2278: The Chronicler

The Chronicler

The Flamethrower of Hate


Model Number: 2278

Nicknamed: The Chronicler


Active for: 21 years

Gender: Droid

Species/Droid Type: R

2278, Magna Guard, serving as a guard for General Grevious during his time. Made to fend off against Jedi during the Clone Wars.

Description: 2278 wasn't made like every other Magna Guard, mostly because it's production was halted after the Repulic became an Empire. It's parts were rebuilt with the parts of it's other models, giving it an unstable look. Having to add extra pieces together to fully craft it as a Magna Guard. With a height of 2 meters and it's gender programming set to masculine, 2278 is a bulky opponent and is feared by those who aren't prepared. It's sensor color (eyes and other lights) set to yellow, as his manufacturer couldn't find the right color code suited for it. Due to his manufacturer having all the parts he needed, he made 2278 possibly one of the smartest Magna Guards there are. 2278, his memory chip was enhanced to view all and observe all, making memory and data not a hard thing to access. This is most notable due to his manufacturer having to build wires and data storage inside him to deal with all the memory being stored at once. His combat module not fully finished since his manufacturer had to take it out of one that was barely finished. 

Personality: 2278 is much like other droids, but smarter. The normal IG-100 model is programmed as a smarter droid, with General Grevious issued because the normal Battle Droids were too incompetent.  2278's memory was programmed to learn from mistakes, and from past opponents. To gather information. This is why it's manufacturer called him by 'Chronicler' because he holds a lot of memory and data. 2278 often ignores people if spoken to, if the conversation is too boring and can't amuse 2278, it'll often run a diagnostic of itself before walked off or engaging combat if the conversation heads to a dangerous place. 2278 will often disobey commands or orders, and simply change them if it thinks it will not work out. In most cases, 2278 makes it out, but rarely it's companions.

Background: 2278 was an inactive Magna Guard from the Clone Wars era. The IG-100 production halted when the Galactic Republic became the Galactic Empire. And when Order 66 was issued by the Emperor. 2278 was inactive until it's manufacturer (who he called a random fellow from above at the time) came from the skies to help 2278, it's how he remembers it. 2278 becoming active once it's power module was installed and it developed a relationship with it's manufacturer.  2278 never spoke it's manufacturers name since the years it's been with him. Getting back on topic. 2278 lived it's years as a body guard of it's manufacturer, often wearing a full body cloak to conceal it's droid parts. As instructed from it's manufacturer, if 2278 was to be found out by the Empire, 2278 and it's manufacturer would both be executed or in 2278's case, deactivated. Not wanting a pitiful death as that is, 2278 always wore a cloak, and often passed as a human, sometimes in cantinas or other droid restricted places. 

2278 during the time between the Clone Wars and the Galactic Empire was mostly guarding it's manufacturer. Even though it's life as a droid was boring, it found amusement in beating it's opponents or just running diagnostics. Being the droid it was, finding information about anything was it's second objective. The more it observers, the more it learns. Often trying to figure out The Force, but it's processors being overwhelmed with the idea. To be able to throw things with your mind sounded impossible to 2278, but it often tried to be a practitioner of the Force, but always found itself not floating in mid air. It's manufacturer often trying to make 2278 stop trying, but 2278 never tried to stop. Until,2278's manufacturer, disappeared.

2278 is not a perfect droid, and has it's flaws. It's wires that connect up to data holders can be shot off or removed with not too much effort, which leaves the droid with less data to use in combat. 2278 also is built of parts from other models, which means certain parts are different in resisting blaster bolts or lightsabers. One more point is that 2278 has been running for about 21 years. Since the Clone Wars, to the start of the Galactic Empire. It's parts are very damaged, and old. Only very few parts were replaced, but since heading back to the factory was a no since the Galactic Empire found it out, it was impossible it's manufacturer to replace the parts. Often times, 2278 would collapse due to it's motor functions in it's legs wearing out. Being such a unique model, it cannot be repaired or replaced is impossible. 

After the disappearance of it's manufacturer, 2278 spend about 4 years looking for him, but to it's demise, he was no where to be found. The years lost due to it's manufacturer gone changed 2278. Often engaging in more combat, disobeying it's manufacturers commands. Often abducting people to gather information. But, no one knew who this man was, 2278's memory of it's manufacturers name slowly vanished, as the data in it's storage was filling up and had to be transferred somewhere. The ideal place would be somewhere in the outer rim where the Empire has less control, where 2278's memory can be hidden and stored carefully without a single soul knowing of it's existence. That was objective 3. 

2278 reprogrammed itself to change Objective 1, which was to be the bodyguard of it's manufacturer, to 'Find the manufacturer'. Whose name became a mystery to 2278 as it's memory dwindled. It searched far and wide for an area of secrecy. 2278 had a lot of places in mind, most of it being very hidden, but then remembered that those places were probably destroyed or the Empire had control of it. 4 years did pass, so 2278 couldn't know whether the places it could go to would be available or not. This is where 2278 was led to the Bloodraven pirate base.

Skills: Melee Combat, Knowledge [Galactic Lore], Survival, Perception

Weapon(s) of Choice: High Quality Phrik Alloy Electro Staff

Important Items: N/A

Motivations: Looking for it's manufactuerer

Character Quest: YES
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