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Multiple Settings 𓍪 A Lost Inn in the Multiverse 𓍪 [CLOSED]

Sir Les Paul

The Duke of Chords
Let's get right to the point. I want to create a multiversal tavern game of enigmatic origins and effervescent details. As opposed to creating an absolute ton of lore (per my norm), I want to create lore that is as elusive as the true origin of the Joker. I still want to tell a story and connect characters—everything I already do in every other game I run. I just want to see what happens when I forsake the normal limitations of worldbuilding I use and instead focus purely on the characters and plot.

Here's how this will work. For the context of this game, the Goodfellow Inn will exist as universe connected to most others. And, I do mean most others. This is not the same cosmology as the Forgotten Realms, but instead intended to (at least within the confines of this game) connect effectively any logical (and even some illogical) universes to the one the Goodfellow Inn is located. Within this universe, there exists but one thing: the Inn. It is nexus of sorts, a place where worldwalkers of all sorts congregate, a resting point for those weary travelers between realms. With one half of the Inn in perpetual night and the other in perpetual day with its center always being dead noon, it is hospital to nearly all creatures and probably capable of serving even more.

It's operated by what appears to be a mixed group of Fae and Faeries from traditional Gaelic/Celtic Lore and Shakespearean themes, though there have been others join along over time. Anything is possible.

Except what isn't, of course. Violence is not possible within the Inn. People can die, it just can't be by violent means. Magic of all kinds is also heavily dampened in the Inn, to the point that those who would be Gods in their native world are reduced to parlor tricks in the Inn. Some of their magic can be regained in a type of mysterious herb simply called Goodspice, which can be snorted or brewed into a tea. This will enhance magic briefly, but rarely to its original form, and even then it cannot be used for violent purposes. It is also possible to be given Badspice, virtually identical, and it will send one on a hallucinatory trip that would rival Alice and her Looking Glass.

What am I actually looking to do here? Well, you see, I've come up with a dozen or so plots that could occur in this type of setting and I want to see what other characters inspire me to come up with. I find fun in figuring out ways to tell a story between characters and this is another way to do that. What I don't want is a massive pissing contest between people and their favorite characters. Power scaling and magic systems are going to at times go right out the window while at others equalize nearly everything.

Which on that note, the Goodfellow Inn is going to operate on a soft magic system. It works because I say it does. There is not going to be a single origin or explanation that ties everything together. Your character may come into the Inn one visit and it be entirely different than the last. Time itself is a fluid construct here. Even then, getting to the Inn is possible through hundreds of means. It is a nexus of both drunken idiots and interdimensional scholars.

I'm only looking for a handful of people. I'm not yet again running multiple groups or pulling my friends into this. I'm not even making a Discord. I would like to keep a good pace, but I do want this to be more casual. I want to see what people come up with. There are very few things I intend to actually forbid, mostly things like Toon Force or literal Godlike beings. I just want to tell a story, not code a whole game again or create a world in lore pages.

My final mention is of my expectations: Please write in third-person, past-tense. Faceclaims should not be real photos or AI done so hyper-realistic that they might as well be. I'm generally looking for multi-paragraph writers with some flexibility. I don't generally mind if you code your posts, but I use the site predominantly on PC which in turn means a lot of those highly-coded, condensed forms look itty-bitty on my screen and I do not want to zoom in to read. As for pacing, the initial goal is one post cycle per week.

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I’m interested in this. I like multiverse roleplays, but I find that they usually get too big in scope. So a more paired back story about an inn sounds good to me.
I'm probably going to leave this up until Friday, then move on to making an OOC and repository for character sheets. Given the freeform nature of the game, I likely won't be providing a template of any kind and will just review what I am provided in whatever formatting preferred. I'll probably end up picking three to five characters to let in and I won't be playing one myself. I'm thinking I'll only allow one character per potential player, but I may allow interested players to submit multiple characters due to the multiversal nature of the game.
This is an extremely cool concept and I am totally interested!
Do you have any places left? I do have a couple of Demon Slayer OCs that need to be developed and what better way to do it then this RP.

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