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A story by Out Of Words

Chase Moon

Tags: Maddox Ward KodakWolf KodakWolf | Location: Near Black Hills, Wyoming

It was nearing sunset the following day, when someone approached the ruins of an old church on the grounds around Leif's home. The figure was average height, wearing a deep green hooded jacket with the hood currently down. It wasn't zipped, showing a grey shirt underneath, and casual blue jeans. Black hair was being finger combed as the figure ran a hand back and forth over the top of his head.

In his right hand rested a phone, with glances cast between the screen and the rest of the surrounding area. Confusion crossed his face as he tapped on the phone a minute longer, then shoved it into a front pocket of his jeans. Cheeks puffed out, the breath held to a count of ten, and was released. One could imagine the audible sound if they weren't close enough to actually hear the soft whoosh of air. If one was close enough, or had enhanced hearing, they would be able to make out the murmured words that followed, tone on the low end of the spectrum.

"Well, hells bells. Somewhere in this general vicinity. Great. Great." Then the figure wuffled, a sound that was half a whine, and half of a chuffing sound. Chin lifted as a look was spared to the darkening sky, one that would soon be filled with an all too familiar blood red tinge. Instead of going into the old church, the figure moved to find another way around, or over the remaining fence. Wuffling several more times in swift succession.

Eventually, the man found a spot along the fencing where he began to carefully make his way through the barbed wire. There were a few moments spent detaching some of the wire from his clothing, and maybe one or two small punctures to his hands. Otherwise, he did come out the other side relatively unscathed.

The intention was to venture farther onto the property and locate the owner, only once on the other side, he stopped. The hand rubbed along the top of his head again, only a little more vigorously, with several more wuffles. Blue eyes cast one last look at the fencing and the way he came. When he looked forward, he called out the name he had been given, perhaps reluctant to 'invade' any further.


coded by natasha.
Maddox Ward (Leif Hjalkarssen)
Location: Wyoming near the Black Hills
Tags: Chase Moon ( Out Of Words Out Of Words )

The sky was barely dark and the chanting could already be heard, long before the strange red moon came into sight. It started sooner every passing night, but at least now it was quieter, far away again, less threatening, different than the day before. Leif wondered whether it'd even come out. It was said that at the end of times, Máni, the moon, would finally be devoured by Hati, the wolf that chased after it every night across the sky. He'd definitely never heard anything about bleeding, but maybe Máni was wounded before being completely swallowed and would eventually disappear from the night sky, hence the bleeding. If that story was accurate, then Sól, the sun, was about to be caught by the wolf Sköll, and most importantly: there was nothing anyone could do about it. At least those living on Earth. That being so, part of him wished for that to be a myth, or at least an exaggerated analogy. The world nowadays was full of half myths and half truths, he didn't quite know what to believe in anymore, which didn't mean he wouldn't think about those things from time to time.

He sat atop the old church tower, or what remained of it, watching the last bits of sunlight in the horizon. Half the tower had crumbled, exposing it's hollow interior and the stone steps that led up to it's top. The bell had also crashed down at the bottom of the tower a century ago, making one victim whose remains were still underneath the heavy metal dome, barely to be seen. The tented roof had also partially collapsed together with one of the walls, exposing part of the interior to the remaining light beams that evidenced the action of time upon the old seats and statues inside, which didn't look any less dilapidated, almost too much for the sole action of time. If one were to let their imagination run free there, it could easily become a macabre setting instead of an interesting historical site, especially at night. For Leif, however, it represented a safe place, and even more, a place of power. That was one of the only church grounds he could stand to stay around for as long as he wanted to, meaning whatever kind of energy that site had that would otherwise repel or even harm him were long gone, beaten. To him it represented a victory, even if small or insignificant in a broader context.

The view from the tower stretched for miles and was something hard to grow tired of. The sight of the mountain range in the distance made him question whether a trip to the Black Hills was worth trying. In his former human life, he'd taken part in several sorts of rituals, and energy and magic were nothing new or unfamiliar to him, even though he was never a magician himself. However, after turning, it had been as if any and all connections he once had to the "supernatural" (which was actually mostly natural, just ignored by most people those current times) had been severed, completely interrupted. The Gods, spirits, entities and every other being turned completely silent at once. The only connections or sensitivities that had remained were those that helped him hunt and not be hunted, those that allowed him to identify prey and potential threats. Whether it meant abandonment by the Gods, or another purpose, he still hadn't quite figured out. But now the moon was chanting and bleeding and that was definitely something new. The Black Hills were one of the few spots where he felt something out of the ordinary, a remnant of that long lost connection, a place where maybe the moon would turn silent and stop bleeding, or perhaps chant in a language he could finally understand.

That night, however, the idea of venturing out brought a feeling that could be defined as apprehension. He was, yes, afraid, of something he couldn't quite define. Probably of having another experience similar to the one he'd had the night before. It could be even more intense, given that everything seemed to be getting worse by the day, slowly but steady. It felt as if the air had less and less oxygen by the day, vaguely reminding him of the disease that was meant to kill him many lifetimes ago, a thought he was glad to brush off the moment a series of noises caught his attention. It took him a few seconds to make sure the noises were real and not another manifestation of the crimson moon, but even if they were, it'd be safer to face it in his own territory. They were, however, a familiar sound. Steps. Then words. Then the moving wire of the fencing. Typical, but also not typical.

There were a couple of reasons Leif chose to use barbed wire fencing around the perimeter: it was loud; not to the human ear, but he could hear the sounds of the metal being bent and twisted from a good distance. Also, few people would be able to pass through it without at least a few scratches, and he'd be able to smell any droplet of blood from miles. Third, it was nothing that stood out in that landscape. Lastly, anyone getting through barbed wire fencing most likely deserved attention, as most of the regular hikers wouldn't bother the effort (which was why there were the welcoming, purposely torn spots near the old church).

It would be a typical event if the man hadn't murmured the words he just did, or if it wasn't for the... wuffles. Leif remained motionless as he watched the man make his way through the barbed wire, avoiding the path to the church. At this point, he was sure that was no ordinary passer by. Most beings wouldn't be able to make him out against the darkening sky on top of that tower, so he remained still, even though he needed not to confirm that man was there with a specific purpose he'd now have to find out. When he shouted his pen name, Maddox Ward, he was surprised, not altogether by the fact he was shouting that name, but by the fact that man seemed to expect his shouting to be heard from that distance. His cabin was miles away. It was likely the man had some more information about him than he liked to consider. Leif strove to remember, but he couldn't recall having met the man before. He didn't look like some kind of fan, not in that context, nor did he look like anyone he'd recently met at any nightclub. He was alone, which would likely not pose much of a threat, not on those grounds at least, in the event he was a hunter.

Most importantly though, he was no ordinary human, and that fact made Leif hesitate for a second, wondering whether he should confront the man or not. He could just vanish. What if the supernatural blood had a crazier effect over him under the influence of the bleeding moon, like the blood of a buck had just had the night before? He definitely wasn't looking forward to another experience like that. However, he had to know what it was that the man wanted. Maybe he was feeling it too, the moon talking to him. A few moments of hesitation later, and Leif hopped down from the top of the tower, securing the black bear pelt around his shoulder as he silently landed inside the church building and headed out through the collapsed wall that faced the direction the man was standing. Sure, the pelt was a bit out of place for 2020, but so was hanging around the ruins of an old church at night. Somehow 'praying' would definitely not sound like a satisfactory reason, and he briefly smirked scornfully at the thought.

