If the group wouldn’t let him stay, Weeld would. The clown knew that everyone has bad days, and that they could be hurt. It was always best to keep those people close, and never to shun them.
“I’m sorry that happened to you.” She replies solemnly. “You’re right about the circus, maybe everything wasn’t cotton candy and rainbows.” She gave a hefty sigh. “And since they did that to you.. that’s so.. s-so.. mean!!” She frowned angrily, she crossed her arms. “If I ran a circus, nobody would get hurt like that. I would make sure everybody’s okay..” she said quietly.
Sure she had been scared by the owl, it had flown close to her, Weeld already had a lot of worry on her mind for today.
Looking towards a bush, she noticed something in the distance. Walking over to it, she pushed the leaves and bristles apart. As the clown looked outwards, to a small town with a big clock tower in the middle. Her eyes went wide. “Whoa.. that place is beautiful..”
“I’m sorry that happened to you.” She replies solemnly. “You’re right about the circus, maybe everything wasn’t cotton candy and rainbows.” She gave a hefty sigh. “And since they did that to you.. that’s so.. s-so.. mean!!” She frowned angrily, she crossed her arms. “If I ran a circus, nobody would get hurt like that. I would make sure everybody’s okay..” she said quietly.
Sure she had been scared by the owl, it had flown close to her, Weeld already had a lot of worry on her mind for today.
Looking towards a bush, she noticed something in the distance. Walking over to it, she pushed the leaves and bristles apart. As the clown looked outwards, to a small town with a big clock tower in the middle. Her eyes went wide. “Whoa.. that place is beautiful..”