A Character <.<


Unlucky Member
Lux- She Is a Tri breed ( A witch, wolf and a vampire) She is one of the first of her kind. The word Lux is a rough translation of light in Latin.

Kind of a semi back story.

Lux grew up a child...Human...Mundane...Sane. One day, being the child she was...She got up from the picnic blanket where her father. Vincent Peters and her mother… Joeana Peters. Mundane Humans living life at their fullest. Pulling everything out of their dry pockets to provide happiness for their one and the only reason to live. Roslyn. Their baby. She ran from the people who gave her life… Being gullible and, well frankly childish. She ran into the darkened side of the summer fields. The woods. The darkest places where people get lost. Lose their ways. So many ways to turn. So many options. She ran through the fog running with the baby blue dress her 9-year-old body running in a joyous manner. Blind to what was about to come.

She ran further, hearing her father and mother’s voices. They eventually faded. Picking up her skirt to run she ran...To fast...Falling over a thick root. Blood gushed to her leg and she yelled. Crying in pain. Not having a clue what pain was. She sobbed to herself as her frail body sank into the ground. The air around her stirred and it became a little colder.

A woman appeared in front of her. The darkest shade of black coloured her hair, her skin pale and her eyes deepest of blues you could find. She was alluring indescribable beauty.
“Roslyn,” she spoke.Her voice echoed through the forest. The child looked up, taken aback by the creature. The mystical creature lent out her hand to the girl, getting her up immediately curing her injury. “Are you ready? To begin. To accomplish my findings?” She questioned. Her skin glowed an alienating white.

The child just simply nodded, not knowing what else to do or say. She had no idea what she was stepping foot into. What she was going to destroy. Or what she was going to start.
The creature let go of the child's hand, watching her stumble a bit but then coming to senses...Standing still. The creature smiled at her in an odd caring manner.”Child… You are the one. The reason everything will come alive” The creature led Roslyn away from the bloodied tree, further into the forest.

She stopped and stepped away from the child. Clicking her fingers. Odd pattern forms under Roslyn. A smile rises on the creature's mouth. She starts to chant words, the child starts to rise in the air. “Wha-... Sto-” Her innocent voice starts to protest but the creature continues her chant. Roslyn's body became suspended in the air and the creature's voice starts to shrivel up and shriek. Pain surges through the child's body unbearable pain. Something no Human should have to face. Her body starts to rip apart morphing into multiple creatures ripping her apart. Everything that would have happened in Roslyn’s life flashes before her. The creature screamed a white light surges through her blasting! Away. Destroying everything that it could touch. Poof. It's gone. She's gone. The creature disappeared. And Rosl- the child lays there unconscious. On the verge of death.

Eventually, she woke up. She got up and ran. As fast as she could. There are no longer trees but dirty white ashes . Everywhere the Darkness engulfed everything... The sunlight was the only thing leading her through the night. “Mama! Papa!” She shouted running as fast as her fragile body could carry her. She ran and ran until she found two bodies laying in the only part of the forest that had not been destroyed. They looked like fallen angels.... the moons entrapping light hit their faces ever so gently. The two bodies lay still. The child ran to her parents. “Papa! Look! Wake up” She shook his body. “Papa!” She said desperately... “Mama!” Her voice echoed and her hands shook. An odd sensation fill her. This pain that felt like it was pulling her under forcing her heart to work harder so she could stand. She got to the middle with them and lays down. “ I'll wait. I'll wake up with you” She aggressively wiped her tears as the words left her mouth. “Ill sleep to” she held there hands and lay down with them. Waiting.

For endless days, Roslyn layed with the rotting flesh. Until they found her. The People. She saw them but put no effort to acknowledge them. She let the darkness engulf her. A while later she woke up in comforting silk sheets. As soon as she woke she was face to face with a boy...
“Hello there”. A boy around the same age her said to her. “I’m Zion. You’re my sister” He giggled and his face broke into a smile bringing out his dimples.


Zion is another character :) x

Feel free to also ask questions <3
Very interesting. Colorful, full of movement and action. Obviously not polished, with some spelling and grammar issues, but not so much it was unintelligible. I was riveted to the end.

I’m not clear what happened with her body. Does she know or sense what is different? I assume she only lived through the ordeal because magic. What does she look like now? How does she feel? Is she possessed by the witch? Where did the witch go after the ritual? To initiate such a major event (ruined child, ruined forest) I would hope/assume she continues to be some kind of player in the story. She did hint at some bigger plan.

And you clearly left a hook full of questions at the end. Where is she? Who took her in? How is Zion calling himself her brother?
I’d read about him here, too, if you have his story.

Thanks for sharing your creative ideas and skills.
It isn't exactly very clear but she was turned (Mostly due to a mistake) but now she is what I call a "Tri-Breed" Witch, Werewolf and also a Vampire. She is one of the first of her kind and was turned at a very young age. But a family took her in a very powerful family that use "Roslyn" because of the power she has.

Also I had written a small thing for Zion Not exactly a backstory just something different. (Once again it isn't edited thoroughly)

This is a story about, well, how a boy killed his monsters.

A long, long time ago, Zion Maesus, was a young flower, still learning how to bloom, how to thrive, and how to believe. Frankly just trying to stand up without falling. Trying to love.Trying to succeed. Having everything he ever thought he needed. Love. Protection...and innocence.

But when that slowly stops.. when the people who you thought cared, the people who once upon a long time loved you; they started to make him bleed. Then, suddenly, the people who he thought cared were now the big, bad, monsters hiding under his bed every day, waiting to slowly pick out the last strings of humanity he had left, pulling them until he couldn’t breathe anymore!
The air around you becomes poison and your brain is wired in a way where all you think is that the importance of being does not matter. Every day in the morning you wake up and think of a way you can kill yourself, so you won't have to see another day, where you don’t have to ‘ruin everything’ and YOU stop hurting everyone and everything!

But you know what Hurts the most? It’s that-..

He tried to believe the people who he once called Mum and Dad, the ones who taught him how to dream...he tried; began to believe that this, was all a nightmare. Since all the so called “joy’ was drained from his life.
Dreaming was barley those myths they told you. He was merely just a child surviving from the fear of his monsters.

To the outside world he seemed fine, gleaming smiles and painted faces, glass figurines that were perfectly sculptured. But the ‘outside’ also saw the other thing’s. but they stood there; watching…... Watching as the tears were rolling down his face, dropping into the pools of blood that were lingering on the ground, the sheets and stains of red perfection that had pooled onto the white tiles...
Watched and did nothing…
So he realised there was no one here or there for him, nothing left for him. No one who really cares. They all deserved to die in horrifying and twisted ways that no mortal could bear to imagine. He began to think that if he couldn’t thrive no one should.

So that is what he did. Killed his monsters.

Here is a page I made of what I think they both look like <3

Zion and Lux.
Wow. Tragic and sad. Very poetic. Sets the tone for a dark and deep story of pain and loss.
Nice compilation of pics to inspire and illustrate the characters, too. Hints at what might lie ahead.

Again, if you write more, I’d read it. I don’t read much in this genre, but I enjoyed the details you put in the first story. It was gripping without being graphic. And the second story really communicates the fear and pain of the person in a way that people (even those who may not be able to relate) can understand.
Ahhh Thank you! Appreciate the feed back x I’ll be posting more about them as characters and other back stories.

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