"Why didn't you knock?" Maddox had a lot more questions than that, but he needed to get a feel of the situation first. His tone was almost neutral, but carried a hint of annoyance that spun not from the trespassing, but from the fact the man had found him in the first place. He wondered how much longer he'd be able to stay on that land before it was no longer remote enough for his needs. A closer look didn't help him identify the intruder, but helped intensify his instincts, that screamed 'supernatural'. Harder prey to subdue, but way more rewarding than the ordinary human. He wasn't hunting though, so he stood where he was, waiting.

A story by Out Of Words

Chase Moon

Tags: Maddox Ward KodakWolf KodakWolf | Location: Near Black Hills, Wyoming

The moment motion entered the edges of his periphery, the man's head turned. Hands lifted, palms toward Maddox in a classic 'mean no harm' display. Wuffles followed, along with a small tuck of his chin at the discomfort of the unknown. He knew Maddox was something supernatural, but not what.

"Figured my voice was a little louder than knocking on a wooden fence post. And one just doesn't knock on the doors of a church, crumbled or not." He gave a bit of a small smile, obviously keeping tabs on the distance between the two of them. He wasn't holding a threatening pose, he was displaying more of a cautiously defensive demeanor. "I'm Chase." Wuffle. "Where I'm from, I'm known as a Runner. We carry messages from one community to another."

Hands lowered to rest at his sides when Maddox didn't make a move to come any closer. "I guess, in a sense, that's why I'm here. Partly why I'm here. There's someone who says he knows how the moon can be fixed, but it requires certain.. individuals." Chase let the words linger in the air for a moment or two before adding, "Individuals like you, and I. And others. There are others. I was sent to find you."

Wuffle. One hand lifted to rub across the top of his head, an obvious habit by now, as was the wuffling sounds he frequently made. "Are you agreeable to further discussion? And if yes, do you have somewhere inside? Away from.. you know." He gestured up at the sky, where the red hue was barely starting to taint the darkening night.

coded by natasha.

A story by Out Of Words

Out Of Words

Current Timeline: May 12-13th

Tags: Evelyn Maeteris Maeteris & Shia | Location: Baltimore

Evelyn and Shia located a Waffle House still open, a clean one even, and a booth was acquired. Shia ordered the full breakfast platter, choosing sausage links over bacon, and biscuits and gravy over pancakes. "My treat." He gave the woman sitting across from him a smile, and nod. When the food arrived, Shia requested Evelyn wait a moment before eating. There was a quick glance around the diner, before Shia lifted his hands to the level of the table. Fingers moved in ways supernaturals would recognize as a spell of a small measure.

Shia spoke quietly as he did so. "I am making sure the food is ... pure." Which was a fancy way of saying not poisoned or drugged. "It is clear." When he looked up, he realized maybe not everyone was as concerned about such things. "Apologies, it has become... habit by now." The food was warm, freshly cooked, and hit the spot, at least for Shia, though he wasn't one for conversing while eating.

Once they had finished, Shia did offer up some information. "The man I work for is called Devlin Wright. We will be meeting him in Houston, once everyone has been gathered. There are a few of us at the moment, and.." His phone played the Dragostea din Tei again, and his expression scrunched up. Pulling out his phone, it changed to a deep frown, then a resigned sigh. "Well. Small change of plans it would seem."

A small response was tapped out, the phone tucked away, and Evelyn had his full attention once more. "Bug and the one here in Baltimore, have secured a safe spot. However, she isn't yet certain if she wishes to join us. Bug has chosen to stay and try to answer her questions and hopefully.." Small sigh. "Hopefully reassure her and provide clarity of purpose. Though with it being Bug.. he means well. He does."

Shia rubbed the bridge of his nose before continuing. "There is another nearby we should speak to. Portland, Maine to be exact. So, if you do not mind providing use of your jet again..." He gave a valiant attempt at a smile, but he was obviously tired and feeling the effects of the bleeding moon as it still ruled the sky. "We can be on our way whenever you are ready."

It should have been simple, but nothing was simple these days. They lost a full day due to a number of mishaps. The plane had mechanical issues, then the airport was locked down due to a wild animal attack. It was later confirmed in the supernatural circles as a werewolf going bat shit crazy, and other supernaturals tied it to the bleeding moon. Everyone was on edge more than ever. When they were allowed to land, both of them needed rest, and a multi-room suite was secured for some much needed sleep and mental recuperation.

Lillian, was discreetly contacted to dig into everything they had on a Devlin Wright. She indicated she would be in touch as soon as there was verified information to share. With the pending investigation, and the day being pretty much a wash overall, they would seek out this Maylee Song first thing Wednesday morning.

Tags: Luciana @Clownery & Bug | Location: Baltimore

Luciana was unsure of the whole thing, but was convinced by Bug, and perhaps the soon to be rising sun, to find a place to discuss the matter at hand further. Especially when Bug flashed the money allowance he had been given to help gather others. They found a nice hotel room, separate suites, and Bug placed a very large room service order. He was very chatty when he was well fed.

Okay, he was pretty chatty any time of the day. "SO! This guy, name's Devlin. Wright, like the Wright brothers or something. Anyway, he knows things, and convinced the lot of us. Now, how he finds out who is needed, I have no clue, but it's pretty cool. And then we're like going to all meet up in Houston and he'll give us all the four one one together, instead of like repeating himself." Bug sat on one couch, crisscross applesauce style.

"And so, you're one. And I mean.. if there's even a chance of us all ending this blood moon, don't ya think it's worth checking out?" Bug was doing his best to convince Luciana to go with them. "More the merrier, right? Like, what are your concerns? Maybe I can help."

All in all, with Luciana being what she was, whether or not she revealed such to Bug, daytime traveling was out. Which was okay with Bug. It let him watch some cable TV, order more room service, and enjoy hotel life, something he didn't often enjoy, or didn't enjoy enough. It would be Tuesday night when he would attempt one more time to get Luciana to go with them. "If you want to just head on back to Houston, we can do that, too. I think everyone's got someone anyway. Shia's got another off in Maine, and they even sent Chase to Wyoming. Levi's supposed to be getting in touch with one in Nevada. That'll make..." He counted on his fingers. "Uh.. four and.. four more.. and.. oh two new.. ten. Ten of us so far. That's a good group to fix the moon!"

"What do you say?"

Tags: Clementine AsherMasher AsherMasher & Ash | Location: Nevada

Clementine gave directions to Ash, and they left the school. Ash explained he was new to the area, and wasn't as familiar with all the streets yet. That happened when he made the first wrong turn. "I'll circle back around." He kept talking, asking questions as they drove. Asking about her family more in depth, what was her mother like? What about her grandmother? He wanted to know about her mother's side of the family as much as possible it seemed.

When Clementine started paying attention to where they were, it seemed like Ash kept making wrong turns. He was just trying to find the best way back, but was he? It'd be about fifteen minutes past when they should have arrived at her home when it was pretty clear, he wasn't taking her home. When the doors were tried, they were locked, and she couldn't unlock her side of the door. Eventually, Ash gave up the ruse and just growled at her, "Shut up."

He reached out with one hand, and black, smoke like tendrils pushed her back into the passenger seat. Ash lost the human aspect of his voice. It was more guttural, an echo of old magic, magic Clementine could literally smell filling the car's interior. "You will join our coven and help us. Just like your mother was supposed to join. You will take her place." Ash was not who he claimed to be, he wasn't likely even human.

And he had Clementine trapped in his car, along for the ride. Or... did he?

coded by natasha.
Varya Scuris "Evelyn Harper"

Evelyn found herself sitting in a cozy eatery not soon after they landed, pancakes stacked neatly on a plate stood erected on the table, while Mr.D’shire had ordered a meal with more variety, thankfully, he’s more aware than the average company she’s used to. She nodded, grateful he has the foresight to ensure their food was pristine. The stack of pancakes dwindled down to a measly two, a flight no matter the duration had always left her wolfish at the landing. Her companion wasn’t a talkative eater, good, neither was she. The clink of cutlery signaled the end of her meal, and finally graced with the name of their benefactor. Her hands that’d been rested on her lap now worked to silently send a request to LIllian.

