

It was a rather joyful event when Algar took over from the prior leader. Not many would admit to seeing Faenor shed a slight tear as he congratulated Algar on the position. After all, he'd deny it with a vengeance. Rumors that he was jealous of Algar were also right out, of course. Faenor was happy that such a kind man had been placed in charge. Especially one he'd consider an equal to whisper in the ear of.

To skip a bit, it was a dark day when the incident with the Hilt occurred. Not for the loss of the Hilt, nor the loss of the Blades. No, it was the loss of Algar, and many other trusted mages at the top of the Rebellion. The only light that day, was that Faenor had declined the invitation to accompany his friend, due to personal matters. Namely, attending another one of his parent's dinners. Normally he'd be happy for an excuse to skip, but given they were meeting with the Jarl to pitch a plan for further expansion of their own lands, he was required to dress up and play politics.

However, given the unrest of the rest of the Mage Rebellion, and rumors of who will take the reins next, Faenor has chosen to take matters into his own hands. As a prominent member of the Rebellion, and a man with an ear to the heart of his nation, it wasn't surprising that the stand in for the late Hilt has sought his aid. What better way to quell the discontent in the Mages' ranks, then throw your hat in the ring for the next lead? Faenor was all too eager to accept. After all, if they succeed, he'll be able to mold the Rebellion as he wished directly, over whispering to Algar and others to have them potentially twist his words as they changed the world for the betterment of the Mages.
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REFERENCE: Gizmo Courier (Shadowverse)
CREDIT: (Missing)
PLAYED BY: Idea Idea
5 foot 5 (168 cm)
61 kg
Sitra is a fit yet slender-looking girl wearing what she finds to be comfortable clothing: An open vest over a simple top, baggy shorts with a stretch of cloth wrapped around a belt on her waist, a pair of large boots and fingerless gloves. Her favored hairstyle is an unkept ponytail, though the unkept part is a constant for her, and she is quite recognizable by those who've seen her by the enormous backpack she carries in additional to the more normally-sized though still fancy-looking satchel.
The first thing one would notice about Sitra is her optimism and how easily she gets excited about things. She can really be a bundle of joy, keeping a joyful attitude most of the time, or even being playful and frequently teasing the people around her if she feels comfortable with them and like she has an opening to tease them with, not that she has a good sense of what might or not be taking things a bit too far either way. This isn't something limited to just the playfulness though, as she's just not very prone to forethought in general and so can act quite harshly on impulse. She can be impatient and led astray by gut feeling, but this also means she keeps a flexible attitude especially as she doesn't judge anyone by the cover. She might react defensively to someone seeming like a threat, but this isn't her thinking they are a threat, it's more just a not-thought-out reaction and her actual attitude towards them will very much be molded by how they show themselves to be. That being said, she is stubborn enough that she will have a hard time quitting on a goal or "plan" before she has at least attempted it.

Her flexible mind is also quite a creative one, but it may be hampered by her lack of knowledge. Having lived in an isolated community for almost her whole life, a lot of her 'common sense' differs from most people's, and furthermore she seems to actively avoid going out of her way to learn about things, herself especially. Instead, she always feels like she has to be doing something or another, just keeping herself distracted as much as she can.

She's very fond of praise, and showing off her skills, perhaps an effort to prove she can be independent from the family she left behind. At the same time, her adoptive mother's absence left a gap in Sitra's heart, one she hopes to fill by finding a new family to belong to, one she herself will start.

Likes - [Praise] ; [Showing Off] ; [Teasing People] ; [Animals] ;
Dislikes - [Stuff That Drags On] ; [Stuff that Restricts Her Movement] ; [Tense or Gloom Atmospheres] ; [Talking About Herself] ;
Fears - [Finding Painful Truths] ; [Being Taken Back] ; [Undead]

Strengths - [Flexible Thinking] ; [Creative] ; [Determination and Positive Attitude That are Difficult to Knock Down] ; [Accepting and Understanding]
Weaknesses- [General Lack of Forethought] ; [Distorted Common Sense] ; [Doesn't go back on her commitments] ; [Bad Liar]
Sitra was born in a remote village in the Corners of Dral, one with no claim to fame or importance other than an old legend about some powerful mage they supposedly helped vanquish. Sitra doesn't remember much of anything about her parents though, as the village was attacked by a sudden horde of undead, and they fled along with her. She was barely old enough to toddle, so she didn't get very far once both of her parents were face-down in the mud, a deep red spreading around them from the gashing wounds in their bodies. Fortunately for her though, in their panic the parents had wondered into the mysteriously barren region not far from the village, and stumbled upon the sealed hidden land of Titan's Cradle. In here, Sitra was found by one of the inhabitants, a woman named Lar'Ifey, who would come to become the little girl's adoptive mother after taking care of Sitra and finding what had happened to her parents.

