Story A small introduction for one of my characters 'Stanley Manderson.'


New Member
Stanley was stood next to his table. His buisness attire of a shirt and tie already fitted on. He rearranged his glasses and slowly stood himself up. He peered around the room. His face was devoid of emotion.

He looked down at his watch.


It was time.

Stanley walked over to his wardrobe and rearranged the shirts inside, moving them in colour coordinated order. He then reached beneath one and found his bulletproof vest. This was the one Officer Anderson had given him on his first day as a privite investigator. He took a deep breath and took off his shirt, then took off his top. He then wrapped the vest around his chest, before pausing. His emotionless face let on a small glimmer of emotion. It was hard to read what emotion that was.

He then proceeded to fit another bulletproof vest on.

He found his keys and put his buisness attire back on. Yellow shirt, black tie and black trousers.

He made his way to the front door. He took a deep breath, and let on a smile.

A fake smile.

He opened the door.

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