Her lips curled slightly, unimpressed. The mention of his compatriot, Bug and the benefactor, Wright, in a less than ideal light had rubbed her the wrong way. It’s almost clear to her that they didn’t plan their excursion intricately enough that it’d be undone by a slight breeze. She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes and breathed out. Not everything requires delicate planning, Varya. She reminded herself.

“Let’s depart.” She said, looping the strap of her duffel bag around her shoulder as she stood. So much for Baltimore. An inconvenience for sure, but she’s used to being directed here and there at the last whim.

Maylee awoke with a strangled cry, her hands leaping to her mouth in the same moment in a feeble attempt to stifle the noise. A rabbit ought not let out a shriek as it was being tailed by a fox, after all.

But as her senses cleared and her panicked gaze swept fervidly around her surroundings, Maylee saw the familiar shapes of her apartment—her gimpy coffee table propped up on a stack of books, a tiny bookshelf whose inhabitants wore jackets of dust upon their dust-jackets, a few succulents in squat planters she had been gently trying to coax into growth over the last few weeks, as if life was something she had the power to give. That hammering noise was the beating of her own heart, not that baleful moon's; the slickness drying on her forehead and neck was mere sweat, not the crimson waters of a lake steeped in blood.

A dream, then. Not that the thought gave her too much comfort. For now, she might be safe in her apartment, but something, somewhere, was trying to speak to her, and she was having trouble discerning whether it was a warning, an entreaty, or a threat.

Maylee swung her legs off the edge of her futon-bed and rose, wincing when the building headache sank into her skull with the flow of gravity. She shuffled towards her little bathroom—not much bigger than a hall-closet, really—and bowed her head over the sink, immediately turning on the faucet as icy as it could go.

The shock of the cold water was enough to vanquish whatever remaining vestiges of sleepiness she had, and she raised her head, incidentally making eye contact with the girl on the other side of the mirror—

—and flinched.

It wasn't that she didn't look like herself. Normal had come to include far more frowns and dark pits beneath her eyes than she had been used to, but the disheveled girl in the mirror—ends of her hair dripping, eyes shot with blood—was, without a doubt, her. It was the sight of her face, though, that jogged a memory of an eerie, disorienting image from her dream: a line of faces, all of them, at the same time, somehow both hers and someone else's.

Shivering from the blast of cold water, Maylee remembered, unbidden, something whispered years ago by a voice she had once viewed as a comfort:

What do you see when you look at me? Because every time I look in the mirror, I see someone else.

Unwanted tears were beginning to burn at the back of her eyes. With a swift, defiant motion, Maylee spun on her heel and headed to her closet, throwing on some fresh clothes and hastily scraping her hair into braids. As she neared the door, she snatched her favorite coat from the back of a chair and looped it around her waist.

A moment later she was unlocking her bike on the street below, starting her journey to see the only two people she knew she could trust.

The cemetery was a half-hour's ride away, its stiff iron gates a stark contrast to the docile, sun-streaked sky. As she parked her bike at the gates and finished the trip on foot, Maylee scarcely had to look where she was going; the path had been etched into her muscle-memory by now.

She gazed silently at the headstone for a moment before sitting cross-legged in front of it.

"Hey, Dad. Hey, Papa."

Maylee brushed the sun-dappled stalks of flowers (Candace's kindness; she knew Maylee didn't like to talk about what had happened, but she expressed her sympathy silently through the small arrangements of flowers she continued to share) away to see the comforting names etched into stone: Malik Darwish (Dad) and Adrien Larssen (Papa). She could tell Dad had been relieved when she was old enough to graduate from Daddy—the moniker had been just a bit too cute for his tough-guy image—but Papa had delighted in his moniker long after she had grown embarrassed by it.

If only, now, she could hear him call her Princess one last time.

The breeze whispered for a moment before she again spoke.

"I'm scared," she admitted, something only they would ever hear come from her mouth. "I think... I think there's something I have to do, but I don't know how. I don't know if I can do it without you."

She chewed her lip for a moment and then pressed her forehead against the cool slab of stone, her eyes fluttering shut.

"I don't want to be alone," she whispered, small and uncertain.

They couldn't quite dish out advice like they used to, but her parents were as good at listening as ever.

maylee song.

hunter | werewolf


A story by Out Of Words

Shia D'Shire

Tags: Evelyn Maeteris Maeteris Maylee Vinegar Bees Vinegar Bees | Location: Portland, Maine

After leaving the diner, and the subsequent mishaps, Shia and Evelyn rested for most of Tuesday, choosing instead to seek out Maylee Song on Wednesday. Fresh start, right side of the bed, and all that jazz. Not having to be outside at night, fighting against the pull of the bloodied moon, did wonders for one's sense of physical and mental rest. Shia was much more agreeable Wednesday morning, and made sure they had a full breakfast thanks to room service, and Devlin's allowance.

Again, he checked the food for 'impurities' before eating. Shia did give a little bit more information. "Devlin has stated some of us may need a higher level of caution. He suspects others may also have an inkling of who is capable of ending this phenomenon. It stands to reason, if they are the cause, they would surely not wish it to be 'fixed'." Shia felt Evelyn was invested enough, she should be granted the same wisdom. He didn't know who these others may be, or what they might try to do, Shia had only been strongly advised to be alert.

Their first stop after breakfast, was to the florist shop where Maylee was known to work. Only, it wasn't in the best of shapes. Boards were up where the windows should have been, and it was definitely closed, at least when they arrived. Shia consulted with his phone. "This is the shop, the sign says it should have been opened over an hour ago. Hmm."

Shia tucked the phone away before walking along the sidewalk in front of the shop. He framed a square shape with his thumbs and index finger of both hands. He peered intently through this hole as he essentially 'framed' the whole store. A myriad of expressions crossed his face as this examination extended to the sidewalk. Hands lowered to his sides, mouth opened to speak, but shut abruptly when the door to the store opened.

A white haired man stood in the doorway. He was in his late twenties perhaps, clad in a business casual attire; dress shirt tucked into black, ironed slacks. "Hello, can I help you?"

Shia tilted his head to the right, his tone was uncharacteristically animated. "Hey! Are you the owner?" Even his expression was unlike any he displayed in Evelyn's company. When the man simply replied he was not the owner, they were currently unavailable, Shia's strange demeanor continued. "Oh well, do you know when they will be available? I'm looking to speak to them about an article on the shop."

The man had kept a fairly neutral expression, though one could tell this is not what he expected when the man answered the door. "No, sorry. Please come back next week. Thank you." He disappeared inside, the door closed with an audible click of the lock after. Shia kept up the strange smile as he walked toward Evelyn, and held out his arm for her to take. It wasn't until they were down the block and around the corner Shia returned to 'normal'.

"Okay, something's up." Shia spoke quietly, even as his hands moved in a complicated series of positions. Evelyn would have a sense of a magic spell surrounding them. The few humans on the sidewalk didn't appear affected. Shia beckoned Evelyn closer to the wall as he continued. "We're shielded, so what we say can't be heard without a ton of effort. That store had a large amount of magic recently. I can't tell what kind, but based on the small bits of glass I noticed under the boarded windows, it's likely the cause."

He let out a low breath, fingers brushing back through his hair once. "Okay so.. I don't like to use the phone, but in this case, I think we need to. What I suspect, is mister not-the-owner, is also looking for Maylee. I don't think they have her yet, they wouldn't have answered the door, as we hadn't even knocked or tried to enter. However, this feels... urgent." Shia looked at Evelyn, a small, albeit tight, smile on his face.