Sitra was raised within the Titan's Cradle, though there were nearly no children around and even those that were there seemed simply... distant. She barely had any friends, and even among those few seldom was there one whose friendship she felt was actual friendship. Nonetheless, Sitra remained on her feet, taking comfort in her adoptive mother and in her goal of becoming one of the defenders of that land, one of the guards that patrolled the edges of the seal. This is, until she stumbled upon a terrible secret. When she ran, trying to explain what she saw in a panic, everyone there looked at her confused. Was it they didn't believe her? No. It turned out, they just knew about it. They just didn't care. It was "none of their business".

It didn't take long for Sitra to make her escape after that, stealing some artifacts whose locations she happened to know, and trying to get as far away as she could.
Sitra has access to enchantment magic. Her form of enchantment is rudimentary though, applying quick enchantments with small effects and requiring an item as a medium to enchant. Furthermore, while she's barely got more than some basics of anything, she can wield spells of various elements and even a number of weak non-elemental spells, such as a minor strengthening spell or a spell to create a quick message the object speaks on a condition. She also received training to potentially becoming a guard for (place), thus was trained somewhat in the use of swords, spears and maces.

+Weapon Training- Couldn't hold a candle to a proper member of the Blades with years of experience, but she could very well hold her own against an inexperienced soldier fresh off completing their training, before accounting for her magic that is.
+Diverse Magic- She can use a range of spells from many different types. Even if their individual effects are weak, choosing the right spell for the right situation, or using several spells whose effects could build on each other, is where her skills could shine.
+Great Spatial Awareness- Her training in (place) imposed on her a need to become extra aware of her position among her surroundings and what they contain. She's adept at fight in uneven and unsteady terrain, using it to her advantage, and as a result has improved reflexes. It even helps her remain agile and not get caught in places despite carrying a massive backpack.

-Master of None- Sitra's biggest weakness is perhaps the fact that having a bit of everything means not having a lot of anything. Her spells, even in her focus of enchantment are mild at best and very basic for the most part. If she has to focus on weaponry a dedicated fighter will easily surpass her. Some enemies or obstacles could become insurmountable walls simply due to the fact that while she may have variety she lacks the anything of greater intensity.
-Lack of Knowledge- She isn't very knowledgeable about the world in general, and avidly avoids learning about stuff. Whatever her feelings about it, not understanding the first thing about your enemy is not generally a great strategy, especially if part of your strengths rely on being able to counter said enemy with the right choice of magic or weapon.

Sword Maker - A relic Sitra stole from Titan's Cradle, which unknowst to her had been taken from an adventurer once held captive there. It is able to produce swords with nothing but a bit of heat (sunlight is enough) and the mana from the air around them. The swords have little effect by themselves, but they are highly compatible with magic, making them the perfect materials to enchant and for her to fight with. The backpack is also surprisingly light.

Upgraded General Conductor- A handle-like object through which magic flows exceptionally easy. It has few uses beyond being a small blunt object and a great conductor, but it is indeed quite useful as one. It is an improvement version of an ancient standard conductor for beginners, designed to be able to handle just about any kind of magic so long as it was around the basics-mid spells level. It is unable to use any advanced or near-advanced spells, but in return there is no issue of compatibility with using any type of low-tier spell.

MISC- The Clothes she is wearing, rope, food, spare firewood, some enchanted daggers, satchel with coins and some medicine.

