🌸 Danna-sama's OCs


pretty little head
Just a thread I'll use to keep track of all my on-site OCs. Possibly my off-site ones as well.

For my character sheets' BBCode, I'm using Stellar Nursery's Heejin / Seolbi code. I just customized the colors and tabs a bit to fit myself more.
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🌸 1st Character : Olivia Kravitz (Model: Dasha Taran)
🌸 Currently Active On : Creekwood High School RP

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zodiac sign

olivia kravitz
november 18
english, french, simlish (as a joke)
[/div][/div] [div class="header personalityheader"]Personality[/div] [div class="textbox personalitybox"][div class="scroll"]"I can fix anything in post-prod." - Olivia Kravitz

Olivia, or Ollie, is a strong-willed girl who dreams of becoming a successful filmmaker... as soon as possible. This is why she most of the time doesn't listen to whatever the people around her say. She has one goal and one goal only: to spark change and inspire with her films.

Armed with her mirrorless, which she carries around like a second heart, she takes small video shots of things happening around her, hoping to someday maybe put them all together into one gorgeous film about real life as it happens. Her focus on her goal as a filmmaker, however, greatly interferes with her academic life, leading her to have mediocre to terrible grades. This, other people believe, is something that she needs to work on and fix.

Towards friends, she is honest and frank. She would tell them outright if she feels like they're in the wrong. She doesn't know how to show them that she cares about them, so she tries to get through to them by giving them life advice (success not guaranteed) and gifts (being raised wealthy, money is the main source of happiness she knows.)

Towards strangers, she is either kind or neutral, although this can quickly change if the stranger is rude.

biggest defining physical trait:
her long brown hair and her plump lips
biggest defining emotional trait: goal-oriented
preferred curse word: bitch
disorders/diseases: diagnosed insomnia
little things that define their aesthetic: vhs tapes and pink lemonade
most likely to: get internet-famous favorite school subject: lunch!!! (a good time to storyboard her next project)
biggest accomplishment: starting her own mini-production team, "cheiro films" ideal lover: a girl or guy who's willing to listen to all her crazy (and possibly impossible) film ideas... through all its camera angles.
[/div][/div] [div class="header likesdislikesheader"]Traits[/div] [div class="textbox likesdislikesbox" style=line-height:25px][div class="scroll"]
dark brown
· goes with soft pink and black aesthetic.
· likes leaving her hair long and flowy, but as much as possible, tucked under her ears or brushed from her face.
· usually seen wearing 3-inch or 4-inch heels, adding to her height.
· has lobe piercings.

· videography
· film production
· movies
· cinema history
· travelling
· her pet bullfrog, fred
· being casted as an actress
· reshooting and reediting
· bad movie remakes
· cats (but only because she's allergic)
· when people dismiss movies as things that can never live up to or compare to books

· videography!!!
· walking on 4-inch heels for a whole day counts as a strength
· her eyebrow game
· pristinely organized
· acting... and lying
· doesn't pay attention to things she has no interest in... and this includes some academics
· adulting (spoiled rich girl doesn't know how to life™)

· eye-rollling
· cracking her knuckles when bored or frustrated
· picking at her hair and sometimes pulling some of them out
· taking photos
· making aesthetic travel videos
· playing sims
· singing (although her voice isn't that great)

[/div][/div] [div class="header historyheader"]Schedule[/div] [div class="textbox historybox"][div class="scroll" style=height:94%;]

creative writing

yearbook club
film society

[/div][/div] [div class="header galleryheader"]Model[/div] [div class="textbox gallerybox"][div class="scroll" style=vertical-align:middle;] [div class="gallerypic pic1" style=background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c4/1b/e5/c41be5e5ca88b9b2dd30810f0728b7c8.jpg);background-size:cover;margin-top:0px;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic2" style=background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ac/49/4a/ac494a63fcc6f40626a6d7ac77090a8c.jpg);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic3" style=background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/09/ec/5e/09ec5e3fc7402aa899e0c055f6678627.jpg);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic4" style=background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f8/cb/80/f8cb80b651af194fd6e6d3cc6882c110.jpg);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic5" style=background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a0/fc/b7/a0fcb7ce4f3321784e78dcbdbf53f72f.jpg);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic6" style=background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0e/fc/92/0efc92fabccf504ab71421376aed9edc.jpg);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic7" style=background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/29/01/1b/29011b85bff7e32a2373285d3c054ced.jpg);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic8" style=background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bc/91/72/bc91721dea476453dabb4701af73ea40.jpg);background-size:cover;][/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [/div]

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