"Could your resource dig up a phone number for Maylee Song?"

coded by natasha.
Maddox Ward (Leif Hjalkarssen)
Location: Wyoming near the Black Hills
Tags: Chase Moon ( Out Of Words Out Of Words )

Maddox couldn't help but smirk at Chase's first words. The man didn't sound threatening, in fact his defensive and rather uncomfortable posture tickled at Maddox' instincts to strike, but he stood his ground. He needed answers more than anything else right now, especially after Chase's next words, and listened in silence until the man was done speaking. Well, he did have somewhere inside, away from that weird phenomenon, but he wasn't about to take a stranger there after a couple of phrases for an introduction. But there was somewhere else that would do the trick for now.

"Follow me." when Maddox spoke, his tone no longer hinted at annoyance, but was also not friendly and he nodded towards the old church building that stood behind him, it's tall, uneven contour making for a rather eerie sight against the darkening sky. As expected, Chase followed; of course he wouldn't have come that far to give up at the sight of some creepy site. He did keep his distance though, and Maddox was glad, at least for now. Though he wasn't purposely trying to creep the guy out, he hadn't lived 1000 years by inviting just anyone into his home, and he too wanted to get away from the moon now that he wasn't alone anymore, which made those ruins officially their best option.

They entered the church not through the door, but through the large opening left by the collapsed wall, stepping over fallen stones, stained glass shards and fragments of statues and furniture. Once inside, they headed straight to the far end of the main chamber, past the collapsed bell to a trap door that wasn't as dusty as the other surfaces around it, suggesting it'd been used recently. About halfway to it, Maddox started asking questions without giving much of an opening to be questioned himself. The most important one, how had Chase found that place? Where did he come from? How was he recruited, by whom? As they reached the trapdoor, Maddox pulled it up, holding it open for Chase to hop in first before following after him.

The chamber was in complete darkness after the trapdoor was shut behind them so as to try to keep any influence from the moon outside, until he pulled out a battery flashlight and hung it face down on a type of metal support attached to the ceiling. Maybe Chase needed some light to see, who knew. The modern flashlight contrasted with the chamber they were in: while it was way less dilapidated than the structure above them, it was just as old, though it seemed to have seen some recent usage. The walls and floor were also made of stone, which was barely dusty and had several markings all around them to be seen: scratches, sticks, runes, rudimentary drawings, all etched in the stone. Other than that, the chamber was empty. Only then Maddox sat opposite to Chase on the stone floor, legs crossed.

"It's what I have for now." he said in the same neutral tone, carefully watching Chase and waiting.

A story by Out Of Words

Chase Moon

Tags: Maddox Ward KodakWolf KodakWolf | Location: Near Black Hills, Wyoming

Chase was wary, not knowing just what Maddox was, only that Maddox was something supernatural. Wuffle. The old church had been something he was avoiding, but now if he was to convince Maddox to help, it was where Chase had to go. So go, he did, wuffling along the way.

It would soon become clear, if it wasn't already, Chase wuffled a lot. He wuffled to reassure himself, to express emotion from mirth to worry, and a lot of the time, he wasn't even aware of it. It was usually soft, muted sounds when it was done subconsciously.

Chase was grateful when Maddox began talking. "It's definitely a long story, and the nitty gritty of it all is waiting for us to meet back up in Houston. Something about telling it only once." Chase was doing his best to pay attention to his surroundings the farther they went. It would be easy to catch someone off guard with a distracting conversation. Wuffle. "His name is Devlin Wright. And pretty sure he's a magic user, but.." One shoulder lifted in a shrug that likely went unseen as Chase was following Maddox.

"There are four of us, well to start there were four of us. He convinced each of us enough to believe he knows more than anyone else seems to. He's the one that gives us names and locations to find others meant to help stop the moon from bleeding, or whatever the hell it's doing." Wuffle! "Sorry, it's been.. rough. I've felt... clumsier, and a little paranoid since this thing started. Devlin says everyone who is tied to this thing, the ones who can make this stop, are going to feel the effects pretty harshly. It's supposed to get stronger the longer this goes on until, well.. it won't be good."

Chase paused at the trapdoor, definitely feeling a little bit of that paranoia now. His determination to carry out his task was stronger, for the time being. "He doesn't know what everyone is, what anyone is, just.. supernatural. I'm a shifter, wolf. I don't know what you are, that's up to you if you want to tell your tale. Otherwise, I'm supposed to answer your questions, and try to convince you to join us. If you choose not to, then that's your choice and I'll be on my way." Blue eyes searched Maddox's face before he gave a little nod, a wuffle, and he went through the trapdoor.

Fighting a sudden, thick wave of fear, he felt for the nearest wall. Chase knew he was at a great disadvantage, he was able to see in a good amount of darkness, but not complete darkness. He spent a good deal of energy on keeping himself from panicking outright as he waited, and hoped, for a light. When it came, the sigh of relief was louder than intended. Corner of his mouth twitched in an uncomfortable smile as he eventually settled on the floor to sit opposite Maddox. Wuffle wuffle. "Well, it's away from the moon's light, for certain." The grin was a little more relaxed, by a smidgen.

As he looked around the chamber, he continued. "With you, there would be a total of ten so far. Four in the first round. Myself, Levi, and Bug, all shifters, different types. And Shia, a magician. And we just were sent four more names on Monday? Yeah, Monday. And then.. another two, one of which is you." Chase grinned as his gaze returned to Maddox, eyes crinkling at the corners briefly. "Uh.. I don't have much more, but if you have more questions, I can answer what I can."

coded by natasha.
Clementine Holt
Clementine enjoys the ride as she continues to enjoy Ash’s presence. She happily answered any questions he asked her, but as the conversation began heading towards her family life Clementine became somewhat uncomfortable. Especially when the conversation turned towards her mother. She began to shift anxiously in her seat and looked out out the window, only to realize that it was not along her usual route to going home.

A familiar tightness began in her chest as she began to mentally panic. “Ash? I don’t think this is the way home,” she laughed nervously. She glanced over to Ash and tried the door handle to find that it was locked. The anxious feeling within her became an overwhelming sense of anxiety when Ash finally spoke up. Magic, she realized. Oh no.

As the smoke filled the car, Clementine began hyperventilating in fear as the situation quickly turned hostile. “Ash?! Let me out! Please!” She began pulling on the door handle and the locking mechanism, but could not make the door budge.

At the mention of her mother Clementine froze. Her muscles tensed up, fear spreading throughout them like wildlife. Tears began falling down her face as she took in panicked gasps. “Please, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just a human,” she sobbed. She tried to mentally calm herself. She took deep breaths and focused her energy into the palm of her hand, hoping to everything she held dear that she wouldn’t have to do this. The fear and stress in her body made it difficult, but Clementine channeled energy into the palm of her hand. When she realized Ash had no intention of letting her leave, Clementine took a deep breath. She quickly flung her open palm toward Ash, sending what she hoped was a blast of light magic into his vision. She closed her eyes tightly and hoped that her feeble plan was enough to let her escape.

A story by Out Of Words

Out Of Words

Tags: Clementine AsherMasher AsherMasher | Location: Nevada

Ash gave a guttural growl when Clementine claimed to be just a human. His voice was haunting, almost otherworldly, "You dare to deny your heritage?" By this point he had given up any pretense of trying to get her home, and was speeding South, out of the city. "Your mother was on her way to being a truly exceptional mage. She should have accepted Razial's offer instead of running away. She'll join when we find her. Until then, we'll have you."

He turned his face toward Clementine, his visage one not wholly human. It barely retained any human semblance, like an overlay layer in some twisted Photoshop project. Worn like a thin, mostly transparent skin, inside there was just black, swirling ropes, twisted with slivers of white and grey, eyes glowing a faint red. Perhaps, if she was more versed in her magic, she'd be able to tell what Ash really was.