Sitra is a fit yet slender-looking girl wearing what she finds to be comfortable clothing: An open vest over a simple top, baggy shorts with a stretch of cloth wrapped around a belt on her waist, a pair of large boots and fingerless gloves. Her favored hairstyle is an unkept ponytail, though the unkept part is a constant for her, and she is quite recognizable by those who've seen her by the enormous backpack she carries in additional to the more normally-sized though still fancy-looking satchel.
The first thing one would notice about Sitra is her optimism and how easily she gets excited about things. She can really be a bundle of joy, keeping a joyful attitude most of the time, or even being playful and frequently teasing the people around her if she feels comfortable with them and like she has an opening to tease them with, not that she has a good sense of what might or not be taking things a bit too far either way. This isn't something limited to just the playfulness though, as she's just not very prone to forethought in general and so can act quite harshly on impulse. She can be impatient and led astray by gut feeling, but this also means she keeps a flexible attitude especially as she doesn't judge anyone by the cover. She might react defensively to someone seeming like a threat, but this isn't her thinking they are a threat, it's more just a not-thought-out reaction and her actual attitude towards them will very much be molded by how they show themselves to be. That being said, she is stubborn enough that she will have a hard time quitting on a goal or "plan" before she has at least attempted it.

Her flexible mind is also quite a creative one, but it may be hampered by her lack of knowledge. Having lived in an isolated community for almost her whole life, a lot of her 'common sense' differs from most people's, and furthermore she seems to actively avoid going out of her way to learn about things, herself especially. Instead, she always feels like she has to be doing something or another, just keeping herself distracted as much as she can.

She's very fond of praise, and showing off her skills, perhaps an effort to prove she can be independent from the family she left behind. At the same time, her adoptive mother's absence left a gap in Sitra's heart, one she hopes to fill by finding a new family to belong to, one she herself will start.

Likes - [Praise] ; [Showing Off] ; [Teasing People] ; [Animals] ;
Dislikes - [Stuff That Drags On] ; [Stuff that Restricts Her Movement] ; [Tense or Gloom Atmospheres] ; [Talking About Herself] ;
Fears - [Finding Painful Truths] ; [Being Taken Back] ; [Undead]

Strengths - [Flexible Thinking] ; [Creative] ; [Determination and Positive Attitude That are Difficult to Knock Down] ; [Accepting and Understanding]
Weaknesses- [General Lack of Forethought] ; [Distorted Common Sense] ; [Doesn't go back on her commitments] ; [Bad Liar]
Sitra was born in a remote village in the Corners of Dral, one with no claim to fame or importance other than an old legend about some powerful mage they supposedly helped vanquish. Sitra doesn't remember much of anything about her parents though, as the village was attacked by a sudden horde of undead, and they fled along with her. She was barely old enough to toddle, so she didn't get very far once both of her parents were face-down in the mud, a deep red spreading around them from the gashing wounds in their bodies. Fortunately for her though, in their panic the parents had wondered into the mysteriously barren region not far from the village, and stumbled upon the sealed hidden land of Titan's Cradle. In here, Sitra was found by one of the inhabitants, a woman named Lar'Ifey, who would come to become the little girl's adoptive mother after taking care of Sitra and finding what had happened to her parents.

Sitra was raised within the Titan's Cradle, though there were nearly no children around and even those that were there seemed simply... distant. She barely had any friends, and even among those few seldom was there one whose friendship she felt was actual friendship. Nonetheless, Sitra remained on her feet, taking comfort in her adoptive mother and in her goal of becoming one of the defenders of that land, one of the guards that patrolled the edges of the seal. This is, until she stumbled upon a terrible secret. When she ran, trying to explain what she saw in a panic, everyone there looked at her confused. Was it they didn't believe her? No. It turned out, they just knew about it. They just didn't care. It was "none of their business".

It didn't take long for Sitra to make her escape after that, stealing some artifacts whose locations she happened to know, and trying to get as far away as she could.
Sitra has access to enchantment magic. Her form of enchantment is rudimentary though, applying quick enchantments with small effects and requiring an item as a medium to enchant. Furthermore, while she's barely got more than some basics of anything, she can wield spells of various elements and even a number of weak non-elemental spells, such as a minor strengthening spell or a spell to create a quick message the object speaks on a condition. She also received training to potentially becoming a guard for (place), thus was trained somewhat in the use of swords, spears and maces.

+Weapon Training- Couldn't hold a candle to a proper member of the Blades with years of experience, but she could very well hold her own against an inexperienced soldier fresh off completing their training, before accounting for her magic that is.
+Diverse Magic- She can use a range of spells from many different types. Even if their individual effects are weak, choosing the right spell for the right situation, or using several spells whose effects could build on each other, is where her skills could shine.
+Great Spatial Awareness- Her training in (place) imposed on her a need to become extra aware of her position among her surroundings and what they contain. She's adept at fight in uneven and unsteady terrain, using it to her advantage, and as a result has improved reflexes. It even helps her remain agile and not get caught in places despite carrying a massive backpack.

