Other A magical Girl transformation and first fight


Junior Spectre Officier
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(This was made by a friendo on another website, and she asked me to post this here so i Did)
Kabu Floated Mid-air and shouted."All right! Come Forth Precompass~Gao!" she Summoned The Precompass from her brooch.

Aimi Caught the Precompass, as she caught it her hair and outfit glows brightly. She chuckled a bit.

"Pretty Cure! Let's Get Wild!!"

The screen would change to show the Magnetic needle would start spinning on the compass and then Lands on the North sign, Which then shows Aimi floating in a Pink void as a red Lion-like ghostly spirit flies out of it the Precompass and combines with her by flying into her chest.a burst of light, her hair suddenly changes to cherry red and thickens, and it grows out to reach her waist and is put up into a High Slightly messy ponytail, Which is tied by a pink ribbon with a golden heart-shaped gem. Aimi's eyes darken to hot pink. Aimi does a backflip causing her outfit to appear mid-air, The screen zooms up to her chest with her red top as her sleeves then appeared her short white puffy sleeves on her shoulders. As she was landing two layers of her skirt appeared in another burst of light, the first layer was red and then the second layer was pink with white frills on the bottom of the skirt. She lands on the ground with her white socks that reach to her knees and Red Boots with two pink ribbons adorned on the side appear, and the screen then showed her bow appearing on her back. A Glowing Pawprint appears on her chest and bursts into light as a pink bow with a golden paw with wings on the brooch appears. So does her Pink Heart-shaped earrings, and then she tosses her Precompass into the air with her Red fingerless gloves appearing, and the precompass lands in the newly formed pouch on the side of her skirt. Suddenly Red Cat's ears appeared and so does her tail with a light red tuff.

"Roaring with Hot Passion and Courage!" She draws a Flame with two of her fingertips. "Cure Roar!"She said posing.
Aimi Or Cure Roar stood there bravely for a few more seconds and then blinked twice in confusion." What did I just say?"She asked.

Cure Roar suddenly noticed her gloved."Eh?" She soon realizes that her own outfit changed.


Kabu Flew around her partner in utter joy."Your a pretty cure~Gao!"

Roar's tail flicked in front of her, and she grabbed it."OH MY GOSH, IN HAVE A TAIL YAY!" She Squealed.

Toxic sweatdropped at the sight in front of him."I got a newbie cure, who's a human megaphone Ouch."He thought. The elfish boy rolled his eyes."You may be a cure now, but you are still going to get a beatdown! Sick em' Marceo!"He commanded.

"Marceo!!" It Charges towards Cure roar to try and knock her down.

"Ah!"She exclaimed. She leaped into the air with her eyes closed, she felt like she was in the clouds until she opened her eyes.

"HOW THE HECK AM I UP THIS HIGH- Oh wait I can see my own house from here."She said.

Kabu had flown to catch up to her partner's side was next to her."This is the power of pretty cure~Gao!"Kabu said excitedly.

Cure roar looked at the Lion spirit."Wait what- AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" She suddenly fell down very fast waving her arms around frantically.

"Calm down Roar~Gao! Calm your mind down and Foucus~Gao! You will use the power of the pretty cure~Gao!" Kabu explained.

Roar nodded, She seemed confused about what Kabu meant by using the power of pretty cure but it's worth a shot. She tried to calm herself down and She noticed that she soon going to land. She tries to angle herself toward the Marceo and then curls one of her legs and left the other one out, She soon lands by kicking the monster in its side Fiercely and strongly it felt like one of them squishy surprise toys, The monster lets out a roar as it was sent flying straight into the Gift shop, it smashed into the side of the building, leaving a Giant Gaping hole inside.

But now there was a gaping hole, and they could see out the Path towards the fox exhibit and they were endangered to the attack of The Marceo.

"Marceo!"the monster roared, spotting the crowd of humans inside the store. It tried to crawl forward and tries to attack them with its claws. Some people Screamed in fear, as the two of them hugged each other for DEAR LIFE.

"You're not getting any human lunch today!!!! Instead, get a grand slam sandwich!"

She grabbed the marceo by the tail and pulled it out. "MAR?!?!"It Yelped in surprised. She suddenly Slammed It down by its tail into the concrete ground creating a crater in the zoo pathway and creating a dust cloud surrounding the monster and spraying some debris around.

Cure Roar Looked winded."I think I did too much."She said.

Toxic Stared in shock, but he snapped out of it. "Well, what are you laying around for, Beat her up!"

"Marceo!"It Roared. The Marceo struggles to get up but soon manages to, and it seems ready to fight as it fires off by releasing more slime projectiles at Cure roar.

"Watch out roar~Gao!" Kabu yelped.

Cure roar takes a few leaps to dodge out of the way from the slime projectiles, but she caught one.


She Throws the slime hitting it dead on its forehead making it fall down.

"Get up and defeat this girl Marceo! Come on!" He barked, he seemed annoyed at the fact he was losing.

Kabu looked at Cure roar."Cure Roar! You can purify it now~Gao!"

Cure roar nodded, even though she doesn't know what to do.

Suddenly her brooch glows as both Roar and Kabu looked surprised."W-What's going on!?!?"She asked.

The light emerges from her brooch as a rod mainly red with a white bow in the middle that has a pink heart on the bow, with Four buttons on it, One is Red, Another Blue, Another green and The final one is purple, with a white bottom with some heart designs etched on there. On the top of the rod is a Flame-Shaped Ruby.

"W-w-what is this?" She seemed confused and Astonished at the rod.

"It's called a Jungle Rod, Little is known about what they can do~Gao! But we Can call it Roar Jungle Rod for you~Gao!"

"Well that's a Good name." Roar had a cheeky Grin, She is not good with names, but it seems to suit with her lion theme anyway. The red Cure suddenly was excited."Let's See what can this thing can do!"She shouted.

"Feel the firey force of the lion..." She began. The Ruby Gem glows as The lion-themed cure start waving it around in a circular motion as she started Drawing out a shape, With the flames leaking out of the Ruby gem as she was drawing, as soon as she finished a Giant Sihouette of a lion was drawn. The Lion roared proudly, as Cure Roar Charged towards the Marceo, as the lion followed, She leaped into the Air."Pretty Cure! Roaring Explosion!"She Suddenly Shouted. The Lion Runs past her and turned into a beam of light and flew towards at the marceo as it collides, Red flames Surrounds the monster as it seems to be in peace. "Thank you." The Monster said sounded happily, before it exploded in red light.

Out from the light appeared the fox from earlier Unharmed and a Red Gem which was shaped like a fox appears next to it. The fox looked confused The damages that was done earlier was suddenly Fixed in a stream of red light, with the people who was covered in slime looking around n confused not sick anymore and the foxes as well.

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