His mouth opened in a snarl, revealing two rows of long, pointed teeth. Cue Clementine's spell going off in the creature's face. Light was the correct choice, as the being seemed to be made of darkness itself. Only problem was in blinding Ash, she blinded the driver of the fast moving vehicle. While Ash, or whatever it was really called, let out an almost unholy scream of pain from the light magic, the vehicle let out another type of scream.

Wheels squealed as suddenly the car veered out of control. Seconds later, the car was airborne for a short moment, probably felt like forever. Then it began rolling down the embankment, coming to stop only thanks to a large, old oak tree.

There was the sensation of an impact, perhaps it was the eyes telling the brain what the body should have felt. The crashing sound seemed almost delayed as it reached Clementine's ears. There should have been more damage, even with seat belts in place, Clementine should have felt more of the crash. Ash sure felt it.

The creature was inert, laying slumped forward over the steering wheel, black liquid pooling from an obvious head wound. A deeper look around would reveal Clementine's magic had protected her in a small bubble of light. Whether cast when she attacked Ash, or some self preservation mechanism, Clementine was fine.

And the door was open.

coded by natasha.
Varya Scuris "Evelyn Harper"
The next piece of news hit Evelyn just after a quick breakfast, it’s not the first time she had to deal with foreign elements in her line of work, but it’s a decent step-up when it involves bloodying the thrice damned moon. Realization buds a sense of unease with the whole ordeal, she was perhaps in over her head. Surely one with abilities to turn a natural space satellite into another colour would need less effort to dispatch a couple of magicians? She stifled a sigh, and followed Mr.D’shire wordlessly, the man was absolutely annoyed by her use of his last name and she tried to hide the guilty satisfaction it brought.

Honestly, it was childish but she couldn’t give a pence. She’s already flipped her life’s work on it’s head for an unproven chance at curing the illness. Really, she should’ve gone to the mortal doctor instead. Her brows furrowed, and her mind continued to berate her reckless decision, until the floral scent of alyssum and frangipani filled her senses, before she knew it the corner of her lips curled into a faint smile, memories of a long distant past threatened to carry her down the lane, but she exhaled sharply, blinking as Mr.D’Shire’s voice pulls her back.

She managed a non-committal hum, before she could say anything else, her companion made an active effort of investigating the source of the aromas; a florist, she should’ve guessed, forgetting these types of businesses existed. If she wasn’t any wiser, Mr.D’Shire’s actions appeared akin to a robber’s, perhaps that’s why the business owner decided to come out. A respectable man, judging solely by his attire of course; how else? But a few exchanged words proved her wrong. One, Mr.D’Shire’s acting chops weren’t to be underestimated. Two, this respectable fellow wasn’t the owner.

She stayed silent for the whole affair, unsure where and when in the exchange he’d mention her--the still standing elf--to the not-business owner. Thankfully, the mortal wasn’t too bothered with her standing like a stick in the mud, and just waltzed inside. D’Shire meanwhile boldly offered his arm, and being a thoughtful person she surely was--in the presence of company--she took it, followed by a sharp exhale.

His clarification had been short and on point. Being practically blind to these magical nuances was a headache considering she’s part of this slice of the world. If she had entertained that trip down memory lane, she'd be dead on the ground by now--or not-- one could never be sure of a magicians’ intentions.

It wouldn’t have taken a detective to reach the same conclusion as D’Shire had, though Evelyn still thought having a strong affinity towards magic was quite convenient in this situation. So far, she found no plausible usage of her penmanship and her stellar condescending remarks. She could hope to come across a saber, or any type of sword. But then another argument would arise, and she’s not prepared to face the headache of explaining to a police officer why she was carrying a veritable bladed weapon.

The sacrifices I make for a good life, she sighs wistfully.

“Very well.” She said, digging out the phone from her blazer pocket, and types the request to Lillian. It didn’t take long and it never did with this woman. Evelyn read out the number Lillian gave. “Are we leaving the premises? Should we hamper their pursuit before it begins in earnest? I can think of a few things, douse the whole building in liquid flame perhaps.” She proposed with a dab of sarcasm. She wanted to count her losses and retreat in an orderly fashion, but also wanted to entertain D’Shire with the ridiculous idea of a preemptive strike. An idea she knows he’d disagree with, because D’Shire is far from an idiot, however, it’d been far too long since she'd had to demean a mortal, and D’Shire has at least earned a few heated words.
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The whispering of the breeze through delicate flower-stems created an air of serenity, of rest. The souls here, she hoped, were sleeping—she hoped. The thought of her beloved parents languishing in that strange, liminal hell she had encountered in her dreams the night before was almost too much to bear.

She couldn't think about it. That was the secret to survival: when the ghosts began to creep upon her, she had to outrun them. When she thought, by reflex, to share a piece of exciting news or a trivial worry with her parents, only for reality to snap at her like an elastic pulled and released. When his voice greeted her in her haunted nightmares...

Don't think. Just run.

And so the hunter ran from the thoughts that would not leave her, apex predators in a food chain in which she was struggling against the natural descent of gravity.

"What would you do?" she whispered, drawing her head back to take in the sight of her parents' names.

She tried to imagine Dad pushing up his reading-glasses and kneading the spot between his brows like he always had when deep in thought. He would draw it out, glancing sidelong at her every now and then for dramatic effect, and she would begin to feel an apprehensive lump in her stomach, wondering whether the proposed solution might be worse than the problem.

Finally, he would smack his hand against the table as if in revelation, and he would say something facetious. Well, kiddo, beats the hell out of me.

(That was Dad—always knowing how to coax a giggle out of her no matter how troubled she was.)

She tried to imagine Papa leaning forward in his chair, his brow furrowed in concern, hands folded between his knees. His gaze would not break from hers as she spoke, and when she inevitably trailed off, unsure of herself and of the validity of her worries, he would motion for her to sit beside him.

Let me tell you a secret: you're much, much braver than you think you are. And then he would begin to braid her hair into intricate shapes she could only dream of creating.

(That was Papa—always insisting on her worth, even though she saw more bronze within her than gold.)

"I guess... you would follow your heart," she murmured. "And you would want me to do the same."

What, then, was her heart telling her?

There was so much she didn't know, but of what she could see with her own eyes—Ms. Baker collapsed on a glass-strewn floor, tormented souls with glassy eyes tumbling into a blood-suffused lake—she knew there was suffering. And there was bound to be more.

That was why she had become a hunter, wasn't it? Because of the suffering. Because if she could shield one person from the pain of loss, her life would have had purpose.

(The other reason, of course, was one of the ghosts always upon her heels as she ran.)

Beside that inimical crimson moon, she was impossibly small and weak. But if she could shield one person from its eldritch terror—

"I'll do my best," she decided, quiet but determined. "Thanks for the advice."

A few moments later, she was back at the cemetery gates, mounting her bike and leaving her tears behind with the whispering flowers, stewards of souls in sleep.

maylee song.

hunter | werewolf

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Maddox Ward (Leif Hjalkarssen)
Location: Wyoming near the Black Hills
Tags: Chase Moon ( Out Of Words Out Of Words )

Giving it some more thought once they were down in the underground chamber had Maddox conclude there wasn't enough reason to turn down Chase's offer, not with the moon continuing to bleed night after night. That was, if Chase was saying the truth, and he seemed to be, to the best of his knowledge at least.