-Master of None- Sitra's biggest weakness is perhaps the fact that having a bit of everything means not having a lot of anything. Her spells, even in her focus of enchantment are mild at best and very basic for the most part. If she has to focus on weaponry a dedicated fighter will easily surpass her. Some enemies or obstacles could become insurmountable walls simply due to the fact that while she may have variety she lacks the anything of greater intensity.
-Lack of Knowledge- She isn't very knowledgeable about the world in general, and avidly avoids learning about stuff. Whatever her feelings about it, not understanding the first thing about your enemy is not generally a great strategy, especially if part of your strengths rely on being able to counter said enemy with the right choice of magic or weapon.
Sword Maker - A relic Sitra stole from Titan's Cradle, which unknowst to her had been taken from an adventurer once held captive there. It is able to produce swords with nothing but a bit of heat (sunlight is enough) and the mana from the air around them. The swords have little effect by themselves, but they are highly compatible with magic, making them the perfect materials to enchant and for her to fight with. The backpack is also surprisingly light.

Upgraded General Conductor- A handle-like object through which magic flows exceptionally easy. It has few uses beyond being a small blunt object and a great conductor, but it is indeed quite useful as one. It is an improvement version of an ancient standard conductor for beginners, designed to be able to handle just about any kind of magic so long as it was around the basics-mid spells level. It is unable to use any advanced or near-advanced spells, but in return there is no issue of compatibility with using any type of low-tier spell.

MISC- The Clothes she is wearing, rope, food, spare firewood, some enchanted daggers, satchel with coins and some medicine.
Name: Yona
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Race: Human
Region: Penari
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality(optional): Bicurious
Class/Role: Ex-Blade, Wandering Mage

Honkai Impact Herrscher of Sentience.jpg
Height: 5'4
Hair Color: Silvery Gray
Eye Color: Crimson
Description: Wears a durable black ceremonial robe tailored for combat and movement. Footwear that are pretty much boots but flexible for additional agility with heels as addition. Robes worn usually in a somewhat disheveled manner.

Personality: She's a collected individual who is in acceptance of who she is now. As she usually travels alone, she pretty lonely as well as being quite underqualified in higher social circles. Meditation is a common routine for her so she's at peace most of the time. Though, sometimes when she is in a certain mood, she finds the state of euphoria in battle very welcoming.
Likes: Sunny days, food, sweets, any great scenery, music, festive events
Dislikes: Politics, commitment to extremist ideologies, anything that just gives her a troubling headache.
Fears: Being used as a weapon and seen as something other than a person, imprisonment
Strengths: She doesn't fear much since she's been a wanderer for most of her time. She can take care of herself in terms of outdoor survival and camping.
Weaknesses: Given this freedom she forged for herself, this also causes her to be lonely at times and feel out of touch with other people. She also wishes to avoid any Blades from Penari in fear that they'll recognize her and question her whereabouts for the past few years.

Weapon: Magic Infused Katana and enchanted polearm made from raw magic
Magic: Lightning/Electric and Energy Materialization
Conductor: There is a red gem hung in front of her forehead attached to an ornate head ornament which acts as an additional mana storage which stores excess mana from usage or over supply of mana as well as her conductor for energy materialization and a katana which can be used as a catalyst for her lightning magic.
Equipment: Magic Enchanted Katana sheath, backpack carrying essentials
As an ex-blade from Penari, she is highly adept with the polearm and sword. During her years of traveling alone, she's self taught herself how to use other weapons such as the polearm, bow and shield, as well as other various weapons. Using her magic, she can materialize these weapons using raw energy condensed into a physical form. Combining her weapon skills with her magic, she has come up with various ways to mix the two skills she's learned to commit devastating and destructive attacks. Another perk of being associated with the Blades for some time, she had understood their method of making anti-magic weapons in which she can recreate the same effect using her electric abilities.
Rage causes her to become more reckless and daring which could open up many opening to attack her. She must keep focus and a clear mind. Meditation is mandatory for her.

