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Fantasy A New Era: All Are Welcome!

I want a...

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word weaver
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A hearty welcome, my friends. . .

You, yes you, are warmly invited to partake in the New Era Roleplay!

Without further ado, I present to you a poem:

Finnyr is a foreign land, much more foreign than Britain or France
Within it lies Tharndyr, water-locked at a glance

Surrounded by the Iron Cove
You'll find the place where storm-waves drove
The poor princess of Mar'mldove

This isle of fortune, or misfortune perhaps
Hides secrets abounding in its sandy wraps

What doth here lie, you may wonder at length
I ask that the sea-god Pharr'l grant you strength

To sail you to this sandy shore
Where the Mystery may be mysterious no more.


Haha! Seeing your confused face makes my jolly heart even warmer.

Well, I shall now explain. I am your friendly host, Tairne of Mar'mldove. I used to be a rich land-owning noble in the Northern province of Finnyr. Unfortunately, the place is no more.
(You should have seen the flocks and gates and gardens up there...! But I digress.)

I need your help and that's why I've invited you here.

Y'see, the Princess has gone missing. Yes, that princess. The one with the angelic blond tresses and flowing vermilion dress. Yes, that girl whom every knight in shining armor wants to marry.

Now, I'd usually offer you a handsome reward for recovering the princess, but a band of renegades (PAH!) has burned up my croplands and stolen my livestock. I need for you to regain my property and land from these brutes first!--- and then you may go and rescue the Princess.

There will be helpful and friendly citizenry who will help you along your way, but take heed, for a number of riffraff are in the streets as well! You wouldn't want to lose your coin purse now...

Anyways, I must be off! I have important matters to attend to. But before I go, take this SWORD with you so you're not so defenseless! (Good heavens! I hope not all the knights are as shabbily dressed as you...)

You've gained a SWORD. This ordinary sword is made of steel. The make is also ordinary. I fancy this is more suitable for the typical foot soldier than a knight.

MISSION #1 received: Restore Tairne's lands and property from the ruffians!
MISSION #2 received: Rescue the love of your life *ahem* the Princess of Mar'mldove.

Introduction complete. SAVE POINT reached. Please continue here ---> [link to main]
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To: Any citizen of RP Nation
From: Your GM

Yes, I got impatient. It's something I'm working on!
This modern world prioritizes fast fast fast too much...
So just get going then, we haven't all day you know. Click the link and cast your vote!
Change the destiny of our main hero!

My best wishes for a successful roleplay!

A few Notes To Self:

  • only 3 options will be available for each choice. if petitioned, i'll see whether or not to grant a fill-in request
  • this roleplay quest game is update-at-will... so that means you don't know when I'll count the votes and continue on with the roleplay. play at your leisure, and i'll write at mine.
  • if you haven't noted already, different font-styles indicate character changes
  • the Iron Cove is located to the South of this continent (which is roughly the size and vaguely shaped like Australia)
To: Skilled Writers who are organized and frequently online only!
From: Your GM

Looking for...
  1. someone to write lore and mythology and history of Finndyr. [CLOSED: Mr.Deadpool Mr.Deadpool ]
  2. someone who wants to keep track of items, quests, etc. So basically a co-GM! Co-GM would also help me with ideas and refining the plot. [accepting]
  3. character manager who will keep track of all the characters, make new ones, and generally be in the know about their personalities, missions given, and back story. [accepting]
Please comment below to request a role: Lore // Inventory // Character manager.

edit: looking for one more staff person! *ignore above*
Position Details

Provide character background. Contribute to the story. Give feedback and remarks. Be part of our team! Collaborate and be willing to work together.
So you wanna co-GM...

- Must give 3 sample character sheets you have made.
- Provide a brief writing sample no longer than a page. Can be in character writing, world building, etc. Preferably a fiction & fantasy sampler.
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Segments of New Era role-play...
Introduction ✔
.the end.

***optional sequel per popular request***
To: Skilled Writers who are organized and frequently online only!
From: Your GM

Looking for...
  1. someone to write lore and mythology and history of Finndyr.
  2. someone who wants to keep track of items, quests, etc. So basically a co-GM! Co-GM would also help me with ideas and refining the plot.
  3. character manager who will keep track of all the characters, make new ones, and generally be in the know about their personalities, missions given, and back story.
Please comment below to request a role: Lore // Inventory // Character manager.

Um, I could do some writing if you want me to. Like, the lore part. Is that okay?
New Lore and Drops are being written in at the moment...

Be on the lookout for Easter Eggs!

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