"He must've really convinced you, to have you jump down here so easily." He'd noticed (and rather expected) Chase's sigh of relief. He could smell adrenaline, taste it in the blood. It was one reason he hunted instead of feeding on sleeping victims, for example. So Chase was a shifter, might explain all the wuffling, which Maddox found amusing. He did have a few more questions for him though: what did he know about Devlin? How could he trust the man if all he knew was that he was probably a magic user? Had he given Chase any explanation as to why these individuals are so special? More than trying to check whether that proposal was a good idea, he sought any sort of answer on what'd been plaguing him. The most important question of all, could Chase also hear it? The ancient chanting? As he questioned the shifter, his tone gradually changed from that of an interrogation to a less stern one, though no less determined for answers, as he assimilated the fact that the man meant what he was saying and wasn't playing games, at least not intentionally.

"My tale's too long to plague your ears here. Might tell you on the way if you really wanna hear." He got up after Chase was done answering the questions, stepping to the center of the chamber to reach for the flashlight that hung from the ceiling. He was well aware of the change in his tone, and wasn't totally sure whether it was a conscious attempt at breaking the ice, since they'd (maybe) work together, or a result of habit, that often had him approach some potential victims in a less threatening way. "There's something I gotta do first." he turned off the flashlight as he spoke, getting it off the metal hook, leaving the chamber in complete darkness for a couple more seconds, then opened the trapdoor again, which let in a little bit of crimson-tinted light from the moon outside. As unpleasant as it was, they had to leave the church before daylight. "I imagine you don't wanna wait down here so I'll get you somewhere else. It has to be now though." he shrugged apologetically, heading out through the worn down stone steps.
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A story by Out Of Words

Shia D'Shire

Tags: Evelyn Maeteris Maeteris Maylee Vinegar Bees Vinegar Bees | Location: Portland, Maine

When Evelyn was able to procure the phone number, Shia gave a nod of his head, and a murmured, "Thank you." As for a preemptive strike, Shia looked up at Evelyn, a hint of confusion, which turned into what could only be a calculating thought. Perhaps running through the various scenarios that would surely ensure if they did 'douse the whole building in liquid flame'. He wasn't accustomed to sarcasm, so the idea was weighed and measured.

And finally found to be a less than appealing path. "No, too many variables. Our best bet would be to contact Maylee directly and hopefully convince her to meet with us." He gave a small, but genuine smile with another nod of his head, meant to show respect. "However, I am always open to consider additional ideas."

Shia finished dialing the number provided, and could hear it ringing. A voice answered, and he wasn't sure if it was Maylee, or voice mail, but time was of the essence. "Pardon the interruption, I do hope this is Maylee Song. This is not my preferred method of contact, however matters have arisen that demanded such an avenue. My name is Shia... D'Shire..." There went the scrunching of the nose. "And it is of upmost importance we meet. Do not return to the florist studio, is there another neutral ground possible?"

Only then did the words pause, and Shia would soon discover if it was Maylee herself, or voice mail.

coded by natasha.

A story by Out Of Words

Chase Moon

Tags: Maddox Ward KodakWolf KodakWolf | Location: Near Black Hills, Wyoming

Chase wuffled and let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, well. I'm pretty sure we need everyone we can get." He relaxed in stages as they continued to talk, with Maddox asking questions, and him answering to the best of his knowledge. "Devlin came and found each of us in the beginning. And as he found one, they went along to find the next. There are things no one else could have known about me, but he did. Creepy, yeah but.. made me take the time to hear what he had to say."

His left leg unfolded and lay straight out in front of him. Wuffle wuffle. "To be honest, I came to trust Shia, one of the first group. He can see magic, and each of us have a tether to the moon. He said it's like a vein almost, the same blood red. And it's ... growing? It varies on where it's attached to us. For me, it's my spine. Which makes a lot of sense for the.. problems I've been feeling."

Chase rubbed hands along the top of his jeans, wuffling before he continued. "Our symptoms are related to how it's tied to us, and it'll only get worse the longer the moon bleeds, or whatever it's doing. But Shia believes in what Devlin says, and.. I don't know, it's almost impossible to not trust in Shia's judgement."

He had to shift around a little, stretching his legs out before settling down again. "I uh.. don't hear chanting. For me.." He let out a little growl. "It's my legs. And.. a little paranoia, but I think that's almost across the board, the paranoia. At least to some degree. But me? My legs. They're.. achy. Restless. And I'm a Runner. I can't -not- use my legs. So, if there's a chance to stop this, hell yes, I'm in." Chase gave a bit of a sideways grin that was more sheepish than filled with some kind of mirth.

He rose when Maddox did, though the moment the chamber fell into darkness, Chase wuffled, heavy on the whine. It ceased the moment there was enough illumination for him to see again. Chase continued after Maddox, maybe not quite as far back as arm's reach, but not terribly close either. There was still a heavy amount of caution, he had been around predatory beings before, he knew how it felt to be seen as prey. Chase had definitely received that vibe a couple of times around Maddox. It was smart to stay alert.

"I'll listen to whatever you want to tell."

coded by natasha.
Edwin Blut
Edwin roused from his sleep, checked the covers to ensure he didn't sleep shift and tear anything up, and tossed them back onto the bed. Pleased that it didn't look super suspicious, he followed Levi on the promise of food.

Unsure of the menu and options, the druid opted for the same order as his companion. Despite the city still pressing in around him, and the bloody moon hanging over head, the hot meal in hand brought back such powerful memories that the walk vanished into a calming daze. Snapped from his memories by the bus, Edwin allowed Levi the window seat. As the bus began to rumble along, he finished his feast.

Stomach satisfied, Edwin stretched and watched the passing road over Levi's head. "So," he eventually started, "what's the plan for Nevada? Do they know we're coming, or are we just showing up and saying 'Come with us, we are the good guys.'?" He hesitated a moment. "That might work for you, but I'm probably not a friendly sight."
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A story by Out Of Words

Leviathan Black

Tags: Edwin Thropian Thropian | Location: Colorado > Nevada

Levi chuffed once he got settled into the bus seat. Settled meant sunk down to where he couldn't even peer over the back of the seat in front of him, legs stretched out, and the window cracked just a hair. Or two. Two hairs. He propped the food container on his stomach, one hand holding it there while the other began to fish out the rest of the 'finger food' bits.

Didn't take very long to devour everything left, even licked his fingers clean before tucking the empty box off to the side. Levi didn't take up a lot of space on the bench seat anyway. Green eyes turned to look up at Edwin, taller even when seated. Snoffle. "Well, yeah, more or less. Like phone calls aren't advised, too easy to get intercepted, and so on. Even had to get some special encryption thing for the texts Devlin sends us. Just in case. I mean, maybe others are looking for us too. Devlin said it was likely the case. Others, I mean."

"So, we try to do it in person, harder to turn down a conversation. Easy to hang up on a phone call. And if everyone's feeling the .. you know what .. like we are, more likely to give us time to plead our case. I mean.. it worked with you." Levi grinned a cat ate the canary smile, eyebrows lifting and lowering repeatedly a couple of times. Then he laughed with a chuff, and glanced out the window to watch the scenery.

"Most of this is just winging it, really. Ain't done anything like this before. I mean, hell. I just graduated from high school, and here I am, trying to find others so we can what?" Levi glanced back at Edwin. "Save the world? Where's the cheerleader?" Levi remembered then Edwin had lived in the forests and likely did not get the reference. "Sorry, the cheerleader bit was from one of my favorite shows on television years ago. Well, season one and two. The rest? Eh."

However, it did give Levi a new topic of conversation to pursue. "Do you miss anything, living out in the forest? Like.. crispy bacon? I don't think I could live without some crispy bacon."

coded by natasha.
Edwin Blut
"Hate to break it to you, but I only listened to you because the spirits told me too. Unless Nevada can hear them like us, we might need some actual plan." Edwin commented. "Though I don't think you have actually told me anything about them, just that they are in school."