Yona was born between two loving parents in Penari and was cherished until she wished to become like the people in the Blade organization at the age of three. She was thrown to the streets despite her begging for her parents to take her back but to no avail. She sat next to the streets cold, hungry and alone, watching the people of Penari walk by until someone took her in. It turned out that he was a skilled warrior who is associated with the Blades. With eagerness, she stayed and trained with her new master and caretaker. Yona was then taught the necessary disciplines, rules and beliefs that any Blade should have. Especially being opposed to magic.

At the age of fourteen, Yona was permitted by her master to spar with others her age who were also training to be Blades. It wasn't as smooth as she thought but she still persisted to come out on top. She was slightly faster in agility and reaction time than anyone of her training group. By eighteen however, she was qualifying to officially join the Blades, but during the past year she definitely felt different like something was awakening within her. And it was gnawing at her. She needed answers. She decided to go to the place she once lived with her parents in search of answers. Not that it surprised her much, but the place was abandoned and most of the inventory was still there. However, what was left in her old room was a red ruby gem which looked like an elaborate accessory piece. She put it on just to see how it would look on her but then she felt a surge of energy coursing throughout her body. It felt like... Magic. Afraid her master and her colleagues would find out about her new found power, she planned to make haste to run away. But as she was about to leave, an intruder came in just to rob the place. And what he saw when he looked upon her was a scared and weak prey. Just as he was about to make an advance on her, Yona lost her cool and somehow manifested a sword made out of pure lightning energy and found the intruder accidentally impaling himself on her blade. Now she has two reasons to flee, but the one that weighed more heavily was that she had murdered someone with magic.

She made haste and fled, hitch hiking with merchants and traveling carriages that did not know her in any way. She found herself in Kharien, a place in her knowledge was where mages would gather. She sought after other mages who can teach her to manage her power or even better, keep it hidden. Yona then found a mage who helped her out with practicing and managing her magic since they were proficient in lightning based magic. For a year and a half, she learned ways how to harness her magic under her teacher and found the benefits of her magic and continued to hone her skills into it. Though, he started seeing a trend in Yona's use of magic of materializing weapons as a form of catalyst and that her use of these weapons were of mastery level in especially the polearm and sword. The mage was especially concerned when Yona taught herself a lightning technique called the Musou No Hitotachi. Once asked, she thought it was time to tell him that she came from Penari and originally wanted to become part of the Blades organization but had accidentally awakened her magic. She blamed it on the crystal in the first place, but she also mentioned the one whom she killed with her magic minutes after her awakening. She was then taught how the crystal worked and came with the conclusion that it was a gem her parents left her with before fleeing Penari. It was also concluded that her parents were mages which was why they threw her out into the streets when she said she wanted to join the Blade organization.

After all her teacher has taught her and what she had learned, she began to question the Blade organization's values and the church's goals. It made her stray from the path she had wanted to make for herself and now she had no path. Instead of falling into despair however, her teacher encouraged her that it was a good thing. It was time for her to start her own adventure. She already has the necessary skills to hone and practice her magic as well as utilizing it as well as the teachings of her former master whom she ran away from. After learning everything about the outside world from her teacher, Yona just wanted to live her life freely but didn't know where to start. Her teach could only genuinely feel happy for her when she decided it was time to part ways for now for her new quest to find meaning in her life. She was given clothes fitting for adventuring, even though it looked pretty luxurious. She was given a katana, crafted specially for her and adornments that her teacher once wore. After all her necessities were made, she departed to the general area of Opal and see the world that she lived in and to find answers as to where the discord between the Church and Mages come from and as to why it happened.