Levi's new topic did give the druid some pause. Most of his memories of before the wilds were vague or blurry now. "You know, I think I've spent more of my life in the woods than out. Hard to miss something you can't really remember." He scratched at his beard in thought. "I guess people, really. Don't get me wrong, those bears I'm friends with are great, but they aren't much for talk."

As he spoke, Edwin pulled a blank rune from his bag, and began carving into it. "I'm probably not great for chatting either, unless you wanna talk about runes or spirits. It's weird to think how much of my life has been, so simple. Guess it takes something big to make you notice." He inspected the carving. No shape had taken form, just a series of random scratches marred the surface. It felt strange, normally he felt like he was following the stones pattern, but here there was none. An ill omen for sure. He caught sight of the bloody light pouring in. Ill omen, or the moon haunting him still? He'd have to try again later, he decided, and stowed the stone away.
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A story by Out Of Words

Leviathan Black

Tags: Edwin Thropian Thropian | Location: Colorado 🚌 Nevada

Levi chuffed. "Well, like you, I don't know a lot about them other than name and address, general age and physical description. No clue what they can do, just that they are important." His head tilted, and he rested it against the glass window. Eyes shifted as for a short while, he attempted to follow the blur of scenery moving past.

"I don't have a real plan, other than find them first. Wing it from there." Head turned so his face was toward Edwin. "I feel like I'm too damn young to be part of this, you know? What about you? Like.. how did you know what you were meant to do? Or is it just something you wanted to do, live in the woods?" Levi was genuinely curious, and thought it would make for a little bit lighter fare than worrying about the damnable moon.

"I have no clue. Assuming we can do this thing, and it doesn't get worse, and there is even a something in the future for me to do." There was a small shake of his head, followed with a much quieter chuffing sound. "It's not like we have a slew of prospects, right? Being ... what we are." The last was softer in volume, not really something one talked about out loud, but they had a couple of empty seats around them.

"I.. really don't know any others like me, like us, until this whole thing came along. Now I know more, but.. everyone's older. Shia's the closest in age I think, but he's all mister responsible. I think because he had to be that way from a young age. Dunno. Just feels like he wasn't ever allowed to just be." Snoffle. "I just want to enjoy things, enjoy life, yanno? "

coded by natasha.

She gave a start when the sudden vibration of her phone permeated her pocket. Maylee quickly pulled her bike over to the side of the road—texting and biking was as ill-advised as texting and driving—and fished her phone out of her pocket, checking the numbers that lit up the screen.

A phone call—simple enough— from a number she didn't recognize. Normally, that might be simple enough, too—it wasn't uncommon for her to get a call every other week or so from an earnest-sounding auto-representative heralding news of her car's warranty expiring. She usually declined such calls outright, not bothering to explain that she didn't even have a car.

Something about this call, though, gave her pause. It could be as ordinary as any other, but—

Images flashed through her mind: the old man's glassy, accusing stare; Ms. Baker's jaw wrenched open in an otherworldly screech.

—someone or something had been trying to reach her lately, and they had been using unconventional means of communication, to say the least. It was a long shot, maybe—a symptom of paranoia creeping up on her—but what if this thing wasn't too proud to resort to more mundane means of getting in touch?

She gently chewed her lip, her thumb hovering over the "answer" button on her screen. She had already sworn to herself she would do whatever she could—no matter how small—to tackle this strange and sinister occurrence in the sky. At worst, she would have to politely let down another scam artist.

Maylee tapped the screen and quickly lifted the phone to her ear, a few inches away—a reflex in case another eldritch scream pierced through the speakers.

"Hello?" she began cautiously.

There was nothing particularly abnormal about the voice that immediately issued from the other end of the line, except, perhaps, for a sort of cordial luster that she didn't often stumble across in everyday conversations. It was a man's voice, mysterious and elegant with a hint of urgency. Though unfamiliar, it was certainly more pleasant to listen to than the old man's rasp or Ms. Baker's sudden inhuman screech.

"My name is Shia... D'Shire..." The man continued, and Maylee thought briefly that it was a mysterious name, too. "And it is of utmost importance we meet. Do not return to the florist studio, is there another neutral ground possible?"

All at once, Maylee felt her throat run dry as she struggled to process this sudden information. Utmost importance—he didn't sound like a prankster by any means, and she had no reason to doubt the veracity of his request, but the lack of information left a seed of trepidation within her. And then—do not return to the florist studio. Had something else happened there? Another invasion by whatever malevolent force had possessed Ms. Baker—?

Her mind was racing, and it occurred suddenly to Maylee that the line had gone silent as Mr. D'Shire awaited her response. She cleared her throat, willing her tongue not to get stuck on any of her words—she could be afraid, but she couldn't let it show.

"Yes, this is Maylee, Mr.—D'Shire—" Should she be so formal? She supposed it was polite, but did politeness matter for a matter like this—? "I think—I think I've got an idea of what you want to talk about, and if I'm right, I guess—I guess I'm just glad I'm not the only one."

She took in a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.

"There's a park off of Pearl Street. Lincoln Park." Since he had mentioned Ms. Baker's shop, she assumed he must be nearby. "I'm about ten minutes away by bike. It's not busy this time of year—too much tree pollen. I'll... I'll meet you there."

Her heart was racing as she hung up her phone and reprised her position on her bike, steering the handlebars in the direction of Lincoln Park. For all she knew, she could be heading straight into a viper's nest—but if there was a chance she could learn something, anything about the recent bizarre events, she could deal with some sharp fangs on the side.

maylee song.

hunter | werewolf

Edwin Blut
"Don't have prospects? Kid, you can literally be whatever you want. You can get a job, be an artist, go live in the woods, or even just be a cat for crying out loud. You're what, eighteen? Try things, if they don't work, you've got time to try something else." Edwin replied with laughter in his voice. "Living in the woods wasn't my first choice, pure luck that I found it was an option honestly. If I hadn't stumbled across that book with my friends, I might not be able to do anything I can now. I could have been a boring old accountant or something."

He ruffled the top of Levi's hair. "I know I'm not as wise as my mentor, but I don't think anyone ever gets to 'just be', there will always be pressure to do something just to survive. Whether that's just getting food, or stopping the end of the world, just do what makes you happy when you get the chance. That's what the forest was for me, where I was happiest. Still had to gather food, had to learn the way of life out there, but I was happier."

Edwin took a moment to try to think of something wise and comforting to say, but came up blank. "And hey, Nevada should be pretty close to you in age, maybe they aren't all business. Maybe you too will get along well."
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Varya Scuris "Evelyn Harper"

He surely wasn’t considering the ridiculous idea, was he? It was an idea born from stress and sarcasm; but those eyes searched her features inquisitively, and she responded with a look only short of befuddlement. She decided not to grace this man with anymore words created from spite, an almost impossible task considering he’s the only target of her sharp tongue in the vicinity.

And for the hundredth time, D’Shire is on the phone again, a female voice on the other end and not one of Bug’s or any his other male compatriots, she was waiting for this ‘Wright’ to make himself known. No luck. She focused on the girl’s voice--Ms.Song was it?--The urgency boiling in her tone, and the subsequent attempt to quell the alarm. A commendable effort… for a florist. Then again, Ms. Song is more than likely another magician of some sort.

Evelyn’s brows bunched up. A park? She thought incredulously. Her phone quickly pulled up to search. Her brows only knitted closer. Luna’s red arse. It’s just a walk away from their current location. Clearly the girl wanted to be thoughtful, ignorant of the hostile presence rummaging her work place. Evelyn didn’t suppress the sigh. Tapping back on the phone and called up a number, her foot tapping on the pavement absently as the line connected.