As she traveled from Kharien to Ghavri, to Dral, her original goal had and eventually, completely corroded and dissolved. Initially, she only used her new found powers to protect herself. But when she arrived at Dral, she was scouted and ended up being recruited by a secret criminal organization, a syndicate which controlled the order of things in Dral. Even though the place is governed by someone else, they controlled everything from the shadows. Seeing that she was in desperate need for money to continue her travels, she rolled with them for the time being under a contract. Contrary to her assumptions, she only got her hands dirty when cleaning up criminals overstepping their boundaries and trying to fill shoes that weren't meant for them to fill. She only cleaned up the lowest of scum that lurked and plagued Dral. Sure criminal rates was still pretty high, but there was a sort of moral code and karma system that she never understood. All she knew was that her current boss; Xiqu, called the shots and she must carry out her order and will as per the contract. During her time there, she learned the origins of her headpiece and the gem that hung from it. The legend was that the gem was made out of the heart of a great thunderbird who once inflicted their raging wrath upon those who entered her territory. Though, how it was slain was never information that was obtained. While learning the origins of her headpiece, she also learned blueprints and the know how to craft weapons, traditional and non-traditional modelled. Her greatest piece was a double-spearheaded polearm that can smash into a mountain and make its cliffside crumble and a blade sharp enough to cut down the toughest of trees cleanly. Knowing the very designs and how they were assembled made her materialization abilities more efficient and making her a worthy weapon. Soon though, the contract would end and she would be on her way.

Xiqu wished to keep her at her side, but it was then after following orders after awhile and keeping to the contract she realized her original goal again. She departed but still wished to keep ties with Xiqu and the syndicate if she ever needed a place to lay low again. With the money she had, she traveled to Opol once more, not for her goal. Specific goals corrode easily and she's seen how this world works at this point. However, she still wanted answers. Perhaps, redemption.

A conversation between Yona and her Teacher before she departed from Kharien.
"So... This is it. Huh?"
"Indeed. I know young Yona will do great things. You've learned so much. From your former master and from me."
"Yes... I have. Thank you."
"It's time for your next adventure, Yona."
"... I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow, teach."
"How exciting!"

A conversation between Yona and Xiqu.
"It pains me to see you leave so soon, Yona. You've done so much for me that it might be hard to find a replacement."
"Then don't look for one. When I get what I want, and I will, I will return. Perhaps not as a weapon, but as a friend."
"A friend... huh? Since when had my blade become a sentient being?"
"Always has been. Just distracted, lost and going along the path that is already paved."
"Like blind sheep."
"Perhaps when I return, I can watch from the side."
"Perhaps. Do not pray for an easy journey, my friend. Pray to be the strong and durable."
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e039f0fe6284e3964bb09518a4c2f740.jpgALTERNE EMBER
Name: Alterne Ember
Gender: F
Age: 14
Race: Half-Creature
Region: Penari
Pronouns: She/Her

Alterne is a scrawny looking young girl. Her unimpressive stature in combination with her sheepish personality makes it rather easy for others to overlook her presence. A pair of sharp horns grows out the top of her head, flanked by a short bob of golden locks. Alterne wears an intricately patterned blindfold at all times, even when bathing or sleeping. Orange-red scales arc down her back and across her arms from her neck, and patches of scales show through randomly upon her face. She most often wears a tattered brown shawl that seems a few sizes too big and hides most of her upper body. Underneath she wears a set of sun-bleached leather armor.

Alterne is extremely shy around people, so much so that is extremely problematic. She has a severe lack in confidence, and is often times fearful of the simplest of conversations. Most times her voice is hardly a whisper and she keeps her head cast towards the ground. Apart from her crippling social anxiety she is actually a surprisingly curious character. While she is not too knowledgeable, the prospect of something new gets her quite excited, though she is quick to reel her excitement back due to her social anxiety. Alterne loves books and the starry sky, but due to her blindness she is unable to enjoy these things, leaving her in a wistful state.

Even though she is blind and cripplingly anxious, Alterne is strangely capable. She moves with more confidence than a person without sight should, though that is not to say she moves with confidence. She always pauses before every action to consider the consequences before moving forward, though it easy to pressure her into acting rashly, and she wouldn't dare to speak up against someone's judgement, even if she knows if they are incorrect.
likes: Reading, The stars, Learning about new things, Having her space, snow.
dislikes: Basic social interaction, being questioned, Hot sunny days, being the center of attention.
fears: Alterne has a deep, unexplained fear for her past. She is also utterly terrified of the sounds of a sword moving through the air.
strengths: Inquisitive, Quick Learner, Empathetic, Fantastic memory, knows when to keep her mouth shut, Good at following orders, Surprisingly independent.
weaknesses: Easily intimidated, Diffident, Terrible liar, fearful, Afraid to act on what she wants.