“Hello, I’ve put in an order for my reception. It's a bunch of flowers, can’t recall their names, I’ve ordered a generous amount and I’ve yet to receive them, an employee by the name of "Maylee Song“ was supposed to deliver them today? I haven’t---Oh never mind, she’s here at--” She taps back on her phone, pulling up google maps, “Fulltertron avenue, I hope you don’t mind me borrowing her for awhile, she’ll be generously compensated of course, apologies for the misunderstanding and good day.” Click. She ended the call the same time D’Shire did.

“Let us be off.”
She said, pivoting on her heel and striding to a busy street. The meek mortals part before her like a boulder in a stream. “I’ve attempted to delay our pursuers, time will tell if my stratagem succeeded.” She remarked. The air in Portland felt the same as it did back in New York, couldn’t say she missed the thick smog and overlapping stench of mortals permeating about nostril level. Yet, daylight seemed to be a haven for retreats like these, undisturbed by the choking tendrils around her airways. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d voluntarily gone for a casual stroll under Luna’s light.

Lincoln Park provided reprieve for her tired olfactory sensors. A quiet sigh escaped her as she sat on a bench. If the objective had been to stay inconspicuous, then they weren’t doing the best of efforts. To that, Evelyn said bugger it all. She had knife ears sticking out her skull, hidden behind the simplest of magic and aided by her hair. “I do sincerely hope there is a contingency plan in place in the event that hostilities occur; because fighting against magicians is not my forte, I’ll be as useful to you as a night lamp because that’s one of the only spells in my repertoire: a fairy light spell.” Having placed a disclaimer, she felt better now that D’Shire is informed of the status quo.

Being unable to fight alongside D’Shire wasn’t an embarrassment, but a hindrance, her pride placed aside for now. She wanted to tip the scales in their favor, own all the chips, keep her hand to the chest, etcetera etcetera. To be short, there was no length she wouldn’t go to keep the advantages stacking if it meant pure decisive victory. But father didn’t foresee this did he? He did not ready her for a battle against the unnatural, only the materium and the foreseeable. He failed. Not her.


She made a note to procure a blade just in case.
Maddox Ward (Leif Hjalkarssen)
Location: Wyoming near the Black Hills/Devil's Tower @ Black Hills
Tags: Chase Moon ( Out Of Words Out Of Words )

So his theory wasn't wrong, the moon did affect people differently. What Chase'd said about the tether to the moon was worth trying to understand, it did sound like some sort of new information, finally. The fact that the moon's influence was bound to get stronger (and worse) with time was equally noteworthy, albeit not really new, and Maddox didn't really feel like waiting any longer to double check. It was bad enough the way it was, this time he would disregard his inner prompting that for the last 1100 years or so spoke to be wary around 'miracle solutions' to whatever problems.

The path through the church ruins was uneventful, though once they were out in the open, the direct moonlight made Maddox too aware of Chase's presence following him, more than he felt comfortable with. He'd planned on telling the guy something, at least what he was, which probably wouldn't be much help to reassure him, but the red tinted sky had captured too much of his focus to allow him to tell any stories. Walking back to his cabin would be no walk in the park, and it made no sense to waste such time.

He stopped and fished in his pocket for a bunch of keys, which he handed over to Chase once the shifter was close enough, showing him which one he was supposed to use, after first removing the truck and motorcycle keys from the bunch.

"Why don't you go ahead... and make yourself at home." he said as he sorted the keys out. "About 5 miles to the east, straight line, cabin on a hill." he said, indicating a trail that headed east through some trees and later opened up into grasslands. "I'll be there tomorrow night. It's a quiet neighborhood, you should be just fine." he added with a quick glance to the surroundings before his gaze trailed back to Chase's face with a shadow of a smirk at the remark, followed by a nod as he stepped back and finally turned around, heading the opposite way into a grove. Once his silhouette could barely be told apart from the shadows of the trees, it seemed to vanish into dark smoke that quickly dissipated in the cold air.

The cabin that Chase would encounter a few miles away sat on top of a modest hill, surrounded by pines that contrasted with the grassland in the immediate vicinity. The black truck and a covered motorcycle could be seen under a wooden canopy several feet downhill, and a dirt road began at the bottom of the hill, leading outside the property after several more miles. The cabin was rustic, but it's maintenance and meticulous organization of every object inside made for a huge contrast against the church. Several animal pelts could be seen as rugs and over furniture, and antler mounts hung on the walls, though no head mounts could be seen, and heavy curtains covered every window. A glass cabinet displayed a collection of knives and blades stemming from a variety of places and periods, most of which hadn't seen any practical use in recent times, and on the corner was a wooden desk with several pages of manuscripts on it. The lit fireplace made for a cozy ambience, and the most unusual thing one could find was the completely empty refrigerator in the kitchen. The only source of nourishment to be found was a large selection of alcoholic beverages, some unlabelled, in a cabinet.

Dark smoke crossed the sky forming the shape of an arch against the crimson background, shooting towards the base of the huge butte known to most as Devil's Tower. It gradually lost speed, however, and hit the ground a couple miles away from the site, taking the shape of a man on his knees. Maddox rose to his feet with a deep breath, looking up towards the intimidating igneous rock structure to assess it's distance from where he landed, his glare lowering back down to the ground with a sigh as he started a despondent walk towards the monument. Over time, he'd learned the hard way that that skill was meant to stalk and ambush, another hunting asset, and not as a means of transportation to cover great distances. Nevertheless he'd still use it to get around occasionally, and it always took quite a toll on his body. However, now there was no more questioning the influence of the current bizarre events on his skills, as he'd never landed that far from the butte before. He used to be able to land at the top, and now he was at least two miles away, struggling to breath in and out enough times to manage to walk the remaining distance. A quick glance up to the sky confirmed the moon still bled, and he didn't need to pay much attention to acknowledge the constant distant chanting.

Once at the bottom, he rested against the giant rock for a good half an hour. The air around was certainly different than everywhere else, but also different than what it used to be. It wasn't as oppressive, but that was about everything he felt at the moment. Everything else was silent, which on one hand was a relief, but on the other disappointing. He didn't quite know what to expect at the top, where the energy used to be stronger than at the bottom, and the thought made him have second thoughts about climbing for a second, but those were quickly dissipated. He'd come this far after all, it wasn't a pang of doubt (or was it fear?) that'd make him turn back. Climbing wasn't nearly as bad as the walk from the spot he'd landed to the bottom of the rock, encouraging news. Maybe the moon's influence was considerably smaller there, the Black Hills really never disappointed.
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Clementine Holt
Clementine’s clenched her eyes shut as She head Ash’s yell and the screeching of tires. She felt her stomach drop and her muscles tighten as the car. As the vehicle jerked and rolled Clementine prepared herself for the onslaught of pain that was to be expected from such a rash action. In the back of her mind, she hoped the pain would be over quick.

When the movement ceased, Clementine’s heavy breathing was the only sound that reached her ears. She refused to open her eyes in fear that she wouldn’t be prepared to see what was before her. As moments passed, she still heard no sound coming from the driver’s seat. Cautiously, Clementine opened one eye and peaked over. She noticed Ash’s, or whatever it was, unconscious and slumped over the wheel. She also quickly acknowledged the bubble of light that seemed to protect her body during the violent crash. She opened both eyes and marveled at the miraculous bubble. She’d never seen seen let alone use this spell before. She let out an amused huff as she reached out to touch the bubble, only for it to fall in an amazing display of flickering lights.

Clementine felt a pang of relief wash over her as realized she was not injured. She refused to look over back at the creature’s form once her protective barrier slipped away. She quickly grabbed her book bag and exited the car. As she took in her surroundings, Clementine began to anxiously play with her sleeves. She had no idea where she was. If only I was paying more attention to where we were going. She let out a frustrated groan as she tightened the backpack straps onto her shoulders. Maybe she’d find someone to help her along the road they were driving on. With a spark of determination Clementine began marching towards the road in hopes of getting help.

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