weapon: N/A
magic: Alterne has access to weak fire magics and weak light manipulation magics.
Connector: An intricately inscribed blindfold
equipment: Leather armor, a days worth of rations, parchment, ink, a pouch of strange weak magic artifacts.
strengths: Crafty, Easily overlooked, possesses an inhuman reaction time, nimble
weaknesses: Blind, Lacks initiative, terrible aim, noodle arms

Alterne remembers nothing about her past. Everything up to three months ago is a hazy, indecipherable mess. She simply woke up one day crumbled on the side of the road with no clue without vision or any remembrance of who she was. The only reason she hasn't up and died since then is because of an external force. A strange, crying whisper that had crawled its way into the back of her head. Alterne has no clue what it is, but it guided her through what she has known thus far to be her life and guides her still. It has saved her life and brought her to coin, all she had to do was listen to what it had to say and follow what it had to show her. This voice has become the only thing Alterne has really trusted, since she has spent most of the life she can remember drifting across the land, utterly terrified of just the prospect of talking to someone for more than a simple introduction or for begging for coin.
extra: Despite being blind, Alterne does not carry around any tools to assist her lack of vision. Instead, she seems to have a strange sixth sense that allows her to operate semi efficiently, even without sight. This sense also leads her many places, and allows her to have an unexplained, uncanny ability to sense the way foreward.
Borre Millow
pale blonde
Borre stands at the height of 5'10 with a muscular body that is covered in it's fair share of battle scars. His hair is a light blond that he usually keeps up and out of his face. His eyes are a light shade of blue and his skin is tanned shade of rose. He is usually found in his Blade armour or in simple clothing that would be worn under his armour suit. His clothing is usually aimed to look more expensive, in the few chances of him being outside of training or duty he is adorned in clothing that give the air of someone who wants to look like they have money.
Borre is the type of person who makes friends with anyone that he meets. He is a boisterous person that lives to help those around him. He is known for helping those around him as well as his loud and friendly personality. He is constantly trying to get stronger as well as working to always be perfect in everything. Even with his desire to be perfect, he is the first person to tell anyone else that they don't need to be. He does his best to make everyone around him happy as well as make life easier for them. He is a righteous person who abides by the law always unless it is in the best interest to break it(chaotic good).
likes: alcohol, cooking, training, meeting new people, helping others, and winning
dislikes: losing, hurting people, letting people down, sitting still, and porridge
not being strong enough
not being able to save someone
horrible liar
a simple bastard sword that was given to him by his father. He named the sword after a character from the story when he was young, and now regrets the name. Made with Sword bones and is a weapon of anti-magic
an experimental anti-magic has been entrusted to him by his uncle before he was imprisoned. More of a technique that allows him to use the magic consumed by sword bones to create simple projections of anti-magic. He uses this in the form of a shield, but it can also be used as a sword or armour (though he never managed to figure out how to do the armour quite right)
magic: n/a
connector: n/a
anti-magic herbs
some anti-magic jewelry
physical fitness
strategies(outside of quick thinking in battle)
The Millow house is represented by a shield with a pair of wings on it. The Millow house was a high-ranking member of the Blades along with the Scabbards. This all changed with the research done by Oliver Millow. The discovery of the ability to use the mana that is eaten by the Sword Bones. This mana can be used to create effects similar to magic, however, it still holds the ability to harm magic unlike other forms of magic. This finding would have been revolutionary to the ranks of the Blades, something that would have led to a swift end to the war between the mages and the blades. However, the higher-ups would have none of this and he was imprisoned, and as the head of the house, his house's name was tarnished. As Oliver sat in his study waiting for the guards to arrive he entrusted his notes to Borre who was only a child at the time. Shortly after his study was destroyed along with any information they could find.

From then on Borre's family singular mission was to return their house to its glory. Their money ran thin and yet they kept the air of wealth, still adorning in the most expensive clothing. It was Borre's duty as the next head to be perfect. His father trained him every moment of his life until he was accepted among the ranks of blades. His house's honour sat on his shoulders, pushing him to be the best in his class.

Even still, the ranks of the Blades did not accept him, pushing him to ranks lower than that of his skill. He was not sent on missions and earned nothing for his family. His parents were disgusted with him and left the city in an attempt of finding something else to bring them fame. In secret Borre developed his uncle's note, even meeting with his uncle in prison where the two of them worked together to develop it more. While his rank hasn't gotten any better, he is determined to make it to the top and knows that his hard work will pay off one day.
POB: Penari

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